A NEWSLETTER FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN DEVON PA FEBRUARY, 2015 This Month Annual Congregational Meeting February 8, 2015 New Schedule—that Sunday only 9:00 Christian Education 10:00 Worship 11:00 Congregational Meeting Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday, February 18 1 FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR? Welcoming All Lent at Saint Luke Connecting with Others Equipping Everyone Youth Education for All Ages Telling Our Story Welcome and Connect! In The Community Gospel Concert to benefit Johnson Scholarship February Birthdays page 3 pages 4-6 page 7 page 8 page 10 page 10 page 11 CHURCH OFFICES: 610 688 0122 LOOK LINE (PRAYER REQUESTS) 610 688 LOOK (5665) ONLINE AT WWW.SAINTLUKEDEVON.ORG Lead Pastor, The Rev. Susan Ericsson 610-644-3835 sericsson@saintlukedevon.org Pastor for Youth, Family & Service, The Rev. Matt Staniz mstaniz@saintlukedevon.org Director of Church Music, Jack Charles, AIM 610-287-9366 jdcharles@saintlukedevon.org 2 ~ LENT AT SAINT LUKE ~ Lent begins this year on Ash Wednesday, February 18. We share in the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion at three services. • Pastor Ericsson will lead a very brief service in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. • Ash Wednesday Worship at Noon in the Sanctuary • Ash Wednesday Worship 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary Join us at one of these services as we begin our Forty-Day walk through Lent to Holy Week and Easter. Wednesdays in Lent Midweek Worship on Wednesdays begins the first full week of Lent, February 25. Our Lenten series this year focuses on the hymns of Lent. St. Lukans will be bringing the word on Wednesdays. Lenten Wednesday Luncheons At 11:45 a.m., we gather for a simple soup and bread meal prior to Worship at 12:30 p.m. Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers 6:30 p.m. Soup Supper 7:30 p.m. Worship At the evening meals, kid-friendly food will be available for the finicky! Make Saint Luke your family dinner stop on Wednesday evenings in Lent. You can stay for worship, or head home if you have commitments like homework or bedtimes! 3 ~ WELCOME EVERYONE ~ CoffeeHouse Mark Your Calendars! A great winter tradition, St. Luke's annual coffeehouse featuring our youth band, 2 Copper Coins, will take place on Saturday, February 7, at 7:00 in Schlack Hall. Join us for an evening of music, fellowship, fun, and snacks. All proceeds from the coffeehouse will benefit trips to this summer's Appalachian Service Project and ELCA Youth Gathering. Come out and support the talented musicians in our congregation and community! Anyone interested in performing at the coffeehouse should contact Roberta Menapace at jwmrgm@aol.com. WELCA Chester County Spring Conference and Luncheon Sunday March 15 Registration @ 1:00 p.m. Lunch & program 1:30-4:00. Deadline for registration fees: ($10.00) March 8. Where: Centennial Lutheran Church 1330 Hares Hill Road, Kimberton, PA. 19442 Mark WELCA and your name on memo line of check. Theme: A Well Watered Garden. The Keynote speaker will be Verna Bowman, who is a Christian speaker and writer (Woman’s Day, Guideposts, Chicken Soup for the Soul). Please mark your calendars for this wonderful event. For more information, contact Kim Tapscott at kimt@transitsystems.com or tapscots@verizon.net or call at 484-678-9255.” Please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board next to the church office. 4 Nifty Fifty ~ WELCOME EVERYONE ~ The Nifty Fifty group will meet on Wednesday, February 11, at noon for lunch. We plan to enjoy the traditional New Year’s Day fare of pork, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes as we gather for the first time in 2015. Carol DeVol will play the piano and AnnMarie Rowe will lead us in the singing. Reservations are encouraged, but not required. Guests are encouraged. Liz and Ron Harmon. Our Spring gathering will be Wednesday, April 8. Julie Kinzel will share her experiences in Haiti. Put this date on your calendars. Saturday, March 14th at 6:30PM: St. Patrick’s Day Party! (or, “The Event formerly known as Beef’n’Beer”!) Once again, Schlack Hall will be decked out for St. Patrick’s Day, and we will enjoy dinner, drinks, raffles, and dancing with the band “Cool Confusion”, all to raise funds in support of our St. Luke members going on the Appalachian Service Project trip and the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer. Ticket prices are $30 per person in advance, $35 at the door. Childcare can be arranged if needed. This is an open event, so please invite your friends and neighbors! It’s always a great evening! continues on next page 5 ~ WELCOME EVERYONE ~ Tickets will be on sale in the Narthex starting February 22nd, or you may purchase online with a credit card at www.saintlukedevon.org, or you may call the church office at 610 688-0122 or contact Sherri Moir at sherri.moir@gmail.com to reserve yours any time. Don’t miss it! Donate a Raffle