Upcoming Meetings: Feb. 12 - Panel of Nutritionists from Harmony

PROBUS CLUB OF ORANGEVILLE - A club for retired professional and business persons.
Our Strength is Fellowship, Our Success is Participation
Newsletter #206 – Feb. 2015
Upcoming Meetings:
Feb. 12 - Panel of Nutritionists from Harmony Foods - Value of Healthy Lifestyles.
Mar. 12 – Don Scallen, Naturalist.
Mailing address:
Box 173, Orangeville
Ontario, L9W 2Z6
Meetings: at 10.00 a.m. on
the second Thursday of each
month, at the Orangeville
Agricultural Centre, 247090
5 Side Road, Mono.
Management Committee:
John Wheelwright (905 880-0316)
Past President:
Doug Lackie
Bill Roy
Dorothy Donnelly
Spencer Finch
Programme Team:
Dori Ebel
Maureen Childs, Pam Cohen
Keith & Joan Hunter, Huda Scott
Bill Roy
Events Team:
Jim Wardlaw
Pam Cohen
Interest Group Coordinator:
Barb Snowdon
Profile Coordinator:
Bill Roy
Tea and Coffee Coordinator:
Margaret Binkley (217-9105)
Jane Adams
Don Voisey
Nominating Committee:
Bill Roy
Audio-Visual Coordinator
Clare Ellis
Gord Morton (905 880-2445)
Guests: Please introduce your
guest(s) prior to the meeting to our
goodwill ambassador and greeter,
Bill Roy.
Cheques should be payable to the
“Probus Club of Orangeville”
Visit the Probus Website
at: www.probus.org
Membership: 137.
Member’s Profile: Keith Oussoren
Feb. – Janet Weddel, Helen Burgess
Mar. – Jackie Wallace, Elaine McLellan
Upcoming Events & Outings: When you sign up for an outing, you must provide
us with your cheque which may be post-dated to no longer than one month prior to
the outing.
Feb. The Valentine Luncheon will be Thursday, Feb. 12 at the Hockley Valley
Conference Centre. This will follow the regular meeting and the cost is $34.00.
Contact: Jim Wardlaw (941-3692)
Mar. Preservation Hall Jazz Band performance at the Rose Theatre, Brampton,
Friday, March 13 at 8:00 p.m. $56.00, no bus.
Apr. Cavalia Odyssio: Spectacular Horse Show at The Portlands, Wed., April 15 at
8:00 p.m. $130.00, bus included.
May The Sound of Music at Stratford, Tuesday, May 12 at 2:00 p.m. $136.00, bus
Contact: Jim Wardlaw (941-3692)
Tea and Coffee Roster:
Interest & Contact Groups: Leaders of Interest Groups are reminded to inform
Barb Snowdon (942-1871) of their activities before each meeting. Sign-up sheets
will be available at the Feb. meeting for the following topics: golf, photography,
gardening, games and cards, birding and wildlife, arts and crafts, support group
and casual dining. Groups will be formed where interest is indicated.
Hiking/Walking Group: Walks for the month of Feb. will be Wednesdays at the
Alder St. Recreation Centre. The group can meet between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. Coffee
time at the sports bar for those wishing to attend will be at 10:00 a.m.
Contact: John Ito (941-0213) or Lorne Ebel (941-1865)
Book Club: Plan to meet on Thurs., Feb. 05 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Bobbie
Fowler, 13 McKitrick Dr., Orangeville. Book to be discussed: Massey Murder –
Charlotte Gray. New members welcome.
Contact: Jane Smith (940-8637)
Investment Group: Next meeting: Thurs., Feb. 05 at 9:30 a.m. at the Seniors’
Centre, Bythia Street. Business as usual. Everyone is welcome.
Contact: Bob McLellan (941-7043)
Genealogy and Local History Group:
Contact: David Scott (941-3401)
Movie Group: Plan to meet at the Watermark Centre Theatre on Thurs., Jan. 22 at
1:30 p.m. Movie to be viewed: Moonrise Kingdom, 2012, starring Bruce Willis and
Bill Murray. Refreshments will be served.
Contact: Clare Ellis (940-1041)