FEBRUARY 2015 E EL B R AT I N 14 G C Your Community News Source — Serving Sun City Lincoln Hills — ONLINE AT: SUNSENIORNEWS.COM BY LINDA LUCCHETTI YEARS! IN THIS ISSUE From Your Placer County Supervisor ................... 3 Letters to the Editors .............................................. 3 Seniors Need to Know! ........................................... 4 Election of Four Directors for the SCLH ............. 7 Favorite Restaurants..................................................... 8 Thoughts From Jack, Annual Fine Arts Show ..... 9 Community Chorus, Ballroomm Tap....................... 11 Line Dance................................................................... 12 Country Couples SC Squares, Painters.................... 13 Needle Arts, Photography ..................................... 14 Antiques, Gem & Mineral ..............................................15 Square & Compass, Genealogy............................. 15 OC Book, Authors Resource ............................... 16 Writers, Singles ...................................................... 17 Lavender Friends, Bosom Buddies .......................... 19 Eye Contact.................................................................. 20 Healthy Eating, Veterans ........................................... 21 Mac Users .............................................................. 24 Computer, Investors, Astronomy ........................ 25 Italian, Travel, RV................................................... 26 LSV/NEV, Sports Car, Motorcycle ...................... 27 Rods & Relics, Bird ................................................ 28 Garden, Shooting .................................................. 29 Christian Athletes, Hiking .............................30 - 31 Bingo and Lunch, SCLH Writer .......................... 32 Bulletin Board ....................................................... 33 Cyclist ..................................................................... 35 Ski, Pickleball .............................................................. 36 Table Tennis, Tennis, Bocce, Lincsters ................ 37 LHLG - 18 Holes, Bowling................................... 39 Cribbage, Duplicate Bridge.................................. 39 SSN Gardening Corner......................................... 40 SCLH Writer’s Corner .......................................... 41 Neighborhood Watch ............................................ 43 Observations on Walking — Part 2 ...................... 44 Sun Senior News Classifieds...........................46 - 47 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROSEVILLE, CA PERMIT NO. 70 And Much More . . . Sun Senior News 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3-405 Roseville, CA 95747 George and Cathy Sylvia – In a League of Their Own Life’s pathways are peppered with people who’ve experienced a certain “brush with greatness”. They may be well known for a career achievement, athletic talent or a family name. George and Cathy Sylvia are two such people. However, these three-year residents of Lincoln Hills originally from the Bay Area, might fool you. Married for 34 years, each one is soft spoken, humble and not quick to brag. You wouldn’t know each has a story to tell: One about being a softball champion, the other about growing up as a daughter of a cultural icon. George — A “Portuguese from the commercial fishing community of New Bedford, Mass.” as he describes himself, George relocated to California at a young age. He attended San Jose State University and with an electronics background, eventually retired from the Intel Corp. as a training manager. He met Cathy some 38 years ago, at a softball party in Santa Clara. Ironically, it is softball that brought them together and today still plays an important role in their lives. According to George, baseball was always a big part of his life – from a youngster in Little League to college and a semi-pro league. “But, I knew there was no future for me professionally in baseball,” he admits. Now softball – that’s another story. A variant of baseball played with a larger ball on a smaller field, this sport has pitched him a rewarding pastime. Taking Cathy and George Sylvia PHOTO BY JEFF ANDERSEN (cont’ on page 23) Another Record Year for Neighbors InDeed Players Group — BY BARRY MACKINTOSH The Readers Theater Unlike businesses electrical work. that measure their Nearly 700 calls success in dollars, we were for requesting at Neighbors InDeed and returning 438 measure our success loans of medical by how many of you equipment: walkers, we help. wheelchairs, By this measure, transport chairs, 2014 was our most canes, crutches, successful year ever. ramps, and grabbers. We responded to some Handy Helpers 6,800 resident calls, deliver this equipment up from around 6,700 to residents from in 2013. our storage unit and I&R Coordinator Cindy Atkinson Most of these return it there after taking your calls. calls were requests use. for our Handy Many more of Helper, Medical Equipment Loan, and you made about 2,600 calls for assistance Information & Referral services. Calls from our Information & Referral (I&R) for home maintenance and repairs by our service. Handy Helpers accounted for the largest For this we maintain a database of number—about 3,250. around 600 commercial vendors, nonprofit The most-requested maintenance and entities, and public agencies providing repair tasks were changing smoke alarm a wide range of services valuable to batteries, furnace filters, and light bulbs; residents. We offer information about home addressing computer and entertainment maintenance, repair, and improvement system needs; adjusting irrigation controls companies; in-home and other health care and fixing other irrigation problems; and services; other services like auto repair, pest lubricating and adjusting garage doors. control, and transportation; and support We also did a good bit of thermostat groups. Our referrals to commercial programming, picture hanging, mattress (cont’ on page 45) turning, furniture moving, and minor BY LINDA MARCHUS The Readers Theater’s cast is excited to be presenting, Love Is In The Air...Or Is It? on February 7th at 7 PM and February 8th at 3 PM on the Kilaga Presentation Hall stage. Bring your honey or friend or come on your own and sit back to enjoy four stories of life and love, that will tickle your funny bone and warm your heart. The Readers Theater’s productions are always FREE, which is one of the ways that the Players can convey their appreciation to a community that has unfailingly shown its support throughout the years for our many creative, talented, technical and above all, hard working members. Preparations for The Ballad of Gopher Gap...or Sticky Fingers Won’t Wash, directed by Julia Africa, are underway and charging full steam ahead. Rehearsals have begun, bringing together a cast of very funny and talented actors, playing very funny and downright outrageous characters. Come prepared for over-the-top and campy melodrama, guest appearances and audience participation. This show is shaping up to be like no other and will be held on March 4th at 7 PM and March 5th at 2 PM and 7 PM on the Orchard Creek (cont’ on page 5) 2 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 6KDUL0F*UDLO 916-396-9216 www.SunCityShari.com x Resident Since 2004 x Top Producing Realtor Every Year Since 2005 ¾ (xperience ¾ &ompetence ¾ ,ntegrity ¾ )ollow-Through ĂůZηϬϭϰϯϲϯϬϭ A Family Tradition Since 1934 400 Douglas Blvd. • Roseville 783-0474 FD#734 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is a monthly publication, published by EGnews Inc. Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 • Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 727-6383 • Fax: (916) 727-6373 • E-mail: egnews@egnews.com Ad rates are available on the Internet at http://www.egnews.com EDITORS Elizabeth “Liz” & Gregg Goldthorpe PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Mark Bernard, Targa Funk, Emily Goldthorpe ADVERTISING Liz & Gregg Goldthorpe Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe CONTRIBUTORS Linda Lucchetti, Robert M. Weygandt, Barry Mackintosh, Linda Marchus, Emily Study, Martin Green, Jack Fabian, Diane Pargament, Karen Allington, Steve Garavito, Helen Rains, Terri Krcha, Gail Homes, Jacquie Hilton, Carol Matthews, Jeff Andersen, Genevieve Tewart, Dave Fisk, Beth Ahrens, Bill Hilton, Dale Nater, Linda Bello-Ruiz, Judith Leimer, Kathleen McCarthy, Val Singer, Joan Brant-Love, Don R. Rickgauer, B. L. Lewis, Paul Gardner, Karl Schoenstein, John Noon, Helen Maclaren, Teena Fowler, Ralph Chatoian, Lillian Nawman, Bud Vancott, John Milbauer, Elna Ragan, Ruth Baylis, Lorraine Immel, Ed Kasper, Bob Hanvey, Stephanie Huntingdale, Jeanie Robertson, Tom Frady, Mike Hilton, Cindy Pulliam, Ed Rocknich, Linda Burke, Paul Mac Garvey, Susan Pharis, Judith Jesness, Joan Gates, Dick Proffitt, George Porter, Bev Brannon, Jim Fulcomer, Kathy Gire. CIRCULATION The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is delivered free directly to 7,500 homes in the Sun City - Lincoln Hills community. The delivery is targeted for the first week of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS For a one year mailed subscription to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, send address and $48 to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405, Roseville, CA 95747. Please make checks payable to: Sun Senior News. Subcriptions are for those who want to have their paper mailed outside of Lincoln Hills. DISPLAY ADS A variety of display ad sizes are available to fit your business needs and budget. For rate information call Gregg at (916) 727-6383. Display ads must be submitted by the 10th of each month to guarantee placement in the following month’s issue and to avoid late fees. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any display ads it deems unsuitable. CLASSIFIED ADS For classified ads, please complete the form provided in this issue. Send appropriate payment with completed form to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills. Deadline for the classified ads is the 15th of each month. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any classified ads it deems unsuitable. SUBMISSIONS The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills welcomes announcements from social clubs, schools, charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, local government and community events. Also, editorial contributions as well as articles, cartoons and photographs are welcomed and considered for publication. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. Please submit via email. All information submitted to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills must be accompanied by your name, phone number and written consent. All letters received become the property of the publisher (EGnews Inc.). TheSun Senior News Lincoln Hills reserves the right to condense and edit letters for publication and liability purposes. The Sun Senior News Lincoln Hills is Printed on Recycled Paper All content and letters to the editors represents the opinion of the various authors and all content and letters should be considered as opinion and editorial in nature. Any representations expressed by the various authors are not necessarily shared or verified by the publisher. Advertisers are solely responsible for all representations made by their advertisements. EG NEWS INC. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any advertisements. The presence of an ad within our publications or electronic communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, product, or service. Readers should use all due diligence regarding representations, products or services before an transaction is preformed. Sun Senior News is not associated with Del Webb Corporation. Del Webb’s Sun City is a registered trademark of Del Webb Corporation. EG Graphics, publishers of the Antelope News, Sun Senior News - Roseville, Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills & Woodcreek News. From Your Placer County Supervisor BY ROBERT M. WEYGANDT, Supervisor A Jan. 14 dedication ceremony is a long-time friend who was at Side Hill Citrus Farm in rural my predecessor as 2nd District Lincoln was a special occasion representative on the Board of for me. Supervisors. He was a board The ceremony was held member for 24 years and later to celebrate an agricultural served on the board of the Placer conservation easement purchased County Water Agency. by Placer County and three Alex was one of the first partners: the Sierra Nevada Robert M. Weygandt voices on the Board of Supervisors Conservancy, Placer Land Trust, who saw the need to balance and Emigrant Trails Greenway West Placer’s ongoing population Trust. growth with the conservation of agricultural The easement will ensure the 47-acre lands, open space and other natural farm is preserved for agricultural uses in resources. perpetuity. Owner Richard Ferreira grows The ceremony also was special because some of the finest organic mandarin oranges I was surrounded by people who have helped in the region and is an important player in nurture Placer County’s efforts to conserve the local farm-to-fork movement. and restore important natural resources Agricultural conservation easements and have been present to witness our many help ensure a farm property remains in successes over the years. active production by removing development The Side Hill conservation easement is pressures and prohibiting practices that consistent with several goals of the county’s interfere with agricultural uses. Rich award-winning Placer Legacy Open Space is committed to preserving his land for and Agricultural Conservation Program and agriculture, but another owner might be the proposed Placer County Conservation tempted to split up the farm into lots and sell Plan. some with beautiful views of the Sacramento The Jan. 14 ceremony was a great chance Valley. to both celebrate and talk about the future. The ceremony was special to me partly Much work remains to be done in our efforts because I grew up on a ranch near Side Hill to balance growth with the conservation of and Richard and I have been friends since natural resources. We are fortunate to have childhood. a visionary, hard-working team in Placer I was particularly glad to see Richard’s County who are up to the challenge. father, Alex Ferreira, in the audience. Alex Letters to the Editors... Authors are solely responsible for the content of their letters. Consider sending John Kightlinger back… Just a reminder that each voter has four (4) votes that may be distributed among four (4) Board candidates or assigned to only one lucky candidate, as you may wish. And, if you have not already decided on whom to support, please consider sending John Kightlinger back to the Sun City Lincoln Hills Board of Directors. John is a 12-year resident who previously has dedicated his time to community service as a Citizen on Patrol, a member of our Elections Committee, and as Treasurer and Secretary of the Board. He is terrifically qualified, but perhaps more importantly, his decisions are guided by a great sense of respect for his fellow residents. Please consider supporting John. Jean & Shelly Ebenholtz ••• (cont’ on page 45) GREAT NEWS! State Farm ® has reduced auto rates in CALIFORNIA Get a free car insurance quote - save up to 35% Call my office 24/7. Julie Bowen, Agent Lic. #OB98828 1328 Blue Oaks Blvd, Ste 190 NE Corner-Foothills & Blue Oaks Roseville, CA 95678 916-783-4010 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (not in NJ), State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Bloomington, IL • Insurance and discounts subject to qualifications. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE.® Providing Insurance and Financial Services 3 “Don’t Pay Big Companies Overhead!” “Savings from $500 up to $2450 on New System Installs” We have over 200 happy, installed customers in Sun City already! “Our quality and pricing can’t be beat.” 4FSWJDFt4BMFT 4 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Seniors Need to Know! Redefining Wellness in Senior Living BY EMILY STUDY The workout selfie: emblematic of a culture that has been swept away by the fitness craze. As the rest of the world becomes more in tune with this way of life, so too has senior living. But providers are reinventing the way “wellness” is perceived in the industry — starting by offering more than just state-ofthe-art gyms and fitness classes. For many, the concept of wellness involves the whole person, and it centers around six dimensions: social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, vocational and, of course, physical. Respondents in a team of industry experts’ most recent survey, released last year, reported that wellness programs affected health care operations costs, use of the health care center and use of medication, and also reduced emergency room visits, hospital readmissions and falls. Additionally, wellness programs had an impact on resident and family member satisfaction and on move-in decision-making, with 90% to 91% of respondents rating wellness programs as important in these areas. Presbyterian Village North (PVN) has nearly 500 residents and offers a number of programs aimed at improving each resident’s mind, body and spirit. The community’s holistic approach to wellness includes, among other initiatives, a Wellness University, laughter yoga, a Spiritual Life team, and plans for a new 6,000-squarefoot wellness facility. Whole-person wellness is not just one or two of the dimensions; it’s a combination of all of them. Every department works together to provide those wellness activities to make sure the residents are getting what they need. 1. Social Life Enrichment staff at PVN focus on the social aspect of wellness, although much of the programming at the community is a result of partnerships across several departments. One example of social programming is offering cooking classes for residents, where they can learn more about cooking techniques and also socialize with each other. The community’s amenities also include a 250-seat performing arts center and additional meeting rooms. It’s amazing how engaged so many people are. The old notion of retiring and sitting in a rocking chair is long gone. 2. Emotional Laughter yoga is an exercise routine that combines deep breathing from yoga and laughter to oxygenate participants’ brains, making them feel healthier and more energetic. The concept of laughter yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits. The technique has proven to change participants’ moods, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, improve relationships, and create a positive mental state. 3. Intellectual PVN has offered Wellness University, a semester-long program meant to encourage learning and resident participation. PVN integrates each of the six dimensions of wellness into classes taught by staff members and outside experts. Roughly 80 residents participated last spring. Additionally, PVN launched a five-day “brain camp” this year, and offers “brainercize” classes weekly. . It encourages people to have an incentive to try new things.” 4. Spiritual As a faith-based organization, PVN has a full-time chaplain and offers weekly worship services. However, the community also looks at “spirituality” in a broader light, helping residents become more connected with themselves and with nature. Last month, it gathered residents for a sunrise devotion. Its tai chi and meditation classes relieve stress and promote calmness. A “relax and unwind” class helps quiet residents’ minds. And a Spiritual Life team is available for support. 5. Vocational (Occupational) AmongPVN’samenitiesarewoodworking, computer, business and sewing centers, where residents can gather to cultivate their hobbies, develop interests and learn new skills. This dimension of wellness also includes volunteering, something the community strongly encourages. Among the resident organizations at PVN are a sewing group and a woodworking group, both of which donate many of their projects to people inside and outside the community. 6. Physical PVN currently has a wellness center which houses equipment and space for its 50 weekly fitness classes, as well as an aquatics and rehabilitation therapy center fit with a therapy pool, an underwater treadmill, gait monitoring, and massage jets. Currently under renovation, PVN will also add another dining space: a healthy lifestyles cafe with a fruit and yogurt bar. Inside the new fitness center there will also be a spa and a clinic with access to physicians. “It’s exciting to see that health and wellness is such an important part here at the retirement community. People want to live their lives well, and retirement should be about doing the things you love and staying active.” The views expressed here are those of Ms. Emily Study, and do not necessarily represent those of the Commission or individual members. We thank the publication Senior Housing News for the opportunity to reprint this article of interest for the Older Adults in our community. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Players Group (cont’ from page 1) Ballroom’s Main Stage. In addition to Premium Seating and General Seating, we’re offering SOMETHING EXCITING AND NEW!!! The Players are thrilled to be introducing VIP Table Seating for Gopher Gap’s evening performances only. VIP Table Seating includes appetizers served 6:45 - 7:00, and cash bar service, $25 — Premium Seating, $19 — General Seating, $14. The matinée show will not include appetizers. For the matinée show, both VIP Table Seating and Premium Seating will be $19 — General Seating, $14. If you’ve ever thought you’d like to learn to be a sound tech or a lighting tech to work on our shows with a great group of people, now is the time to make your move. The Players are looking for technical enthusiasts to train for these positions. If you’re interested contact Barbara Greenfield (information below). Players meetings are held the second Monday of the month in the Kilaga Presentation Hall. If you have a hankering to act, or perhaps build a set, or if you’re merely curious about the many creative things we do, you’re welcome to join us to see what we’re all about. Tickets are available now at the Orchard Creek and Kilaga activities desks. For further information, contact Barbara Greenfield – Phone: 916-408-5017 — Email: Barbieg1@sbcglobal.net Kilaga Springs February 7, 2015, 7 PM -- Doors Open at 6:30 PM February 8, 2015, 3 PM -- Doors Open at 2:30 PM Specializing in the Western Placer Area t"DUJWFJO3FBM&TUBUFBOE-FOEJOHGPSPWFSZFBST t$POTJTUFOU1MBDFS$PVOUZ5PQ1SPEVDFS “Making a Lasting Contribution To Our Clients, To Our Community and To Our Profession” FREE HOME MARKET EVALUATION '3&&1"35*"-45"(*/( VIRTUAL TOURS ON A NEW LISTING! Let Me Help You Find Your New Home! Donna Judah 916-412-9190 EKVEBI!TCDHMPCBMOFU $BM#3& %FM8FCC#MWE -JODPMO$" SUN RIDGE REAL ESTATE Jennifer M. Jensen, CPA Master in Taxation Lisette L Hutchens, CPA Income Tax Preparation i Individual i Business i Sole Proprietor i Partnership i Limited Liability Company i Corporation i Estates& Trusts Audit, Review & Compilation Services Small Business Consulting Estate Planning 661 5th Street, Suite 101 Lincoln, CA Phone (916) 434-1662 5 6 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 45 YEARS OF LOCAL EXPERIENCE Open Daily 9am to 5pm and after hours by appointment. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 7 Election of Four Directors for the SCLH Homeowners’ Association The election of four Directors for the Sun City Lincoln Hills Homeowners’ Association will take place on February 19 at the Annual Meeting of Homeowners. This meeting convenes at 9 AM at which time ballot envelopes will be opened and the vote counting process begins. There are six candidates competing for the four available positions. It is expected that votes will be counted by early afternoon; then the new Board will convene and select officers for the coming year. Ballot materials were mailed to all I have chosen not to fill out rescue mode, a five day space rental every square inch of space allowed seems a bit excessive. with historical work and educational As a Director, I think we accomplishments. I have served on should concentrate our efforts the Board of directors before and and solicit ideas that produce the results for those two terms are cost saving projects, such as the public record. Sports Bar expansion or LED Nothing has changed, we still lighting project. Dues, space rental, cost saving projects and sound need top notch managers to serve, who know how to grow people and budgeting are all elements that must be properly managed in a therefore grow profits and help David Conner maintain our assets. We have and prudent and disciplined manner. will probably continue to rent out space and I love this community and will not allow provide food and other service for outsiders, anything to harm our assets or interfere with our wonderful life style... Thank you in advance hopefully when those facilities are scheduled for your votes. to be idle. Although lucrative, and we were in Priorities: University; Dean - University of 1. Ensure our residents’ Phoenix; Principal; Teacher; Steel interests are a priority and that and Construction worker. they are treated with courtesy Service Organizations: and respect. Be accessible and President of Granite Bay Advisory take seriously the concerns of Council (Appointed by County our residents, club members, and Supervisor); President of Rotary. employees. Business Background: Current 2. Focus on improving our owner of an investment corporation, financial strength and business owned a small community bank, a transactions. surplus commodity corporation; Donald De Santis 3. Communicate and and, former owner of a dog kennel. collaborate with the City of Lincoln to improve HOA Experience: Los Lagos Board VP, the safety and security of our community. Finance, Architectural, Social and community Personal: I was born in Ohio and raised Reporter Committees. on a farm. My beautiful wife, Nancy, and I Awards: Outstanding Superintendent; have six children. Outstanding Leadership (same award given Military: Air Force - Pilot to President Clinton); Seminar Room at USC Educational Background: I have four named in my honor. degrees including a Doctorate in Finance and Elect D onald De Santis! I will work hard Administration from USC. and serve you well. Employment: Superintendent of Schools; Educational Coordinator - Chapman My main objective when Plans that greatly improves the elected to the SCLHCA Board of budget validity. I encouraged the Directors is to treat all residents expansion of the Sports Bar and with courtesy and respect while Kilaga Springs SPA which increased retaining our Association as the revenue/profit of both and financially stable. helps lower our monthly dues. I have an engineering degree One of my last accomplishments and was an executive for a major as a Board Director was obtaining airline, aircraft parts supplier and the maximum dollars on the ADA/ as an owner of a consulting firm for building defects law suit which will over 40 years. I have lived in SCLH cover identified expenditures in John Kightlinger for twelve plus years. the future. I was a SCLHCA Board Director for four I take my fiduciary responsibility very years, served as Treasurer and Secretary of the seriously to achieve the best interests of the Association and on the Election Committee Association as they relates to residential as VP for two years. interactions, increasing our assets or overseeing While a Board member I introduced a our operating/reserve funds. modified Budget process to start with Business I would appreciate your votes. homeowners by January 19 with full voting instructions. Ballots must be in the hands of the Inspector Of Elections by 3 PM, February 18. We hope that all homeowners will be informed voters in the selection of their candidates. Cumulative voting is allowed in this election. Therefore, each home owner has four votes per lot owned. These votes may be allocated to one or more candidates. We thank these six candidates for coming forward to serve our fine community. I am running for re-election Advisory Committee - produced to help preserve and enhance our a comprehensive 5 year Strategic active adult lifestyle over the next Plan for our Community two years, thereby continuing to Finance Committee Member attract new, vibrant residents and - championed the LED Street raising your home values Lighting Project saving SCLHCA Priorities Include: thousands of dollars annually with Safeguarding our financial a 7 year payback strength SCLH Activities: Ensuring that decisions are Active Water Volleyball Club made for the greater good of the Member Jim Leonhard --entire community Former Fitness Monitor for Incumbent Being accessible and listening three years to all residents Avid long-distance runner Working with the highest ethical standards Professional career included: senior Maintaining the quality our grounds, operating executive of a manufacturing facilities, & activities business; founder & CEO of a telecom Service to Sun City Lincoln Hills consulting firm; certified business valuator Community Association (SCLHCA) and M&A advisor Governance Includes: Education: Johns Hopkins University Board of Directors since 2013; Treasurer - BES 2014-15 - helped select our new Executive Harvard Business School - MBA Director I respectively request that you cast your Chair, SCLHCA 2012 Strategic 4 votes for Jim. BS from University of Utah • worked on getting new CPA I’ve been a resident in Lincoln and insurance firm contracts Hills for the past seven years, I have been the Treasurer for participating in many clubs in the Council for Performing Arts, addition to working the past four Tap Company, and Players. years on the Finance Committee. I bring 35 years as a professional In that capacity, I am Co-Chair of in finance in multi-million dollar the Club Activities, which entails companies in the Silicon Valley. bi-annual auditing 72 of the Lincoln I know the value of doing one’s Hills Club’s finances. homework, of listening to all side Finance Committee and positions, and making forceful Molly Seamons accomplishments: decisions. • worked with the Properties Committee Previously I was on the Board of Directors on capital assets of a homeowners association in Saratoga, • approved association annual budgets CA which solved many financial perplexing • directly participated in the managing problems. of Reserves I ask for your vote as I want to be your • created an investment policy with UBS voice as a member of the Sun City Lincoln to maximize our interest Hills Board of Directors. For those of you not able increasing efficiencies and cost savings. We also expanded the to attend one of the Candidate Sports Bar, remodeled Meridians Forums allow me, Denny Valentine, to cover some of the material that and built six new Pickle Ball courts. will be presented there. First We retrofitted the Street Lighting to LED with a return on investment my experience since Sheilah and of six years and significant cost I moved here in 2002. I was Foreman of the Placer County savings thereafter. We also were Grand Jury and Executive Director successful in a construction defects of Neighborhood Watch. I was first law suit forcing Del Webb to elected to the Sun City Lincoln provide significant funds to the Denny Valentine Hills Board of Directors in 2005 Association. While on the Board I have served as and to three more terms thereafter. Keeping liaison to the Properties, Elections and dues low and property values high are serious priorities of mine. Communications and Community Relations During my time on the Board there Committees. I was also a member of the have been many positive accomplishments. Strategic Advisory Committee. We constructed the Maintenance Building I would appreciate your support. 