Ordinary people........Where love is the key! What do you really want out of life? The interviewer asked a famous footballer who had just pulled off a contract worth millions. “I suppose...” he said and paused. “ I suppose to be happy.” I think he had it right. It is a strange world that we live in today, so different from the one we once knew. The rate of change is accelerating ever faster, not only on one level but simultaneously on many. Computers and the Worldwide Web seem for some to make the world shrink to the size of a small town that we no longer feel we inhabit. Maybe it doesn’t greatly matter whether we discuss something with someone over the internet or chat to an elderly person next to us on the bus; whether we send an e-mail or skype with a relative 4,000 miles away or chat to our neighbour as we queue up at Horninglow Post Office. The important thing is to communicate – to find love and friendship around us, to laugh with neighbours, friends and family, to share special moments together. To share love in the ordinary ....this is to be part of the human race. It can be resourceful too, to have times in silent prayer, “Doing nothing with God” for if we do nothing in our time with God it enables us to be with others, without wanting to do anything....content to “just” be there with others in support. (Open 4 prayer every Wednesday 5-7pm whether at home or in Church provides this and a way of being together in a web of prayer). In his book “Way of the Heart” Henri Nouwen writes that compassionate solidarity grows in solitude, in silence and stillness. In solitude we realise that nothing human is alien to us, that the roots of all conflict, war, injustice, cruelty, hatred, jealousy, and envy are deeply anchored in our own heart. Nouwen says “In solitude our heart of stone can be turned into a heart of flesh, a rebellious heart into a contrite heart, and a closed heart into a heart that can open itself to all suffering people in a gesture of solidarity.” And when we stop judging our neighbours, stop evaluating them, we become free to be compassionate. Compassion is harder than we think because it can require us to go to a place where others are fragile, vulnerable or lonely .... and it isn’t always our natural response to want to be with them in that suffering, because what we often desire most is to flee from it or find a quick cure for it. It’s natural for us to want to feel useful, to make a difference and using our simple gifts we can make a huge difference but we can all learn that when we truly love we are content to stand beside others in their struggles and sorrows, when we can sit with people in pain and confusion without wanting or needing to say anything, for then we are bringing God’s unconditional love and compassion to others. Visiting in the community I have become aware of good neighbours living out God’s call to the best of their capacity, doing what they can in the circumstances in patient quiet service, keeping the show on the road - they are the beautiful ordinary unsung heroes of the community … thank God for them. They have risen to the occasion of their lives and their example encourages us to do the same. Part of God’s calling to each one of us is that we are called to be God’s unsung heroes and in doing this we find extra-ordinary beauty in the ordinary. I have come to the conclusion that people can only be termed “ordinary” when seen as a large group from a distance...and it’s when you get close and learn something of an individual they stop being ordinary ......we need more opportunities to become “Up close and personal” and discover the extra-ordinary for ourselves; it is good to work towards friendly, loving, laughing and peaceful neighbourhoods. Last week Horninglow and Eton parish council ran a very helpful event at Carver Road Scout Hut to learn about some of the services available to us or to serve in. Information about some of these services are enclosed in the magazine this month. There is also an opportunity to volunteer to get involved in setting up a Good Neighbour Scheme in this locality. At St Chad’s for some-time now we have wanted to develop a Tuesday drop-in at the Community Centre. We would like it to be for anyone and everyone who just wants to come and sit or chat or share experiences; problem–solve with a listening ear; read or draw or paint or “knit for purpose” or maybe even bake bread well almost