West Central Association of REALTORS® Newsletter

February 2015
Volume 32, Issue 2
West Central Association of REALTORS®
"Professionals Meeting Change"
Industry News
President Message
Legal Hotline Letter
WCAR Affiliates Page
Membership update
Legal hotline question
MLS Information
CE Registration
Information on the updated REALTOR Action Center
realtor.com Read more..... When Congress is
considering legislation that
12 Tips When Meeting
affects the real estate
Strangers: Watch Now
industry, NAR calls on its
members to act. Simply by
Claim your Realtor.com
contacting your Member
profile at
of Congress through an ewww.realtor.com/profile- mail or a phone call, you
can ensure that your
business remains strong.
NAR members join
What does the REALTOR together and speak with
Party do and how have they one loud, powerful voice.
helped Minnesota
Read More
REALTORS? Find out
more here....
Download the NAR App
today, access your NRDS
number, view member
benefits for the National
and State Associations,
Industry News, Special
Product Offers and
Events. Find "NAR
Member Center" in your
App Store.
Changes coming to Shared Data System
PR Committee
will be asking for
starting on
February 11,
watch your email
for more
On January 28, 2015
at the Shared
Associations Services
and Information
(SASI) meeting, the
Minneapolis and St
Paul associations
voted to stop data
sharing through the
current system
effective April 30,
With the 2 largest
associations no
longer participating in
the current system
the remaining
associations cannot
financial afford to
maintain the system
we are now using which
will result in changes to
the combined data in
the WCAR MLS system.
to the FIND
program under the
Resource option of
WCAR has reached out
to each association in
hopes of sharing data
through the FIND
program. WCAR feels
sharing through FIND
while not a perfect
solution is a workable
solution. FIND would
allow members to
search both on and off
market properties in one
program however it will
no longer be available in
the main MLS system
and would require going
WCAR will continue
to work with the
other associations
in the state to either
implement the
FIND solution or
find other
alternatives for the
members to share
Watch future
newsletters and
email updates for
WCAR Newsletter
Page 2 of 12
From the President's Desk
Dear Members,
Sandra Russen
WCAR President
February useless
Americans spend
more than 5.4
billion dollars on
their pets each
Shake off those
winter blues and
enjoy the longer days
of sunlight! Spring is
just around the
corner. As we gear
up for a strong spring
market remember to
advocate your
position as
membership in the
Local, State and
National Associations
What is a
Answer: A
REALTOR® is a real
estate agent or
affiliated real estate
professional who is a
member of the
Association of
REALTORS®, called
NAR for short. Your
membership through
your local West
Central Association of
gives you
membership to
Association of
NAR and all the
benefits, resources
and tools to promote
yourself and Industry.
Also, a REALTOR®
subscribes to the
REALTOR® Code of
Ethics which
distinguishes us apart
from non member
Some helpful tips to
keep in mind as we
interact with each
other throughout the
year….Follow this link
to “Three Key’s to
Have a great month!
Sandra Russen
WCAR President
PS. Did you know, as
an association we
have raised $5104
towards our 2015
RPAC goal! We are
ONLY $814 short of
our RPAC fundraising
goal. Help us meet
this challenge....... Go
To www.mnrpac.org
to contribute today.
WCAR Information
There is frequently only one person in the WCAR office if you receive voicemail please leave a message. We will
return your call as soon as possible or send an email to Sue at sue@wcarmn.com or Maggie at
“REALTORS Helping Communities” Donations can be sent to the WCAR office monthly, quarterly, or yearly. The Public
Relations committee requests that each WCAR member contribute $1 per closed side to help support this great program.
WCAR Website find upcoming classroom education, online education, online registration for WCAR events, association
bulletins, contact information for WCAR members and the Payment services site with access to current and paid invoices.
Popular websites:
West Central Association www.wcarmn.com
Minnesota Association www.mnrealtor.com
National Association www.realtor.org
Paragon www.wcarmnmls.com
Paragon Mobile
Online Continuing Education wcarmn.360training.com
A Letter from Chris Galler on Legal Hotline Changes
A week ago we were notified
that MN REALTOR® Outside
General Counsel Brad Boyd
left the firm Thomsen Nybeck
to join the firm of Fafinski,
Mark & Johnson. The legal
industry, much like the real
estate industry is going
through significant changes
as firms/people adjust to the
new economy. Although
Brad left Thomsen Nybeck,
we have worked with both
firms to continue providing
the Legal Hotline service with
negligible change for you the
Going forward, both firms
will be handling the Legal
Hotline calls. Attorneys Tom
Kelley and Bob Lucas at
Thomsen Nybeck each have
over 20 years’ experience
handling calls through the MN
REALTORS® Hotline. Brad
Boyd at Fafinski, Mark &
Johnson has a decade of
experience and will also be
taking Hotline calls by
coordinating with the
Thomsen Nybeck attorneys.
