Parish of St. Vincent de Paul 301 Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore 805910 Parish Office: Tel: 6482 0959, Fax: 6481 3019, Email: Pastoral Executive: Tel: 6481 0036, Email: Website: Facebook: Parish Priest: Rev Fr Michael Sitaram Asst. Parish Priest: Rev Fr John van Dich Email: Email: 22 MAR 2015 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR B Weekday Masses from Mondays to Fridays: 7am & 6pm Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Fridays - 6.30pm Weekend Masses (Sat): 7am & 6.30pm (Sunset Mass) Sunday Masses: 7am, 9am, 11am & 6pm Last Sunday of every month: 11am Family mass. (Couples celebrating wedding anniversaries, please register with Parish office) Confession: 15 minutes before Mass. Tagalog Mass: Every 2nd Sunday of the Month - 4pm Mandarin Mass: Every 3rd Sunday of the Month - 8pm Holy Hour: Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month - 8.30pm Rosary Devotion: The 13th of Every Month - 8pm (The Grotto) Divine Office Group (Recitation of the Rosary): Every Mon to Sat in the Church - 6.20am Divine Office Prayers: Every Mon to Sat -7.45am to 8.15am (Room #03-02) Divine Mercy Prayers: Every Friday 3pm (Adoration Room) Adoration Room Hours: Mon to Fri - 8.30am to10pm, Sat & Sun - 8.30am to 7.45pm IMPORTANT PARKING NOTIFICATION LTA has given SVDP parishioners permit to park along the following roads for weekend Masses at the given times stated; Yio Chu Kang Road Lamppost No. 156 to 166, Jalan Kelulut - Lamppost No. 4 to 9 (Saturdays and Sundays from 7am to 9pm). NO PARKING ZONE There is a NO PARKING Zone along Jalan Jarak from house no.1-19. There is also NO PARKING at road bends & entrances or exits of any premise or car parks (including premise of the church), within 3m of fire hydrants, 6m of road junctions, 9m of bus stops & 50m of pedestrian crossings. ALTERNATIVE PARKING HDB car parks at Block 988 Buangkok Green (opposite Mobil petrol station). 1ST READING (JEREMIAH 31: 31 - 34) This time God will write his law, not on tablets of stone, but in the hearts of his people. All of them will then “know” him, that is, live in obedience to his law. From the time of Paul, Christians have seen the fulfillment of this prophecy in the covenant that was established by the blood of Christ and that led to the outpouring of the Spirit into the hearts of believers. 2ND READING (HEBREWS 5: 7 - 9) What Jeremiah anticipates ("the days are coming") Jesus fulfills ("Now is the time"). What is anticipated and fulfilled? A new covenant with all people, a new people now drawn to Jesus himself. In our society people often strive to gain glory for themselves, even if it means hurting others. Followers of Jesus strive to gain glory too. But their glory is a free gift of God granted to those who serve others by dying to self. GOSPEL (JOHN 12: 20- 33) The challenge of this gospel is to serve others, lose one's life, and die. All this, to gain new life. Disciples do this in imitation of Jesus. Discipleship therefore, means a lifelong growing into dying and rising. Learning to serve, we understand what losing our life means. Losing our life, we understand what dying means. Dying, we receive the fruit: fullness of life and a share in Christ's glorification. INTERCESSORY PRAYER There will be NO Intercessory Prayer on Thursday, 26th March 2015 in view of the Penitential Service. PARISH CANTEEN ACTIVITIES Group Day / Date Time Location Indonesian Group Sun / 22 MAR Morning Fr. Saussard’s Café Begonia, Nim Sun / 29 MAR Morning Fr. Saussard’s Café SILOAM SVDP CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITY Come, join us as we will be having a talk on Healing