everything really - whatever suits. Refreshments would be on the go all morning. If you feel called to be involved and help with either the Good Neighbour scheme or the Tuesday drop-in, please contact Nicky on 0773 4899931 or George on 01283 516804. Nicky Grey Milestones It is with sadness that we recall the recent death of the following with whom we have had contact through the ministry of St Chad’s. Win Dunn Bryan Jones 28th December 7th January We have celebrated the baptism of the following, who has entered into membership of the church of Christ 18th January Madison Hurd-Taylor Contacts at St Chad's Vicar Curate Revd George Crossley The Vicarage 113 Hunter Street Burton upon Trent DE14 2SS Tel: 01283 516804 vicar@stchadsburton.org.uk @vicargeorge Revd Nicky Grey Scarista House Church Leigh ST10 4PT Tel: 0773 4899931 curate@stchadsburton.org.uk Parish website: www.stchadsburton.org.uk Church wardens Julia Elliott Lynda Jones Tel: 01283 565057 Tel: 01283 516398 (and Centre Bookings) Each year we have a Lent Course at St Chad's where we follow a particular theme each Tuesday. It is an opportunity to take Lent seriously and to explore what we can learn about God in the run up to Good Friday and Easter. This year we are using the course: PRAISE HIM – SONGS OF PRAISE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. The sessions include discussions and exploration of different themes with input (on CD) from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby; Sister Wendy Beckett, David Suchet and the editor of the Methodist Recorder Moira Sleight. Everyone is welcome – you don't have to be especially holy or especially clever to take part. It is a chance to make better friends and deepen our experience of God as well. The sessions begin at 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th February at the Vicarage. If you can let the vicar know you will be there, it will be helpful, but if you decide at the last minute you will be just as welcome. What's on this month ... in the church Sunday 1st February Candlemas 8am Holy Communion (Quiet Service) 10am Holy Communion Young church will meet during part of the service. Wednesday 4th February 5-7pm Open4Prayer The church will be open for anyone to drop in for silent prayer and reflection or to join in with the prayers of others. Evening prayer: 5pm, Intercessions: 6pm, Compline: 6.45pm Sunday 8th February 2nd Sunday before Lent 8am Holy Communion (Quiet Service) 10am Holy Communion Young church will meet during part of the service. 7pm Feeding Station St Mary, Stretton Tuesday 10th February 7.30pm Bible study Vicarage Wednesday 11th February 5-7pm Open4Prayer Sunday 15th February Sunday next before Lent 8am Holy Communion (Quiet Service) 10.30am All Age Service – Souper Sunday Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday 5-7pm Open4Prayer 7.30pm Holy Communion St Mary's Stretton Sunday 22nd February 1st Sunday of Lent 8am Holy Communion (Quiet Service) 10am Holy Communion Young church will meet during part of the service. There will be a Fairtrade stall in church. Tuesday 24th February 7.30pm Lent course Wednesday 25th February 5-7pm Open4Prayer The Happy Lunch Club St Chad's Community Centre 3rd February 11am-2pm and every first Tuesday Company, fun, refreshments, activities and a hot meal Please book on 544319 Cost £4 Vicarage BISHOP OF STAFFORD’S PASTORAL LETTER FEBRUARY 2015 The best things about February is that it is a short month! It is dark and chilly and has no ‘highlights’ like Christmas to liven it up. Yet, under the earth things are starting to stir and in the fields there are signs of new life and the promise that warmer and brighter days are not so far away. During 2015 I have the privilege of serving as President of the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society which is based at the County Showground in Stafford. If you have never been to the County Show I would urge you to put May 27th or 28th in your diary now – it is interesting and brilliant fun for all the family whatever the weather is like! As well as all the livestock and competitions there are amazing demonstrations like sheep shearing and skilled blacksmiths replacing horse shoes and stalls selling all kinds of craft items. For a ‘city lad’ like myself, involvement with the Society has been a real learning curve and I have nothing but admiration for the hard working farmers of this Diocese