8 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 St James Episcopal Church A Caring Christian Community Sunday Services: 8 & 10 AM (Nursery provided for 10am service) Father Bill Rontani Corner of 5th and L Streets, Lincoln $IVSDI0GmDFtXXXTUKBNFTMJODPMOPSH Favorite Restaurants BY MARTIN GREEN I’m happy to report on a (relatively) new Roseville eating place, thanks to SCR bon vivant, Jim Costello. Jim, and his wife Amy, dined at the ASR Restaurant and Lounge on New Year’s Eve and here’s what he had to say: “My wife had the filet stuffed with crab and I had the rack of lamb. Both were excellent, as were the lobster bisque and the duck appetizer. The final course was a light cheesecake that melted in the mouth. All in all, we were very pleased with the meal and the service was excellent.” Jim believes the restaurant is about four months old and the space was previously occupied by a Mexican restaurant. According to ASR’s website, the owner is Harwinder Bisia and his aim is to “provide Roseville professionals in the area with a beautiful, upscale environment for fine dining and lounging, unlike any other in the area.” The website further tells us the restaurant has a noted chef (Vincent Alexander) and that you can dine on balconies overlooking the main dining room or in private cabanas on the patio. The lunch menu has appetizers, salads, “flat breads, pizzas and hot apps,” sandwiches, burgers, entrees and pasta.. Appetizers include an “artisan cheese plate,” fondue, duck egg rolls, and calamari. There’s a Caesar salad, a “South of the Border Spicy Grilled Chicken Salad,” and an almond shrimp salad. Sandwiches come with hand cut fries, or a petite salad and include a grilled chicken club, grilled ahi tuna, French dip and grilled vegetarian. Entrees include beef bourguignon, seafood chowder in puff pastry and bistro steak and fries. The dinner menu has a number of appetizers, and several salads. “From the Sea,” there is salmon, grilled swordfish and pan-seared scallops. “Off the Grill” offers Beef Wellington, and a 14 ounce choice NY strip loin. Other entrees are roast chicken, pork tenderloin, and filet mignon and lobster. As indicated, ASR is an upscale restaurant. Jim Costello says its prices are similar to Hawk’s. Also, it’s probably a good idea to call for reservations. The number is 916-7970220. The address is 390 North Sunrise Ave., Roseville. Richard Cartano e-mailed regarding last month’s review of breakfast places, noting that I had not mentioned the Window Box in Rocklin. It’s his favorite because it has a nice ambience and “very good coffee.” The Window Box was reported on by Bob Boggs and to recap: operated by owners, who are very anxious to please customers; baked their own bread and make their own salad dressings; special breakfast menu for seniors and also for dinners 2pm - 5:30pm, small and cozy; reasonable prices; open seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner; breakfast served all day. Window Box is at 6835 Five Star Boulevard, Rocklin; the phone number is 916-259-2114. Please e-mail me about any other favorite restaurants; the address is mgreensuncity@ yahoo.com. B. Jowers Painting Licensed Contractor # 781292 Why not call someone that lives and works in your own community? • Two coats of highest quality paint for all interior. • For exterior spray and back roll body. CA BRE#01229917 d ense Lic • Prime and two coats on all trim with paint. All work guaranteed! References from people in your own community proudly provided. Be aware of statements such as “As needed”. Call (916) 408-2341 Pam Cabezas Larry Pearson 916-521-0676 916-521-6516 CA BRE#01922151 CA BRE#01938527 www.WeSellSunCity.com 4011 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, Ca 95747 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Thoughts From Jack— Ah, For The Age Of Technology BY JACK FABIAN There was a headline in the Sacramento Bee on December 29th that said, “ Missing AirAsia Jet Thought to be Down.” This was more than two days after it disappeared! You talk about ingenious logic! If that thing was NOT down, we need to find out who made those engines and what kind of fuel they were using. But, hey, since it’s thought to be down, we have to accept this ingenious conclusion. People who read this crazy stuff I write always ask where I went to school. The fact is I graduated from CVS MagnaCome-Loaded, (and I sure did.) I majored in Pharmaceuticals and minored in Stool Softeners. With an education like that, I can discuss just about anything. For example, let’s talk about how our elected officials control the spending of our tax dollars, and how the computer is going to end this world as we know it. Back in December of 1999, NASA’s Mars Polar Lander thought it had touched down on Mars, so it shut off its engines. The fact is it was still 131 feet above the Mars surface, so it crashed and $165 million in taxes ended up in a lot o’ little pieces. What’s even more amazing was the crash was due to a typographical error in the software code! If you questioned your Congressman about this, he’d tell you they were researching high-altitude landings. If we keep relying on computers to do everything, we are making one huge mistake. Now for some words of wisdom for our younger female generation. When you marry, marry a man your own age. That way, as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. Unfortunately, there’s a negative side to this advice. Right here in Lincoln, an elderly gentleman returned home from a successful surgery at Sutter Hospital. His wife has since filed a complaint reporting that since his operation, he has lost all interest in sex. A hospital spokesman replied, “Mr. Williams was admitted for cataract surgery. All we did was correct his eyesight.” 9 Annual Fine Arts Show BY DIANE PARGAMENT Nearly 60 artists will gather for their 12th Annual Fine Arts Show at the Lincoln Hills Orchard Creek Ballroom this month. The show begins with Preview Night on Friday, February 20, from 5 pm to 8 pm, and continues on Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm, through Sunday, 9 am to 3 pm. This year’s show will feature professional quality paintings and sculpture, including watercolors, oils, pastels, original computer generated fine art, mixed media, and photography. We are honored to have Dennis Carr from Sun City Roseville jury our show. Dennis has spent his professional life in the arts. He has two Master’s degrees, in Fine arts and Arts Administration. He has taught art at all levels, from Kindergarten to Graduate Art School and paints in oils and watercolors. Musical accompaniment will be provided during the show by several talented Lincoln Hills musicians, including Dave Townsend; Cherilyn Duncan and Donna Jenkins; Dennis Zaro; Mike Sisemore; Peter Smit and Peter Laderman; Paul Daher; Paul Underwood; Leslie Gon; Barbara Byllesby and Mona Stryer. Thank you to all these volunteers who enhance the show with their music. Since the beginning, a diverse group of artists who call the community of Sun City Lincoln Hills home have participated in this show. These include professional artists who are nationally recognized in their own right; beginners making their first tentative strokes of paint on canvas or paper or clicks of a Musical rehearsal 2014 camera shutter; and many in between. All have contributed to the important role art has played in our lives. They have formed several groups and clubs and have furthered the arts not only in Lincoln Hills but the community at large by participating in activities and events sponsored by local art venues. Over the years the show has been built into the high quality that it is today. The committee, including Chair Joyce Bisbee and committee members Marlin Anderson, Paulette Pesavento, Bonnie Dunlap, Gordon Powers, Chuck Ellis, Diane Pargament, Dennis Sodeman, and Barb Iniguez appreciate the support they’ve received from our artists. We also appreciate the several volunteers from the community who assist with the setupof the show. The Fine Arts Show of Lincoln Hills honors these artists and volunteers and thanks them for their participation in our annual event. We hope you will join us at our 12th Annual show! Offering options for... Social Security Income Optimization Annuities with Lifetime Income Options Cost-Effective Ways to Pay for Long Term Care Fixed Indexed Annuities with Guarantees & Growth Potential Annuity & Life Insurance Reviews to Maximize Your Benefits Educational Workshops/Seminars Call us to learn more 916.677.6677 or visit www.lighthousefinancialtax.com and download our free 360 degree financial overview. 2204 Plaza Dr. Ste 100 Rocklin, CA 95765 jim@lighthousefinancialtax.com CA License #0590787 James D. Kersey CLU, CHFC, RHU, REBC, President Respond and learn how life insurance and annuities may positively impact your retirement. Not sponsored or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any governmental agency. Guarantees provided by annuities are subject to the financial strength of the issuing insurance company; not guaranteed by any bank or the FDIC. Guaranteed lifetime income available through annuitization or the purchase of an optional lifetime income rider, a benefit for which an annual premium is charged. Investment Advisory Services offered through Global Financial Private Capital, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through GF Investment Services LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC 13777 - 2014/10/20 10 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 THANK YOU FOR MAKING US 320 300 THE #1 SALES TEAM IN LINCOLN HILLS FOR 2014 ! 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 SUN CITY HOMES SOLD IN 2014* 120 100 80 Once Again The Sacramento Business Journal in their Recent Book of Lists has acknowledged Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge as one of the Top 10 Selling Offices in the Four County Area (Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Yolo). 60 40 20 0 * Top Ten Real Estate Offices. 1-1-14 thru 12-31-14. These Sales Figures Were Provided By Metrolist Services Inc. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 916-408-4444 Jim Berry 832-8017 #01871058 Donna Judah 412-9190 #00780415 Loree Risi 716-0854 #01203309 Gail Cirata 206-3503 #00481659 Tish Leo 257-2798 #01217695 Lisa Snapp 770-9200 #01309242 Andra Cowles Michelle Cowles Pamela Everett #00556444 #01821892 #01134130 434-8655 295-8532 543-5222 Jill Mallory Paula Nelson Wendy Olsen #01844265 #01156846 #01764197 201-3855 Gay Sprague 316-6845 #01845807 240-3736 276-4194 Holly Stryker 960-3949 #01900767 Each office is independently owned and operated Tara Pinder 600-2836 #00898876 Don Gerring Jo Ann Gillis Maria Herrera Gail Hubbard #00631339 #01018109 #01047715 #00885381 Michael Renyer Bill & Jan Rexrode #00894446 #01700676 #01700677 747-5050 Peggy Poole 765-3434 #00521665 Karl & Margaret Thompson Doreen Traxel 543-9047 #00822877 #01483633 #01033383 698-0801 316-0815 Ann Renyer 408-7008 #01746828 782-7266 919-5727 408-3997 343-6044 Tangi Walker Tony Williams Sharon Worman #00820609 #01390054 #00905744 316-1112 521-3400 408-1555 Lic. # 01441035 1500 Del Webb Blvd. Suite 101, Lincoln, CA 95648 Visit our Website at www.CBSunRidge.com for current listings Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 LH Community Chorus BY BARRY MACKINTOSH It’s still mid-winter, but the Lincoln Hills Community Chorus is already rehearsing for our annual spring concert. Titled “Melodies of Love,” it will include a delightful array of standards from the Great American Songbook. We’ll entertain you Gay Mackintosh gets music from tenor leader Joe Stewart. with classics like Harry Warren’s “At Last,” Duke Ellington’s “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore,” “Isn’t It Romantic” by Rogers and Hart, “Skylark” by Hoagy Carmichael and Johnny Mercer, and George and Ira Gershwin’s “Embraceable You,” “Love Is Here to Stay,” and “They Can’t Take That Away from Me.” We guarantee you’ll love this timeless music as much as we do. Plan to join us at one of our three Ballroom performances on April 26-28. ••• Latin dances. Do not think, however, that the Rumba is only danced to Latin music. A good example is the Stevie Wonder song, “I Just Called to Say I Love You”. It’s a great Rumba song! American Rumba’s basic step is a box-like pattern, similar to a basic Waltz or Foxtrot, but danced in a much more sensual style. Interested in learning the Rumba, or brushing up on it? We can help. Our instructors are experienced and patient. Don’t worry if you have never danced before. Our group lesson format provides a low-stress learning environment. Our group meets at Kilaga Springs, in the Multipurpose room, on Tuesdays, from 2:00 to 5:00pm. Beginning group lessons are given from 2:00 to 3:00pm. From 3:00 to 4:00 pm is the open dance hour. This is the time to practice your new moves, get some extra help, socialize, enjoy a variety of music, and dance to other musical styles. Some of our members come just for the open dance hour. From 4:00 to 5:00pm, we will present a more advanced Rumba lesson. Our dues are still only $7 per year, per person. Unbelievably, that includes an ENTIRE year of lessons at NO CHARGE. We also have many exciting dance events throughout the year. We hope you will join us and have fun dancing to your “heart’s content”. Contacts: Sal Algeri 408-4752 or Chris Geist 543-0176. ••• 11 bring the excitement of “high school” to life right here at Lincoln Hills. The musical – with songs like “It’s My Party,” “My Boyfriend’s Back,” “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” “He’s A Rebel,” “Chantilly Lace,” “Viva Las Vegas,” “Billie Jean,” and “Footloose” – revolves around Tuesday dance night in our own Meridians Restaurant and the efforts of Jack (Steve Garavito), Mary (Joanie Adams), Tommy, Linda (Ellie Hoekenga), Sam (John Baarts), Irene (Madelyn Merola), Don (David Rosenthal), Johnny (Ken Reiss), Amy (Barbara Swerdlow), Roger (Paul Krow), LH Tap Company BY STEVE GARAVITO Less than two months and counting! The Tap Company’s production of the musical “Rockin’ the Hills” will hit the OC Ballroom stage on March 26, 27 and 28. Only seven weeks remain before we discover whether Jack and Mary will find romance despite Jack’s inability to dance. As Tommy (Jim Jones) sings in the show, “It’s Now or Never.” Tickets are on sale right now and they are going fast. So get online or stop by the activity desk and get your tickets today. Ballroom Dance Group BY KAREN ALLINGTON It’s February! What do most people think of in February? Valentine’s Day, of course! But more importantly, it’s time to think about HEARTS… specifically, YOUR heart. February is American Heart Month. Dancing is one way that you can potentially help your heart, circulatory system, and even your entire general health. Plus, dancing is a fun, social activity. Each month, the Ballroom Dance Group learns a different dance. This month, we will be learning the sensuous American Rumba. The Rumba is the slowest of the Carol and Becky (front) demonstrate a dance step. Mike Reed and Ann Keaton. PJ’s MAIL & PARCEL SERVICE 150 Lincoln Blvd, #104 SKID[ 4UPSF)PVST.PO5ISTBNQNt'SJEBZBNQNt$MPTFE4BU4VO Lola (Isobel Hersch), Dave (Jerry Mandolfo), and Brenda (Janice Strong) to connect with that special someone. Add ensemble singers and dancers, plus the Tap Company tappers, jazz dancers, cloggers, and line dancers to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for pure entertainment. And, DJ Fred (Jim Walker) (cont’ on page 12) Caring, In-Home Assistance... *UHDW /RFDWLRQ WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: 614'FE&Yt/PUBSZ1VCMJD $PQJFT$PMPSPS#8t'BY4FSWJDFt$BSET (JGUTt3VCCFS4UBNQTt#VTJOFTT$BSET 1BTTQPSU1JDUVSFTt.POFZ(SBNTt1SJWBUF.BJM#PYFT Co-Director/Co-Producer Janet Becker is lining up her stage crew, scheduling rehearsals, and handling all the logistical chores necessary to pull a musical like this together. Co-producer Celeste Martella has assembled her tech crew, and they’re ready to use their sound and lighting wizardry to make magic happen on the stage. The actors, singers and dancers are busy polishing their characters and routines to 00 $2 Off Notary Services helping you or a loved one remain at home Serving Placer, Nevada & Sacramento Counties r a no-cost, Call today fo sment in-home asses 6 63 1-877-404-6 ail to Or send an em nline.com eo m info@helpatho Services Provided • Meal preparation • Light housekeeping • Dementia care • Medication reminders • Bathing & dressing assistance • Errands & shopping • Transportation to doctor appointments • Laundry, folding & ironing • Caring companionship, and more! Our caregivers are carefully screened, trained, bonded, insured, and background checked through the DMV, Department of Justice and FBI. 12 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 LH Tap Company (cont’ from page 11) oversees all of it. As you can see from this partial listing of the cast, your friends from tennis, the chorus, softball, golf, or maybe even Tuesday dance night at Meridians are working hard to entertain you. But, in addition to the on- and off-stage cast and crew, it takes more to make a successful musical. One vital element is having fantastic choreographers. From Day One, we have relied on the creative talents of Alyson Meador, our artistic director, to ensure our tappers look their best. And, the individual dance groups, such as the jazz dancers, line dancers, and cloggers, have their own choreographers. But, who turns non-tappers and – in many instances – non-dancers into virtual Fred Astaires and Ginger Rogers? Here, the Tap Company and you – our audience – have hit the jackpot. We have three wonderful ladies with the talent necessary to take our rockin’ music and turn it into a visual feast. Our head choreographer, Carol Rose, has been dancing since the age of six, and has never stopped, except for two, six-week breaks after the birth of her children. As a child, she was in numerous recitals and high school productions, and taught her first dance class at 16. For over 20 years, she had her own dance studio for children, and she later taught adults how to dance at Mt. Diablo Adult Education for 22 years. Carol moved to Lincoln Hills in 2005 and has been dancing here ever since. She was a member of the award-winning Diamond tap group, has been a dance coach, has choreographed numerous numbers in prior Tap shows, and also teaches hula and dances with her Hula Wahines. Carol’s right-hand woman, Becky Nicholson, followed a similar path. She began dancing tap and ballet at eight in Concord, CA, and continued from there. She danced in high school productions, and performed in numerous productions at Contra Costa Musical Theater. Becky also taught tap and ballet for two years. In 2001, she moved to Lincoln Hills, and began dancing tap, jazz, and the hula. Like Carol, she was a member of the Diamonds tap group. Her first choreography assignment here was to teach eight men in drag how to dance to a medley of Four Seasons’ hits for the 2008 Tap show. Anyone who saw that number knows that she succeeded magnificently, and she has continued to choreograph numbers since then. Carol and Becky have enlisted the help of a guest choreographer, Melanie Greenwood. Melanie also started dancing at a young age. Her mother, a dance instructor, started teaching her at the age of six. She became a professional dancer at 18 with Disney on Parade, and then moved to New York City to be part of “Catch A Rising Star.” She spent several years in dance productions in Las Vegas, Reno, and Tahoe, before moving to Nashville. There, she choreographed for a variety of stars, including Louise Mandrell, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Dolly Parton. She eventually moved to the Sacramento area to be near family. Jim Jones, her relative by marriage, introduced her to the Lincoln Hills Tap Shows, and she has been helping with choreography here ever since. All three choreographers agree that the music and energy exhibited by the “Rockin’ the Hills” singers and dancers guarantee an entertaining show that will have audience members tapping their feat and wishing they could be on stage dancing. “Rockin’ the Hills” will hit the Orchard Creek Ballroom stage on March 26, 27 and 28. There will be evening performances on each of those nights and a matinee performance on Saturday, March 28th. Tickets are now on sale. Tap Company productions historically sell out early, and this show should be no exception. Mark you calendars and get your tickets to “Rockin’ the Hills.” ••• Line Dance Group BY HELEN RAINS Whether you are a new, returning dancer or still pondering how to get started with this activity, sooner or later you will be curious to know: Just how long has line-dancing been around? While many think line dancing is synonymous with country music, looking at the history of this dance form it is clear ‘country’ is only a phase that the modern form has passed through. The long history begins with the fact that humans have been dancing in lines and non-partnered formations since recorded history and probably well into prehistory. Most followers trace Modern Line Dance’s long origins from English Country Dance that had spread from England to France and was later brought to New England in the 1800s as what we refer to Folk Dancing. Folk Dancing in this country came from at least three continents: North America (native American dance traditions), Africa (African tribal dance traditions), and all over the European continent (country Folk Dance traditions). These different dances combined into a great melting pot. By the mid 1800s, influenced by the culture of the time, a distinctly “American” dance style had evolved We are very fortunate to have represented so many Buyers and/or Sellers this past year. As two of the Top Listing Agents in Sun City Lincoln Hills, we helped over 50 new clients achieve their goal of either selling their home or finding their dream home. If you are thinking of selling or buying a home here in Lincoln Hills, give us a call and let us put our expertise to work for you. Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page. There isn’t a better way to stay on top of today’s real estate market. Facebook.com/SunCityLincolnHillsRealEstate (cont’ on page 13) BRE 00556444 BRE 01821982 Thank You... in the West and Mid-West of the US, “Country & Western dance”. Country Western Line Dancing, contrary to popular opinion, was not the first line dance, though it seems to be one of the most popular worldwide having spawned competitive circuits not only in the US, but across the globe from Europe to Australia, and to Asia. It was born out of popular dances already being performed in the United States such as the Tush Push. It was birthed from the combination of these early line dances, the 70s disco era dances like the Electric Slide, and the popularization of the country western lifestyle in the 80s thanks to the movie, Urban Cowboy. The huge popularity of jazz dancer, choreographer, Melanie Greenwood’s dance “The Achy Breaky,” danced to Billy Ray Cyrus’ massive hit in 1992, Achy Breaky Heart, seems to have been the force that cemented the association of line dancing to country music and propelled them both into the mainstream of pop culture. After this and the rerelease of the song Boot Scootin’ Boogie by Brooks and Dunn, the thirst for line dancing to pop culture songs took hold. Since then, choreographers from all over the world have added Triple, Coaster, Rock and Sailor Steps, Pivot Turns, Grapevines, Jazz Box and more to the traditional step, kick, shuffle, hitch, stomp and scuff basics in an ever changing palette of music styles and choreographed dances. The modern version of Line Dance, as we do in Sun City classes, is a convergence in styles of movement and music including Waltzes, Tango, Disco, Rumba, Mambo, Samba Swing, Boogies, Jigs, Stomps. And with so many different dances performed to Pop, Big Band, Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Line Dance Group (cont’ from page 12) Hip-hop, Rock, Latino, Celtic, Jazz, along with Country rhythms, everyone can find something that inspires them to dance. History aside, the recreational line dance craze in its modern form is stirring with rhythm and movement energy to suit your taste right here in our SCLH community. The Line Dance Program has the good fortune to have three top notch teachers: Audrey Fish, Sandy Gardetto and Yvonne Krause, prepared to guide us through the expansiveness of this dance form that enables all levels and abilities of dancers to participate. Workshops coming up: • Corning, CA—March 21st, 2015, ‘Boogie Til The Cows Come Home’ featuring choreographers Michael Barr and Michele Burton http://www.michaelandmichele.com • Fair Oaks, CA—April 12, 2015, Line Dance Workshop and Dance, featuring choreographer John Robinson, DJ and Lesson by Wild Horse and Norm Gifford http://wildhorses.us ••• There are a lot of new faces in the Monday evening classes and having dances throughout the coming months affords us all the opportunity to get acquainted, socialize and make new friends. Country Couples has grown quite a bit this past year and it is impressive to see new members stepping forward to assist or to take on various responsibilities Sue and Jim Kirby to promote the club and dances. We are indeed family. Coming up on February 21st, Country Couples will have its first theme-based Mardi Gras dance at Kilaga Springs from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. with DJ Ed Lawson. The decorations committee is putting in a lot of time and effort to make this a memorable event you won’t want to miss. Fo r C o u n t r y 13 Couples information contact: Kathy Lopez 434-5617 or Margo Zamba 662-1638. ••• Sun City Squares BY GAIL HOLMES The Square Dance Club meets at 1:00 PM at Kilaga Springs Lodge. We are always ready to welcome experienced Square Dancers. Feel free to come in and watch or join. Times Listed below: Mainstream Level Mondays 1:00 – 2:15PM (KS) Monday, February 2, a New Dancer’s class will start. First two sessions free. Plus Level Mondays, 2:15-3:30 PM (KS) Advanced Class Mondays 3:30-4:00PM (KS) A-2 DBD Level Thursdays, 1:00-3:00 PM (KS) Call Louis or Gail to join today! Contact Louis Bobrowsky 434-5932 louisbobrowsky@yahoo.com Gail Holmes 253-9048 gailholmes@sbcglobal.net ••• Country Couples LH Painters Club BY TERRI KRCHA Having survived the holiday season and welcomed in the new year, Country Couples members are looking forward to a selection of new dances to add to our repertoire. Prior to the start of the new dance lessons, and to get us back into the swing of things, Jim and Jeanie Keener invited us to Sun City Roseville for a much appreciated evening of review. It was a great time, enjoyed by all in attendance. BY JACQUIE HILTON On January 19, those of us present at our first membership meeting at Kilaga, our new venue, enjoyed celebrating its benefits which include much more space for our large membership and interested guests, and has a sloping floor which allows a good view for everyone. If you were unable to attend this meeting, consider coming to our next one that Marsha Hathaway, Carol Silvia, Ginny Nevins, and Olivia Eckert. (cont’ on page 14) 916-628-0632 t4VQFS#SJHIU-&%TB1PXFSGVM 4PMBS1BOFMQSPWJEFTBMMOJHIU JMMVNJOBUJPO4PMBS$PODSFUF-JHIUT BSFTJNQMZUIFOFBUFTUTNBMMFTU TPMBSMJHIUTZPVIBWFFWFSTFFO t6TJOHZPVSFYJTUJOH$PODSFUF "TQIBMUPS8PPEXFESJMMUIFDPSSFDU TJ[FDBWJUZJOZPVSPVUEPPSTVSGBDFBU UIFFYBDUQPJOUTZPVDIPPTF t/08*3&4/00/0''48*5$)&4 035*.