TEMPLE TOPICS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Rabbi Jaech’s Blog Objects and Memory When my grandmother, a devout Lutheran, died many years ago, my brothers and I wanted a ritual that would help us remember her in a meaningful way. Her official funeral took place in a Lutheran church, where much of the funeral consists of prayers, while few words are spoken about the deceased. We wanted to do something more to honor her memory. My brothers and I gathered together by a river in Mount Rainier National Park, in an area my grandmother particularly loved to hike. Each of us brought an object that reminded us of her. We took turns speaking about the object and the memories it triggered; then we scorched each object with a flame and buried it next to the river. Using the objects to trigger memories of our grandmother was powerful and effective. In our family, we tended to talk awkwardly about love and loss. But as we passed around each object, it was easy to talk about our memories of our grandmother. One of the objects we brought to the river that day was a gaudy rubber bathing cap. The bathing cap reminded us of our grandmother because she wore one just like it when she came to swim in our pool. As we looked at the cap, we could picture Grammy paddling back and forth, a contented smile on her face. We remembered her yappy dachshund who loved to run around the pool and bark as we splashed the water. We recalled the chlorine smell of the pool’s water, and the way the water caught the sunlight as our grandmother moved through it. We talked about our grandmother wrapping herself in a towel after her swim, pulling off the bathing cap and running her fingers through her hair. All of these vivid memories were inspired by one bathing cap. Objects can be the gateway to memory. The Torah directs the Israelites to wear fringes (tzitzit) on the corners of their garments so that they would look…and recall all the commandments of the Eternal (Numbers 15: 39). In this way, objects not only trigger memories, but can lead to spiritual insights. To explore this topic further, on Sunday, January 25th, I invite you to attend Objects and Memory: a Creative Spiritual Workshop. This program will be led by Lauren Shenfield, Millie Jasper, Sylvana Trabout and me, and will be held at Temple Israel from 9:15 to 11: 15 AM. (Bagels and coffee will be provided.) We ask participants to bring an object that reminds them of a loved one who has died. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Honoring the Legacy of Dr. King Every year it is important to join with the larger community to honor the legacy of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and recommit ourselves to the ongoing struggle for social justice and racial unity in our country. Given the events of recent weeks (and months), this year’s commemoration will have a special resonance. This year’s celebration will also include an honor for Temple Israel. The Peekskill Area Pastors Association (PAPA) has established an award in Dr. King’s memory and selected Temple Israel to be the first recipient of this award. It will be presented at the Martin Luther King commemoration on Monday, January 19th (3 PM at the Peekskill Middle School). The award recognizes the role Temple Israel played in the struggle for civil rights in the 1960’s. Members of our choir will also be participating in the program. Please join with our neighbors from many faith communities as we unite for this important purpose. Cantor Avery’s Blog Upcoming Musical Programming and a Thank You “My job is to show folks there’s a lot of good music in this world, and if used right it may help to save the planet.” -Pete Seeger This past Shabbat we had a very special musical program in honor of Chanukah. Our temple’s tefila band (Sh’ma Na Na) and adult choir (Hallel B’shir) participated, led by Sariva Goetz and Eddie Pleasant, their respective directors. They filled our sanctuary with the light of song as we celebrated Shabbat and Chanukah, the festival of lights. Last month, on November 16th, our temple choirs participated in our Interfaith Thanksgiving Program. We had clergy and congregants from many different faith communities in Croton and our choirs, Hallel B’shir, Selah (our teen choir), and the Temple Israel Glee Club (our youth choir), led by Edward Pleasant and accompanied by Dina