The COURIER February 2015 Volume 58, No. 2 Welcome to the Light Mardi Gras in Longfellow A Longfellow Mardi Gras Celebration Sunday 15 February • 3:00pm Christ Church Lutheran Sanctuary Mardi Gras reception to follow. All are welcome. Experience the Longfellow Jazz Sextet and help homeless youth in our community at the same time. An extraordinary group of jazz musicians—over half of whom are residents of our Longfellow neighborhood—will present music with a Mardi Gras spirit. This pre-Lenten celebration will feature music from the roots of American jazz and new pieces that reflect the spirit of today. The celebration will continue with a post-concert reception for everyone. Admission to this concert is free—but there will be a freewill offering. We hope everyone will give generously so that we can raise lots of money for our partner, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, and their wonderful ministry with homeless youth. There are an estimated 4,000 homeless youth in Minnesota each night—half of whom live in the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan area. Lutheran Social Service’s Metro Homeless Youth Program connects homeless youth to healthy stable relationships and provides a safe place for young people to get back on their feet and plan for a good future. Their continuum of care—including emergency shelter, transitional housing, life skills training and connection with caring adults—provides a path to stability for homeless youth and young adults. Our congregation is involved already in preparing and delivering delicious meals for Safe House, a Lutheran Social Services homeless shelter just across the river from us in St. Paul. Let’s open our hearts and wallets and make an even bigger difference in the lives of these young neighbors—our children all. Members of the Longfellow Jazz Sextet are: Laura Caviani, piano; Bill Simenson, trumpet; Pete Whitman, sax; Pete Enblom, trombone; Bruce Heine, bass; Dave Schmalenberger, drums; with Judi Donaghy Vinar, guest soloist. Bring your friends and come to a great event where you can have a good time and make a difference in our community and in vulnerable young lives. Lent at Christ Church Ash Wednesday Eucharist Worship February 18, 11:30am and 7:00pm Receive the mark of the cross in ashes on your forehead, Christ’s body and blood given for you. Midweek Lenten Worship Show me your ways, O Lord Wednesdays, February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 11:30am Morning Prayer in the Chapel followed by lunch at noon 7:00pm, Evening Vespers in the Chapel preceded by supper at 6:00pm Lenten Vespers Sunday 8 March | 4:30pm The Elm Ensemble & Christ Church Choir On the third Sunday in Lent, we gather in a service of evening prayer to sing a timeless liturgy and hear a performance of Bach’s Cantata 12, Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen. More information on page 7. Christ Church Lutheran Announcements 3244 34th Avenue South Retirees Minneapolis, MN 55406 No regular meeting this month. Come to Lenten midweek service at 11:30am Wednesday 25 February followed by soup lunch. 612.721.6611 A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America A Reconciling in Christ Congregation | A National Historic Landmark Office Hours Monday–Friday 9:00 am–2:00pm Worship Sunday 9:30 am, followed by fellowship Educational forum 11:15am–12:15pm September through June Staff Baptisms Luna Liv Kjome, daughter of Linda Virtanen and Samuel Kjome, was baptized on Sunday 4 January at Christ Church Lutheran. Omer Gordon Kapernick, son of Dan and Jenny Kapernick, was baptized on Sunday 18 January at Christ Church Lutheran. Helping Hands January/February Pastors Pastor Kristine Carlson Pastor Erik Haaland Cantors Pastor Robert Farlee Pastor Martin Seltz Ted Buegel and Amanda Jenkins-Buegel Office Stephanie Okoneski Bob Farlee Facilities Chuck Merrell Courier Editor Josh Messner Council Officers President Bob Victorin-Vangerud Vice President Hilary Gebauer Secretary Pat Baehler Treasurer Colin Watkins Council Members Marcus Nooney Kevin Reuther Luann Skrivseth Will Stark 2 John and Virginia Buegel Donna and Pete Gawreluk Roger and Liz Gomoll Paul Hanson Robyn and Marcus Nooney Rita and Ken Schoenike Cathy Sieving If you are named in the above helping hands chart, please help with Sunday morning coffee fellowship in the form of set up, clean up, or treats. Contact Mary Bode or Joanne Seltz for details. | Finances Update The finance committee wants to provide you with the most current information about our congregation’s finances. In addition to other communications, we will provide a quick report on the state of our operating budget in each issue of The Courier. The 12.31.14 financial reports are not yet finalized but will be available with the annual report. Some very good news: It looks like we will end 2014 with a small surplus, even though our budget plans were very ambitious. And there was a nice surge in member (“envelope”) giving