Through the use of
technology, the 3 attorneys
will continue to provide you
with answers to your real
estate questions.
As a member authorized to
use the Legal Hotline, nothing
should change. You will use
the same MN REALTORS®
Legal Hotline phone number
and the same authorization
code. Thomsen Nybeck will
receive the call and direct it to
the attorney on duty that day
– whether it is Tom or Bob at
the Thomsen Nybeck office or
Brad at Fafinski, Mark &
Johnson. These attorneys
have worked closely for over a
decade and have a firm grasp
on the problems and issues of
MN REALTOR® Brokers and
If you have difficulties or
problems with the Hotline
service, please contact me
directly so we can ensure that
the MN REALTOR® Hotline
service continues to be one of
the most valued member
benefits of the Minnesota
Association of REALTORS®.
My email is
Chris Galler
Chief Executive Officer
Minnesota Assoc. of Realtors®
WCAR is $800 short of their 2015 RPAC Goal
On the State level, MNAR's
Governmental Affairs Team
legislation banning Private
Transfer Fees
-Exempted REALTORS® from
fee increases
-Defeated a 50% increase
in the state deed tax
-Protected real estate business
and transactions from more red
-Defeated a proposal to
restrict the mortgage interest
-Defeated several attempts
to increase recording fees
-Defeated a proposal to
eliminate property tax
-Pursued and passed
-Defeated proposal to
require wetland delineations
and nuisance disclosure at
point of sale
If any of these things
have helped you be
successful in your
business consider
contributing to RPAC!
Upcoming Events
March 26- Required Modules Classes
April 9- Appraiser CE Class
April 30- Agency & Fair Housing Class
All class registrations can be found online at www.wcarmn.com or you can register and pay
online HERE
WCAR Newsletter
Page 4 of 12
WCAR Affiliate Members
Title Companies Con't:
Coop Credit Union-Montevideo
Energy Concepts
Kandiyohi Abstract & Title
First Independent Bank
Lyon County Abstract & Title
Granite Community Loan Center
Home Inspectors:
Minnesota Abstract Title Company
Harvest Bank
Advanced Property Inspections Inc
Quality Title of Willmar, LLC
Heritage Bank
Pro-Spec Home Inspections
Title & Abstract Services, LLC
Home State Bank
Sportel Home Inspections, LLC
Lake Region Bank
Tom's Home Inspections
Lake Region Mortgage
Werder Home Inspections Inc
Ag Star Financial
North American State Bank
Bank of the West
United FCS
Insurance Agents:
Bremer Bank-Willmar
United Prairie Bank
Mick Quinn Insurance Agency
Bremer Bank-Marshall
Wells Fargo
Title Companies
Johnson Moody, Schmidt &
Central Minnesota Credit UnionBelgrade & Paynesville
Clearwater Mortgage
Concorde Bank
Well & Septic Companies
Environmental Well & Septic
Thein Well Company
Lenders Con't:
Appraiser Members
Orlin Bruss Appraisal Services
Appraisals by Ralph Thoren
Pool Appraisals
Fagerlie Appraisal
Southwest Appraisal & Consultants
Grandprey Appraisal Services
Tri State Appraisal Services
Guggenberger Appraisal Service
William Latham Appraisal
Haynes Real Estate Appraisal
Holmgren Appraisal
John Brown Appraisals
Kandiyohi County Assessor
Klein Appraisal Services
Lac Qui Parle County Assessor
Mahoney Appraisal
McCoy Appraisal Services
Neu LLC Appraisal
"Affiliate Contact
information can be
found on the WCAR
website under "Our
Membership Report
Full Members: 340
Affiliate Members: 39
New Members:
Lynn Hooper, Realtor®,
Customer Driven Realty,
Justin Paffrath, Realtor®,
Weichert Tower Properties,
Laurie Slater, Realtor®,
Customer Driven Realty,
Stacy Petersen, Realtor®,
Weichert Tower Properties,
Secondary: 10
Carlee Iverson, Realtor®,
Edina Realty, Willmar
Remember to notify the
association of any
licenses changes
Faye Haugen, Realtor®,
Edina Realty, Marshall
Do you have a field you want changed or added to the MLS?