Pruzhansky, represented Temple Israel with great honor. As your cantor, I’ve been incredibly blessed by the amazing personnel I work with to bring this music to you. Rabbi Jennifer Jaech, as always, has been an incredible supporter of our temple’s music program. With her support, the support of our temple president, Steve Rubinstein, and our amazingly talented music staff, temple accompanist Dina Pruzhansky, choir director Edward Pleasant, and band director Sariva Goetz, our congregation’s music program continues to flourish. Our temple choirs and band have spent hour after hour in rehearsals to bring our beloved musical heritage to life. Their commitment is something a cantor can only dream of. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you for all you give to this sacred community. We have two special programs coming up. On January 19th, we are participating in the Peekskill Area Pastors’ Association MLK Jr. program at Peekskill Middle School at 3 p.m. Temple Israel is being honored that day for our community’s efforts in the civil rights movement. Our choirs and band, led by Edward Pleasant and by me, will participate in the music for that day. On Friday, January 23rd, we will have our 8th Jazz Music Shabbat Service!!!!! These services are some of the most joyous services we have at Temple Israel, and that’s saying a lot. Please come to our Jazz Music Shabbat service, at 8 p.m., for a glorious and prayerful Shabbat! Like Pete Seeger’s quote states above, I believe in the power of music and it’s potential to heal the world. Music has the ability to revive a tired soul, to empower and liven a community, and I believe, if used right, it can indeed help to save the planet. One of our most important missions as Jews is tikkun olam, repairing the world. Come and be a part of lifting our prayers to heaven and Earth through the power of music. Together we can make a difference. If you would like to be a part of the music program, either by participating in one of our groups, sharing your ideas, or by donating to the Music Enrichment Fund, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. My love to all of you and my best wishes for a Happy Secular New Year!!!! In Peace, In Song, and In Love. Guy Felixbrodt’s Blog Jewish Education, Walmart and Social Action/Social Justice Nothing we use at any of the educational programs at Temple Israel was purchased at Walmart- nothing! Why does it matter and why do I bother writing about it? Well, it is actually quite intrinsic to what we are trying to do at the CJL. We teach all of our students, from our kindergartners all the way to the senior class, that being Jewish is about Tikun Olam, and that we all have a great responsibility towards making the world a better place. Walmart is a one of the worst examples of the negative impact corporate America can have on the world. As a company they offer very low wages regardless of how long an employee has been with the company, they don’t allow their employees to organize and unionize, and worst of all, many of Walmart’s employees need social services help like food stamps because their paychecks are inadequate. In addition, the source of most of the chain’s products come from China where they are made by workers whose experience is the equivalent of slave labor; working long shifts and living in horrible conditions. Finally, when Walmart opens a store the local economy is adversely impacted because the small local stores are forced out of business and there is a very low return to the community. Almost all the profits go back to the corporation and the billionaire family who owns it. (For more information you can watch the documentary that was made about this phenomenon: Walmart-The High Cost of Low Prices, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnkNFHAW7Yc#t=12 ) Clearly, Walmart’s business practices go against the philosophy of our school. We teach our children to care about and help others in need. In age appropriate ways, we encourage all our children to learn about our world and make a difference. One way we do this is by encouraging our children, preschoolers at the Early Childhood Center and all the children in the CJL, to bring Tzdakah every week. Another way our children learn about Tikkun Olam is by participating in field trips outside the classroom. Kitah Bet (2nd grade) goes to a food pantry to donate