Weekly Calendar and Advisory Board Vacancies Feb. 8 – Feb. 14, 2015 • Board of County Commissioners – Feb. 10, 9 a.m., Commission Chamber, Robert L. Anderson Administration Center, 4000 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice. Call 941-861-5344 – LIVE TV and Webcast • Board of County Commissioners – Feb. 11, 9 a.m., Commission Chamber, First Floor, Administration Center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota. Call 941-861-5344 – LIVE TV and Webcast • Community Action Agency Board – Feb. 12, 4:30 p.m., Room 226, William L. Little Health & Human Services Center, 2200 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota. Call 941-861-2576 • Englewood Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Advisory Board – Feb. 9, 1 p.m., Buchan Airport Community Park, 1394 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood. Call 941-473-9795 • Historical Commission Administrative Committee – Feb. 11, 3:30 p.m., Historical Resources, 6062 Porter Way, Sarasota. Call 941-861-6090 • Historical Commission Marker Committee – Feb. 11, 3:30 p.m., Historical Resources, 6062 Porter Way, Sarasota. Call 941-861-6090 • Historical Commission – Feb. 11, 4:30 p.m., Historical Resources, 6062 Porter Way, Sarasota. Call 941-8616090 • Integrated Pest Management Advisory Board – Feb. 9, 3:30 p.m., Mosquito Management Services, 5531 Pinkney Ave., Sarasota. Call 941-861-9728 • Keep Sarasota County Beautiful Advisory Board – Feb. 11, 5 p.m., Bee Ridge Chemical Collection Center, 8750 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota. Call 941-861-5399 • Keep Sarasota County Beautiful Volunteer Recognition Awards Subcommittee – Feb. 11, 4 p.m., Chemical Collection Center, 8750 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota. Call 941-861-5399 • Laurel, Osprey, Venice, Nokomis Community Health Action Team (LOVN CHAT) – Feb. 13, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Venice Library, 300 S. Nokomis St., Venice. Call 941-861-2779 • North Port Community Health Action Team (North Port CHAT) – Feb. 11, 4:30-5:30 p.m., North Port Police Station, 4980 City Hall Blvd., North Port. Call 941-861-2998 • Sarasota Soil & Water Conservation District – Feb. 12, 9 a.m., Conference Room, Manasota Service Center, 6942 Professional Parkway East, Sarasota. Call 941-907-0011 • Sarasota Tree Advisory Council – Feb. 12, 3 p.m., A/B Conference Room, Second Floor, Administration Center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota. Call 941-861-0673 1 ADVISORY COUNCIL VACANCIES Advisory Council applicants must be Sarasota County residents and, if appointed, must maintain residency throughout their term. Members serve in an advisory capacity without compensation, may not be employed by Sarasota County Government and may not hold elected office (except where required by the council’s governing documents). New members must attend Orientation within six months of appointment; must attend at least 65% of scheduled meetings; and must agree to use a County-provided email account for all advisory council correspondence (Resolution No. 2009-025). For more information or to apply, visit https://www.scgov.net/AdvisoryBoards Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Four Purpose: To hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the Building Official and consider variances from the technical codes, pursuant to Sarasota County Ordinance 2000-053, § 54-519. Requirements: Must have knowledge and experience in the technical codes such as architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, licensed contractors, and the building industry. Financial disclosure required. Term: Three years Meetings: Monthly, only if there is an appeal scheduled Information: Planning and Development Services, Cheryl Swenney, 941-861-6637 Email: cswenney@scgov.net Citizen Tax Oversight Committee Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: (1) At-Large Vacancy Purpose: Committee to conduct an annual review of the expenditures made by the Sarasota County Commission from the proceeds of the Infrastructure Sales Tax and to review any changes made by the Board to the infrastructure projects or to the allocation of sales tax proceeds as set forth in Ordinance No. 97-083, as amended. Requirements: One member shall be appointed from each district by the County Commissioner representing that district and four At-Large members shall be appointed by majority vote of the Sarasota County Commission. Term: Four years Meetings: The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairman. Information: Office of Financial Management, Kim Backus, 941-861-5071 Email: kbackus@scgov.net Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: One Purpose: To review, advise, and make recommendations to the Sarasota County Commission on matters pertaining to: development/implementation of long-term beach erosion control programs; planning/prioritization of capital improvement programs related to coastal issues; coordination with regional/state-wide groups; the State of Florida Beach Erosion Control Program; general navigation and coastal management projects; coastal zone management, policies, and construction; and innovative proposals by the public and County Staff. Requirements: A background in coastal engineering, coastal geology, coastal zone management, or similar related field is required. Must be familiar with coastal processes, inlet dynamics, and the Sarasota County Gulf of Mexico shoreline and associated inlets. Familiarity with local, state, and federal government coastal management programs is preferred. 