EEA 2014 Fund Commentary

EEA Life Settlements Fund PCC Limited (“Fund”)
Redemption of Continuing Shares
We note that you previously submitted a form (the “Original Form”) requesting to redeem up
to 5% of your holding of the Fund for the Redemption Day of 2 January 2015.
Unfortunately, there was insufficient cash within the Fund as at 31 December 2014 to trigger
the requirement for such a redemption to go ahead.
However, the Directors have discretion either generally or in a particular case to enable
Continuing Shares to be redeemed during the Lock Up Period. Accordingly, the Directors
have decided to exercise their discretion to permit those holders of Continuing Shares who
validly submitted an Original Form, and who re-confirm their wish to redeem those
Continuing Shares by completing the attached form (and ticking “Yes” in the relevant box)
and submitting it by the deadline set out below, to redeem the same Continuing Shares as set
out in the Original Form. Such deals will be processed on the Redemption Day of 2 February
2015. If you no longer wish to redeem those Continuing Shares, you are also able to
complete and submit the attached form (ticking “No” in the relevant box). If no form is
received at all by the deadline set out below, none of your Continuing Shares will be
redeemed on this occasion. It is therefore important you return a form completed and ticked
“Yes” by the deadline if you still wish to redeem.
In the light of the recent appointment of an independent valuation agent and the associated
change in valuation methodology, reported net asset values per share may be below the levels
anticipated when you made your request pursuant to the Original Form. Please refer to the
announcement by the Fund, which can be found at
The attached form, fully completed (ticked either “Yes” if you still wish to redeem or “No” if
you do not) should be returned either by fax (to fax number +44 (0)1481 716868), or email
(at, or post (to EEA Life Settlements Fund PCC Limited, PO
Box 282, Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3RH) to be
received no later than 5pm (Guernsey time) on Friday 20 February 2015, and, if submitting
by fax or email, with the original hard copy to follow by mail to the above address.
Please call us on +44 (0)1481 740900 or email us at for any
further assistance.
Regards, Shareholder Services Department
International Administration Group (Guernsey) Limited
Guernsey - London - Luxembourg - Hong Kong - Singapore - Cayman
Dir: +44 (0)1481 737910 | Tel: +44 (0)1481 723450 | Fax: +44 (0)1481 716868
Email: | Website:
PO Box 282, Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3RH
EEA Life Settlements Fund PCC Limited
Continuing Shares
Redemption Form for the 2 February 2015 Redemption Day
EEA Life Settlements Fund PCC Limited, PO Box 282, Regency Court, Glategny
Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3RH.
+44 (0) 1481 716868
Full name(s) in which Shares are registered:
Registered address:
Holder Number:
(Tick one)
I/We wish to redeem the Shares I/we previously opted to redeem in the redemption
form submitted for up to 5% during the Lock-Up Period as at the 2 January 2015
Redemption Day (the Original Form).
Signature of Shareholder(s) or duly authorised signatories (corporate Shareholders). All holders must
Unless expressly stated otherwise in this form, the redemption of Shares pursuant to this form
shall be on the terms set out in the Original Form.
The completed form must be sent by fax, email or post (the relevant addresses are on page
one of this form) to be received no later than 5pm (Guernsey time) on Wednesday 18
February 2015. If the request is sent by fax or email, the hard copy original must be received
before redemption proceeds can be paid.
A redemption request in respect of a class of Shares which is in excess of the redemption
request for such class of Shares as set out in the Original Form will result in a redemption only
of such Shares of that class as set out in the Original Form.