15 KENNEDY ROAD PAKENHAM 3810 PHONE 5941 4436 FAX: 5941 4450 5th February Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back! February Pupil Free day Friday 20th Parent teacher welcome meeng Wednesday 25th March Photo day Wednesday 4th District Swimming Wednesday 4th Last Day of TERM 27TH Welcome back to our school community. We hope you all had a very res"ul break and enjoyed spending the precious me with your families. It has been great to walk around the school and see so many students so excited to be back and the students so se'led into their new 2015 classes. We have had a number of staff return to our school and welcome them back. Welcome to Kerri Noy teaching the grade of 1/2N, Tamara Greene sharing grade 1/2I and Kristy Short sharing grades 1/2D and 5/6J.We wish Dale all the best at Bunyip Primary School and Lynelle Broekhoff the best as acng Principal at PHPS. Hats Hats Hats Just a reminder that as a Sun smart school it is compulsory for our students to wear hats in Terms 1 and 4. Please ensure that all hats are clearly labelled so if they are misplaced they can be returned to their righ"ul owners. Bikes and Scooters There have been a couple of incidents over the last couple of years where bikes have been taken from our school whilst in the bike enclosure. We have put procedures in place to lock the bike shed during school mes however as a precauonary measure, if any student has a bike chain or lock at home it is encouraged that they bring these to school to use on their bikes. Pupil Free Day this term Pakenham Hills Primary School are having a Pupil Free Day on Friday 20th February. Staff will be undertaking some professional learning form ACER (Australian Council of Educaonal Research) on how to best assess and plan for student learning. Please put this date on your calendars. Photo Day This day has been set for Wednesday 4th March in the morning. This date means that our Prep students will be in a'endance and we should have all photos including family portraits completed by 1pm. More informaon will follow to be sent home with students. Parent Teacher Welcome Mee-ngs Wednesday 25th February from 3:30pm-8:00pm 2.30 finish Please keep this date and me free. We value the informaon gained from these meengs and expect that all families will meet with teachers. If this date for some reason is not convenient, the teacher will be phoning the parent to arrange another me. In the past we have had a very good a'endance and would like to improve it Chris-na Baker Assistant Principal Lynelle Broekhoff Dale Hendrick Assistant Principal Principal Preps First Day of School! On Friday our 2015 Prep students were welcomed to Pakenham Hills. During the day students in Prep H and Prep O met new people, had a tour of the school and had lots of fun exploring their classrooms. Head Lice Lice do not jump, hop or fly. People become infected by direct contact from one persons head to another. Lice may move onto hats, combs, helmets, hair ties and other surfaces, but must return to a human head to survive within 24 hours. Head lice do not live in carpets, sandpits or on animals. Not everybody will itch so you must look for lice and eggs (nits). Adult head lice are the size of tiny ants and range in colour from skin-tone to dark brown. Head lice have claws on the end of each of their six legs. These claws grasp the hair with such strength that it makes the head lice difficult to dislodge. Nits are the eggs laid by female lice and are the size and colour of a grain of sugar. Heat generated by the body hatches eggs. Eggs are laid very close to the scalp and stick like glue to the hair. They hatch within 7 days. The earlier the lice are identified and treated the less time there is for eggs to hatch. Head lice like anybody with hair! Treatment and Prevention • • • • • • • • • Wet combing technique - firstly apply conditioner to dry hair, this weakens the grip of the lice so they are more easily removed. Comb the hair with a special head lice comb and look for the lice by wiping the comb onto a tissue. This should be repeated 3 times a week for 3 weeks. Chemical treatment - there are a number of different types of head lice treatments available. All have different main ingredients, eg pyrethrins, synthetic pyrethrins, malathion and herbal agents. If a head lice problem continues try a treatment with a different main ingredient. No head lice treatment will kill 100% of the eggs. You must use the treatment 7 days after the first treatment to kill any lice that may have hatched. Removal of eggs must be done following an application of head lice treatment. Eggs can be removed by combing with a special head lice comb or with the fingernails. If eggs are not removed the problem may recur. Lice live on strands of hair but move to the scalp to feed. It is important that all of the hair is completely covered with the head lice treatment and is used according to instructions. Wash combs, brushes, towels, hats and bed linen in detergent and hot water. Lice can be weakened by thoroughly brushing hair morning and night. When injured or weakened, lice have difficulty gripping the hair. Tea tree oil applied to the hair can be used as a preventative measure against infestation. Get into the habit of checking the hair every time it is washed. Daily checking is necessary if there is an outbreak as everybody may not itch. Avoid direct head to head contact with others. Sick Bay is now proudly sponsored by: PharmaSave - Cardinia Lakes Pharmacy Our children & families health is their top priority Open Monday - Friday 9am - 8pm Saturday 9am – 5pm Sunday 10am – 4pm 5940 5218 NOTE FROM SICK BAY The Sick Bay is a very important part of the school. I am on hand to comfort the injured and unwell, assist with medicaon, and of course I am available for parents should they have any concerns regarding their child in this area. I would like to remind parents that any forms regarding their child’s health and /or medicaon should be returned to the school promptly. This would be greatly appreciated as it assists me to manage your child’s individual needs. The warm weather is upon us. We do ask that children wear their hats outside. We also encourage parents to put a change of clothes in school bags for the junior classes. This helps us to care for your child if accidents occur! Unfortunately, we o@en do not have enough spare clothes in the Sick Bay to change students if these accidents occur and then parents need to be contacted. If your child comes home with a spare change of clothes from Sick Bay, could we please have them returned to school washed as soon as possible? As supplies are limited and they will be needed for other students to borrow. As an Asthma Friendly school we encourage all students to carry their reliever puffers with them if they are able to use their Ventolin and are aware of the correct procedures. I am quite happy to have them stored in Sick Bay and to assist your child with the administering of the medicaon. Any student who requires assistance is very welcome to come to me for help. Please ensure that if your child has asthma, no ma'er how mild, that they have an Asthma Management Plan completed and up to date. You must send wri<en authoriza-on with any medica-on that is required during school hours. All medicaon is to come to school in original packaging. Under the department guidelines we can't administer medicaon that is not in the original packaging. Prepared forms are available at the front office. NO medicaons other than asthma puffers are permi'ed in the child’s school bag. They are to be handed to the office or the sick bay for safe keeping, and can be collected at the end of the day if required. Parents please take the me to name your child’s belongings, so that we can return them. Please remind your child that if they take off their jumper etc, to put them straight into their bags. If you are collecng your child from the classroom or A@er School Care please take the me to check that they have their jumpers, jackets, hats etc. We appreciate your co-operaon in this ma'er. Please also ensure that all current phone numbers are up to date. This is very important. When a child is feeling unwell or has been injured we need to be able to contact their parents as quickly as possible. Some students become quite distressed if we cannot contact anyone and they have to remain in sick bay. It can be a very long day for them, especially if they are unwell. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. The best place for them is at home. If you have any concerns please feel free to call in or phone me. Kind Regards, Rosina Rudd First aid Co-ordinator
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