1:00-3:00 pm - Hockessin United Methodist Church

7250 Lancaster Pike
Hockessin, DE 19707
Hockessin United Methodist Church’s
Mission Statement
“Share the love and grace of
Jesus Christ with our community”
February 11 – February 17, 2015
Sunday, Feb. 15th
9:15 - 11:30 a. m.
in Faith Hall
Sponsored by: Appalachia Service Project
Proceeds: 2015 Summer Mission trip
Bring yourself, your family, friends & neighbors
Bring a hearty appetite
Enjoy great food and fellowship:
Menu will include: Pancakes, sausage, Fresh Fruit, Cereal (for
children), Coffee, Tea, Milk and Juice
Cost: Free
(but donations will be accepted)
Hockessin Church to provide “QR Code” . . .
Wed., Feb. 11
Hockessin United Methodist Church will be connecting quickly with
donors by providing another option for giving donations! To make it
faster and easier for smartphone users to donate, Hockessin Church is
offering a Quick Response (QR) code, a two dimensional barcode
much like the barcodes you see in grocery stores or at Wal-Mart.
How do you use a QR code? If you have a smart phone, you would go
to your phone’s marketplace and download what is called a “QR code
reader.” Once installed, you simply open the QR code reader and scan
the QR code image that will be included as a part of our Sunday
morning worship bulletins.
For additional information, please contact any member of our Finance
Thurs., Feb. 12
Friday, Feb. 13
Sunday, Feb. 15
1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – Room 2
Small Group – The Prophets
Bible Study (John) – Café
Youth Small Group – Founders Hall
Small Group – Room 18
Men’s Music Group – Music Rm
Bible Study on Joel – Rm 13
Gamers Unite – Café
Joyful Noise Choir
Heavenly Angels Choir
Martial Arts – Faith Hall
Festive Ringers
Joyful Sound Ringers
Chancel Choir – Music Room
Volleyball – Faith Hall
Worship – Traditional
ASP “Sweetheart” Breakfast
Worship – Contemporary
Sunday School for all ages
Worship – Traditional
Sunday School – Adults
Youth Vocal Ensemble
Volleyball – Faith Hall
Family Promise Dinner/Activities
Women’s Bible Study – Café
Threads of Comfort – Rm 4
Family Promise Dinner/Activities
Martial Arts – Faith Hall
True Light Praise Team
Clothes Closet – Clients
Family Promise Dinner/Activities
7:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
4:45 p.m.
5:20 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
The Hockessin Crier is published weekly by
Hockessin United Methodist Church
7250 Lancaster Avenue
Hockessin, DE 19707
Monday, Feb. 16
Web: www.hockessinumc.org
Editor: Laura A. Martin
Church Crier items may be sent to:
Pastors: Rob Townsend
Laura A. Martin
Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Deadline for copy: 12:00 Noon on Friday
Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space
Tuesday, Feb. 17
1:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Browell
Cluster Leader
The Heavenly Angels sang “Guide Us, Lord” at the 8:30 a.m.
worship service last Sunday
Leah Wardwell joined the choir on the synthesizer
Music Notes
Barbara Jones
Director of Music Ministries
Chancel Choir – rehearses on Thursday, Feb. 12th at 7:30 p.m.
Joyful Sound Ringers – split rehearsals continue this
Thursday, Feb 12th. Festival ringers rehearse from 6:00 – 6:15
p.m. and the full bell choir rehearses from 6:15 – 7:15 p.m.
True Light Praise Team – rehearsal is on Monday, Feb. 16th at
7:00 p.m.
Pictured L to R from back row: Leah Wardwell, Molly Alexander, Sydney Whiteman,
Maddy Hounsell, Sami Whiteman, Abby Alexander, Libby Ciarlo, Ava Gavin, Carrie Wiig,
Lily Gavin and Brendan Wardwell
Our Record of Faithfulness
Cherub Choir (4 and 5 year olds) – is held during their regular
Sunday School class.
Joyful Noise Choir (Kindergarten – 2nd grade) – rehearses this
Thurs. Feb. 12th from 4:45 – 5:15 p.m.
Heavenly Angels Choir (3 – 5th grade) – rehearses this Thurs.,
Feb. 12th from 5:20 – 5:50 p.m. Awesome job on
Sunday at the 8:30 a.m. service.
