Newsletter here - Australian International Airshow

Expo space is selling fast…
Organisations intending to display their wares at the Australian International
Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition 2015 are being urged to secure
their exhibition space soon.
So far more than 80 percent of the interior space in the exhibition halls has been reserved
As of mid September only a limited number of custom stands, raw space and wall stands
remain available.
Three showcase precincts also have available display space.
These specialist areas include the Research, Innovation and Technology precinct, the Training
and Education precinct and the Air Traffic Management and Airports Facilities precinct.
Some space is also available within the various national and regional pavilions.
There is also some outdoor space available within the event site.
Contact the sales team to secure your presence at the Australian International Airshow and
Aerospace & Defence Expo 2015.
New Business Jet for Airshow…
The latest in a new breed of versatile business jet is expected to attract widespread attention at Avalon 2015.
A full-size mock up of the much vaunted Pilatus PC-24 will be
available for walk through inspection and up close perusal.
Delivery is scheduled for 2017.
Potential buyers will be among those to visit the exhibit.
It says the PC-24 combines the flexibility of a turboprop with the
cabin size of a midsized jet and the performance of a light jet.
Pilatus says the aircraft will usher in a new era of business aviation.
The aircraft is so new that the first fully operational (flying) version
rolled off the production line only last month (August).
Already the Swiss-based manufacturer has taken firm orders for 84
units with initial demand so strong the company has temporarily
suspended new orders. Pilatus will shortly reopen its order book for
2020 delivery.
The first PC-24 is expected to make its maiden flight by year’s end
prior to European and U.S. certification early in 2017.
Among the buyers already confirmed is the Royal Flying Doctor
Service which will add three PC-24s to its Western Australian fleet.
In standard configuration the aircraft seats six to eight passengers
with a range of 1,950 nautical miles with a cruise speed of 425
knots. The baggage compartment can be configured to carry an
impressive payload.
Another advantage of the PC-24 is that it can operate from short and
unprepared runways.
The aircraft is expected to be of particular interest to members of the
Australian Business Aviation Association which will be holding a
workshop on Thursday 26 February at the Airshow.
A Focussed and Informed Audience…
Avalon 2015 will bring together innovators in aerospace and defence technology and key decision makers from industry,
defence and government.
An important component of this industry conduit will be a
comprehensive schedule of conferences, seminars and symposia,
senior delegations and bilateral roundtables. These events will
attract attendees from throughout Australia and indeed the world.
The events include government level meetings, regulator gatherings
and defence symposia.
Their presence will represent an enormous opportunity to network
and establish relationships with potential customers and end users.
Events such as the ASA OneSKY briefings will put Australia’s
proposed joint civil-military air traffic control regime in the spotlight.
They will provide an informed and focussed audience for the
technologies, products and services on display at Avalon 2015.
The Australian Helicopter Industry Association, the Association of
Unmanned Systems, the Flight Test Society of Australia and the
Aerospace Environment Working Group are among many other
organisations hosting major conferences at Avalon.
In 2013 the Airshow hosted 25 major international conferences
and no fewer than 79 official delegations (government, military
and industry) from 31 countries. Twenty five Chiefs/Deputy Chiefs
of Air Force attended the event.
In 2015 an even more impressive array of decision makers will
come to Avalon 2015.
The conference program has been designed to attract civil industry,
government and regulatory communities within Asia and the Indo Pacific.
The Air Chiefs Symposium and the Australian International Aerospace
Congress are among the key conferences at Avalon 2015.
A series of bilateral roundtables will be hosted by delegations that
include the USA, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom,
Germany, France and China, among others
Its delegations, conference schedule and roundtables will help
ensure a large attendance of government, defence and industry
decision makers at Avalon 2015.
OneSKY - the future of Air Traffic Management…
Airservices Australia will present a series of specifically targeted conferences
at Avalon 2015.
ASA, a renowned world leader in ATM, has responsibility for 11% of the world’s air space,
Its Avalon conferences will attract an impressive number of quality delegates from throughout
Australia and overseas.
One of the highlights of the ASA schedule is a conference devoted solely to Australia’s
OneSKY Program.
OneSKY is one of the most significant and important aviation initiatives ever undertaken in
Australia. It is described as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create one national
harmonised civil-military air traffic management system. When implemented it will ensure
Australia remains a global leader in air traffic management service delivery into the future.
