October Dinner and Lecture

A Component Society of the
Kentucky Dental Association
Blue Grass Dental Society
October Dinner and Lecture
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Robert Henry, DMD, MPH and Ted Raybould, DMD
“Using IV Sedation in the Dental Practice: Is it for You?”
Malone’s Banquet Facility
3347Tates Creek Road, Lexington, KY 40502
Registration: 6:30 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Lecture: 7:45 p.m.
Course Description:
-Patients who benefit: Indications for IV sedation
-Dentists who benefit: Ky requirements for IV sedation
-Costs to perform procedures: start up equipment, supplies
-Reimbursement for procedures
-Insurance for performing sedation
-Complications: things that can go wrong
-You decide: Pros and cons: is IV sedation in your future
Speaker Bios:
Jason E. Ford, DMD
Lexington/Richmond, KY
Lexington, KY
KDA Executive Board
William “Bill” Lee
Lexington, KY
Executive Director
Denise K. Schneider
Executive Board , Chair
S. Douglas Cox, DMD
Lexington, KY
Executive Board
Angela Brown, DMD
Lexington, KY
Executive Board
Greg Carman DMD
Lexington, KY
Executive Board
Aaron Baldwin, DMD
Lexington, KY
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
***Malone’s Banquet Facility***
Executive Board
Timothy Majors, DMD
Lexington, KY
(3347 Tates Creek Rd., Lexington, KY)
Registration 6:30 p.m. - Dinner 7:00 p.m. - Lecture 7:45 p.m.
featuring, Bob Henry, DMD, MPH and Ted Raybould, DMD
“Using IV Sedation in the Dental Practice: Is It for You?”
Executive Board
Donna Meek, DMD
Winchester, KY
Name(s): ________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________
ADA Number _____________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________
# Attending Banquet __________Name of Guest_____________________________________
$ _____________________Total Enclosed (please indicate if you’re bringing a guest)
1 hrs. CEU’s!!!!
(1 Scientific/Lecture)
Dinner & Lecture $40.00/person
Executive Board
Jessica Kress, DMD
Lexington, KY
Executive Board
John Falace, DMD
Lexington, KY
is Limited - Register Early!
Card #:__________________________________ Exp. Date:__________________ 3-digit Code:_____________________
(Located on back of card)
Please fax form to 859-626-3594
Doyle Freano, DMD
Lexington, KY
Gina Johnson-Higgins, DMD
Ted P. Raybould, DMD, is graduate of the University of KY, College of Dentistry. He completed his GPR VA Residency in
1982 and GPR UK Residency in 1985. Dr. Raybould is a professor of General Dentistry and Dentistry Public Health, the
Division Chief of General Dentistry, and the Director of KY Clinic Dentistry and the General Practice Residency and Adult
Special Patient Care. His clinical interests are in Fear Patients, Medically Mentally and Physically Complex. Dr. Raybould’s
research interests are in the Oral Management of Cancer Patients and Sedation.
Robert G. Henry, DMD, MPH is director for Geriatric Dental Services and Chief of Dentistry at the Department of Veteran’s
Affairs Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky. He is also a Clinical Associate Professor at the University Of Kentucky
College Of Dentistry, a research Associate at the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, and the former Director for Geriatric
Dentistry for the Department of Public Health Dentistry for the State of Kentucky. Dr. Henry is the course director for
Geriatric Dentistry in the undergraduate and graduate dental curricula, and established an on-site dental clinic in a community
nursing home for dental student and dental resident education and treatment from 1985 through 1999. Dr. Henry is the founding
board member for Mission Lexington, a non-profit organization devoted to providing medical and dental care to persons in the
community who are unable to afford health care. His research interests involve clinical and epidemiologic studies designed to
improve the access for dental services to people with disabilities; especially elders who are physically or mentally compromised.
Complete this Form & Mail with check payable to:
BGDS, P.O. Box 2048, Richmond, KY 40476-2048
VISA, MC and Am-Ex Accepted.
Sharon P. Turner, DDS, JD
UKCD - Lexington, KY
Questions??? Call Denise at 888-863-4066 or email at bgds@bellsouth.net
*ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY September 26, 2013 (due date).*
All-Day Seminar
Registration Info on
Page 3!!
Nathaniel United Methodist Mission
Looking for Volunteer Dentists & Hygienists
For over three decades, Nathaniel United Methodist Mission has provided free Medical, Eye, and Dental
care to low income and uninsured adults in Fayette County. Our Dental Clinic has 5 volunteer Dentists, 3
paid Dental Assistants and 2 Dental Hygienists. Patients are seen by appointments. To meet our
overwhelming need to provide dental care, we must increase our number of Dental Clinics. Please
consider volunteering 3-4 hours of your time each month. We provide basic dental care including
restorations, extractions and cleanings. An added bonus for volunteering in the Dental Clinic is the
awarding of nine (9) continuing education hours. Contact Dona Barkman, RN Clinic Administrator/
Coordinator at (859) 255-0062.