We sing next
Wednesday @ the Ash Wednesday service. Please dress
in your black t-shirts and meet for warm-up @ 6:10 p.m.
Youth Vocal Ensemble (6th – 12th grade) – we sing at the Ash
Wednesday service on February 18th. Please tell Mrs. Jones if you
are not able to sing that evening. Our accent color will be purple with
either black or white. Please plan to meet me at 6:00 p.m. that
evening for warm-ups.
Last Week’s Worship Attendance
8:30 am – 97 9:45 am – 130 11:00 am – 83 Total – 310
2014 YTD Avg. – 279.7
2015 YTD Avg. – 302.3
General Budget
‘13-14 YTD Offerings: $426,172
‘13-14 YTD Budget: $453,406
‘13-14 YTD Difference -$27,234
‘14-15 YTD Offerings: $488,193
‘14-15 YTD Budget: $460,516
‘14-15 YTD Difference +$27,677
Capital Budget
‘13-14 YTD Offerings: $83,934
‘13-14 YTD Budget: $126,338
‘13-14 YTD Difference -$42,404
‘14-15 YTD Offerings: $89,331
‘14-15 YTD Budget: $77,108
‘14-15 YTD Difference +$12,223
Missions Budget
‘13-14 YTD Offerings: $40,403
’13-14 YTD Budget: $36,923
‘13-14 YTD Difference +$3,480
‘14-15 YTD Offerings: $54,148
‘14-15 YTD Budget: $38,769
14-15 YTD Difference +$15,379
Worship assistants, cont.
8:30 – Ken Banaszak
9:45 – Derek Pinchot
February 15th
8:30 – Lydia Deaton & Emma Connolly
9:45 – Whit Daley
11:00 – Geoffrey Browell
8:30 – Ted Brown
11:00 – Barry Crozier
8:30 – Jamie & Chris Mosberg
9:45 – Tom & Rhonda Vichich
11:00 – Ken Buddenbohn & Fil Sherry
11:00 – Joe Pryor
Jessica Brumbaugh
Dottie Andrews, Jessica Brumbaugh,
Linda Cook, Susan Cooley, & Beth Terkula
The chart for reserving flowers for a
particular Sunday can be found on
the bulletin board near the coat racks
(off the main lobby)
Persons/Families wishing to contribute altar flowers may contact
the following florist:
Eastburn Flower Shop
8:30 – Kay & Ted Brown; Jean Jenkins; Dian Arthurs
9:45 – Pat Conley; Steve & Amy Hurff
11:00 – Robert Reed; Paul Taylor; Roger & Judy Francis
8:30 – Mona Laughlin
9:45 – Joyce Cook
11:00 – Joyce Cook
Actors/Actresses Needed
(grades 6 to adult):
for a skit about the prodigal son. If your son,
daughter or YOU enjoy acting, please send an email
to Barb Jones or call 302-239-3034 and leave
your name expressing an interest.
The date for the skit will be determined soon.
We need to assess if there is enough interest for
this one time obligation.
Laura A. Martin
he season of Lent is a time of preparation for the
celebration of Easter. The word Lent comes from the
Anglo-Saxon lencten, which means "spring," the time of
the lengthening of days. At first Lent was a time to
prepare new converts for baptism on Easter Eve. They
were taught the gospel message and the Lord's Prayer.
They prayed, fasted, and did penance. Eventually, Lent
became a time of reflection and self-examination for all
Ash Wednesday
he season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday.
Worship for the day focuses on the themes of sin and
death in the light of God's redeeming love in Jesus Christ.
Traditional words in the service are "Remember that you
are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Ash Wednesday may fall anytime from February 3 to
March 10.
Colors for Ash Wednesday
ray or other dark earth tones are especially
appropriate as are rough textured cloths such as
burlap--to suggest sack cloth and ashes. Purple, the
Lenten color may be used.
Significance of Ashes
cripture refers to ashes both as a sign of mortality
and a sign of repentance. In many churches palms
used on Palm Sunday the previous year are burned and
mixed with oil to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. During
the service the ashes are used to make a cross on the
forehead of each worshipper.
