Coolum Beach Bowls Club Inc February 2015 Club 5446 1153 ~ Restaurant 5351 1300 ~ Courtesy Bus 0404 029 474 Elizabeth St (behind McDonalds) Coolum Beach On the Green Scene North Shore Realty Invitation Pairs LifeLife Pharmacy Coolum Village Ph 5446 2111 Open 7 Days 8.30am—6pm North Shore Realty 5446 2500 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE The festive season is behind us as we prepare for the challenge of a new year. As we enter into a historically quiet period before the Easter/Anzac breaks we review our first six months of the fiscal year Club Summary: July – December 2014 The first six months of the financial year saw the Club generate 20% more income when compared to the same period of the previous year. This may appear exciting but expenditure also rose by the same percentage, which in a small way negates the result. However some of the extra expenditure has been identified as items added after the budget was approved to create the extra income and hopefully increase income without added expenditure as time moves on. Some were not and will be addressed. The Club’s net growth for the period stands at around $80,000.00. The Board of Management has instigated a process of internal audit of Administra- tion and Operations to better all the way through our forunderstand the operations mats from barefoot, Sunday of the Club. morning, weekly events and special tournaments; notwithThe exercise is not an audit standing Super Challenge and on personnel, but rather a Pennants. method of identifying efficiencies that can be imple- Jack Attack and Grey Nomented to lighten the work- mad’s details are yet to be anload. nounced and while he is at it, a few grant submissions are Bowls Committees in the pipeline. Both the Men’s and Ladies Presidents provide a précis Naturally any member can reeach month through On the quest more details with regard Green Scene providing any to the running of our great relevant information. They Club, the Board of Manageare continuously working to ment will assist. ensure players fill our greens as much as possible. See you at the bar. The draws for Club Champi- Jack Smith onship games are being Board Chairman rolled out as we speak, trying not to duplicate events on the District calendar. Formal Skills Training Wednesdays 10am The 2-4-2 format is growing momentum and returns early February as we look forward to State Sides in May and Australian Champion of Champions later in the year. Bowls Development Troy has been feverishly developing our bowls strategy Mitre 10 Coolum Ph 5446 1191 Madills Noosa Ph 5470 0700 Social Golf Club Venue: Horton Park Date: Sunday 15 Feb Tee Off: 5.50am Bus leaves 5.20am sharp Cost: $50 per head inc cart Last month at Noosa Golf Club: Attendance 19 starters Winners for January’s 2 person Ambrose Brandon, Noel & Chippy R/U Jason & Jamie Please note all players need to be financial members of CBBC. Social membership is $5 to Dec 2016, bowling membership is $80 to Dec 2015 February Birthdays 3rd Marg Bosworth 4th Graham Knight 6th Christa Lingley 7th John Hodgson 8th Chris Kleiberg Tim Quinn 10th Alexander Clarkson 11th Jim Richardson 12th Ron Filer 14th Maureen Flynn 17th Roger Soady Mary Sorley 18th Maureen Smith 20th Syd Clarke 21st Margaret Cross Terry Walsh 23rd Joy Farmer 24th Vince Kociurba Garry McPherson 28th Anne Stevens For any further info please contact Mark Prosser 0419 155 774 Coolum Beach Realty Stuart Cook 5471 6155 Mount Coolum Aged Care Ph 5446 5588 Alex Murphy 0418 790 399 Used Cars Kerry Walsh 0401 536 536 New Toyotas Drysdale Funerals & Crematorium Now inc. E.C. THOMAS A “Special” level of care Personal & compassionate attention in our offices or your home “Any