Issue 04 2015 Term 1 Week 4 18th February 2015 Dear Parents, HCCS ‘invaded’ the Trinity Mt Barker Church for an annual Staff Dedication Service last Sunday. Over 30 staff attended and with the addition of family members and other HCCS families we contributed significantly to the Service. Desley presented a wonderful children’s talk featuring the Hammat family and our new Secondary Deputy, Donovan Shaw, as a tree! I had the privilege of thanking the Trinity congregation for the gift each staff member received last Christmas which acknowledged the difference HCCS staff makes in the lives of children. I also updated them about the current happenings at HCCS. Congregation members, and students at HCCS, Ethan, Maycie and Talitha then reminded our staff of their ‘calling’ to work at HCCS and the personal love and resources from God which will enable us to fulfil our responsibilities. Matt Kerrison (HCCS parent) and Clayton Fopp (Trinity Mt Barker Minister) completed our dedication as they prayed for our staff, students, parents and wider community. Excerpt from their prayers follows: “We thank you for gifts of teaching, administration, practical support, pastoral care, and leadership at HCCS. Most of all, before gifts and abilities, before skills and experience, we thank you for staff hearts, for their eagerness to serve, for their willingness to put the needs and preferences of others before their own. We pray that in their servant leadership, they might model Christ to all the students in their care, to the parents with whom they come into contact, and to all who come within their sphere of influence. We pray that each of these men and women will have your great heart for people, especially for those who don’t know Jesus. And we pray that they might model that, and impart it to all in their care. May the Hills Christian Community School be known as a place where the love of God in Christ is known, and where it makes a difference in people’s lives. THANK YOU We pray that each and every student in the school will feel loved, cared for, and valued, and that such Christlike love, experienced every day in class, in the yard, and in extra-curricular activities, will contribute to a life-long love of learning, and to a sense of well-being that can serve as a foundation for all the rest of their lives.” Desley Saldanha, Donovan Shaw and the Hammat family for delivering a beautiful children’s message on LOVE and Blessings, FORGIVENESS! Chris Riemann (Principal) 'A Christian school community, helping children learn and grow to achieve their potential'. Playgroup ~ Early Learning Centre ~ Primary ~ Secondary PO BOX 120 VERDUN SA 5245 Email: Phone: (08) 8388 7811 Fax: (08) 8388 1308 The Hills Christian Community School Prayer & Praise Points SPORTS DAY thank God for the delightful Staff Dedication Service thank God for the future relationships that are forming between buddy classes thank God for the visiting Ministers / Pastors who give up their time to lead Worship on Monday mornings thank God for the wonderful Reception Welcome Assembly thank God for the outstanding Parent Information Nights for Year 8 and Year 9 families at HCCS Secondary pray for families experiencing health and other difficulties at this time pray for the Year 10 Parent Information Night tomorrow pray for the HCCS Courier Cup swimmers as they train ( ELC and Primary School) Welcome to our new family HCCS is delighted to welcome Elliot Klein and his family to Reception. Blessings to you all as you join our community. Parents and Friends We will be having our FIRST GATHERING for 2015 TOMORROW, Thursday, February 19th at 3.30pm in the Amphitheatre. It will be a relaxed meeting and child friendly! ALL parents from the SCHOOL and ELC are welcome to come along and be involved, even just to meet other parents. Children will be able to enjoy an extra play on the oval with their friends. Your thoughts and ideas will be most appreciated as we PLAN FOR 2015! “Friends of HCCS” When: Where: Friday 6th March (2 weeks to go) Why: To have FUN, compete well and go for personal best achievements! HCCS / Oakbank Area School Oval Parents are invited to bring students to Oakbank at 10.00am. The OPENING CEREMONY will begin at 10.20am with the FIRST EVENT beginning at 10.30am. STUDENTS DO NOT COME TO HCCS at VERDUN. There is NO OSHC available in the morning or afternoon and NO PLAYGROUP in the morning. Friday, February 20th A gold coin donation (Primary and Secondary School) for Casual Day will go towards our Compassion Child, Alexis. Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing for P.E. and fitness. THANK YOU! Open Morning BIG FAVOUR!! Tuesday March 3rd Phone 8388 7811 Accompanying this week’s Newsletter is an Open Day flyer. Please pass it on to one of your friends, neighbours or a community acquaintance and / or display it in your local shop, local business, community notice board, library, childcare centre etc. There are more flyers available at the Front Office if required. THANK YOU!!! 9.30am — 11.00am Verdun Campus, ELC — Year 7 THE HILLS CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL (Includes the new Year 7 Centre) Onkaparinga Valley Road, Verdun and Oakbank SA 11.30am — 1.00pm Playgroup ~ Early Learning Centre ~ Primary ~ Secondary Oakbank Campus, Years 8 –10 Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning Page 2 PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES! THANK YOU to both the Year 4 classes for organising, delivering and assisting the other classes. Shrove Tuesday was a very DELICIOUS SUCCESS! SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PARENT HELPERS PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES! Year 5/6 thoughts on Shrove Tuesday: We learned that Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent. The pancakes were really, really yummy. Thomas Kubiak Shrove Tuesday is a Christian tradition around the world. I liked the pancakes; they were yummy. Angus Bilsborow In Germany they have Carnival with lots of clowns to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. I had lemon and sugar on my pancakes. Molly Grivell It is the lead up to Easter and most people give up something for Lent. The pancakes were awesome! I had honey and sugar! Wiliam Carter Shrove Tuesday is the beginning of the lead up to Easter, when everyone throws away their junk food. I had maple syrup and lemon on my pancakes. Hugh Watson Shrove Tuesday is the beginning of Lent and fasting! Pancakes were very nice. William Moularadellis We got to deliver pancakes to all the classes. Mataya Sanderson Everybody eats all the foods that have fat in them before they begin fasting!! Steven Moularadellis Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning THANK YOU MR HAMMAT AND MS LEWITZKA FOR ORGANISING PANCAKE RELAY RACES! SHROVE TUESDAY reminds us that we are entering the Christian season of LENT. Page 3 Kiss ‘n’ Drop Sandow Lane 1. Reminders: NO PARKING on the oval side of Sandow Lane between 3pm and 4pm. 2. please use ‘the lane’ when you collect students closer to Onkaparinga Valley Road. This is working so well. 3. please remind your children to ‘watch o u t ’ for you. There will be no playground time for students after school who are waiting. The success of this approach can be measured in less car congestion around the junction at Onkaparinga Valley Road. All traffic is to turn left out of Sandow Lane and use the roundabout 300 metres away before proceeding along Onkaparinga Valley Road in the direction of Balhannah. The MORNING Kiss ‘n’ Drop is working very well. Verdun Hall Car Park Please keep the front of the Verdun Hall FREE FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUS and use the exit from the car park which does not face Onkaparinga Valley Road. (drive around the back of the building.) THANK YOU! 2015 Kids Camp Out (KCO) 21st and 22nd March 2015 The Barossa Valley Tourist Park Penrice Road, Nuriootpa Any students in Years 3—7, interested in attending this year’s event are welcome to join with the Echunga Uniting Church group. Please register your interest on the forms sent home and return to the Front Office by Friday, February 20th. For further information please contact Deb Frahn at the School: Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning UNIFORM REMINDERS! It is the family's responsibility to ensure that each child wears the correct uniform to school please. FULL SUMMER UNIFORM until the end of Term 1 hats must be worn sports uniform ONLY on the day of PE lesson or as negotiated with the class teacher sandshoes/runners which are predominantly white hair adornments need to be white or blue—school colours earrings must be gold studs—not fashion statements summer dresses length should be ‘on or just above’ the knee THANK YOU TO THE PARENTS AND STUDENTS WHO FOLLOW THE SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Monday, March 2nd—Thursday, March 5th During Week 6, we will be having our 2015 Book Fair in the School Library. A large range of books will be displayed for the whole week . ALL STUDENTS will have an opportunity during LESSON TIME to see and browse through the display, and to take home a ‘Wish List’ to parents. PARENTS may browse and purchase your child's selections any day of the week BETWEEN 3.30PM and 4.30PM. Payments may be made in cash (preferred), or EFTPOS by at the time of purchase. Online payment is NOT an option. We thank you for your continuing support of this event. Our Library receives generous commission from these sales. THANK YOU! The Library Team. PAYMENTS VIA BPAY Please ensure that if you make a payment via BPay, OTHER THAN SCHOOL FEES, you advise the school office via phone, or email on the day you make the payment. BPay payments are generally receipted on the following day and if no advice is received the payment will be automatically directed toward your school fees. Page 4 HCCS NETBALL CLUB Registration Forms OUT NOW! Registration forms are NOW