&34504&5 GREAT FOR PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, WALKWAYS & DECKS 5 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM: WHITE, BLUE, GREEN, RED & AMBER 14 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Needle Arts — Threads of Friendship LH Painters Club (cont’ from page 13) will be on February 16th from 2:00 to 3:30. Our February 16th meeting will feature Andrew Cook, Manager of the Sacramento Dick Blick Art Supply Store, (formerly Utrecht). He will talk about art supplies sold there and do a demo in Acrylics. If you would like to pre-order art supplies you may do so, and Dick will bring them to the meeting, saving buyers a trip to Sacramento or shipping costs. Artist and Teacher, Susan Sarback, who held a painting workshop here last July, has agreed to return to do another 2-day seminar February 13 and 14. Susan is an excellent teacher as well as a noted artist. She will explore the rhythm and beauty of water, using oils and pastels. The workshop will focus on painting reflections, transparencies and moving water. “A supply list will be provided when you sign up at the Activities Desk. Painters Club Artists are busy preparing for our annual Fine Arts Show which will be held February 20, 21, and 22 in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. We encourage residents, their families and friends to plan a visit to view the art work and perhaps find something to purchase for themselves or as a gift for someone else. Contacts: President, Joyce Bisbee, joybis@aol.com Membership, Jack Cook, li4@aol.com Plein Air Paint-Outs, Jim Brunk, brunk@ starstream.net, 434-6317 Website, http//lhpainters.org ••• BY CAROL MATTHEWS What a way to start the New Year!! Not only did we see many, many quilts and various material, we also got a feel for what it was like to live in Africa. Elizabeth Battera, who spent twenty years in Africa, regaled us with her stories and showed numerous pictures of the many projects she undertook while living there. Elizabeth was in the police force for a time until an accident took her off her feet. She and her husband were involved in training men to work in the preserves; she started a soup kitchen for the needy, set up a Home Affairs Office to assist many in attaining their birth certificates and other community services. Next she worked with adults teaching them to read followed by setting up a preschool for orphan children. Following all this she began to teach men, and women to quilt. She established a quilt guild that is still in place. We saw many pictures of the quilts she made with them. Coming up in February, we will be entertained by Anelie Belden, the author of “Thoroughly Modern Dresden,” a book that reveals her stitch and flip method of creating a Dresden Plate Block. Anelie lives nearby in Volcano and frequently visits her daughter here. She conducts workshops and retreats all year long using her method and patterns as tools. There will be a trunk show with a demonstration of the stitch and flip method, and her book and patterns will be for sale. We have started the year with a little over a hundred members. Some of you may have forgotten to send in your dues. It is only $15.00 for the year and you can always look forward to lovely presentations as well as the Spring Lunch and Auction, Wearable Arts Fashion Show, and the Christmas Tea. At this time the retreat to Mercy in Auburn is full, but there is room at Zephyr Cove in August. The newsletter is coming directly to you now and so very easy to read. Want to join? Call Kris Volker at 916-543-9668. Want to go to a retreat? Call Rebecca Hoetger at 916-4092442. Twila Miller can give you information on local workshops at 916-408-3790. Kay Kelley is the new president and intent on making this a spectacular year. So many sub groups to choose from, just drop by the sewing room and see for yourself. Contact person: Carol Matthews 916543-7863. ••• Elizabeth Battera LH Photography Group BY JEFF ANDERSEN On February 11th, we’ll have Barry Walton speaking to us about his evolution as a photographer. We like hearing about other journeys because it helps us evaluate and adjust our own paths. It’s all good to have spiffy equipment and other techie-toys, but inspiration, dedication and artistry are the other-worldly tools that count most… unless, of course, you are drooling for that lens that can read the time from a wristwatch at 500 yards, or the camera body that would put the best Vogue model to shame… then that worldly addition might well assure that your photographic genius can be truly, at last, realized. Amen. Ahem. You’ll find four-legged animals hanging around on the walls of Simple Pleasures Restaurant from now until around mid-May. And in May we’re planning a Black & White exhibition at the Needle Arts showcase at the O.C. Our group is a thankfully eclectic collection of landscape, event, wildlife, architectural, fine art, and maybe even goofy photographic interests. Some of us prefer automatic point-and-shoot cameras, some shoot DSLRs or mirror-less cameras, a few use film, and others are committed early-adopters who can’t stand being anything other than the first person on the block to own the latest technology. Each of these many threads are woven into the fabric of our group and form our common bond - the love of photography. We have regular challenges to enhance our skills, frequent internal show-and-tell events, plus beyond-the-compound displays of our work. (cont’ on page 15) February Events at Sierra Pointe Downsizing from A to Z Thursday, February 12th • 12:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. Enjoy a special lunch prepared by our own Chef Peter Cady while Senior Move Manager Jennifer Hilton gives you tips on those dreaded details of downsizing. Seating is limited and by reservation only. There is no charge. RSVP by February 5. Black Cat Mystery Friday, February 13th • 1:30 p.m. Meet local Author Elaine Faber as she shares yet another Black Cat Mystery. Assisting Aging Parents: A Practical Approach PART 1: Wednesday, February 18th • 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. PART 2: Wednesday, February 25th • 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. The focus of this two part workshop is safety, well-being, options, costs, advocacy, and “stuff” you just need to know. No charge. You will receive an information packet to keep. Our kitchen staff will prepare a picnic style dinner for attendees. RSVP by February 12. Call for Details! (916) 910-2289 SIERRA POINTE Independent Living • Assisted Living 5161 Foothills Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95747 Lic. # 315002050 vintagesenior.com SIERRA POINTE Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 LH Photography Group (cont’ from page 14) Some show and sell their work, others shudder at the mere thought of such exposure. We have field trips and speakers and discussion groups to expand our photographic horizons and enhance our skills. We do a lot of stuff, and if only some of it is of interest to you, you should check us out. We meet three times a month, each time for different reasons, and our regularly scheduled meetings are always on Wednesdays. Visit our website SCLHPhoto.com News Page for more information about our activities and contacts. The General Meeting is on the second Wednesday of the month, 8:30AM – 10:30AM KS Presentation Hall - usually with a featured speaker. The other gatherings are of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). On the 1st Wednesday of the month, the Photo Enhancement SIG meets from 8:30AM-10:00AM in the MultiMedia Room of Orchard Creek, and is all about fixing shooting errors and creating different effects with software. Then on the 4th Wednesday, from 8:30AM - 11:15AM in the Multi-Purpose (not the Multi-Media) Room at the OC, the “Round Table” and “Print” SIGs meet, one following the other in that order. The “Round Table” is an open discussion forum for anything about photography, and “Print” is all about the process, equipment and materials to create a print. ••• Antiques Appreciation Club BY GENEVIEVE TEWART In January, we had the popular Show and Tell program where members brought pieces of their favorite china among which were a Sevres urn, cups and saucers including tea, demitasse and soup cups, a chocolate set, hand painted china (some by family members), and majolica to name a few. We even saw a waffle iron with a porcelain decoration on the lid! Once again we are delighted to have Steve Abbott for our February 2nd program. If you missed last August’s program with Steve and his Antique bottle collection, you will surely want to join us as he once again presents a great program covering his Antique collection of Lithographs, with examples from the Gold Rush, especially the Sacramento area, and some of the earliest pictures of Northern California, done on stone, and hand colored. Please join us to see his extensive collection, all in period framing and hear the wonderful stories and history he shares about each piece. As a reminder, if you have not done so, membership dues of $5.00/year will be collected at the meeting. Check payable to Antiques Appreciation Club preferred. We meet on the first Monday of each month at 10:00 AM in the breakout rooms of the Ballroom, Heights and Gables. If you collect or just appreciate antiques, we’d love to have you join us! Contacts: Rose Marie Wildsmith 4090644; Barbara Engquist 434-1415; Appraisals 408-4004 ••• SCLH Gem and Mineral Society BY DAVE FISK Group meeting February 23, Sierra Room, Kilaga Springs, 1130 AM. Our club sponsors the Lapidary and Jewelry Lab. Hours: Mondays 8AM to 12 PM. The charge is $5 per each 2 hours spent in the lab. Funds go to refresh equipment and supplies. Shop Master is Dave Fisk. Our web site is currently located at: http:// sites.google.com/site/lincolnhillssuncitygems/ home Lapidary and Lost Wax classes are being taught after the first of the year. March, May for Gem cutting, and February, April for Lost Wax Casting. If you’re interested in these subjects, check the Compass for times and days. Contact Dave Fisk 434-0747 for lab information. ••• Square & Compass Club BY BETTE AHRENS We traveled “South of the Border” for our first meeting on January 8th and enjoyed a delicious Mexican luncheon at Casa Ramos in Lincoln. There were 14 of us to start the New Year right with fellowship and good cheer on a beautiful warm and sunny day. Bill Hovey is off the sick list and was able to be with us. Dick Kulhavy has recovered from his recent surgery but had a conflict and couldn’t be with us. He plans on joining us for our February get-together. Stan Thompson 15 wasn’t feeling well enough to attend, but he hopes he and Janee will be able to come next month. In February, we will meet for lunch at the Waffle Farm on Twelve Bridges in honor of patriotism and love of our country. Hope many will be able to be there that day. If you have a background or interest in Masonry and/or Eastern Star, we invite you to join us at our monthly get-togethers. To be advised of upcoming luncheons and other events, contact one of the following for information and to be added to our mailing list: Glenn Stanphill: 408-8885 glenbetty2630@ sbcglobal.net Bette Ahrens: 408-5325 bisybette@aol. com I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look upon the heavens and say there is no God - Abraham Lincoln ••• SCLH Genealogy Club BY BILL HILTON Members are in for a rare surprise at the February 16th general meeting of the Sun City Lincoln Hills Genealogy Club. The place: Kilaga Springs, Presentation Hall at 6:30 pm. The featured speakers will be your Genealogy Club members including Arlene Rond, Mike and Charlotte Anderson, Jennie Wright, Dolores Minton and BJ Ollas. Each one will share their experience in genealogy research and their findings! Following the general meeting, a prize drawing will be held and the winner will (cont’ on page 16) In 2015, Let Don Help You List & Sell Your Home! Don Gerring IN Resident Realtor® LD RY SONUA JA 1185 Fairway Valley Lane, Lincoln 916.747.5050 Each office independently owned & operated • Lic# 00631339 dgerring@starstream.net 16 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 SCLH Genealogy Club OC Book Group (cont’ from page 15) receive a 4 TB WD External Hard Drive. Plus... immediately following the meeting, members are invited to attend a social gatherng across the hall. Please check out the club’s new web site... lots of information, including a membership application form. If you have not sent in your annual dues of only $20, then please do so now. The new Club web page provides information on future events, including prizes that are awarded to a lucky member after each general meeting. The web page also provides information, and an application form, on the next Genealogy Boot Camp that was so popular last year. This web page is the direct result of the hard work done by your Club member, Arlene Rond. This site includes lots of information that is current and important to all members and provides incremental news not always available in our news articles appearing in the Sun Senior News or the Compass. Deadlines for inclusion in these publications require the articles to be presented to the publishers weeks prior to the actual publication date. So, check out your Club website on a regular basis. Contacts: Maureen Sausen 5438594 or Arlene Rond 408-3641. Website: lincolnhillsgenealogy.com ••• BY DALE NATER Winter of the World by Ken Follett will be the subject of our February 19th meeting. The second in the “Century Trilogy,” this book covers such topics as the rise of Hitler, civil war in Spain, Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Britain, the Battle of Moscow, and the advent of the atomic bomb! (Why Winter?), Follett explains that he chose the book’s title in order to “capture the notion that (his) characters are desperately trying to survive a bigger kind of winter — one whose storms include Stalin’s purges and Hitler’s holocaust.” This saga will take some time to read, but will be well worth it! Please join us on Thursday, February 19th from 1:00 to 2:30 in the multipurpose room at Orchard Creek. Newcomers are always welcome. Schedule for remainder of 2015: March 19: The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian April 16: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk May 21: My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor June 18: The Daring Ladies of Lowell by Kate Alcott July 16: The Maze Runner by James Dashner August 20: The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain September 17: The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown October 15: Sycamore Row by John Grisham November 19: Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear December 17: Holiday Luncheon can be found around Northern California. Including the bronze statue in front of the Maidu Community Center in Roseville, painted wall mural at the same community center, mosaic bench at the Indian Creek Golf Course, mosaic cross at Bethel Lutheran Church, her painting “Apache” hanging at the Indian Medical Center in Auburn, and a steelAuthors Resource Group painted California Indian petrography at the Granite Bay Library. BY LINDA BELLO-RUIZ Her talents also The wonderful include poetry and she Tommie Moller moved to joined our Authors Lincoln Hills with her late Resource Group in 2012. husband, Chet, fifteen At first Tommie sat back, years ago. Although listened, watched, and in Tommie has an impressive her words, “admired the professional history authors” as we set about (Secretary in the Office turning our manuscripts of the Quartermaster into real, hold-in-yourGeneral, Washington, hands books. Every D.C.; Policewoman, in so often she would Berkeley, CA. and an share about her goal to employee in the Mental someday publish her Health Dept. in Berkeley, own book, titled “The CA to name just a few), ABCs of God.” A devout her heart and soul are Christian, Tommie had dedicated to the art been walking around for world. She is a wellmany years with pages known artist who, for of sketches and ideas Tommie Moller a time, worked as a for the book but with vice-squad sketch artist nowhere to turn for for the Berkeley Police help. Department. Then magic Tommie is of Cherokee, Choctaw, English happened. ARG and Irish descent and lived for many years with member Phyllis her late husband on what had originally been a Kalbach said “Let me Maidu Indian campsite in Loomis California. help you!” These are She is recognized for her many contributions to the preservation of the Maidu heritage. Her sketches, watercolors and sculptures (cont’ on page 17) Website: http://lhocbookgroup.blogspot. com/ Wiki: http://ocbookgroup.pbwiki.com/ Contacts: Contacts: Darlis Beale 4080269, Penny Pearl 409-0510, Dale Nater 543-8755. ••• FREE ACUPUNCTURE WORKSHOP FREE MINI-TREATMENT (without the needles) to see if you are a good candidate for acupuncture. Do You Suffer From: • Headaches • Digestive Problems • Sleep Problems • Sinus/Allergies • Arthritis • Many other problems just ask! • Knee Pain • Elbow/Wrist Pain • Neck/Shoulder Pain • Hip/Back Pain • Finger/Hand Pain • Toe/Foot/Ankle Pain REBARK TIME, INC. Tree Care – Planting- Irrigation- Fertilization * Thinning/ Pruning of all plants shrubs and trees * Tree Training/ Maintenance * Weed Abatement * Planter Beds * Pathways/ Walkways/ Walls Licensed/Insured * Boulders/ Stream Beds #23559/03224 * Bark Installation FREE ESTAMATES! www.rebarktime.com *G:PVS'FFU)VSU$BMM%S,FMMFS%1. %S#SJBO1,FMMFS%1. Board Certified in Podiatric Surgery and Podiatric Medicine by the ABMSP Wondering If Acupuncture Works? 0O4JUF93BZ%JBHOPTUJD6MUSBTPVOE Find Out…with Owen Marron, L.Ac. CALL 916-742-4001 TODAY to reserve your 15 minute time on Friday, February 6th, 10am-12pm Oaks Room, Orchard Creek Lodge Spaces are Limited. Owen Marron, L.Ac. 916 151 N. Sunrise, Ste. 1009 • Roseville, CA 95661 t*OHSPXO/BJMT t)FFM1BJO t#VOJPO4VSHFSZ t$VTUPN0SUIPUJDT t$PSOT$BMMPVTFT t"OLMF*OKVSJFT 434-6410 t)BNNFS5PFT t%JBCFUJD'PPU$BSF t'MBU'FFU t1MBOUBS'BTDJJUJT t/BJM$BSF t-"4&3'VOHVT/BJM5NU LINCOLN PODIATRY CENTER 5IJSE4Ut-JODPMO Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Authors Resource Group (cont’ from page 16) the magical words you hear frequently around the table at our meetings.” And Phyllis did just that. While Tommie completed the original color drawings of the A, B, and Cs…Phyllis worked on scanning and formatting and all kinds of other technical stuff. And now, as Tommie celebrates her 91st birthday, “The ABCs of God” is a reality! This amazing, colorful, children’s book includes Tommie’s original artwork along with her poetry… “A is for ALMIGHTY FATHER above. B is for BIBLE; His book of love. C is for CHRIST, our Savior and King. D is for DISCIPLE, His praises to sing…” What’s next for Tommie? She has yet another children’s book written, just waiting to be published. You can contact Tommie at (916) 434-1671 to order The ABCs of God, or look for it on Amazon.com. Are YOU walking around with an idea or a manuscript in hand? Do YOU need encouragement or direction for editing, publishing and/or marketing your next book? The Authors Resource Group welcomes you to join us. We meet monthly. Contact info: Linda Bello-Ruiz – lmbelloruiz@gmail.com (916) 543-7952; Leo Craton, cratonl@att.net (916) 543-9012. ••• SCLH Writers Group BY LINDA LUCCHETTI “The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.” – Anais Nin (author) Short stories, personal essays, poetry, fiction, humor and Op Ed pieces – these are just some of the genres or types of writing which members of the Writers Group bring to the table each month. Our topics are as diverse as each of us. Some of our writing evokes laughter while other works provoke sadness. Do you have a story to tell? Are you thinking about writing your memoir? Why not join us? The Writers Group meets on the second, fourth and fifth Mondays of each month at 6:30 PM in the Ceramics Room at Orchard Creek Lodge. Bring 12-14 copies of your work to share (maximum 1,500 words). We read aloud our writing and then are critiqued by our peers. All SCLH writers or those striving to be writers are welcome. Contacts: Bev Brannon, bevbrn49@aol. com, Jim Fulcomer, jjfulcomer@mac.com, Linda Lucchetti, linnluu@aol.com ••• Second Saturday Breakfast Dynamic Singles BY JUDITH LEIMER Hey, it’s a New Year! Remember all those resolutions you wrote down? Or just had in your head? You no doubt resolved to get thinner, eat better, exercise more and other get-healthy ideas. Now that we’ve broken all of those bombastic resolutions and have settled back into reality, it’s time to look at other resolutions that are easier and perhaps more fun to keep. Just Do It! How about that class that interested you? Or that club you thought about joining? Look DR. VICTORIA MOSUR D.D.S. $PNQMFUF'BNJMZ%FOUJTUSZ at your schedule and get off the couch. Break away from inertia. If you are single, resolve to join the Singles Club. We do lots of fun things besides our twice a month meetings. Just Do It! We have some smaller group activities Quality “The Smile Makers” t4FOJPS%JTDPVOUTt#MFBDIJOHt%FOUVSFT1BSUJBMT t$SPXOT#SJEHFT*NQMBOUT My staff and I look forward to adding you to our family of patients. Our normal business hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:00am to 12 noon and 1pm - 5pm. Also, I will be happy to take care of your emergency needs after hours. &BTU"WFOVFt-JODPMOt 916-778-7985 Diane’s Helping Hands 24 Hour Personal Care .FEJDBUJPO.HNUt&SSBOETt 4IPQQJOHt1FU$BSFt.FBM1SFQt 3FDPWFSZ"TTJTUBODFt%S"QQU dbeninger@att.net 17 each month you can join. If you like hiking, we do that. If you like Bocce Ball, we play that. If you like dining in nice restaurants, we do that. If you like breakfast out, we do that. If you play golf, we do that. If you like dancing and indulging in adult beverages, we do that. If there is something you like to do and we don’t do it, tell us. There are probably others who want to do that and we can get another interest group started. All you have to do is pay a paltry $15 yearly membership and you’re in! Just Do It! After our January business meeting, we had a “blind” gift exchange. Members were instructed to bring in prettily wrapped presents for the grab bag. As in a typical grab bag game, stealing was permitted. The twist was that the (cont’ on page 19) Residential Painting THE WEATHER IS CHANGING! WITH PRICES LOWER THAN EVER, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOME! Why should you choose Quality Residential Painting? ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Quality Work that Speaks for Itself 25 Years Experience Interior AND Exterior Painting Cabinet Painting and Refinishing Exceptional, Meticulous Attention to Detail Reliable and Trustworthy, References Available No job is finished until the customer is completely satisfied! Chuck Niemeyer 916.765.8731 Owner and Operator License # 882509 “ Call Chuck, he is the only painter you will want to call! “ See recent projects completed at: www.qrp-painting.com 18 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 This is the future you weren’t thinking about 10, or 20, or 30 years ago. What will your world look like 10, or 20, or 30 years from today? No one can be sure — but you can prepare. The sooner you start, the better you can manage whatever life has in store. We can help you make it happen. If you’d like to know how, we’ll be glad to talk with you about your future. There’s no cost and no obligation. Steven Hudgins First Vice President Branch Manager Rob Brunst, CFP® Senior Vice President - Investments Frank Geremia, CFP® First Vice President-Investments Robert Burton, CFP® First Vice President-Investments 945 Orchard Creek Lane Suite 100 Lincoln, CA 95648 916-434-9600 Eric Schott Associate Vice President-Investments Mark Motell Financial Advisor Walter J Gallo, Jr. Financial Advisor Investment and Insurance Products: X NOT FDIC Insured X NO Bank Guarantee X MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bankaffiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2012 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0414-04624 James Stagg Vice President-Investments Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Dynamic Singles (cont’ from page 17) stealing took place before the gifts were open! There were some mighty funny moments when we opened them! The Pre-SuperBowl party was our Social for the month of January. That was really fun. We found out who knew their sport’s trivia and who were neophytes. Lots of prizes were given out and all of us enjoyed the food. This month, the first thing coming up is Cocktail Time at Buonarroti’s here in Lincoln. We will be there on Thursday, February 5 at 4:30, so join us. Just Do It! We knew you wouldn’t want to miss the Super Bowl Game, so our Birthday Celebration which is usually on the first Sunday. But this month the celebration is on February 8 at 4:30 at the Sports Bar. If you are a member and your birthday is in February, we’ll buy you a drink and sing you a song! Just Do It! After our General Meeting on February 12, we will have a sweet time playing Valentine’s Bingo after the short business meeting. Doors open at 6. Just Do It! Second Saturday breakfast is on February 14 at the Sports Bar. For the fine diners, join that bunch at Fat’s in Roseville on February 19 at 4:30 PM. No need to sign up for the breakfast, but for dinner, call Darline at 4346472, for reservations. Just Do It! Other activities are golf on Friday’s, dancing on Tuesday’s, Hiking and Bocce Ball on Wednesday’s and hopefully, billiards will start up again now that the football season has ended. Look for the Dynamic Singles Flyer around the corner from the OC Activities Desk. All of these activities are listed along with the contact person’s name and number. President, Judie Leimer at 408-4308. Vice President, Jim Raber at 408-7598. Membership Chairperson, Maralyn Fisher-Zach at 4084747. Just Do It! ••• Lavender Friends BY KATHLEEN MCCARTHY Lavender Friends is a social organization serving the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual community and those in friendship in Sun City Lincoln Hills. In the spirit of getting to know one another, I am interviewing members with questions inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York. Sandra Rector can trace her family tree back to 1746 ancestors living in the colony of Pennsylvania and the Cherokee Indian tribe. This rich family background includes highly resilient people: French Creole settlers, freed slaves, and Scotch Irish immigrants. She was raised by a single parent in Los Angeles, but came to know her father when she reached her mid-twenties. An athlete before the support of Title 9 programs, Sandy played semiprofessional softball in LA, and later enjoyed coaching Little League. She still follows sports teams with great interest, especially the Dodgers and Raiders. Most of her working life was spent with Pacific Gas and Electric at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, giving her insight into a world few see. She also spent some time teaching history, and conversational Spanish to 4th through 8th graders at a private Christian school. Sandy is considering pursuing a degree in education and enjoys working with middle school students. She finds it gratifying to see that “ah ha” moment when a student grasps the point of a lesson. She enjoys the friendly atmosphere at SCLH, and her hobbies include painting and writing her memoir. Her partner, Darla Purdy, thinks Sandy’s best trait is her sense of humor, and ability to listen to and talk with people. “Think twice and speak once” is her motto. The Christmas/Dinner Dance was a great success with over 100 attending. Upcoming events include 2/2 Breakfast, 2/9 PFLAG, 2/14 Potluck, 3/2 Breakfast, 3/9 PFLAG, 3/15 Game Night. Check http://www. lavenderfriends.com/ for additional social opportunities. Contacts: Jacquie Hilton 543-9349, jacquiehilton@starstream.net, and John 408-5576. ••• (cont’ on page 20) Bosom Buddies Leslie Wilson, CPA ✓ Tax Preparation & Planning • 20 Years Experience • Partnerships • Trusts • Individual • Estates • Corporate Personalized service you can count on. this beautiful poem she wrote. I know when I first read it, I said, “I’ve been there”. I think all of us have been there at one time or another. And the award for the best actress goes to… By Mary Chandler “How are you? I am asked every day To which I reply, “Oh, I am OK. How are you doing?” is the next line. My reply is always, “Oh, I am fine” “You’re looking good, are you better?” you’re often asked (My tears and feelings must be so well masked) BY VAL SINGER Happy Valentine’s Day! February is always somewhat of a letdown month. All the excitement of the holidays is over, the decorations are down, and literally the dust has settled, ON EVERYTHING! Those garlands and whats-its hide a lot of dust. The whole house is upside down. Also, the furniture you moved to accommodate the Christmas tree now has to be moved back but not before you clean the rug! Because, of course, you can’t miss this opportunity to clean the parts of the rug you never can get to. And so it goes… And, of course, all the sweets left from the holidays are still lingering in the