Awareness Now: A Four-Day Retreat Exploring Impermanence

Awareness Now:
A Four-Day Retreat Exploring Impermanence
April 15-19, Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas
Awareness Now: A Four-Day Retreat
Exploring Impermanence
Therese Fitzgerald received Dharmacharya
ordination by Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and
Soto Zen priest ordination by Richard Bakerroshi in 1986. She is co-founder of the
Community of Mindful Living, which
developed Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching and
Vietnamese social work base in the U.S.
Together with Maxine Hong Kingston,
Therese helped start the Veterans’ Writing
Group. Therese now lives on Maui, where
she works as a meditation teacher and
Spiritual Care Counselor at Hospice Maui.
Impermanence is inescapable. The Buddha said that
life is like a river, a successive series of moments joined
together to give the impression of continuous flow. The
river of yesterday is not the same as the river of today.
What is real is the existing moment. Each moment is
bursting with love and liberation.
During this retreat, we will practice ways of shining
the light of mindfulness on the truth of impermanence
and being truly alive, moment to moment, with the
keenest awareness possible. Awareness of
impermanence can fuel acting upon our heart’s deepest
desires, yearnings, values, and priorities. There will be
sitting and walking meditation, mindful meals, Dharma
talks and discussion, yoga, and personal interviews with
the teacher.
This retreat, held mostly in silence, is recommended
for both beginning and experienced meditators. There
will be supplementary sessions for beginners.
Camp Mitchell is a beautiful,
serene retreat center located
outside of Morrilton, Arkansas.
Nestled in the Ouachita Mnts.,
the bluffs overlooking the
Arkansas River Valley provide
breathtaking views. It is a place
to take quiet walks and kindle
inspiration in the midst of nature.
For more information contact:
Sue Zimmerman
City: _________________________State:____
Gender:____(for roommate groupings)
Please choose one of the following options:
• ______ Private Room: $430 ($460 after March 27)
• ______Double Room: $330 ($360 after March 27)
Please indicate name(s) of requested
• ______Dorms- $270/person ($300 after March 27)
• ______Camping: $230 ($260 after March 27)
Donation for Scholarships: $_________________
Dana for teacher: $_________________________
Total amount enclosed: $____________________
Food Restrictions: __________________________
DANA: The practice of generosity
A portion of the registration goes toward a
modest honorarium for the teacher; however, we
encourage retreatants to supplement this gift with
individual donations, in the tradition of dana or
generosity. By supporting our teachers, we deepen
our own experience on the path of practice while
helping them to support others.
Please mail this form with your check
payable to: Annee Littell, 517 E. Johnson St,
Fayetteville, AR 72701, by April 3, 2015.
(Form needs to be received by April 3rd.)