food and learn how to help those less fortunate than them. Kitah Gimel (3nd grade) goes on a field trip to a local farm to learn about sustainability and recycling. Kitah Dalet (4th grade) goes to a local nursing home to sing to the elderly and learn about being a Mensch. Kitah Hay (5th grade) goes to the Eldridge Street Museum to learn about the Jewish heritage in our area and how to respect our elders and our parents. Kitah Vav (6th grade) goes to the local VA hospital to meet our veterans, sing to them and learn about Bikkur Cholim-visiting the sick. Kitah Zayin (7th grade) goes to the Museum of Tolerance in NYC to learn about racism and the holocaust, how to become more tolerant and how to take action rather than being a bystander. Kitah Het/Tet (8/9th grades) go on a day trip to help a local social service organization. Kitah Yud (10th gradeconfirmation) goes to Washington, DC to learn how our government works and how to lobby for human rights. And finally our Bogrim (11/12th grades) go on a trip to help rebuilding a community in need. We teach that we cannot help the whole world, but we can definitely be more responsible and do our part locally. I personally do not shop at Walmart. Using my buying power, I take a stand by making this choice. As a Jewish educator, I cannot accept the company’s business practices. I believe that we can all act within our own scope. As the Hebrew saying goes: Tipah Ve’Od Tipah Tihiyena LeYam-a drop and another drop will become a sea. It is my hope is that our students realize their social action and social justice power and the responsibility that comes with that power. We want them to act with the Jewish values we teach them here at Temple Israel. This is why until chain stores like Walmart change their practices; we will not support them with our buying power at the Temple. We want to make a difference and we want to make what we teach relevant. We hope you will join us on these efforts. Israel Column House of David inscription on exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art The Tel Dan Stele is a broken stele (inscribed stone) discovered during excavations at Tel Dan in northern Israel. Dating to circa 830 BCE, it consists of several fragments making up part of a triumphal inscription in Aramaic, left most probably by Hazael of Aram-Damascus, an important regional figure in the late 9th-century BCE. Hazael boasts of his victories over the king of Israel and his ally the king of the "House of David." This is the first time that the name David had been found outside of the Bible. The Tel Dan Stele can be seen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art until January 4th as part of the “Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age” exhibit. Mosaic Magazine The tagline on the Mosaic web site is “advancing Jewish thought.” If you’re interested in contemporary topics, issues and ideas impacting the present and future of the Jewish people then Mosaic Magazine belongs at the top of your reading list. The site is updated regularly with essays, observations and editorials which are followed by responses from other notable writers who provide alternative viewpoints. Two popular essays on the site as of this writing are “How Anti-Semitism Became a Social Movement” and “No Apology for Alarm,” about the results of the recent Pew report on Jews in America. You can start on the site’s home page or head to the Monthly Essays section to jump in to the lead pieces and their responses from the past several months. Israel’s Gas Offers Lifeline for Peace Natural gas is both a geopolitical tool and a target in Israel, where a newfound bonanza of resources has the potential to improve ties with energy-hungry Egypt, Jordan and even the Palestinian Authority. New gas field discovered off Israel’s coast Yet another natural gas field was discovered off Israel’s Mediterranean coast — the third largest found in Israeli waters. Tel Aviv receives recognition and awards Tel Aviv has received several awards and recognitions recently. It was named the “world’s smartest city,” winning the World Smart Cities Award against 250 competitors. The city was designated a UNESCO creative city for media arts. Tel Aviv, along with Jerusalem, became the first cities outside the US to win Bloomberg Philanthropy grants. Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reported that in Tel Aviv the average income per person and the average expenditure per person were the highest among all Israeli cities. And, Tel Aviv’s Gan Hahashmal neighborhood scored second place on Thrillist’s “Top ten sexiest neighborhoods on Earth,” behind Rio De Janiero’s Ipanema neighborhood and ahead of SoHo in New York. Rinsing Israel Out of Europe: The Zionistfrei Movement In Nazi Germany, it was all the rage to make one’s town Judenfrei. Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one’s town or city free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves “Israel-free zones.” EU court orders Hamas removal from terror blacklist The European Union's second highest court ruled that the Palestinian Islamic group Hamas must be removed from the EU’s terrorism blacklist, but temporarily maintained the listing for three months pending any appeal by the EU. Congress passes bill to make Israel 'major strategic partner' Congress voted unanimously to pass legislation making Israel a "major strategic partner" of the United States. The bill has passed the House and the Senate and now goes to President Obama for his signature. Israelis go to the polls on March 17th The upcoming national elections in Israel will determine the composition of the new Knesset and of the government to be established based on the results. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has posted a list of frequently asked questions about Elections in Israel. TINW Brotherhood The Brotherhood of TINW Presents: Comedy Night on Saturday, January 24th 2015 Doors open at 7 PM- Show starts at 8pm. Tickets are $50 each. Invite your friends. Reserve your own table. Pease support the Brotherhood and all of our programs which help the Temple family and community at large. Snacks, cash bar, & a sumptuous array of desserts after the show! 50/50 Raffle. Send a check to the Temple Office. Reservations must be accompanied by payment. If you have questions, suggestions and/or if you have an idea that you’d like to promote, please feel free to contact any Brotherhood Board member listed below: Co-Presidents: Vice Presidents: Secretary: Treasurer: Midnight Run Coordinator: Jobs Contact Coordinator: Steve Samuels (271-9364); steve@workwithyourbrain.com Matt Copel (962-1997); matt.copel@gmail.com Neal Freiman (962-2401); nbf@scnorthjersey.com Mike Metz (245-0997); mmetz22@verizon.net Mark Casso (432-8711); msc1216@gmail.com Marc Schwartz (245-4433); mms19j@gmail.com Peter Goldich (917) 364-1733; pgoldich@atco555.com Norman Newman; list9143@optonline.net Sisterhood Snippets Sisterhood remains dedicated to Tikkun Olam. Help with our ongoing Towel and Toiletries Drive for homeless men and women in Westchester. You can help us by bringing some of these Items: •Towels and washcloths – •Toothpaste and toothbrush •Band-aids and lotion new or gently used •Feminine hygiene products •Shampoo and conditioner •Soap and deodorant •Cough drops Please place your gifts in the collection box in the Temple coat room. Questions? Contact Ann Reibel at bobreibel@gmail.com and/or call her evenings at (914) 271-8940 Join Sisterhood - Get involved and help support a variety of Temple Programming - it’s easy! Complete the membership form and send with a $40 membership fee to TINW Sisterhood, 31 Glengary Rd., Croton, NY 10520. First year temple members are free! Objects and Memory: A Creative Spiritual Workshop Presented by: Rabbi Jennifer Jaech, Millie Jasper, Lauren Shenfield and Sylvana Trabout Sunday January 25th, 9:15 to 11:15 at Temple Israel Please bring an object that reminds you of a loved one who has died. Space is limited -- please contact Rabbi Jaech to RSVP or for further information Call 271-4705 ext. 121 January Yahrzeits JANUARY 2/3 Lillian Batkin, grandmother of Suzan Rich Estelle Simon, grandmother of Linda Samuels Martha Hochstim, mother of Edith Reiner Linda Dan, friend of Irene Judd Linda Dan, friend of Jacob Judd Joyce Lippmann, sister of Harriet Bender Joseph Lerner, father of Martin Lerner Aaron Kletter, father of Ronni Gambardella Joseph Copel, father of Matthew Copel Janine Snow-Schwartz, mother of Danielle Snow-Schwartz Janine Snow-Schwartz, wife of Mal Schwartz Morton Gold, brother-in-law of Annette Birnbaum Janine Snow-Schwartz, mother of Kyle Snow-Schwartz Fay Leitzes, mother of Martin Leitzes Herman Dym, father of Lois Schwedelson Alice