VISION 2018 Growing Christian Disciples who renew their Worship to God and share Christ’s Love with the community and world. Church Theme 2015: Engaging Members with God’s Word 8 February 2015 Order of Service Musical Prelude Call to Worship Ms Serene Lai Celebration of Worship Prayer on Behalf of All Ms Amelia Koh Greetings / MCI News & Concerns Rev Clarence Lee Offertory Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Scripture Lesson Sermon Jeremiah 8: 18-9:1 Is there no Balm in Gilead? UMH 95 Ms Chung Shiyong Rev Clarence Lee Song of Dedication Benediction Rev Clarence Lee Musical Postlude ________________________ Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI) Sunday Service: 9.00 am (Mandarin) | 10.30 am @ JPG Hall (Contemporary English), 11.00 am @ Sanctuary (Traditional English) | 1.30 pm (Hokkien) 31 Teck Whye Lane Singapore 688798 | | Office Tel 6765 2209 | Fax 6763 4373 | Kindergarten Tel 6763 0621 Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Derrick Lau Assistant Pastor, Rev Clarence Lee Preacher Matthew Chooi (Mandarin) Administrator, Ms Chris Goh For booking of rooms & general enquiries, contact Ms May Ng 9862 2202 9477 0937 91007345 9009 2235 6765 2209 | | | | | 1 MCI NEWS & CONCERNS 1. a) Hi, Welcome to MCI We belong to the family of Jesus Christ and seek to honor and glorify God through Worship, Word, Welcome, Witness and Wonder. We pray that you will be inspired by the worship of the Almighty God and will experience a deeper touch of His love! If you are our GUEST, please feel free to speak with our iWelcome hosts, Ms Cindy Wong & Mr Kendrick Chua to learn more about our ministry such as Sunday School, Cell Group Ministry, Prayer etc... b) Mr Clive Yam is the preacher for our 11.00 am Traditional Service today. Pray for the Lord’s anointing. Sermon: Transformed Life in Christ | Ephesians 4:17 - 5:2 2. Prayer Concerns a) Worship But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence I bow toward your holy temple. Psalm 5:7 b) Word And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times. Psalm 12:6 c) Welcome Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his householdThere is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:19 d) Witness “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. Isaiah 43:10 e) Wonder In that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see. Isaiah 29:18 Let’s continue to pray unceasingly. If you have a prayer concern, you may like to share it with our pastors or email it to Join our Sunday Prayer Team | Intercessions for preachers, worshippers, ministries and church concerns | 9.30 am - 10.15 am | Hope Room | Level III Come early and prepare our hearts and minds for worship. Pastor leads in prayer for your personal needs and concerns from 10.20 am onwards. 3. Scripture Memory for January & February 2015: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 2 4. MCI Church Camp 2015 Registration: Dates: 4 - 7 June 2015 (Thur – Sun)| Venue: Renaissance Hotel in JB, Malaysia Counters are set up @ Social Hall and outside the JPG Hall to receive registrations and enquiries. More details can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Camp organisers will also be happy to answer your questions at the counter, or you may contact MCI Office @ 6765 2209. As rooms are limited, registration will be on a first-come-firstserved basis and upon full payment made. Special gift for early registrations! Registration as at 1 Feb 2015: 25 pax 5. Marriage Preparations Course 2015. The purpose of the Course is to prepare couples who wish to see God taking an active role in their marriage. 2 March – 6 April 2015 (Mondays) | 8.00 pm – 9.30 pm | Level 2M Fig Room Per couple: $80 MCI members | $120 non MCI members Please register @ infoHub by 15 February 2015. 6. W&E LNY Block Outreach 2015. In light of the upcoming Lunar New Year, we would be visiting the residents in the Teck Whye community to bring cheer during the festive season. Join us as we go in faith to reach out to even more blocks. We thank God that He has been and will continue to do a great work in our community through MCI! Please contact Amelia @ 9125 0602 if interested. Block Outreach | Today | 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm |Meet at Level 2 Blessing Rm 7. All are cordially invited to join our Lunar New Year’s visit and ministry: a) Bethany Methodist Nursing Home | 15 Feb 2015 | 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm Preacher Matthew will be sharing the Word. (Bus will leave MCI @ 12.45 pm) b) Teen Challenge | 1 March 2015 | 1.15 pm – 3.30 pm Pastor Clarence will be sharing the Word. (Bus will leave MCI @ 12.30 pm sharp) Transport will be provided. For logistics & catering purposes, please register @ infoHub. For more info, you may contact OSC Chair, Michael Lim @ 9067 1166 or Hokkien Fellowship Coordinator, Mr Colin Tay @ 9667 9780. 8. Methodist Schools’ Foundation is organizing the Methodist Walk 2015 through which the students raise funds for their respective school’s needs. “Step Out in Service” to walk and after the walk, enjoy a “Picnic on the Field” with the children amidst live entertainment provided by church members, schools and school alumnus. 28 March 2015, Saturday | 7.00 am | ACS (I) Dover Road For registration, please refer to infoHub. 9. Specially Designed Hongbao Packets For Sale: 4 sets (10 pieces per set) for $10 or more @infoHub. Net proceeds will be channelled to MEP. 10. TRAC WSCS Presents: a) Evangelistic Lunch: 7 Mar 2015, Saturday | 10.30 am – 3.30 pm Ban Heng Pavilion, Harbour Front Centre | $22 per seat or $220 per table b) D&N Program: The Upper Room Experience 26 Mar 2015, Thursday | 5.30 pm – 8.00 pm 3 Kampong Kapor Methodist Church Seminar Room 4th Level For more details, please refer to WSCS Noticeboard @ Level 1 next to staircase. 11. The Methodist Church in Singapore will be celebrating her 13oth Anniversary in 2015. The Launch Service on 22 February 2015 will feature 2 video clips. One is the Message by Bishop and the other is a trailer on “Our Unsung Heroes” to introduce the series of video clips showcasing the ministry of our everyday Methodist in service to the church and the community at large. 12. MMS Missions Training on “Twin Tide Turners” Next Generation (4/14): Missions Field or Missions Force? Nations at Our Doorstep: Privilege or Problem? 21 March 2015, Saturday | 9.00 am – 1.00 pm | $20 include tea and refreshments Kum Yan Methodist Church, 1 Queen Street S(188534) For more information and registration, please refer, download and print form from 13. Read and share resources… Book Shelf next to Vending machine@ Car Park. 14. Next Sunday’s Sermon: Let’s Boast in the Lord | Jeremiah 9:23-10:16 Sermon Application Method: 8 Feb 2015 “Is there no balm in Gilead?” – Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 | Rev Clarence Lee The people of Judah are in serious danger because of their rebellion against God! The enemy is closing in, and there seems no way out. Jeremiah’s heart is filled with sorrow, which he expresses blatantly in today’s passage. But why is he so sad? And what kind of “healing” does he hope for his fellow people? Let us find out in our study, and explore how we too can share in the prophet’s important ministry today. Sermon Points Jeremiah was overwhelmed with sorrow because he: 1. __________ with ______________. 2. __________ with ______________. ______________ is the balm of Gilead. We are to offer ______________ as: the balm that i) ________________, and the balm that ii) ________________. Discussion Questions: 1. How have you tried to identify with the needs and struggles of people around you? And what did you experience as a result of that? 2. What situations do you think call for us to speak out for God, even if risks offending others or make you unpopular? 3. Have you experienced how godliness impacted your life or the lives of others? Share them with your group, and explore how you can be a more contagious Christian. Our Core Values: Love God | Unconditional Love | Servanthood | Transforming Grace | Reach the Lost | Exponential Faith 4
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