at the very end of December, so that we should come within about $1,200 of what we had so hopefully budgeted for that source of income for the year. Good job, all you donors! as of November 30, 2014 Member Giving/ Envelopes Other Income Total Income Total Expenses Total Surplus (or Deficit) ACTUAL BUDGET (11 mos.) DIFFERENCE $239,333.52 $252,502.25 ($13,168.73) $79,639.42 $69,241.34 $10,398.08 $318,972.94 $321,743.59 ($2,770.65) $322,111.60 $321,742.65 $368.95 ($3,138.66) $0.94 ($3,139.60) Our dear Kay Madson died on Wednesday 21 January at Methodist Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. Our hearts go out to her husband, Greg, and to their children and grandchildren at this great loss. We hold them and all who loved Kay in our prayers now. We gathered to give thanks for Kay’s life and to commend her into the arms of her merciful Savior at a Eucharist worship service on Saturday 31 January at Christ Church. A luncheon reception and program of remembrance followed in the gymnasium, giving us the opportunity to visit with Kay’s family and friends and to share memories of her life with us. Kay had gone to Rochester to begin a clinical trial treatment for her leukemia, diagnosed two and a half years ago. In a conversation with Pastor Carlson just before she died, Kay expressed heartfelt gratitude for the love and prayers of Christ Church that she felt carrying her. Now in our sorrow, we are thankful for the body of Christ here in this place to comfort and carry us; for the assurance that because Christ lives, we too shall live; for the wide embrace of the great cloud of witnesses who surround us; and most of all for the everlasting arms of God on which we will lean mightily in the coming days. 3 From the January Congregation Meeting is inscribed on the altar at the Church of Saint Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco: This man welcomes sinners and eats with them. Second Century Campaign Approved On January 11 of this year we met as a congregation to consider whether to undertake the Second Century Campaign to raise funds for a new organ, some significant building projects, and outreach-focused mission. At that meeting the congregation unanimously agreed to move ahead with the campaign. Council and the capital campaign task force are deeply grateful that the congregation shares this vision for Christ Church Lutheran. A big thank you also goes to the capital campaign task force, who worked diligently and conscientiously to plan this proposal. The resolution that was approved at the meeting stated that: Next we discussed plans for a council retreat on 14 February to help orient new members and to think again about all that is happening in the life of Christ Church Lutheran. Then we discussed how many members to have on the council. We agreed to a council of ten this year rather than twelve, with a plan to reassess this situation in the fall. We decided on liaison responsibilities for the coming year. Council members don’t represent specific groups in the congregation, but instead are liaisons to areas of activity. This involves facilitating communication between the council and groups working in that area. 1. The congregation of Christ Church Lutheran fully and joyfully supports the launch of the Second Century Campaign with a goal to raise $1,550,000 over a three to five year period; 2.The council form a capital campaign committee to direct the campaign within the congregation; 3.The council invite the Friends of Christ Church Lutheran to raise funds toward building preservation projects through general fundraising and grants from sources outside of the congregation. • Worship – Pat Baehler • Congregational Community: Social – Luann Skrivseth • Congregational Community: Education–Marcus Nooney • Outreach: Invitation – Luann Skrivseth • Outreach: Service – Kevin Reuther • Support: Administrative – Hilary Gebauer • Support: Building – Will Stark • Support: Stewardship – Kevin Reuther • Support: Finances – Colin Watkins Next we talked about the remaining money, about $14,000, from the gift Christ Church Lutheran received from Betty J. Anderson. After discussing various options, we decided to take up the question again after the council retreat, where we will spend time discussing priorities and goals. During this discussion we talked about expanding the ministry for children to include a children’s music program. There was universal enthusiasm for this idea and we will hear a specific plan at our February meeting. We hope to raise $500,000 of the $1.55 million total from the congregation and have already received pledges of $300,000 from the leaders of the congregation. That leaves $200,000 to raise. An additional $700,000 is available to the campaign through bequests. The plan is for the remainder to be raised through the Friends of Christ Church Lutheran and grants. Mark Sunday 1 March on your calendar for the official kickoff of the campaign. From the 20 January Council Meeting We heard