1 ORCA PROBUS CLUB NEWSLETTER COURTENAY / COMOX FEBRUARY 2015 President’s PODIUM Greetings everyone. We’re already into February, the shortest month of the year! You have to love February because it brings with it promises of so many Elaine Walker pleasant things to come: goodbye to winter, the days getting delightfully longer, and perhaps Cupid’s arrow delivering love and romance, or maybe Hot Chocolates and champagne??? The focus on red Valentine hearts also reminds us that it is Heart & Stroke month, raising our awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy hearts and blood pressure, particularly as we age. (How’s your physical maintenance program going?) Looking at events to come, remember to bring your cheque book for the February meeting as the tickets for the St. Patrick’s dinner/dance will be on sale. Tickets are $15 per person for dinner and dancing the night away to the Celtic Cargo Cult, a great local Celtic band whom you may have enjoyed at the Zocalo. Thinking ahead to more of our social events, we are looking for more volunteers for the July BBQ and the August picnic. Plans are afoot for the BBQ, but helpers are always needed and appreciated. Once again, Past President Jim Hercus will preside over this month’s membership meeting on February 10th, but we’ll be flying home later this month with the rest of the snowbirds. Looking forward to seeing you all in March, Elaine The ORCA PROBUS CLUB meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm. in the Comox Legion Hall. 2 IN THIS EDITION FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 01 03 04 05 05 06 Wendy Irwin Ron Lowrie Mike Scott Einar Brasso Marilynn Manley Glyn Jones 06 10 13 25 28 Joan Fentiman Gerry Dempsey Earl Sontag Liz Van Boeschoten Sonja Leach Birthdays Event Calendar Mgmt. Committee 2 February Speaker 3 Group Contacts St. Patrick’s 4 Recipe Update PRISMA New Members 5 Mug Reminder Pub Club Camera Club 6 Hiking Group 7 Probus Singers Walking Group Classified Ads 8 ORCA PROBUS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Membership Social & Activities Facilities Publicity Past President Elaine Walker Douglas Payne Lawrence Petkus Ross Cowan Cricket Price Liz Van Boeschoten Beverly Ouellette John Brooks Audrey Brooks Ian Pratt Jim Hercus etwalkhome@shaw.ca dpayne2@shaw.ca lpetkus@gmail.com ross.cowan99@gmail.com cricketp@telus.net lizvanb@shaw.ca bjouellette@shaw.ca johnbrooks@shaw.ca audreybrooks@shaw.ca ianpratt@mail.ubc.ca jimhercus@gmail.com 703-4727 334-8430 331-0389 871-3769 338-0780 941-2754 941-1844 334-9880 334-9880 338-0780 334-0996 3 FEBRUARY SPEAKER Dennis Richardson is the area representative for Canada Purple Shield and specializes in cremation or burial preplanning. He has been assisting clients in the Financial Industry for over 35 years. He has worked as a trust company manager and as an investment advisor for BMO Nesbitt Burns and as a Financial Planner with BMO Bank of Montreal. Dennis and his wife, Hildy, moved, to the Comox Valley eight years ago, from Saskatoon, where they were lifelong residents. Dennis is an active member of the Rotary Club of Comox, the local Kinsmen-K40 Club, and a Director on the Board of the Comox Valley Child Development Association. Dennis and family love to fish and water ski at their cottage in the summer months. ACTIVITY GROUP CONTACTS BBQ Group Bridge Camera Club Bill & Caroline Urquhart Rose Jacobson Jill Ackerman Dave Kelly Classical Music Grp Audrey Brooks Dining Out Don & Marilynn Manley Dining In Group Wendy Irwin Gardening Group (lying fallow) Golf Group Ross Cowan Happy Appie Group Sandi Tetreau Hiking Group Rotating Leaders History Group Audrey Brooks Lunch Bunch Joanne & Reg Crone Probus Singers and Friends Pub Club Quilters Group Walking Group Wine Club Rae Siebert Howard Siebert Beth Ritchie Aksel Porsild Dave & Joan Matheson (250) 339-7221 -cbquhart@telus.net (250) 338-8033 - rosjake@telus.net (250) 703-0048 - acker944@shaw.ca (250) 338-8234 - elderone1@shaw.ca (250) 334-9880 - audreybrooks@shaw.ca (250) 898-8782 - maridon31@gmail.com (250) 334-0607 - wendysplace@shaw.ca (250) 871-3769 - ross.cowan99@gmail.com (250) 334-0926 - sandit@shaw.ca (250) 334-9880 - audreybrooks@shaw.ca (250) 339-0147 - joannecrone@shaw.ca regcrone@shaw.ca (250) 898-8347 - tumble-weeds@shaw.ca (250) 898-8347 - hcbert@shaw.ca (250) 339-5435 - ritchie68@shaw.ca (250) 338-6354 - yukoner1@shaw.ca (250) 871-1001 - djmatheson@shaw.ca 4 St. Patrick's Day Event Get ready for a fun-filled lively evening on March 20th. We are having a special dinner and dance to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. This is to be held at the Comox Legion. Kick up your heels or sit back and listen and clap along to the music of Celtic Cargo Cult! Tickets are $15 per person for members and will be on sale at our next Member meeting on February 10th. Recipe Book UPDATE Our Recipe Book is taking a new and exciting direction! We have thirty delicious recipes that we will begin featuring in our Probus Newsletter as the 'Recipe of the Month'. If you have contributed any recipes it would be terrific if you could send a picture that could be posted with the recipe. Your recipe will now reach all of our membership and I know that they will be greatly appreciated