St. Nicholas Parish 24252 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637 (949) 837-1090; FAX (949) 837-9510; School of Religious Education: (949) 837-7676 Our Parish Mission Statement St. Nicholas Parish is a Catholic community, celebrating our faith through the Sacraments, Liturgy, Prayer and Service. We strive to nurture family life and to create one body out of many in the Lord. We share the Good News with people of all ages, cultures and faith backgrounds. CLERGY Pastor: Senior Priest: In Residence Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Deacon Spanish Deacon Pastoral Intern Rev. Richard Delahunty Rev. Michael Mai Khai Hoan Rev. Timothy MacCarthy, Retired Rev. Msgr. Colm Conlon Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Gibson Rev. Msgr. John Campbell Rev. Gerald Walker Wayne Thompson Luis Gallardo Phuong Nguyen MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 P.M., 7:00 P.M. in Spanish Sunday: 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 10:45 A.M., 12:30 P.M., and 5:00 pm in Vietnamese. Monday through Friday: 7:00 A.M., and 9:00 A.M. Saturday at 9:00 A.M. Filipino Mass: 5:30 P.M. First Saturdays, October-June. Holy Days: 4PM Vigil; 7AM, 9AM, 12PM, 6PM, and 7:30PM (Vietnamese) RECONCILIATION [Confession] Saturday 9:45-10:15 A.M., and 3:00-3:45 P.M., or by appointment. BAPTISM Fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. Arrangements must be made a month in advance. Parents must attend two preparation sessions. MARRIAGE Arrangements must begin at least three months in advance with a priest of the parish. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Call Parish Office in an emergency. Special Service celebrated in fall/spring as announced. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS At the death of a family member, please call the Parish Office at your earliest convenience to plan for the Mass of Christian Burial. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION DAY 24-hour adoration begins the second Wednesday of the month at the 9:00 A.M. Mass. DEVOTIONS & BENEDICTION Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P.M. Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Benediction. Parish Office Hours: Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday through Friday: 9A.M. -12 Noon; 1P.M. - 4:30P.M.; 6P.M. - 8P.M. Saturday: 9A.M. - 12 Noon February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time HEALING MINISTRY During Jesus’ ministry “he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons.” This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Jesus knew, however, that he couldn’t possibly heal all the illness in the world. No matter how many people he cured or how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. St. Valentine’s Day Celebration Saturday February 14 following the 9AM Mass in the Parish Center The Parish and School of Religious Education Offices will be closed on Monday, February 16, in observance of the Presidents Day Holiday. The Homeschooling Ministry invites all parishioners to celebrate St. Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14th. Mass at 9:00 and reception in the Parish Center immediately thereafter. Please contact Paul Gerrard at 949-699-0162 or to rsvp. One Mass will be celebrated at 9AM on Monday, February 16th. World Marriage Sunday— Sunday, February 8th PLEASE NOTE… Covered California & MediCal Free Enrollment Assistance Open Enrollment ends Sunday, February 15. Catholic Charities of Orange County provides free Enrollment Assistance to those who qualify for health insurance. Enrollment Counselors are available at: South County Family Resource Center, 23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 270, Lake Forest—Mondays from 1PM to 4PM. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 1100 So. Center St., Santa Ana—Wednesdays from 5PM to 8PM. St. Norbert Church, 300 E. Taft Av, Orange—Saturdays from 9AM to 1PM. Camino Health Center Clinic, 30300 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano—Thursdays from 4PM to 7PM and Saturdays from 9AM to 1PM. World Marriage Day honors husband and wife as head of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily, married life. Prayer for our Marriage Heavenly Father, we thank You for your tremendous gift of the Sacrament of Marriage. Enable us to grow in our intimacy with You and with each other. Teach us the beauty of forgiveness so we may become more and more one in heart, mind and body. Strengthen our communication with each other, and help us become living signs of your love. Help us to be examples of commitment, love and service to our families and children. Make us a sign of the unity which Jesus prays for at the Last Supper. We open ourselves to the guidance of your Holy Spirit, who empowers us to love in Jesus’ name and walk in His footsteps. A men. Stewardship of Treasure “Stewardship is not about our generosity; it is