llege o C n a r e h s Lut Good New ghes u H n o im S r Principal, M Term FOUR Week 3 Thursday 23 October 2014 Calendar Dates Students Enjoying ‘Jumping Rope For Heart’ Activities! Friday 24 October Year 10 Camp Returns Thursday 30 October Class Theme Dress Up Day –Gold Coin Donation Year 2 Sleepover Monday 3 November College Closed-Pupil Free Day Tuesday 4 November Melbourne Cup Public Holiday Monday 10 November Year 8-10 Study Day at Home Tuesday 11—Friday 14 November Year 8-10 Exams Tuesday 11 November Year 7 Jewish Museum Excursion Wednesday 12 November Year 5/6 All Star Girls Final, Hoop Time Thursday 20 November Years 8,9 & 10 Art Excursion Good News Lutheran College 580 Tarneit Road, Tarneit, Victoria 3029 PO Box 2193, Werribee, Victoria 3030 Phone 03 8742 9000 Absentee line 03 8742 9090 Fax 03 9748 0633 Email admin@goodnews.vic.edu.au Web www.goodnews.vic.edu.au PAGE 2 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE Principal’s Report 2015 is coming! Staffing The continuing growth of the College will see an increase in enrolment across the College of around 100 students next year. This, of course, means additional staff for the extra classes. The College has been working over the past few months to fill these positions and many have been filled. Some of the staff for 2015, that we are very excited to have joining us, are as follows: Hayley McDonald – Currently working at Good Shepherd Lutheran College Northern Territory, Middle School Teacher specializing in Food Technology Laura Brokenshire – Currently doing CRT work, Middle School Teacher specializing in Physical Education Rovaun Alexander – Currently working at Thomas Carr College, Technology Teacher Sarah Smith – Currently working in Scotland, has worked in Lutheran schools for 15 years, Senior Maths/Science Teacher Leaving us, sadly, will be Frau Jasna Kosovac who has wonderfully filled our German position while Frau Brown has been away on maternity leave. Jasna has been travelling from near Frankston every day for the few months she has been here, and we are very grateful to her for her commitment to doing so. Mrs Louise Porra will also be farewelled at the end of the year. Louise also travels a tremendous distance daily to work here and while we will certainly be sad to see her leaving, it is great to know she has obtained a position at our sister Lutheran school in Geelong. The College thanks Louise for all her hard work and dedication over the few years that she has been a part of Good News. Building Projects There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes over the past year or so with construction of additional facilities at the College and we are getting ever closer to beginning works on 570 Tarneit Road (‘the farm’). By the end of this year an additional four classroom modular, similar to the current Middle School Modular, will be in place on site, ready for use at the commencement of 2015. Very soon, also, we will begin construction of a new five-room Science building near the dam on the block. Also, already near-finalised from a planning perspective, a three-four room Technology Building is anticipated to be underway in the first half of next year. Along with these buildings, an AFL sized oval will be created at the back of the two blocks and some additional playground equipment for our growing Junior School is also being planned. Very exciting times ahead! Simon Hughes Principal Chaplain’s Chat I hope you all have fun with Gifts god gives you this week. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Joshua Hauser College Chaplain GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE PAGE 3 Junior School Report One of the phrases I use multiple times with students in Term Four is this: The rules are still the rules, even in Term Four. The phrase is said with a smile intended to remind students that we want to maintain a safe and caring learning environment at all times. This fortnight, I’d like to remind you that our uniform policy also remains the same in Term Four. Teachers have noticed a few things in the past week that need to be addressed. Hair: Anything that draws attention to your hair is not allowed at GNLC. For boys, that means obvious side shavings or shaved designs. For girls, hair ties and clips should be uniform colours. Long hair should be neatly tied back. Jewellery: Students are coming to school wearing loom bracelets. Anything other than a basic watch should not be worn on wrists. Any religious jewellery with the exception of cross necklaces, if worn, should not be visible. We thank-you for helping us maintain a uniform environment where the focus remains on learning rather than fashion. Exceptions will be made on 30 October when students are encouraged to dress in a class or homeroom theme. Janet Abercrombie Head of Junior School Middle School Report Exams! What do I do? How do I prepare? For some people, the thought of exams is a very scary concept. