July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013
Southeasten Society of Pediatric Dentistry
President’s Message
Trustee Report
SSPD President
E. Gaines Thomas
Years ago, Nat King Cole recorded a song
about the “Lazy, hazy……days of summer.”
One thing for sure, he was not a pediatric
dentist. In the world of the pediatric dentist,
it seems that with busy family schedules and
vacations, and with a bustling schedule at the
office, our summers are anything but “lazy.”
Our SSPD spring resort meeting the first
weekend in April at the San Destin Hilton,
was successful and fun. Dr. Lorne Lavine, of
the “Digital Dentist” presented the Friday and
Saturday program on “everything digital” for
the dental office. His presentation was very
timely and also very interesting. If you were
not able to attend, Dr. Lavine has made his
lecture notes available at the following link.
The beach was great during the day, but the
unseasonably cool evenings and a twenty-five
mile per hour wind on Friday night drove our
1& 2
Resort Meeting Highlights & Jan
2014 Meeting Info
January 2014 Meeting Speakers
Resident’s Program
The Last Word
family beach party inside. We still had fun
with great food and music and almost had a
chiropractic emergency as a Past President of
the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
(Rhea) demonstrated her renowned Limbo
dance technique. Rhea was runner-up for the
trophy which was won by an eight year old.
Thank you to the members of the SSPD who
volunteered to assist in so many different
ways at the Annual Session of the American
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in Orlando
on Memorial Day weekend. We are so glad
that this meeting was in the Southeast again
this year and we are extremely proud that
one of our own, Dr. Ed Moody, was elected
president-elect. Ed will be given the Academy gavel next May at the Annual Session in
Boston. Make your plans to be there.
Midsummer is when pediatric dental residents
are completing their residency programs and
joining existing practices or establishing new
ones. If you have a new member of our specialty locating in your city, I urge our members
to contact them and personally ask them to become a member of your state organization, the
President’s message continued.........
Southeastern Society and the American Academy.
As major changes lie ahead in the health care delivery system, this is a time that we must keep our
membership levels very strong. We should strive
to have one hundred per cent of the graduating residents belonging to and active in each level of our
tripartite membership.
Report to SSPD Summer 2013
It is easy to take our great profession and specialty Summer is finally here and I am sure everyfor granted as we stay immersed in our daily
is busy at their offices with children out of
lives, but I urge all of you to stay educated on the
school. I hope everyone gets a little time off to
current events that are affecting our profession.
Speak out on the role pediatric dentistry will have
This has also been a busy time for the AAPD.
in any new health care model.
The annual session in Orlando last month
record attendance. It was a very successEven though she was deaf and blind, Helen Keller
ful meeting with excellent courses and social
had great vision and insight. She knew the imporevents.
I'm sure many of you attended and retance of an individual’s contribution and commitalize how important it is to network with others
ment to a higher purpose. She once said, “I am
in our specialty.
only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everyThe
was lively this year
thing, but still I can do something. And because
with several proposals to change our bylaws.
I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the
All active and life members of AAPD have a
something I can do.”
vote at our annual session. The recent Task
Force on Governance presented several ideas to
Have a great summer!
our Board of Trustees; they in turn gave proposals to be voted on at our assembly. Since
E. Gaines Thomas, D.M.D.
there were large items to discuss, there was
extra time allotted in a forum before the reference committee specific to explain the process.
The southeast was fortunate to have 2 members
on the task force including Chairman Scott
Cashion and Mark Myers. The main bylaw
amendment proposed changes were:
-The recommendation to combine District I and
District II which will be renamed the Northeastern District passed. When the District II
trustee rolls off next year (2014) the District
I trustee will begin to represent both districts.
There will now be 5 regional trustees and 14
voting members of the Board of Trustees. The
districts will now be closer in size.
Trustee’s message continued.........
Affordable Care Act on pediatric dentistry.
Check the website for details.
