WE'RE READY TO DIVE quick, Jump on board Australia’s Future Submarine Summit 24 & 25-26 March 2015 Partnership Prospectus Royal United Services Institute of Australia (RUSI) Australia’s Future Submarine - A partnership in informed debate This conference is the nexus of informed debate for the public forum. The SEA1000 Australia’s Future Submarine Project is the biggest defence project in our history. The public perception of the capabilities of the Collins Class submarine and the ability of the ASC to build, maintain and to grow Australia’s ship building program is at an all-time low. It is distorted, unbalanced and needs enlightenment to the facts before the Government of the day announces its program of selection and tendering. The Australian public deserves to understand the issues surrounding the next generation submarine and its impact upon industry, sovereignty and security. has a long tradition of serving the community by promoting a better understanding of defence and national security. This includes all aspects of defence and security as they relate to Australia now and into the future. There is a real need to raise the issue of the Future Submarine in the form of an informed debate to the people of South Australia and Australia. Hargraves Institute is Australia’s leading innovation think tank and knowledge hub. Working with some of Australia’s largest industry members and innovative businesses, Hargraves leads cultural change initiatives and Collaborative Circle acceleration. Hargraves Institute initiates the behind closed doors section of the conference–the secret to high value engagement and growth. SAGE International is a leading entity and commentator on geopolitical and strategic issues. SAGE is an authority on specific defence and security matters in world affairs. We look forward to your contribution and partnership of this opportunity. Regards always, This is the single focus and vision for this conference. Having industry, the contenders and the public knowing the facts. This is an important debate that you need to be involved with so Quick, Jump on Board... Mark Ryan MBA WGCDR (Ret’d) ps. rarely is the timing so right to be an influential player in Australia’s biggest ever defence program. Please help us make this event significant and so relevant to the decision makers and to our future submariners. Be a partner, be involved, be there. Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 1 Conference Activities it is important for you to understand the uniqueness of this program: Pre-Conference VIP Reception Tuesday 24th March 2015 To assist in the international networking and value obtained from this conference; a VIP Reception has been arranged. Location at either Government House or the Naval Military Air Force Club – details will be confirmed once finalised. By invitation or partnership pass. Conference Day 1 Conference Day 2 Wednesday 25th March 2015 Thursday 26th March 2015 Morning Session: The first morning is dedicated to powerful political statements and briefs on the submarine program and Future Submarine Project. The cornerstone of the political scenario will be followed by experts in their field or appointment detailing the issues currently at hand and the challenges of selecting a competitor list and capability statement. The latest known information will be delivered here, in the morning session. Media and full house attendance expected – approximately 450+ attendees. Behind Closed Doors – full day. The exclusive, executive access, deal makers, leverage, strategy, power, Collaborative Circles, its privileged, select and elite. It is work shopping and personal access to the experts, tight discussion groups and investigative disclosure. This is the secret of this conference for leaders: MDs CEOs, BDM, Gov’t and the industry deal makers. Be there. Afternoon Session: Right into the crux of the issues. International and Australian experts brief the issues and capabilities. Presentations by all proposed contenders are to outline their competitive advantage and capability statement and give an overview of why they are the best choice for the public to champion. Great session for CEOs, MDs, BDMs, COOs, suppliers and industry. Post Conference Networking Friday 27th March & Saturday 28th March 2015 A Barossa tour for VIPs and international guests is being planned for the Friday and/or Saturday. Details advised at the conference. A networking event is also scheduled for the late afternoon of the first day – speed date networking techniques will be employed. You state your networking objectives for connection and we will speed date you with your target – very powerful indeed! Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 2 Platinum PARTNER Value $45,000+ As a major stakeholder partner you will receive: Additional value to meet Platinum Partners exact requirements and goals from the conference will be available for consideration, negotiation and action. Ability to have a trade display within the event. DIAMOND PARTNER Our Diamond Partner will enjoy a most prominent position – befitting its contribution – and wide exposure to senior decisionmakers from Government and Industry. Ability to have a trade display within the event. Right to use Australia’s Future Submarine logo on your marketing material. All conference literature includes your organisation’s name and logo. Your company logo included on the Conference website www.australiasfuturesubmarine.com.au Client video stream to the displays at break times – once video approved. Prominent logo and complimentary invite to all events associated with the event. Diamond Partner’s logo included on the Conference website with a direct link to the Partnership’s site in a superior position to other lesser Partners. Constantly updated Conference information and online registration capability ensure the site is well visited before and after the Conference. Prominent logo position throughout the Conference on video screens. Client video stream to the displays at break times – once video approved. Conference literature includes your company’s name and logo. Logo included on the Conference consortium’s websites: Hargraves Institute and SAGE International with client’s approval. Special acknowledgement at Conference Opening and Closing. 6 complimentary registrations at the Conference and all associated events (completion of complimentary on-line registration required). Includes VIP Reception, Day 1 and Day 2 – Behind Closed Doors, and Barossa networking tour. Complimentary full page advertisement in the Conference Agenda Booklet and display of logo both on the front cover and inside. Special acknowledgement at Conference Opening and Closing. 5 complimentary registrations including VIP night, Day 1 and Day 2 – Behind Closed Doors. 15 Complimentary invitations to the Day 1 morning session. 