The MLS Committee is
working to get the new MLS
system (FLEX MLS) up and
running for the Fall 2015
release and now is the time
to submit any changes you
would like to see.
If you have a field you would
like to see changed, added
or edited now is the time to
submit your request to the
MLS committee.
Email your wants or needs
to wcoffice@wcarmn.com
All member requests for
new or changed fields and
features will be reviewed
by the committee or
possible implementation
Fall 2015.
Online Credit Checking through Experian Connect.
How Does It Work?
purchase for no
additional fee.
Your clients can
Find out more
purchase their
about the Experian
credit report and
Connect program
score for $14.95 and HERE
then grant you
access to view it for
30 days from
Legal Hotline
By: Brad Boyd, Esq
Question. Who
is entitled to the earnest
when the buyer fails to
close due to inability to
obtain financing, when
neither of ht two
options within the financ
ing contingency addend
um (seller shall retain or
earnest money
refunded to buyer) have
been checked in the
final executed
predetermined resolution
leaving the boxes on line
22 unchecked means
the disposition of earnest
money will have to be
negotiated and resolved
by agreement of the
parties, or addressed via
a statutory cancellation or
other remedy (such as a
suit for breach of
Answer: Failing to
properly complete
a purchase agreement,
or leaving boxes
unchecked or issues
unaddressed, leaves
issues such as this
open for dispute. Lines
19-252 of the MNAR
Form Addendum
to Purchase Agreement
: Conventional
or Privately Insured
Conventional Financing
are designed to ensure
that this question has a
Display your Open Houses on the WCAR website
Open Houses will be
displayed on the WCAR
all month long, just email
your open house
information to the
association office and it
will be posted for the
consumers to view.
each month will continue
to be WCAR Open House
Weekend and be
advertised on the front of
the Homes Plus magazine
however all open houses
will be posted regardless
of the date.
The second weekend of
Take advantage of this
free advertising by
emailing your listing
information to Maggie at
 MLS#
 Address
 Date
 Time
 Price
Looking for a place to take old paint?
PaintCare is a non profit
organization established
by paint manufactures
to run the program in
Minnesota and any sate
with a paint stewardship
Minnesota’s Paint
Stewardship Law
the paint manufacturing
industry to develop
a financially and
program to manage
architectural paint. The
program includes:
education about buying
the right amount of
paint, tips for using up
remaining paint and
setting up convenient
recycling locations
throughout the state.
The program can be
used by both residents
and businesses.
Visit www.paintcare.org
or call 588-724-6803 to
find a drop off site or to
learn more about the
WCAR Video Tutorials watch
at your convenience.
West Central Association of
REALTORS® & FBS: Partners
in Success
We're excited to announce our new partnership with FBS, the
Creators of Flexmls and pre-introduce your NEW MLS system
Flexmls. Delivering the tools and performance necessary for
today and the future, Flexmls is a reliable and powerful MLS
platform that will help you manage your business and maintain
relationships with your clients.
As we move ahead in our transition to Flexmls, we'll share more
details about specific Flexmls features and benefits.
Get ready for the future, coming
soon, with Flexmls!
FBS has been supporting MLS
customers across the US for
30+ years, Currently, they
provide more than 140 MLSs
with their innovative technology
and keep 140,000+ Agents
productive with professional
training and great support.
With Flexmls, you can look
forward to seamless Web and
Mobile systems that synch
information seamlessly in real
time Great tools will enable you
to work anywhere, anytime and
on any device and look great
with customers- delivering a
world-class experience.
Get to know us on social
networks before the launch!
"Like" and "follow" us to see
what we're up to.
Powerful Mobile
Flexmls Mobile Products have powerful shared benefits. At a
showing appointment, Agents can utilize powerful search
capabilities on templates that they already now, get fast, complete
results and instantly show their clients what's available with big,
bold photos. the Flexmls Mobile App is the only one of its kind
available today, enabling Agents to provide a world-class service
experience to their clients. Flexmls Apps are fast performing, slick
and beautiful. Real time data synch across Flexmls systems
enhances the experience even further so Agents can start work on
their mobile phone and finish on their laptop back at the office.
Customer Collaboration
Close collaboration between the agents and client during the
process are vital to the outcome. The more closely connected the
Agent is to what the client wants the better the service provided.