Time” 100% Australian FAMILY OWNED TEWANTIN Noosa-Cooroy Rd Drysdale Chapel North Shore Realty Real Estate Sunshine Coast Full Service Real Estate Agency offering: Sales, Rentals, Holiday Accommodation, Body Corporate and Coolum 5446 2500 Marcoola 5448 7444 Rentals 5448 9111 Rollups Restaurant Open 7 days for lunch & dinner 5449 9383 NAMBOUR 33 National Park Rd E.C. Thomas Chapel 5441 1366 5351 1300 Saturday 11.30am to 12.30pm Sunday to Thursday 4.30pm to 5.30pm Tuesdays 5pm—6 pm 10000 Bonus Rollers Rewards Points Draw 6pm Tuesdays after Bart’s Hoops—You must be here to win 10,000 points. If not present & your name is drawn you win 1000 points. Lucky Membership Draw Wednesdays 6.30pm, 7pm & 7.30pm You must be present to win. If money isn’t won, there will be a bonus draw from the members present for half the pool. Darts Night Wed 6.30pm ~ $2 entry fee ~ Prizes ~ Courtesy bus till 10.30pm 6pm Wed & Fri Bart’s Darts 5.30pm—6pm Thursdays Magnetic darts, trivia & fun MEMBERSHIP DRAW Was your name drawn? Drawn Wednesdays at 6.30pm, 7pm & 7.30pm 7/1 M Dale, R Fielding, R Schwabe 14/1 N King, A Ilovar, G Over 21/1 M Lupton, M Richardson, P Greedy 28/1 P O’Brien, V Mifsud, J Beard You must be present to win. If money isn’t won, there will be a bonus draw from the members present for half the pool. Friday—Jackpot Carton & Meat Raffle Drawn 6.45pm ~ Tickets on sale from 6pm ROLLERS REWARDS BONUS POINTS Saturdays—Drawn 12pm Tickets sold from 11am $800 in cash & prizes Saturdays 1.30pm Budget Booster Pokie Promo—meat trays to be won Super Six Pack Specials continue this month Element on Coolum Beach 5455 1777 10,000 Points: A Stevens 1000 Points: P Colbourn, G Curtis, P Flynn, L Johnson, T Brooker, W Hennessy, E James, M Flynn, P Taylor, J Retchless, J Shipstone Drawn Tuesdays after Bart’s Hoops. Rollups Restaurant Ph 5351 1300 North Shore Realty Pairs Open Pairs Men’s President North Shore Realty Invitation Pairs There is always an intriguing story that occurs at this event and this year was no exception. Fred Diamond’s partner Ian Taylor could not make Saturday’s play after being flooded in at Murwillumbah, so Mark Prosser swapped his golf shoes for bowls shoes and filled in for Ian. Three wins on Saturday, 2 of them by 1 shot, kept Fred in touch with the leaders but 34 shots behind. Ian arrived to play on Sunday and 3 more wins left Fred & Ian the only 6 game winners and therefore the champions for the second year in a row. The first four places were: Ian Taylor, Fred Diamond Kurt Brown, Brett Wilkie Tim Diedricks, Troy somerville Richard Latta, Brett Dean Super Challenge Results to date: Gold Men Bronze Men Gold Ladies Bronze Ladies Premier 7’s Results to date: Div 3 Div 5 2—4—2 Format 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month $440 prize money $10 entry fee~12.30pm start 2 games of 14 ends or bell (2hrs 15 mins) 18+39 15+62 15+57 13-6 Entries close at 9am on the day of play Touch Massage Studio 1 win 1 loss 2 wins 1 win 1 loss 1 win 1 loss 1 win 1 loss 2 wins Club Championships Here’s that name again—Fred Diamond, the winner over Greg Dale in the Singles Final. Great game to watch with high class bowls played by both men. Until next time, take care and enjoy your bowls. Roger Soady Coolum Beach Realty Stuart Cook 5471 6155 Call Lee for an appointment 0407 717 604 Remedial Massage—for those specific sore spots or problem areas Swedish Massage—a full body massage using a researched routine method Relaxation Massage—an intuitive massage using a combination of styles including Hawaiian Reflexology—total relaxation focusing on the feet and specific areas on the body Studio Times: Wednesday 12—6pm Thursday 9am—6pm Friday 9am—6pm Watson Ferguson Printers