reports from Pastor Carlson and Pastor Haaland and from various committees and task forces. Many people are doing good work among us. Finally, we voted to replenish the $10,000 visioning fund seed money account for 2015. Members of the congregation with an idea for new initiatives can apply for money from this account. As usual, we adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Pastor Carlson and Pastor Haaland opened the meeting with devotions. They invited us to think about communion and the phrase, “All are welcome.” We discussed what this welcome means to us and recalled experiences related to the communion table and welcome. We contemplated the phrase from the Gospel of Luke that 4 Christ Church Council 2015 Hilary Gebauer, vice president Pat Baehler, secretary Colin Watkins, treasurer Marcus Nooney 5 Around the Congregation New member Betsy Byers welcomes Christ Church friends to her art gallery opening, “Indeterminate Present” in the Kohlman & Pryor Gallery at the Northrup King Building on Saturday 17 January. The exhibit is open through 21 February. Congratulations, Betsy. Cliff drops off and picks up Gladys at the handicap entrance in the alley on Sunday mornings. Improved accessibility is being studied as part of the Second Century Campaign. 2015 COMMUNITY PARTNER Lutheran Summer Music Scholarship Fund Founded in 1981, the Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival (LSM) is a four-week residential training and performance program for gifted high school students. Each summer, LSM brings together over 150 band, orchestra, choir, and keyboard students from the US and abroad in a supportive, intentional community. Students in grades 8–12 live together on a college campus and focus on musical excellence, faith formation, and personal growth. Financing a young musician’s journey to LSM is no small endeavor—tuition for LSM 2014 was $3,195. Last summer, LSM awarded more than $145,000 in need-based assistance and merit-based scholarships to more than 80% of its students. Learn more about this important ministry at Living in Community Mission Series, Part 2 Last October, the mission committee led a forum that sought to identify some of the important issues and needs in our community. As a way of continuing the conversation about these issues— and hoping to discover ways we can reach out and become more involved—the mission committee is providing this series of reflections. One of the most pressing topics that came up at the forum was grief over racial inequality and the effects of racism in our society. Especially in these past months, grief and anger over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner are bringing new urgency to these conversations. At the forum a number of people expressed sadness that our lives are still so segregated. Christ Church Lutheran is located in a diverse neighborhood and city, yet we are a mostly white congregation. And how well do we know our African American neighbors, our Hispanic neighbors, our Native American neighbors? There is grief over this separateness, and there’s even greater grief over the fact that this separateness is often accompanied by inequality. According to one recent study, more than half of US-born African American children in Minneapolis live in poverty. Minneapolis is often cited for its high levels of racial disparities in its public schools. Lately there has been continued on page 7 6 much conversation about the criminal justice system and the racial inequalities embedded in it. The ELCA’s most recent social statement, “The Church and Criminal Justice: Hearing the Cries,” speaks to this directly. (Search online for “ELCA Criminal Justice;” copies are also available at the church.) In the midst of these difficult realities, what is the role of the church? Surely these are issues that our faith calls us to address—yet, how? One organization that we support as a congregation is Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice Partnership. This unique organization seeks to keep young people out of the criminal justice system by offering them ways to “make things right” when they commit a crime, rather than sentencing them to prison. This organization makes a real difference in our community, helping to influence young people who could easily find themselves caught up in cycles of poverty and crime. Another organization that we have supported for many years is Plymouth Christian Youth Center. We often think of them at Christmastime, when we support their children’s gift sale. However, they do remarkable work all year long. Located in North Minneapolis (a part of our city that knows first-hand the effects of racial injustice and inequality), they proclaim this vision: “PCYC is a place of strength, safety and beauty where every young person is looked out for, nurtured and challenged. Youth, adults, families and communities come together to turn back the tides of poverty and violence, embracing hope, compassion and the reality