Airservices Australia will conduct two specific OneSKY Australia information sessions at the
2015 Avalon Airshow. The first, on the morning of Wednesday 25 February 2015, will be
targeted at the executive and senior military management level, and the second, during the
afternoon of the same day, will be a more technical session.
Both sessions will address the specifics of the OneSKY Australia Program to date, what
Airservices are planning for the future, and the benefits for the civil and military aviation sectors
they are seeking to achieve.
Civil and military aviation stakeholders from around the world, with any interest whatsoever in air
traffic management systems and/or civil-military harmonisation efforts, are invited to attend either
or both sessions if they so wish. Put the date in your diary now! No pre-registration required.
Heroes of the Sky to be
honoured at Avalon 2015
Avalon 2015 will pay tribute to Australia’s Anzac heritage
and the heroes of military aviation.
It will be the major theme of the event and as such it will be the first
significant observance of the Gallipoli campaign in its centenary year.
It will be an emotional and moving tribute to those brave aviators, the
heroes of the sky, over the past 100 years, from World War One to the
present day. Their bravery will be marked with a series of memorable
ground exhibits and flying displays.
A large number of historic warbirds from home and aboard will take
part in the event. Among them are a squadron of First World War
fighters (British, French and German) including no fewer than six
German Fokker bi-planes and tri-planes.
Airshow CEO Ian Honnery said these faithfully recreated replicas will
perform simulated dog fights and other attack manoeuvers.
“It will be a unique opportunity to see these hardy old warriors of the
sky go through their combat routines en masse,” he said.
Avalon 2015 will also feature a vast array of the latest military heavy
metal from Australia and overseas including supersonic jet fighters and
attack helicopters.
More details in a later edition of this newsletter.
It will also boast a large number of vintage, classic and experimental
aircraft and high flying barnstormers and precision stunt performers.
The Airshow is a unique event on the Australian calendar bringing
together, as it does, all facets of Australian and international aviation as
well as a world class aerospace and defence exposition.
Trade days are from 24 - 27 February and the public days are from 27
February to 1 March.
Australian and International Representatives
Mr Chris Macfarlane
T: +61(0)3 5282 0544
M: +61(0)411 147 882
Ms Penny Haines
T: +61 (0) 3 5282 0535
M: +61 (0) 407 824 400
Mr Bob Wouda
T: +61 (0) 3 5282 0538
M: +61 (0) 418 143 290
Ms Carly Helweg
T: +61 (0) 3 5282 0502
Mr Toh Tian Lai
Aviation Services GSA Pte Ltd
100 Tras Street
#13-01 100AM
Singapore 079027
T: +65 6227 5688
F: +65 6225 6315
M: +65 98193718
EAS Exhibition Services Inc.
827 Primrose Court
Pickering, Ontario, L1X 2S7
T: 905 837 5095
F: 905 837 1544
Mr Yuri Laskin
Laguk Company Ltd
Krasnokholmskaya Nab, 11/15
App132, 115172 Moscow
P: +7 0-95 912 1346
F: +7 095 912 1260
Mr Peter Terrill & Associates
PO Box 7 Littlebourne
Canterbury Kent
England CT3 1YX
T: +44 1227 728 243
F: +44 1227 728 243
M: +44 (0)7887 635 903
Mr Carl Ziegler
T-Link Management Ltd
Schwerzistrasse 6
CH-8807 Freienbach
T: +41 43 288 18 88
F: +41 43 288 18 99
Mr Tom Kallman
Kallman Worldwide Inc
4 North St, STE 800,
Waldwick NJ07463-1842 USA
P: +1 201 251 2600
F: +1 201 251 2760
Mr Kristian Schischke
ECM Expo & Conference
Management GmbH
KatharinenstaBe 8,
10711 Berlin,
T: +49 30 6178 4340
M: +49 172 6048 321
For further information contact: Exhibition Directorate - AVALON2015
PO Box 4095 Geelong, Victoria 3220 Australia
T: +61 (03) 5282 0500 F: +61 (03) 5282 4455 E:
The 2015 Australian International Aerospace and Defence Exposition is a project of Aerospace Australia Limited (ABN 63 091 147 787) and the Australian International Airshow 2015 is a project of Aviation Development
Australia Limited (ABN 54 114 966 175). They are presented in the interests of promoting the development of aviation and Australian industrial, manufacturing and information/communications technology resources in
the aviation, aerospace and defence sectors.