2 Term: Three years Meetings: Every other month, Administration Center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota Information: Environmental Protection Division, Luana Guio, 941-861-0673 Email: lguio@scgov.net Development Services Advisory Committee Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Two: One licensed Residential Contractor; one Land Developer Purpose: To provide liaison between the County and the building and construction industry, review and advise the County on industry permit fees and the permitting process. Requirements: Must have knowledge and experience in the technical codes such as Architects, Engineers, Planners, Environmental Specialists, Licensed Contractors, and the Building Industry. Term: Three years Meetings: Third Wednesday, every other month Information: Planning and Development Services, Cheryl Swenney, 941-861-6637 Email: cswenney@scgov.net Fire-Rescue and Emergency Medical Services District Advisory Board Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: One: One resident of Englewood-Fire Control District; Purpose: To review the business of the respective assessment or taxing districts and to make recommendations to the Board concerning acquisition of property, capital improvements and operations and maintenance with the district, as well as, to make such studies as necessary and to recommend and request such services and facilities as deemed necessary to the residents of the respective district. Requirements: Cannot live in Town of Longboat Key or City of North Port Term: Two years Meetings: Not less than two times a year, no more than 4 times a year Information: Emergency Services, Karen Beisler, 941-861-5473 Email: kbeisler@scgov.net General Contractors Licensing & Examining Board Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Five: One Architect, one Engineer (Structural or Civil); one General Contractor; two Citizens At Large (Consumer Representatives) Purpose: Examine applications and qualifications for general, building, residential, roofing, pool/spa, and specialty contractors doing business in the county, conduct disciplinary hearings, and perform other related functions pursuant to Ordinance No. 2002-079. Recommend to the director various construction industry trades that require a contractor in a particular field to secure a Certificate of Competency by examination, and the requirements to pass said examination. Examine all applications and determine applicants' qualifications as to their familiarity with the rules, regulations, and technical codes pertaining to that particular trade. Investigate their character, experience, financial responsibility and fitness prior to examination. Term: Three years Meetings: Third Thursday of each month, Sarasota County Operations Center, 1001 Sarasota Center Blvd., Sarasota Information: Planning & Development Services, Amy Hager, 941-861-5214 Email: ahager@scgov.net Historical Commission Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: One 3 Purpose: Advise the Sarasota County Commission regarding (a) the acceptance of grants and donations, (b) the marking of historic sites with county historical markers, (c) the History Center’s annual budget, and (d) historical material and data. Term: Four years Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Information: Historical Resources, Deb Gehringer, 941-861-6881 Email: dgehring@scgov.net Human Services Advisory Council Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Three: Two Citizens–At-Large; One Health Professional Purpose: Provide a conduit for citizen input to the Sarasota County Commission regarding the Contracted Human Services Program and to provide advice and make recommendations to the Board on human services policy. Term: Three years Meetings: Last Friday of each month (subject to change) Information: Health & Human Services, Claire Alexander, 941-861-2882 Email: calexand@scgov.net Integrated Pest Management Advisory Council Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Three: One Medical profession; one Homeowner/Community Association; one Agriculture/Nursery Industry Purpose: Advise and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners and the County IPM Coordinator on matters pertaining to sound, environmentally safe pest management practices. Requirements: Can be a member of a Homeowner/Community Association, or have experience in the Agriculture/Nursery Industry or the Medical profession industry. Term: Three years Meetings: Second Monday of even-numbered months from 3:30-5 p.m. Information: Health & Human Services, Nathan Blythe, 941-861-9728 Email: nblythe@scgov.net Keep Sarasota County Beautiful Advisory Board (KSCBAB) Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Three Purpose: To work with the KSCB Program Coordinator to organize, review and implement countywide education and litter control programs, and advise and make recommendations to the Sarasota County Commission regarding such