- The AAPD headquarters will offer to collect
district and state dues at no charge. They already If there is anything I can help you with please let
me know. I hope to see you at your state meetcollect dues for 12 states. Hopefully this will
ings this year. Have a great summer.
make it easier for states, districts and our members to get 1 dues statement each year. This will
Respectfully submitted,
begin in 2014. In the southeast there are 2 states
that already use this option and have seen an inJeannie Beauchamp
crease in membership.
- The proposal to change mandatory tripartite
STATE UPDATE -South Carolina
membership to "strongly encourage” memberSouth Carolina Society of Pediatric Dentistry
ship was rejected. This is already in our bylaws
recently met at Myrtle Beach in conjunction with
but it hasn't been enforced. Our outside legal
SCDA meeting. Dr Kevin M Raines presided
advisor has stated we must enforce this so headover the meeting and closed out his 3 year term
quarters is planning on informing our members
by handing over the gavel to Dr Robert H. Eland will work with states and districts to implelis, III. New officers will be elected at the Fall
ment this.
meeting as Dr Ellis transitions into the role of
-Approved was the proposal that for memberWe have continued our communication with our
ship in AAPD one must be a member of ADA to
state’s Medicaid powers in hopes of continuing
join then to "strongly encourage" continued ADA
to improve the dental program for those patients
membership instead of mandatory membership.
which the program serves. One major challenge
This had not been enforced in the past and is in
is the Medicaid waiver waiting list that many
line with some of the other specialties.
of our special needs patients enter once they are
over 21 years of age. Reimbursement continues
All AAPD members must be ADA members to
to be an issue as the state has not increased rates
join, hold current membership in SSPD and their
for the dental program in over 15 years (in fact,
state organization. Our headquarters is workthe rates have been reduced a few times during
ing to implement this as efficiently as possible.
that time period).
Please let me know if you have any questions or
Currently, the SC State Dental Board is advoconcerns.
cating for a new Sedation Guidelines proposal
which would become law. Our Society, along
The Ad Council campaign continues to encourwith a Sedation Task Force from the SCDA, is
age caregivers to "brush kid’s teeth for 2 minworking to make proposals so that the wording
utes, 2 times a day". The media coverage has
and intent of the law is congruent with those of
extended from magazines to newspapers to billour specialty guidelines. The last thing we want
boards and television. The website direct link is
is a new law that is designed to protect the pawww.2min2x.org. It is exciting how this is extient end up actually hampering access to affordd
able dental care.
Our membership has remained strong and the
The AAPD website has continued to expand.
SCSPD has positioned itself where the powers
There is a lot of information to help members.
that be are calling upon us for input whenever
Please check for futures CE courses. There is a
children’s dental issues are involved, and we feel
new course scheduled for September 28 in Chithis is very helpful to the youngest citizens of
cago informing us about the impact on the
our state.
2013 Resort Meeting
Highlights of Dr. Lorne Lavine’s lecture
by Josh Wren
Every medical/dental office should have encryption on any information sent to other
healthcare offices
Every office should have encrypted servers to block patient data from being retrieved
and firewalls
Updated antivirus should be on all computers in a dental office
Social media is the new advertising giant….practices are urged to have a blog, facebook page (and update them daily), etc to communicate with existing and potential patients
If you offer wifi in your reception area, it would be wise to have a separate public service
Offices are going to washable mice and keyboards for ultimate contamination
control—minimize the chance of cross contamination
What it takes to be a truly paperless office….all forms online to be downloaded directly to the practice management software, kiosk to electronically fill out patient forms,
pen pads to signs consent forms, scanner to scan in externally taken radiographs or charts
from other offices
Annual Continuing Education Course
The Ritz-Carlton
Atlanta, Georgia
“The Future is Here:
CBCT, Lasers, and Internet
Registration now open at www.sspd.org
using Paypal.
* Resident’s program presented and sponsored by SmileSavvy.
Approved for 15 Continuing Education Credits
Look out for brochure in the mail........
