TODAY 9:00 A.M. – MORNING WORSHIP WELCOME TO GRACE WELCOME TO GRACE February 8, 2015 “… MINISTRY STAFF Pastor Glyn Knight, Senior Pastor Pastor Jonathan Farrell, Associate Senior Pastor, Adults Pastor Brad Habegger, Children’s Ministries Pastor Caleb McClarren, Junior High Ministries Pastor Steve Kellerstrass, Senior High Ministries Pastor Tim Bertsche, Missions & People Care Pastor David McGrew, Worship Rod Boyd, Director of Facilities OUR VISION is to be a loving community that invites our neighbors to join us in becoming devoted followers of Jesus who impact the world for Him. yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.” Romans 5:14 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Caleb McClarren GRACE CHOIR “Grace that Is Greater than All Our Sin” WORSHIP IN SONG “O Great God” “All I Have Is Christ” “In Christ Alone” “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus” PASTORAL PRAYER OFFERING “Be Thou My Vision” IS THIS ONE OF YOUR FIRST TIMES AT GRACE CHURCH? Thank you for worshiping with us - we are so glad you're here! In the pew in front of you is a "Connecting Card” with information about our church family and ways you can get connected. We'd be glad to have you stop by our Fireside Room today - we have refreshments and a small gift for you! And please join us for our next Discovering Grace Lunch on March 8, where you can come enjoy a meal with us, meet some of our pastors and church family, and hear more about what God is doing among us and in us as followers of Jesus! When prompted during the service, parents of children age 4 through Kindergarten are invited to lead their children to the foyer where they will be welcomed and cared for during the remainder of the worship hour. 11:30 A.M. – D&A PETERSEN’S PRAYER TEAM, Conference Room 11:45 A.M. – WINGS LUNCHEON, Fireside Room 2:00 P.M. – GRACE KIDS CHOIR DRAMA, Sanctuary 5:00 P.M. – PFLEDERER’S PRAYER TEAM, Conference Room 5:15 P.M. – WITZIG’S PRAYER TEAM, Children’s Wing 6:00 P.M. – ABIDE SERVICE, Fellowship Hall 7:15 P.M. – QUIZ PRACTICE, Matthew 19 & 20, Children’s Wing MONDAY: 6:00 P.M. – PUPPET PRACTICE, Children’s Wing 6:30 P.M. – GRIEFSHARE, Fireside Room 7:00 P.M. – DEACON BOARD MEETING, Conference Room WEDNESDAY: 5:45 P.M. – GRACE KIDS CHOIR, Choir Room & Pre-K Room 6:30 P.M. – MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES, various locations THURSDAY: 6:45 P.M. – DIVORCECARE & DK4K, Fireside & Room 206 8:00 P.M. – WORSHIP TEAM REHEARSAL, Sanctuary _______________________________________________ SERMON “What’s the Big Deal About Sin? Pastor Glyn Knight WORSHIP IN SONG “Before the Throne of God Above” BENEDICTION GRACE CHOIR – NEW REHEARSAL SCHEDULE! First Wednesday of Each Month 6:30 – 8:00 pm EASTER CHOIR: Sunday afternoons, March 1, 8, 15 and 22 4:00 – 5:15 p.m. MISSIONS MATTERS MISSIONARIES FOR TODAY Doug & Jen Witzig Serving with TEAM in China. Doug is the Senior Director for Global Ministry, Asia Region GRACE MISSIONARIES NEEDING SUPPORT Attila & Tamara Szögedi Mark & Mary Fischer Jean & Joy Viguier Please contact Pastor Tim for more information. TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY TO REGISTER “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” This course is hosted by FEC at Miracle Camp – March 1-6 Experience God’s Heart for all Peoples and Encounter the Momentum of the World Christian Movement. This is a great opportunity for pastors, leaders, and others in FEC churches to enlarge and refine their vision of the epic role we each play in the World Christian Movement. THANK YOU! “We really appreciate the families that took time out of their busy schedules to bring us meals after our sweet Kenzie's arrival. It's great to have such a wonderful church family!” Luke, Erin, Briggs & Kenzie Overcash WINGS TOO! (W IDOWS IN GOD’S STRENGTH) Tuesday, February 10 – Join us for