Agents can share listings and have clear, timely visibility into how
their customer interacts with the information they shared helping
them suggest properties.
Training is an important part of getting comfortable with your new
MLS system and the Flexmls Trainers have what it takes to get
you up and running smoothly. Flexmls training includes in-person,
self paced and online education modules to ensure that you are in
the know well after your go live. Education is always available so
you never miss a beat.
WCAR Newsletter
Page 8 of 12
MLS Tips
To have your phone
number displayed on
reports go to
Preferences - system
Preferences- Result
option and check the
box by Show phone
number with Agent
Paragon Helpline is
Mon-Fri 6 am to 8 pm
Saturday 9 am to 3 pm
Sunday 1 am to 3 pm
Call 877-657-4357
MLS Handbook has
been updated and can
be viewed in Paragon
under MLS Documents
Unavailable to Show the MLS committee has
reserved this status for
the following situations:
1) A Bank has asked
the agent to
Temporarily take off the
MLS due to title or
transactions issues. 2)
The homeowner has
had an emergency and
cannot show the
property. This status
cannot be used if the
owner has just listed
the property but isn't
ready for showings a
MLS Exclusion must be
used in this situation.
*There are frequently
Auction Properties
that will meet your
clients requirements
however the price in the
MLS is $0, take an
extra minute and
search for Auction
Properties by adding
the Auction Field to
your search and
selecting Yes
order for the Open
Houses to be exported
to your site.
*Any Report that has
Client in the title can be
given to the Public, any
report that displays
compensation or Agent
to Agent Remarks
should Never be given
to the Public
Client Connect
creates an individual
site for your clients to
go to view properties
that meet their criteria
Tutorial Here
Additional MLS Tips
can be found in
Paragon under MLS
Documents in the right
corner and then in the
MLS Tips Folder
Remember to do a
Partial Save before you
walk away from the
computer or stop to do
something different
while inputting a listing
or you could lose all the
date you entered.
*You can view
information for your
inventory or changes
for the entire market by
going to Market Monitor
on the right side of the
Paragon Home Page
and clicking the tabs at
the bottom of the box.
*If you cannot find an
agents name you are
searching for click the
search tool next to the
listing agent or selling
agent field for the entire
list of agents in the
@bookashwoing.com to
your safe sender list in
your email account to
ensure email delivery
find out more at
When accessing the
MLS on a Mobile device
always choose Full
Version, the mobile
version will display an
No Refunds will be given
*Open House
information can be
added in Paragon and
then will be exported to
realtor.com. Each
office has the option to
have it pulled to their
website too, your web
provider will need to
start pulling the fields in
Year Built is required
and if the home owner
does not know it every
effort by the real
estate professional
must be taken to find
WCAR Home Search
Mobile App is now
available in both the
Android and Apple
Store. This is a free
app that contains all
home in the WCAR
MLS that are for sale
and is available for both
members and the
public. Go to your App
Store and Search
WCAR Homes For Sale
IF a Closing date is
extended remember
to update the MLS all
data needs to be
current and correct.
Mail to: WCAR, 1025—19th Avenue SW Suite 5, Willmar 56201 , email: wcoffice@wcarmn.com - or—
Fax to: 320-231-3405
March 26, 2015
MinnWest Campus Auditorium
1800 Technology Drive NE-Willmar
8:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m.
Financing Issues Earnest Money, Trust Accounts-2014-2015 Required Module
3.75 CE
Presented by: Brad Boyd
This course will help real estate licensees better understand trust account requirements and issues relating to
earnest money. Information will also be shared on the Mortgage Act and Practices (MAP) rule, the Real Estate
Settlement and Procedures Act (RESPA) and the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB). Financing topics
to be covered include Contact for Deed sale and new FHA loan limitations.
This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real estate
continuing education and meets the Require Module for all licensees
1:00 p.m.—4:45 p.m.
Minnesota Disclosure Laws-2014-2015 Required Module
3.75 CE
Presented by: Brad Boyd
This course will provide in depth details on numerous real estate licensee disclosure requirement issues.
Curriculum also includes the proper disclosures required by sellers, including selling property “as is” and the
liability sellers can incur for non-compliance.
This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real
estate continuing education and meets the Require Module for all licensees
_________________________________________ ____ Both Required Modules $65 Non Member $75
____ Financing Issues Earnest Money, Trust Accounts
Non Member $40
Home Address
_________________________________________ ____ Minnesota Disclosure Laws $35
Non Member $40
City /Zip________________ Phone ______________
License # _________________________________
For credit card payment, please provide email address:
Register Early,
Prices increase after March 16th!