Ash Wednesday
Pancake Supper
Wednesday, February 18 ● 5:30 p.m. ● Faith Hall
Supper served continuously from
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $5.00 for adults
$3.00 – children ages 6-12
Free for children ages 5 & under
Child Care: 5:15 – 8:00 p.m.
Room 7 & 8
February 18th
6:30 p.m.
(Child Care provided)
Sermon/Small Group Series
February 15 – March 22
Sunday, February 22nd
(after each service)
The Girl Scouts, as you know, is a wonderful organization that helps
girls learn responsible citizenship, character development, and selfreliance through participation in a wide range of activities and
educational programs. Support Sammi Muncey as she continues her
quest toward her Gold Award (the equivalent of the Eagle Scout). To
learn more about the Girl Scouts, visit www.girlscouts.org.
One who kept the rules. One who broke them.
Who loved them both.
Join us in rediscovering the heart
of the Christian faith.
Join a small group via www.hockessinumc.org or
by contacting Ted Brown at 302-633-0608 or his
email at smallgroups@hockessinumc.org
The ticket price is $69 and
estimates for hotel rooms are
between $70 and $90 per
person (one room shared by 2
women. If more want to share
a room, the price per person
would be less.) So, the total
(including meals, gas and
parking -- we will carpool) is
between $160 and $200.
For additional information,
please contact Robbie Deike,
Women’s Bible Study
Youth Fellowship members, friends & family
February 21st
Blue Mountain
Palmerton, PA
Leave Hockessin
@ 7:00 a.m.
Monday, February 16
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Holy Grounds Café
(for additional information
contact Keith Heitz,
For additional information, download a registration form from
the youth website, www.humcstudentsministries.com or contact
Keith Heitz, 302-239-3030. Because space is limited, please
register by Sunday, February 1st!
Date: Thursday afternoons
(Holy Grounds Café)
Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Calling all “gamers” interested in getting together on Thursday
afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. to play cards, dominos, scrabble,
etc. This will be a casual get together – no firm commitment
necessary – just come when you are able – and have fun with other
Hockessin United Methodist Church friends!
If you have any games you really enjoy, please bring it along and
share it with us! Our goal is to begin “getting together” on Thursday,
October 16 in the Holy Grounds Café. For additional information,
please contact Joan Dey, 302-239-5459, Carole Gerhard, 610-2748357 or Donna Leo, 610-268-8446
Interested in connecting
with a small group?
Contact Ted Brown,
Shopping…the new way to Donate!
HUMC is currently enrolled in the UMCMarket, where a many
major retailers (Kohls, Starbucks, Amazon, Staples) participate.
UMC Market, makes it possible for Hockessin Church to receive
donations from your favorite retailers every time you make an
online purchase.
Once you enroll, when you do an online search, you will see the UMC
logo next to retailers who participate! When you go to a site, you will
see a brief pop-up that tells you UMCMarket has been activated, and
the percentage that the store will donate. That’s it! Just order as
usual. Once at least $100 has been donated by all members
combined, the church will receive a donation.
Just think how much our membership could contribute to the life and
ministry of the church if we all sign up and the stores we buy from
donate 1% of our online holiday purchases to HUMC!!
Yours in Ministry,
The Finance Committee
Threads of Comfort & Love
Monday mornings
9:15 – 11:30 a.m.
Room 4
Please join us for fellowship, coffee, etc. every Monday morning
from 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. in Room 4 as we make comfort pillows
for Hospice, Helen Graham Chemo Center, as well as the
children at A. I. DuPont Children’s Hospital. In addition, we will
also sew hats for chemo patients and stockings for soldiers.
Threads of Comfort & Love is a sewing
ministry meeting the needs of persons in times of
crisis. Help us to make an eternal difference in
someone's life today. To volunteer and for additional
Sunday, February 15th
8:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
R oom 3
Visit: www.hockessinumc.org
Click on: electronic giving in the menu
(follow instructions)
Carl Immediato
Cluster Leader
Join the Conversation!
Upper Room Daily Devotionals are now
available on the Hockessin United Methodist
Church’s HUMC web site.
To read the Daily
Devotional, go to www.hockessinumc.org and
click on Daily Devotional under the "Member
Area" tab.