AVAILABLE for the 2015 season from the School Front Office. Registration forms have been distributed through class teachers for all 2014 players. Forms will also be sent out electronically to all those who played last year. Caz Grace will visit Year 3 classrooms to hand out forms to new players interested in playing in 2015. Registration is open to any boy or girl turning 8 years old in 2015 (or older) PLAYER REGISTRATION IS DUE BEFORE 3pm on FRIDAY 6th March. Any registration forms received after this time will only be considered if space is available in a team. Teams will only be formed if the club is able to find parents and helpers to coach, umpire and help with administration. We look forward to receiving your registration and can’t wait to start winter netball again in 2015! Are you interested in COACHING or UMPIRING? Please contact Caz or Katie Telfer if you have skills in this area that you are willing to share! Caz Grace (Club President) Secondary Student Voice Congratulations to our first Secondary Student Voice representatives! Ethan and Chloe in Year 10 Emerson and Morgan in Year 9 Melinda and Caleb in Year 8 Year 8 and Fiji in 2015 Our Year 8 students and HCCS Secondary staff are currently planning for the 2015 MISSION TRIP to Fiji in M ay. Please start thinking about doing a ‘Spring Clean’ of books, games and other items which are cluttering your children’s bedrooms that the children of Fiji would appreciate. Gifts will be presented to the Treasure House Orphanage, The Loloma House Care Centre (for single and abused mothers and their children), the Special School and 3 village schools. Please consider HOW CAN YOU HELP ‘to make a difference’ to the children of Fiji. SCHOOL NEWSLETTERS AND ACCOUNTS The School Newsletter is forwarded via the eldest child in printed form or electronically by email link depending on your request. School accounts will be forwarded via post or email depending on your request. Hopefully, those of you who have chosen to receive it electronically will receive an email with the link attached. You will only receive this email link if that is your preference. If you do not receive the Newsletter link, then please email Deb on If grandparents of HCCS are not receiving the Newsletter electronically, and would like to, please e-mail Deb with the e-mail address. School Accounts should be out by the end of this week. Again, if you do not receive your paper or electronic version, please contact Jan on If you wish to make changes at any time please contact the School Office. Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning Year 10 Parent Information Evening Thursday 19th February, 6.00pm at Oakbank The staff invite ALL Year 10 parents to attend the Information Evening tomorrow to gain an understanding of how each teacher will partner with families regarding the education and nurture of children. Please support your child’s learning in 2015 by attending this important session. Parent Teacher Interviews Reception—Year 7 Parent teacher interviews will be held in Week 6, on Tuesday March 3rd from 3.45pm to 7.45pm and Wednesday March 4th from 3.45pm to 6.45pm . The interview has two purposes. It allows teachers to celebrate the learning so far. It is also an opportunity for parents to share with the class teacher information that parents think will assist with their children's learning progress. Interviews will be of 15 minutes duration. An email will be sent early next week explaining the booking process. Go to the School’s website, look at What’s New, Parent Teacher Interviews and follow the links. Please contact the Front Office or email Angela Harvey at if you need assistance. Page 5 Welcome to the family We’re glad that you have come To share your life with us As we grow in love and May we always be to you What God would have us be A family always there To be strong and to lean on May e learn to love each other More with each new day May words of love be on our lips In everything we say May the spirit melt our hearts And teach us how to pray That we might be a true family Buddy photos can be viewed on The poems written by the Year 6 and 7 students for their new Reception Buddies were very creative and informative. The Receptions were introduced to the whole school at Assembly last Friday. This is just one of the long standing traditions at HCCS! Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning Page 6 YEAR 1/2 and YEAR 2 COMBINED INQUIRY Every Wednesday afternoon the Year 1/2 and both Year 2 classes get together to look at THE HCCS ‘HI 5’. They are learning strategies to cope with conflict. They have made Boxes of Joy to assist them. The children are very excited about their Boxes of Joy and are already getting inspiration from the Bible verses. We cut out 4 Bible verses and put them in our box. My favourite is Philippians 4:8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” I would use this verse when my brothers and sisters are annoying me. I feel happy that I have it.” Georgia Mr Carter’s Year 1/2 class, Mr Harrison’s and Mrs Nicholls’ Year 2 classes all learning the HCCS ‘HI 5’ together! If you are sad and don’t know what to do, you can go get your Box of Joy to cheer you up. My favourite is Romans 8:30 “I am chosen by God. I have been handpicked by God.” Hamish I feel great that I have a Box of Joy so that I can be cheered up. I would use it when someone upsets me. My favourite is Philippians 4:8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Oliver So far, we have learnt about: Talk Friendly Ignore We will soon learn about: Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning Talk Firmly Walk Away Seek Help Page 7 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER FEBRUARY Wed 18th Thurs 19th Fri 20th Mon 23rd Wed 25th Thurs 26th Fri 27th NEW Receptions’ rest day P & F Gathering 3.30pm in the Amphitheatre Parent Information Evening Yr 10, 6pm Casual Day (Primary and Secondary School) Playgroup 9.30am —11am Lunch Orders New students’ get together AHC Mobile Library Assembly 2.50pm Devotions 9.05am — Year 5/6 and Michael Duke Year 10 Aquatics Camp Board Meeting Courier Cup Swimming Carnival Year 10 Aquatics Camp Playgroup 9.30am —11am Lunch Orders Assembly 2.50pm — Year 4 team Year 10 Aquatics Camp MARCH Mon 2nd Tues 3rd Wed 4th Thurs 5th Fri 6th Mon 9th Fri 13th Mon 16th Fri 20th Sat 21st Sun 22nd Mon 23rd Wed 25th Thurs 26th Fri 27th Mon 30th Tues 31st Devotions 9.05am — Year 1/2 and Rob Saldanha Scholastic Book Fair commences OPEN MORNING Parent / Teacher Interviews (Primary) 3.45pm to 7.45pm Parent / Teacher Interviews (Primary) 3.45pm to 6.45pm Second Hand Uniforms open 3.00pm—3.30pm Scholastic Book Fair concludes No Playgroup Netball Registrations due by 3pm today SPORTS DAY (Primary School) at Oakbank Campus Adelaide Cup Holiday Playgroup 9.30am —11am Lunch Orders Assembly 2.50pm — Year 3 team Devotions 9.05am — Rec/Year 1 and Leigh Cunningham Casual Day Playgroup 9.30am —11am Lunch Orders Harmony Day AHC Mobile Library Assembly 2.50pm — Year 2 team Kids Camp Out (KCO) Kids Camp Out (KCO) Second Hand Uniforms open 8.30am—9.00am Devotions 9.05am — HCCS Secondary WESTPAC helicopter landing Board Meeting SACSA Secondary Athletics (SANTOS Stadium) Playgroup 9.30am —11am Lunch Orders Assembly 2.50pm — Year 5, 5/6 and 6 Team Easter re-enactments commence Easter re-enactments APRIL Wed 1st Thurs 2nd Wed 8th Thurs 9th Fri 3rd — Mon 6th Fri 10th Easter re-enactments Easter Worship Service 7pm Easter re-enactments SAPSASA Secondary Athletics Second Hand Uniforms open 3.00pm—3.30pm EASTER Last day for students Lunch Orders NO ASSEMBLY Sean W Smith Concert 2pm Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning We hope all these people enjoy their birthdays THIS WEEK: Matthew Bean, Thomas Fischle, Drew Hinton, Xavier Hoyle, Ryan Norris, Mia Nottle, Isabella Shillabeer, Jordana Shillabeer, Lily Stevens, Darcy Thomas, Lily Thompson, Elka Whetter. Community News Further information can be obtained from the School’s Front Office. CFS BUSHFIRE READY — this meeting could save your life! Topics include: Bushfire behaviour and warnings, property preparation, keeping safe, where to go and when and your bushfire plan. Wednesday, February 18th, 7.30pm at the Nairne Football Club. For more information please contact: Jackie Horton on 0457 102 981 and or Michael Coulson on 0457 102 844 and Woodside Warriors Netball Club are welcoming all interested players, coaches and umpires for the 2015 Winter season. Junior trials start Sunday 15th March. To request a registration form and Pre-Season calendar email: or contact Colin Giles 0476 198 062 Onkaparinga Valley Football Club Family Fun and Registration Day — Sunday February 22nd, 12pm—4 pm at Balhannah Oval. Heaps of activities: jumping castle, possible water slide, face painting, footy activities for juniors and seniors, bbq and bar facilities. For more information visit: Family Day and Registration. Mt Lofty District Football Club is welcoming new and returning players in U8, U9, U10, U11, U13, U15, U17, B Grade and A Grade. Sunday February 22nd, 11am—2pm at Mt Lofty Sports Club, Longwood Rd, Heathfield. Free Sausage Sizzle for all registering players. A football training clinic will be conducted by Senior Devils Players from 12pm to 1:30pm, bar facilities available. For further details, please contact Mt Lofty Football Club, Juniors: Kerrie Rawlinson, 0417 082 926 or Seniors: Kym Welsby, 0488 021 874 HCCS KOINONIA (2014 Year Book) This Year Book reminds us of what a fabulous year 2014 was...a year of celebrations! YOUR COPY of the Year Book will be sent home via the eldest child in the family this week. There is one copy per family. Extra copies are available at a cost of $37.00 from the Front Office. When your child is going to be ABSENT from School: Please advise the Front Office by email or sms if possible by 9.00am!! Email: SMS: 0400 738 405 Page 8
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