as they grapple with continuous uncertainties of the weather, milk prices and the challenges of bovine TB. All of this in an age when small farms are on the decline and the increase in larger organisations and the fewer market days means that farmers have less opportunity to meet for mutual encouragement. Churches have a key role to play in rural matters and I get frustrated with some ‘incomers’ into our villages who do not seem interested in supporting their local parish church and who fail to engage with their new Community. It is indifference that has resulted in the loss of the village shop and pub and school and frankly will put at risk the future sustainability of many of our rural church buildings. The message is clear – use it or lose it! We must focus the resources that God has given us where there is opportunity for mission and growth. This is nothing new - read Matthew 10: 14! The encouraging news is that despite all the challenges, many young people are still going to agricultural college and want to work in our rural areas. Many Young Farmers I meet are incredibly lively and upbeat and I admire both their enthusiasm and their commitment. The Young Farmers support and encourage one another and I warmly commend the local groups to any young person who is looking to make friends and try new activities you do not have to be farming to join! It is essential that we find ways to keep the cost of housing in our rural communities realistic to enable these young people who WANT to engage to do so. Bringing young families back into our villages is essential if they are to have any future and their loss would be tragically detrimental to the life of this nation. I hope that this is one of the many areas about which we quiz our prospective MPs as we approach the coming General Election. February brings new growth – it also offers the opportunity for new spiritual growth (Lent begins on Ash Wednesday – February 18th). Please pray for all who live and work in the rural parts of our Diocese and try to keep their needs in mind in the various discussions that will be taking place in our Lent Groups this year. +Geoff D J LAWFORD ELECTRICAL LIMITED ELECSA Registered Contractor • • • • All work considered Free estimates Part P Registered No job too small Contact: 01283 543849 or 07774715115 SAY ONE FOR ME At St Chad’s we believe that prayer changes people and changes things. Collectively we pray on Sundays for people and places, seeking God’s help and to bring to him the troubles we have. We also pray as individuals, during February we will be praying for people and businesses on the following streets on the following days of the month. We also think it is important to read the bible as part of the way of sustaining our relationship with God, so there are suggested bible readings for each day as well. These follow the Church of England lectionary, so we will be reading the same passage of scripture as thousands of people throughout the country. 1 Wetmore Lane Luke 2:22-40 15 Black Eagle Court Mark 9:2-9 2 Wetmore Road Mark 5:1-20 16 Blythf ield Psalm 50 3 Wharf Road Mark 5:21-43 17 Borough Road Psalm 29 4 William Street Mark 6:1-6a 18 Bramling Cross Road John 8:1-11 5 Windsor Industrial Est Mark 6:7-13 19 Bridge Street Psalm 110:1-4 6 Wordsw orth Close Mark 6:14-29 20 Bronte Close Psalm 51:1-5,17-18 7 Worthington Way Mark 6:30-34 21 Brook Street Psalm 86:1-7 8 Wylie Mew s John 1:1-14 22 Burton Albion FC Mark 1:9-15 9 Albion Terrace Genesis 1:1-19 23 Burton Enterprise Park Matthew 25:31-end 10 Anderstaf f Ind Estate Genesis 1:20-2:4a 24 Carousels 11 Anson Court Genesis 2:4b-9,15-17 25 Chaucer Close Luke 11:29-32 12 Arthur Street Genesis 2:18-end 26 Chesterton Road Matthew 7:7-12 13 Barker Round Way Genesis 3:1-8 27 Churnet Court Matthew 5:20-26 14 Barley Close Genesis 3:9-end 28 Clarke Industrial Estate Matthew 5:43-end Matthew 6:7-15 If you would like prayer for yourself or anyone you care for, then please contact a member of the church and we will commit ourselves to pray for that specific need. Friends Galore As Nicky has mentioned elsewhere in the magazine, the Parish Council recently held an event at which organisations which can provide support made themselves known. Below are details of some of them and ideas about where more information can be found. If you would like to contact any of them, either as a service user or as a potential volunteer, please