Parish of St. Vincent de Paul 301 Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore 805910 Parish Office: Tel: 6482 0959, Fax: 6481 3019, Email: Pastoral Executive: Tel: 6481 0036, Email: Website: Facebook: Parish Priest: Rev Fr Michael Sitaram Asst. Parish Priest: Rev Fr John van Dich Email: Email: 8 FEB 2015 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B Weekday Masses from Mondays to Fridays: 7am & 6pm Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Fridays - 6.30pm Weekend Masses (Sat): 7am & 6.30pm (Sunset Mass) Sunday Masses: 7am, 9am, 11am & 6pm Last Sunday of every month: 11am Family mass. (Couples celebrating wedding anniversaries, please register with Parish office) Confession: 15 minutes before Mass. Tagalog Mass: Every 2nd Sunday of the Month - 4pm Mandarin Mass: Every 3rd Sunday of the Month - 8pm Holy Hour: Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month - 8.30pm Rosary Devotion: The 13th of Every Month - 8pm (The Grotto) Divine Office Group (Recitation of the Rosary): Every Mon to Sat in the Church - 6.30am Divine Office Prayers: Every Mon to Sat -7.45am to 8.15am (Room #03-02) Divine Mercy Prayers: Every Friday 3pm (Adoration Room) Adoration Room Hours: Mon to Fri - 8.30am to10pm, Sat & Sun - 8.30am to 7.45pm IMPORTANT PARKING NOTIFICATION LTA has given SVDP parishioners permit to park along the following roads for weekend Masses at the given times stated; Yio Chu Kang Road Lamppost No. 156 to 166, Jalan Kelulut - Lamppost No. 4 to 9 (Saturdays and Sundays from 7am to 9pm). NO PARKING ZONE There is a NO PARKING Zone along Jalan Jarak from house no.1-19. There is also NO PARKING at road bends & entrances or exits of any premise or car parks (including premise of the church), within 3m of fire hydrants, 6m of road junctions, 9m of bus stops & 50m of pedestrian crossings. ALTERNATIVE PARKING HDB car parks at Block 988 Buangkok Green (opposite Mobil petrol station). 1ST READING (JOB 7:1-4, 6-7) Job describes the misery of the human condition when he laments that his life is filled with "drudgery"-he feels trapped ("is a slave") and is "without hope." This also describes the condition of the people who came to Jesus for healing. Jesus overturns the human condition, bringing hope and healing-then and now. A sick child instinctively seeks the touch of a loving parent; he or she wants the parent to sit by the bed, to be near. Even as adults, when we are ill or down-and-out, we seek comfort from a trusted and caring other who grasps our hand: As the gospel illustrates, in times of trouble we need the personal touch and presence of another. 2ND READING (1 CORINTHIANS 9:16-19, 22-23) Paul has been criticized by his opponents for not letting his converts pay him for his preaching. They accuse him of lack of confidence in his authority as an apostle. Paul agrees that he has a perfect right to ask for payment. But there were special reasons for his not doing so in Corinth. It was part of his becoming all things to all people in order that he might by all means save some. GOSPEL (MARK 1:29-39) Jesus' healing of Peter's mother-in-law was very personal: he approached her, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Further, in reaching out to "the whole of Galilee" Jesus responds to the universal human condition of misery and hopelessness. But he always does so in a very personal way. The ministry of Jesus is truly about all humanity's experiencing the transformation of human hopelessness through personal encounter with Jesus. SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL A total of $8,513.15 was collected on the 31st Jan & 1st Feb 2015. Thank you for your generous donations. PARISH CANTEEN ACTIVITIES Group Day / Date Time Location Kasai, Saraca Sun / 8 FEB - Fr. Saussard’s Café Filipino Group Sun / 15 FEB - Fr. Saussard’s Café SILOAM SVDP CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITY Come, join us as we give thanks to the Lord for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us at our Thanksgiving. Mass: MONDAY, 9 FEBRUARY 2015, 8.15pm presided by Rev Fr Angel Luciano Rosary: 7:30pm, Room #03-04 Praise & Worship: 8pm, Room #03-02 “Let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” (Is 25:9) SALES OF CHINESE NEW YEAR DECORATIONS FOR STREET CHILDREN OF NAIROBI There will be sales of Chinese New Year decorations after Mass. The sale is to help: * get children off the streets in Nairobi ~ * place them in good foster homes ~ * send them to school ~ * inculcate human values in their young minds. Your support is very much appreciated. Please donate generously. ST JOHN’S CIRCLE NEIGHBOURHOOD MEETING Day/Date/Time: Tuesday, 13th Feb 2015, 8pm Venue: 47A Jalan Selaseh (Home of Eugene & Christine: 6482 0349) Divine Mercy & Exodus 14 SVDP THRIFT SHOP(8.15am-12 noon)- Always something for everyone. Sales date: 15 Feb 2015. *Parishioners donating items are kindly requested NOT to leave any donated items at the car-park. Please leave your items BESIDE the Thrift Shop@Level2. Thank you. TIMES OF MASSES ASH WEDNESDAY / CHINESE NEW YEAR’S EVE Tuesday, 17 Feb 2015 (Eve of Ash Wednesday), 8pm *NO 6pm Mass Wednesday, 18 Feb 2015, 7am, 9am & 2pm *NO 6PM MASS **Fasting can take place on Ash Wednesday itself or another day to be decided by the individual. CHINESE NEW YEAR’S DAY Thursday, 19 Feb 2015 9am(Rosary@8.30am) & 11am, 6pm Blessed Oranges will be distributed after Masses. *NO 7AM MASS FRIDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY 8pm Mass followed by Stations of The Cross (*NO 6PM MASS)
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