Calendar of Events Year 7 Disco Good News Story Term Dates

Date: Friday 6th February
Week No: 18
Good News Story
Principal Surgeries
Below shows last week’s county press article on CEC’s brilliant
exam results from the summer.
Following the success of our ‘Coffee, Cake and Communicate’
mornings, we are now holding weekly surgeries for parents to
meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Any
feedback welcome, or let us know what we can do to help you.
Please note that both individual and group slots can be booked.
The upcoming surgeries will be:
Tuesday 10th February 11.45am – 12.30pm
Tuesday 24th February 1.15pm – 2pm
Monday 2nd March 2pm – 2.45pm
If you would like to attend please contact Katie Bartlett on to book a slot.
Oasis Stars
Toby Lucas who has had a great attitude to work this week and
appreciated help given to aid his learning. Well done to Matthew
Allanson and Oakley McDonald for consistently attending
homework club and putting in a lot of effort when present.
Year 7 Disco
Year 7 Disco. Friday 13 February 7-9pm. The Year 11 Prom Committee are holding a disco for Year 7 as a fundraising event. It will take
place in the Creative Zone and tickets will be priced at £3 and this includes refreshments. These can be purchased from Mr Hughes in
the PE Office at lunchtimes from Monday 3rd February.
Term Dates
Messages from Mrs Kelly
February Half Term– Monday 16th– Friday 20th February
Sainsbury’s are, once again, running their ‘Active Kids’
Please bring or send your Active Kids vouchers into the College,
so that we can ‘buy’ equipment for the PE and Food Technology
departments. The collection box will be on our Reception desk.
Easter Holidays– Monday 30th March– Friday 10th April
Bank Holiday– Monday 4th May
May Half Term– Monday 25th May– Friday 29th May
Development Day– Friday 12th June
Development Day– Monday 15th June
End of Summer Term– Friday 17th July
On another note, thank you so much to those parents who have
sent in games for the College Library.
Every one of the donated games has been used – with ‘Connect
4’ being particularly popular (Thanks Mrs Martin!)
Calendar of Events
Wednesday 11th February– Development Day
Monday 16th– Friday 20th February– Half Term
Wednesday 25th February– Year 10 Parents Evening
Thursday 19th March– Year 8 Parents Evening
Thursday 14th May– Year 7 Parents Evening
Lunchtime Sports Clubs
College News
Badminton—All Years (Sports Hall)
Table Tennis– All Years (Sports Hall)
Basketball—All Years (Sports Hall)
Progress Mentor Telephone Numbers
Britannia– Mrs V Lewis & Mrs J Rudd– 203131
Endeavour– Mrs S Pritchett– 203130
Enterprise– Miss R Lunness– 203126
Shamrock– Mrs C Davis– 203127
After College Sports Clubs
Netball– All Years
Football– Years 7-11
Boys Cricket– Year 7 & 8
Boys & Girls Rugby– All Years
Girls Football– All Years
6th Form Sport
Sports Leaders
Girls Hockey
GCSE Coursework Catch Up
Bournemouth Snowtrax Trip
Just a quick reminder that the Bournemouth trip on Friday 17th
July is now full.
Resistant Materials GCSE
GCSE coursework support for Resistant Materials is available
after college on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The
deadline for the practical element of the coursework is Friday
13th February.
Forthcoming Girls Football Fixtures
U15 (home) v Sandown Thursday 12th February
U13 girls’ 6s tournament- Tuesday 3rd March
U15 girls' 6s tournament- Thursday 5th March
U19 girls' 6s tournament- Tuesday 10th March
After College Clubs
Oasis Homework Help Sessions
Art Club
Message from the PE Dept
Please can you ensure that your child is bringing in hats, gloves
and sweatshirts if their PE lessons are outside. With the cold
weather we want to make sure students are as warm as possible.
Wednesday Oasis Homework Help Sessions
Geography Support Club for Controlled
Word of the Week
Imply - To suggest/implicate.
What does the author imply by the use of the word star?
Oasis Homework Help Sessions
Ukulele Club
Minecraft Club
Top Attending Tutor Groups
The Finance Office is open to take money for trips etc at break
time and after college. We kindly ask that you remind your child
of this so that they do not miss lesson time.
Below are the top attending tutor groups for week commencing
26th January:
If your child is unwell and unable to attend college please call the
absence line on 203101 each day of their absence before
8.30am. The Local Authority have advised that we also need
parents to send in a written reason for their child’s absence upon
their return to College. Thank you for your support with this.
Year 7– Mrs Duff with 97.1%
Year 8– Mrs Stannard with 95.6%
Year 9– Mr Wright with 98.7%
Year 10– Ms O’Shea with 96.5%
Year 11– Mrs Beck with 95.8%
Congratulations to all of these groups!
Map Design Competition
Design a new student friendly map for CEC. First Prize is a £20 Amazon Voucher for the person or team that wins. All entries must be
handed into Miss Bartlett in reception by Friday 13th February alongside a completed entry form. The map needs to show all areas of
the school and will be used for staff, students and visitors. Judging will take place in the week after half term by Year 6 pupils from our
local primaries.
Dining Hall Menu
The menu for next week will be...