table and card games in the Fireside Room at 1:30 p.m. Questions: Call Wilma Stieglitz at 360-6473 or Sonia Zbinden at 635-4316. WOMEN'S MINISTRIES WORSHIP, PRAYER, AND SHARE Please join us in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 7pm to worship, pray, and share together what God is doing in our lives! Fellowship and snacks to follow. GRACE ANNUAL WOMEN’S MINISTRY “BIRTHDAY PARTY” Monday, March 23 at 6:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets for those who wish to host a table are available at the Women’s Ministry table in the foyer. If you have questions about the Birthday Party, hosting a table, or the Take Two Challenge, call Cassie Meiss at 266-2506. SARAH CIRCLE will meet at 7 p.m. on February 10 at the home of Ginny Cody. LOIS CIRCLE will meet at 9:15 a.m. on Thurs, Feb 12 in Room 217 (G2 Rm. across from kitchen). Project: College Boxes. LADIES OF GRACE, YOU ARE INVITED! BABY SHOWER FOR KRISTI AND TONY EICHHORN on Saturday, February 28 from 10 a.m. – noon in the Fireside Room The couple is registered at Target and Babies ‘R Us. Those wishing to contribute toward a cash gift may do so at the shower – a group card will be available. Please sign up at Sign-up Central. WEDDING SHOWERS FOR ABBIE COON AND KEVIN SCHICK on Saturday, February 21 at 1 p.m. in the Fireside Room. The couple is registered at Sears, Bed Bath & Beyond, Macy’s and Williams Sonoma. Those wishing to contribute toward a cash gift may do so at the shower – a group card will be available. Please sign up at Sign-up Central. NURSERY VOLUNTEERS – If you are willing to serve in our childcare ministry in March, please sign up today at Sign-up Central or contact Melissa Saxsma (263-8441) or Pastor Brad (2669281). FOR BROOKE CARIUS AND JONATHAN HAUTER on Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Foyer. The couple is registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target. Those wishing to contribute toward a cash gift may do so at the shower – a group card will be available. Please sign up at Sign-up Central. BEREAN FELLOWSHIP GROUP will meet at Craig & Pam Sells’ home at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, February 20 to enjoy fun, food, and fellowship in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Prayer and share time will include praying for the Witzigs. Please RSVP to Pam ( if you are able to come. LUNCH WITH PASTOR GLYN AND BECKEY - Get to know Pastor Glyn and Beckey better at a Brown-Bag-It lunch! These lunches are typically held on a Thursday here at the church. Please signup at Sign-Up Central if you are interested in this fellowship opportunity. Dates to be announced later… CAMP OF CHAMPIONS USA’S CHILI SUPPER fundraiser is on Sunday, February 22, from 4:00-5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It involves a meal followed by a program and an opportunity to give. Seating is limited, so please contact Kyle Hill (258-7274 or if you would like to attend. PRAYER SHEETS – Hard copies of the weekly Grace prayer sheet are available in the kiosk in the main foyer. The prayer sheet contains current information to help us to pray specifically for each other in the Family of Grace. It contains a section of praise items, followed by prayer needs in these areas: physical, personal, Grace Church, and missions. Please pick up a copy and join us as we hold one another up in prayer. If you have a praise or prayer request that you would like to add to the prayer sheet you may fill out a prayer request form (in the pew racks) or call the office. If would like to receive the prayer sheet by email, please call the church office so that we can include you. Thank you for praying! OUR DAILY BREAD – Free copies of this excellent daily devotional booklet are available at The Connecting Place and Sign-up Central.
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