programs. Term: Three years Meetings: Second Wednesday of January, February, March, April, August and October. No meetings in May, June, July, September, November and December Information: Public Utilities, Wendi Crisp, 941-861-5399 Email: wcrisp@scgov.net Mechanical Contractors Licensing & Examining Board Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Five: One Architect; one Master Electrician; one Trade Alternate; two Citizens At-Large (Consumer Representatives) Purpose: Examine applications and qualifications concerning electrical, plumbing, mechanical, contractors and specialty contractors doing business in the county, conduct disciplinary hearings and perform other related functions pursuant to Ordinance No. 2002-079. Recommend to the director various construction industry trades that require a contractor in a particular field to secure a Certificate of Competency by examination, and the 4 requirements to pass said examination. Examine all applications and determine applicants' qualifications as to their familiarity with the rules, regulations, and technical codes pertaining to that particular trade. Investigate their character, experience, financial responsibility and fitness prior to examination. Term: Three years Meetings: First Thursday of each month, Planning & Development Services, Sarasota County Operations Center, 1001 Sarasota Center Blvd., Sarasota Information: Planning & Development Services, Amy Hager, 941-861-5214 Email: ahager@scgov.net Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizens Advisory Committee (MPOCAC) Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: One: Sarasota County citizen representing the disabled Purpose: Serves as a review and advisory board to the Metropolitan Planning Organization in the comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing transportation planning process. Term: Three years Meetings: Eight times a year, first Thursday of the months in which the MPO meets, 6 p.m., MPO office, 7632 15th Street East, Sarasota Information: Administration, Robin Bayus, 941-861-5727 Email: rbayus@scgov.net Parks Advisory and Recreation Council (PARC) Application Closing Date: Feb. 13, 2015 Vacancies: One: Member with background and experience in Real Estate or Business Purpose: Make recommendations to the Sarasota County Commission concerning issues related to parks, beaches, recreation and the acquisition and use of neighborhood parkland. Term: Three years Meetings: First Thursday of every other month Information: Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources, Brenda Fisher, 941-861-0990 Email: bsfisher@scgov.net Planning Commission Application Closing Date: Feb.13, 2015 Vacancies: One Purpose: Planning Commission, as the Local Planning Agency, is obligated to interpret and advise the Sarasota County Commission on the adoption and the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan as well as land use applications filed pursuant to state statute or existing county ordinances. Requirements: Sarasota County resident for two years. Financial disclosure required. Term: Four years Meetings: First and third Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m., special meetings as needed Information: Planning and Development Services, Paula Clintsman, 941-861-5154 Email: pclintsm@scgov.net Public Facilities Financing Advisory Board (PFFAB) Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Five: One Civic Organization representative, Two Building and Construction Industry; Two Financial Professional Purpose: To advise and make recommendations to the Sarasota County Commission on impact fees, other funding sources, the fiscal impacts of levels of service and other issues relating to the provision and financing of public facilities. Term: Three years 5 Meetings: Second Wednesday afternoon every other month, or on an as-needed basis, special meetings as needed Information: Planning & Development Services, Tyson Quire, 941-861-0826. Email: tquire@scgov.net Sarasota Tree Advisory Council Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: Six Purpose: To advise the Sarasota County Commission on tree, green infrastructure and urban forestry matters, including strategic plans, design, regulation and policy. Term: Three years Meetings: Second Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. Information: Environmental Protection Division, Luana Guio, 941-861-0673 Email: lguio@scgov.net Waterways Advisory Council Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: One Purpose: To provide a conduit for citizen input to the Waterways Program Manager and the Governing Body and to make recommendations and provide advice. Requirements: All members shall be property owners and residents within the Program Unit. No member shall be a vendor of county goods and/or services. Term: Three years Meetings: Quarterly Information: Public Utilities, Paul Semenec, 941-232-5541 Email: psemenec@scgov.net Well Drilling Advisory Board Application Closing Date: Open Until Filled Vacancies: One licensed groundwater geologist or licensed engineer with five (5) years training and experience in hydrogeology. Purpose: Advisory Board for the Well Drilling Community’s Voice. Term: Three years Meetings: Quarterly Information: Health & Human Services, Maria Ream, 