Were you out of town on Sunday or do
you simply want to listen to Sunday's
sermon again? Recordings of the Sunday
Messages are now posted online at the
church's website and in the iTunes Store.
You can go to www.hockessinumc.org
and look for Sermon Audio Series
under the Media Center tab. Click on the listen button and you
can play the recording on your computer or you can download it
to play on your MP3 player. You can also post comments or
questions about the sermons.
Hockessin United Methodist Church
Clothing is now available!
Arrangements have been made with
Lands' End to custom embroider the
Hockessin United Methodist Church logo
on shirts, cap, bags and other items. You
can order them online through the
custom Lands' End store we created. All
items will be shipped directly to the address of your choosing.
You may pick from a variety of items, styles and colors, though
at the moment only adult sizes are available.
We regularly take pictures and videos
of Church activities to help spread the
love and grace of Jesus Christ. If you
prefer not to be photographed, please
let our camera operators know!
Faith Café
Room 4 @ 11:00
Denise Knestaut
Cluster Leader
February 15th
9:45 a.m. – classes for
all ages
11:00 a.m. – classes for adults
Parents of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 are asked to
leave them in Room 23 at 9:45 a.m. for a time of Gathering. .
they will then be escorted to their respective rooms. Pre-K class
will be held in Room 6. For additional information, contact Kelly @
K -- Grade 5
Feb. 15th
9:45 a.m.
For many, Bible stories are the food that sustains them, but have
you ever wondered why God would put a tree in the Garden of
Eden and then tell Adam and Eve not to eat its fruit? Or what God
was up to when he ordered Abraham to kill his son Isaac? What do
these stories teach us?
In What's God Up To?, provocative and popular biblical author
Amy-Jill Levine asks edgy questions about familiar Bible stories,
causing them to lose their familiarity so we can consider them
anew. You'll see why as you discover the David and Bathsheba
story from Uriah's point of view and revisit the story of Jesus'
encounter with the Canaanite woman from her perspective.
Each session will include a short video segment, followed by a
Scripture study, so bring your Bible. Topics include:
The Temptation in the Garden
The Sacrifice of Isaac
David & Bathsheba
The Prodigal son
The Canaanite Woman
Jesus with Mary & Martha
Grab a cup of tea or coffee and join Sara Thompson and Karen
Goodwin for at 11:00 a.m. in Room 4 as you discern how you fit
into these “familiar stories” and experience God’s grace anew!
SUNDAYS @ 11:00 A.M.
Wednesday Nights - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Founders' Hall
“You will only make this journey once,
what kind of journey will it be?”
Many things in life are uncertain, and it's often difficult for people to
accept God's promises without having doubts. Doubts are a normal
part of life, but Christians can know their awareness and faith in God
will give them the ability to weather the storms and doubts they face on
life's journey.
Is it possible to really trust God to keep His promises? How can you
know for sure that God really loves and cares for you? Dealing with
Doubt shows how to have a personal, growing relationship with God,
and shows how to find peace in Him, in our hearts, and with others.
God will provide the strength we need. He isn't going anywhere. He is
there every step of the journey.
Based on Billy Graham’s opus “The Journey”, you’ll find a wealth of
insight as you learn from Graham’s ministry experience.
The fourth 6-week session, Dealing with Doubt currently meets at
11:00 a.m. in Room 18, led by Bob and Kathy Heffelfinger. Is your
love for other believers growing? Just as our physical lives
need nourishment, our spiritual lives need the nourishment provided by
Scripture and our fellow believers. Dealing with Doubt explores the
joys, triumphs, and conflicts that you will encounter along the journey
of your spiritual life. Call Bob or Kathy at 302-239-2964, for more
All youth in grades 6 -12 are invited to join us every
Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in Founders'
Hall for Discipleship Plus. Discipleship Plus is a 30-week
discipleship program that seeks to lead small groups through 4
levels of study on prayer, scripture, faith, salvation,
commitment, and understanding the Holy Spirit.
Each session will include interactive lessons with activities, multimedia presentations, discussion, and prayer. There will also be
times for fellowship and just getting to know each other better.
It is recommended that youth attend as many sessions as
possible as these sessions will build upon one another.
However, everyone is welcome to join us whenever you are
able. We hope you will choose to join us for this amazing, faith
building series!
