Entrance Antiphon Ps 94:6-7 O come let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God. LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND First Reading A reading from the book of Job READERS: Sat 14 Sun 15 ROTAS FOR: 14 February and 15 February 2015 6.30pm Mass Duncan Clark 8.30am Mass Peter Bee 10.00am Mass Joe Mc Loone & Paul Read WELCOMERS Sat 14 Sun 15 SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY – SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2015 FiIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME, CYCLE B 1. Praise the Lord for He is good; Sing to our God for He is loving: to Him our Praise is due. (R) 2. The Lord builds up Jerusalem and brings back Israel’s exiles, he heals the broken hearted, he binds up all their wounds. He fixes the number of the stars; He calls each one by its name. (R) Seeds of the Earth: Dominique Living Water: Sally Hartwell 6.30pm Mass 8.30am Mass 10.00am Mass MUSIC: Sun 15 10.00am Mass FLOWERS: ……………………….. Catherine Kennedy LINEN ROTA:……………………... Olga Louth COUNTING:……………………….. Vanessa Wilkins TEA/COFFEE:…………………….. Liz/Linda BULLETIN & PHOTOCOPYING:.. Eileen Nicholson PHOTOCOPYING: ……………….. Catherine Buxton 7:1-4.6-7 Responsorial Psalm Ps 146:1-6, Praise the Lord who heals the broken hearted. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Sat 14 6.30pm Mass Ellen Murphy, Maddie Drew Sun 15 8.30am Mass Sue Strode, Christina Morris 10.00am Mass Gerald Orgu, Stella Orgi, Chris Banks, Sheila Harris CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Church of Our Lady and St Hugh, Moorland Road, Witney OX28 5YA. Parish Priest: Fr. Patrick Broun, 01993 702661 email: ourladysthugh@sky.com www.ourladyandsthugh.org.uk Deacon: Rev. Mr. Frank Ryan 3. Our Lord is great and almighty; His wisdom can never be measured, The Lord raises the lowly; He humbles the wicked to the dust. (R) Scott/Cassidy Bernie Begley Sally-Ann Enright Choir ALL WELCOME Tea and coffee being served after 10am Mass in the Parish Sat 7 Mass 10.00am (Followed by Exposition) Celebrant’s Intention Mass 6.30 pm (for Sunday) People of the Parish Sun 8 Mass 8.30 am Mrs Barbara Palframan Mass 10.00 am Ron Hankin RIP Mon 9 Memorial Mass 2.00pm for Bill O’Sullivan RIP Tues 10 Memorial of St Scholastica, Virgin Mass 7.00 pm (Followed by the Rosary) Celebrant’s Intention Wed 11 Eucharistic Service 9.00 am Day of Prayer for Fr Patrick Broun Thurs 12 Mass 6.00 pm Celebrant’s Intention Fri 13 Mass 9.00 am (Followed by Exposition) Private Intention Sat 14 Feast of St Cyril, Monk & St Methodius Bishop, Patrons of Europe Mass 10.00 am (Followed by Exposition) Celebrant’s Intention Mass 6.30 pm (for Sunday) People of the Parish Sun 15 Mass 8.30 am Don Laws RIP Mass 10.00 am Bea Culhane RIP Second Reading 9:16-19,22-23 A reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians Gospel Acclamation Jn 8:12 Alleluia, alleluia! I am the light of the world says the Lord, anyone who follows me will have the light of life. Alleluia! Gospel 1:29-39 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark. Communion Antiphon Ps 106:8-0 Let them thank the Lord for His mercy, His wonders for the children of men, for He satisfies the thirsty soul and the hungry He fills with good things. NOTICES FOR THE BULLETIN The deadline for notices to be included in the weekly bulletin is Tuesday evening at the latest. All notices should be sent by email to: ourladysthugh@sky.com or given to Father Pat. Thank you. PLEASE TAKE THIS BULLETIN HOME The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No: 234216 Confessions: 10.30-11.00am & 5.30 - 6.00 pm (or by appointment) GOSPEL REFLECTION Today’s Gospel tells how Jesus, early in the morning, found a lovely place to pray. The evening before He had cured many people and it would have seemed the right thing to do to stay and help more people. Also, Jesus would see that He was doing something useful, feeling secure in the knowledge that He was achieving results. Yet, after His time of prayer, Jesus tells His disciples they must leave and move on. He would not know what to expect, or how He would be accepted, or how successful He would be at that early stage in His ministry. He would only have known through His prayer that He was doing His Father’s will and that His Father was with Him. It was to lead to the cross but ultimately new life. Sometimes prayer can be risky. The Lord can use it to call us out of our spiritual comfort zone and move forward even though we have no idea what to expect or where He might lead us. Are we prepared to listen? CTiW UNITED SERVICE I would like to thank all those who were invoved in the Churches Together in Witney Unity Service last Sunday Evening and those who came to support it. A big thank you to all those who preared the refreshments afterwards. It was a great witness and there was some very positive feedback. Over £266 was raised for Bse 33 Many thanks again BILL O’SULLIVAN (O’Malley) Bill O’Sullivan was taken home to Limerick, Ireland and buried near his family. There will be a memorial Mass here on Monday 