Partnering in a Shared Vision for Our Campus, Community and State • In the past year, UAB has produced groundbreaking discoveries and innovations, delivering on our promise of “knowledge that will change your world” • We are ensuring continued progress through campus-wide planning that is our most comprehensive ever o Enabling us to invest in our greatest strengths for the benefit of UAB, Birmingham and Alabama o Planning is dynamic and continually evolving o Every school and department is identifying top priorities and actively collaborating to achieve them.... Reinhart, Kellee <> Transforming Education • To enhance student life and accommodate student needs, new student facilities o Student Health and Wellness Center (opened last fall) o Residence Hall (714 beds), opens summer 2015 o Hill Student Center, opens fall 2015 Transforming Education • Innovative undergraduate programs begun in past 2 years: o Biomedical Sciences major: 166 students o Public Health major: 127 students o Musical Theatre BFA: 8 students • Developing BS degrees in Informatics, Immunology, Cancer Biology • Honors College: Largest-ever incoming class of freshmen (375) o Average GPA of 4.1, ACT of 30 o 18% are 1st generation o Total enrollment of more than 1,100 o Recently produced UAB’s 3rd Rhodes Scholar • Creating position of Vice President for Student Affairs Transforming Education: A Better Pipeline to Higher Ed • UAB partnering to strengthen the pipeline to higher ed, foster academic success o UABTeach Initiative to prepare highly qualified STEM educators for middle/high schools statewide Enables undergrads to earn subject matter degree and teaching certification concurrently in 4 years 73 enrolled (more than triple original goal) o Joint Enrollment Initiative with area community colleges 377 enrolled o New University Academic Student Success Center (UASC) supports all UAB students. Since last August: Supplemental Instruction (SI) to 4,300 students Over 5,500 study hours hosted by UASC Tutoring appointments with over 300 students Transforming Education: A Better Pipeline to Higher Ed o GEAR UP Alabama: UAB is lead institution in this state-wide initiative to recruit and better prepare low-income students for higher ed Will impact more than 10,000 students in 53 schools in rural Black Belt counties $49M over 7 years, the biggest non-healthrelated grant in UAB history Transformational Research and Discovery • UAB continues to secure very competitive research funding: Total grants received in FY14 increased by nearly $50M over last year, to $410M • NIH funding increased by $36M in FY14, to $225M, putting UAB 10th among public universities with several schools highly ranked among national peers: o Dentistry: $11.4M, 1st o Public Health: $28.9M, 9th o Medicine: $156.3M, 26th o Nursing: $1.6M, 31st • Recent major NIH grants: o Antiviral Drug Discovery and Development Center ($35M) o Lead institution in chronic hypertension in pregnancy study ($19.3M) Transformational Research and Discovery • Groundbreaking research is enabling us to develop leading-edge technologies and effective new treatments o Engineering revolutionary materials Tornado shelters that withstand debris in EF-5 winds Diamond coatings for medical, industrial applications o Nationally renowned cyber forensics at CIA-JFR UAB among 8 affiliates to nation’s first federally funded R&D center dedicated solely to cybersecurity o Revolutionary diabetes research moving to human trials: Repurposing drug verapamil to prevent, even reverse diabetes Transformational Research and Discovery • New Institutes and Center putting UAB at the vanguard of personalized medicine: o Personalized Medicine Institute o Center for Genomic Sciences (with HudsonAlpha) o Institute for Informatics Inaugural director: Dr. James Cimino, director of NIH Lab for Informatics Development • Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS), $40M over 5 years: will establish UAB as hub for translation with contributions from most AL universities and partners • UAB aims to be among the nation’s top research-intensive universities—we must not simply maintain, but continually excel, innovate and GROW o Requires investment in key facilities and proactive faculty recruitment…. Transformational Research and Discovery Academic/Research Crescent Intersection of University Blvd and 18th Street South Transformational Research and Discovery • UAB is actively investing in initiatives to help our current Principal Investigators be as competitive for grant funding as possible • UAB will recruit 10 additional extramurally funded Principal Investigators, from outside UAB, per year over next 8 years o 30-40 for Genomic Medicine & Data Sciences Bldg o 50 for biomedical research, information sciences, engineering • These 80 hires will result in further job creation, additional research funding and a substantial economic impact o 480-500 additional support jobs (pre- and post-docs, research technicians) o An estimated $48M in additional NIH funding o Over $100M economic impact on Birmingham area Transforming Patient Care • UAB Medicine: Over 1 million patient visits annually o UAB Hospital: 3rd largest public hospital in U.S. o State’s only Level 1 Adult Trauma Center • World-renowned Comprehensive Transplant Institute o Ongoing living donor kidney chain is now longest ever at a single site • Only place in Southeast offering new MRI-ultrasound fusion technique for targeted biopsy of prostate cancer Transforming Our Economy • Birmingham/Hoover economy is in nation’s top 50 (FY 2013) o Nearly $60 billion GDP, as productive as Huntsville, Mobile and Montgomery combined • Our region becoming a biotech nexus with more than 120 biotech firms • UAB’s R&D key in growing a robust technology-based economy….. Transforming Our Economy • Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE) o Spurring innovation, speeding tech transfer and training entrepreneurs • Thriving partnership with Southern Research Institute o Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance (ADDA) o Alliance for Innovative Medical Technology (AIMTech) Future IIE/Collat School of Business Building, corner of University Boulevard and 13th Street South • Innovation Depot: 95 companies, $1.25 billion impact over past 5 years Transforming Communities: Partnership and Empowerment • Cancer Community Network: 10 associates in AL, FL, GA, MS and TN • Equal Access Birmingham Clinic: 620 unique patient visits since opening in Nov. 2012 • UAB Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center o Birmingham one of 16 cities world-wide selected for IBM Smarter Cities Challenge Transforming Communities: Partnership and Empowerment • UAB Benevolent Fund had most successful fundraising year ever: $1.91M o $1.6M to local nonprofits Of that, over $1M to United Way (UAB 5th among top 50 United Way companies in central AL) o First recipient of Community Reinvestment Fund grant ($50K): UAB employees voted for Magic City Harvest MCH distributes 2M lbs. of perishable food annually via 40 local charities and will purchase 18 ft. refrigerated truck to distribute additional 500K lbs. per year o Built Habitat House in Pratt City neighborhood struck by April 2011 tornadoes Over 425 UAB employees and students volunteered 2,000 hours from Oct.- Nov. 2014 Transforming Communities: Growing Our Cultural Arts Corridor • Alys Stephens Center: Attendance of more than 118,000 in FY14 • AEIVA has hosted about 6,500 visitors in its first year • New Institute for Arts in Medicine • “Neuroplasticity and Healing” symposium with The Dalai Lama o Covered by national, international media o Over 1,000 in attendance, reached 135,000 in 106 countries online The Campaign for UAB • Donors recognize UAB’s transformative impact and are partnering and investing with us • Since the public phase of the Campaign kicked off, we have raised over $142M o In December 2014, we raised over $16.8M, our most successful December ever o Followed by one our most successful Januarys ever, with over $11.2M raised • UAB is deeply grateful for the support of our community and the Board of Trustees in this historic campaign
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