The Refuge Clinic is a faith-based organization providing free medical & dental care to the uninsured in our
community. Our mission is to restore health & value to the community through the unconditional love of
Christ., and it is such a joy that we get to do that through healthcare!
We currently have a waiting list of over 700 people who desperately need dental care. Many have been
waiting months (or even years) for treatment due to a lack of volunteer providers. We need more dentists
and oral surgeons to get on board with our mission to help us meet that need!
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer application on our website at
For more information about our dental clinic, please contact Jaclyn Sargent at (859)225-4325, Ext.
206 or jsargent@refugeclinic.org.
The Miles of Smiles
program is a relatively small
investment in children’s
health expected to have a
ripple effect across three or
four generations of Madison
County residents. Teaching
children to pay attention to
dental care and to trust
medical personnel leads to
improvements in overall
health care.
Through the program,
community members will
become more comfortable
seeking medical care of all
kinds early and often,
leading to:
• Improved school attendance
• More stable families
• Reduced ER trips due to
dental emergencies
• Expanded patient base
• More dental homes and more
medical homes
• Increased worker productivity
in the county
• A better overall society
Page 3
A L L - D AY S E M I N A R
November 15, 2013
Course Description:
Hosted by
The Blue Grass Dental Society and UK College of
Dentistry Continuing Education
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thomas R. McDonald, DMD
In recent times, esthetic dentistry seems to have taken precedence over principal centered,
comprehensive restorative care. Dr. McDonald will discuss occlusal concepts and functional principals
that define the parameters of esthetics and affect the long-term
stability of restorative treatment. A step-by-step patient evaluation and treatment planning system
will be presented for precise, comprehensive, esthetic, and functional restorative treatment and new
techniques for long term staging of complex cases will be
At the conclusion of this presentation, each participant should be able to succeed at the
following tasks:
“Functional Considerations
In Esthetic Dentistry”
Identify the essential elements of a comprehensive patient examination in the modern restorative
Understand the anatomic and physiologic aspects of the temporomandibular joints and the
relationship of occlusion to
function and dysfunction
Learn techniques to achieve a stable, repeatable starting point for restorative dentistry
Understand how functional principles affect the size, shape and position of our restorations
Perform a diagnostic evaluation using incisal edge positioners, esthetic guidelines, and occlusal
concepts to establish a
stable anterior tooth position.
Understand a sequence of treatment and provisionalization scheme that can maintain occlusal and
esthetic stability.
Appreciate new concepts for segmental restoration of complex cases for clinical predictability and
patient acceptance
Malone’s Banquet Facility
3347 Tates Creek Road,
Lexington KY 40502
Registration 8:30 a.m.
Lecture: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sponsored in part by:
This course is intended for dentists and dental team members.
Speaker Bio:
Thomas R. McDonald, DMD, is a graduate of the University of Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry. He maintains a full time private
practice in Athens, Georgia. Since 1983, Dr. McDonald has served on the faculty of the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry as Clinical Instructor of Oral
Rehabilitation. He is a member of O.K.U., Distinguished Alumnus of the Medical College of Georgia in 1995, Fellow of the American College of Dentists, Fellow of the
International College of Dentists, Honorable Fellow of the Georgia Dental Association, and member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry.
A frequent lecturer in the area of occlusion, restorative dentistry, esthetics, and provisional restorations, Dr. McDonald has presented courses nationally including
the Hinman Dental Meeting, Chicago Midwinter Meeting, California Dental Association Meeting, the American Academy of Operative Dentistry, the American
Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and the American Dental Association Meeting.
Thomas McDonald, DMD
“Functional Considerations in
Esthetic Dentistry”
Friday, November 15, 2013
To Register:
1. Register by Mail
Send completed registration form and
check made payable to Blue Grass
Dental Society and mail to:
Blue Grass Dental Society
P.O. Box 2048
Richmond, KY 40476-2048
Attn: Denise Schneider, Executive
2. Register by Fax
Fax the completed form with your credit
card information to (859) 626-3594.
3. Register by Phone
Call (888) 863-4066 or (859) 626-3006
Registration Deadline:
Friday, November 5, 2013
Please Complete and return with payment:
First Name MI Last Name**
Malone’s Banquet Facility
3347 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY
Degree Office Address
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Last 4 Digits of Social Security No.
Daytime Phone Fax
Email (Credit Card Receipts will be Emailed)
______ $195 Dentist (ADA)
______ $95 Auxiliary w/dentist
______ $295 Dentist (Non-ADA)
______ $115 Auxiliary
w/o dentist
Visa/ MasterCard/ American Express #
Expiration Date _________ Check Amount ________________
Addt’l Staff Name(s)
Registration begins
at 8:30 a.m.
Course begins at 9:00 a.m.
Course concludes at 5:00 p.m.
Tuition includes continental
breakfast, lunch and all materials.
The University of Kentucky College
of Dentistry Continuing Dental
Education program designates this
activity for 7 scientific continuing
education credits. Lecture format.