Item for the St. Patrick’s Day Party We are in search of wonderful raffle items for the St. Patrick’s Day party. Get together with some friends and make a basket full of related items, or donate one item or service you think anyone would enjoy winning. Donations from businesses are welcome. Last year the raffles raised hundreds of dollars thanks to the generosity of so many. Contact Sherri Moir if you can help with this festive task. 6 60 Years + 60,000 Meals = Good We Do! To celebrate St. Luke’s 60th anniversary year, we plan to package 60,000 meals to fight hunger both locally and globally. We will package the first 20,000 meals on Saturday, March 21 between 2:30-5:30 p.m. These 20,000 meals will be sent to Liberia to provide relief in areas affected by the Ebola outbreak. Volunteer signups coming soon! The cost to package these meals ($5,000) was our fundraising goal for the Souper Bowl of Caring offering. We did it! We had a REALLY successful offering on the two "Souper Bowl of Caring" Sundays. We had a $1,500 starting number as a foundation to our target of $5,000. The unofficial numbers are: • • • • • Seattle $1,286 New England $1,317.41 Commercials $604 Half Time $296 TOTAL $3,503.41 We hit our target and will be packaging the first 20,000 meals in March! Awesome! … And thanks so much to all who supported the effort in many different ways. Truly amazing! 7 ~ EQUIPPING EVERYONE ~ Is Your Child Ready to Receive Communion? Welcome Table Workshops coming At St. Luke, all are welcome at the table for Holy Communion--no matter where you are in your faith journey. Children are welcome to participate fully in Holy Communion at any age and can begin on any Sunday. Students receive special instruction about Holy Communion during 5th grade Sunday School, culminating in special events on Maundy Thursday, including sharing Holy Communion together. Pastor Matt will also be offering a special "Welcome Table" workshop for younger children (along with parents/caregivers) on Saturday, April 18, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Please contact Pastor Matt (MStaniz@SaintLukeDevon.org) by March 22 to join this special learning opportunity. Bible Studies The Thursday morning Bible Study takes up a study of the gospel according to Mark this Lent. The study meets at 11:00 a.m. each Thursday in the Conference Room and is led by Pastor Konopka. Thursday Evening Bible Study continues a study of Acts this season. 7:00 p.m. weekly in The Conference Room or Schlack Hall. 8 ~ TELLING OUR STORY ~ WELCOME TO SAINT LUKE At the Newcomer’s Brunch in January, several Saint Lukans reflected on their journey to, and experience at, Saint Luke. One was Maggi O’Malley, who joined with her husband, Gresham, in 2013. Maggi shared these thoughts after the January 25 celebration: I want to take this opportunity to thank the E-team for inviting me to speak at the New Members luncheon. I really enjoyed the food and meeting some new people who hopefully join our fellowship I enjoyed sharing the groups I have joined and the many friendships I have made through them. I encourage those new to Saint Luke to seek out those groups that interest you. Don’t wait to be invited you are welcome. If you don’t know who to speak to about joining any ministry just ask the Pastors or call the church office. They will be glad to direct you to the right person. Maggi O’Malley 9 ~ IN THE COMMUNITY ~ Gospel Concert TO BENEFIT THE Frank J. L. Johnson Scholarship Fund Featuring the Gospel Tones of Coatesville When: Saturday February 21, 2015 Where: The Sanctuary at Saint Luke Time: 5:00 - 7:00p.m. This is an annual concert to help support students from Conestoga High School continuing their education. There will be a free will offering and light refreshments served For more information contact: Kevin Stroman 610-306-6483 or kstroman@verizon.net Patricia Berry – Crutchfield 610- 240-1030 or berryp@tesd.net 10 February Birthdays 2 Maureen Lok, Robert Gay, Louis Bowers 3 Kristin Shuttlesworth 4 Marian Valenta 5 Wendy Mercier, David Lueders 7 Caroline Meehan, Edward d'Entremont, Susan Andrews, Riley Baver, Caroline Madden 8 Anna Mueller, Monica Staniz 9 Madison Miller 10 Shirley DeShong, Kathy Wells, Brynne Henry 11 Lindsay Hanifan, TJ Jacks 12 James Hendrickson, Kathryn Van Yahres, Grace Etzweiler, Doug Jones, Anna Freitag 13 Allison Loose, Jacob Baugher, Chase Turner, Christian Miller 14 Heidi Romeiser 15 David Varrelman, Christopher Pecora 16 Rosanne Gort, Lori Dorsz, Jessica Wood, Katie Claire Hymel 17 Bonnie Ezekian, Janet Neumar, Adrianna Polizzi, Maggi O'Malley 18 Amber Staniz 19 Justin Wright 20 Lovey Carroll, Cody Vermillion 21 Roberta Barnett 22 Karen Maschmeyer, Lukas Littleton 23 Shaun Snyders 24 Mason Miller, Annie Webb, Liz Harmon 25 Cathie Hozinez, Kathy Houck Scott Youngblood 27 Martha Sheneman, Kristen Conrad, John Thebus 28 Jackson Smith, Kevin Flanagan, Christine Bender, Garrett Ricci Susan Smith 11
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