20 Complimentary invitations to the Day 1 morning session. Corporate-pull up banner displayed and logo displayed on screens throughout the Conference. Complimentary full-page advertisement in the Conference Agenda Booklet and complimentary ‘Banner’ advertisement on our website Sponsors page. DL or A4 size promotional collateral available for attendees. PARTNERSHIP information | Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 3 EMERALD PARTNER Our Emerald Partner will enjoy a prominent position – befitting its contribution – and wide exposure to senior decision-makers from Government and Industry. SAPPHIRE PARTNER Our Sapphire Partner will enjoy a good position – befitting its contribution – and exposure to senior decision-makers from Government and Industry. All conference literature includes your organisation’s name and logo. All conference literature includes your organisation’s name and logo. Emerald Partners logo included on the Conference website with a direct link to the Partnership’s site in a superior position to other lower placed partners. Constantly updated Conference information and online registration capability ensure the site is well visited before and after the Conference. Your logo included on the Conference website with a direct link to the Partnership’s site in a superior position to other lower placed partnerships. Constantly updated Conference information and online registration capability ensure the site is well visited before and after the Conference. Complimentary full page advertisement in the Conference Agenda Booklet and display of logo both on the front cover and inside. Complimentary full page advertisement in the Conference Agenda Booklet and display of logo both on the front cover and inside. Special acknowledgement at Conference Opening and Closing. Special acknowledgement at Conference Opening and Closing. 4 complimentary registrations including VIP night, Day 1 and Day 2 – Behind Closed Doors. 3 complimentary registrations including VIP night, Day 1 and Day 2 – Behind Closed Doors. 10 Complimentary invitations to the Day 1 morning session. 10 Complimentary invitations to the Day 1 morning session. Corporate-pull up banner displayed and logo displayed on screens throughout the Conference. Corporate-pull up banner displayed and logo displayed on screens throughout the Conference. DL or A4 size promotional collateral available for attendees. DL or A4 size promotional collateral available for attendees. PARTNERSHIP information | Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 4 GOLD PARTNER Our Gold Partner will enjoy a sound position – befitting its contribution – and exposure to senior decision-makers from Government and Industry. SILVER PARTNER Our Silver Partner will enjoy a position – befitting its contribution – and exposure to senior decision-makers from Government and Industry. All conference literature includes your organisation’s name and logo. All conference literature includes your organisation’s name and logo. Your logo included on the Conference website with a direct link to the Partnership’s site in a superior position to other lower placed partnerships. Constantly updated Conference information and online registration capability ensure the site is well visited before and after the Conference. Your logo included on the Conference website with a direct link to the Partnership’s site in a superior position to other lower placed partnerships. Constantly updated Conference information and online registration capability ensure the site is well visited before and after the Conference. Complimentary full page advertisement in the Conference Agenda Booklet and display of logo both on the front cover and inside. Complimentary full page advertisement in the Conference Agenda Booklet and display of logo both on the front cover and inside. Special acknowledgement at Conference Opening and Closing. Special acknowledgement at Conference Opening and Closing. 2 complimentary registrations including VIP night, Day 1 and Day 2 – Behind Closed Doors. 1 complimentary registrations including VIP night, Day 1 and Day 2 – Behind Closed Doors. 5 Complimentary invitations to the Day 1 morning session. 5 Complimentary invitations to the Day 1 morning session. Corporate-pull up banner displayed and logo displayed on screens throughout the Conference. Corporate-pull up banner displayed and logo displayed on screens throughout the Conference. DL or A4 size promotional collateral available for attendees. DL or A4 size promotional collateral available for attendees. PARTNERSHIP information | Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 5 Additional Opportunities CONTACT US Partnerships and the value they bring to a conference like this are critical to the success and delivery of the program. Conferences influence business and are often a powerful catalyst in networking and alliance building. Collaborative Circles are generated from such activity. For partnership and sponsorship opportunities during the Conference and to advertise in the Conference Agenda Booklet or for general enquires please contact: The following partnership packages have been structured to ensure your company will be identified effectively to all delegates. Levels of exposure are related to choice of support. Mark Ryan Partnership Opportunity Amount Platinum Partner – Premium value/Central exposure $45,000+ Diamond Partner $20,000 Emerald Partner $15,000 Sapphire Partner $10,000 Gold Partner $7,000 Silver Partner $5,000 Sponsorship Opportunity Event Co-ordinator M: 0411 060 632 E: mrryan@adam.com.au Postal: PO Box 230, Goodwood, SA 5034 and/or Dr John Bruni Event Co-ordinator M: 0448 581 890 E: john@SAGEinternational.com.au Reception Sponsor (Single) $5,000 Conference Lanyard Accessories (Single) $5,000 Day 1 Sponsor or Day 2 Sponsor $5,000 Speed Date Networking Drinks Sponsor $4,000 Torpedo Sponsor (Receives 1 delegate Sub Summit package and logo will be applied to website, handbook and material) $2,500 Periscope Sponsor (Receives 1 delegate pass to the 3 events on 25th March AM, PM and networking event sessions and logo will be applied to website and handbook and material) $1,250 To register for the Australia’s Future Submarine Conference please visit: www.australiasfuturesubmarine.com.au Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 6 Registration of Interest in Partnership or Sponsorship of Australia’s Future Submarine Conference 2015 Name: Title: Company Name: Email: Mobile: Partnership Opportunity Amount Platinum Partner – Premium value/Central exposure $45,000+ Diamond Partner $20,000 Emerald Partner $15,000 This is a non-binding expression of interest only. Please complete your details and mark the table with the desired Partnership/Sponsorship level. Sapphire Partner $10,000 Quick, Jump on Board... Gold Partner $7,000 Silver Partner $5,000 Conduct your branding, marketing and exposure to companies and executives in the industry and to the influencers and deal makers. I choose: Sponsorship Opportunity Complete and Return to: Mark Ryan Fax: 08 8357 2440 or email: mrryan@adam.com.au Reception Sponsor (Single) $5,000 Conference Lanyard Accessories (Single) $5,000 Day 1 Sponsor or Day 2 Sponsor $5,000 Speed Date Networking Drinks Sponsor $4,000 Torpedo Sponsor $2,500 Periscope Sponsor $1,250 Australia’s Future Submarine Conference | 7
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