A Message from the BGDS President:
Dear Blue Grass Dental Society Members,
It was great to see so many of you at the Annual Fish Fry in September. The year is off to a terrific start! We had an
outstanding educational program presented by Dr. Pam Stein to help us understand the potential links between
periodontal disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. The KDA Executive Director, Mike Porter, Sherman Brown, a
representative of the lobbying firm for the KDA, and the current KDA President, B.J. Moorhead were present at the
September meeting. They each discussed the importance of alerting the Kentucky Department of Insurance when
practitioners believe that an insurance company may be attempting to control fees for non-covered services because
the legislation that prohibits this will be enforced when there are complaints filed. Dr. Moorhead discussed the
importance of supporting the KD-PAC to help our voices be heard by elected officials. Lastly, Dr. Moorhead also
announced an additional continuing education session to the CE activity on the afternoon of Thursday, March 13th
prior to the KDA Meeting. The speaker, Dr. Ray Bertolotti, is donating his time so in turn all proceeds from the
session will be donated to the Kentucky Dental Foundation to the support future RAM Projects in Kentucky.
I briefly discussed the increase in cost of admission to the Children’s Museum which will increase the cost of our
annual service project “Explorasmile” during National Children’s Dental Health Month. With that in mind, please
consider making a monetary contribution and/or donating your time to help conduct the clinical screening
examinations on the children in February.
Don’t forget to hold your calendars open for our all day continuing education course on Friday, November 15.
Dr. Thomas McDonald’s presentation will help us all with common concerns and enhancement possibilities related to
esthetic dentistry.
See you at the October 1st meeting, when we’ll be back at Malone’s Banquet Facility above Sal’s Chop House in the
Landsdowne Shoppes.
Sharon P. Turner, DDS, JD
2013-2014 President, Blue Grass Dental Society
Student Handpieces for Sale: Contact Lindsey Willoughby, DMD at 859-866-5288 if interested.
Office Space for Lease: - Corner of Harrodsburg Rd. and New Circle Rd. in the Cygnus Bldg. Fully equipped treatment rooms and two fully plumbed for new equipment.
Contact Doyle Freano at 859-296-9711.
For Sale: 2 gray Brewer assistant chairs, less than a year old (“too puffy” for my assistant but maybe not yours). $679. @ new, let’s make a deal. Cindy Derer 8 59-268
Office Space Available - Beautifully decorated 2500 sq. ft. office in building occupied by dentists. Available for lease July 1, 2011. Frankfort, KY.
Phone 502-395-0338.
FOR SALE: 1 Nitrous Portable cart with Fraser Harlake Quantiflex RA Flowmeter, $500 or best offer. 1 Fraser Harlake Matrix Portable flowmeter (needs a new bag),
$350.00 or best offer. E-mail: mercerdental@yahoo.com Phone: 859-734-4944. Pictures available upon request.
Need a Hygienist? - For part-time, extended leave, vacation time. Soft tissue management and Prodentec or Rotadent trained. Advanced Hygiene. Please call
859-583-9007 ©, leave message.
Experienced licensed dental hygienist seeks part time or full time employment in Lexington. Will also consider temporary work. (419)563-5278
Female dentist seeking temporary/relief dental position(s). Have been working as a relief dentist in the Bluegrass region for two years. Owned private practice for
seven years in southern Kentucky before moving to Lexington. Good rapport with all ages and experience with all areas of dentistry. Willing to travel within the
Bluegrass region and work hours and days are flexible. Please call (859) 621-9195.
Retired experienced dentist available to help ease your load in Lexington/Bluegrass region. Temporary, part-time, flexible to meet your needs. Compassionate and
experience with all age groups. Reasonable rates. Immediately available. Call (859)230-6816.
Lexington General Dental Practice For Sale: An innovative, integrative dental practice is available for purchase in south Lexington. This well-managed fee-forservice practice with high collection ratios is completely free of PPO’S or HMO’S . This practice attracts highly motivated patients. Well-trained team with excellent
communication skills. will facilitate the transition. This practice is ready for an energetic, entrepreneurial doctor to take it to the next level of success in this dynamic,
growing area of dentistry. Associate opportunity is also available.
Call Susan Lerner 859-223-1429
Front Office Associate: The office of Madison Dental Associates in Richmond, KY, is seeking a Front Office Associate. Please fax resume to (859)626-9854.
Experience required.
Members are eligible to run an ad in the “Opportunities” section in three free issues of the newsletter, then the fee for members and non-members (initially) is $60 per three publications. To place
an ad, please call the BGDS office at 888-863-4066.
Blue Grass Dental Society
P.O. Box 2048
Richmond, Kentucky 40476-2048
Attn: Denise Schneider, Exec. Dir.
Phone: 859-626-3006 or 888-863-4066
Fax: 859-626-3594
Email: bgds@bellsouth.net
Blue grass dental society
Corporate patron program
psimer & associates - Platinum
Gerald psimer
Procter & gamble - gold
Colgate oral pharmaceuticals - gold
Sally kopanski
Bob roberts insurance - gold
Cincinnati insurance group
John Roberts
JOE Roberts
We Salute Our Patron Program Members For Their Support
of Our Charitable and Educational Endeavors.
Alex Mays
Pediatric Dentistry
Lexington, KY