TODAY 9:00 A.M. – MORNING WORSHIP WELCOME TO GRACE WELCOME TO GRACE MINISTRY STAFF Pastor Glyn Knight, Senior Pastor Pastor Jonathan Farrell, Associate Senior Pastor, Adults Pastor Brad Habegger, Children’s Ministries Pastor Caleb McClarren, Junior High Ministries Pastor Steve Kellerstrass, Senior High Ministries Pastor Tim Bertsche, Missions & People Care Pastor David McGrew, Worship Rod Boyd, Director of Facilities OUR VISION is to be a loving community that invites our neighbors to join us in becoming devoted followers of Jesus who impact the world for Him. IS THIS ONE OF YOUR FIRST TIMES AT GRACE CHURCH? Thank you for worshiping with us - we are so glad you're here! In the pew in front of you is a "Connecting Card” with information about our church family and ways you can get connected. We'd be glad to have you stop by our Fireside Room today - we have refreshments and a small gift for you! And please join us for our next Discovering Grace Lunch on March 8, where you can come enjoy a meal with us, meet some of our pastors and church family, and hear more about what God is doing among us and in us as followers of Jesus! February 22, 2015 “We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin.” Romans 6:6-7 CALL TO WORSHIP “Jesus is the Answer” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Brad Habegger SCRIPTURE READING Romans 6:1-10 WORSHIP IN SONG “Born Again” “Christ Is Risen” “Were You There?” “Crown Him (Majesty)” PASTORAL PRAYER OFFERING “I’m Going Free (Jailbreak)” SERMON “Faith Changes More Than My Mind” Pastor Glyn Knight BENEDICTION When prompted during the service, parents of children age 4 through Kindergarten are invited to lead their children to the foyer where they will be welcomed and cared for during the remainder of the worship hour. 10:30 A.M. – SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES, various locations 11:45 A.M. – VIGUIER’S PRAYER TEAM, Fireside Room 11:45 A.M. – A&A ROSEBOOM PRAYER TEAM, Conference Room 2:00 P.M. – GRACE KIDS CHOIR DRAMA, Sanctuary 4:00 P.M. – COCUSA CHILI SUPPER, Fellowship Hall 6:00 P.M. – PUPPET MINISTRY PROGRAM, Sanctuary 7:15 P.M. – QUIZ PRACTICE, Review Matthew Chapters 13-16, Primary Dept. MONDAY: 6:30 P.M. – GRIEFSHARE, Fireside Room WEDNESDAY: 5:45 P.M. – GRACE KIDS CHOIR, Choir Room & Pre-K Room NOTE: NO WEDNESDAY MINISTRIES THIS WEEK. We’re taking time to celebrate, thank, and equip our leaders and ministry volunteers for all our Wednesday children’s and youth ministries. Our regular Wednesday schedule will resume next Wednesday, March 4 at 6:30 pm. (Parents—Grace Kids Choir IS MEETING for an extended practice from 5:45-8 pm) THURSDAY: 6:45 P.M. – DIVORCECARE & DC4K, Fireside & Room 206 NOTE: DIVORCE CARE FOR KIDS (DC4K) is a program designed for children ages 5-12 who are dealing with the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. For more information contact facilitators James & Ann Lauer at 309-266-5050. 8:00 P.M. – WORSHIP TEAM REHEARSAL, Sanctuary _______________________________________________________________________ IF YOU ARE NEW TO GRACE CHURCH or looking for ways to get more plugged-in to the life of the church, you are invited to the Discovering Grace Lunch on Sunday, March 8 from 11:45 – 1:00 Please come for a meal, fellowship with members of our pastoral staff & church family, and to learn more about Grace. Children are welcome. Please sign up in the Fireside Room or at Sign-up Central. You can also contact the church office by email (, or by calling 266-9281. MISSIONS MATTERS CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES MISSIONARIES FOR TODAY Jean & Joy Wycliffe Bible Translators – West Africa Adam & Allison Roseboom’s Prayer Team will begin meeting TODAY at 11:45 a.m. in the Conference Room. Anyone interested may join. Please contact Jim Pratt (309-648-6081) with any questions. The Grace Missions Board is inviting anyone who would like to learn more about Controversies in Missions to come along for a one day seminar on Saturday, April 25 to the Annual Evangelical Missions Society Conference at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL (north of Chicago). Cost will be $100 including Friday overnight accommodations, registration, and transportation. Deadline is April 1 and space is limited. Contact Pastor Tim for more information or go to Host a Basque student this summer! We are looking for 6 Grace families who would like to host and provide hospitality for a Basque student (ages 15 - 18) from Spain for four weeks this summer. This is one part of a larger effort by our FEC denomination to engage the Basque people with the goal of bringing the Gospel of love and life to this closed people group. The