Rubin, grandmother of Nancy Anton Sherman Merle, father of Carol Merle-Fishman Harold Goldstein, grandfather of Frederick Parker Mildred Butterfass, mother of Stephen Butterfass Chaya Perlroth, aunt of Sherry Brickman Samuel Lynn, father of Richard Lynn Chaya Perlroth, aunt of Jeanne Schrier Katheryn Brown, mother of Randall Swan Louis Deaner, father of Audrey Miller Isaac Natchigal, brother of Harriet Bender Frieda Lipschitz, mother of Gisele Glosser JANUARY 9/10 Charles Bearak, father of Ina Bearak Helfand Mary Helbraun, mother-in-law of Muriel Helbraun Sarah Kommit, grandmother of Jody Meyer Esther Kraus, grandmother of Helene Levine Elliot Levine, son of George Levine Mary Klein, mother of Helen Lynn Carolyn Jaquith, wife of David Jaquith Carolyn Jaquith, mother of Julianne Jaquith Carolyn Jaquith, mother of Alyssandra Jaquith Charlotte Purnick, sister-in-law of Cecile Schrader Walter Strauss, husband of Lore Strauss Ben Pincus, brother of Jean Bernstein Manny Bochner, friend of Jean Bernstein Morris Palenbaum, uncle of Pamela Kanterman Mollie Feir, mother-in-law of Susan Feir Ethel Silverman, mother of Harvey Harlem Ed Hesse, friend of Elizabeth Panken Ed Hesse, friend of Bruce Appelbaum Sharon Bernstein, daughter of Roy Bernstein Sharon Bernstein, daughter of Jean Bernstein JANUARY 23/24 Frieda Feinberg, mother of Mortimer Feinberg Goldie Orlein, mother of Nettie Roth Elaine Goldberg, mother of Ron Goldberg Helen Snyder, aunt of Jonathan Kratter Dolores Korten, mother of Ellen Greenberg Bernard Baily, grandfather of Miriam Risko Selma Linz, mother of Charles Linz Mollie Katz, grandmother of Steve Samuels Harold Blumberg, uncle of Bruce Masserman Robert Markey, brother of Bonnie Markey Seymour Gratz, father of Jeffrey Gratz Harold Albin, father of Francine Greenberg Gaye Katz, mother of Jennifer Katz Gaye Katz, wife of Warren Katz Jack Fisher, father of Martin Fisher Jason Yaeger, father of Adam Yaeger Elliot Levine, son of Helene Levine Rose Feinberg, mother of Barry Feinberg David Edelman, father of Diane Steinberg Marion Brechner, mother of Berl Brechner Louis Stephens, father-in-law of Rhoda Stephens Rachael Markowitz, grandmother of Stanley Wertheimer Dorothy Paul, mother of Marylin Newman Barbara Goldstein, mother of Jeffrey Goldstein Dorothy Miller, mother of Carolyn Cony David Berlfein, cousin of Harriet Bender Sydelle Seiden, mother of Joan Kazin Leslie Bernick, father of Helene Levine Beverly Davis, grandmother of Beth Whipple Joseph Wechsler, father of Iris Levine Elsie Mellion, grandmother of Elizabeth Panken Harry Schrader, father-in-law of Cecile Schrader Eva Sisk, grandmother of Lisa Bogdan Herbert Schwartz, father of Stephanie Driver Herbert Schwartz, father of Richard Schwartz JANUARY 16/17 Josephine O'Connell, mother of Geraldine Rosenzweig Leon Lobel, father of Evan Lobel Sylvia Stitzel, grandmother of Carol Levin Dan Swan, father of Randall Swan Eugene Rosenwasser, father of Diane Skalak Esther Gold, aunt of Bruce Appelbaum Andrea Jeffers, friend of Iris Levine Daniel Goldberg, father of Ron Goldberg JANUARY 30/31 Beatrice Rothfleish, grandmother of Iris Levine Hedy Hirsch, mother of Claude Hirsch Ann Firer, aunt of Sally Schecter Joseph Helfand, father of David Helfand Hugo Mellion, grandfather of Elizabeth Panken Lee Roth, father of Merrill Roth Marie Lowenstein, mother of Barbara Gochman Sol Schrier, father of Jeffrey Schrier Norman Greenblum, father of Tracy Abatemarco Selma Effros, mother of Alan Effros Constance Tanenbaum, mother of Bruce Masserman Herbert Furst, husband of Sandra Furst Judith Goetzl, sister-in-law of Robert Laibowitz Ella Coleman, cousin of Roy Bernstein Bernard Rubinstein, father of Steven Rubinstein Irving Eisenberg, uncle of Gene Watsky Judith Goetzl, sister-in-law of Laura Laibowitz Isador Levine, grandfather of Mark Levine Murray Kratter, father of Jonathan Kratter Evelyn Wexler, mother of Steven Wexler Mildred Schmidt, grandmother of Jennifer Jaech Bessie Edelman, mother of Diane Steinberg Jeffrey Katz, brother of Warren Katz Joyce Gajsler, aunt of Jeanne Schrier Hyman Moskowitz, father of Jay Moskowitz Cecile Esseryk, mother of Rachel Rosell Patricia Benson, sister of Geraldine Rosenzweig February Yahrzeits FEBRUARY 6/7 Rabbi Frank Zimmermann, stepfather of Daniel Levin Sona Silberman, mother of Steven Cony Violet Camac, mother of Deanna Sandor Violet Camac, mother