of a better world.” What a beautiful vision! Are there ways we might more fully join them, sharing in this work and vision? And then, what about right here in our own neighborhood and congregation? Are there ways we’re being called to break down the barriers that keep us from knowing and loving our neighbors? Let’s keep talking, and praying. And, as we’re called to do so, let’s also be bold and courageous. Lenten Vespers Sunday 8 March | 4:30pm The Elm Ensemble & Christ Church Choir Paul Westermeyer, guest conductor On the third Sunday in Lent, we gather in a service of evening prayer to sing a timeless liturgy and hear a performance of Bach’s Cantata 12, Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen. Clara Osowski alto | Roy Heilman tenor | Aaron Larson bass The Elm Ensemble performs the music of early Lutheranism in liturgical contexts. Paul Westermeyer is Professor of Church Music Emeritus at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, where he directed the Master of Sacred Music degree program. He was Visiting Professor of Church Music at Yale University’s Institute of Sacred Music and Editor of The Hymn. A freewill offering for the Lutheran Summer Music Scholarship Fund (more on this charity on page 6) will be received during the service. Molly Boes, who worships at Christ Church, works with this wonderful program—a way for us to help make a difference in the lives of talented young people. Paul Westermeyer Clara Osowski Roy Heilman Aaron Larson —Pastor Haaland 7 address deteriorating pavement, utility and drainage concerns, non-motorized accommodations, and storm water quality conditions. The county is designing Minnehaha Avenue to be safer, more livable, and welcoming to all users, while balancing potential impacts to residents and businesses along the corridor. Sections of Minnehaha Avenue will be closed as follows: Longfellow Energy Fair On Saturday 7 February, the environment and transportation committee of the Longfellow Community Council will host a day-long energy fair at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (behind the Lake Street library) featuring more than a dozen speakers—many of whom live or work in the Longfellow/ Seward community—in workshops for homeowners, business owners, and congregations. Topics include: 2015: April–July between 42nd and 46th Streets; July– November between 38th–42nd Streets. • Solar energy options for homes, businesses and congregations • How churches can save on their monthly energy bills 2016: April–July between 34th and 38th Streets; July– November between Lake Street and 34th Street • How business can increase profits with energy efficiency Naming and Claiming Your Strengths • How homeowners can make their home both energy efficient and healthy A Morning Retreat at Christ Church Saturday 21 February 9:00am–12:30pm • Wise energy investments for homeowners and how to avoid falling for energy saving myths Is there anything more satisfying than doing something that you’re proud of, you’re good at, and you enjoy? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could live that way all the time? While that’s not possible all the time, if you haven’t taken time to explore these questions, you may be less likely to know your strengths and be deliberate about using them. • Improving the efficiency of the traditional South Minneapolis fireplace • Natural home cooling techniques • Rethinking transit options to save money and carbon • Weatherization work groups, insulation bulk buying, and other actions communities can take together to reduce heating bills, and more . . . Christ Church is delighted to again sponsor this experience of Dependable Strengths, led by Dick Bruesehoff. Together we’ll explore the gifts and strengths we each have demonstrated in our day-to-day lives. All ages— younger and older—are welcome. All you need to bring is yourself and your own life story. City council members Cam Gordon and Andrew Johnson will talk about the city’s energy future to wrap up the event. The fair begins at 8:30am with bagels and coffee. Keynote at 9am. Lunch is served from 12:30 to 1:30pm with food from the Fireroast Cafe and Gandhi Mahal. Wrap-up session begins at 2:30pm. Program ends at 3:00pm. Breakfast will be provided. For more information, please contact Pastor Haaland. Look for a sign up sheet in the Atrium of the Education Building. The Christ Church sustainability task force recently commissioned an energy audit of our building, and the property committee and project management task force are considering ways to implement its findings and save on energy use. “I participated in the Naming and Claiming our Strengths workshop in May 2014, after I had left a job that had not been going well. Dick created a safe space to remember and tell stories about times when things did go well. Most helpful was the way the reflections and feedback from other participants affirmed qualities I had not previously considered particularly special. And it was really fun to do the same for them.” How do you get to church? A bit of neighborhood news may be helpful to you in the coming months. Reconstruction of Minnehaha Avenue soon will create detours, and we want you to be prepared. Improvements to Minnehaha Avenue are needed to —Rachel Mann 8 Epiphany at Christ Church Clockwise from top right: Pastor Carlson is writing an inscription above the door in chalk, following an old Epiphany tradition and blessing the church in the New Year; parents, pastors, and friends lead a blessing of various parts of the sanctuary with our children; Pastor Haaland and Michael Jefferis leading the liturgy of blessing, thuribles in hand; shining and showing forth Epiphany stars from the pulpit. 