Ph 3373 7833 LOST PROPERTY Please put your name in your hats, jackets, glasses case etc. We have way too many unclaimed items that end up at the op shop. Play Free Texas Hold ‘em Poker here at the club Thursdays at noon Register at 11am Bridgestone Marcoola 5450 5566 Wednesdays are back in full swing with Table Tennis 9am, 2-4-2 Pairs on the first & third Wednesdays of the month Darts 6.30pm, Trivia 7.15pm on the last Wed of the month Coolum Thai Spice Ph 5446 2488 Did you know? THE BEGINNINGS OF BOWLS Bowls historians believe that the game developed from the Egyptians. One of their pastimes was to play skittles with round stones. This has been determined based on artefacts found in tombs dating circa 5000 BC. The sport spread across the world and took on a variety of forms, Bocce (Italian), Bolla (Saxon), Bolle (Danish), Boules (French) and Ula Miaka (Polynesian). Lyn Joy (pictured here with Keith Wilson) is the lucky winner of the set of bowls raffled at the North Shore Realty Invitation Pairs. Congratulations Lyn. We look forward to seeing you out on the green with them. THE BANNING OF LAWN BOWLS King Henry VIII was also a lawn bowler. However, he banned the game for those who were not wealthy or “well to do” because “Bowyers, Fletchers, Stringers and Arrowhead makers” were spending more time at recreational events such as bowls instead of practising their trade. Henry VIII requested that anybody who wished to keep a green pay a fee of 100 pounds. However, the green could only be used for private play and he forbade anyone to “play at any bowle or bowles in open space out of his own garden or orchard”. King James I issued a publication called “The Book of Sports” and, although he condemned football (soccer) and golf, he encouraged the play of bowls. In 1845, the ban was lifted, and people were again allowed to play bowls and other games of skill. Taken from Town Centre Vikings website North Shore Realty Marcoola 5448 8725 Rollups Restaurant Ph 5351 1300 Ladies’ President Well, Christmas has come and gone and we are already through the month of January. Our ladies started back bowling mid January with the start of the Club Championship Fours. Four teams have progressed to Round 2, but it was rained out with the games to be played the following week. Our Super Challenge ladies have played their first games with both Gold and Bronze having 1 win and 1 loss. Good luck for the rest of the Super Challenge games. We are holding a “friendship” day on Thursday, 12th February, and have invited the Noosa Heads ladies to join us in our ladies day triples. It would be great if you could put your names down and play on the day. It is the normal format and we would like to encourage the Noosa ladies to consider joining our club as their club will be closing in a few months. There are quite a few club competitions coming up, please check in the games room for the entry dates and get some teams together. am sorry I missed the Christmas party but we were cruising around NZ at the time. We have a few new members awaiting lockers. Could you please check the sheet in the ladies room and make sure your designated locker number corresponds with your name. Our “Bowler of the Month” this month is Joy Westbrook. Well done Joy. The club really appreciates your dedication. That’s about it from me for this month. Celebrant Lorraine J.P. Qual Weddings & Funerals Mobile 0412 065 887 Brain Facts The adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds (1,300-1,400 g). The adult human brain is about 2% of the total body weight. Happy bowling to everyone. The elephant brain weighs about 6,000 g. President Kay The cat brain weighs about 30 g. Bowler of the Month Joy Westbrook