by Ms Michelle Voo, Siloam, followed by Ministering/Praying Over Session. Next session: MONDAY, 23 MARCH 2015 Praise & Worship: 8pm, Room #03-02 Rosary: 7:30pm, Room #03-04. All are welcome! Please bring along your bibles. “Lord, you are good and forgiving, most merciful to all who call on you.” Ps 86:5 The Next Infant Baptism will be in MAY 2015 Preparation Session Time: 2-4 pm Venue: Room #03-02 Sacrament of Baptism Time: 12.15 pm Venue: Main Church Sunday, 10th May Sunday, 17th May Please register at the Parish Office with a photocopy of parents’ marriage certificate, child’s birth certificate and Godparents’ confirmation certificate. Godparents and parents are required to attend the preparation talk. TIMES OF MASSES FRIDAY MASS: LENT TIME - 8pm, followed by Stations of The Cross LENTEN PENITENTIAL SERVICE: 26 March - 8pm PALM SUNDAY: 29 March - Sat 6.30pm, Sun 7am, 9am, 11am, 6pm CHRISM MASS@CHURCH OF OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE: 2 Apr - 9.30am MAUNDY THURSDAY: 2 Apr - 8pm (NO MASSES@7am & 6pm) GOOD FRIDAY: 3 Apr - 11am (Tagalog), 2.30pm & 5.30pm (English) (NO MASSES@7am & 6pm) HOLY SATURDAY: 4 Apr - 8pm (NO MASSES@7am & 6.30pm) EASTER SUNDAY: 5 Apr - 7am, 9am, 11am, 6pm SCHEDULE OF 2015 LENTEN PENITENTIAL SERVICES, 8PM MONDAY 23 MARCH - Church of St. Francis Xavier TUESDAY 24 MARCH - St. Anne’s Church WEDNESDAY 25 MARCH - Church of the Nativity of the B.V.M. THURSDAY 26 MARCH - Church of St. Vincent De Paul MONDAY 30 MARCH - Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church of St Vincent de Paul 9 Days Divine Mercy Novena 2015 DAY DATE TIME VENUE INTENTION 1 3 April Good Fri 930 AM Room #03-02 All Mankind Especially All Sinners 2 4 April Holy Sat 930 AM Room #03-02 The Souls Of Priests & Religious 3 5 April Easter Sun 3 PM Adoration Rm All Devout & Faithful Souls 4 6 April Easter Mon 3 PM Adoration Rm 5 7 April Easter Tue 3 PM Adoration Rm 6 8 April Easter Wed 3 PM Adoration Rm 7 9 April Easter Thu 3 PM Adoration Rm 8 10 April Easter Fri 3 PM Adoration Rm 9 11 April Easter Sat 930 AM Room #03-02 Those Who Do not Believe In God & Those Who Do Not Yet Know Me The Souls Of Those Who Have Separated Themselves from Church The Meek & Humble Souls And The Souls of Little Children The Souls Who Especially Venerate & Glorify My Mercy The Souls Who Are Detained in Purgatory Souls Who Have Become Lukewarm ENROLMENT FOR ST VINCENT DE PAUL KINDERGARTEN Blk 536, Serangoon North Avenue 4, #01-187, (S) 550536. Tel: 6484 0812 2016 REGISTRATION OF NURSERY / K1 / K2 (born in 2010-2012) Dates / Time: 13 - 15 April 2015 / 8am - 11am REQUIREMENTS Originals & photocopies of the child’s Birth Certificate & Immunization Records, A recent passport-size photo, A photocopy of both parents’ IC, Full fees Payment For enquires, kindly call Ms Desiree Chng (8am-12pm) Stations of the Cross Visitation at St Joseph Church, Bukit Timah Date / Time: Saturday, 28 March 2015, 9am to 1pm. After Visitation, lunch (at own cost) at JEM Shopping Centre, Jurong. Cost: $5 per person. Limited seats available on a first come first serve basis. Visit to St Anne Church, Penang (24-27 July 2015) for the Feast of St Anne 36 seaters brand new double decker Singapore registered coach - 2 nites at Sunway Hotel Penang - 1 nite at Hatten Hotel Malacca Tour Fare: Single @ S$559 // Twin @ S$399 Minimum 30 paxs (First come first served basis). Inclusive of one unlimited durian lunch at Yong Peng. For more details, please refer to our posters or contact Judy Sim: 9626 9406, Helen: Parish Office, David Lee: 9798 2772 Organized by Senior Parishioners' Ministry, SVDP
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