2015 STS Wellness Program - Your Severn Trent Services Benefits

Exclusively for Severn Trent Members
2015 Wellness
Incentive Guide
Complete healthy actions to earn points and your incentive!
Welcome to the Health Advocate Wellness Program. This program provides you with the
tools and resources to be an active participant in your health and well-being. You have the
opportunity to earn rewards by participating in healthy activities and taking control of your health.
This guide will explain what you need to do to qualify for your incentive and earn your reward.
Read on to get all the details! >>
Level 1
Earn 50 Points
Complete by June 30, 2015
Reward: $150 (employee OR spouse/partner only) or $300 (employee AND
STEP 1: Complete the Personal Health Profile (PHP).
omplete a Health Screening by either submitting results from your Annual
Physical or attending an on-site biometric screening event scheduled at some
STS locations.
•Both PHP and Annual Physical or Biometric Screening are pre-requisite to earn
Level 1 incentive. Any other combination of 50 points earned during this period will be
counted towards Level 2.
•Only spouses/partners covered by the STS health plan are eligible for the incentive.
2015 Wellness Incentive Guide
Level 1
these 2 steps!
Personal Health Profile
Complete online
Health Screening
Complete through an Annual Physical
or on-site biometric screening at some
STS locations
Complete by June 30, 2015
2015 Wellness Incentive Guide
Level 2
Earn More Points
Complete by October 15, 2015
Regardless of whether you have completed Level 1, you can immediately
start to earn and save points toward Level 2 by completing healthy activities
throughout the year. The points you saved will be redeemable once you
complete Level 1.
Level 2: Reach a total of 125 Points (75 Additional Points)
Reward: $300 (employee OR spouse/partner only) or $600 (employee AND
• Level 2 incentive not payable unless pre-requisite activities from
Level 1 were completed.
• Level 1 and Level 2 incentives may be earned together by the 2nd
deadline, even if Level 1 was not completed by the first deadline.
2015 Wellness Incentive Guide
Level 2
Wellness Activities
Choose from a wide variety of wellness activities to earn points. Wellness
activities can be completed on your Health Advocate website, by calling
Health Advocate, visiting your doctor or participating in company events.
Complete your Personal Health Profile
Complete a Personalized Coaching Program
A Personal Health Profile is a simple, 1520 minute online survey that gives you a
snapshot of your risk for certain diseases
and conditions. You will instantly receive a
customized report outlining your health status.
Click on “Health Profile” to get started. (Not
applicable if completed in Level 1) 25 points
Your Wellness Coach can work with you via
telephone, email or secure web messaging
to help you eat right, get fit, lose weight,
stop smoking or meet other health goals!
Earn 50 points for completing 6 engagements
over 3 or more months.
Participate in a Health Screening
Members who are eligible for Chronic Care
Solutions can enroll and work with a dedicated
Nurse Coach to manage their chronic medical
conditions. Program length may vary based
upon a member’s specific coaching needs and
severity of the condition. Completion of program:
25 points
Participating in a health screening is a great
way to gain insight into your health needs and
risks for chronic diseases. Use the results to
make a plan to get, and stay, healthy! (Not
applicable if completed in Level 1) 25 points
Complete Online Wellness Workshops
Complete a Chronic Care Program
Choose from a variety of workshops to help
you lose weight, get moving, reduce stress
and eat healthier. Click on “Workshops” to
begin. 20 points each, 60 maximum
Interact with Health Advocate
Use Online Health Trackers
Submit proof of paid membership covering
the incentive period to STS by 10/15/15.
Email to benefitsinfo@stservices.com or fax to
215.392.3336. (Do not send to Health Advocate.)
10 points, 10 maximum
Use the healthy trackers to log your weight,
activity, diet, sleep and more. Click on
“Health Trackers” to begin. 1 point
per day tracked, 20 maximum
Utilize the Health Advocate services by calling
855.424.6400. 5 points, 10 maximum
Weight Watchers/Gym Membership
Complete a Competition or Challenge
Stay on track by participating in fun, healthy,
competitions throughout the year. Click on
“Competitions” to register. To get points, you
must log your activity at least once a week
throughout the competition. 25 points each,
75 maximum
2015 Wellness Incentive Guide
Track your points on
your wellness website
Your wellness website allows you to track your activity and see how many points
you have earned to date. When you log on, “My Points” will appear on your wellness
home page. Click on it to see details of your progress. You will see activities you have
completed, activities in progress and the points assigned to each.
Sync Your Device (Fitbit ® )
•Log in and click on the Wellness icon
•Go to the Settings page to Manage Fitness Device.
•Choose the appropriate device, click “allow” and
your device will be added.
•The device will automatically sync your data nightly.
2015 Wellness Incentive Guide
Call your Wellness
Coach for help
Your Health Advocate Wellness Coaching program can help you lose
weight, eat better, reduce stress, stop smoking, and reach other health
goals. You have unlimited access to a personal Wellness Coach for
ongoing motivation, as well as online health tools, available through the
web or mobile device, 24/7.
Start Wellness Coaching today:
•Determine your health risks; stay motivated to reach
your health goals
•Arrange unlimited, one-on-one Wellness Coaching sessions
•Make a wellness plan; set clear, attainable goals and get
support along the way
•Access health trackers, competitions, workshops, the
Personal Health Profile and more on your member website
•Weigh your medical care options with the
MedChoice Support™ tool
Eligible employees, their spouses and dependent children age 18+
can all take advantage of this valuable service. Just Call! 855.424.6400
©2014 Health Advocate, Inc.
2015 Wellness Incentive Guide
Getting Started
Getting started is easy. Simply register on the Health Advocate website
by following the steps below.
How to register on the Health Advocate website:
•Go to www.HealthAdvocate.com/severntrentservices
•Click on Register
•Enter your name, date of birth and zip code
•An email with a verification link will be sent
•To register a spouse, enter a different email address than your own
•Once registered, log in and click on the Wellness icon
Questions? Just call!
We hope that you take advantage of your wellness incentive program for both the
rewards and improved health! If you have any questions, just call!
Call toll-free: 855.424.6400
Visit: HealthAdvocate.com/severntrentservices (click on the “Wellness” icon)
Email: answers@HealthAdvocate.com