The average human brain is 140 mm wide. The average human brain is 167 mm long. The average human brain is 93 mm high. The human brain has about Joy works tirelessly organising 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neuthe games and can be called rons. upon at any time to assist with other duties. The octopus nervous system has about 500,000,000 neurons, with President Kay two-thirds of these neurons located in the arms of the octopus. Many thanks to Dawn for hosting our Christmas party and for submitting the blog for the monthly newsletter. I Castlemaine Perkins Ltd Mount Coolum Aged Care Ph 5446 5588 LIVE MUSIC FRIDAYS 7pm SATURDAYS 7pm 6/2 Shades Trio 7/2 Richard Waterson 13/2 Michelle Brown & Red Belly Black 14/2 Dodgy Rog 20/2 Late for Woodstock 21/2 Merlin 27/2 Wingmen 28/2 Totally Charlie 6/3 Claptomaniacs 7/3 Richard Waterson Trivia Night Wed 25 February 7.15pm Prizes & Nibbles … & it’s FREE! Last Wednesday of the month Table Tennis Wednesdays 9am—all welcome Darts—Wednesday Nights 6.30pm Names in by 6.30pm, game 6.45pm, $2 entry fee Players must be financial members of Coolum Beach Bowls Club—$5 for 2 years Gambling Help Line 1800 222 050 24 hours 7 days Courtesy Bus Every day from 4pm as well as Saturdays 11am to 3pm 0404 029 474 Bruce Smith Insurance Ph 5447 6582 Rollups Restaurant 5351 1300 $7 Lunches Monday to Friday A La Carte Menu available every night except Thursday Monday—Schnitzel Night Tuesday —Curries of the World Wednesday—Fish Night Thursday—Roast Night Friday & Saturday—Full Menu & Blackboard Specials Sunday—Roast Night Lea’s Shortcuts Ph 5446 1136 Coolum Beach Bowls Club 5446 1153 Sun 1 9am Courtesy Bus 0404 029 474 Open Pairs Mon 2 10am SCDLBA President’s Day Tue Open Pairs/Triples 3 1pm Rollups Restaurant 5351 1300 lunch & dinner 7 days Bowls in February Wed 4 12.30pm 2-4-2 Open Pairs Thu 5 9.30am Ladies Championship Fours Final 1pm Fri 6 1pm 5pm Rollups Restaurant Ladies Day Mixed Triples LiveLife Pharmacy Men’s Jackpot Pairs/Triples Barefoot Bowls Sat 7 1pm Super Challenge Gold Men Sun 8 9am Open Pairs 1pm Premier 7’s Div 5 Mon 9 5pm Bowl & Dine Mixed Triples Tue 10 1pm Mt Coolum Aged Care Open Pairs/Triples Thu 12 9.30am Ladies Championship Singles 1pm Fri 13 1pm 5pm LiveLife Pharmacy Ladies Day Mixed Triples Noosa Heads Ladies Friendship Day Madills Men’s Pairs/Triples Barefoot Bowls Sat 14 12.30pm Super Challenge Gold Men Sun 15 9am 1pm Open Pairs Premier 7’s Div 5 Mon 16 5pm Bowl & Dine Mixed Triples Tue Coolum Thai Spice Open Pairs/Triples 17 1pm Wed 18 12.30pm 2-4-2 Open Pairs Thu 19 9.30am Ladies Championship Singles 1pm Fri 20 1pm 5pm Sat 21 1pm 1pm Sun 22 9am Ladies Day Mixed Triples Mitre 10 Men’s Jackpot Pairs/Triples Barefoot Bowls Super Challenge Ladies Gold Premier 7’s Div 3 Open Pairs Mon 23 5pm Bowl & Dine Mixed Triples Tue Open Pairs/Triples 24 1pm Cordell Plumbing 0409 008 385 Thu 26 9.30am Ladies Championship Singles 1pm Fri 27 1pm 5pm Sat 28 9am Ladies Day Mixed Triples Men’s Pairs/Triples Barefoot Bowls Open Pairs Games Directors John Lennon 5473 9306 Joy Westbrook 5473 9604 Coaches Rob Spalding 5446 2731 Syd Clarke 5446 1202 Geoff Osborne 5471 6575 Noel Nethery 0427 923 670 Eric Tomsene 0435 433 142 Fred Rose 5471 3361 Keith Wilson 0419 724 974 Social Bowls Dress Code Mufti dress everyday except Thursday which is whites or club colours & Friday which is bowls pants/shorts & collared shirt MUFTI = Smart casual attire (whites or club colours are optional) Club name badge to be worn if bowler’s name is not part of shirt. Bowls shoes (with socks) must be worn. NO board shorts, jeans, collarless T-shirts. Digi Dog Antennas 0416 067 596
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