of Laura Turco Charlotte Collenstein, mother of Virginia Cashman Henrietta Dinkin, mother of Naomi Landesberg Elliot Hochberg, uncle of Neal Freiman Madeline Iasparo, grandmother of Lisa Hutter Jack Skilowitz, father of Amy Gibson Estelle Gardner, mother of Marla Gardner Ira Seebacher, father of Robert Seebacher Rabbi Herschel Levin, father of Daniel Levin Ella Koenig, mother of Rhonda Berkowitz Rose Dann, grandmother of Sandy Rubin Annette Panken, mother of Elizabeth Panken Julia Rudner, grandmother of Whitney Goodman Robert Needle, husband of Kathe Needle Shirley Miller, mother of Karen Bank Max Berman, father of Sheila Effros Chana Janowski, mother of Ziporah Janowski Seymour Woller, father of Barbara Woller Toby Peller, mother of Richard Peller Andrew Leon, friend of Steven Rubinstein Philip Feigenson, father of Alan Ferris Simon Belson, step-father of Jean Bernstein Gladys Kleiman, mother of Mark Kleiman Eugene Wexler, father of Steven Wexler Dorothy Engelson, mother of Ellen Engelson Blossom Harris, mother of Edward Harris Henry Meyer, cousin of Charles Linz Irving Goldberg, father of Eileen Gehebe Joseph Brechner, father of Berl Brechner Simon Lipschitz, father of Gisele Glosser Faye Cutler, mother of Gordon Cutler Jack Frankel, uncle of Susan Greenberg-Burnette Lois Jacobson, sister of Beth Deckert Edith Lowinger, mother of Judith Stein FEBRUARY 13/14 Rosalind Wagreich, mother of Herbert Wagreich Marilyn Talve, sister of John Gochman Leo Peller, father of Richard Peller Max Farkas, father of Carolyn Kunin David Haft, father of Bonnie Franks Judah Somerstein, father of Meryl Laub Debra Preston, cousin of Elizabeth Panken Lee Roth, mother of Merrill Roth Jean Bender, mother of Harvey Bender Gerald Brayer, father of Jayne Brayer David Schraier, father of Peter Schraier Max Levine, father of George Levine Irene Cohen, sister of Lawrence Kanterman Jean Kalish, mother-in-law of Sarah Kalish Gertrude Shapiro, aunt of Sandy Rubin Arnold Platt, father of Lisa Rudley Louis Cutler, father of Gordon Cutler Beatrice Weinberg, aunt of Susan Gilbert Selma Burchman, mother of Edmund Burchman FEBRUARY 20/21 Marvin Rosen, father of David Rosen Rose Maver, mother of Marlene Cartaina Irwin Pincus, brother of Gloria Tannenbaum Martha Trustman, grandmother of Joann Stern Sylvia Goldberg, mother of Eileen Gehebe Michael Goldberg, father of Roberta Goldberg Henry Meyer, father of Robert Meyer Max Rosenberg, grandfather of Susan Schwartz Sidney Aronchick, father of Martin Aronchick FEBRUARY 27/28 Harriet Kraus-Bernick, mother of Helene Levine Donald Chizzik, father of Richard Chizzik Anne Laibowitz, mother of Robert Laibowitz Daniel Jaech, uncle of Jennifer Jaech Fred Appel, father of Sandra Goldstein Dora Nesselroth, aunt of Jeanne Schrier Ida Buchman, grandmother of Marc Schwartz Esther Meyer, grandmother of Robert Meyer Bernard Braverman, father of Jody Meyer Jean Nadelman, aunt of Irene Judd Esther Meyer, aunt of Charles Linz Dora Nesselroth, aunt of Sherry Brickman Samuel Klein, uncle of Richard Peller John Machover, grandfather of Linda Samuels Esther Bank, mother of Michael Bank Abraham Chesler, father-in-law of Harold Zabitz Abraham Chesler, grandfather of Holly Zabitz Steven Tanenbaum, step-brother of Bruce Masserman Paul Seidenberger, father of Lore Strauss Jay Schaffer, father of Andrew Schaffer Oscar d'Adolf, father of Stuart d'Adolf Thank you to all who donated this month January Rabbi Jaech’s Discretionary Fund In loving memory of Mickie Wertheimer, Arthur Falk and Jennie Chase, from Andrea and Stan Wertheimer In loving memory of Asher Wagner, from the Masserman Family In loving memory of Jean Newman, from Norman Newman From Ellen and Mitch Taube With much appreciation for the beautiful Baby Naming Ceremony you preformed, from Mary Lou, Ian and Lily Bruno In loving memory of Jack Ruben, from Barry Rubin In loving memory of Jean Gochman, from John and Barbara Gochman In loving memory of George Effros, from Sheila and Alan Effros Thank you for all you have taught me and for making my becoming a Bar Mitzvah so special, from Teddy Feirman In loving memory of Zelda Wagner, from The Masserman Family With many thanks for the beautiful Baby Naming Ceremony, from Susan and Herb Wagreich Cantor Avery’s Discretionary Fund In loving memory of Mickie Wertheimer, Arthur Falk and Jennie Chase, from Andrea and Stan Wertheimer In