941-861-6133 Email: Maria.Ream@flhealth.gov Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, marital status, familial status, religion, or genetic information. Persons with disabilities who require assistance or alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.), or who wish to file a complaint, should contact: Sarasota County ADA/ Civil Rights Coordinator, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, Florida 34236, Phone: 941-8615000, TTY: 7-1-1 or 1-800-955-8771. Email: adacoordinator@scgov.net 6 AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS February 10, 2015 Page 1 9:00 a.m. ROBERT L. ANDERSON ADMINISTRATION CENTER 4000 SOUTH TAMIAMI TRAIL COMMISSION CHAMBER VENICE, FLORIDA Carolyn J. Mason, Chair, District 1 Alan Maio, Vice Chairman, District 4 Paul Caragiulo, District 2 Christine Robinson, District 3 Charles D. Hines, District 5 INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Hines NOTE: Discussion items scheduled in the afternoon may be moved to the morning at the discretion of the Board. Unfinished items may be carried over to tomorrow’s agenda. 1. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - (Three-minute time limit per person.) Persons desiring to comment on items under the Public Hearings Section of the agenda are directed to complete a Request to Speak card for that item and present comments during the specified public hearing. Persons desiring to comment before the Board on other items are directed to complete a Request to Speak card, including the number of the agenda item or topic to be addressed, and present comments during Open to the Public. CONSENT SECTION: All matters listed under the Consent Section are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by a Commissioner, the item(s) will be considered at the end of the Consent Section. 2. A. B. ADMINISTRATION To ratify the previously issued proclamations as follows: Suncoast Chapter National Railway Historical Society Day - January 31, 2015; Sarasota Highland Games and Celtic Festival Day - January 31, 2015. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT To adopt a resolution amending the Economic Development Incentive Guidelines to include due diligence requirements when approving a pre-performance lump-sum grant; and repealing Resolution No. 2012-114. 4. A. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT To approve a resolution, Budget Amendment No. B2015-021, amending the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget to appropriate the Grant-in-Aid funding to Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Inc. in the amount of $100,000.00; To approve a Financial Incentive Agreement with Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Inc. to assist CareerEdge Funders Collaborative in expanding the application of its training model to the healthcare and manufacturing sectors and applying its model to the information technology/computer science and transportation/warehousing sectors. B. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 5. A. B. Page 2 EMERGENCY SERVICES To approve Amendment No. 3 to Contract No. 2014-143 with Willis A. Smith Construction, Inc. for construction of Fire Station 12 (Bee Ridge), for the guaranteed maximum price of $3,773,468.00; To approve a land lease with Church of the Palms Presbyterian, Inc. for up to 24 months during construction of Fire Station 12 (Bee Ridge), in the amount of $2,030.00 per month. 6. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY To authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to approve individual purchases with the State of Florida Department of Management Services to provide local phone service to selected County facilities, in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 per fiscal year. 7. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY To authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to approve individual purchases with Verizon Florida LLC to provide networking connectivity and phone services, in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 per fiscal year. 8. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY To authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to approve individual purchases with Comcast of Florida I, Inc. to provide networking connectivity, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 per fiscal year. 9. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY To authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to approve individual purchases with Level 3 Communications, LLC to provide telecommunications and networking connectivity, in a cumulative amount not to exceed $450,000.00 per fiscal year. 10. A. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES To confirm the appointment of Melissa Yavalar to fill an unexpired three-year term on the Integrated Pest Management Advisory Board as the School Board Facilities Maintenance Management representative, effective through April 2015, and an additional three-year term, effective through April 2018; To appoint Betsy Roberts to serve a three-year term on the Integrated Pest Management Advisory Board as the Medical Profession representative, effective through January 2018. B. 11. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES To appoint Wendy Namack to serve a three-year term on the Seniors Advisory Council as the Business and/or Professional with an Interest in Serving Elders representative, effective through July 2018. 12. OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT To approve referral of the conduit financing request submitted by Plymouth Harbor, Inc. to the Sarasota County Health Facilities Authority and Industrial Development Revenue Bond Citizens Advisory Committee for further review and recommendation, regarding the financing of new construction and improvements to Plymouth Harbor, Inc.’s existing continuing care retirement community, in the approximate amount of $26,000,000.00, and to authorize the Chair to execute the Expense and Indemnity Agreement. 13. PUBLIC UTILITIES To approve a credit balance refund for Frederick Bouillerce, for monthly sewer charges paid for 4852 Featherbed Lane, Sarasota, totaling $1,740.33. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 14. A. B. 15. A. B. 16. A. B. Page 3 PUBLIC UTILITIES To approve the modification of Consent Order No. 90-1139 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, relating to the former 17th Street Landfill; To grant a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant on the former 17th Street Landfill site, imposing limitations on the use of groundwater and modifications to the stormwater management system. PUBLIC UTILITIES To approve a cooperative funding agreement with the Southwest Florida Water Management District for the Dona Bay Conveyance System (Cow Pen Slough Weir Structure), in an amount not to exceed $6,250,000.00; To adopt a resolution, Budget Amendment No. B2015-019, amending the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget to appropriate the funding for the Dona Bay Conveyance System, in the amount of $6,250,000.00. PUBLIC UTILITIES To approve a grant agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the Dona Bay watershed restoration, in the amount of $650,000.00; To adopt a resolution, Budget Amendment No. B2015-017, amending the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget to appropriate the funding for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection grant for the Dona Bay watershed restoration, in the amount of $650,000.00. 17. PUBLIC UTILITIES To authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to approve a purchase with Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC for the installation of cable infrastructure at the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex, in an amount not to exceed $103,000.00. 18. A. PUBLIC WORKS To adopt a resolution approving Plat Vacation Petition No. PV14-11, to vacate, abandon, discontinue, and close the County’s interest in a platted temporary emergency access, drainage and utility easement within Sarasota National Phase 1A subdivision; To grant a release of easement for temporary emergency access, recorded as Instrument No. 2007034697; To accept a proposed emergency access easement. B. C. 19. PUBLIC WORKS To grant Permanent Access Easements (Parcels 100.08, 102.08, 104.08, 106.08, 204.08 and 206.08), Permanent Non-Exclusive Utility Easements (Parcels 100.09, 102.09, 104.09, 106.09, 200.09, 204.09A, and 204.09C), and a Permanent Exclusive Utility Easement (Parcel 204.09B), to the Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, for the Regional Integrated Loop System. 20. PUBLIC WORKS To approve an agreement for professional services with Fawley Bryant Architects, Inc. to provide full-scope architectural and engineering design services for The Mid-County Tax Collector Office project, in the amount of $351,180.00. 21. PUBLIC WORKS To appoint Cherie McKeon to serve a three-year term on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, Trails Advisory Committee as the City of Sarasota representative, effective through March 2018. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 4 22. PUBLIC WORKS To terminate the Wildflower Planting Pilot Program project on Fruitville Road at Interstate 75. 23. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COUNTY COMPTROLLER To ratify and approve the warrants dated January 19 through January 30, 2015, in the amount of $22,705,186.22, as detailed in the voucher packets filed in the Finance Department. 24. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COUNTY COMPTROLLER To approve the minutes of the meetings dated January 27 and January 28, 2015. DISCUSSION SECTION: 25. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES To appoint one individual to fill an unexpired three-year term on the Englewood Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Board, effective through July 2016. 26. PUBLIC WORKS (Note: Public comments will be considered.) To adopt a resolution prohibiting parking on both sides of Manasota Key Road, from Manasota Beach Road to 250 feet north of Manasota Beach Road. (Traffic Advisory Council recommended approval.) PUBLIC HEARINGS: THE SARASOTA COUNTY CHARTER REQUIRES THAT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS SHALL BE UNDER OATH. PERSONS PRESENTING EVIDENCE AND/OR TESTIMONY ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AND SIGN THE REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD. 27. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt a resolution approving Land Development Regulations Variance Request No. 14-154056-DV, to allow a three-year time extension for the construction of sidewalks for Blackburn Ridge subdivision, located on Bayshore Road, Nokomis. 28. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt Ordinance No. 2015-002, approving Rezone Petition No. 14-34 for property located west of Knights Trail Road and north of Rustic Road, from OUR, OUC and GU with stipulations to GU with amended stipulations. (Planning Commission recommended approval.) REPORTS SECTION: 29. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COUNTY COMPTROLLER Filed for Record list. 30. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Discussion regarding the Florida Association of Counties 2015 Legislative Day being held on March 26, 2015. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 5 31. COUNTY ATTORNEY Final Plat approval for Sarasota National, Phase 2B. 32. COMMISSIONER CARAGIULO 33. COMMISSIONER ROBINSON Discussion and possible action on Florida House Institute request for reinstatement of funds previously allocated. 34. COMMISSIONER MAIO 35. COMMISSIONER HINES 36. CHAIR MASON 37. ADMINISTRATION Outstanding Board Assignments. 38. ADMINISTRATION Review of Board Meeting Schedule. 1:30 p.m. 39. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - (Three-minute time limit per person.) Persons desiring to comment on items under the Public Hearings Section of the agenda are directed to complete a Request to Speak card for that item and present comments during the specified public hearing. Persons desiring to comment before the Board on other items are directed to complete a Request to Speak card, including the number of the agenda item or topic to be addressed, and present comments during Open to the Public. Discussion items scheduled in the afternoon may be moved to the morning at the discretion of the Board. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) THE SARASOTA COUNTY CHARTER REQUIRES THAT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS SHALL BE UNDER OATH. PERSONS PRESENTING EVIDENCE AND/OR TESTIMONY ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AND SIGN THE REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD. 40. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt Ordinance No. 2014-103, to terminate the Boca Royale Community Development District. 41. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt Ordinance No. 2015-001, approving Rezone Petition No. 14-26 for property located at the northeast and southeast quadrants of Englewood Road and Bellagio Boulevard, from OUE-2 to RSF-4/PUD. (Planning Commission recommended approval.) 42. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt Ordinance No. 2014-106, approving Rezone Petition No. 14-24 for property located east of Pine Street and south of Morningside Drive, Englewood, from AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUE-1 to RSF-1. (Planning Commission recommended approval.) Page 6 AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 7 43. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - (Three-minute time limit per person.) Persons desiring to comment on items under the Public Hearings Section of the agenda are directed to complete a Request to Speak card for that item and present comments during the specified public hearing. Persons desiring to comment before the Board on other items are directed to complete a Request to Speak card, including the number of the agenda item or topic to be addressed, and present comments during Open to the Public. 44. OTHER BUSINESS NOTE: Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, marital status, familial status, religion, or genetic information. Persons with disabilities who require assistance or alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.), or who wish to file a complaint, should contact: Sarasota County Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Civil Rights Coordinator, 1660 Ringling Boulevard, Sarasota, Florida 34236, Phone: 941-861-5000, Teletype (TTY): 7-1-1 or 1-800-955-8771. Email: adacoordinator@scgov.net. Persons needing assistance are asked to provide notice as soon as practicable in advance of the event to allow time to accommodate the request. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS February 11, 2015 Page 1 9:00 a.m. SARASOTA COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER 1660 RINGLING BOULEVARD COMMISSION CHAMBER SARASOTA, FLORIDA Carolyn J. Mason, Chair, District 1 Alan Maio, Vice Chairman, District 4 Paul Caragiulo, District 2 Christine Robinson, District 3 Charles D. Hines, District 5 INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Caragiulo PROCLAMATIONS: Children First Head Start Awareness Month - February 2015 NOTE: Discussion items scheduled in the afternoon may be moved to the morning at the discretion of the Board. This meeting may include items that were deferred from yesterday’s Board of County Commissioners meeting. 1. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - (Three-minute time limit per person.) Persons desiring to comment on items under the Public Hearings Section of the agenda are directed to complete a Request to Speak card for that item and present comments during the specified public hearing. Persons desiring to comment before the Board on other items are directed to complete a Request to Speak card, including the number of the agenda item or topic to be addressed, and present comments during Open to the Public. DISCUSSION SECTION: 2. SARASOTA COUNTY AREA TRANSIT Presentation of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Public Transportation Annual Report. 3. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Presentation of the Integrated Pest Management Advisory Board Annual Report. 4. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT To certify that PGT Industries, Inc. is eligible to receive incentives under the Sustainable Energy Economic District (SEED) incentive program, certify maximum incentives to PGT for building materials and jobs credit in the amounts of $10,000.00 and $290,000.00, respectively, and to authorize the Chair to sign the certification form. 5. PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES To approve a consulting services agreement with Toole Design Group, LLC for the Sarasota County Parks, Preserves and Recreation Master Plan Project, in an amount not to exceed $299,800.00. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 6. Page 2 PUBLIC WORKS Update on the right-of-way mowing and median maintenance program. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THE SARASOTA COUNTY CHARTER REQUIRES THAT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS SHALL BE UNDER OATH. PERSONS PRESENTING EVIDENCE AND/OR TESTIMONY ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AND SIGN THE REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD. 7. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt a resolution approving Land Development Regulations Variance Request No. 14-163869-DV, to extend the time within which construction must commence to maintain construction plan approval for the Palos Verdes subdivision, located at 4223 South Shade Avenue, Sarasota. 8. PUBLIC WORKS (Public hearing) To adopt a resolution, declaring a Notice of Intent to use the uniform method for the levy, collection and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments within the Lyons Bay - Sunaire Estil Navigable Waterway Maintenance Project Unit boundary. 2:00 p.m. 9. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - (Three-minute time limit per person.) Persons desiring to comment on items under the Public Hearings Section of the agenda are directed to complete a Request to Speak card for that item and present comments during the specified public hearing. Persons desiring to comment before the Board on other items are directed to complete a Request to Speak card, including the number of the agenda item or topic to be addressed, and present comments during Open to the Public. Discussion items scheduled in the afternoon may be moved to the morning at the discretion of the Board. DISCUSSION SECTION: (Continued) 10. PUBLIC UTILITIES Update and discussion on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map revisions. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) THE SARASOTA COUNTY CHARTER REQUIRES THAT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS SHALL BE UNDER OATH. PERSONS PRESENTING EVIDENCE AND/OR TESTIMONY ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AND SIGN THE REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD. 11. A. B. C. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (Public hearing) To adopt Ordinance No. 2014-105, amending Sections 54-111, 54-116, and 54-118 of the County Code, relating to Findings of Fact, Open Burning, and Territorial Applicability; (Public hearing) To adopt a resolution establishing civil penalties for violations of Section 54-116 of the County Code, relating to open burning; (Not a public hearing) Land Development Regulation Commission to find Ordinance No. 2014-105 to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (Must be done prior to the adoption of A.) AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 3 12. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - (Three-minute time limit per person.) Persons desiring to comment on items under the Public Hearings Section of the agenda are directed to complete a Request to Speak card for that item and present comments during the specified public hearing. Persons desiring to comment before the Board on other items are directed to complete a Request to Speak card, including the number of the agenda item or topic to be addressed, and present comments during Open to the Public. 13. OTHER BUSINESS NOTE: Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, marital status, familial status, religion, or genetic information. Persons with disabilities who require assistance or alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.), or who wish to file a complaint, should contact: Sarasota County Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Civil Rights Coordinator, 1660 Ringling Boulevard, Sarasota, Florida 34236, Phone: 941-861-5000, Teletype (TTY): 7-1-1 or 1-800-955-8771. Email: adacoordinator@scgov.net. Persons needing assistance are asked to provide notice as soon as practicable in advance of the event to allow time to accommodate the request.
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