UA System Board of Trustees meeting held at UAB Feb. 5-6

Partnering in a Shared Vision for Our Campus, Community and State
• In the past year, UAB has produced groundbreaking
discoveries and innovations, delivering on our promise of
“knowledge that will change your world”
• We are ensuring continued progress through campus-wide
planning that is our most comprehensive ever
o Enabling us to invest in our greatest strengths for the
benefit of UAB, Birmingham and Alabama
o Planning is dynamic and continually evolving
o Every school and department is identifying top priorities
and actively collaborating to achieve them....
Reinhart, Kellee <>
Transforming Education
• To enhance student life and
accommodate student needs,
new student facilities
o Student Health and Wellness
Center (opened last fall)
o Residence Hall (714 beds),
opens summer 2015
o Hill Student Center, opens fall
Transforming Education
• Innovative undergraduate programs begun in past 2 years:
o Biomedical Sciences major: 166 students
o Public Health major: 127 students
o Musical Theatre BFA: 8 students
• Developing BS degrees in Informatics, Immunology, Cancer
• Honors College: Largest-ever incoming class of freshmen (375)
o Average GPA of 4.1, ACT of 30
o 18% are 1st generation
o Total enrollment of more than 1,100
o Recently produced UAB’s 3rd Rhodes Scholar
• Creating position of Vice President for Student Affairs
Transforming Education: A Better Pipeline to Higher Ed
• UAB partnering to strengthen the pipeline to higher ed,
foster academic success
o UABTeach Initiative to prepare highly qualified STEM
educators for middle/high schools statewide
 Enables undergrads to earn subject matter degree and teaching
certification concurrently in 4 years
 73 enrolled (more than triple original goal)
o Joint Enrollment Initiative with area community colleges
 377 enrolled
o New University Academic Student Success Center (UASC)
supports all UAB students. Since last August:
 Supplemental Instruction (SI) to 4,300 students
 Over 5,500 study hours hosted by UASC
 Tutoring appointments with over 300 students
Transforming Education: A Better Pipeline to Higher Ed
o GEAR UP Alabama: UAB is lead institution in
this state-wide initiative to recruit and
better prepare low-income students for
higher ed
 Will impact more than 10,000 students in 53
schools in rural Black Belt counties
 $49M over 7 years, the biggest non-healthrelated grant in UAB history
Transformational Research and Discovery
• UAB continues to secure very competitive research funding: Total grants
received in FY14 increased by nearly $50M over last year, to $410M
• NIH funding increased by $36M in FY14, to $225M, putting UAB 10th among
public universities with several schools highly ranked among national peers:
o Dentistry: $11.4M, 1st
o Public Health: $28.9M, 9th
o Medicine: $156.3M, 26th
o Nursing: $1.6M, 31st
• Recent major NIH grants:
o Antiviral Drug Discovery and Development Center ($35M)
o Lead institution in chronic hypertension in pregnancy study ($19.3M)
Transformational Research and Discovery
• Groundbreaking research is enabling us to develop
leading-edge technologies and effective new treatments
o Engineering revolutionary materials
 Tornado shelters that withstand debris in EF-5 winds
 Diamond coatings for medical, industrial applications
o Nationally renowned cyber forensics at CIA-JFR
 UAB among 8 affiliates to nation’s first federally funded R&D center
dedicated solely to cybersecurity
o Revolutionary diabetes research moving to human trials:
Repurposing drug verapamil to prevent, even reverse diabetes
Transformational Research and Discovery
• New Institutes and Center putting UAB at the vanguard of personalized medicine:
o Personalized Medicine Institute
o Center for Genomic Sciences (with HudsonAlpha)
o Institute for Informatics
 Inaugural director: Dr. James Cimino, director of NIH Lab for Informatics Development
• Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS), $40M over 5 years: will
establish UAB as hub for translation with contributions from most AL universities
and partners
• UAB aims to be among the nation’s top research-intensive universities—we must
not simply maintain, but continually excel, innovate and GROW
o Requires investment in key facilities and proactive faculty recruitment….
Transformational Research and Discovery
Academic/Research Crescent
Intersection of University Blvd and 18th Street South
Transformational Research and Discovery
• UAB is actively investing in initiatives to help our current Principal
Investigators be as competitive for grant funding as possible
• UAB will recruit 10 additional extramurally funded Principal Investigators,
from outside UAB, per year over next 8 years
o 30-40 for Genomic Medicine & Data Sciences Bldg
o 50 for biomedical research, information sciences, engineering
• These 80 hires will result in further job creation, additional research
funding and a substantial economic impact
o 480-500 additional support jobs (pre- and post-docs, research technicians)
o An estimated $48M in additional NIH funding
o Over $100M economic impact on Birmingham area
Transforming Patient Care
• UAB Medicine: Over 1 million patient visits annually
o UAB Hospital: 3rd largest public hospital in U.S.
o State’s only Level 1 Adult Trauma Center
• World-renowned Comprehensive Transplant Institute
o Ongoing living donor kidney chain is now longest ever at
a single site
• Only place in Southeast offering new MRI-ultrasound
fusion technique for targeted biopsy of prostate cancer
Transforming Our Economy
• Birmingham/Hoover economy is in
nation’s top 50 (FY 2013)
o Nearly $60 billion GDP, as productive as
Huntsville, Mobile and Montgomery
• Our region becoming a biotech nexus
with more than 120 biotech firms
• UAB’s R&D key in growing a robust
technology-based economy…..
Transforming Our Economy
• Institute for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship (IIE)
o Spurring innovation, speeding tech transfer
and training entrepreneurs
• Thriving partnership with Southern
Research Institute
o Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance (ADDA)
o Alliance for Innovative Medical Technology
Future IIE/Collat School of Business
Building, corner of University
Boulevard and 13th Street South
• Innovation Depot: 95 companies, $1.25
billion impact over past 5 years
Transforming Communities: Partnership and Empowerment
• Cancer Community Network: 10 associates in
AL, FL, GA, MS and TN
• Equal Access Birmingham Clinic: 620 unique
patient visits since opening in Nov. 2012
• UAB Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center
o Birmingham one of 16 cities world-wide selected
for IBM Smarter Cities Challenge
Transforming Communities: Partnership and Empowerment
• UAB Benevolent Fund had most successful
fundraising year ever: $1.91M
o $1.6M to local nonprofits
 Of that, over $1M to United Way (UAB 5th among top 50 United
Way companies in central AL)
o First recipient of Community Reinvestment Fund grant
($50K): UAB employees voted for Magic City Harvest
 MCH distributes 2M lbs. of perishable food annually via 40 local
charities and will purchase 18 ft. refrigerated truck to distribute
additional 500K lbs. per year
o Built Habitat House in Pratt City neighborhood struck by
April 2011 tornadoes
 Over 425 UAB employees and students volunteered 2,000 hours
from Oct.- Nov. 2014
Transforming Communities: Growing Our Cultural Arts Corridor
• Alys Stephens Center: Attendance of more
than 118,000 in FY14
• AEIVA has hosted about 6,500 visitors in its
first year
• New Institute for Arts in Medicine
• “Neuroplasticity and Healing” symposium
with The Dalai Lama
o Covered by national, international media
o Over 1,000 in attendance, reached 135,000 in 106
countries online
The Campaign for UAB
• Donors recognize UAB’s transformative impact
and are partnering and investing with us
• Since the public phase of the Campaign kicked
off, we have raised over $142M
o In December 2014, we raised over $16.8M, our most
successful December ever
o Followed by one our most successful Januarys ever,
with over $11.2M raised
• UAB is deeply grateful for the support of our
community and the Board of Trustees in this
historic campaign