pantry. And now it’s Valentine’s Day and another excuse to let the chocolate roll! I got a pumpkin roll for Christmas Tax Tax Services Services Leslie Wilson Masters Degree, Taxation but not a chocolate roll! Well, I can’t dis February too much as some very lovely, talented, beautiful people were born in this month. My lovely granddaughter and of course, myself. Ahhhhh! No presents please. On another note, I have a lovely friend who a year ago lost her husband. He was a good and kind man and we all miss him terribly. Her name is Mary Chandler and she was one of the first members of Bosom Buddies but has since moved away from Lincoln Hills. She is a very talented writer and I wanted to share 19 ✓ IR S Audi t representat ion ✓ Book keeping & Account ing ✓ QuickBook s Call for your appointment today! (916) 784-7145 324 Hadnall Ct. Roseville, CA 95747 lesliewilsoncpa@aol.com 4$3&&/4-&44 .JSBHF3FUSBDUBCMF4DSFFO4ZTUFNT 4DSFFO $VTUPN4VO4DSFFOT t4FDVSJUZ%PPST t4XJOHJOH4DSFFO%PPST t7FSUJDBM%SPQ4VO4IBEFT NBOVBMSFNPUF t3PMMVQ(BSBHF%PPS 8JOEPX4DSFFOT $POU-JD $BMM6T5PEBZ 'PS"'3&& &TUJNBUF 20 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Bosom Buddies Lincoln Hills (cont’ from page 19) TRAVEL GROUP Linda Judy Sheron Louise Teena MEETINGS 3RD THURSDAY MONTHLY KILAGA SPRINGS, 7P.M. ALL WELCOME See our website www.lh-travelgroup.com for details about our trips. Grand Circle Cruise: Paris to Normandy (Apr 17-30, 2015) Cruise 13 days on the Seine River (Louise 408-0554) Magnificent Cities of Central & Eastern Europe (May 9-23, 2015) Prague, Czech Republic, Krakow, Warsaw, Berlin (Judy Peck 543-0990) Danube River Cruise: Pre & Post in Istanbul & Vienna (May 13-27, 2015) Free excursions, Wi-Fi, wine/beer/soft drinks aboard (Teena Fowler 5433349) Canadian Rockies by Train (Jul 18-26, 2015) Vancouver, VIA Rail, Jasper, Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary (Louise 4080554) Grand Circle OAT: Amazon River Cruise & Rain Forest (Aug 18-29, 2015) Lima, Iquitos, cruise Amazon. Option: Machu Picchu & Cuzco (Judy 5430990) Collette Custom Trip: England, Scotland & Ireland (Sep 5-19, 2015) Stonehenge, castle stay, St. Andrews, Hadrian’s Wall, Dublin (Teena 5433349) The Riviera’s: France, Italy & the Isles (Sep 10-25, 2015) Small Ship Cruise Tour – Cannes to Florence (Louise 408-0554) Crystal Symphony Cruise NYC to Montreal (Sep 12-20, 2015) All inclusive (except shore excursions) (Linda Frazier 434-8266) Collette Heritage of America (Oct 16-26, 2015) NYC, Philadelphia, Amish, Gettysburg, Williamsburg, & DC) (Judy 5430990) Chilean Fiords and Patagonia (Oct 30-Nov 13) Small ship cruise and land tour (Sheron 434-9504) Southern Charm (Apr 2-8, 2016) Featuring Charleston, Savannah & Jekyll Island (Judy 543-0990 TRAVEL GROUP COMMITTEE Sheron Watkins Linda Frazier Teena Fowler Louise Kuret Judy Peck 434-9504 434-8266 543-3349 408-0554 543-0990 sheron55@att.net fraz1774@sbcglobal.net sfowler@starstream.net lkuret@sbcglobal.net judyp@starstream.net A smile and a laugh may light up my face But inside I go back to my own lonely place So the award for the best actress goes to me Because I hide my grief so no one can see Every day I put on my costume and play my part And try to conceal my broken heart. I think this says it all! Now, on to the fun stuff. Our Christmas/ New Years party was, as usual, a huge success. The food was yummy and Kay Brady again made some beautiful Christmas gifts for us all to take home. (see pic) Thank you so much Kay. Thanks also to Sue Carden for your beautiful decorations that were used for our door prizes. I won one!!! To add to the fun, this year we were lucky enough to have The Hills Brothers sing for us. (see pic) They are a very entertaining a cappella octet group that harmonizes beautifully. They are also very funny. Thank you guys for making our party very special. And of course, many, many thanks go to Patty McCuen for lending us her home once again for our party. (see pic) How lucky and very blessed are we as members of Bosom Buddies to have such a warm and gracious group of ladies in our club. Thank you one and all for making my job as president not only easy but loads of fun. You all deserve a warm and fuzzy valentine from your love ones. We meet at Orchard Creek Lodge on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. If you have any questions regarding Bosom Buddies, please contact: Marianne Smith (408- 1818) or Patty McCuen (408-4185). If you wish to go to lunch at the Meridians before the meeting, please call Marilyn Poole (434-8902) and she will make the reservation. We end each meeting by holding hands and saying: “together we are strong. Together we will make a difference. Together we will survive. And, we will, hopefully with a little fun… ••• Eye Contact Group BY JOAN BRANT-LOVE General Meeting: Thursday, 2/12/15, 2:00 PM. Presentation Hall, Kilaga Springs Lodge The presenter at our February General Meeting will be Eddie Ballesteros, DMV Ombudsman. His informative presentation will center on rules for senior licensing and limited area driving. Living Skills Workshop: Thursday, 2/26/15, 10:30 AM Multi-media Room, Orchard Creek Lodge Our facilitator, Patti Locke, will be discussing soups and other healthy, hearty food for winter meals – basic preparation, proper utensils for low vision plus some recipes. Eye Contact meetings are open to all SCLH residents and are especially helpful to those with low vision and those who support them. Group Contact: Cathy McGriff 4 0 8 0169 ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 21) TAX SEASON IS HERE Contact Audrey Cohen Resident of Sun City Lincoln Hills at (916) 253-9816 to set up appointment today. Door to door service If you are unable to come to me, I will come to you. 10% Discount to all Residents 20 years experience in Tax Preparation; IRS Registered Tax Return Preparer; and State of California &7(&&HUWLÀHGDQG%RQGHG Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 The Healthy Eating Club BY DON R. RICKGAUER Residents of Lincoln Hills were invited to be Club guests at our special presentation in Presentation Hall at Kilaga Lodge January 26 that featured noted author Joanne Neft. She is widely known as a strong advocate for the health benefits and the joys of a lifestyle centered around eating fresh, local in-season foods 52 weeks a year. The author’s presentation was followed by a book signing and tasting session of various dishes from her book recipes in the Kilaga Kitchen. It was a terrific event that was enjoyed by everyone there, club members and guests alike. Our local region is one of the few in the nation that produces a wide enough variety of foods to enable us to eat freshly harvested “farm to fork” foods 52 weeks a year, and Joanne has been instrumental in making this all come together. She was instrumental in opening the first Foothill Farmers’ Market 25 years ago and we now see the excellent results her methods of getting farmers and consumers together have produced, to the benefit of small-scale farmers and would-be healthy eaters alike. Joanne was also an organizer of the annual Mountain Mandarin Festival that draws close to 40,000 people in November of each year and she continues her tireless work at bringing farmers and consumers together. Joanne is well-loved throughout our region and makes us proud to say she’s a local girl! Club members toured the Rogers Family Coffee Roasting Plant January 7 here in Lincoln, out near the Lincoln airport and we have a second tour scheduled for February 4. Both tours were filled up very quickly and we will schedule still another one if there is a sufficient number of members remaining that were turned away for the earlier tours and still want to take the tour. The Rogers plant is an absolutely huge building, encompassing nearly 300,000 square feet. Millions of pounds of coffee are roasted, packaged and shipped across the country from this facility under many different familiar brand names. The family is known for the thoughtful and generous social contributions they make in the lands Coffee Roasting Tour where their coffee is grown and harvested – all for the benefit of the local workers to help raise them out of the poverty-level lives they are living. They have spent large amounts of their own funds in this effort and plan to do still more. And it was truly uplifting to hear how their generosity has also proven to be a good way to do business as evidenced by their growth and their prospects for the future. The Rogers family is to be congratulated for their fine work, not to mention that their story is truly a success story we love to hear about, one of very hard work and a strong belief in their business philosophy. These people make us all proud to have the Rogers as neighbors here in Lincoln. It’s worth mentioning that the roasting plant smells heavenly – even to those that are not coffee drinkers. The Healthy Eating Club’s stated mission is to educate our members about the importance of healthy eating and to improve our relationship with food. All our general meetings and smaller gatherings center around food topics and food-related activities. At our small gatherings we call “workshops” we sample healthy foods prepared by volunteer members at a member’s home, or in rare cases a full meal will be prepared. We invite guest speakers to our meetings to talk on various food-related topics, and we have two membersonly potluck suppers each year, one in April and another in October, both at the Sports Pavilion where we share dishes prepared by the members. At our monthly general meetings we discuss such diverse topics as upcoming site tours of food-related businesses, local farmers’ market schedules, how to make common dishes healthier and a mix of other food-related topics currently in the news. We 21 encourage suggestions and participation from our members. Contact Don Rickgauer, Club Chairperson, at 253-3984 for information on our Club guest speakers, or email us at SCLH13HealthyEating@gmail.com. Our monthly general meetings will continue to be on the 4th Monday of each month throughout 2015, so the February meeting is Monday the 23rd at 2:00 pm in Presentation Hall at Kilaga Springs Lodge and March’s meeting is also on the 23rd. Guests are welcome at our general meetings with no advance notice required, but Club workshops where we sample various healthy foods are members only. The annual household membership fee is $20, good for all members of your household. ••• LH Veterans Group BY B. L. LEWIS Vietnam veteran and author of “Vietnam Redemption: Full Circle”, Joe Baginski will be the speaker at the general meeting, 1:00pm, February 19, 2015 at the Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall. In 1968, Baginski was a helicopter pilot attached to the 1st Air Calvary Division in Vietnam. He returned to Vietnam 43 years later while coming to grips with his own encounter with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Amazingly, Joe met a NVA officer who was present at some of the same battles that he had been in. His conversations and interaction with his former enemy has brought Joe to a “Full Circle”. This is a presentation that you won’t want to miss! Make your reservations for the St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon, Saturday, March 14, (cont’ on page 24) 22 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 What people are saying about Whisper Hearing... “ I am very happy with my aids and the special service you provide. Thank you!” –James A Meucci, M.D. “I have recommended Whisper to friends, family and went to the office in Lincoln, Ca and found them great... I can now have conversations with family. It is indeed a wonderful life now.” –Dorothy Alexander Glad to have switched to Whisper. Will always recommend them.” -Judi Cordova “My hearing devices changed my life for the better. The association is not only most professional but personable.” –Wini Dick “The staff at Whisper Hearing Center was very helpful and friendly. The insurance billing process was painless and my son’s hearing aids are a great help to him.” –Karla and Matthew Metcalf The day I got my hearing aids I apologized to my husband for the many times I asked him to repeat something he’d said and for the loud T.V. - Now I think he has the TV too loud. - Caroline Ghinassi Talk with an Audiologist at Whisper Hearing When it comes to quality, expertise and value - Whisper can’t be beat! • complete hearing exams by Doctors of Audiology • personalized convenient service • breakthrough hearing technology • astonishingly reasonable prices Charles Sanders AuD, Doctor of Audiology Carol Trussell AuD, Doctor of Audiology Tracy Volkman M.S., Audiologist CARMICHAEL 6633 Coyle Ave., Suite 1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2154 ROSEVILLE LINCOLN TJ Maxx Shopping Center 1850 Douglas Blvd., Suite 992 Roseville, CA 95661 Raley’s Shopping Center 905 State Hwy 65, Suite 30 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 784-3500 (916) 434-1110 Free Hearing Screenings 2nd Monday, Every Month 8:30 - 11 am, the lodge at Sun City Roseville www.whisperhearing.com Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 SUN SENIOR PROFILES Getting to know you... George and Cathy Sylvia – (cont’ from page 1) up the sport in his 20s, George has played short stop in the Senior Softball Northern California league, and nationally on a traveling tournament team in various senior organizations. This is what keeps George busy in retirement, traveling all across the U.S., often accompanied by Cathy. Playing on summer and winter leagues, he is on the road competing in about 20 national and world tournaments a year. Softball became the impetus for him and Cathy to move to St. George, Utah where they lived for several years. Since 1987, St. George has been a Mecca for men’s and women’s senior sports, in particular, softball, and home of the Huntsman World Senior Games, an international senior sports competition. Last year, after sixteen years on the field, George was appropriately recognized during the World Senior Softball Championships in Las Vegas, when he was voted by his peers into the National Senior Softball Hall of Fame. Not an easy feat. Yearly selection is a battle of the best within a group of approximately 1.5 million senior men and women over 40 who play the sport (25,000 who are categorized on the “elite” level, competing in national and world tournaments). The Class of 2014 inductees included 2 managers, 5 pioneer players (who have played since 1995) and 11 current players. To qualify for a Hall of Fame nomination, one must earn eight points acquired over a senior softball body of work, with individual awards earned while playing in national or world tournaments. George was named ‘All Tournament’ six times and ‘All World’ twice. There’s definitely a soft spot in George’s heart for softball. It’s a sport that “gives me a chance to play offense and Eating Club here in Lincoln Hills. She also enjoys dance classes (clogging and line dance), hiking, experimenting with art, and spending time with their six grandchildren. Another segment of Cathy’s life is most recognizable. Many will nod at a reference to the “Beat Generation” of the 1950’s and the psychedelic movement of the 1960’s. Cathy Cassady Sylvia has a strong connection to these times. Neal Cassady, Cathy’s father, was a driving force behind the beat and later the hippie generation. He befriended notable writers including Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, and is well known as the inspiration for their ground breaking works George Sylvia PHOTOS BY JEFF ANDERSEN defense,” he states. Peek into the Sylvia’s office and observe a wall covered with plaques, medals, certificates and photos, a testimony to his proficiency and passion for the sport. When not traveling with the senior softball league, he finds time to play recreationally in the Lincoln Hills Senior Softball League where friends describe him as a “gentleman both on and off the field” and a “true sportsman”. George’s hobbies include designing websites for small businesses and individuals; designing and building garden furniture and structures; and spending time with his grandchildren. Cathy — Spending the first 20 years of her professional life as a medical transcriptionist, at 38, Cathy returned to college. After earning her Exercise Physiology BS and an MS in Worksite Wellness Management, she created many employee wellness programs for major corporations. At Springfield at Whitney Oaks, an active adult community in Rocklin, she served as its first Activities and Fitness Director. Currently, Cathy shares her expertise with the Healthy Cathy Sylvia -- Kerouac’s novel, “On the Road” and Ginsberg’s poem, “Howl.” He later became friends with Ken Kesey, author and countercultural figure considered a link between the Beat Generation of the 1950s and the hippies of the 1960s. What was it like to grow up with such a colorful figure as Neal Cassady? Despite Moving Life Forward 23 being embarrassed as a teenager by her father’s antics, Cathy affectionately recalls her dad’s famous friends. “I have fond memories of Jack and Allen visiting our home. Jack was like a second father, and Allen was kind and caring,” she muses. The Sylvia’s home in Lincoln is full of books, paintings and artifacts by and about Neal. Cathy continues to be contacted by inquiring and curious fans and aficionados of the beat era. Cathy and George are often invited to events -- most recently to the Beat Museum in San Francisco, and a few years ago attended a release of the 2012 film adaption “On the Road” at the George Lucas ranch in Marin County. Today, Cathy and her two siblings, Jami and John, have taken over the reins of the Neal Cassady estate and its website as gate keepers and guardians. Not only wanting to preserve his memory, they are hoping that the website, which integrates her late mother Carolyn’s own words and recollections of Neal with archival pieces and photos, will memorialize not the legend, but the man. With their three grown children and six grandchildren residing nearby, the Sylvias are happy to call Lincoln Hills home. “To travel more” is on their bucket list, with sights set on Yellowstone and Alaska this year. You could say the phrase “on the road” takes on a special meaning for them -- for Cathy, memories of her father through a literary work of the same name, and for George, unforgettable travels with the senior softball league. Know a neighbor who should be recognized? Well, just let us know! Call us at 727-6383 or e-mail us at egnews@egnews.com! Family Owned and Operated Since 1966 343-6567 916 Commercial and Residential Vehicle Lifts and Seating Systems Accessible Van Conversions Sales — Rentals — Service Toll Free 888-852-6981 • In Stock New/Used • Scooters/Wheelchairs/Modular Ramps/Stair Lifts • Cutting Edge Assistive Technology & Mobility Consultants 6550 Freeport Blvd. Ste A Sacramento, CA 95822 www.AbilityCenter.com Available! Funding Now Del Webb SPECIAL Pricing CARPET CLEANING 2 Rooms 49.95 3 Rooms 74.95 4 Rooms 99.95 Tile/Grout Cleaning .50 a sq ft COMBO CARPET/WINDOW CLEANING Homes up to 2200 sq ft All carpets and all windows (cleaned inside/out) 134.95 Homes over 2200 sq ft are $15.00 an additional 100 sq ft 24 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Oakmont Memory Care The community you’ve imagined…the care your loved one deserves. LH Veterans Group (cont’ from page 21) 2015, 1:00pm in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. Menu includes: Mixed Green Salad, Corn Beef and Cabbage with Potatoes, Rolls and Butter, Apple Strudel Desert, Ice Tea and Coffee. No-Host Open Bar is Available at 12:00pm and Lunch is served at 1:00pm. The cost is $22.00 send your checks payable to the Lincoln Hills Veterans Group to Chuck Peterson, 2919 Eagles Peak Lane, Lincoln, CA 95648. Mark your calendar for the rest of this year’s Social Events: June 13, Flag day BBQ; August 15, Ice Cream Social; October 10, Columbus Day Italian Luncheon and December 10, Christmas Luncheon. Tom Parker, US Air force joined the group as a Life Member; Welcome Aboard Tom! Remember to fly your flag February 16, 2015, Presidents Day. ••• monthly in the Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall. Past topics have included: iPhone, iPad & iPod Devices; Yosemite OS; Pages & Numbers; iPhoto, iTunes & iMovie; iCloud; and virtually all subjects of interest to Apple Computer & Device owners. Those just starting with Apple products may choose to attend specific Newbie seminars and labs. These are given by our volunteers to assist those who are just starting, and for others who need a little extra help adapting to a new operating system. Hands-On Labs are scheduled in conjunction with these Newbie seminars. The MUG Website, LHMUG.org, is a trove of information for anyone interested in Apple Computers and Devices. Various tabs direct you to our Calendar & Seminars, among other resources. Prominent among these is the Video tab that allows you to view complete past seminars that were recorded live. (cont’ on page 25) Mac Users Group Resident-centered care is the cornerstone of Oakmont of Roseville’s Traditions program. Our highly experienced care team will assess your loved one’s needs and provide compassionate care for all stages of memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s or other related dementias. BY PAUL GARDNER Support and Education. These are what the Mac Users Group (All Things Apple) is all about. We concentrate on helping and teaching Apple Users to make the most of their Macs and iOS Devices. MUG members may phone our Hotline for answers to most Apple-related problems. If we can’ t fix them by phone, one of our expert volunteers will make a house call for a nominal fee. Educational Seminars on various topics are given twice The MUG is very proud to have a membership of over 700 LH households, more than any other club or group in our LH Community. • Full-time Nurse • Diabetic Wellness Program • Enriching Activity Program • Indoor and Outdoor Dining !LL-ECHANICAL2EPAIRS 3-/'#ERTIlCATION +3ERVICES Monthly fees starting at $2,795. 1101 Secret Ravine Pkwy Roseville, CA 95661 (adjacent to Sutter Medical Center) 916-297-4512 oakmontofroseville.com RCFE #317005187 Tours Available Today! Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Mac Users Group (cont’ from page 24) The MUG is very proud to have a membership of over 700 LH households, more than any other club or group in our LH Community. We must be doing something right. Annual membership is just $15 for each household. Please join us via the membership form under the “join” tab on our web page. By the way, it is time for members to renew their annual memberships. If you have not already done so, please send your check for $15 payable to LHMUG to: Gerry Esker - 934 Gold Nugget Circle - Lincoln, 95648. Or you may pay at the next Club meeting. ••• SCLH Computer Club BY KARL SCHOENSTEIN Main Meeting Feb. 11, 06:30 PM “Windows 10 a First Look” by Rita Wronkiewicz Windows 8 has had a tumultuous run; Microsoft is hoping to turn this around. Microsoft expects to release the OS later in 2015. Windows Rita Wronkiewicz 10 isn’t just about PCs - it will run on everything from desktops all the way down to smartphones. The user interface is designed to adjust accordingly. Windows philosophy is: One Product Family – One platform – One Windows Store shared by all. This will be a sneak preview of Microsoft’s progress to date. You’ll be happy to hear that the “Start Screen” is gone! The newly revised Start Menu looks a bit different, but provides the same basic functionality as the one we’re all accustomed to. Internet Explorer still exists, but come hear about the modern new browser (code-named Spartan) that is in the works. It will use “Cortana” to offer verbal search suggestions that are (reportedly) more helpful than those given by Apple’s Siri Clinic Feb. 13, 03:30 PM “Search Engines” by Terry Rooney: Bing vs Google, Microsoft is making inroads, Come to this presentation and see how Google, Bing (and now Yahoo) stack up in the Search Engine Wars. Walk-In-Workshop: Feb.17, 1:00PM 3:00PM in the Computer Lab at Orchard Creek. Our more experienced computer members will provide assistance to any of our Club members who would like hands-on help in utilizing computer hardware components, the Windows operating systems, or application programs.Ask The Tech. Feb.27, 10:00 AM Our regular monthly meeting where all members can come to get solutions to their technical and non-technical WINDOWS PC and ANDROID PHONE and ANDROID TABLET problems. O.C. Multi Purpose Room Contact: Claudia McEnerey president@sclhcc.org Website: www.sclhcc.org (more info) ••• Investor Study Group BY JOHN NOON 2015 Start Time: 2:30 Pm. Please Note. We have become popular. Our membership has grown this year and we are beginning to get return speakers. Pierre Rogers with Prudential Investments on February 5th and Candice Tse of Goldman Sachs on March 5th. Pierre spoke to ISG at our 2013 Holiday Party and received a warm welcome. JANET SCHWEPPE ENROLLED AGENT TAX PROFESSIONAL 28 Years Experience 916-645-2939 205 Stagecoach Lane Lincoln, CA 95648 JMS.TAXSERVICE@YAHOO.COM www.PeckHeatingAndAir.com Winter is Here! 916-409-0768 Ca ll No w fo r Yo ur Tu ne -U p & Sa fe ty Ch ec k! Three Generations Strong Pierre has 25 years experience in the world of finance and I know he enjoys talking with our members. Candice Tse joined us last year and will revisit her area of expertise: emerging and growth markets. Dues: We will be collecting dues at our February and March meetings. Please bring a check filled out to SCISG in the amount of $15. Dues remain as last year, $15 per household. We will collect checks only before the meeting and cash after the meeting in order to avoid crowds at the sign-up desk. Refreshments: We continue to provide refreshments after the meeting. Join us, meet other members, visit with our speaker. ••• 25 Our opening act at the meeting, “What’s New in Astronomy”, was Methane on Mars, Does It Mean Life?” with Morey Lewis. Methane was discovered on Mars originally in 2003 but the discovery was met with great skepticism. Recently, however, Curiosity Rover data has confirmed this discovery. How was it made? Was it made through a biological process or an abiotic process, serpentinization, where water and olivine react to produce methane? Stay tuned for more developments. February’s regular meeting will be on Wednesday, February 4, at 6:45 pm in the Presentation Hall at Kilaga Springs Lodge. The main program will be a video on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Program (MAVEN) from the LH Astronomy 2014 American Geophysical Union Conference. Group The Cosmology Interest BY HELEN MACLAREN Group (CIG) will resume its The January program for meetings on Monday, February the Lincoln Hills Astronomy 16, at 6:45 pm in the Fine Group (LHAG) was the The Arts room at the Orchard Roswell Incident presented Creek Lodge. The February by Don Wilson. It was meeting will be a continuation entertaining, exciting, amusing Professor Mark Whittles’ and an on the edge of your series, Cosmology - the History seat thriller, that started and Nature of our Universe. the year off with a bang. Lecture 19, “Infant Galaxies” Don challenged perceptions and Lecture 20, From Child to Don Wilson and traced the myths, facts, Maturity - Galaxy Evolution coverups and speculation will be shown followed by a about activities in New Mexico at the end and discussion. after World War II surrounding purported ••• UFO landings. Unfortunately for you, the reader, a top-secret gag order has been placed on the writer to not reveal the substance of the talk. Suffice it to say, attendees enjoyed an interesting and fun evening. (more Club News cont’ on page 26) 26 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Italian Club The Travel Group By LINDA LUCCHETTI How would you like to visit picturesque Tuscany – even for just a few hours? Here’s your chance. Discover this region of Italy at “All Things Tuscan” set for Saturday, February 28, at 1-4 p.m. in the Placer Room at Kilaga Springs. Whether you are of Tuscan descent or not, you will enjoy learning about Tuscan history, art, points of interest, culture and food. Speaking of food, you’ll taste some ‘delizioso’ samples (not a lunch) of typical foods of the region, including Crostini, Ribollita soup, sausage and Tuscan beans, Panzanella salad and a dessert. Presenters will include Aldo Pardini and other club members. This is the second in a series of events covering different regions of Italy. Cost per person is $21. Attendance is limited; make your reservations no later than Feb. 19. Contact Irene Pardini at 209-3319. Save the date. On March 22, from 5-9 p.m., there will be a Black and White (casual) Murder Mystery Ball at Catta Verdera in Lincoln. (More information to come.) Purchase your official LHIC name badge. Orders are placed the first of each month. The cost is $6.50 each. Go to the club’s Website at www.lhitalianclub.org for more info. Are you a Sun City Lincoln Hills resident of Italian heritage? Don’t miss out on the fun and friendship. Club info and future events: www.lhitalianclub.org or Virginia Halstenrud, membership chair, at 543-3293. ••• BY TEENA FOWLER Where do you want to go? We may have just the trip you want. Meetings are on the third Thursday of each month*, 7pm, in the Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall. Presentations on selected travel destinations are shown by Professional Travel Managers. Everyone is welcome. We have been offering trips that go all over the world since 2000. Committee members are all residents of Lincoln Hills. We are NOT travel agents. Join us for an interesting and enjoyable evening. Exception: This month the meeting is on Thursday, February 12. See our website http://www.lh-travelgroup. com for complete details about the following trips: Grand Circle Cruise: Paris & Normandy (Apr 17-30, 2015) Cruise 13 days on the Seine River – Contact Louise Kuret at 408-0554 or lkuret@ sbcglobal.net Magnificent Cities of Central & Eastern Europe (May 9-23, 2015) Prague, Czech Republic, Krakow, Auschwitz, Warsaw, Berlin Contact Judy Peck at 543-0990 or judyvolk@outlook.com Danube River Cruise with Pre & Post in Istanbul to Vienna (May 13-27, 2015) Free excursions, Wi-Fi, wine/beer/soft drinks onboard Contact Teena Fowler at 543-3349 or sfowler@starstream.net (SPACE IS LIMITED) Canadian Rockies by Train (Jul 18-26, 2015) Vancouver, VIA Rail, Jasper, Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary – Contact Louise Kuret Grand Circle: Amazon River Cruise & Rain Forest (Aug 18-29, 2015) Lima, Iquitos, cruise the Amazon. Option: Machu Picchu & Cuzco – Contact Judy Peck Collette Tour: England, Scotland & Ireland (Sep 5-19, 2015) Stonehenge, castle stay, St. Andrews, Hadrian’s Wall, Dublin – Contact Teena Fowler The Riviera’s: France, Italy & the Isles (Sep 10-25, 2015) Small ship Cruise Tour – Cannes to Florence – Contact Louise Kuret Crystal Symphony Cruise: NYC to Montreal (Sep 12-20, 2015) All inclusive (except shore excursions) Contact Linda Frazier at 424-8266 or fraz1774@sbcglobal.net Collette Heritage of America (Oct 1626, 2015) NYC, Philadelphia, Amish, Gettysburg, Williamsburg & DC – Contact Judy Peck Patagonia & the Chilean Fiords (Oct 30-Nov 13, 2015) OAT Small Group cruise & land tour – Contact Sheron Watkins at 434-9504 or Sheron55@att.net Southern Charm (Apr 2-8, 2016) Featuring Charleston, Savannah and Jekyll Island – Contact Judy Peck Proposed Future Travel - 2016 Sedona Amsterdam Tulip Cruise Western Canada Collette: Grand Tour of New England Nova Scotia & the Maritimes Norway Cruise Branson Mackinac Island & Niagara Falls ••• RV Group BY RALPH CHATOIAN RV Group members have just returned from their first rally of the new year, a fournight trip to the Sands RV and Golf Resort in Desert Springs. It was held Jan. 26-30 and wagon masters were Rosie and Bill Eads. Reports were that the group had a great time with good dinners and some fun golf. Next on the schedule is a trip April 16-20 at Durango RV Resort in Red Bluff. The RVers are making plans for their participation at the Club Expo which is scheduled for March 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dave and Julie Africa and Dean and Betty Schumacher will be the group’s reps to meet and greet people. The RV Group meets monthly on second Thursdays in the Social Kitchen Room at Kilaga Springs, 4 p.m. Meetings are open to all those RV owners interested in joining. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 27) Roseville Toyota & Scion www.RosevilleToyota.com Service & s t r Pa pen Dept. O eek aW 7 Days — Fleet Department Retail Program — Let us show you the quick and easy no hassle way of buying your next vehicle!! Call Our Fleet Managers.... you Get pric r flee t i pho ng by ne! No Hassle Pricing Top Dollar Paid For Trade-ins Deal Directly With Fleet Managers Buy Directly From Fleet Managers at Fleet Prices Choose from the Largest Inventory of New & Certified Vehicles in Northern California! Chris Robin Eric tt Email us at scion@rosevilletoyota.com Check Our Inventory On-line at: www.RosevilleToyota.com 700 Automall Dr., Roseville Inside the Roseville AutoMall Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 LSV/NEV Group LH Sports Car Club BY LILLIAN NAWMAN It’s time to attend the Tuesday, February 17th membership meeting for the Lincoln Hills LSV/NEV Group, being held at the Kilaga Springs Lodge Presentation Hall at 10:00 AM. Our featured speaker is Julie Domenick of Allstate Insurance updating our members on the special insurance coverage for LSV/NEV’s at excellent rates. Julie always shares other insurance industry developments of interest that keep us current on changes and laws. If you are new residents of Lincoln Hills, we hope you will attend our meeting to find out the differences between a golf cart and a neighborhood electric Vehicle (NEV), and its benefits. Our members can help with tips about the care of a NEV and how to make the best use of it. Please join us for we would like to meet you, and answer any questions you have about ownership of a LSV/NEV vehicle. See you soon. To contact us, please call Dan Gilliam, President at 209-3946. ••• BY BUD VANCOTT New Club Officers and Committee Chairmen started organizing for 2015 at our first meeting on Monday, January 5. We took care of the routine business and then began proposing parties (Socials) and rolling events (Tours) for 2015. The enthusiasm and spontaneous volunteering for leading club activities was very productive. We have 2 Socials and 7 Tours on our calendar for the 1st six months. The Socials need a lot of volunteers due to the complexity of the events and the tours need a leader and 1 or 2 co-leaders to keep the car groupings at 10 or less in each flight. Day trips will be starting soon so don’t hold back on joining. Membership is $20 per household per year. Now Offers MLS® Laser Therapy! BeneÀWVRI0/S Laser Therapy Non-Surgical Treatment No Negative Side EIIHFWV Speeds Healing Process 6WURQJ$QWL,QIODPPDWRU\(IIHFW 5DSLG5HOLHIRI3DLQ MLS Laser Therapy Treats Arthritis & Bursitis Pain Sports InjurieV6prains & Strains Repetitive Motion Injuries Post-Surgical Swelling Heel PaiQTendonitis Don’t Let Pain Slow You Down. Call Family Chiropractic Today! 916-788-1588 963 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Ste. 130 Roseville, CA 95678 www.familychiropracticroseville.com 27 If you own a sports car and want to participate in our club’s activities, now is the time to join and become involved with people who love cars, driving and good companionship. Check our web site for the list of approved cars. Contact: Tom Ware, 409-9255, tomdamit@att.net. Web site LHsportscars.com. ••• Motorcycle Group BY JOHN MILBAUER It’s time for a “Changing of the Guard”, and we welcome our new officers to the leadership of the club. It is also a time to reflect on the leadership of our outgoing president, Dale Brinsley. Dale was our club originator. Ten years ago, he had the foresight to hold a dinner meeting in old town Lincoln to arouse interest in a Motorcycle Riding Group. He was the club’s first president and this last year he again served as president. Dale has decided to hang up his riding gear and to sell his Iron Horse. He will be sorely missed in our future rides. The Road Captains’ planning session has turned up some interesting outings for the coming year. Hopefully with good weather, it should Sports Car members geared up for zip line. be an exciting touring season Dale Brinsley for the RoadRunners. Tours and social activities are discussed in detail at our club meetings. If you have an interest in back roads touring and have a road worthy motorcycle, you should check us out. We meet on the 4th Thursday in the OC Multi-Purpose room at 6:00pm. Guests are always welcome. “Ride safe, ride with friends!” Contact: Patrick Chaves, 916 408-1223 Email: patmcspeed@gmail.com ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 28) $PD]LQJ *UDFH Seventh Day Adventist Church (Now Holding English Speaking Services) Saturday Mornings Bible Study 9:15 am –•– Worship Service 10:45 am Pastor: Rob Kearbey Join us at 600 McBean Park Drive (916) 408-4408 28 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Rods & Relics BY ELNA RAGAN This time of year the outdoor car shows come to a halt in Northern California. However, that doesn’t mean there is nothing for the collector car hobbyist to do. It’s time when many owners work on their cars to get them ready for the 2015 car show season. A couple of our members will travel to Scottsdale to see all of the cars at the Barrett Jackson Auction, and other auction companies, during the big auction week. Then at the end of January, there is the Grand National Roadster Show. If you are a car buff and are looking for something closer to home to go to, check out the Sacramento Autorama at Cal Expo Fairgrounds February 14 – 16. Some Rods & Relics cars will be represented in the Butch Gardner Clubhouse. Be sure to come by and visit with us! This is also the time of year when we start to plan what Car Shows we will attend as a group. There are many options and we do support other area Car Clubs because, as with our Car Shows, their Shows’ proceeds also support local charities. Planning is under way for the two Rods & Relics Car Shows that are scheduled for Friday, June 5 at Thunder Valley Casino Resort and Saturday, June 6 when the Downtown Lincoln Classic Car Show is held on the tree-lined streets of Historic Downtown Lincoln. The proceeds from this year’s shows will go to three local charities: The Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center, Ride To Walk, and the Down Syndrome Coalition. For information regarding our Car Club and activities, check our website listed below. Upcoming Events: Shari McGrail February 10 & 24 - Breakfast at the Waffle Farm in the Twelve Bridges Shopping Center. Members start arriving at 8:00 a.m. Join us for a tasty breakfast and to catch up on the latest Car Club-related news. Everyone is welcome! February 19 - The General Business Meeting is held at Strikes Unlimited at 5681 Lone Tree Blvd. in Rocklin. Dinner is available from 5:00 p.m. on and may be followed by a speaker at 6:00 p.m. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Contacts: Ray Geiger, President 543-0464 Norm Penrice, Membership Director 791-6023 Website: www.rodsnrelics.net ••• White Pelicans by Don Baylis Bird Group BY RUTH BAYLIS Our January meeting presented an overview of the various walks and other outings that are scheduled for our group in the first half of this year. To highlight these outings were photos of birds that are seen at these locations, taken by various members of our group. We have several great speakers already lined up for meetings. This starts in February with our annual Bluebird program featuring Heath Wakelee. In April, Ed Harper returns, after a year’s absence, to present a program of his choice. In May, Paul Buttner, from the California Rice Commission will have a presentation about Waterfowl in the rice fields and what rice growers are doing to preserve habitat for wildlife. The results of the Lincoln Hills Christmas Bird Count are now available and posted on our website. This was the 13th year for the count of the Lincoln area that includes Lincoln Hills, and for all of the Americas, the 115th annual Dave Cryderman John Garcia Christmas Bird Count. I thank the 33 birders who braved the cold wind on December 30 to walk our trails and count birds. Overall, it was an average year for us with 76 species being counted and 3900 individuals. We did have some real highlights. A White-throated Sparrow was counted on the Canyon Oaks Trail. This was the only member of its species counted in the Lincoln area. Likewise, the 12 Band-tailed Pigeons counted on the Twelve Bridges Trail were the only Lincoln area sightings, and it is the first time ever that this species has been recorded for the Lincoln area. These pigeons continue to hang around. In recent days as many as 50 Band-tailed Pigeons have been seen in a flock. Band-tailed Pigeons are not uncommon, but usually prefer forested areas and are not normally seen here. Unlike the common Rock Pigeon, which annoys us by making a mess on our roofs, the Band-tailed Pigeon sits in trees. So, if you see a pigeon in a tree, check for other distinguishing features of the Band-tailed Pigeon. These include yellow legs, yellow bill with a black tip, a gray band on the trail, and a white collar on the back of its neck. While the Rock Pigeon is a widespread introduced species, the Band-tailed Pigeon is native to Western North America. The overall Lincoln Count produced 135 species with records being set for many waterfowl species. This might have been because of so much flooding in the rice fields. Who would have thought two months ago that the rice fields would be this flooded. The count on raptors was unusually low, but that might have been because of the winds. This did not prevent setting a new record of 13 Bald Eagles. We did not see any Bald Eagles in Lincoln Hills, but we did have a good raptor count, especially Kestrels, of which sightings have been sparse in recent years. (cont’ on page 29) St. John’s Episcopal Church 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville welcomes YOU “to come experience the love of JESUS CHRIST” Cal BRE# 01436301 916-396-9216 shari@mcgrailteam.com www.SunCityShari.com Cal BRE# 01199609 916-813-9544 dcryderman@comcast.net www.DaveCryderman.com Cal BRE# 01140448 916-759-7362 johngarcia@wavecable.com www.lincolnhillssoldbyjohn.com Thinking About Selling? There’s no time like the Present! SUNDAY SERVICES 8 a.m. Traditional Eucharist 9:30 a.m. ADULT EDUCATION 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship praise music/ Sunday school /youth group The Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Rector twww.stjohnsroseville.org Inventory is low, so competition for buyers is at its best right now. We are approaching the traditionally high season for listings and sales, so jump in quickly and be ahead of the action. Let us help you prepare your home to show well. Put our experience to work for you! Cabinets Authorized Dealer Houk Investments, Inc Est. 1999 Each office independently owned and operated. We specialize in converting your ideas into distinctive, attractive and yet economical Cabinetry Please contact us at: solutions for your home 916-632-9556 or business. Fax: 530-745-2530 3300 Douglas Blvd., Suite 280, Roseville CA 95661 >\Ñ°>ÓÓJ ÞV>LiÓȵV ÑUÑåååµÑ ÞV>LiÓȵV Call Shari, Dave or John. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Bird Group Garden Group (cont’ from page 28) Our trip to Sacramento NWR in December was enjoyed by 10 of us in the usual December weather. At least we did not have rain. We started out strong with sightings of a Bald Eagle and a Peregrine Falcon within the first quarter mile of the auto loop. Later we spied a Great Horned Owl. As usual, there was an abundance of waterfowl. In early January, on our way to view the Sandhill Cranes at Staten Island, we stopped off a Stone Lakes NWR, an urban refuge 10 miles south of Sacramento just off of I5. This is a new location for us to visit, and 16 of us enjoyed a docent led wildlife viewing walk through a restricted area of the refuge. There is a variety of habitat and subsequently, a large variety of birds to be seen here. The flooded fields contained a selection of shorebirds amongst the ducks, including Wilson’s Snipe, Dunlin, and Long-billed Dowitcher. We found a Great Horned Owl in the trees and several species of songbirds. A group of White Pelicans flew in as we were returning to our cars. The Sandhill Cranes, Aleutian Cackling Geese, Tundra Swans, White-fronted Geese, and Snow Geese were there for us when we arrived at Staten Island. But, the Great Horned Owl of past years was again not to be found. We are still in peak season for wintering waterfowl in the Central Valley. There is lots going on in the outskirts of Lincoln and the local wastewater treatment plant ponds abound with waterfowl. But, you can see many of the birds right here in Lincoln Hills. The following are our upcoming Bird Group activities for February. Unless otherwise noted, our birding trips meet for carpooling at White-throated Sparrow by Don Baylis the western end of the Orchard Creek parking lot, near the fitness center indoor pool. Feb 6, Fri, 8:00AM: Ferrari Pond Trail, Lincoln Hills. Meet at Anglers Cove off of Ingram Parkway to stroll along the Ferrari Pond Trail out to the Salt Pond. We’ll see if the waterfowl counted for the Christmas Bird Count are still there, or if those that we missed have shown up. Feb 9, Mon, 1:30PM: Monthly meeting, Kilaga Presentation Hall. Heath Wakelee, will present his program about Bluebirds. Feb 20, Fri, 8:00AM: Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant, Davis. This trip includes a visit to Davis Wetlands adjacent to the treatment plant. We expect to see lots of winter waterfowl. Want to know more about the Bird Group? Visit our Bird Group pages in the Association Clubs section of the SCLHCA Resident Website: www.suncity-lincolnhills. org/residents/ Contact: Kathi or Larry Ridley, 253-7086. LH_Bird_Group@yahoo.com ••• New expanded hours: 7am to 7pm s3TATEOFTHE!RT0ROCEDURES)NSTRUMENTSAND4ECHNIQUES s'ENTLE0RIVATE0RACTICE$ENTISTS s-ERCURY&REE$ENTISTRY s7E7ELCOME-OST)NSURANCE ~ — ^— ^— ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ s&ORAMORECOMFORTABLEVISIT3EDATIONDENTISTRYISAVAILABLE s0ROFESSIONALLY4RAINED#ARINGAND#OURTEOUS3TAFF s.OWOFFERING/RTHODONTICS"RACES 4IM(ERMAN$$3 &LAVIANE0ETERSEN$$3 !BDON-ANALOTO$$3 #HRIS#OOPER$$3 4HAIS"OOMS$$3-3 /RTHODONTIST "RAD4OWNSEND$$3-3 0ERIODONTIST &OLLOWUSON “Review of Bonsai Styles and Prune Junipers/ Conifers Workshop.” Contact: Larry Clark, 409-5214. ••• LH Shooting Group BY ED KASPER The purpose of the Shooting Group is to meet neighbors and make friends among the Sun City Lincoln Hills residents who are interested in shooting or reloading and to give these folks an opportunity to participate together in shooting sports activities. People interested in Shotgun, rifle or pistol shooting can contact each other through the Group and get together at local or nearby shooting ranges. The Group has a very active skeet and trap program. We meet every Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM, during the warmer Spring and Summer months and at 9:00 AM, during the cooler Fall and Winter months, to shoot Trap, International Trap and Sporting Clays. We meet again on Thursday morning at using the above times to shoot Skeet and 5 Stand. These shoots are held at the Coon Creek Trap and Skeet range. This is a local public range. Please contact us for directions and to determine the hours we are shooting. Skeet shooters can participate in a weekly handicapped event. Participants shoot two rounds of skeet. The scores are then adjusted with handicap points. This allows shooters of all different abilities to shoot in the same round and still have a chance to win the event. After scored shooting the range is available for Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays and 5 Stand practice. Local ranges offer competitive trap shooting programs sponsored by the American (cont’ on page 30) Providing Quality Dental & Implant Care \hirkb`am+)*,\akblZ] sMost Dental Services Performed in Our Office BY LORRAINE IMMEL “Herbs in a Mediterranean Garden” will be the topic for the Thurs., Feb. 26th General Meeting (Kilaga Springs, 2-4pm). With spring right around the corner, it’s not too early to start planning a kitchen garden. Rose Loveall, owner of Morningsun Herb Farm in Vacaville, will share her ideas and skills on culinary herbs at this meeting. The farm specializes in herb plants, specialty perennials, and seasonal vegetables. A trained horticulturist, Ms. Loveall has a 22-year experience growing and nurturing culinary and medicinal herbs. She received her BS in Forestry from UC Berkeley and her MS in Environmental Horticulture from UC Davis. She has taught many classes on cooking and crafting with herbs. The farm is currently offering a Gaia Herbal Apprentice Program. To find more information about this program and all plants and herbs available, check out her website: http://www.morningsunherbfarm.com/ssp/ home . A variety of herbal plants will be for sale after the meeting. Cash payment (small bills, please). Brown Bag Sales are available at all general meetings. Donated items (small plants, garden books, garden art, vases, etc.) will be accepted for this at each monthly meeting. Contact: Madelynn Mossar 434-6153. Proceeds will be used for local civic projects. Tickets for Home Depot door prizes will be given to anyone at this meeting who is a registered member for 2015 by 2pm. The Bonsai Group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month. NOTE: A change of place and time: Kilaga Springs, Terra Cotta Room, 2-4pm. This month (Feb 19) will feature 29 Everyone treated Herb and myself very warmly. We appreciate the prompt service and patience shown to us. We are confident the Dr. Nolan and staff give us good care. ~Terrie D. WWW,INCOLN$ENTISTSCOM 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 200, Lincoln, CA 95648 | (916) 408-5557 6HQLRU&DUH 6HQLRU&DUH &RQVXOWLQJ 3FBTPOBCMF1SJDFT $1050 Implant $950 Implant Crown Does not apply to contracted fees. Does not apply to contracted fees. Phone: 916-209-8471 Cell: 916-798-7347 judy@judithpayne.com %BOJFM(/PMBO%%4 4FBO+/PMBO%%4 Resources for Care Options: Home Care, Assisted Living “VA Aid & Attendance Allowance.” 916-645-1138 “Sun City Lincoln Hills Resident” www.nolandental.com 5IJSE4USFFU4VJUFt-JODPMO .PO'SJBNQNt/PX0QFOPO'SJEBZT 30 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 LH Shooting Group (cont’ from page 29) Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the Pacific International Trap Association (PITA). As our skills and experience improve some of our members are competing in these events. These competitions are held at the Coon Creek range and other public ranges in the area. If you are interested in shooting please join. People who used to shoot or reload regularly, but have been out of these sports for years, are welcome and encouraged to take it up again. Each month we also gather at a different members home for hors d’oeuvres and drinks. This gives us an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and meet the member’s spouses. If you are interested in joining us, contact John Kightlinger at 916-408-3928 for details of our next get together. Membership is free. Our group has no dues. Residents interested in trap or skeet shooting can contact: John Kightlinger 916408-3928 johnnpat@sbcglobal.net Residents interested in rifle or pistol shooting can contact Jim Trifilo at (916) 4346341 or trifilo@sbcglobal.net ••• Fellowship of Christian Athletes BY BOB HANVEY One hundred men and women attended the first meeting of 2015 at our new location, Turkey Creek Golf Club. The speaker was Ron Lawrence, Rocklin Chief of Police for the past 4 years. Chief Ron picked a good week to talk to a friendly group given the events of late that involve police forces around, not only the U.S. but, the entire world. It seems that regardless of the size of the municipality, the problems of a police force are very similar. And in recent years, unfortunately, those issues have evolved into more distrust and fear of the very people who are charged with protecting a community. Chief Ron is well qualified to speak to the problems as well as the solutions. He has over 25 years of police experience along with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, a Master’s in Leadership and is also a graduate of the prestigious FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. Ron began his law enforcement career on the Lincoln Police Department and moved through the ranks at the Placer County Sheriff’s Dept., West Sacramento P.D. and the Palo Alto P.D. before landing at Rocklin, where, after a few short years, he became Chief. Somehow he managed to include in his life a wife and four children, three of whom are now teenagers. We all remember teenagers, don’t we? To say Ron has his hands full 24/7 may be an understatement. The chief has the personal qualities that include his uncomplicated upbringing on a rice farm in Sutter County and extend to his vast experience and education. But mainly, Ron possesses the Christian values that, as NOW HIRING ON-SITE STAFF. NO REAL ESTATE LICENSE NEEDED. PLEASE CALL FOR INFO. Randy Smith Ron Lawrence, Rocklin Chief of Police he pointed out, seem to be missing in today’s culture. Those beliefs, which are shared by the audience, when absent in a society are the main contributors of the attitudes alluded to earlier about fear and distrust. That, coupled with a media system that often prefers to bring out the worst in circumstances rather than the good, will unfailingly result in chaos, confusion, and ignorance. A huge supporter of the 1st Amendment, Chief is adamant that the right of the people to express themselves should never be treaded upon. He also is a fan of President Reagan and quoted the Gipper, saying “the idea of the 1st amendment was not to keep the Church out of government, but to keep government out of the church.” According to Chief Lawrence some of the contributing factors to the problems that law enforcement faces are: poverty, lack of education, and managing social issues like diversity and immigration. One recent hot topic for police is the implementation of body cameras for the officers. The chief says that virtually all officers welcome that addition to their already overloaded uniform. That’s because virtually all officers operate within the rules of their departments and use common sense and courtesy when encountering the citizenry. From a management point of view, running a police department requires different motivation techniques compared to just a few (cont’ on page 31) 1 % TO LIST YOUR HOME $BMM5PEBZt'VMM4FSWJDF POMZPOFQFSDFOU!TVSFXFTUOFU E S U LT S (916) 532-7600 (916) 532-7600 BRE 01169980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Fellowship of Christian Athletes (cont’ from page 30) years ago. Chief Lawrence also reports that recruiting and hiring new officers also will become more difficult simply because of the attitudes described above. While being a Police Chief necessitates a variety of skills, including managing a body of sworn officers and the staff that complements them, one is also compelled to be proficient in dealing with city councils, mayors, political administrators, and the media. Apparently, Chief Ron is doing a good job at keeping all the balls in the air, evidenced by the following: The city of Rocklin is one of the safest cities in the U.S. There are only 18 crimes per 1000 residents in Rocklin. Compare that to 75 per thousand in the city of Sacramento. In one calendar year, his officers responded to over 55,000 calls and in only 8 of those was any type of force used by the officer. Police need prayer and support from our citizens. Back to Chief Ron’s comments noted earlier, Christian values employed by everyone are the only answers to maintaining a culture that is not only safe, but desirable. One way to display that support is by appearing at planned activities like the rally that was held in January on the Capital steps in downtown Sacramento. We, in Placer County, are indeed blessed to have law enforcement leaders like Chief Ron Lawrence and others of his ilk who try every day to follow God’s plan and not depend on their own strength. Hopefully, he will continue to enjoy the overwhelming support of his community. God Bless all of our law enforcement organizations. The next meeting of Lincoln Hills FCA will be Friday, Feb. 13th at Turkey Creek Golf Club. You are invited to be there. ••• Olmstead Loop Hike — Crossing Knickerbocker Creek, photo by Jerry Hall. Hiking Group BY STEPHANIE HUNTINGDALE It’s winter, in case you haven’t noticed. As I sit down to write this month’s article I can’t see across the street because of the fog. This is a good month to discuss winter hiking and strenuous hikes. Winter Hiking – its, cold, its wet, it can be a beautiful day or a very gray day. Winter really messes with hiking. Ah, but it leads to beautiful spring time and wild flower hikes! If we had no winter spring would not be so pleasant. Everyone appreciates the beauty of spring when everything wakes up and is new again. Uh-oh, I got a little off track….back to winter. A winter hike can give you some beautiful views of the Sierra Foothills and snow covered mountains. It needs to be planned, just like all hikes, however at the same time flexible. One day is nice, and one day is gray. If you’re flexible you can take off on the nice days, but you need to be prepared at all times for a change in the weather. It’s a good idea to check the weather report before you go. The earlier you start the colder it is. If you start later, you could run out of sunshine because of the shorter days. You still need to be prepared with water and snacks. Olmstead Loop Hike — Layering is more necessary than in the summer. You can always take a jacket Inga Downs and Karen Parish on the trail. or vest off if it gets too warm. It might be a good idea to pack a flashlight, just in case. Many trails will have mud or water because of recent rains. You need to be aware of this as it can present some obstacles that can’t be overcome and you may have to turn around. Trails may not be well marked and fog can cause some trouble if you aren’t familiar with the trail you are on. There is still poison oak; it just doesn’t have leaves like in spring and summer. Our Sun City hiking group takes all this into consideration when planning our hikes for winter. Some hikes are planned on paved trails to avoid the mud; some of our hikes have (cont’ on page 35) CA LIC. #0620650 Whether your style is manicured or rustic, for privacy or entertainment, we are dedicated to maintaining your outdoor spaces. Serving Sacramento Valley Seniors and Adult Living Communities Auto Home RV Umbrella For Quotes or Questions - Call Brian Santa Maria (916) 488-4426 Website: www.nyberglawns.com Email: brian@nyberglawns.com 31 916-865-6487 bsantamaria@mitchellandmitchell.com 32 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Bingo and Lunch Special — February 25! Reserve the date of Wednesday, February 25 for fun and fellowship in the ballroom of the Orchard Creek lodge, 965 Orchard Creek Lane, for a rousing afternoon of Bingo presented by the Lincoln Hills Foundation. Enjoy a great Meridians soup and half-sandwich special lunch before the fun begins. Cash and door prizes will be given away. Doors open at 12:30 PM. The fun starts at 1:00 PM. Get 7 or more of your friends and neighbors together at one table by calling Ed Sullivan at 408-1480. Visit our website at lincolnhillsfoundation.org for a special bingo promotion. SCLH WRITER... Marching To My Drumbeat BY JEANIE ROBERTSON I hear a drumbeat But it isn’t mine Yet my marching feet Are still keeping time. That drumbeat so strong Might overtake me. If I march along No me will I be. The hour has come To open my ears To hear my own drum And start to switch gears. My drumbeat I hear – It sounds far away. To my untrained ear It says, Not Today! Southern Comfort HEATING & AIR Call Now For /FF 5 expires 2/28/201 533-3962 916 Prompt Response to Your Needs. Free Estimates & Second Opinions. We Send Technicians NOT Salesmen. -ARK!DAMS/WNERs9EARS%XPERIENCE )NSUREDs"ONDEDs,IC Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! But this IS the time And I must not hide The drumbeat that’s mine Which comes from inside. It’s my life to live. The drumbeat’s my own. I’ve so much to give – My own skills I’ll hone. My drumbeat is clear. My feet march in time. The beats that I hear Tell me, Put down a rhyme! We welcome your submissions such as humorous observations and poetry. Please see page 3 for submissions information. Bill & Jan Rexrode 3FTJEFOU3FBMUPST 916.408.3997 tA Team of Twoy8PSLJOHGPSYou tExceptional$PNNVOJDBUJPO'PMMPX5ISPVHIBOE4FSWJDF tLife Member Masters Clubo0OFPGUIFUPQQSPEVDJOH 1MBDFS$PVOUZ3FBMUPST tResident RealtorsoZFBSTJOEFQUILOPXMFEHFBOEFYQFSJFODF JO-JODPMO)JMMTyIPNFTBNFOJUJFTBOEBDUJWJUJFT tLincolnhillshouses.com8FCTJUFUPFBTJMZBDDFTTMJTUJOHTBOE -JODPMO)JMMTJOGPSNBUJPO tCurrent Listings and Sales Reports Available Call us. We’re always ready to help with any of your real estate needs. CJMMKBOSFYSPEF!TCDHMPCBMOFU -JODPMO)JMMT)PVTFTDPN %3&t&BDIPGmDFJOEFQFOEFOUMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFE Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 33 BULLETIN BOARD FEBRUARY / MARCH Multiple Sclerosis Meeting The Tuesday, February 3 • 1pm, Multiple Sclerosis Meeting at Kilaga Springs Lodge, Sierra Room will feature the newly acquired Lincoln Medical Supply Store (at 711 Sterling Point Road, Lincoln.) The new owners will discuss their store, products and repair services. Join us and be surprised! Shyam, an owner and tech, has offered to do simple repairs on walkers, etc. at the meeting! Home services will also be discussed. After the Presentation we’ll talk about devices we use to help us in our everyday life. Questions? Contact Marilyn Sharp, 434-6898. Glaucoma Support Group The Glaucoma Support Group will meet on February 11, 2015 at 4:00pm in the Multimedia Room at Orchard Creek Lodge. You are invited to join us as we share information and ideas about living with glaucoma. For more information, please contact Bonnie Dale at 543-2133 or Bjdale@aol.com. Lincoln Democratic Club The Lincoln Democratic Club will meet February 19 at 6:45 pm in the Placer Room at Kilaga Springs Lodge, located at 1167 Sun City Blvd, Lincoln. Professor Floyd Feeney of the UC Davis Law School will be the featured speaker, addressing Citizens United and Election Law. His analysis of recent Supreme Court decisions should make for an interesting evening. All interested residents are welcome to attend. For questions, contact lincolndems@gmail. com or http://www.democraticclublincolnca. org/next-meeting.html LH Retired Law Enforcement Officer’s Group — Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones to Speak Join the Lincoln Hills Retired Law Enforcement Officer’s Group for another LEO Breakfast on Friday, February 27, 2015 in the Sports Bar at Meridians Restaurant in Sun City Lincoln Hills at 965 Orchard Creek Lane, Lincoln. Coffee on the table at 8:45 AM. Meeting starts at 9:00 AM. Breakfast buffet includes eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, pancakes, coffee and orange juice. As always, retired and active LEO’s, and spouses and friends of LEO’s are welcome. Cost is $8.00 and includes tax and tip. Reserve your place at the table by emailing Jim Pola at polabears@wavecable.com and please mark your calendar! Our guest speaker will be Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones. Sheriff Jones will talk about a wide variety of law enforcement issues, including his YouTube comments to President Obama, as well as the impact of the murder of Deputy Danny Oliver on the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office. Single Diners Caregiver Support Group LH Airport Co-Op Single Diners get together at the Meridian Restaurant O.C. on the second Monday in Feb. Cocktails at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. No reservations required, but if you are planning to come, a phone call would be nice. Bring a friend. Info? Call Yvonne at (916)253-7009 or Ed 916-645-0719. Caregiver Support Group meets the third Thursday of each month at the Lincoln Library from 9:00-10:30. Caregivers for any person, any ailment are welcome to attend. For more information call Brenda at 916253-7537. The Lincoln Hills Airport Co-Op is open to Lincoln Hills residents to share rides to and from the Sacramento International Airport. The cooperative works on a point system. Drivers earn points taking travelers to and from the airport while travelers spend points to receive rides. Membership is $15 per year (Jan-Dec) per household. To join, visit our website www.lhairportco-op.org click the membership tab, download the application, fill it out on your computer screen and print; mail, along with required documentation to the address on the application. Questions? Email: airportcoop@gmail. com Doodle Owners Doodle owners (ie, labradoodles, goldendoodles, etc.) in SCLH let’s get together and form a group! Contact Cathy at 916-295-1957. Womens Wisdom Workshops Women exploring inner wisdom, spiritual discussion, and meditation. Meetings Thursday, 3:15-5:15. bella.anhalt@gmail. com, 916-203-1370. ONGOING — Shalom Group The Shalom Group is a very active social group. There are no restrictions on joining other than living in Lincoln Hills. Coming events include: miniature golf, bocce ball challenge, and the men’s club breakfast. La Shana Tova to all our Jewish neighbors and friends. For more information contact: Sandy Klein 408-2020 or Judi Schane 253-9129. Spiritual Discussion Group Are you spiritual but not religious? Do you value the words of Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Ernest Holmes and others. Do you seek wisdom from many spiritual paths? Join us for open, honest discussion and sharing of ideas, we meet the second Sunday of each month from 2-4 in the Multi-purpose Room at Orchard Creek Lodge. We ask a $3.00 donation to cover room rental. More info: markaysha1942@att.net. Semper Fi Association Breakfast: Every 1st Monday, 9:00am, at Legends Sports Bar & Grill in Roseville (5880 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd.). All USMC personnel and Naval Corpsmen are welcome. Contact Rich Ruef for information at 645-5446, e-mail sprint2r@yahoo.com Grupo De Conversacion Nos reunimos para practicar y mejorar nuestro español. We meet every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in the “Living Room” area of Kilarga Springs Lodge, 434-6898. LH Parkinson’s Support Group The LHPDSG meets every 3rd Tuesday at 10:00 AM in the Lincoln Raley’s Conference Center. Newcomers are welcome. For more information call Sharon at 408-4869. Sons in Retirement Branch 98 The Rocklin/Rosevile Branch of SIR meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in the ball room of the Timbers at Sun City Roseville beginning at 10:30a.m. Join retirees for fellowship, lunch, golf, fishing, cards, and even bocce ball… many other activities also available. Call Tom Werth at 782-3536 for more information. LH Lions Club Meeting The Lincoln Hills Lions Club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at noon at the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Hall, 541 5th Street. We brown bag it so bring your lunch and a drink and come join a group of service minded men and woman who are interested in improving our community while having fun. Call Sue and Bob Olin for information 916-543-0002. Lincoln Kiwanis Club Meeting We e k l y b r e a k f a s t m e e t i n g s a t Buonarroti’s Restaurant, 460 Lincoln Ave., in Lincoln every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. Guests are welcome. For information regarding the Lincoln Kiwanis Club, please call President Ted Widing at 408-661-6435 or visit our website at www.lincolnkiwanis.org. Rotary Club of Lincoln We have weekly meetings Thursday noon (12-1:30) at the Lincoln Woman’s Club 5th and E Street. Interesting speakers and service to the community. For information visit www.LincolnCaRotary.org or call us at 916-844-2582. Senior Peer Counseling Senior Peer Counseling provides free, inhome counseling to Placer County residents age 55 and above who are experiencing depression, anxiety, substance abuse, family conflict and financial stress. Contact Melinda Lacey, MSCC 530-886-3413. Family Mental Illness Support Group This group is for SCLH residents who have immediate family members who experience serious mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, clinical depression, etc. We meet on the second Friday of the month at 2pm. For more information: Dede Ranahan at 408-4541 or dederanahan@ gmail.com Solo Travel Network If you are a Single traveller looking for someone to travel with come visit the Solo Travel Network (STN). We meet monthly to socialize and plan new trips both locally, nationwide and internationally. Bring your ideas and dreams to find someone who may like to join you. If interested find out about our next meeting. Call 916-408-0968. Essential Tremor Support Group Essential Tremor Support meets on the 1st Saturday of each month with the exception of July and December. The meetings are open to all and are held at the Kaiser Hospital on Douglas in Roseville. We meet at 10AM in Building D, 3rd fl., Conference room 2-3. For more information, please contact Judy Doughty at 916-543-4882 in SCLH. COMMUNITY — Art League of Lincoln Gallery The Art League of Lincoln Gallery is located at 580 Sixth Street in Lincoln and is open 11 am to 3pm Wednesday through Saturday. The gallery features a different exhibit each month. February 4 - March 5, 2015 the gallery is hosting the 2nd Annual Open Photography Exhibit. This exhibit will be juried by Truman Holtzclaw. Join us for an artists’ reception on Saturday, February 7 from 5 - 6:30 pm. For more information: www.all4art.net or call 916-209-3499. First United Methodist Church of Loomis Presents... Jim Martinez and his trio will lead off the 2015 concert season at First United Methodist Church of Loomis on Saturday, February 7. The theme of the show will be “An Evening of Jazz with the Jim Martinez Trio and Laura Didier”. It will focus on the songs of prominent American composers such as Cole Porter and Irving Berlin. A local pianist well-known for his accomplishments in nearly all styles of music, Jim Martinez has performed or recorded with jazz greats as well as the U.S. Air Force Jazz Band from Travis AFB. Audiences applaud his talent for creatively combining hymns with jazz standards. The Loomis concert, starting at 7 pm, is at 6414 Brace Road. Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Contact sherrablind@aol.com. Or, she can be reached at 916/543-0629. 34 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 FREE VALET PARKING TAKE I-80 TO HWY 65, LEFT ON SUNSET LINCOLN, CA • 877-468-8777 THUNDERVALLEYRESORT.COM Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Hiking Group (cont’ from page 31) to be canceled because of rain. It’s always a good idea to check the website on the day of the hike. Winter can be sporadic for hiking so you might want to consider using the walking track at Orchard Creek or joining our walking group on Wednesdays using the trails to keep in shape during the cold days. Winter hiking makes you appreciate the warmth of home! Strenuous Hikes - What makes a hike strenuous? The Olmstead Loop hike is considered strenuous because of the distance. It is a 7 mile loop. The elevation gain is listed at 400 feet, which it was on our hike; however, elevation gain can be very deceptive, because you go up and down. In this hike you go up and down at a slope that goes over distance. Some hikes have elevation gains that are very steep at a shorter distance and this will make them strenuous. Length and/or elevation determine a strenuous hike. All hikes done by the hiking group are rated so that you can determine if you can do the hike. Each individual has to determine their own capabilities and determine if they can handle a strenuous hike. If you have questions about the hike give the leader a call. They will discuss your concerns and give you input on what they have experienced on the hike. I do not consider myself capable of a strenuous hike; however I was able to do the Olmstead Loop. I think if the elevation gain had been greater, I would not have gone on the hike. It was the length that made this difficult, not the elevation gain. The length also made it difficult because I had not been hiking since November and I think I was a little out of shape. You should always consider your condition and ability when deciding on a hike. Upcoming Easy Hikes: February 12th, Twelve Bridges Trail; February 26th, Discovery Park/Sacramento; March 5th, Miners Ravine/ Roseville; March 17th, Buttermilk Wild Flower Trail/Bridgeport. Upcoming Moderate Hikes: February 17th, Hidden Falls – Hike to Bench; April 2nd, Napa Valley State Park (Calistoga); April 7th, Spenceville Wildlife Area (Camp Far West); April 16th, Malakoff Diggins (Nevada City). Upcoming Strenuous Hikes: March 10th, Pioneer Trail via Ruck-a-Chuky (Auburn), April 28th, Sugar Pine Loop (Meadow Vista). Check out the information on the website, www.lincolnhillshikers.org under Upcoming Hikes. It is very important for you to check the website on the morning of the hike as rain and mud usually means the hike is canceled. Hiking-Walking Group Website: http:// www.lincolnhillshikers.org Call Denny Fisher, Hiking Group President, 434-5526 or Sue Geisler, Vice President, 408-1010, with questions about the Hiking Group. Call Louis Bobrowsky, Walking Group Coordinator, 434-5932, with questions about the Walking Group. ••• LH Cyclists BY TOM FRADY What’s In A Name? Wally Allen? Who is Wally Allen and why is there a road named after him? Turns out Wally Jr. runs a ranch there, originally founded in 1857 by his grandfather. We ride our bikes all over Western Placer roads and I thought it would be a good idea to get to know a little more about the people and places behind the names. I mounted a massive research campaign, and by “massive research campaign” I mean I read pages 136 – 138 of Jerry Logan’s “Western Placer County and Lincoln According to History, Vol. 2 1901 – 1950, to learn a bit more about the pavement over which we travel. Many of the oldest roads in the area have disappeared, as they were at one time simply the quickest and easiest routes from Points A to Points B. As the population and development increased, the roads were rerouted more around property lines. McCourtney, Sierra College, Highway 193, Eastern Virginiatown, Karchner and part of Wise road still follow the original route, however. Here’s a little history on some of the roads we riders travel most often: Big Ben Road. The next time I’m there, I will have to look for the Big Ben Consolidated Gold Mine that can still be seen on the South side of the road. Camp Far West Road. Camp Far West was a military outpost in 1849 on the Bear River, about 1 ½ miles below where the lake is now. There is a cemetery founded in 1844. Chili Hill Road. Why anyone would build a road as steep as Chili (or Chile) Road is beyond me. Didn’t they have bikes in 1885? (Bikes, as we know them today, began to gain popularity about this time, but that’s another article). The hill east of Gold Hill was so-called because a family of Chileans live there. Garden Bar Road. It was originally called Gardener Bar after a Mr. Gardener who had a mining claim nearby and a crossing on the Bear River. Gold Hill Road. Gold Hill was a mining town founded in 1851. There is a monument EARL WOOD O’BRIEN’S BOARDING & PROFESSIONAL GROOMING CENTER %RDUGLQJ*URRPLQJ Senior Discount + Fiddyment Rd to Village Green, Village Green to Bob Doyle, Rt on Bob Doyle to Westpark, Left on Westpark to Phillip Rd Detour, Follow Detour to 5480 Phillip Rd. LINCOLN WWTP PHILLIP RD. DETOUR N WESTPARK BOB DOYLE Reasonable Rates New directions due to construction detours: PHILLIP RD. Dog & Cat Boarding Obedience & Field Training 24 Hour On-Site Supervision VILLAGE GREEN FIDDYMENT WWW.OBRIENSKENNEL.COM BLUE OAK SUN CITY ROSEVILLE 65 and a cemetery near where Auburn Ravine crosses. The cemetery is between where Chili and Virginatown intersect Gold Hill. Hungry Hollow Road. Mt. Pleasant was originally a mining camp called Hungry Hollow, just west of the current Mt. Pleasant Hall. Kilaga Springs Road. While we don’t usually ride on this dead-end road (7.2 miles Fowler to Gold Hill is the original route from the 1850s. It was the main street of “Virginia”. There is a monument on the north side of the road. It is due to be repaved (Yea!!!) when the current sewer project is complete. Crosby-Herold Road. Named for the owners of the two ranches it intersects. Fleming Road. The Fleming Farm was established at the intersection of the current Gladding and Fleming roads. There is a monument at the McCourtney/ Fleming intersection, indicating the presence of “Dane Town”. Forbes Road. The Forbes family moved to the Thermalands area in 1913 and planted an orange grove, as did many others. The oranges froze in 1930 and Mr. Forbes became an insurance agent in Lincoln. Karchner Road. Still generally in its original route, Karchner borders the original ranch. Would it have killed them to cut off the top of that hill? McCourtney Road. Who among us hasn’t pedaled out McCourtney several times a month? John McCourtney had a trading post on the Bear River in 1850. He built a toll bridge, thereby making a more direct route from Sacramento to Nevada City. We could ride our bikes up McCourtney all the way to Grass Valley, if Camp Far West Lake wasn’t in the way. However, it’s really no shorter than routes available to us. Moore Road. Named after the family that has owned ranches along Cycling on McCourtney to Camp Far West Lake. the road since 1896. I wish they’d repave it. Wise Road. Have you ever tried from our Kilaga Springs Parking Lot out to tell someone how to get from Lincoln to McCourtney), our connection to it is strong. Auburn on Wise Road? You can’t say, “Just While it sounds like a Native American word, it follow Wise to Ophir and turn left. In its 22 is actually taken from the names of the owners miles from Brewer in the West to Ophir in the of a “health spa” in the area – Kimberlin, East, there are at least four turns that make Landis and Gaylord. no sense. It is named for the PG&E Plant at Manzanita (Cemetery) Road. As the the eastern end, which was named for an early name suggests, there were originally thick assistant manager. groves of manzanita (and a large stand of oaks) For more information, check out Mr. along this road, which provided a hideout for Logan’s books from our library. Also, the horse thieves. The cemetery dates back to 1852. “Images of America” series has a volume I believe the original Ferrari Ranch home was entitled “Lincoln”, available at our Lincoln there, only recently torn down. Area Archives Museum and other places. Mt. Vernon Road. Originally “Old Wagon It’s full of fun and interesting pictures of the Road”, it was named after a school near the Lincoln area, with just enough information to road, which was a common practice. It would make one appear knowledgeable. have been interesting to watch old wagons pull ••• up that hill, like the old cyclists do now. Riosa Road. A “Yankeetization” of Rio de los Oso, to which it runs roughly parallel. Virginiatown Road. The section from (more Club News cont’ on page 36) GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR SERVICE 23 yrs exp. / Lincoln Resident / Licensed t%SPVHIUQSPPGJOHt7BMWF3FQMBDFNFOU t$MPDLTXBUFSTBWJOHNPEFMT t-FBLT t%SJQ4ZTUFN$IFDL3FQBJS t"MM8PSL(VBSBOUFFE PLEASANT GROVE BASELINE ROAD 35 916-223-3706 LIC# 869624 36 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Ski Club BY MIKE HILTON The December snows and resort snow-making efforts have been sufficient to allow many Club members to hit the slopes. Our weekly day trips to North Lake Tahoe resorts (Sugar Bowl, Northstar, Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows) are in full swing. Club members receive an email each week on who is going to which resorts on which days, to Northstar Powder allow for ride-sharing. We have had significant participation so far. On occasion we add après-ski events to enhance the fun. On January 16, about 10 members enjoyed a late lunch at Rainbow Lodge after several hours of skiing at either Sugar Bowl or Northstar. Members will be alerted about future après-ski events. Our annual getaway ski trip is only a few weeks away. This year, over 35 members and significant others will head to Whistler/ Blackcomb in British Columbia, our first such trip outside of the US. We arrive on February 22 and depart on February 28. We have reserved two small luxury lodges to accommodate us. Skiers (and boarders) as well as non-skiers/ riders are welcome. If you would like to join us, use the contact information below to let us know. We may be able to help you to find lodging, and you could join us for part or all of the week, depending on your schedule. Our next general membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 19th, in the Multipurpose Room at Orchard Creek. Details will be emailed to members soon. Phone 258-2150 to leave a message for Bill Smith or Mike Hilton. E-mail club officers at lhskiclub@gmail.com ••• Pickleball Club Atop Mt. Lincoln, Sugar Bowl. BY CINDY PULLIAM Ready, set, get your calendars out to mark upcoming dates of club events and tournaments you won’t want to miss in 2015! Lynn & Rein have scheduled activities throughout the year. On February 7 from 8:30 AM-12:00 noon club members of all skill levels are invited to a drop-in court challenge mixer. Snacks, raffle prizes and tons of fun all included in the morning’s activities. Get your paddle & come to play! Our second annual Super Senior Tournament (for all club members age 70 and older by year end 2015) will be March 25. Club Championships are scheduled for May and we can look forward to the return of our Wednesday summer evening mixers in June & July. Details will be available on our club website and on the court-side bulletin board closer to event dates. Our Family Means Business We Have Been Serving Lincoln Hills Since 1999 Integrity - Exceptional Service - Outstanding Results Together We Serve You Better www.CarolanProperties.com CA BRE # 01272617 As our new club Membership Director, Katie Bloom is anxious to collect 2015 club dues from any returning or new club member. What a deal at only $15 for the year! Membership forms are available on our website or at the court-side cabinet. Completed forms with a check made payable to LH Pickleball Club can be placed in the metal box in the cabinet. NEWSFLASH…any ladder participant not current by Feb. 1 on 2015 club dues will be dropped from ladder play until paid. Need some new club shirts or a jacket? Andrea will be submitting her next shirt order on March 1. She has a wide variety of solid and camouflage shirt colors to choose from, all reasonably priced. Jackets for men & women can be ordered at anytime. Contact Andrea through our club website or at amad53@ sbcglobal.net. In the market for a new paddle? Wayne Schmeck is our local go-to Paddle Guy. He has an array of demos for you to try at our courts most days of the week. Imagine, not having to leave our courts to shop for a paddle? Wayne reports that many of the recent medal winners at the U.S. Nationals in Buckeye, AZ won their matches playing with Paddletek paddles….. the very same line that he offers. And a side benefit… Wayne donates $5 back to our LH Pickleball Club each time a club member makes a purchase. What a guy! Contact Wayne at 916-223-0259. Cal’s free clinics for new players are ongoing each Wednesday, weather permitting. As of Feb. 1, clinic start time is 11:30 AM. Come to learn the basics, the scoring and meet others just starting the sport. It’s a fun sport, an easy sport and you’ll have an opportunity (cont’ on page 37) Courtney Carolan Arnold 916.258.2188 Property Manager CA BRE # 01471287 VtÜÉÄtÇ cÜÉÑxÜà|xá www.CarolanPropertiesRentals.com CA BRE # 01468489 Megan Carolan 916.420.4576 Realtor CA BRE # 01937273 Penny Carolan 916.871.3860 Broker Associate Broker, Top Selling Agent 2012 & 2013 CA BRE # 01053722 Full Service On-Site Property Management 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 300, Lincoln, CA 95648 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Pickleball Club Tennis Group (cont’ from page 36) to meet your LH neighbors. Our next Board of Directors meeting is at 2:00 PM on Feb. 11 in the Ceramics Room (OC) and open for all club members to attend. Our next General Membership meeting will be March 9 at 10:00 AM in Presentation Hall (KS). ••• BY LINDA BURKE The LHTG Board has a very exciting year planned for all you tennis players (see calendar)! Starting with one of our most popular tournaments of the year - The Valentines Day Mixed Doubles Tournament - February 14th. All participants received a raffle ticket for a chance to win a $75 gift certificate to one of our local restaurants. Next up is the St Patrick’s Day Mixed Double Fun Table Tennis BY ED ROCKNICH The year is a month old. We are looking forward to another great year of competitive but social play. There are beginners, intermediate and advanced players. Many intermediate players are moving into advanced play. Most play is mixed doubles. I have noticed several new players enjoying table tennis. As a reminder please provide your email or other contact information. On certain rare occasions the facility is closed to play and contact information is used to advise of those dates. Play is on Sundays 12:30 - 4:30pm; Tuesdays 6:00 – 9:00pm; and Fridays 8:00 – 11:00am at Kilaga. You can arrive anytime within those hours. Equipment is provided and there is no fee. Please join us. Contact: Ed. Rocknich 434-1958 rocknich@yahoo.com ••• 2015 LHTG Events TOURNAMENTS TO TOURNAM OURRNAAMEENTS Valalentntine’ Va tinine ne’e’’s MMXD XD TTo XD Tournament oururnrna rnament naame men entnt - February Fe Febr ebruaary 14 SSt.t.t. Pa Pat Patrick’ atrtriricicck’s Da Day ay MMXD XXDD Fu Fun un Tournament Tooururnrna naame ment ent - MMarch araarch arc rcch 17 Women’ Wo omeen’’s Doubl Dooubles es Championship Cha haampioonsship - AApril prilriil 16 pri pr MMen’ een’n’’s Do Doubl oubles es Championsh Cha Championshi Championship haampion ioons nsshhipipp - MMay ay 155 ay MMixed ixed ixixe xed ed Do Doubl oubles es CChampionshi Championship haampioonsshhipipp - Ju June une 255 OOktoberfest ktkto ktoberfest toobererfrfefes estst MXD MXXDD Fun Fuun Tournament Toururnrna naame ment ent - October Octo cctober to tob obberer 9 MMen’ en’s & Women’ en’ Woomeen’’s Singl Sining ingl nglglleess Tournament Tooururnrna naame meeentnt - November Nove oovember vveember 6&7 6&&7 &7 SSOCI OCIAL EEVENTS VENTS VE Falal Di Fa Din Dinner/Dance innner neer/r/D /Da Daanc nce nce - NNovember oovember ove vveemberer 12 Women’ Wo ome men en’’s Hol Hoiday Ho olliida day day Lu Luncheon uncche heo eoon - Dec De December eceember ece ber 3 MMen’ een’n’’s Ho Hololida iday dayy Lu Luncheon unccheo heeon on - Dec DDecember De ece ece cemb embeer 3 LLIITT - LLIINCCOLN LTT OLN INTTRACLUB RACL RA CLUUBB TTEAM EAAMM TTENNI ENNINIIS Day Da Daytime aytytitimime me SStarts ttarts tar art artsts in AApril prilril - Every pr Eve Ev vereryry Wed. Wed We edd. for foor 6 Weeks Wee We eeekss Evenings Eve Ev veenining ngs gs Starts Star ttarts art artsts in September Seeptember pte ptteember - Every Eve Ev vereryryy Tues. Tues Tue Tu ues es.s. for foor 6 Weeks Check out the LHTG Website: http://sclhtg.com Comp-Solve Computers Mad Hatters Bocce Group BY PAUL MAC GARVEY We’ve already made reservations for our table at the March “It’s The Lifestyle” groups exposition on March 12. We have had the same display table for a few years now so we’re looking for new ideas for the Mad Hatters Bocce table. If you have any clever ideas we’d like to hear from you. Of course it has to have something to do with Bocce, and you’re limited to one buffet size table. Ralph and Paul have agreed to staff the table but others are welcome. If you’re a new resident looking for an intro to Bocce, or an “old timer” who wants to get back into it, please stop by the table and talk to us. You may also feel free to call us at the numbers below or show up at the Bocce Courts at 10:00 AM on Thursday mornings. Contact: Paul Mac Garvey, 543-2067, pmac1411@aol.com; Bob Vincent, 543-0543 ••• Lincoln Hills Lincsters BY SUSAN PHARIS The first official Lincster play date for 2015, January 7, was a crisp sunny afternoon. Jackets and vest were quickly shed as the ladies played the front nine of the Hills course. A Birdie was made by Linda Salmon, and Chip-Ins were made by Nancy McDonald and Charlotte Raifaisen. Phyllis Patrick fifteen feet and four inches was closest to the Pin. Flight A winner was Linda Salmon, Flight B winners were Pat Shafer and Michele Howard, Flight C winner was Charlotte Raifaisen, and Flight D winner was Carole Cain. The Putt Pool was won by Marnie Bagley, Pat Dangerfield, Bev Johnson, and Shirley Varner. This first Winter day of golf was quite different from a round played on December 30 by Lincsters Pat Shafer, Fran Rivera, Joyce Kozuki and Mary D’Agostini who braved the windiest and coldest day of December. Pat said, “We were out there completely bundled up like the Pillsbury dough boys, with hair blowing all over our heads, gusts of up to 40mph and balls flying off course by right angles.” Needless to say they had the course to themselves. Even the men at the pro shop shook their heads and asked if they were really going to go out there. Nothing holds back a determined Lincster! Welcome to new members Marti Berntsen and Joyce Hults. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 39) MA Barker Bookkeeping & Tax Service 916-435-4293 In Home Computer Service - Upgrades - DSL Don’t Want a - Wireless Senior Special Computer with the new - Tune-Up’s Your Certified for a 1 hour Windows 8? Computer Tech is - Email Ask me about new Service Call Steve - Virus Windows 7 Computers (Usually $89/hour) - Malware - Repairs - Data Recovery - In Home Training - Servicing Lincoln Hills 5 Days a Week - Data Transfer Mailing Address- New Computer Setup - Thank You Lincoln Hills! 6518 Lonetree $79 * Customer Tournament, guess when? March 17th – get your green going! A gentle reminder – if you have not renewed your membership and want to be included in all the tennis action - applications are at the Pavilion and online at http://sclhtg. com. Check out the website for all the latest activities. Our Webmaster, Jack Ryder, is doing an excellent job of informing the club of all the latest news and photos. As always our weekly social drop-ins continue to be very active. If you are new to the Tennis Group it is a great way to meet other tennis players. Drop-in times are 9-11am on Wednesday & Saturdays. It is open to all Lincoln Hills residents. Live, Love, Laugh and Tennis… LHTG Contacts: Greg Burke, President Ph: 316-3054, Email: burkegbp@aol.com Linda Burke, Communications Ph: 2093463, Email: scteam10s@aol.com ••• Testimonials visit: www.Comp-Solve.com Blvd. #18, Rocklin, CA 95765 Wishes you a very happy and prosperous 2015 Need your 2014 taxes prepared? Call 916 408-8690 for professional help! Mary Ann Barker, EA Enrolled to practice before the IRS Bookeeping and Notary services “Your place or mine, I’ll get the job done!” Announcing A New Fitness and Wellness Center Coming to Rocklin and Surrounding Areas in February! Offering programs in: Formula F.I.T.T. Strength & Conditioning and Pilates Apparatus Studio XXXGPSNVMBmUUDPN Milestone Physical Therapy XXXNJMFTUPOFXFMMOFTTPSH Pilates t4NBMM(SPVQ 'JUOFTT5SBJOJOH t'JUOFTT t$SPTT'JU 5BDUJDBM'JUOFTT Pain Management t#BMBODF5SBJOJOH t#MBEEFSDPOUSPM t"OE.PSF 37 Dr. Mike Bradaric, Pastor “Active Seniors -Dreaming Dreams Bigger Than Ourselves” 38 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Earn 100 slot points or equivalent in table games play to get 5 FREE PLAY $ 5 DINING OFFER $ VALID AT ANY RESTAURANT FOR CLUB MEMBERS 55 AND OVER Monday - Friday PLAY FREE DAILY! 1,000 FREE PLAY $ TOP PRIZE DAILY • 11AM - 8PM MORE JACKPOTS, MORE WINNERS, MORE OFTEN! HWY 50 @ Red Hawk Parkway • 888-573-3495 • redhawkcasino.com Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 LH Ladies Golf XVIII BY JUDITH JESNESS The New Year brought some pretty cold weather. But the Ladies 18 Hole Golfers took to the links just the same. Officially, we said ‘Goodbye’ to our outgoing Board of Directors and ‘Hello’’ to our 2015 Officers: Sylvia Feldman, Captain; Shari Lloyd, Co-Captain; Barbara Korenthal, Secretary and Rosemary Heckman, Treasurer. These Officers along with the other fourteen committee chairs Women Bowlers are: Margaret Peyton, Kathy Houston, Nancy Walker and Vonnie Brinkman. Still looking for subs. Contact Joan Gates ••• Cribbage Club BY LARRY ODONNELL Cribbage club plays 8:00 AM through 12:00 PM, Tuesdays at the Card Room (Orchard Creek). A six-game mini-tournament starts at 9:00 AM. We play four-handed partner games, Ladies Golf XVIII New Officers: Barbara Korenthal - Secretary, Sylvia Feldman - Captain, Shari Lloyd - Co-Captain, and Rosemary Heckman - Treasurer. met for breakfast to greet each other and to say a very big thank you to out-going officers Donna McDonald, Captain and Lissi Bedford, Co-Captain. Hey You — now’s the time to join us! We play every Thursday and have loads of special tournaments. First up is our ‘Spring Fling’ May 17th. You don’t want to miss that, so contact Donna Sosko, Membership Chair at 434-5427. Whether you’re a 14 or a 40 handicap, you will be welcomed with open arms! ••• LH Tuesday AM Bowling League Rocklin Bowl BY JOAN GATES First Half Winners, Alley Oops, Barbara Banks,Bobbie Spiess, Lynn Newhall and Al Young. Beginning Second Half, leading All Spares, Betty Heavingham, Arlene Smith, Judy Hubbard and Jim Boekel. Coming up fast, The Sleepers, Don Jones, Lenett Young,Terri Jones and Ronnie Dilbeck. Tied for position with the Sleeper is Lucky Strikes, Elaine Yamasaki, Vicki Dibble, Eleanor Jones and Dave Quirarte.. Competition is really starting to heat up with several teams in close positions. Top Men Bowlers are: Dave Quirarte, Davis Peyton, Don Jones and Jerry Gordon Top adding a two-handed or three-handed game when necessary, or a sit-out, when required by the number of players. We use a rotation system to mix players. We generally have 16 or more players and we always welcome more to come and join the fun. Contact: Larry O’Donnell 916.253.9222 Ken Von Deylen 916.599.6530 ••• SCLH Duplicate Bridge Club BY DICK PROFFITT As we move into February the club activities move into high gear. The 2015 lesson program will begin this month with free halfhour sessions at 11:45 AM each Wednesday before our regularly scheduled game. Be sure to check the club website for lesson topics. Also, the club Mentoring Program will begin on Thursday, Feb.5th and continue on the first Thursday of the month through Oct. 1st, except in July. As of this writing, there were a few openings available to playing partner pairs with less than 75 masterpoints each. Contact Jim McElfresh for further information. If you crave tournament competition, you won’t want to miss the District 21 Presidents’ Day Regional Tournament. It will be again (cont’ on page 40) ESTATE PLANNING LAW OFFICE OF JAMES S. HALL 17th Annual “Sacramento Museum Day” Returns with Free or Half-Priced Admission to Nearly 25 Sites! Imagine. Explore. Discover. To the delight of the greater Sacramento area community, nearly twenty-five local museums will offer free or half-priced admission from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 7, 2015, during the 17th Annual Sacramento Museum Day! During the highly anticipated event, most of the nearly 25 museums will offer free admission whereas two destinations located in residential areas -- the Sacramento Zoo and Fairytale Town -- will offer half-priced admission to offset traffic control and security costs. Coordinated by the Sacramento Association of Museums (SAM) and the Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sacramento Museum Day is a popular cultural tradition designed to encourage all members of the community to experience the Capital City’s incredible wealth of art, history, science and wildlife -- at little or no cost. Many of the museums are within walking distance of each other and easily accessible via public transportation. Event coordinators suggest that guests plan to visit no more than two or three different museums on this day in order to allow adequate time to enjoy the experience and to travel between individual sites. In addition to offering free or reduced cost admission, many of the destinations are offering special activities during Sacramento Museum Day. A sampling of the special activities include the following: • The Aerospace Museum of California will offer an “open cockpit” day where most aircraft will be open for viewing (weather permitting), a children’s art contest and onsite exhibitors such as the Tuskegee Airmen; • The Masonic Service Bureau will be onsite at the Discovery Museum Science & Space Center providing free electronic fingerprints of children for their parents; • The Sacramento History Museum will offer hands-on gold panning activities for kids; • The crowd-favorite Sacramento Children’s Museum mascot “Leo” will make special appearances throughout the day; • And, the Old Sacramento Schoolhouse Museum will serve cake to celebrate the birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder and mark the anniversary of Sacramento’s first public school in February 1854. “Every year is unique and offers new discoveries for guests to explore on Sacramento Museum Day,” said Sacramento Association of Museums Chair Kristina Swanson. “With a variety of participating museums located from Woodland to Roseville, we’re pleased to introduce interested community members to the amazing array of arts, culture and museum offerings available in the greater Sacramento region.” While admission is free at most of the participating museums during Sacramento Museum Day, admission to two destinations located in residential areas are half-priced as follows: Sacramento Zoo is $6 for adults, $4 for children ages 2-11 and free for children under two; Fairytale Town is $2.75 per person and free for children ages one and under. Due to the popularity of Sacramento Museum Day, some locations must limit the number of admissions for safety reasons. The event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. but note the last guests will be admitted at 4 p.m. More detailed information about participating museums, addresses, limitations, suggested parking and public transit options is available at www.sacmuseums.org (click on “Events”), or by calling the Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau at 916-808-7777. Participating Museums for Sacramento Museum Day 2015: Aerospace Museum of California – California Automobile Museum – California State Capitol Museum – California State Railroad Museum – Discovery Museum Science and Space Center – Don & June Salvatori California Pharmacy Museum – Fairytale Town – Heidrick Ag History Center (Woodland) – Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park – Maidu Museum & Historic Site (Roseville) – Museum of Medical History – Old Sacramento Schoolhouse Museum – Old Sacramento State Historic Park – Roseville Utility Exploration Center – Sacramento Children’s Museum – Sacramento Historic City Cemetery – Sacramento History Museum – Sacramento Zoo – Sojourner Truth Multicultural Arts Museum – State Indian Museum – Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park – Verge Center for the Arts – Wells Fargo History Museum (Capitol Mall) – Wells Fargo History Museum (Old Sacramento) About the Sacramento Association of Museums (SAM) — Comprised of 30 greater Sacramento area museums working in partnership with the Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau, SAM’s mission is to raise awareness of local museums by giving the community the opportunity to discover California’s fine art, history, science and wildlife treasures. SAM achieves its mission through implementing cooperative promotions and developing strategic marketing alliances, by encouraging sharing of knowledge and resources among its partner institutions, and by conducting Sacramento Museum Day each year. (916) 772-2522 Sterling Pointe Family Dentistry Offering our clients experienced professional services with convenient access to their attorney. WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS AARP LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDER • Living Trusts • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Health Care Directive • Document Review & Updates • Probate 1380 Lead Hill Blvd., Suite 106 • Roseville, CA 95661 Phone: (916) 772-2522 • Email: Phlaw1@comcast.net Website: www.JSH-legal.com Member: California State Bar, Placer County Bar Association, AARP Legal Network Attorney 39 t(FOFSBM$PTNFUJD%FOUJTUSZ t%FOUVSFT1BSUJBMT3FQBJST t'SJFOEMZ$BSJOH4UBGG t.PTU*OTVSBODF1MBOT"DDFQUFE t&NFSHFODZ$BSF t$SPXOT#SJEHFT t-PX%PTF%JHJUBM9SBZT t4FOJPS%JTDPVOUT www.lincolnfamilydentist.com Over 30 Years Experience in General Dentistry Kris Martinson, D.D.S. Feroz M. Nawabi, D.D.S. (Next to Raley’s) 4UFSMJOH1BSLXBZ4VJUF-JODPMO$B Call Us Today (916) 40 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 SSN Gardening Corner — 2015 Camellia Show Artificial Lawn? — Maybe Just Less Water The Camellia Society of Sacramento’s 91st Annual Show will be held Saturday, March 7th and Sunday, March 8th 2015 at the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium, 1515”J”Street. BY GEORGE PORTER This past summer, neighbors out walking by our house said things to me like ‘Are you going to replace your lawn?’ or ‘I’ve never seen your lawn look so brown’, or, my favorite, ‘Will you use artificial turf?’ Yes – over the summer months, our lawn looked mighty thirsty. Mostly that light brown, but with a touch of green here and there. I had read that the roots wouldn’t die even with a massive cutback of water. Jim Ferrin’s people had demonstrated that when they got a dry spot – even a large one – on the golf course, they just applied a little remedial water to the spot. Nothing dramatic. No reseeding. No new sod. Only just a drink. Wanting to be the good citizen and cut back our 20% on overall water usage, I said to my wife, Karen, that we should continue the same prior-year watering programs for our various trees, shrubs, and other plants – so we would not lose them and then go broke replacing them (we have a large yard)! So to make our goal of 20%, we would cut back 90% on the lawn watering. In prior years, we had programmed our controller for two daily watering cycles of 5 minutes each, running every day except for mowing day, or six days each week. (Actually, we would often change the programs depending on expected high temperatures with an average of two 5-minute cycles.) We cut back from these 60 minutes to one cycle of 6 minutes – one day per week! That’s a reduction of ninety (90) percent. Periodic fertilization and other maintenance remained the same. The lawn had a number of small tufts of green that were pretty evenly distributed, giving us hope. Despite this, both Karen and I would occasionally pour a bowl or small bucket of “used” water on the lawn that didn’t change things much, but maintained our hope! Today the lawn looks great. In fact, thanks to cooler weather and winter rains, it looks as good as it ever has! So, if you are contemplating artificial turf or other landscaping to replace your lawn, consider cutting back on summer lawn water in drought years, instead. You may be surprised. We were. George Porter directed the landscaping and landscape maintenance work for over 20-years at the Northgate Property Owners Association in Walnut Creek, CA before moving to Sun City Roseville (SCR) in 1999. At SCR, he has worked with various staff specialists to provide the landscape designs and upgrades to the Common Areas as well as a number of Golf Course locations. At his SCR home, he grows almost all of the plants used in his designs. His home and garden have been featured on a number of local home/garden tours. THE PLACE FOR MEMORY CARE Somerford Place +'%) ')$ ',))*#&+*)$#-#&!.#+"+""$$&!*' %%')0$'**2, +'$1"#%)*')'+") ')%*' %&+#2*'.,&)*+&+"*(#$#1)+"0 &,) ',*#*'&+"$+*+*#&+"+*,!!*+**'#$#1+#'&#+&("0*#$ &%&+$/)#*)+"*+.0*+'()-&+&()'$'&!'!&#+#-$#& Call 916-772-6500 to schedule a tour Call 916-772-6500 today to schedule a tour or to RSVP or RSVP to our special event. for one of our fabulous upcoming events: Starting the New Year off Right! Taking care of yourself as a caregiver Celebrating Special Moments Caregiver Support Group with Your Loved One Doors to the exhibit hall will open Saturday, March 7th at 6:30am for registration and entry of competitive camellia blooms and or floral arrangements, and will close at 10am. Entry cards and show information may be obtained from Don Lesmeister, 4512 Marble Way, Carmichael, CA 95608, (916) 967-8420 or Gary Schanz, 1177 Cavanaugh Way, Sacramento, CA 95822, (916) 447-1969. Entry cards will also be available at the show. Sacramento’s official flower is scheduled for public viewing from 3pm to 6pm on Saturday and 10am to 5pm Sunday. Admission is free. For information regarding floral arrangements, please contact Ms. Frankie Raymond (916) 995-2550. Entries are open to everyone. We hope everyone who can, will participate and enjoy the 2015 Camellia Show. Remember... Sacramento is the Camellia capitol! SCLH Duplicate Bridge Club (cont’ from page 39) held at the Hyatt Regency S.F. Airport Hotel in Burlingame, CA, and competition begins on Tues., Feb. 10th and continues through Mon., Feb. 16th. For complete details check the ACBL website (www.acbl.org) or the ACBL District 21 website (www. d21acbl.com). Save the date of Wed., April 29th, when it will be our turn to host the exchange with the Roseville Sun City Club. Additional information about the event will be posted on the club website and announced as it becomes available. The SCLH duplicate bridge club is a friendly invitational club with games open to all residents of Sun City and their invited guests. All our games are played in the Kilaga Springs Lodge on Wednesdays at 12:30 P.M. (also includes a 199er section), Fridays at 5:00 P.M., and Saturdays at 12:30 P.M. (also includes a 299er section). Our game table fees are $2.00 per person for club members and for non-member Sun City residents for their first three visits, or $5.00 for their invited visitors. If you are looking for a bridge partner for any of the open games, call Barbara Dorf (4348234), Squeak Conner (645-9085), or Lynne White (253-9882). For a partner in one of the limited games call Nancy Rice (543-5275). For more information, visit the club web site (www.bridgewebs.com/lincolnhills) or call club president, Sharon Neff at 543-8897. ••• Reason #4 to Make An Estate Plan Elaine, your husband’s next wife 6 In the month since your death, has brought “home-cooked” meals to your husband six times 6 Each time she visits, wears a skimpier outfit 6 Can’t wait to redecorate your home, especially that hideous wallpaper you chose 6 Thinks there is no good reason that money earmarked for your children shouldn’t be spent on more important things like jewelry, sports cars, and European spa vacations Do you really want her to have your children’s inheritance? February 5th, 2013 at 10am 1st Thursday of Every Month 9:30am January 9th, 2013 at 10am Continental breakfast will be served 110 Sterling Court 3 Roseville, CA 95661 916-772-6500 www.SomerfordPlaceRoseville.com #&* 3,$+0)#&* 34#-+),$#+0)& Call Today for a Free Consultation: 530-269-1515 Flat Fees! NEW OFFICE LOCATIONS IN ROSEVILLE AND SACRAMENTO www.cunninghamlegal.com Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 41 SCLH WRITER’S CORNER... Protect and Serve BY BEV BRANNON The recent images on television of thousands of uniformed police standing solemnly in tribute to one of their fellow officers brought back by own memories. Memories, although from over sixty years ago, today are just under the surface, and will never fade into oblivion. I still feel the trembling from that day when I raised my head, turned slightly to my right and found one complete side of the church filled with a sea of blue uniforms. Uniformed men my mother, my sister and I never met before and never saw again. But they were there for us and for the man lying directly in front of us, one of their own. A very young man, gone from us way before we felt it was his time. The shock to all of us still visible in our red, puffy eyes. The ceremony was a blur. I know family and friends were there. I know the minister spoke, the vocalist sang, the prayers were said. But what was said, I do not remember. Nothing could penetrate my grief. Except those men in blue who had come from every city, both nearby, and up and down the complete West Coast. Our own city’s police force there en masse, trusting crime would be suspended for a couple of hours. Then we were led from the church, down the steps, clinging to my mother who was fighting to hold herself together, and placed in the large black car. Following the car carrying my father, knowing I would never look into his soft blue eyes again, never have him to laugh with, never have him to protect me again, I was inconsolable. The slow procession of cars moved through the city streets and then came to a stop. When I glanced ahead of the hearse, I realized we had been led by an escort of all the motorcycle officers. Now we had arrived at the city line between us and the adjacent city. There our officers met with their motors and were in the process of turning the procession over to the city of Glendale. As each pair of motors reached the city line, they were circled by a new pair of motors, then ours turned back toward Burbank, and Glendale’s complete motor force escorted the procession through their streets up to Forest Lawn Memorial Park. All of this was on a much smaller scale than NYPD, but it was a different area, a different era. My father died with a massive heart attack while making an arrest of a subject they had been tracking for several months. Stress was the killer. He was not gunned down by someone with an agenda, or a radical ideology. What does it say of us as a society that we are raising people today who will viciously execute law enforcement personnel? Thank God we do have those men and women who willingly choose to Protect and Serve us. CRS BY JIM FULCOMER Those three letters stand for a number of things, depending on your age and occupation. I will list five acronyms for “CRS” and you decide which are the most appropriate for those of us in SCLH. Here we go... Corrosion-Resistant Steel, Cannibis Relieves Stress, Cola-Rectal Surgeon, California Rolling Stop and Can’t Remember S**t! I think we can safely dismiss the first three out of hand, but the last two have a definite connection to us. The many, and granted, annoying number of Stop signs here in Lincoln Hills are there for a reason - to prevent accidents and regulate the flow of traffic. The fact is, too many of us ignore the signs or give them cursory acceptance. Slowing down to less than 10 MPH does not constitute a stop, as you will find out if you are cited for this infraction. Some of the most flagrant abusers are bicyclists, who, in their racing garb, blow through the intersections with little or no concern. They are asking for trouble with the many slightly vision-compromised among us. Next would be the NEV’s, who often give a polite nod to the signs, then proceed on. But the most dangerous are the impatient auto drivers, for whom the signs were intended. Depending on the intersection, it happens all too often - they are the ones who keep AAA towing in business, so watch out for them! If ever the Lincoln Police force regains full strength, they will be out there, waiting… Having said that, let’s move on to the last CRS, the one so many of us quote in jest. As Molly used to say, “t’aint funny, McGee!” Increasingly, our personal Rolo-Dexes and internal hard drives begin to fail and what used to be a random event, now becomes almost routine. How do you combat that? Constant use of brain games and regular physical exercise - if you can, and perhaps less distilled or fermented spirits? Memory loss is a fact of life, but you can ward it off, if you care to, or at least delay it a bit. Engage and make every day count and perhaps the best memories will be your most recent ones. Oh yes, writing helps, too. Start and keep a journal or a diary. Refer to it as often as you like. Maybe you will find that you really are remembering more than you thought and that’s good! Bev Brannon and Jim Fulcomer are members of the SCLH Writer’s Club. Please patronize our advertisers... and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! 42 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 -JODPMO)JMMT6QEBUF .PEFM "$5*7& -JTUJOHT "WFSBHF -JTU1SJDF 1&/%*/( 4BMFT "WF1FOEJOH -JTU1SJDF 40-% -BTU.PT "WFSBHF 4BMF1SJDF 1 $680,000 1 $610,000 Napa 2 $686,200 Shasta 1 $530,000 1 $620,000 Annadel 2 $549,000 El Dorado 1 $470,000 Ventana 1 $490,000 Fremont 1 $469,000 2 $430,000 Santa Clara Carmel Santa Barbara "-."3$*" (*#40/ Meadowgate Sonoma 1 $775,000 Springcrest 1 $689,000 1 $899,000 Marin Tiburon 1 $544,900 1 $524,900 Monterey San Mateo Atherton 3 $595,700 Sausalito Ventura Orchard Crest 1 1 $552,500 $465,000 Plumas 3 $472,700 Tehama 4 $401,000 1 $399,900 2 $392,500 Tahoe 2 $441,500 1 $485,500 1 $465,000 Santa Cruz 3 $450,100 3 $483,800 3 $427,300 3 $358,300 Mendocino Baldwin Echo Ridge Trinity 1 $374,900 Lassen 2 $412,000 Quail Cove 1 $419,000 Alpine 4 Pine Hill Almanor 1 $380,900 1 $372,000 $391,200 3 $391,500 5 $379,000 3 $389,200 1 $389,000 2 $361,000 1 $394,950 2 $323,500 1 $350,000 Madera Bridgegate Calaveras Sequoia 1 $310,000 Millpond 1 $309,900 1 1 $325,000 $300,000 1 $278,500 $305,000 Mariposa Woodleaf 1 1 $259,000 NOTE: The statistics above do not reflect any consideration in value for model options nor location. 