The HCCS Way - Hills Christian Community School

Issue 02 2015
Term 1 Week 2
4th February 2015
Dear Parents,
Thank you to the families who made time to attend the Parent
Information Evening last night and thanks in anticipation for
those who will attend tonight.
Building the partnership between home and school is such an
important factor with a child’s learning and progress.
I am so pleased with the way our new children and staff have
transitioned into life at HCCS and we continue to pray for them
during this time.
The beginning of a ‘new tradition’ commenced on Monday
when the Year 3 students were presented with their Bibles at
our whole school Devotions. This was a delightful reminder of
how God speaks to us as we read the Bible.
I enjoy every day at HCCS but Term 1 always has some
special highlights and I am particularly looking forward to:
the Leadership Assembly this Friday, February 6th where
the House Leaders and Student Representative Council
members will be recognised. This is an honour because these
leaders have been voted by their peers
the Welcome Assembly on Friday, February 13th when our
new Reception students will be introduced to the whole
school by their Year 6 and Year 7 Buddies
the well attended Parent Information Evenings this week
the Staff Dedication Service on Sunday, February 15th at
Trinity Mt Barker Church in Littlehampton. Each year the
staff acknowledge their ‘calling’ to HCCS at a local church
where our students attend. Details are in this Newsletter
Shrove Tuesday on February 17th. Thanks to Mr Hammat,
Miss Lewitzka, their classes and those who will cook our
the participation of HCCS students at the very popular Uniting
Church event ‘Kids Camp Out’ on the weekend of March
21st and 22nd. We will be joining with Echunga Uniting
Church this year
our HCCS Primary School Sports Day on Friday, March 6th
at the Oakbank Campus. We are planning for a HCCS
Secondary team to take on a parent team as a final event and
so parents had better commence training!
the week of Easter re-enactments by students in the week
leading up to Easter commencing on Monday, March 30th and
our Easter Worship Service on Wednesday, April 1st
the HCCS swimming team competing in the Courier Cup on
Thursday, February 26th
the WESTPAC helicopter landing on Wednesday, March
The HCCS Way
Take Care of Yourself
Take Care of Others
Take Care of This Place
The beginning of a new HCCS tradition!
I mention these big events but it
is the excellent teaching and
learning in classrooms and
other places which I look
forward to the most!
Year 3 students were presented with their own
Bibles during the whole school Devotions on
Chris Riemann (Principal)
'A Christian school community, helping children learn and grow to achieve their potential'.
Playgroup ~ Early Learning Centre ~ Primary ~ Secondary
Phone: (08) 8388 7811
Fax: (08) 8388 1308
Prayer & Praise Points
praise God for the safe arrival of Lily Esther Sanders and
Sophie Alice March
thank God for the well attended Parent Information Nights
thank God for the generosity of our HCCS parents
thank God for the positive way existing students are welcoming
new students.
Thank you again to Town and Country Cabinets based in
Littlehampton, who DONATED and INSTALLED the new
kitchen in the Year 7 Centre in January. The students are
already making delicious bread. Thank you Adam and
Cheryl Hoggett.
to Peter and Kerry Sanders
who have a new addition to
their family – Lily
Esther was born on
January 27th weighing
8lb 4oz (3.74kg). Her
big sisters, Isabella and
Hope are delighted!
to Andrew and Robyn March
who have also welcomed
Sophie Alice into their family.
Sophie was born on 8th January
weighing 8lb 10oz (3.93kg)
and is a little sister to Olivia (20
The HCCS Way
The Year 4 students have been working towards a set
of essential agreements for their class expectations.
The students have been looking at the HCCS Way
to guide their ideas of what makes an effective
classroom, student, teacher, friend, and school.
In all of this the students have been thinking of what
Jesus says in the Bible about taking care of themselves,
others and this place. This information is then placed
onto the class balloons.
Thank you again to Manor Nurseries in Oakbank. Steve
and Ethel Horton DONATED, PLANTED and
MAINTAINED the trees by our new Admin Building.
They look fabulous! Thank you!
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
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2015 Parent Information Evenings
The staff invite ALL parents to attend Information Evenings
and gain an understanding of how each teacher will partner
with families regarding the education and nurture of children.
The 7.15—7.30pm get together in the Beaumont Building will
include a brief introduction to the 2015 staff.
Wednesday 4th February
6.30pm - 7.15pm
7.30pm - 8.15pm
Year 5 (Boucaut)
Year 5/6 (March)
Year 6 (Wishart)
Year 7 (Stevens)
Wednesday 11th February at Oakbank
Yr 8 and Yr 9
Thursday 19th February at Oakbank
Term 1 Opening Times
Monday 9th February 8:30am – 9:00am
Thursday 5th March 3:00pm – 3:30pm
Thursday 9th April 3:00pm – 3:30pm
Year 4 (Lewitzka, Hammat)
Parents and Staff meet
the Beaumont Building
Now located in the Admin Building
Monday 23rd March 8:30am– 9:00am
Year 3 (Grant, Shepherd)
7.15pm - 7.30pm
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Year 10
Please support your child’s learning in 2015 by
attending these important sessions.
