ProbusnewsletterJan2015 copy.pages

Probus Club of Nanaimo
Meetings: Nanaimo Yacht Club
Mail: #38 - 3200 Island Hwy, Box 37055, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N4
Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2015
Management Committee Members: 2014-2015
Vice Pres.
Past Pres.
Social Events
Sheldon Smith
Alan Lomax
Tom Bates
Marion Podritske
Sue McDonald
Denis Heppelle
Lionel Benoit
Barb Galeski
Dieuwke Steenstra
Corine Devries
Sub-committee Chairs
Book Exchange
Golf Tournament
Bob Rowledge
Frank Stevens
Barry Hall
Editor: Barb Galeski
Tel: 250-585-4282 Email:
Deadline for submissions: 2nd Tuesday following
the General Meeting. The newsletter is published in
the 3rd week following the general meeting. No
newsletter in July and December.
Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of each month,
except in July and December
Coffee & donuts @ 9 am, meeting @ 9:30 am
Upcoming Events, Meetings and Tours
Meet old friends and make new ones. People on
the waiting list, we urge you to participate.
Next General Meeting
Management Meeting
Apple Aid
Android Aid
Performance group
Ethnic Dining
Drinks & Appies
Curling Bonspiel
Victoria Tour
Feb. 10, Tuesday
Feb. 11
Jan. 20
Jan. 21
Jan. 21
Jan. 27
Jan. 27
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
Feb. 24
Guest Speaker
If you have a suggestion, please contact Alan
Lomax, VP at 250-755-7847 or email him at
February’s guest speaker will be Andy Perrin, of
the BC Securities Commission’s Education
Program, who will talk about making informed
decisions and how to avoid investment fraud.
Cindy Shantz introduced guest speaker, Gary
Anaka, a long-time teacher who specializes in
Applied Educational Neuroscience. He gave a
highly entertaining, interactive talk on Brain
Wellness: Secrets for Longevity. His website is
Welcome New Members: Gayle Anderson, Murray Deines,
Velma Deines, Muriel James, Clive Jones, Marg Killin, Frances
Kortje, Daphne McMullan, Lois Powell, Vivian Reinhart, Neil
Reinhart, Ann Rose, Joyce Silva, Frank Stevens & Stan Stewart.
Drinks and Appies
Coordinator: Cathie Novak, 250-390-1428 or
or Joan Nolte 250-756-0229 (Jan. - Mar.)
Our gatherings take place on the 4th weekend of the month, from 4:30 - 7 PM. The host provides plates,
napkins, coffee & tea. Guests bring an appetizer to share & their own labeled glass and drink. Since the size of
the home dictates the number of guests, you need to sign up at the meeting or contact Cathie.
Coming up:
Feb. 21: hosted by Fran Kortje and Shirlee Drever
Mar. 27: hosted by Deanne Seeker
Coordinator: Brenda Stewart
250-619-3679, or
Players meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 2:30 - 4:00. It will be hosted by different people.
Probus Pub Night
Coordinator: Lorraine Bates
1-250-468-5817, or
These two activities are generally held in alternate
months, even though they do not take place on the
same day of the week.
Ethnic Dining
Coordinator: Dieuwke Steenstra
250-758-0254, or
Ethnic Dining will take place Tues., Jan. 27 at 5 pm
at Tandoori Junction, 489 Wallace St. Contact
Dieuwke Steenstra.
Coordinator: Corine Devries, 250-245-0907
Carol Richardson, 250-758-2025
Victoria Tour: Tuesday, February 24, 2015
This tour is fully booked. We will leave from the
Pier One parking area at Woodgrove at 7:45 am
sharp and arrive at the Legislative Buildings at
9:45 am. Security requires that we hand in purses
and backpacks when we enter the Gallery to
observe question period. When we exit, we will be
reunited with our belongings. Keep this in mind if
you are carrying a snack. More information will
be handed out at the next meeting.
Mar. 6 - Pearson College Concert in Victoria, with
lunch at Bear Mountain. $65/person.