Sweet Chilli Chicken
Spaghetti Carbonara
Honey Roast Ham
Curry Club
Fish & Chips
Vegetable Mousakka
Tomato and Basil Pasta
Sweet and Sour Veg
(Meat and Vegetarian)
Cheese Pasty
Year 11 Study Weekend
Letters are now available for the Year 11 study weekend. The study weekend is Friday 20 th to Sunday 22nd March. During the weekend,
students will be attending study sessions for their core and optional subjects as well as participating in some activities at
Kingswood. The choice of activities will be done on a student vote but the activities they can vote on include an obstacle course, gokarts, archery, zip wire and leap of faith. For more information about Kingswood activity centre please visit their website http:// There will also be evening activities for the students. This study weekend aims to provide
students with a valuable learning experience to help prepare them for both their exams and coursework during Year 11, arguably the
most important year of their school life. This is a very important visit that has been arranged as a result of student feedback on what
would help them achieve their full potential in Year 11.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Miss Gibson on the Academy telephone number or email .
Disneyland and Paris Trip: 24th – 27th January 2016
We are pleased to provide the details of our forthcoming educational trip to Disneyland and Paris. The proposed dates for this trip are
Sunday 24th – Wednesday 27th January 2016. This trip is open to all current year ten students (these students will be in Year 11 at the
time of the trip) and sixth form Business students.
We have worked hard to ensure that this trip is as cost efficient as possible. The cost will be £280 in total, which includes all travel,
hotel accommodation, transfers, insurance and breakfast. Please note that our accommodation is bed and breakfast, therefore, money
for food will be required on the trip, which will be approximately £30. A deposit of £50 is required to secure a place on this trip. This
must be submitted by Friday 20th March 2015. The remaining balance of £230 must be paid by Friday 26th June 2015.
You can pay by instalments for this trip. Money can be given towards the balance of this trip to the finance office at break
time anytime between now and the final payment date of Friday 26 th June. If you need a longer payment plan then please get
in touch with me on 01983 203156 or by email on
The trip will involve Business and Maths seminars, a day trip to Paris and time in Disneyland Paris. Outcomes of this trip are to support
students with their level two business course and GCSE in maths. The seminars and workbooks are tailored to our student’s needs.
Students will need their own passport and an EHIC card for this trip. We can sign student photos at college for this. EHIC cards are
available free of charge from the following website
Please note: deposits are non-refundable once a booking has been made with the travel company. If a student is unable to take part in
the trip after further monies have been paid, the school will endeavour to recoup costs on the student’s behalf. Please note that in the
majority of cases this is not possible, owing to group booking terms and conditions and cancellation fees.
Business Studies Information
Business coursework catch up for years 10 and 11 are Wednesdays 2.45– 5pm in ED12 and Thursdays 2.45-5pm in ED12.
Key Dates for Business:
Tuesday 10th February– RO62 Coursework Deadline
Thursday 5th March– Exam RO61 Results Day
W/C Monday 27th April– RO63 Coursework Deadline
Chelsea’s Choice Performance
On Tuesday 10th February, representatives from Chelsea’s Choice will be coming in to do a performance for all Year 9 students. Please
see below for a short description of what they do. If you have any questions or queries regarding this, please contact Mr Naidoo at the
AlterEgo’s ‘Chelsea's Choice’ is an innovative and powerful production highlighting the very serious and emotional issue of child sexual
exploitation. The production shows how young people, boys and girls, are groomed by adults for the purposes of sexual exploitation
using various methods, ensnaring young people and eventually taking complete control and dominating their whole lives. The audience
will gain a better understanding of the devastating impact that sexual exploitation has on a young person's life. This is a very useful and
innovative way of raising awareness of the issues relating to sexual exploitation and reaching young people, giving them some skills and
knowledge to be able to protect themselves from this form of abuse.
Year 11 Support for GCSEs
Year 11 GCSE coursework support is available after school Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for Resistant Materials. The
deadline for the practical element of the coursework is Friday 13 th February.
There will be open house support sessions for Year 11 GCSE Hospitality from Tuesday to Thursday each week in the DT inspiration space
to support the completion of coursework and subsequently for preparation for the exams.
Year 11 GCSE Art students can now access the Art rooms at lunchtime and after school from Monday to Friday for the improvement of
coursework. The deadline for the coursework (60% of the qualification) is Friday 6 th February.
Food Technology Ingredients for week commencing 9th February
Please could you bring in the following ingredients for your Food lesson week commencing 9th FebruaryYear 7 Theme is PICNIC and OUTDOOR LIVING FOODS
French Bread Pizza with Miss Collis Thursday Period 4 and Mrs Tetchner Wednesday Period 2
1 small French stick or baguette
Tomato sauce or tomato puree (enough to spread on pizza base)
Grated cheese
A selection of topping of your choice
Topping suggestions: Ham, mushrooms, sweetcorn, onion, cherry tomatoes, pineapple chunks, peppers
Please send in a container to transport the food home in
Fruity Cereal Bar with Mrs Price Friday Period 5 and Mrs Tetchner Friday Period 1
75g dried fruit –Apricot, cranberries, mix fruit NO NUTS
150g oats
50g sugar
50g butter or margarine
2 x 15ml spoons golden syrup
Plastic box to take the product home in
Mini Chocolate Marble Cakes with Mrs Tetchner 9A Wednesday Period 2 and 9B Friday Period 2
50g margarine
50g caster sugar
50g self raising flour
1 tablespoon cocoa (NOT DRINKING CHOCOLATE)
1 egg
Plastic box to take the product home in