our response to God’s generosity.” February 1st 2014 2015 $23,174.28 $25,147.12 52-Weekly Required Budget $22,987.00 February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Calendar This Week Monday: 7AM Marie Liberty Duncom (d) 9AM Dorothy Caswell (d) Tuesday: 7AM Thesla Drew (d) 9AM Anthony Gastelo (d) Wednesday: 7AM Marion Booth Rogers (d) 9AM Janet Brick (d) Thursday: 7AM Jack Burke 9AM Anne Duffy (d) Friday: 7AM Eduardo Volpi (d) 9AM Judy McCarthy (d) Saturday: 9AM Alice Go (d) 4PM For the Parish 7PM Serafin Ramos Sunday: 7:30AM Bernice Niehaus (d) 9:00AM Aldo Moffa (d) 10:45AM Mrs. Myrna Centeno (d) 12:30PM Frances Kainz MONDAY Sewing Group, Small Hall, 8AM Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM Finance Council, Conference Room, 6PM Faith Alive, Room C, 7PM Hispanic Rosary, Church, 7:30PM TUESDAY Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM Spanish Tallers Oracion, Room B, 7PM 7th & 8th SRE Classes, Parish Center downstairs, 7PM Confirmation II, Parish Center upstairs, 7PM St. Nicholas Chorale, Small Hall, 7:15PM WEDNESDAY Monthly Day of Adoration of Holy Eucharist, Church, 9AM ESL Classes, Rooms B&C, 9AM Charismatic Prayer Group, Room A, 10AM Library Ministry, Room C, 2PM Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM St. Vincent de Paul, Room C, 6PM Devotions & Benediction, Church, 7:30PM Filipino Choir, Small Hall, 8PM THURSDAY Faith Alive, Room A, 10AM Hispanic RCIA, Room B, 6:30PM Hispanic Council Meeting, Room C, 6:30PM RCIA, Rooms 201-204, 7PM St. Nicholas Choir, Small Hall, 7:15PM Teen Choir, in Church Choir Loft, 7:30PM FRIDAY We Remember All our recently-deceased Loved Ones, who entered their new and eternal life in Christ. Our Parish condolences are extended to their families. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Fr. Dick, Bible Study, Room 201, 9:45AM Divine Mercy, Room C, 1:45PM Parish Faith Formation, Parish Center 1st floor, 6:30PM Hispanic Bible Study, Small Hall, 7PM SATURDAY Hispanic Group—Tamale Prep, Kitchen, 9AM Homeschool Ministry-St. Valentine’s, Parish Ctr, after 9am Mass Hispanic Choir, Room C, 4PM SUNDAY Regular Sunday Mass Schedule SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he is filled with restlessness. Psalm 147: Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases. Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Marriage Day Tuesday: St. Scholastica Wednesday: Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick Thursday: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Saturday: St. Cyril and St. Methodius; Valentine’s Day The St. Nicholas Welcoming Committee will be at coffee and donuts after the 9AM and 10:45 AM Masses Sunday, February 8th. All newcomers to the parish are invited to join us to get acquainted with other newcomers and to learn about the many Parish Ministries. Come join us!! February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time School of Religious Education ATTENTION: Parents of Special Sacrament Students: Meeting—Saturday, February 21 at 10AM All students and at least one parent must attend this meeting on Saturday, February 21 at 10AM in the Parish Center. We will be discussing First Communion and the students will make their First Reconciliation (Confession) at this time. If you have questions, please call the SRE Office, 837-7676. *** THIS WEEK… SRE Elementary Classes will meet F eb, 9, 10, 11, in the Parish Center at 4:15PM. 7th & 8th Grades and Confirmation II Classes will meet on Tuesday, February 10 at 7PM in assigned classrooms. Check us out on Facebook! Teen/Family Choir: Rehearsals in February on Thursdays, February 12th and 26th and Mass is on Saturday, February 28 at 4PM. After the Teen Mass on Feb 28, we’ll have dinner in the Parish Center immediately following Mass. Please join us and bring a friend! Coming Events/Important Dates: Ash Wednesday: Febr uar y 18—the beginning of Lent— what will you do for Lent this year? Coffee & Donuts: Sunday, Mar ch 8—9:30AM to 12:30PM, Check-in with Betty in the Parish Center. Parish Mission: Monday, Mar ch 16 at 7PM. All teens ar e invited to attend this first night of the Mission—a great opportunity for all of us to continue to prepare for Easter! Youth Day: Mar ch 12—Registration forms are available at the SRE Office; call Gwen, 837-7676, if you want to attend. Living Stations of the Cross: Fr iday, Mar ch 27 at 7PM. We need volunteers for this. Dates of rehearsals to be announced. PLEASE NOTE: In observance of President’s Day, celebrated on Monday, February 16, we will not have Elementary Classes on that day only! Tuesday and Wednesday classes will meet at usual. Save the Date… St. Patrick’s Day Celebration— Saturday, March 14th from 2PM to 7PM in the Parish Center Music, dancing, sing-alongs, great food and drink— schedule of events to follow. Plan to join your parish family for a great day in the continuing celebration of St. Nicholas’ 50th Anniversary! Our Monthly Day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins this Wednesday, February 11, at the 9AM Mass and continues until just prior to the 9AM Mass on Thursday, February 12. We invite and encourage you to spend some time with Our Lord in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament - praying especially for the strengthening and unity of Christian family life and for vocations to religious life and the priesthood. For more information about any of these activities, call Gwen at 837-7676. Asian Dispensation for Ash Wednesday Fasting This year, Ash Wednesday, February 18th, also happens to be the eve of the Lunar New Yearthe Year of the Goat. Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of Orange, as a spiritual benefit for those observing the Lunar New Year, has approved: ♦ The transfer of the obligation of “fasting and abstinence” of Ash Wednesday, February 18, to the Wednesday of the following week (February 25). ♦ The transfer of the obligation of abstinence on the First Friday of Lent (February 20) to the Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday of the following week. (February 23, 24 or 26). Note: All Catholics, 14 years or older, are expected to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are expected to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting means having only one full-size meal. Two smaller meals are permitted, if necessary, to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid food between meals is not. By the threefold discipline of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, the Church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday until the evening of Holy Thursday. All the faithful and catechumens should undertake serious practice of these three traditions. February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Condensed Overview of “The Letters of John” Fr. Dave Gruver, Senior Pastor at St. Edwards, (and previous Pastor for 12 years at Santiago de Compostela), will be our featured speaker on Monday, February 23 & Tuesday, February 24, from 7PM to 9PM in the Parish Center, Rooms 201-204. Fr. Dave will cover why the Letters were written, and for whom they were written and provide other interesting facts. Although Fr. Dave describes himself as “not a Bible Scholar, but a Bible Dabbler,” he is a renowned speaker and presenter! Please come join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about the letters from John, as we continue to celebrate 50-years of service and ministry at St. Nicholas Parish. Invite your friends and neighbors! Our Lenten Journey Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th LENT is a journey, at once “sacred” and “immense.” During these forty days, we are invited to cooperate with God’s graces and to confront, not shy away from, the big questions of meaning and commitment. The key principle to hang onto is that God is with us every step of the way, beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in the agony and joy of Holy Week. How sacred and immense (and intense) is this pilgrimage. (Bishop Robert F. Morneau “Not by Bread Alone.”) Ash Wednesday Masses on February 18 are: 7AM, 9AM, 12PM, 5PM, 6:30PM and 8PM in Vietnamese (ashes only dispensed during the Masses) To assist you on your Lenten Journey we offer: PRAYER Daily Mass: Monday through Friday at 7AM & 9AM; Saturdays at 9AM. Morning Prayer: Monday through Saturday at 8:45AM Monthly Day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Second Wednesday of the Month beginning at the 9AM Mass and concluding prior to the 9AM Mass on the Second Thursday. Stations of the Cross: on Fridays during Lent at 9:45AM, 7:30PM and 8:30PM in Vietnamese. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturday 9:45AM to 10:15AM and 3PM to 3:45PM Parish Lenten Penance Service: Thursday, March 26 at 7:30PM Parish Mission: March 16-18 in the evenings at 7PM with Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A. ALMSGIVING St. Vincent de Paul: helping those in need in our community. Knights of Columbus: 40-Cans for Lent Operation Rice Bowl: Benefitting Catholic Relief Services (bowls available next weekend, February 14 & 15 in the Church) Do you feel called to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the altar on Sunday and/or to the sick? Class will be held on Saturday February 28th from 8:30AM to 3:30PM in Rooms A and B (behind the Parish Office Building). If you feel called, please pick up a registration form in the Parish Office. Please fill it in and return to the Parish Office no later than February 19th, to the attention of Barbara Price, Coordinator. For Adults The Sacrament of Confirmation, in which we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit into our lives, will be offered to adults who have not been confirmed on Saturday, April 25th, within the 4:00PM Mass. If you are 18 years of age or older, baptized and regularly attend Mass and receive the Eucharist, we invite you to come to five Saturday sessions in preparation for the Sacrament. They will be held from 10AM to 11:30AM, beginning Saturday, March 14, in Room A [the building behind the Parish Office]. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office. If you wish more information, please call Gloria at 768-7228. St. Nicholas Parish Senior Singles We will be gathering for lunch at Mimi’s Café at 27430 La Paz Rd., Laguna Niguel, on Friday, February 13 at 12:30PM. All seating reserved. RSVP—Dolores: 472-3580. Day Trip on Wednesday, April 29th: Our Senior Singles will be joining with the Polish Club of Laguna Woods for a Day Trip: First Stop: to view Stykas largest mounted painting in the world showing the “Walk to Crucifixion,” with a narrated presentation. Second Stop: to view a large stained glass “Last Supper,” with presentation. Third Stop: Lunch at the “Polka,” Polish restaurant. Fourth Stop: is the Griffith Park Observatory. Cost: $85.00, including entry fee, transportation & meal Mail check to: PCLW, 811-Q Via Mendoza, Laguna Woods, CA 92637; or call Irena at 206-9122. This trip is open to all Parishioners! February 8, 2015 RESERVE THESE DATES FOR THE ANNUAL PARISH MISSION! Our annual Parish Mission will be in the evenings starting Monday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 18th On March 15th, Fr. McCarthy will be at all the Masses to personally invite all Parishioners to attend! Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., an experienced teacher, administrator, retreat director and parish mission preacher, will be with us to discuss The Sacraments: The Treasures of Our Faith. Be sure to mark the dates on your calendar! A third time Jesus said, “ you love me?” Lenten Retreat for Adults at the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center On Tuesday, February 24th, 5:30pm – 9pm, or Wednesday, February 25th, 9:30am-12 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Did you know...Air Collision Over Leisure World Two Marine Corps Skyhawk jet bombers were traveling from New York to the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station on a rain-fogged Sunday, January 22, 1967, when they collided. Part of a 10-plane squadron, the two bombers were approaching the El Toro base after the first six planes landed safely. One of the plane’s radios malfunctioned so the planes were flying wingtipto-wingtip, with one attempting to guide the other to the landing strip when they collided. One St. Nicholas Parishioner wrote, “It was a terrible stormy Sunday. Bad as it was, the Mass was crowded. My family of four children, husband and myself were up in the choir area. Suddenly at the very end of Mass, we all heard a loud crash above us over the church.” Rev. Otto E. Sporrer, having just completed his final blessing at the Mass, drove to the scene after one of his parishioners, Gracian Bidart, stepped into the Sacristy to alert him of the plane crash. “The volunteer firemen from El Toro were the first men on the scene,” Rev. Sporrer recalled. “They laid down two hose lines by me, and only one man was available to man the line.” A Navy Chaplain for some 23 years, Rev. Sporrer’s service training kicked-in and he joined the firefighters. He hadn’t taken the time to change after Mass, and with a soaked cassock, he proceeded to help fight the fires. Please call or email for more details and to RSVP 714-557-4538 or 2927 S Greenville St., Santa Ana, CA 92704 Knights of Columbus Wheelchair Fund for Veterans THIS WEEKEND! This year, our local chapters are providing wheelchairs for needy veterans in Orange County. The St. Nicholas Council of Knights of Columbus is asking for your support in funding the purchase of wheelchairs for these vets. A $150 donation purchases a wheelchair to a veteran who is in need of such a medical device but who does not qualify to get one through the Veteran Administration in a timely manner. The delivery of a wheelchair to a person without mobility improves the quality of life for the entire family. It is estimated that each wheelchair we deliver impacts an average of 10 people in a positive way. We will be accepting donations in any amount after all Masses this weekend. Thanks for your support! Firemen sift through debris. Four residents and one pilot were killed, and three other residents were hospitalized. Fiery fuel spewed over a 300-foot area and plane debris crashed into two buildings. Courtesy O.C. Register Photo by Clay Miller THE PARISH LIBRARY We are CLOSED February 8th; OPEN February 15th. We are open the first & third Sunday of the month. FREE book cart, pamphlets, rosaries, prayer cards! As Lent nears, we have books to read—such as: “Joy of Lent” by Pat McDonough The Library Hours: Sunday 10AM to 12:30PM & Wednesday, 2PM to 4PM. The Library is located behind the Parish Office in Room C.
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