771-3177 algibson@re4u.net t0WFS:&"34PGDPNCJOFE3FBM&TUBUF &YQFSJFODF t-POHUJNF4VO$JUZ3FTJEFOUT t'PSNFS#30,&308/&3PG4BO+PTFPGmDF /BUJPOBM3FBM&TUBUF$PNQBOZ t.PSF,OPXMFEHF.PSF&YQFSUJTF.PSF4FSWJDFT t$VSSFOU-JTUJOHT'MPPSQMBOTBOE$PNNVOJUZ *OGPSNBUJPOBUXXXBNHJCTPO(P-ZPODPN “We appreciate the opportunity to compete for your business” &9$-64*7&46/$*5:4&37*$&4 1. '3&& professional house cleaning 2. '3&& professional carpet cleaning 3. '3&& professional window cleaning 4. '3&& professional yard clean-up www.amgibson.GoLyon.com 5. '3&&property evaluations for Estate Purposes BRE# 00456442 & 01243980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Neighborhood Watch BY KATHY GIRE Our neighborhood has been quiet since a rash of mail breakins occurred around New Year’s on several streets in the southwest corner of SCLH. The boxes impacted were on Gatehouse Lane (Mail Stations 1 and 2), Cottage Rose (Mail Station 9), Dapple Dawn (Mail Station 6), Gingersnap Lane (Mail Stations 1 and 2), Rose Bouquet (Mail Station 1), Lockwood (Mail Stations 5 and 6), Laurelhurst (Mail Station 3), and Stone Hearth (Mail Station 6). The Villages involved were 39; 30A, B, and C; 38A and D. The Post Office is aware of these and suggests you not put any outgoing mail containing checks or other items of value in your Mail Station over night. Are you familiar with the Boris the Burglar signs that warn interlopers off our streets? The Community Association has voted to allow each resident to display ONE 4 inch by 6 inch new Boris the Burglar static cling sticker in a front window. Homes on golf courses or open space may also post one additional sticker on a rear window. The sticker may be no higher than 56 inches above the interior floor unless it is placed in the lower portion of a garage window. You may also purchase a 3-inch by 4-inch sticker for your vehicle, golf cart or NEV. Neighborhood Watch is taking preorders with payment of $1.00 per sticker; checks should be made payable to Neighborhood Watch. Your Mail Box Captain should soon be forwarding the order form that you can send along with a check to NW Treasurer, Don Budde. You will be able to pick up the stickers when the shipment arrives from Elaine Small, our Boris the Burglar Coordinator. A message to our Mail Box Captains: It is time for the bi-annual report of updated Resident Contact Information from the Captains to their Coordinators. Residents: Does some of your cell phone information need updating? If you have changed any of your information, such as your phone number, email or emergency contact, you can call or email your Mail Box Captain with the new numbers or addresses. All of these updates help the Captains when emergencies occur. Adopt A Village Or A Mail Station! If you have a bit of time available and the inclination to give back to your community, consider ADOPTING a Mail Box Station or even a Village. You need not live in that village but you will be filling a much-needed position that helps keep SCLH safe. You may have a Co-Captain to share the position, or even a Co-Coordinator. We have several villages that run smoothly but need just a few positions filled. We need Coordinators in Villages 8A, 8B, 14, 16B, 19B, 22A, 24C, 24D, 26C, 30C, 32A, 34A, 37, 38C, and 39. If you are interested, please contact Executive Director Ron Wood at ron2029wood@att. net or 434-0378 or Secretary Pauline Watson at frpawatson@sbcglobal.net or 543-8436. Looking forward to next month: On March 12, the various Association Clubs will participate in It’s the Lifestyle, in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. This event showcases all the clubs and events in which residents can take part here in SCLH. Come and browse the tables from 10:00 until 1:00 and see if anything strikes your fancy. Mission Statement Of Neighborhood Watch -----to strengthen neighborhood ties -----to increase personal safety and security awareness -----to be the “eyes and ears” of the Lincoln Police and Fire Departments -----to encourage emergency preparedness. Our community is hoping to solicit the aid of a larger segment of the population here in regards to being the “eyes and ears” of the protection agencies that serve us. Think how many people are active in the course of a day, whether traveling to and from activities or events that take place outdoors. There are hikers and walkers on trails over open land behind residences, home gardeners who tend their lawns and plants and can easily see what is going on outside, golfers who play behinds houses, painters who sit at easels and capture scenery, dog walkers, bird watchers, cyclists, astronomers at night looking through their telescopes, people on their way to the gyms early in the morning. If all these people were observant and carried cell phones to call or photograph something that just does not look “right,” we would have many more eyes to offer the Lincoln Police and Fire Departments, and we would all benefit. Senior Drivers: The winter edition of AAA’s magazine Via carried a very good article on “Helping Senior Drivers Stay Safe.” Most of us qualify as “Senior Drivers,” or we live with one, and the advice is worthy of consideration. The article stated that age alone is not a good indicator of driving capability. You can access their web site at Seniordriving.AAA.com and measure visual acuity, memory and other driving-related functions. Test results may be easier to accept than opinions. The article also cautions that any driver who has had a stroke, takes narcotics, or shows signs of confusion may not be safe behind the wheel. A doctor should make this determination. If you need to discuss this issue with someone you love, experts suggest you talk with just the driver, focus on facts, and steer the discussion toward safety concerns. Helpful suggestions are that the driver cut back somewhat on time behind the wheel, perhaps only going out during the day or in good weather and sticking to familiar territory. It is helpful to have an alternative source of transportation for seniors such as family members and friends who can fill in some of the void. Neighborhood Watch Welcomes New Coordinator It is a new year and perhaps just the time you have been waiting for to volunteer some time for the community. One such resident is Heather Brown who lives with Gary and a little dog named Lucy in Village 30A. Heather has been a Mail Box Captain for several years but has recently retired from her work and stepped up to assume a new role. Heather was born and raised in Australia but has lived in London, British Columbia in Canada, Spokane, Pleasanton and Castro Valley. She moved to SCLH in 2005 after a local friend showed her the community. Heather bid farewell to her hospital job in Davis and has discovered many of the activities available here. She enjoys photography, genealogy research, and spends time on her computer. She also participates in Wellness programs and particularly likes Aqua Yoga and Pilates. Heather recognizes and appreciates what a great program Neighborhood Watch is as she has been involved in Homeowners Associations previously. She counts it as one of the best resources a community can have. We welcome her to our NW family! More Word Origins — Cobweb: This is an easy one. The Old English word for “spider,” was “cob,” hence, a cobweb. Ship State Rooms: Traveling by steamboat was considered the height of comfort. Passenger cabins were not numbered originally but were instead named after states. To this day, cabins on ships are called staterooms. Passing The Buck: Most men in the early West carried a jack knife made by the Buck Knife Company. When playing poker, men placed one of these Buck knives in front of the dealer so that everyone knew who he was. When it was time for a new dealer, the deck of cards and the knife were given to the new dealer. If this person did not want to deal, he would “pass the Buck” to the next player, and if that player accepted it, “the Buck stopped there.” February honors Presidents’ Days, and don’t forget to hug your Valentine on February 14th if you are fortunate enough to have one! Heather Brown Affordable Computer Help PC Help IN YOUR HOME LET US HELP YOU CARE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE We specialize in: > Personal Care > Companion Services > Homemaker Services > Respite > Hospice Support > Alzheimer’s > Parkinson’s > Heart Failure > Post-surgical Care > Multiple Sclerosis We assist you with Long Term Care insurance processing. No deposit required. Nurse oversight included. Insured & Bonded – Roseville, CA · Independently Owned & Operated 916 781 6500 xRemove Viruses xFix Spyware xWireless Setup xCustomized Training xMemory Upgrades xAll your Computer Help Needs 43 x15% Senior Discount xDSL setup xSpeed up your PC xFriendly Personal Service, E-Mail Help xNew PC Setup & Transfer Files Your Fulltime Computer Specialist Jerry Shores 663-4500 PO Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg No. 85117 44 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Observations on Walking — Part 2 BY MARTIN GREEN In last month’s “Observations” on walking, I wrote about walking around three great European cities — London, Paris and Rome — when I was in my twenties. I want to write about walking around still another great European city, Madrid, when I was retired and in my sixties but still reasonably fit, playing tennis three or four times a week. Beverly and I had signed up for a bus tour of Spain, Portugal and Morocco, starting in Madrid, where we’d stay a few days. We flew overnight, so arrived there the next morning. Neither of us are among those lucky ones who can sleep in planes so naturally we were tired when we arrived at our hotel. We had what our Irish daughter-in-law would call a “lie-down” but couldn’t really sleep so got up and set out to have lunch and see Madrid. In those days before iPads and iPhones, we relied on an old-fashioned map. I remember we found a main avenue and, shortly, a nicelooking outdoor café on a corner where we had our first Spanish meal. I have no idea what this was. We then proceeded to walk around the city. I recall that we found the statue of Don Quixote, where a TV or film crew was shooting. I also recall finding the Prada museum, which we noted for a future visit, and that we watched a procession going down the street, with some member of Spanish royalty in a coach. While not being able to remember much else, I do recall that we eventually ended up at the same outdoor café where we’d had lunch and had our dinner there. By this time it was after seven. The Spanish, we knew, had late dinners and the streets were full of people. They were of all ages, not only young people but oldsters, grannies pushing baby buggies, and many children. We had a good time watching all of the street activity while having a leisurely Spanish dinner. I know we had sangria with it. We then retraced our path back to our hotel, being carried along like ships in a tide by the throngs in the street. We got back around ten, so we’d spent the entire day on little or no sleep walking, with pauses to eat, around Madrid. It’s something I couldn’t even begin thinking of doing today. We did a lot more walking on subsequent European visits, but none so memorable as that experience in Madrid, until we began visiting our son Christopher, who’d moved to Ireland, and his family, his wife Flindie and later our grandson Logan and then granddaughter (finally a girl) Stephanie. They settled in Galway, a college town on the west coast, on Galway Bay, famous in song. Over the years, we became quite at home in Galway. We’d take the bus from Chris’s house (he and Flindie would both be at work) to Eyre Square in the heart of the city. We’d then walk down Shop Street, which is something more American cities should have, a pedestrian only thoroughfare. We’d stop in the Treasure Chest at the head of the street, which had some really nice things, then proceed walking leisurely past the many pubs, the bakery, the jewelry stores and others until we came to Busker Brown’s restaurant where we’d stop for a lunch of their delicious Guiness stew. After, we’d visit Charley Byrne’s book store, where we’d browse the outside bookcases for second-hand books under one or two Euros. The end of Shop Street was at an open square on Galway Bay, from where you could watch Galway’s famous swans. Then we’d walk back, stopping to listen to the street musicians who were always there, perhaps getting an ice cream and sitting in Eyre Square before getting the bus back. On a couple of our visits we stayed part of the time in Salthill, a town on the coast adjacent to Galway, at an apartment our son found for us. We got to know all the stores and eating places, especially the market where we’d go shopping almost every day. On nice days (there were a few) we’d walk on the Prom, Ireland’s longest boardwalk, looking out at the Bay, watching those brave souls actually on the beach or in the water, sometimes getting as far as the Kicking Wall, where tradition said you had to kick it for good luck. The Prom had many benches, good for us as we became older, so we could rest and watch the people go by, many mothers with prams, joggers, men and women with their dogs, all Irish. More recently, Beverly and I liked to walk where we lived in Carmichael and then when we moved to Sun City. I recall it was interesting in our early days here to stop and talk to people who’d also just moved here. More recently, as my knees got older, I liked to walk to the pond close to our house. I’m happy to say that last month I was able to make it to the pond, my first real walk since the hip replacement, and saw an egret and a heron, both in flight, as well as twenty or so ducks (plus a few golfers). It may not been the same as walking to the Forum or to the Luxemburg Gardens, but I was glad I could still do that much walking. Last month, I quoted the philosopher Nietzsche as saying, that “all great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Maybe some great thoughts will come to me yet. 2015 Tax Season is Upon Us! AARP Tax-Aide volunteers are ready to assist you with your 2014 tax returns! This 40-year-old program provides free income tax return preparation and counseling for low to middle income taxpayers with special attention to those 60 years and older. This joint IRS and AARP Foundation administered program is staffed by volunteers from Lincoln who are trained and IRS-certified each year to ensure they know about and understand the latest changes and additions to the U.S. tax code. Nationwide, volunteers are using computers to complete approximately three million tax returns to meet the April 15th, 2015 filing deadline for 2014 income. These returns will be filed electronically (e-file) with the IRS and California Franchise Tax Board, which allow clients to have tax refunds deposited directly into their bank accounts within two weeks. This service will be available by appointment only this year at Lincoln City Hall, 2nd Floor, 6th and “F” Streets. You can make income tax preparation appointments by calling 916-878-6249 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. The Intake/Interview Sheet is required of all clients and may be downloaded or completed online from www. irs.gov by entering Form 13614-c in the search box and pressing enter, then clicking on the form. The form is also available in the City Hall lobby, in the rack under the agenda cabinet in the Orchard Creek Lodge lobby, and in the Kilaga Springs Lodge library. Interested people can also call 1-800-AARPNOW to obtain the location and hours of other Tax-Aide locations near them. Get Top Ranked Service From Proudly Celebrating our 10th Year in the Solar Industry $0 DOWN Pay Less each month than you are currently paying! LINCOLN HILLS’ TOP RANKING REAL ESTATE AGENT of 2014!* Don’t Miss Out, Call Today! (916) 782-3333 We Install the Highest Efficiency Modules with Guaranteed Performance Extensive List of Satisfied Customers in SunCity Lincoln Hills “Last year, our December PG&E electric bill was $124.79 & this year it was $11.63. A monthly comparative savings, to us, of $113.16 or 90.7%, with solar.” - Dan & Carol Larsen, Sun City Lincoln Hills VISIT US AT: www.capitalcitysolar.com (916) 782-3333 CCL# 817001 Passionately Selling Del Webb Lifestyle since 1997 *Transactions and Volume Reported by data from Metrolist 1/1/2104 - 12/31/2014 BRINGING HOME RESULTS FOR YOU! Paula Nelson REALTOR@PaulaNelson.net 916-240-3736 BRE lic. # 01156846 www.LincolnHillsListings.com Each office independently owned and operated. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Help our community grow strong — support our advertisers and community organizations! Letters to the Editors... (cont’ from page 3) Do Not Call List — What A Joke So, you put your name and phone numbers on the Government “Do Not Call” list, and I guess you expect not to be called by the thousands of companies pushing their products and ideas. Guess again ! I know you have been woken to the ringing of your phone, and upon answering it have found an unsolicited, unwanted caller pushing some product or idea to you. Thank God for our caller ID phones, at least they help us not answer some calls. Some of the more sophisticated callers hide their IDs, with tempting names to fool you into answering the call. They seem to come at times of the day when we are resting or relaxing, and they interfere with our attempt to recover from all the activity of the day. None the less they are a pain in the foot and have all kinds of ways to get around the laws relating to the No Call list. If you in anyway had contact with them, they have the right to call you. So, be careful when you open an email, or who you request information from, because this is the doorway around the law. Oh yes, I believe the government agencies have their privileges, and can call any time the want to pass on their messages. All the utilities you use, companies you ever done business with, all have their ways of getting around this great, useless law. NEW 2015 CLUB CAR PRECEDENT i2 Golf Car $7995* Don’t waste your time putting you name on the list, it don’t work anyway. Just get a phone with Caller ID and don’t answer their calls. It’s still a pain, but at least you don’t have to listen to their stories. There, I got it off my chest – Thank you for listening! Thomas W. Dodaro ••• Send your letters to the editor... See page 3 for details! Neighbors InDeed (cont’ from page 1) vendors come from satisfied residents who’ve used them. Neighbors InDeed is ready for an even more successful 2015. Whether you need a Handy Helper, a medical equipment loan, or I&R, call us at 223-2763 for prompt and knowledgeable assistance. There’s never a charge for anything we do, although we gratefully accept donations to defray our expenses. If you’d like to help us do what we do, call that same number to ask about joining Neighbors InDeed. We now have about 140 resident volunteers assigning and performing Handy Helper tasks, delivering and returning medical equipment loans, providing I&R assistance, and doing a range of other things to keep us going. We can always use more! Winterize and upgrade your golf car with Nick’s Custom Golf Car seats, full enclosures and custom wheels Our Rocklin office offers new and used golf car sales, service, parts and mobile technical support. For a complete listing of inventory at both our locations please visit our website www.nicksgolfcarts. com to begin your Nick’s Custom Golf Cars experience. Runway of Women’s History through Fashion AAUW Roseville South Placer Branch is celebrating Women’s History Month with a unique presentation of the roles of women through the decades starting with the 1920’s fashions. This entertaining and educational event for all ages is sure to spark our fascination with the women’s lives who preceded us. Bring friends, neighbors, daughters and grand-daughters to this eye-opening affair! Runway of Women’s History through Fashion Beginning in the 1920s when women gained the right to vote! Date: Saturday, March 28, 2015 Time: 2 - 4 PM Place: Valley Springs Church, 2401 Olympus Drive, Roseville - Open to the public! Admission: $20 - reservations required – deadline March 24th. Checks should be mailed to: AAUW Women’s History Month, 5153 Wedgewood Way, Rocklin, CA 95765. Admission fees will go to our branch philanthropies - local area scholarships AAUW Roseville South Placer Branch is a 501(c) (3) non-profit charitable organization. Rosevillesouthplacer-ca. aauw.net Light refreshments will be served. Try us in Lincoln...a place You Can Trust for your car repairs and maintenance. We have 17 25 Years of Honesty & Integrity behind us. List price $9575 *Standard Features included in sales price: Five HP Motor with 24 mph Speed Capability, Monsoon Canopy, Split Windshield, Headlight, Tail and Brake Light System, Full View Mirror, Precedent Wheel Covers and Single Point Battery Watering System. 45 “Duncan’s Automotive fixed a problem that I had been to 3 different places over the course of 2 years”. -P. Buntiny -Citrus Heights VAL U A B L E C O U P O N 0QFO4BUVSEBZTJO-JODPMOt8F/PX%P4NPHT*O-JODPMO approved Oil Change Winter Service Special $89 most cars 24 19 $$ 95 95 95 t-VCF0JM0JM'JMUFSt#SBLF*OTQFDUJPOt5FTU#BUUFSZt Nick’s Custom Golf Cars 4325 Dominguez Rd, Unit B Rocklin, CA (Synthetic Oil Extra.) For Most Cars and Light For Most Cars and LightTrucks Trucks t1PJOU*OTQFDUJPOt*OTUBMM8JQFS#MBEFTt FREE Lincoln Lincoln (most cars) 27 point safety inspection Also Citrus Heights Citrus Heights Roseville Locations Roseville Locations x/xx/xx. Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 12/15/03. A place where your car is done when promised! (877) 666-5864 www.NicksGolfCarts.com and and Also Good at: 645-2860 726-8473 789-0303 Good at: 645-2860 726-8473 789-0303 x/xx/xx. Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 12/15/03. 2/28/15 Automotive 645-2860 185 Flocchini Circle, Lincoln MasterAuto Repair Professionals www.DuncansAutomotive.com 46 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 Traveling... Don’t Miss an Issue! The Sun Senior News Available On-line at: sunseniornews.com S UN S EN IOR NEWS C L A S S I F I E D S SERVICES STUFF BE GONE Professional Services. Organize, declutter and monetize household items. Reasonable rates. SCLH residents. 916-645-5504, 916-838-0407. ••• RETIRED NURSE, caregiver available in Sun City. References upon request. Alzheimer experience. 503-752-3678. ••• RESIDENT PERSONAL CHEF, specializing in healthy dishes and special diets, also healthy cooking instruction, 916-253-3984. ••• THIS CLEAN HOUSE by Andrea, 916792-0595. Licensed and Bonded, 10 years experience, Lincoln resident. ••• AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION. Sacramento $75, Bay Area $295. Oakland, SFO, SF Cruiseport. License TCP25881P, Insured. Apex Transportation, 916-344-3690. Email: atcovan@sbcglobal.net . ••• WOMEN: Take a one hour massage vacation in your home. I bring the massage to you! Jill 916-337-8576. www. onehourvacation.massagetherapy.com . ••• NYBERG LAWN CARE & Gardening: Whether your style is manicured or rustic, for privacy or entertainment, we are dedicated to maintaining your outdoor spaces. 916-865-6487, www.nyberglawns.com, brian@nyberglawns.com ••• NEED A RIDE to doctor’s appointment, airport or shopping? Call your SCLH neighbor, Dianne! 916-434-8961. SAC Int’l $50. Lic#106453. ••• $$SAVE MONEY WHEN SELLING HOME. LH Resident/RE Broker will list your home for only 1.5%! Full service, less cost! DRE#01195871. SELL n SAVE w/ Cindy. Action Realty: 916-543-3050. www. sellnsavewithcindy.com ••• COMP-SOLVE COMPUTERS: Home computer service with a personal touch. Senior Citizen Discounts! Free pick up, delivery. Your personal A+ certified computer tech is Steve. www.comp-solve. com. 916-435-4293. ••• HEALTHY FEET PLUS: RN specializing in in-home foot care and health coaching for diabetics and those with problem feet, difficult nails and calluses. Call Debbie at 916-698-3176. ••• SCOTT’S HANDYMAN SERVICES. Quality work, reasonable rates: Electrical, gardening, fence repair, power washing, window cleaning, gutter cleaning, hauling, & more. Please call 916-225-2551. ••• GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR: Lic# 869624. Valves replaced, drip systems checked, timers, broken pipes. 916223-3706. ••• COMPUTER FRUSTRATIONS? I can help make it fun and easy with tutoring at your home. Internet, email, digital pictures, Word, Excel, etc. Call Kendra 543-0618. ••• AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP. Computer help in your Home. 15% SENIOR DISCOUNT! Speed Up your Computer! Viruses, Bugs, Spyware, Malware, Adware, Tracking Cookies, Trojans & Internet Popups removed. New PC setup, Wireless, High Speed Internet, Tune-ups, Upgrades, System Restores, New installation, Customized PC Training in your HOME, or general PC HELP. PO Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg #85117. Call Jerry at 916-663-4500. ••• HOME INSPECTIONS * Pre-10 Year Warranty Inspection An Important Mile Stone for Your Property! There are many builder warranties UP to 10 years. Don’t wait - call David Jerzak today * Special Pre-10 Year Warranty Inspection Price - $175 LOOKING FOR RELIABLE & REASONABLE MAINTENANCE? DAVID JERZAK, CONTRACTOR ——————— (916) 812-3151 or (916) 768 3203 call today to discuss roof, gutter, or fence repairs; solar panel cleaning; dryer duct cleaning; home inspections (many references available) License #554504 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 S U N SENIOR WANTED/LOST/FOUND/ FOR RENT/FOR SALE WANTED: HAMMOND Organ model B-3 with Leslie Speaker. 916-543-6643. ••• WANTED: COLLECTOR and SCLH resident buying WWII military aviation jackets, uniforms, wings, patches, photos; WWI, WWII + Korean War military souvenirs; Air Force patches and photo albums – Vietnam War or earlier. Call Rick at 708-743-5650 or rick27rod@gmail.com ••• I BUY MOTOR HOMES, gas or diesel. LH resident. Call Jerry 916-622-9067. ••• BUYING ANY CAR, TRUCK, SUV. I pay more than CarMax. LH resident. Montie Boatwright 434-5089. ••• WANTED: Records. 1950’s and 60’s: jazz, blues, rock, classical, etc. Buying small and large collections: LP’s, 45’s and 78’s. Also looking for reel-to-reel tapes (all types) and music memorabilia. Call 530-273-8490. ••• WANTED: BUYING OLD COINS, pay cash, free appraisals, discreet, I pay more! Private collector, SC resident. Call Jerry 772-4268. ••• WANTED: OLD/ANTIQUE RIFLES, Double Barrel Shotguns. Damascus OK. SCLH collector. Call John 916-408-4442. ••• MAUI & TAHOE Condos 2BR/2BA from $170/nt. By SCLH owner Gil Van Valkenburg. 800-733-3603. Maui, Ocean - www.homeaway.com/368171. Maui, Wailea - www.homeaway.com/368174. Tahoe,Incline-www.homeaway.com/275698. ••• NEWS FOR RENT: SCLH Pine Hill model 2bed/2bath, den/office, charming great rm w/dining area, 2.5 car garage, lovely backyard – like new. For details contact info:http:// rnb2day.com/propertyProfile.php?id=681 ••• FOR SALE: 2001 GEM 4-seat golfcart. New batteries, enclosure, locking trunk. Excellent condition. $4,000. 916-543-8249. ••• FOR SALE: Med. size ceramic kiln. $700. Used 5 times. 916-645-2246. ••• FOR SALE: Downsizing: sofa, curio cabinet and urn. 408-4725. ••• FOR SALE: Ladies bicycle – hardly used. $75. Hummel plates 1972 thru 1985. $20 each. 408-7478. ••• FOR SALE: Dine Beautifully: 12 Black Lacquer Placer - plates, $84. 12-black wine stemware glasses, $120. 916-543-6908. ••• FOR SALE: Matching couch, chair, 2 pillows. Must see. Great condition. 530902-7790. ••• FOR SALE: 2 glass front niches at East Lawn Sacramento. Call Conner 916408-1968 or 916-732-2000 Parham. ••• FOR SALE: Piano, Yamaha Clavinova CLP170, Rosewood, 38 voices, PC interface, song recorder, advanced keyboard. $1,000. 916-408-4480. ••• FOR SALE: Luggie, collapsible 4-wheel, scooter, fits in most trunks, red, 50 pounds, like new. $1,000. or b/o. 916-434-1874. ••• SIFIED R CLAS U O Y E NEWS! PLAC ENIOR S N U S HE RY 15! AD IN T EBRUA F : E N I DEADL Classified ads are not taken over the phone. Submit by mail only. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue. WE DO NOT ACCEPT illegible ads, incomplete forms, and ads not accompanied by payment. Please make checks or money orders to Sun Senior News. EGnews Inc./SUN SENIOR NEWS reserves the right to refuse any ads they deem unsuitable. ERRORS can be compensated only if the negligence is ours, and we are notified within the first week of the insertion, and insofar as the error, in our judgement, materially affects the content and advertising value of the ad. Compensation will be in the form of additional advertising space or credit, and will not exceed the value of the ad. Your canceled check is your receipt. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LINCOLN GOLDEN CLUB on the Saturday, Feb. 14th – Valentine Bingo. Lincoln Memorial Veterans Hall. 541 5th St. 12-4pm. Buy in is $20. Volunteers needed. 12 regular games, 2 specials, special raffle also. Tea and dessert will be served after. ••• “VOLUNTEERS” Stand up for your community! Help survivors of domestic & sexual violence. 530-823-6224 or Volunteercoordinator@standupplacer.org ••• “TOYS FOR TOTS BRIGADE”. Musters at Thunder Valley Casino. First Monday 1000 hours. Join us and show your support. Gunner Joe at yahoo.com. We will buy your first breakfast. ••• VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Kitten fostering, admin, medical assist, blood draws, cleaners, socializers. Kitten Central of Placer County (916) 645-2217 or info@ kittencentralofplacercounty.com ••• KITTEN CENTRAL a local non-profit for abandoned/sick kittens is accepting gently used items for our annual Yard Sale in May. Appliances, furniture, household etc. Contact Rebecca at (916) 652-7229 or email rablibra6@sbcglobal.net ••• YARD SALE – HUGE 50+ Tables. Fri, Sat & Sun., May 1-3 at Kitten Central of Placer County 5130 Fruitvale Rd, Newcastle, CA 95658. Fri/Sat 7-7, Sun 8-3 Accepting E-waste those 3 days also! ••• BUSINESS ADS **F R E E A D S — INCLUDE: Sun Senior News has a distribution of 7,500 copies, which go directly to residents in Sun City the first week of each month. PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: Write your ad on the form provided and mail to: Sun Senior News - Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 Roseville, CA 95747 C L A S S I F I E D S FOR SALE: Furniture, maple bedroom set, queen bed. Lazy Boy recliner, office chair. 408-838-8870. ••• FOR SALE: Oreck Vacuum $30. 2 sawsalls $30. Lighthouse Collections $50. HP Printer $25. Cordless weed eater $45. Craftsman Hedge Trimmer $20. 916-408-3616. ••• FOR SALE: Tow bar baseplate, hidden type. Fits ’01-03 Acura TL, plus others? $75. 408-5817. ••• FOR SALE: DVD’s (250) in pristine condition, master list available. $2.00 each. 916 434-7304. ••• FOR SALE: Dog door for 8ft patio door $50. Halls Jewel tea bowls $50. 580-4305. ••• FOR SALE: Shark light-weight bagless vacuum cleaner, good for low carpet and bare floors. $40. 408-0545. ••• FOR SALE: Gold EZ-GO golf cart. Good condition. Batteries one year old. 530-478-1604. ••• FOR SALE: Well know speaker Anthony Robbins, 2 bestsellers, 25 audio, & misc. booklets financial & health. 916 434-7304 ••• First 15 words are FREE (for Sun City LH residents only), additional words $1 each ONE AD PER HOUSEHOLD, PER MONTH Any Real Estate or Business Ads NOT INCLUDED! Lost and found items/pets. Notices of meetings or events by local non-profit groups. 47 Anything of a commercial nature, including pet sitting, real estate, rentals, timeshare/condos, etc. 15 words for $35. Additional words $1 each. $90 for three months, same ad! Classified ads must be received by the 15th of the month. LH SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIED FORM Ad: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ( Any business ad 1-month $35 • Any business ad 3-months $90 ) ( Service ) ( Wanted Lost / Found ) ( For Sale ) ( Announcement) Additional words (over 15) ________________ x $1 = $_____________________ Number of months ad is to run: ____________ Total enclosed: _______________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _________ Zip: _____________ Daytime Phone: _____________________ 48 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2015 SOLD AREA SPECIALISTS For Sale Don’t Trust Computer Generated Home Value Estimates Call us for an Expert Home Price Evaluation 771-4177 TEAM THOMPSON+BROWN Since 1991 CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE HOMES OR FOR THE MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME 771-4177 George Brown Recent Sales in Lincoln Hills 1567 Grand Pheasant Lane 1367 Sq. Ft. $330,000 1344 Tiger Lily Lane Trinity $375,000 1786 Cliff Swallow Lane Trinity $380,900 1512 Barn Valley Lane Tahoe $480,000 Fremont $473,000 2540 Granite Lane Recent Listings in Lincoln Hills 1600 Andover Lane Millpond $309,900 1985 Mary Rose Lane Lassen $419,000 1577 Summerhill Lane Tahoe $424,000 Orchard Crest $465,000 Somoma $740,000 1804 Maple Grove Lane 2676 Black Hawk YOUR NAME HERE Would you like to see your advertisement here? We are currently seeking experienced agent’s with a good knowledge of the Sun City Lincoln Hills area. If you are interested please contact George Brown @ 349-1000 or email gbrown@thompson-brown.com.
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