dates would be roughly June 30 - July 30. The fourth week they will attend High school Camp 2 at Miracle Camp. Expenses would include accommodations, meals and incidentals. Please contact Pastor Tim for more information Sam and Elizabeth Pflederer will be returning to Morton February 26 for four weeks. They will be staying with Sam's parents, Ben and Jackie. “To our Grace Church Family – we thank all our friends who sent beautiful cards, good wishes and made phone calls. They all helped us celebrate our 65th anniversary and were so very much appreciated. God is so good and we ask for His blessing on each of you.” Swede & Shirley Lane “Thanks so much to our awesome church family. We have been loved and supported more than we could have imagined which has been one of the greatest blessings to come out of this trial. We are so blessed by all of the cards, calls, visits, and other expressions of concern and love. Please continue to pray.” Jack & Marge Zimmerman GRACE ANNUAL WOMEN’S MINISTRY “BIRTHDAY PARTY” You're invited to a puppet show! Join us TONIGHT at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary, the Grace S.W.A.T. Puppet team will be performing King Solomon's Blog. Come and learn some valuable life lessons, from the Book of Proverbs, with Ted and Meg as they work on King Solomon's broken computer. THIS IS THE LAST SUNDAY to sign up to host a table at the annual WM Birthday Party on March 23 at 6:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets are available at the WM table in the foyer. We encourage those of you who have taken the Take Two Challenge, or who still intend to, to consider signing up to host a table at our Birthday Party and invite those unsaved loved ones that you have been praying for and reaching out to this winter. If you have questions about the Birthday Party, hosting a table, or the Take Two Challenge, please contact Cassie Meiss at 309-266-2506. A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR BRAD As the month of March begins next Sunday, we still have a need in the nursery for serving our babies - 3s during the worship hour. These kids mean so much to the life of our church. If you are a parent who currently benefits from these services, or your children are older and you want to give back, or you are willing to show your commitment to our kids, please talk with me or Melissa Saxsma (; 263-8441). WOMEN OF GRACE LAMPLIGHTERS [54-57] FELLOWSHIP GROUP will meet at Greg & Linda Menold’s home at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 7 for a Game Night! Bring a snack to share. Please RSVP to Linda: call or text 369-9290, email: or use CCB. Hope to see you there! WINGS (WIDOWS IN GOD’S STRENGTH) LUNCHEON ON SUNDAY, March 1 at 11:45 in the West Foyer. Join us as we enjoy lunch together served by the G2 group. Please RSVP at Sign-up Central by Sunday, February 22 if you plan to attend. WINGS, Too! Saturday, March 7 – Lunch at Lin’s Buffett in Morton at 11:30 a.m. Questions: call Linda DeLong at 657-3944. Tuesday, March 10 – Join us for table and board games in the Fireside Room at 1:30 p.m. Questions: call Wilma Stieglitz at 360-6473. BABY SHOWER FOR KRISTI AND TONY EICHHORN on February 28 from 10 a.m. – noon in the Fireside Room. The couple is registered at Target and Babies ‘R Us. Those wishing to contribute toward a cash gift may do so at the shower – a group card will be available. Please sign up at Sign-up Central. WEDDING SHOWER FOR BROOKE CARIUS AND JONATHAN HAUTER on Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Foyer. The couple is registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target. Those wishing to contribute toward a cash gift may do so at the shower – a group card will be available. Please sign up at Sign-up Central. JANUARY COUNCIL MINUTES/FINANCIALS are available at Sign Up Central. ELDERLY PARENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, February 27 in the Fireside Room. Angela Geyer will join our conversation as we discuss honoring our parents while balancing the responsibilities of daily life. She’ll give us some thoughts and encouragement to consider on the long journey. Call Karen Plattner with questions (691-5776). _______________________________________ MEN OF GRACE YOU ARE INVITED TO THE SHED on Wednesday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. to meet and hear from our guest speaker, Bill Anderson, director of Life Change Camp in Clinton, MO. All men who have supported Life Change Camp through prayer, labor, and financial assistance are invited to join us as we share fellowship and encouragement and learn how God is working in this endeavor.
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