Wednesday evening, Feb. 11
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Holy Grounds Café
Discover God's transforming message of love and hope in the
Gospel of John. Communicating the good news in a very
personal and powerful way, this vivid and intimate portrait of
Jesus Christ will transform your life as it has millions
of others since it was first written over nineteen
centuries ago!
Bringing your Bible, a notebook, and an open heart,
grab a cup of coffee or tea in the Holy Grounds Café
and join Karen Coen and Sharon Lynch as they take you on
an exciting journey through John’s eyes, and pen, to witness the
ministry of Jesus.
(For additional information, contact Sharon Lynch, 302-239-7999)
Thursday morning, Feb. 12
9:30 a.m.
Room 13
"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and
daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young
men will see visions." Joel 2:28
Much of the book of Joel concerns a terrible locust plague that
causes starvation for animals and humans. Joel takes this as a
sign that people should lament and repent. After God responds
positively in 2:18, the book moves from historical events to
conjecture about the end-time (the Day of the Lord) when the
world will be changed and when strange and
frightening signs will appear (2:30-32).
This section of Joel is quoted in the account of
the Pentecost experience in Acts 2:17-21. If
not for the use of Joel 2:28-29 by Acts, we
probably would not pay much attention to Joel. But, as is true of
other prophets, Joel does remind us of a number of important
points. God is at work in the world, there are consequences to
human behavior, lament and repentance are appropriate
responses to disaster, and hope is always the last word.
Bring your Bible, a notebook, and an open heart, grab a cup of
coffee and join Pastor Laura as she take you on an exciting
journey through a study of the minor prophets.
Join us for...
Kevin Goodwin
Cluster Leader
We are currently accepting registrations for those interested in
participating with us on our 2015 Appalachia Service Project
mission trip. Our date for the trip is June 20-27, 2015. All youth
who wish to attend this trip must be at least entering the 9th grade by
the Fall of 2015. Adults wishing to attend are also asked to register
via the link below.
Registrations at this point are merely for expressing interest in
attending and being added to our trip communications. Commitments
will be requested prior to November 1st along with a $50 deposit.
For more information and to express your interest in being a part of
this trip, as well as to complete our registration contact form, please
register at: www.humcstudentministries.com/asp-2015.html
Bring canned goods
& non-perishable
Items on Sunday,
February 22nd
Items may be left by the mail center located
by the sanctuary
Beyond Box City 2015!
Saturday, March 7th-Sunday, March 8th,
St. Mark's UMC, 1700 Limestone Road
Wilmington, DE 19804
...Thinking Beyond the Box to Raise Funds and Awareness
for Families' Pathway to Home
For more information and to express your interest in being a part of
this ministry, please contact Bob Heffelfinger, heffelrl@aol.com
Patricia Conley
Cluster Leader
Janet Banaszak
Volunteer Coordinator
Hockessin United Methodist Church's association with this
Ministry of Caring is one of the longest mission programs
supported by our church. On the 9th day of each month,
volunteers from our congregation prepare and serve the noon
meal at Emmanuel Dining Room located at Second and Jackson
Street in Wilmington. The meal is prepared at the
dining room or in our church kitchen. The Ministry
of Caring supplies most of the food and enough is
prepared to serve 200.
Volunteers are always needed! A sign-up sheet may be found in
the main lobby at the Welcome Center or by contacting Janet
Banaszak, 302-239-1188
Sunday, February 15th
9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Faith Hall
Proceeds: 2015 Summer Mission trip
Along with the “Sweetheart’s Breakfast,” members of the
Appalachia Service Project teams are sponsoring a Bake Sale to
raise funds for this year’s 2015 Mission trip. If any person,
group or class would like to donate items for this ministry,
please contact Keith Heitz, 302-239-3030 or email him,
www.humcstudentministries.com 
Wednesday, Feb. 11th
1:00 p.m.
Room 2
Join fellow “knitters” for a couple “relaxing” hours as we
knit/crochet prayer shawls to share with those of our congregation
who are ill, elderly, grieving, etc., as well as winter hats to be
distributed through the Clothes Closet. Patterns will be provided.
For additional information, contact Virginia McCathern, 302-2341959.