loving memory of Jack Ruben, from Barry Rubin With many thanks for all your help in preparing me to become a Bar Mitzvah, from Teddy Feirman Rabbi Ferris’ Discretionary Fund With many thanks for all your kindness and generosity, from Arlene Mervis Adult Education Fund In loving memory of Mickie Wertheimer, Arthur Falk and Jennie Chase, from Andrea and Stan Wertheimer In loving memory of Leonard Pincus, from Helen and Richard Lynn Building Fund From Kate and Howard Permut Caring Committee In loving memory of Samuel Zabitz, from Harold Zabitz In loving memory of Mickie Wertheimer, Arthur Falk and Jennie Chase, from Andrea and Stan Wertheimer In loving memory of Sadie Chesler, from Holly Zabitz In loving memory of Samuel Zabitz, from Holly Zabitz In loving memory of Mona Heller, from Andrea Ziltzer In loving memory of Lotte Seidenberger, from Lore Strauss Early Childhood Center Fund In loving memory of Lorna Jaech, from Rabbi Jaech In loving memory of Peggy Rosen, from Raquel Hochroth From Rachel Wimpee and Seth Weintraub General Fund In loving memory of Leon Goldstein, Esther Appel and Fred Appel, from Sandy and Alan Goldstein In loving memory of Morris and Estelle Simon, from Wilma Machover Music Enrichment Fund In loving memory of Mickie Wertheimer, Arthur Falk and Jennie Chase In loving memory of Rosalie Dolmatch, Walther Ochs, Selma Ochs and Sylvia Dolch, from Terri Ochs and Jim Wertheimer In celebration of Ezra Beaver’s health, from Terri Ochs and Jim Wertheimer In honor of “My Five Grandson”, from Marilyn Rosenberg Happy Hanukkah, from Joe and Suzanne Dropkin In honor of Cantor Avery, Eddie Pleasant, Sari Goetz and Dina Pruzhansky, from Hallel B’shir and Sh’ma Na Na New Prayer Book Fund In loving memory of Carl Ochs, from Terri Ochs and Jim Wertheimer In loving memory of Fay and Ben Leitzes, from Martin and Ben Leitzes In loving memory of Rose Feinberg, from Alison and Barry Feinberg …And, THANK YOU to all who have contributed to the Hanukkah-Thon. Leah & Ron Aizen & family Cynthia & Gunner Andersen Megan Orseck & Brian Aronowitz & family Harriet & Harvey Bender Annette Birnbaum Barbara & Andrew Blumberg Jen & Jeff Boxer & family Janet Brand Kathy & Berl Breckner Brotherhood of Temple Israel Joyce & Alan Brott Lee & Gerry Klein Samantha & Patrick Healy & family Ina Bearak Helfand & David Helfand Karleen Heller Amy Hersh Laura Hyman & family Rabbi Jennifer Jaech & David Sperling Debra & Evan Janush & family Alice & Peter Joselow Irene & Jack Judd Cecile Schrader Rachel Rosell Patricia & David Rosen Ellen & Merrill Roth Sondra Dolman-Rubin & John Rubin & family Robin & Fred Safarowic Allison & Ken Samuels Susan Sarch Jenny & Ben Setareh & family Sally & Larry Schecter Karen & Brad Bruckner & family Gloria & Ed Burchman Susan & Stephen Butterfass Rorie & Chris Caparelli & family Marlene Cartaina Beth & Mark Casso Carolyn & Steve Cony Laura & Matt Copel Gordon Cutler Lori & Michael DePaolo Suzanne & Joe Dropkin & family Sharyse & Gary Eisinger & family David Endlich Aileen & Arlen Epstein & family Ziporah Janowski & David Ettenberg0 Alison & Barry Feinberg Sue Feir Guy Felixbrodt & Donna Mikkelsen & family Bonnie & Sid Franks Bonnie Markey & Jeff Goldstein Karina & Jeffrey Gratz & family Rabbi Helene & Alan Ferris Lynn Fielden-Smith & Jeff Smith Carol Merle-Fishman & Jamie Fishman Lori & Matt Fraternale & Family The Fridakis Family Graig Galef & Elisabeth Gilbert & family Suzanne & Rob Gardos & family Susan & Adam Gilbert Fran Glass Barbara & John Gochman Robin & Ron Goldberg & Family Whitney & Andrrew Goodman & family Bonnie Markey & Jeff Goldstein Sandy & Alan Goldstein Muriel Helbraun Leslie Hochberg Terry Kardos & Jon Fein Faith & Steven Kasanofsky & family Joan Kazin Rachel Katz Tara & Eric Keiter & family Matthew Kesten & family Laura & Steven Kivel & family Alice Kossin & Gary Gordon Judy Lewis & Steve Krisky Carolyn & Lawrence Kunin Naomi & Warren Landesberg Dana Levenberg & Stephen Hersh Michelle & Michael Lewis & family Carol & Danny Levin Helene & George Levine Iris & Mark Levine Michelle & Michael Lewis & family Dana and Mitchell Lipton & family Helen & Richard Lynn Wilma Machover Kathleen Marcus Barbara & Philip Mailman Judith Marks Netter & Fred Netter Wendy & Bruce Masserman Jen & Andrew McLaughlin & family June & Mike Metz Jody & Bob Meyer Marjorie & Matthew Miller Lauren & Richard Morrissey