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Exams are introduced in the Middle School in particular as a way of giving them some practice for what they can expect in Senior School and VCE. They are not designed to be daunting for the students, however they are designed to give the students the opportunity to develop and practice their revision techniques. These techniques that are developed early in Middle School will help the students ultimately gain success with their exams in the years ahead. At Year 10, the focus is then trying to prepare the students and set them up for what to expect next year. All Year 8-10 students received a letter yesterday outlining the exams for this term. With this letter was a ‘Study Tips’ attachment. Please look over this information with your child to help them prepare mentally and physically for these exams. It may be that you will need to set up a specific study area in your house that will allow your child to get some quiet revision completed. There may also be other tips that you take on board and put into place to support your child. Ultimately, it is important to remember that these exams are a learning experience for the students. Not all results will perhaps be as high as expected. This is all part of the student’s learning. If you have any concerns regarding the exams, can you please contact the specific subject teacher to discuss the issue further. I wish all the students well during this exam week coming up. Yours in Christ, Nathan Shrowder Head of Middle School Class Theme Day Next Thursday 30 October, Good News Lutheran College will have a ‘Class Theme Day’ where students can (if they wish) come dressed in clothes based on a theme picked by their year level or class. The best dressed and most creative class will win a prize! A gold coin donation is required to dress up and all profits will go to charity. We hope that everyone enjoys and gets involved in this friendly and fun day. Congratulations to all students who chose to sit the international competition, the Australian Mathematics Competition, in July. We are delighted that five students received distinctions, which means that they were in the top 15% of all entrants in their year level. Distinctions were awarded to Shay (3GC), Candy (3GC), Philip (5AR), Matthew (7BM) and Ruth (7BM). All participating students have now received their certificates and answer summary in celebration of their efforts. Those with a credit scored in the top 50% of all entrants in their year level. Well done to all who participated in this prestigious event. PAGE 4 NEWSLETTER TITLE Parents and Caregivers are welcome to attend the Ceremony of Recognition for the Capital Grants Program BGA opening the: Middle School Building: Modular building consisting of four general learning areas and associated amenities Art/Science/Technology Building: Special secondary centre which includes a science room, science preparation room, materials technology room, design theory room, art room, three store rooms, two staff rooms, kiln room and disabled amenities Projects to be opened by Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson Date: Monday 17 November, 2014 Time: 11.15am GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE PAGE 5 No Dogs On College Property Appropriate Dress Please do not bring your pet dog/s onto the College property. Even if they are on a leash, they are still not permitted. We have noticed a lot of students wearing undergarments such as singlets and spencers under their uniform, even on these warmer days. We encourage parents/caregivers to check the weather forecast and help their child dress accordingly. Some students have also been noticed wearing long pants. Please note, we are in summer uniform and all students need to wear the correct summer uniform pieces. Arriving Late to School All students who arrive after the 8.50am bell, must sign in at the College office to receive a late stamp in the diary to show their teacher and also sign in the late register book at the College office. Good News Lutheran College SMS Number GNLC now has a dedicated SMS number 0448 825 424 which you can now use to SMS the College of your child’s absence. Please ensure you state your child’s name, class and reason for absence. 2015 Confirmed Term Dates Term One Monday 2 February to Thursday 2 April (9 weeks) (Term Break: 6/4 – 17/4) (2 weeks) Term Two Tuesday 21 April to Friday 26 June (10 weeks) (Term Break: 29/6 – 10/7 (2 weeks) Term Three Tuesday 14 July to Friday 18 September (10 weeks) (Term Break: 21/9 – 2 Oct (2 weeks) Term Four Tuesday 6 October to Wednesday 9 December (10 weeks) (Term Break: from 10 Dec) Public Holidays for 2015 New Year’s Day Australia Day Labour Day Good Friday Easter Monday Thursday 1 January Monday 26 January Monday 9 March (Term One) Friday 3 April (Term One break) Monday 6 April (Term One break) Pupil Free Day ANZAC Day Queen's Birthday Monday 20 April Saturday 25 April (Term Two) Monday 8 June (Term Two) Pupil Free Day Monday 13 July Pupil Free Day Melbourne Cup Christmas Day Boxing Day Monday 5 October Tuesday 3 November (Term Four) Friday 25 December Saturday 26 December (& Monday 28 December, additional day) GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE PAGE 6 HAY FEVER ALERT The Sick Bay has been inundated with students presenting with hay fever symptoms, mostly with irritated eyes. Please note the College can only give a wet compress to apply to their eyes to provide some relief. If your child suffers from Hay fever please supply