Monday & Thursday Evenings
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
1st & 3rd Saturdays – 10:00 a.m.
in Faith Hall
Youth and Adult Martial Arts Wellness Program: Regular
participation in a fitness program may be one of the best things
you can do for your health. Martial Arts training produce
happier, healthier, and safer people. Join our martial arts classes
held in Faith Hall! Classes are for children and adults. Youth
must be at least the age of 7 to participate. For more
information, contact Chad or Penny Carmack, 302-5987596.
(supports mission projects)
If you shop at ACME, Giant Foods, or Shoprite,
purchase 'gift' cards at the Welcome Center on
any Sunday. Available after each service, stores
rebate Hockessin Church four – five (4-5%) of each
gift card dollar sold. Proceeds from the sale of all gift cards
benefit mission ministries of the church.
In addition, shoppers at Zingos can drop off their register
receipts in the lobby as well. Zingo's will redeem these at one
(1%) of face value and those funds are given to our Clothes
Closet to help stock their shelves.
The Prodigal God
Saturday, February 28
6:00 p.m.
The Empty Nester’s get together for February will be dinner at
Café Napoli on Kirkwood Highway. To reserve your spot, please
contact Mary Alyce Thompson, mac_t43@hotmail.com or 302239-6098, by Saturday, February 21st if you plan to join us.
by Timothy Keller
Begins February 15, 2015!
Finding Your Place at the table!
The Prodigal God, our Lenten
sermon/small group Lenten Study
series for 2015, allows you to discover
the amazing depths of God’s
extravagant love!
Two sons, one who kept the rules religiously and one who broke them all. One
father who loved both lost sons beyond anything they could imagine. Discover
how this passage applies to your life and how you will experience a lifechanging message of forgiveness and new life!
For more information contact:
Robbie Deike, 302-598-3802
Pastor Laura, 302-239-3030
The Wilmington District United Methodist Men’s
15th Annual George Brown Memorial Bowl-a-Thon
Saturday, Feb. 21st
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Elk Lanes
406 Bow Street
Elkton, MD
Cost: $25.00 per person
(Team of 5)
The Bowl-a-Thon enables the District Methodist Men to raise most of
its annual operating funds, as well as offer fellowship opportunities
that you will have in bowling with others from local churches across
the district. For additional information, contact Ken Buddenbohn,
302-234-9222, or ken.buddenbohn@gmail.com.
If YOU or your family is interested in participating in this event, please
contact Ken by Sunday, Feb. 15th. (Make check payable to HUMC with
UMM Bowl-a-Thon on the memo line)
February 27th
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Founder’s Hall
All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to be a part of this fellowship
event. For more information, contact Keith Heitz, Director of
Youth Ministries, 302-239-3030
Saturday, February 21st
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Faith Hall
Hockessin U. M. Church
All men affiliated with HUMC are invited to be a part of this small
group. For additional information, contact Ken Buddenbohn, 302234-9222 or ken.buddenbohn@gmail.com
Sheila Flexer
Cluster Leader
Welcoming is a Lifestyle
“I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matt. 25:35
Welcoming Tip for February
We can’t be the one congregation for all people, but we can
offer Christian love and concern when we are with a newcomer.
Even if the person decides we don’t offer
what they want or need, they won’t go
away feeling ignored if we have a true
spirit of welcoming and hospitality.
Trees along
Perkins Run
in Sherwood
Forest, Arden, DE. Photo
& prayer copyright©2013
by Danny N. Schweers
Was water here first
or was it the word?
The upstart rocks
and the trees that hug them
speak our language
but it isn't English.
God's word goes forth.
It does not return empty.
Jesus said, “You are the light of the world, let your light shine…”
and this should create a small menu for accomplishing just that
in everyday life. We need not advertise that this is what we are
working at. We just modestly – but boldly – sprinkle gifts
wherever we go . . .gifts that are wonderful blessings to both
the giver and the receiver.
Gift 7 . . .Smile Generously. Your smile is always available.
Remember to turn it on. Anyone, regardless of age, or level of
intelligence, can lift another’s spirits with a smile. Putting on a
smile makes the person offering the smile feel better. Not only
is that person lifted, the one smiling is, too. (from Care Capsule
by Dr. James R. Kok)