by all. - Bev PRISM Pacific Region International Summer Music Academy The “Symphony Cruise” is scheduled for SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 (10:10 am ferry leaving from Little River; 5:15 pm from Powell River). Although June seems a long way away, slot this date into your calendars so you don’t miss this great opportunity. We’ll keep you posted on further details as we receive them. Co-Chairs: Marie Knowles and Lawrence Petkus 5 Attention, new orca members! As you know, the club publishes a roster booklet which many of us find to be an invaluable aid for contacting other members and, importantly, for refreshing our memories with the photos it contains. We will update and reprint the roster for 2016 but, since we have a number of recent new members, we would like to publish their contact info and photographs in an upcoming newsletter as a stopgap measure. If you have not already had your head-and-shoulders portrait taken for the roster, please let us do it during February. If you will be attending the meeting on Feb. 10, please find me and let me take your picture then. If you can’t be there, we could arrange to meet elsewhere or, perhaps, you could email me an appropriate photo. You can reach me at: ianpratt@mail.ubc.ca or at 250 338-0780 Thank you. Ian Pratt Remember that mug! A gentle reminder……John Brooks, who arranges the refreshments for our meetings, reports that too many of us are forgetting to bring along our own mugs, with the result that we are using way too many plastic cups, to the detriment of both the environment and the budget. EXERCISE FOR PEOPLE OVER 60 ● Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. ● With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. ● Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. ● Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. ● After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags . Then try 50-lb potato bags and eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level). ● After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag. 6 PUB CLUB NEWS FOR FEBRUARY After the January meeting we went to the White Whale Public House and Restaurant. We had our own room, which was filled to capacity. It was a bit noisy but we all had a good time. The food and beer were very good. The house pizzas were especially good. This place is a keeper for sure. This month we will be going to the Union Street Grill and Grotto and again we will have the Grotto all to ourselves. It is under new ownership but the staff was quite enthusiastic about having us come to their establishment. I think you will enjoy yourselves if you choose to attend. During my absence you will be well looked after by Paul Ellegood. Hopefully I will have some good stories to tell you on my return. Looking ahead to March we will be returning to the Fluid Bar and Grill. Ian Pratt will be sending out the March announcement for me as I’m not back until March 8th. Remember to RSVP back to me at” hcbert@shaw.ca “and not to Ian. If you do not currently receive Pub Club emails and wish to be added to the list contact Howard Siebert at hcbert@shaw.ca CAMERA CLUB We had a two month break since our last meeting on December 5th, and this Newsletter will be published before we have our next meeting on February 6th. We hope we will have told each other what we have done in that time period, or what new issues may have challenged us. Maybe some got new photo ‘toys’ for Christmas? So….as usual we will have seen and discussed a variety of each others’ photos, whether new or rediscovered from stored files. We have 54 Instruction Videos available covering quite a variety of subjects, and 21 of these have not yet been played at our meetings. We have some new members and a number that have been away for many of the recent meetings. We will be interested in an exchange of accomplishments and identification of what could merit interest in our 2015 programs. Cheers, Dave Kelly 7 On January 14, Mary-Kate and Ross led us on a pleasant hike in Seal Bay Park: first, down to the beach, and then up again for a long loop in the woods on the other side of Bates Rd. The weather was ideal and a good time was had by all. On the 22nd we were fortunate to get a reasonable weather window for hiking the Bevan Hostel / Puntledge River Loop Trail. For those of you not familiar with this route, the first part follows the south bank of the Puntledge R. to the dam. We then hiked to a lovely beach which wasn’t affected by the high water of Comox Lake. A nice spot to have lunch, & discuss 'world affairs'. On our return to the trailhead, we took the forested route over the old coal ridges & past the remaining apparatus which formed part of the mine adjacent to the then thriving village of Bevan. A very pleasant day. Tim will provide the details of our next hike which will take place on or about 11 Feb. - Earl 8 Our next sing along will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 20. Walking group CLASSIFIED ADS: FOR SALE Collapsible, soft-sided nylon pet carrier. Used for one short trip; like new condition. Meets West Jet carry-on size limits. For cat or smaller dog. Rod & Evelyn Keith (250)898-7631 $25.
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