9 February at 2.00 pm. We extend our sympathy to his family and friends. May he Rest in Peace. BAPTISM PREPARATION Parents wishing to have a child baptised are required to attend a course of preparation. A two-session course is run in the Parish. The next dates will be on 7th & 14th April, 7th & 14th July and 6th & 13th October. Parents are welcome to attend before the birth of their child. Please contact Celia Brown for further details. ALTON CASTLE 2015 The BCYS parish youth group retreat will be held from February 6th-9th 2015. We have 24 young people attending the Alton Castle Retreat, I would ask you to keep them in your prayers. Many thanks SAINT TERESA DAYS 2015 We are celebrating the centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila with a series of 10 days of prayer and reflection. There will be a light lunch but it is necessary to pre book in order to help with the organisation and to have numbers for lunch. All details are on the poster in the parish room. SCHOOL OF THE ANNUNCIATION CENTRE FOR THE NEW EVANGELISATION Come and study at the School of the Annunciation, a centre for the formation of adults where the Catholic Faith is joyfully transmitted in all its beauty, depth and vigour. Distance learning, part-time courses and Summer Schools available in 2015. Please see posters on the notice board in Church. www.schooloftheannunciation.com Telephone: 01364 645 660 200 CLUB Congratulations to the winners of the January draw. 1st prize of £400: Paul Burquest (number 56). 2nd prize of £50: Liz Connolly (number 94). 3rd prize of £50: David Jenkins (number 86). All cheques are available from Fr. Pat. Thank you to everyone who entered. Anyone wishing to join may do so for the February draw. Please contact Liz Pledge Tel:01993 778026 PART TIME JOB VACANCY COMMUNICATIONS AND FUNDRAISING SUPPORT OFFICER An interesting opportunity to work with a flourishing Catholic religious order in Britain. The Dominican Friars are looking for a motivated and able person to assist them in communicating widely their important mission in England and Scotland. providing support to the fundraising activities of their development office. The closing date for applications is 16th February, Full details can be found on the link below.. Read the full Job description PDF File http://english.op.org/latest-news CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WITNEY - DINNER TIME COMES TO WITNEY! An award winning ‘community kitchen’ project which has been hugely successful in other parts of the county is starting a regular series of free events in Witney. Please see the notice board for more details or email dinnertimecag@gmail.com CAFOD The next CAFOD cake and produce stalls are this weekend. Please help the community in Puentecitos by baking or buying. If you would like to host a Lenten Lunch for CAFOD one Friday in Lent please book your day with Yvonne or Paul as it needs to go into the bulletin. The only date booked so far is 20th March. Thank you. CWL CWL meet on Thursday 12th February 1.30pm until 3.30pm. This will be a prayerful meeting using the preparatory prayers for the Women’s World Day of Parayer SVP SVP are collecting obsolete English coins and banknotes. There will be a collecting box for these in the narthex. You can get rid of any you have lying around. Thank you. PARISH RECORDS If you are new to the Parish or did not manage to fill in the last parish census please would you take the time to fill one in. They are at the back of the church with pens and a box to place them in. If you are on the parish census it makes it much easier to process any documents pertaining to the Sacraments. Many thanks. MASS INTENTIONS When asking for Mass Intentions please specify whether or not the person has died by putting RIP or Anniversary Mass. Do remember that Masses for the weekends are taken up very quickly, so please give as much notice as possible. Please also remember to add your telephone number. Thanks. CATHOLIC NEWSPAPERS There is a selection of Catholic Newspapers in the porch on sale every week. The new edition of the Diocesan newspaper Catholic Today is on sale at just 50p per copy There is an article in this edition titled The Perfect Parish that I found interesting and amusing. By the way, in the new year I will be talking about ways to become involved in Parish life so if you do think there are things that could be improved upon or any group you feel could be formed, now will be your time. Who said New Year’s resolutions are dead!!! Fr Pat REMINDERS Sick List – Please could parishioners let Fr Pat or the office know if people need to be added to the sick list and also when they need to be taken off the list. Thanks. In Hospital – If you are in hospital and you would like to see a Priest, you are now required to request to see the Hospital Chaplain. This is due to data protection, the Chaplain will be unaware otherwise that you are in hospital. Please could you also let Fr Pat know if you are aware of anyone who is in hospital.
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