9 Upcoming Educational Forums Sundays 11:15am Lectionary Readings February 2015 Sunday 1 February Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Sunday 8 February Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Sunday 15 February Transfiguration of Our Lord 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Wednesday 18 February Ash Wednesday Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 or Isaiah 58:1-12 Psalm 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20b—6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Sunday 22 February First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 1 February “Je Suis Michael Brown:” Thinking about Paris and Ferguson Marty Stortz The events in Paris echo incidents in this country highlighting issues of segregation, poverty, and discrimination. Political pundits on the right and left have weighed in, but what does a distinctively Christian, even Lutheran, lens reveal? We will try to sort through some of these recent events in light of church teachings and gospel insights. Marty Stortz is Bernhard M. Christensen Professor of Religion at Augsburg College, a position she has held since 2010. Prior to that she was in theological education at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. 8 February Overview of the Gospel of John Pastor Carlson This year our Sunday morning readings primarily follow the Gospel of Mark. However, in this “Lectionary Year B” we also hear quite a bit from the Gospel of John. We began this year with an overview of Mark’s Gospel. Now we continue Editor Wanted February Birthdays The communication committee is seeking an editor for The Courier, a monthly communication of our rich life together at Christ Church Lutheran. Familiarity with InDesign is helpful. If you are considering this volunteer position, contact Pastor Carlson. 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/11 Alan Ebel Saige Wyatt Amy Sampson Cathy Polsfuss Simeon Messner Noah Niermann Lee Schuett Sharon Mueller Alexander Jenkins-Buegel 10 with an introduction to the Gospel of John. Pastor Carlson leads this overview, which will help us to hear these many readings from John. 15 February The Discipline of Lent Pastor Haaland On Ash Wednesday, 18 February, the season of Lent begins. This is a forty-day period of preparation for the church’s yearly celebration of Holy Week and Easter. Historically, this has been a period of engaging in what our Ash Wednesday liturgy calls the “Discipline of Lent—self-examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love.” Together we explore these practices and seek ways of living them out in our time. 22 February Annual Meeting After coffee and fellowship, join us in the sanctuary for the annual meeting. We will receive official 2014 reports, welcome new council members, and conduct any new congregational business. 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/18 2/22 2/23 2/26 David Kutzbach Gary Gustafson Leonard Rabe Jane Buckley-Farlee Henry Painter Robert Buckley Farlee Bob Victorin-Vangerud 11 12 Sarah Brunsvold Lucille Buelow March 1 February 22 Phyllis Mattill Donna Gawreluk Jan Radloff Jan Radloff Sarah Brunsvold Simo Sarkanen Phyllis Mattill Jan Radloff Donna Gawreluk Lucille Buelow Jason Bergquist Jason Bergquist 7:00 pm Pat Baehler Chuck Merrell 11:30 am Mary Bode Phyllis Mattill Phyllis Mattill Simo Sarkanen Donna Gawreluk Jason Bergquist ASH WEDNESDAY - February 18 February 15 Phyllis Mattill Pat Baehler Donna Gawreluk Lucille Buelow February 8 Phyllis Mattill Jason Bergquist February 1 Acolytes Assisting Ministers Date Volunteer Schedule Clayton Smith Max Herzberg Lynn Larson Phyllis Mattill Daniel Holmgren DeAne Lagerquist Sarah Brunsvold Lectors Gary Wahlstrom Dan Mueller Dawn Dankers Bob Davis Bob Davis Michael Jefferis Dick Thompson Dave Kutzbach Jeff Weispfenning Gary Skrivseth Dick Thompson Gary Wahlstrom Head Ushers Dick Bruesehoff Naomi Bruesehoff Kevin Olsen Will Stark Samantha, Chloe Rice Bob & Ute Swenson Mary Bode Luann Skrivseth Kevin Olsen Will Stark Greeters Sunday Worship Services - 9:30 a.m. Melody Pauling DeAne Lagerquist Pr. Carlson Pr. Carlson Pat Baehler Jonathan Stensland Paul Hanson Prayer Writers
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