Email invoice to :
No Refunds will be given
WCAR Newsletter
Mail to: WCAR, 1025—19th Avenue SW Suite 5, Willmar 56201 , email: wcoffice@wcarmn.com - or—
Page 10 of 12
Fax to: 320-231-
April 9, 2015
Residential Reporting: Hitting All of the Bases
MinnWest Campus-Auditorium
1800 Technology Dr NE-Willmar
8:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.
Residential Reporting: Hitting all of the Bases
Presented by: Suzanne Barkalow
This is a complete exploration of valuable appraisal reporting practices.
Beginning with a review of select USPAP reporting obligations, the course also illustrates completion of
the URAR reporting form, along with UAD compliance requirements. A discussion of BPOs is included,
along with an examination of effective narrative commentary and a case study.
This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 8 hours for
Appraisers and real estate continuing education.
_________________________________________ ____ April 9th -WCAR members $65
____ April 9th Non Members $75
Home Address
City /Zip________________ Phone ______________
Register Early,
Prices increase after March 31st!
License # _________________________________
For credit card payment, please provide email address:
Email invoice to :
No Refunds will be given
Mail to: WCAR, 1025—19th Avenue SW Suite 5, Willmar 56201 , email: wcoffice@wcarmn.com - or—
Fax to: 320-231-3405
April 30, 2015
CE which includes Agency and Fair Housing
At Prairie’s Edge Conference Center in Granite Falls
8:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m.
Avoid Censure, Suspension and Revocation 3.75 CE
Presented by: Minnesota Realty School
Agents will learn about the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s enforcement actions, what transgressions to
avoid and spot how to steer clear of nay complications stemming from someone’s activities.
By examining recent rulings, case studies and general discussions, agent will learn situations to avoid and possibly
report. The identification of harmful behaviors is shared and solutions are examined. When called into the Dept of
Commerce for an question, there are compliance issues which we cover. This class is an excellent source for agent
to learn how avoid any “icky” problems. Includes Agency and Fair Housing
Approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real estate continuing education.
1:00 p.m.—4:45 p.m.
Negotiate with Confidence
Presented by: Minnesota Realty School
Learn skills in negotiation to assist in getting offers accepted, contracts signed and consumers engaged in
the real estate sale. Many times agents run into negotiations which run aground. With this class we
explore and examine the many options, tactics and solutions to stalled negotiations. Sometimes, a seller
won’t accept an agents opinion of value or a buyers request for closing costs paid This class will give you
some tips and tools to overcome those objections. Topics Include: Negotiation outcomes and styles,
Personalities, Tactics to assist you and your clients.
This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real
estate continuing education.
_________________________________________ ____ Both Classes April 30th $65 Members
$75 Non Members
_________________________________________ ____ Avoid Censure, Suspension & Revocation $35
$40 Non Member
Home Address
_________________________________________ ____ Negotiate with Confidence $35 Member
$40 Non Member
City /Zip________________ Phone ______________
License # _________________________________
For credit card payment, please provide email address:
Register Early,
Prices increase after April 17th!
Email invoice to :
No Refunds will be given
WCAR Newsletter
Page 12 of 12
WCAR Board of Directors and Volunteer Committee Members
1025 19 Av SW
Suite 5
Willmar MN 56201
President: Sandy Russen
President Elect: Linda Harris
(320) 235-6881
Treasurer: Ann Anderson
Past President: Charles Holland
(320) 231-3405
MLS Committee:
Lacey Aalderks
Linda Harris
Cynthia Rogers*
Larry Sandven
Dawn Scott
Lori Schroeder
MNAR & WCAR Director
Geri Theis
Roberto Trevino
Public Relations Committee
Ann Anderson
Jolene Ervin
Tyler Hanson
Tina Nelson
Mary Peterson
Valerie Stephens*
* denotes Committee Chair
Brian Wixon
Kelly Baeth
Nan Kaufenberg
Brent Prouty
Paul Ryan
Education Committee
Doug Fenstra
Association Executive
Jan Sanow
Sue Blumhoefer
Dawn Scott*
Bruce Vogel
Jan Sanow
Kevin Swanson
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
1025 19 Av SW, Ste 5
Willmar MN 56201
Working To Keep Home
Ownership Strong