Bernice Myers Kathe Needle Marylin & Norman Newman Diane & Jeff Ohlbaum Liz Panken & Bruce Appelbaum Fred Parker & family Kate & Howard Permut Gerry and Patty Prager Ann & Bob Reibel Suzan & Howard Rich Melissa & James Rinzler & family Roberta & Howard Robinson Rachel and Dave Sagaser Linda & Phillip Schaum Rhonda Schonfeld Mandelbaum & Alan Mandelbaum Susan & Marc Schwartz Karen & Sam Shaulson & family Lois Dym-Schwedelson & Marc Schwedelson Julie & Rob Schickman & family Marcia & Richie Schupper Ruth & David Schwab Mal Schwartz & Laura Tyron Barbara & Milt Seewald Sara & Andrew Siegel & family Diane & Steven Skalak Meg & Ron Smilowitz Nancy & Eric Squire & family Judy & Artie Stein Rhoda Stephens Jo Ann Stern Lore Strauss Lisa & Robby Sussman & family Lisa & Josh Tane Gloria & Maury Tannenbaum Carol & Dan Theodore Sylvana Trabout & Letitia Coburn & family Laura & Gary Turco Rita & Rocco Vicari Gene & Russ Watsky Rachel & Seth Weintraub & family Jody & Adam Weiss & family Susan & Lee Welling Andrea & Stan Wertheimer Laura & Steve Wexler Amy & Steve Wichman & family Heather & Ben Wiesen & family Donna & David Wolfson & family Lisa & Glen Wolland & family Bobbie Woller Cindy & Adam Yaeger & family Harold Zabitz Holly Zabitz Coren & Craig Zalvan Debbie Zapakin & family JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Lily Anderman Matthew Arnone Ella Birenkrant Zoe Brown Matthew Epstein Ellie Fredman Sarah Galef Daniel Galef Jennifer Harris Eleanor Healy Zac Hirsch Noah Hirschhorn Tory Janush Madison Kivel Rexx Kohan Max Lipton Max Moskowitz Hannah Rothman Jake Rubin Derek Rudley Ella Whipple Lily Zuckerman FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Nathaniel Bilgoray Alden Bierenkrant Allison Bruckman Mateo Coburn-Trabout Eliana Dropkin Jack Eisenger Maya Gardos Daniel Gittleman Emily Grunes Eric Honigman Rachel Labowitz Avery McLear Jack Nusbaum Jeromy Pallak Emila Sackman Jessica Weinberg Worship and Study Friday, January 2, 2015/12 Tevet 5775 8 PM Shabbat Worship Torah Portion: Vayechi (Genesis 47:28 – 50:26) Haftarah: 1 Kings 2:1 – 12 Host: Annelise and Jack Rosenfeld Saturday, January 3, 2015/12 Tevet 5775 Friday, January 9, 2015/19 Tevet 5775 9:30 AM – Torah Study 7 PM –Multi-Generational Shabbat Worship with 3rd grade participation Torah Portion: Shemot (Exodus 1:1 – 6:1) Haftarah Portion: Isaiah 27:6 – 28:13, 29:22 - 23 Host: Temple Israel Saturday, January 10, 2015/19 Tevet 5775 9:30 AM - Torah Study Friday, January 16, 2014/26 Tevet 5775 7 PM 5th Shabbat – Potluck Supper and Program Torah Portion: Va’era (Exodus 6:2 - 9:35) Haftarah: Exekiel 28:25 – 29:21 Host: Temple Israel Saturday, January 17, 2015/26 Tevet 5775 9:30 AM - Torah Study Friday, January 23, 2015/4 Shevat 5775 8 PM Shabbat Worship Jazz Service with Choirs and Band participation Torah Portion: Bo (Exodus 10:1 – 13:28) Haftarah: Jeremiah 46: 13 - 28 Host: Temple Israel Saturday, January 24, 2015/4 Shevat 5775 9:30 AM -Torah Study Friday, January 30, 2015/11 Shevat 5775 6 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Torah Portion: Beshalach (Exodus 13:17 – 17:16) Haftarah: Judges 4:4 – 5:31 Host: Temple Israel Saturday, January 31, 2015/11 Shevat 5775 9:30 AM – Torah Study 10:45 AM – Tot Shabbat Program Friday, February 6, 2015/18 Shevat 5775 5:30 PM Tot Shabbat 8 PM Shabbat Worship Torah Portion: Yitro (Exodus 18:1 – 20:23) Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1 – 7:6, 9:5 – 6 Host: Temple Israel Saturday, February 7, 2015/18 Shevat 5775 9:30 AM – Torah Study Friday, February 13, 2015/25 Shevat 5775 7 PM –Multi-Generational Shabbat Worship with Sh’Ma Na Na, the Temple Band participating Torah Portion: Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1 – 24:18) Haftarah: 2 Kings 11:17 – 12: Host: Temple Israel 9:30 AM – Torah Study Saturday, February 14, 2015/25 Shevat 5775 Friday, February 20, 2015/2 Adar 5775 8 PM Shabbat Worship Torah Portion: Terumah (Exodus 25:1 – 27:19) Haftarah: 1 Kings 5:26 – 6:13 Host: Temple Israel Saturday, February 21, 2015/2 Adar 5775 9:30 AM – Torah Study Friday, February 27, 2015/9 Adar 5775 6 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Worship Torah Portion: Tetzave (Exodus 27:20 – 30:10) Haftarah: 1 Samuel 15:1 – 34 Host: Sandy and Alan Goldstein Saturday, February 28, 2015/9 Adar 5775 9:30 AM – Torah Study
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