the College with Hay fever medication and medicated eye drops. Please drop these off to the College office and sign a medical authority form. We also encourage parents/caregivers to check the pollen count daily and administer Hay fever medication in the morning. http://www.asthmaaustralia.org.au/Pollen.aspx Year 7 Boys Cricket Report After a delay due to rain soaking and after sweeping water off the pitch, the Year 7 Boys Cricket team enthusiastically took to the field for the first of three scheduled games. The boys were ably lead by Shannon, with good contributions with ball and bat from Shannon, Blake, Sebastian and wicket keeping debutante, Jerry. All players played hard in the field. GNLC won all three games against Tarneit P-9 College, Manor Lakes and Wyndham Central, with several overs to spare. Mr Bernard and Mr Jones Cricket Coaches HEAD LICE ALERT We have infestations of head lice throughout the College and in order for us to contain the spread, we must ensure all students who present with head lice or eggs are treated promptly and retreated as per instructions on head lice products. HOW TO FIND HEAD LICE A head louse (the singular of lice) is a tiny, wingless insect with six legs and vary in colour from greyish- white to brown. They are the size of a sesame seed. Head lice may be found anywhere on the child’s head, but usually they are found at the nape of the neck or behind the ears. As it may be difficult to locate lice as they move around on the head, we suggest that you look for nits (eggs). The egg or nit as they are commonly known, resemble dandruff and is attached to the hair by a cement-like substance. Nits are bigger than a pin head and are cream in colour and are attached to the scalp. TREATING HEAD LICE Using a cheap conditioner, apply generously to damp, tangle free hair Divide the hair into segments, and using a fine tooth comb, comb through the hair at an angle Wipe any excess product onto a paper towel If any nits or lice are found on the paper towel, the child’s hair should be treated The problem can be addressed quickly and effectively by using the many readily available head lice products, which can be purchased at any chemist. Follow these 3 easy steps to treat head lice: Treatment Treat with a head lice product as described in the products instruction leaflet. Elimination Effectively remove lice and eggs with nit comb. Prevention Keep a lice free home by washing all bed linen, towels, hats, clothes, brushes etc., in hot water. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE AFTER SCHOOL CARE USERS Our year is rapidly drawing to a close and Christmas is quickly approaching. We’re preparing now for the 2015 After School Care Program. We experienced high demand this year and were often unable to accommodate requests for extra days and casual attendees. In anticipation that this might recur, we are extending priority bookings to our existing families. Priority bookings will close on Sunday 2 November. Places are limited; bookings will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Late applications will be wait listed and families will be notified when a vacancy becomes available. Enquires please contact, After School Care on: 9748 9233 PLEASE NOTE: 2014 enrolments expire on 12 December, 2014. Your child cannot use the program in 2015 if you haven’t lodged a new 2015 application. PAGE 7 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE COMMUNITY NOTICES LIVE WELL WITH ASTHMA EDUCATION SESSION The Asthma Foundation of Victoria is holding a FREE asthma education session for you to attend! This asthma education session will assist with you or your child's asthma management as you learn all about asthma signs, symptoms, triggers, medications and what to do in the event of an emergency. We will also be happy to answer all of your asthma related questions on the night. The one hour free session will be taking place at The Asthma Foundation of Victoria and we would love to see you there. WHERE: 479 – 481 King Street, West Melbourne. WHEN: Wednesday 29 October, 2014 TIME: 6.30pm – 7.30pm COST: FREE RSVP: by Tuesday 28 October to Rebecca Colcott on 03 9326 7088 or rcolcott@asthma.org.au If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Daily Devotion CHURCH SERVICES & TIMES Sing to the Lord - Psalm 96 St Philips Church Service Time: 9am Sunday Weekly Worship - 9.30am Sunday School (school terms) Sing a new song to the LORD! 9am First Sunday of month - family/ youth service Sing to the LORD, all the world! Where: 580 Tarneit Road, Tarneit (College site) Sing to the LORD, and praise him! Pastor: Mark Winter :0411 151 741 Proclaim every day the good news that he has Martin Luther Lutheran Church Service time: 4pm Sunday Where: 27 The Broadway, Altona North Pastor: Mark Winter 0411 151 741 Christ The Lord Service Time: 10am Sunday (Slovak) Where: 72-74 Point Cook Road, Seabrook Pastor: Jan Havjar 9369 5675 saved us. Proclaim his glory to the nations, his mighty deeds to all peoples. St. Philips Church Playgroup Friday mornings: 9.30am-11.30am during school terms. Bring a piece of fruit and $2. New families welcome.. PAGE 8 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE
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