The Chirp - Meadowlark Community League

Meadowlark Chirp
Facebook: Meadowlark Community League
Twitter: @MeadowlarkCL
February, 2015
Family Day Celebrations at Meadowlark Hall
Sunday, February 15th 2:00
Lace up your skates, it’s time to celebrate!
With Snowshoes and Shiny, or judge the best chili.
Hot cocoa by fireside, fireworks and sleigh rides!
• Chili Supper at 5:00 tickets $4 each or $15/family
Includes chili, bun, and juice. All proceeds go to PARC fund
• Fireworks at dusk
• Sleigh Rides: 2:30 – 4:30
• Soccer registration-bring league membership
• Bring your skates and a helmet
A number of volunteers are needed to help with firework clean-up, traffic control, and set-up/take-down. Also, we are
looking for people to be contestants or judges for the chili cook-off. Please call Kim at 780-481-4490 for more information
or to volunteer.
Carrie’s first and
second album covers
Carrie Day describes herself as a “writer, singer
and performer of songs. Mother of one dear one.
Music-maker and cookie-baker. Poet and painter.
Happy dabbler in all things creative.” She is hired
to perform at all types of venues in and around the
city, and is currently wrapping up her 3rd album,
Chasing Rainbows, to be released this spring.
Check out to learn more about
Carrie and sample her music. Also, follow her on
Facebook at Carrie Day or twitter
@CarrieDayMusic to find out about upcoming
shows and CD release parties! Congrats Carrie,
you make Meadowlark proud!
Zumba Fitness by Fusion Dance: Mondays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Zumba® Fitness program has easy-to-follow moves to create a
one-of-a-kind fitness program. Our goal is simple: We want you to
want to work out; to love working out; to get hooked. Please bring
water to class!! Check out for more
information. Cost: 10 punch passes for $100 or 5 punch Passes $50,
Drop-in $10/class Zumba Fitness by Fusion Dance classes are also
available at West Meadowlark Community Hall Sunday 11 am 12pm and most Wednesdays 7-8 pm
Wednesday Yoga with Lisa: Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m.
(Time has changed) Winter session will start January 7 until March
25 . You will enjoy a variety of styles from Hatha, Flow, Restorative,
Yin, Gentle and Iyengar and maybe even a little mat Pilates! Classes
suitable for all levels and ages. Please wear comfortable clothing,
bring a yoga mat and a blanket. Cost: 12 classes for $108 ($9 each),
drop in $12/class. City of Edmonton Community League
membership is required. Spring session will start April 8 until June
25 . Contact:
Outdoor Skating Rink: Exchange your shoes for
a pair of skates and a helmet and have some
Rink Supervised and Skate Room open:
Mondays-Fridays: 4p.m. – 9:00p.m.
Weekends: 12- 5 p.m.
We would encourage all participants to wear helmets.
Skate at your own risk. Free skating, Community
membership is required, don’t forget your GREEN SKATE
Volunteer opportunities:
P.A.R.C. playground committee is looking for volunteers to
assist in a variety of roles. Call Kim at 780-474-4508
Bingo: Earn meadowlark bucks! Call Heather at 780-915-5814
Soccer: Coaches needed. Call Monty at 780-479-7405
Save up to 50% on the cost of your Zumba and yoga classes by
volunteering to work a bingo. See bingo information in “Volunteer
Last month the Meadowlark
Community League Board voted in
favor of allocating $50,000 from the
casino fund to the Playground
Acquisition and Renewal Fund! That, along with the money
raised at the Community BBQ in September, will help to get
the project up and running. However, we’ve got a long way to
go and we need help! We’ve got a list of volunteers that we’ll
be calling soon, but if you want to help out or donate please
email David at
One of our residents has been collecting items found
throughout the community. If you have lost
something, please call John at 780-489-0589 to
In the month of January, Meadowlark
Community Hall produced enough
power to light the Eiffel tower for 20
Check out our hall online at
A few residents have expressed interest in
attending a wine tasting night at the hall. We are
looking for amateur or experienced wine experts
to run a wine tasting. Know of anyone that would
like to help? Would you be interested in attending
this event? Please call Kasey at 780-905-5332.
Letter to the Editor
Dear neighbours,
On January 22, I put a big green bag of bottles out by my front
door on 93A Ave. The bag was clearly marked that it was for
Winnifred Stewart. It was taken by one of you. I choose to donate
my bottles to Winnifred Stewart because I support their cause. I
am sure your cause is equally important, but it is not my
choice. This is not the first time this has happened. If it is for your
own pocket - shame on you. Consider yourself lucky that you
don't have to rely on an organization such as Winnifred Stewart,
but have empathy for those that do.
Bibles for Missions Store: requires volunteers
for 4 hour shifts. Variety of positions available.
15922 Stony Plain Road. Please call Joan at 780489-6958 to help or get more information.
Chirp Submissions: We distribute to just under 1000 households!
• 11 newsletters running from September-June
• 1 summer edition in July
Classified Advertising:
$5.00/month Community League members
Business Advertising:
Bus Cards $10.00/month or $100.00 year
¼ page - $20.00/month or $200.00/year
½ page - $50.00 / month
Full page - $100.00/ month
Advertisement submission deadline is the
25th of each preceding month
Please deliver submissions by email to Kasey Machin at: or
phone 780-905-5332 for more information.
Board Members Contact List:
President: David Towle 780-433-7417
Immediate Past President: Vacant
Vice President: April Kiely 780-481-4137
Treasurer: Ria Eberherdt 780-444-3692
Secretary & School Rep: Ailsa Flynne 780-443-3334
Memberships: Kim Dineen 780-481-4490
Hall Rentals & Programs: Charlene Laibida 780-757-4331
Newsletter: Kasey Machin 780-905-5332
Maintenance: VACANT
Social: VACANT
Fundraising Bingos: Heather Kennedy 780-915-5814
Fundraising Casino: Andrew Selwood 780-486-3174
Soccer: Monty Wood 780-479-7405
Hockey: VACANT
P.A.R.C.: Kim 780-474-4508
Hall Rental: Meadowlark Hall is located at 15961-92 Avenue
Hall is available at very reasonable rates for a variety of functions including wedding
receptions, dances and other social functions. It has seating capacity of approx. 80
people (10 large tables for 8 and 6 round tables for 6) and a maximum capacity of 99
people. Wheelchair accessible. The hall has a fully functional kitchen with dishes,
cutlery, a commercial dishwasher and a separate bar area.
Rates: Meadowlark Community League members:
Weekend rate $350.00 Friday 5:00-Sunday 12:00 p.m.
Daily rate-$250.00
Hourly rate- $40.00/hr
Damage deposit $300.00
Rates for non-members:
Weekend rate $450.00 Friday 5:00-Sunday 12:00 p.m.
Daily rate- $350.00
Hourly rate- $75.00
Damage Deposit $350.00
For more information, please contact Charlene at 780-757-4331 between 10a.m. and
9:00 p.m. or email
Outdoor Soccer Registration begins on February, 15th Family Day at
Meadowlark Hall and at Central Registration March
10 , 2015 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Double Tree
by Hilton (previously the Mayfield) 16615-109 ave.
*All registrants must have a current community
league membership.
Also, we are still looking for outdoor soccer coaches for the
upcoming season. If you can help out, please contact Monty at or 780-479-7405
2015-2016 Kindergarten Registration:
(regular program & Mandarin bilingual
Kindergarten registration for the 2015/2016
school year will begin at 9:15 a.m. on Tuesday,
February 3rd, 2015
Any child that will be 5years old by March 1st,
2016 may register.