do. Speakability For those suffering from speech problems arising from stroke, head injury, brain tumour or other causes support and help can be found through Speakability. There is a local group which meets every Thursday 9.45-11.45 at St Mary and Modwen Parish Room, Guild Street. Further information can be provided by Mrs Sylvia Kingsbury contact 01283 519131. Or visit the website: speakability.org.uk. Harper Avenue Neighbourhood Friendship Club Loneliness is bad for your health and can be an awful problem to live with. The club offers the opportunity to get out and meet neighbours for a chat a cup of tea or coffee and a chance to laugh with others. It meets fortnightly on a Thursday at 2pm at St John's Court. It will soon be moving to Dove Court on Church View. For further information contact either Kay Lear 01283 530554 or Liz Minshall 01785 242525. Carers Association for Southern Staffordshire (CASS) CASS supports unpaid carers of any age in southern Staffordshire, who are looking after a friend or relative, who because of disability, illness or the effects of old age, cannot manage at home without help. CASS is a registered charity, which provides confidential advice, information and emotional support and a range of other services to Carers living in the districts of Cannock Chase, East Staffs, Lichfield, South Staffs, Stafford and Tamworth. All of these services are free of charge. Further information is available on 01785 222365 or carersinformation.org.uk There are also groups which meet regularly at St Chad's Community Centre: The Darby & Joan Group meet each Thur 2-4pm for a warm welcome, conversation and games. More details from Norma Crofts 01283 536575 Busy Bodies Parent and Toddler Group meet at the Community Centre each Wednesday and Thursday 9.30-11.30 just turn up! A chance to meet with other parents, grandparents and carers and give your children a chance to play. On the first Tuesday of each month 11am – 2pmn is the Happy Lunch Club at which you will find fun, company, refreshments, activities and a hot two-course meal. All for £4. Contact Monica 01283 544319 to book a place. Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th What's on in the Centre in February 09.30-15.30 Jelly Beans Pre School 18.00-19.30 Yoga (Main Hall ) 19.00-21.00 PHAB (Eton room) 11.00-14.00 Lunch Club 17.00-18.00 Rainbows 18.00-19.30 Brownies 19.30-21.00 Guides (Eton Room ) 19.30-21.00 Yoga (Main Hall ) 09.30-11.30 Busy Bodies Parent & Toddler Group 10.00-11.30 Wellbaby Clinic (Eton Room) 12.30-15.30 Jelly Beans Pre School 19.30-20.30 Kung Fu 09.30-11.30 Busy Bodies Parent & Toddler Group 14.00-16.00 Darby and Joan 15.45-17.15 Mix Mania After School Club 17.30-18.45 Thursday Crew After School Club Year 7+ 09.30-15.30 Jelly Beans Pre School 18.30-20.45 CREST. 09.30-15.30 Jelly Beans Pre School 18.00-19.30 Yoga (Main Hall ) 19.00-21.00 PHAB (Eton room) 17.00-18.00 Rainbows 18.00-19.30 Brownies 19.30-21.00 Guides (Eton Room ) 19.30-21.00 Yoga (Main Hall ) 09.30-11.30 Busy Bodies Parent & Toddler Group 10.00-11.30 Wellbaby Clinic (Eton Room ) 12.30-15.30 Jelly Beans Pre School 19.30-20.30 Kung Fu 09.30-11.30 Busy Bodies Parent & Toddler Group 14.00-16.00 Darby & Joan 15.45-17.15 Mix Mania After School Club 17.30-18.45 Thursday Crew After School Club Year 7+ Friday 13th Saturday 14th Sunday Monday 15th 16th Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday 17th 18th 19th 21st 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th 09.30-15.30 18.30-20.45 12.00-15.00 Eyesdown 19.30 10.00-14.00 18.00-19.30 19.00-21.00 19.30-21.00 19.30-20.30 14.00-16.00 Eyesdown 19.30 09.30-15.30 18.00-19.30 19.00-21.00 17.00-18.00 18.00-19.30 19.30-21.00 19.30-21.00 09.30-11.30 10.00-11.30 12.30-15.30 19.30-20.30 09.30-11.30 14.00-16.00 15.45-17.15 17.30-18.45 09.30-15.30 18.30-20.45 09.30-17.30 19.30-21.00 Jelly Beans Pre School CREST. Private Party PHAB Bingo Sikh Community Yoga (Main Hall ) PHAB (Eton room) Yoga (Main Hall ) Kung Fu Darby & Joan Roseanne Charity Bingo Jelly Beans Pre School Yoga (Main Hall ) PHAB (Main Hall ) Rainbows Brownies Guides (Eton Room ) Yoga (Main Hall ) Busy Bodies Parent & Toddler Group Wellbaby Clinic (Eton Room) Jelly Beans Pre School Kung Fu Busy Bodies Parent & Toddler Group Darby & Joan Mix Mania After School Club Thursday Crew After School Club Year 7+ Jelly Beans Pre School CREST. 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