If you have any uniforms you would like to donate or
have on consignment, please fill in a Second Hand
Uniform Sales document from the Front office. Only
current HCCS uniforms in good condition, cleaned and
ironed will be accepted. Please do not send in
discontinued or worn uniforms. Please refer to the
Second Hand Uniform Policy. Any queries please
contact Michelle Gebbie 0416 261 651 or Anita Zilm
0402 333 030
‘HCCS Swimming Selection Trials’
TOMORROW, Thursday, February 5th
The trials are open to all children from
HCCS who are turning 10 years or older in
2015 ie born in 2005 or earlier.
HCCS will be holding selection trials on Thursday,
February 5th at the Mountain Pool Swimming Centre,
Cameron Road, Mt Barker from 7.30am to 8.30am. If your
child cannot make these trials, we can arrange an alternative
time for your child to try out.
After the trials in February we will make the selections for the
team to compete at the Courier Cup at Mountain Pool, Mt
Barker on 26th February 2015. Swimmers will pay a minimal
pool entry cost.
Can you help?
We are currently trying to source an outdoor
bench that seats 2 or more people and that
can be painted over.
If you have an old wooden bench at home that you are
able to donate, we would greatly appreciate your help.
Please see Colleen Lewitzka (Year 4 teacher, Room 5).
Thank you!
HCCS Staff Dedication Service
All families are invited
Sunday, February 15th
commencing at 9am
Trinity Mt Barker Church
Littlehampton Primary School
To dedicate the staff with the support and
encouragement of one of our own local Christian
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
If your child is selected to represent HCCS at the Courier
Cup, further practice sessions will be in the mornings
7.30am to 8.15am, Tuesday 10th February, Thursday 12th
February, Tuesday 17th February, Thursday 19th February
and Tuesday 24th February, at the Mountain Pool
Swimming Centre, Mt Barker.
If you have any queries please contact Nikki Campbell on
0421 199 641 or Richard Kernot on 0437 384 622. Parents
of children attending the trials and practice sessions will need
to be responsible for transport unless you make other
Nikki and Richard (PARENTS)
As we are in the midst of Summer the following reminders
from the HCCS Bushfire Policy are presented:
On a Catastrophic (Code Red) Day HCCS is CLOSED.
Families will be informed as early as possible by:
- A note on the front page of our website
- An SMS message
On a day of ‘Extreme’ forecast HCCS may be closed
depending on advice from the CFS. Families will be informed
(as above) if the School is closed.
If a bushfire/wildfire occurs near HCCS, the HALL will be
our refuge.
At any time please refer to the CFS website for information
at or follow the CFS on Facebook at
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Why is Australia Day Significant?
“Because God made this land for everyone and
Captain Cook found it. It is to help Australia
remember its past.” Talitha
“It is important because we need to remember the
past… it can be a happy, joyful and exciting day
for some people and it can also be a sad and
unhappy day for some people.” Maycie
“It is important because we celebrate our culture.”
“It is important as we can all come together to
celebrate what an awesome country we live in.”
“We are proud of Australia because it is a good
country to live in.” Chloe
How do we celebrate?
“We celebrate it by going to a friend’s place and
having a BBQ at your friend’s place.. and having a
massive cricket game!” Jackson
“Some people celebrate ‘Aus Day’ differently.
Sometime there is a parade. Some people go out
on holidays. Some people have a BBQ.” Sophie
“We think about the indigenous people and
Captain Cook and Matthew Flinders who
discovered the whole of New South Wales or New
Holland (Austraila). Angus
“I got my citizenship on the 26th. Then we went out
to lunch.” Madeleine
“I went to Lila’s house and we had a BBQ and
watched the cricket.” Airlie
What is Australia Day?
“Its when Aussies get together to celebrate how
proud they are being an Aussie.” Amaya
“Because it is when the English took over from the
Indigenous people.” Max
“It is a bit like a birthday. We celebrate Australia
on this day I think because we are living in it and
we are happy about it and for now we will live in
peace.” Harlie
‘AUSSIE’ games and food
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
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BIG IDEA – Advertising is an evolving medium
which serves to influence our lifestyle choices
in a global consumer market.
Key Questions –
 What
 Why
 Are
do we know about being persuasive?
do we love brands so much?
we being bought?
 What
will the future of advertising bring?
Class Canvas
Inquiry Pitch
On our first day back Mr
Lewitzka dressed in their
colours to introduce our
Inquiry topic. They began
the lesson by trying to
convince each other to
support their favourite
team. They looked at
logos, designs, mascots,
membership provides.
The Year 4 classes are looking at what they believe a
good teacher looks like. We brainstormed these
qualities and then compared them to Jesus. From this
we created a class canvas to remind us about how
we can walk with Jesus in our behaviour, treatment
of others and also in our teaching. Qualities like
being humble, loving, showing grace to others,
being slow to anger etc.
Mr Hammat was very convincing and Miss Lewitzka
was almost convinced to become a Port Supporter.
We look forward to seeing the finished Art work!