January 10-12
Ritz-Carlton Buckhead, Atlanta
The Future is Here: CBCT, Lasers, and Internet MarketLawrence A Kotlow, DDS, PC
Dr. Lawrence Kotlow will be presenting a day of "laser dentistry for the Pediatric Dentist" It will cover the use of types of lasers used in treating hard and soft
tissue procedures, laser safety , using Photobiomodulating lasers for trauma and
other conditions . He will also discuss things you never learned in dental school or
your pediatric residency for the laser treatment of newborns and how we as pediatric dentists can be assisting mothers improve breastfeeding out comes through the
revisions of tongue and lip ties. His website is www.kiddsteeth.com
Larry Lytle, DDS, PhD
Dr. Larry Lytle is a low level laser researcher, educator and consultant. His dental
degree is from Nebraska, and PhD in Nutrition from the Donsbach University. He
has developed a line of low-level “cold” lasers called the Q Laser System. He practiced general dentistry in Rapid City, SD. A retired dentist with over 40 years of experience, he began studying the benefits of low-level laser therapy in the late 1980’s
and has been a consultant in the field ever since. He has written five books, and
holds seminars on Q Laser Wellness Solutions. His website is www.qlasers.com
G. Frans Currier, DDS, MSD
Frans Currier has spent his professional lifetime in education. He received his DDS
in 1967 from the University of Michigan, his MSD in Pediatric Dentistry from
the University of Washington, and orthodontic certificate from the University of
Pennsylvania. He is currently Program Director and Chairman of the Orthodontic
Graduate program at the University of Oklahoma. He is a meticulous researcher on
growth and development topics, and controls the 30-year Denver x-ray growth data.
W. Bruce Howerton, DDS
Dr. Howerton received a DDS degree from West Virginia University School of
Dentistry in 1985. He completed a Certificate in Endodontics from the University
of North Carolina School of Dentistry in 1987 and practiced surgical and nonsurgical endodontics in Asheville, North Carolina. In 1999, he entered the UNC Oral
and Maxillofacial Radiology graduate program and completed a Master of Science
in 2001. In addition to becoming an Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist, he became
proficient in Web development and discovered novel forms of content delivery using
authoring software.
Scott Childress – Smilesavvy.com
Scott is the Internet marketing expert with years of experience in search engine
optimization, local searches, social media and other internet marketing campaigns.
The success of Pediatric Dental offices now rests heavily on the ability to properly market their practices on the Internet. Smilesavvy.com is the nation’s largest
Internet source devoted to Pediatric Dentistry.
Howard Schneider
Many years ago I questioned why one should wait until the child is three years
of age before taking the child to the dentist. It was not too many years ago the
American Academy of Pediatric Denitstry endorsed this concept. After almost fifty
years of practice, it has become the custom. Looking back on the many children
which I have treated at an aearly age, and, a reminder from them today, it was the
right thing to have done. It’s not a day which goes by that I do not meet someone
who says, “you use to be my dentist.” Today most dental programs start seeing the
child at a much earlier age. To the new practitioner, give thought to start the child
young. Visit with your Pediatricians as well as other medical progams. There are
a lot of good brochures on this being published today. The rewards will be great.
You will find a new practice within your practice. This is on man’s opinion, and ,
“that is the last word.”
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2013 Officers and Board Members
Executive Committee
E-mail addresses
President: E. Gaines Thomas
Alabama egthomas@aol.com
President Elect: Leigh Ann McIlwain
Florida ped2thdr@gmail.com
Vice President: William “Neil” Quinton Mississippi
Secretary: Martha Hardaway
North Carolina
Immediate Past President: Kim Jones
North Carolina drkofhky@charter.net
District III Trustee: Jeannie Beauchamp Tennessee
Board of Directors
Kevin Raines
Chester “Skip” Tyson
Nathan Kirk
John Flowers
Reza Ardalan
Josh Wren
Jennifer Wells
Kristen Flowers
Joseph Faiz
Jay Crews
South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
Executive Director
Jonathan Jackson
Virginia kbmw716@aol.com
Executive Secretary
Kimberly Brooks