Late May - Painters at Painters Lodge (day of artists’
seminars and works, at Campbell River)
Sept. 8 - 11 (3 nights) - Okanagan Wine Tour, with
visits to Manning Park, Oliver, Osoyoos, Keremeos
and NK’Mip Desert Cultural Centre.
Sign-up sheets will be available at meetings for those
Apple Aid: iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
Coordinator: Dieuwke Steenstra
250-758-0254, or
Next sessions are Tuesday Jan. 20 and Tuesday Feb. 17 at the new North Nanaimo
Library, 1:30 -3:00 pm. If you have specific problems, please email Dieuwke before
class. Have your device charged up and remember your Apple ID and password.
Please come early to help set up the room.
Nature Ramble
Coordinator: Kathleen Saunders,
Impromptu Poker
Coordinator: Barbara Blinston, 250-754-2588
Book Exchange: at all General Meetings
Golf Tournament:
Coordinator: Frank Stevens
Thursday, June 25, 2015 @ Arrowsmith Golf
Probus membership perks!
at both the Embassy and Chateau
Victoria, in Victoria.
• Reduced rates for travel medical insurance through
Johnson Co.
Sequence Dancing:
Norma & Dave Stevenson (250-751-8669) of Harbour
City Probus are inviting any of our club members to
join them in a Classical Sequence Dancing Club to be
held at the Br. 256 Legion. Please contact them if you
are interested.
Android User Group
Coordinator: Ted Rickard
250-585-7161, or
Instructor: Jason Baines
Please call Ted if interested in computer meetings regarding the use of any
Android cellphones. Next sessions are Jan. 21 and Feb. 18, from 3 - 5 pm, at the
North Nanaimo Library off Hammond Bay Rd. Suggested donation of $4 each.
Probus Investment Club
Coordinator: Bob Patterson
250-758-1060, or
Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, at the new Nanaimo North Library, 6250
Hammond Bay Rd. The club will no longer staff an information table at regular Probus
meetings. For information, please contact Bob Patterson (see above).
To honour the contribution of Terry Smart to the success of the club we now have a
“Smart Bull” trophy, which goes to the member who guesses (forecasts?) the level of the TSX for the next
quarter. Harry Hill has won the last two quarters.
Probus Performers Group
Coordinators: Alan & Audrey Lomax, 250-755-7847 or
Suggested format:
• meet once per month
• 2:00 - 4:30 pm
• 10 min. per performer
• individual or group
Come one, come all!
Instrument players
Spoken word
Poetry reading
General comments: A sound system will be provided. All levels of performers can take part; taking part in
this group will be ideal for those who are apprehensive about performing in public but wish to learn and
practise in a forgiving and encouraging environment. Experienced performers will also benefit by
performing in this group.
First Meeting: Tuesday, January 27 at the home of Alan & Audrey Lomax, 433 Poets Trail Drive, at 2 pm
Please sign up with the coordinators if you are interested.
RV Group
Coordinators: Viola & Wendell Krinke
250-758-1178, or
No more outings until Spring. Watch for news in the March newsletter,
but keep these dates open:
June 21-23: Hosts will be Bob & Kathleen Saunders
Aug. 25-27: Hosts will be Ted & Mary Rickard
Fun Curling Bonspiel & Supper
Sunday, Feb. 22 at the Nanaimo Curling Club
(including 5 Probus clubs)
0rganizer: Jill McGlenen,
250-758-5689 or
Curling & Dinner: $26 each
Just dinner: $14 each
Definitely fun! Lessons and sticks are available for new players. Make sure you are wearing CLEAN running
shoes. Maximum number of players is 16, so sign up fast.
Hikers, Walkers & Strollers
Coordinator: Herb Risedorf
250-758-6467 or
We all do the same trails but the hikers do 8-10K. The walkers do 6-8K. The strollers tend to avoid rooted
trails and prefer shorter walks & safer footing. Ask Herb Risedorf to add you to the email list to receive
advance notice of all outings on Mondays and Thursdays.
Enos Lake at Christmas
Whiskey Lake Hike
Christmas at the Grand