Year 4 Leaders
Students learned about stop motion animation
techniques, which we will be using as a part of our
Claymations taking still photos and altering the
speed at which they are played. We had a lot of fun.
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
When the Year 4s do
group rotations, students
wear the police hats in
each group to learn
leadership skills and
become the leader of their
group. Leaders change
every week, to give all
students an opportunity.
It is their responsibility to make sure that everyone has
what they need, are speaking kindly to each other and
help to distribute activities and pack up.
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Wed 4th
Thurs 5th
Fri 6th
Mon 9th
Wed 11th
Fri 13th
Sun 15th
Mon 16th
Tues 17th
Wed 18th
Thurs 19th
Fri 20th
Mon 23rd
Wed 25th
Thurs 26th
Fri 27th
NEW Receptions’ rest day
Parent Information Evening Yr 3 — Yr 7
ELC Parent Information Evening
Courier Cup Swimming Selection Trials
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Leadership / SRC
AHC Mobile Library
Second Hand Uniforms open 8.30am—9.00am
Devotions 9.05am — Year 5 / Brian Teakle
HCCS Netball Open General Meeting 3.30pm
NEW Receptions’ rest day
Parent Information Evening Yr 8 and Yr 9
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Welcome New Receptions
Staff Dedication Service at Trinity Mt Barker Church
commences 9am
Devotions 9.05am — Year 2 Nicholls / Anthony Risson
Shrove Tuesday
NEW Receptions’ rest day
Parent Information Evening Yr 10
Casual Day
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
New students’ get together
AHC Mobile Library
Assembly 2.50pm — Year 5, 5/6 and 6 Team
Devotions 9.05am — Year 5/6 and Michael Duke
Year 10 Aquatics Camp
Board Meeting
Courier Cup Swimming Carnival
Year 10 Aquatics Camp
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Year 4 team
Year 10 Aquatics Camp
Mon 2nd
Tues 3rd
Wed 4th
Thurs 5th
Fri 6th
Mon 9th
Fri 13th
Mon 16th
Fri 20th
Sat 21st
Sun 22nd
Mon 23rd
Wed 25th
Thurs 26th
Fri 27th
Mon 30th
Tues 31st
Devotions 9.05am — Year 1/2 and Rob Saldanha
Scholastic Book Fair commences
Parent / Teacher Interviews (Primary)
Parent / Teacher Interviews (Primary)
Second Hand Uniforms open 3.00pm—3.30pm
Scholastic Book Fair concludes
No Playgroup
SPORTS DAY (Primary School) at Oakbank Campus
Adelaide Cup Holiday
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Year 3 team
Devotions 9.05am — Rec/Year 1 and Leigh Cunningham
Casual Day
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Harmony Day
AHC Mobile Library
Assembly 2.50pm — Year 2 team
Kids Camp Out (KCO)
Kids Camp Out (KCO)
Second Hand Uniforms open 8.30am—9.00am
Devotions 9.05am — HCCS Secondary
WESTPAC helicopter landing
Board Meeting
SACSA Secondary Athletics (SANTOS Stadium)
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Year 5, 5/6 and 6 Team
Easter re-enactments commence
Easter re-enactments
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
Wed 1st
Thurs 2nd
Thurs 9th
Fri 3rd — Mon 6th
Fri 10th
Easter re-enactments
Easter Worship Service 7pm
Easter re-enactments
Second Hand Uniforms open 3.00pm—3.30pm
Last day for students
Sean W Smith Concert
We hope all these people enjoy their birthdays THIS
WEEK: Maggie Bollmeyer, Matilda Brown, Tara Hartley,
Callum Hemer, Liam Moore, Steven Moularadellis,
William Moularadellis, Jack Singleton, Teagan Trigg,
Annabelle Wiseman, Victoria Wright.
Monday 9th February
School Library
All interested parents are welcome to attend.
There will be a very short regular meeting AFTER the OGM for
all 2015 committee members. Caz Grace (Club President )
Community News
Further information can be obtained from the School’s
Front Office.
In school hours professional tennis coaching at HCCS for Term
Para Athlete Classification day on the 7th February 2015. If you
have any students with a physical disability who are competing at any
SAPSASA / SSSSA / Athletics SA / State or National events they are
required to get a classification. Super 6 Athletics — Monday Nights,
Term 1 Weeks 3 – 10. Registrations Close Wednesday 4th
Woodside Warriors Soccer from 5yrs to 16yrs and a seniors’ team
competing in the Collegiate League. REGISTRATION EVENING,
Vibe – Hills Bushfire Appeal Event - Sunday,
8th February from 11.00am – 6.00pm. 100% of
proceeds goes to the State Emergency Relief
Fund and then to the victims who lost so much
in the Sampson Flat Bushfires. Please come
along to this fantastic family event. Tickets can
be purchased at
for $10 for an adult and $5 for a child between
5 and 14 years. Come along and enjoy a FAMILY
FUN DAY that has something for all the family.
When your child is going to be ABSENT from School:
Please advise the Front Office by email or sms if possible by
SMS: 0400 738 405
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