Inside Left Panel - Orange Cove SDA Church

February 7, 2015
Worship Service
Welcome and Prayer
Children’s Time
André Van Heerden
Dianne Ledbetter
Song Service
Offering Prayer
Worship Team
Song of Meditation
Worship Team
Intercessory Prayer
Morning Message
Pastor André Van Heerden
≈ Please be seated after the benediction – you will be ushered out ≈
If you desire special prayer please remain in the sanctuary after service
If you have a prayer request, please fill out a response card
Please turn cell phones off or place on vibrate
Today Feb 7
 Offering Collected this Sabbath: Church Budget
 Deacon/Deaconess on Duty: TBA
 Fellowship Lunch Host: Kitchen Helpers Needed
Sunset 6:07
Devotional Thought: Worship God and Be at Peace
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our
maker. Ps. 95:6
The Lord has a special interest in the families of His children here below.
Angels offer the smoke of the fragrant incense for the praying saints. Then in
every family let prayer ascend to heaven both at morning and at the cool
sunset hour, in our behalf presenting before God the Saviour's merits.
Morning and evening the heavenly universe takes notice of every praying
household. Come in humility with a heart full of tenderness and with a sense
of the temptations and dangers before yourselves and your children; by faith
bind them upon the altar, entreating for them the care of the Lord. Ministering
angels will guard children who are thus dedicated to God. Family worship
should not be governed by circumstances. You are not to pray occasionally,
and when you have a large day's work, neglect it. In thus doing you lead your
children to look upon prayer as of no special consequence. Prayer means
very much to the children of God, and thank offerings should come up before
God morning and evening. Says the Psalmist, "O come, let us sing unto the
Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation." It should be a
pleasure to worship the Lord. . . . He desires that those who come to worship
Him shall carry away with them precious thoughts of His care and love, that
they may be cheered in all the employments of daily life, that they may have
grace to deal honestly and faithfully in all things.
In the home it is possible to have a little church which will honor and glorify
the Redeemer. When we have good home religion we will have excellent
meeting religion. From My Life Today - Page 33
Save the Date….Event Calendar
You’re invited:
Guest & visitors please join us for fellowship lunch today, immediately following
service in the Fellowship Hall. We would love to share food, fun & faith with you.
Sabbath School: Teachers Needed! Please contact Phyllis James 904-509-1579.
Note from the Treasury Dept.:
Offering: Offering given to support the church should be marked on the tithe envelope
“church budget.” Not all loose offering collected in plates each Sabbath is designated
for church budget. Some offer is designated by the Conference for other ministries
outside the church. So please give an offering to church budget and mark it on your
tithe envelope to ensure that the church receives it. Your offering is the only funds that
support the church ministries, maintenance and upkeep. Thank you in advance for
given and supporting Orange Cove.
For questions contact Gene Hall at Treasurer OCSDA
Health Tips: Wake Up to a Better Breakfast
What to have for breakfast is a daily dilemma for some folks. You might be short on
time or short on healthy options. You might be trying to cut calories. Or maybe you
just don’t feel like eating early in the day.
Why bother with breakfast? Compared to people who don’t eat breakfast, those who
do perform better at work and in school, have a higher intake of important nutrients
and fiber, and avoid mood swings and irritability from hunger. Eating breakfast is also
crucial to weight control.
What are the basics of a healthy breakfast? Think 4 ingredients:
Fiber — 100% whole-grain breads, cereals or tortillas.
Fruit and vegetables — any and all.
Protein — Nuts and nut butters, hard-boiled eggs, lean meats, fish,.
Dairy — skim milk, low- or non-fat yogurt and cheeses.
Non-Dairy choices - Almond or Silk Milk
When time is short, a healthy breakfast can take less than 15 minutes. And you’ll find
many easy, creative choices, such as those listed below. To overcome a lack of
appetite, start small, with a glass of juice or carton of yogurt, and get in the breakfast
habit by sampling different things. For example:
An apple and ¼ cup of walnuts.
Cottage cheese or yogurt topped with fruit and nuts.
100% whole-wheat English muffin topped with 1 tbsp almond butter and raisins.
Soymilk and frozen banana whipped with protein powder (sugar-free).
100% whole-grain toast topped with ½ cup scrambled egg substitute, sliced tomato
and cottage cheese.
Fiber-rich bran flakes or granola with berries, plus skim milk.
A hard-boiled egg and slice of turkey bacon in a whole-wheat tortilla wrap
- Taken from Healty100
Food Pantry: We are collecting nonperishable food items for our food pantry to help
those in need. Please bring your food items and place them in the container in the
foyer. If you would like to give a monetary donation please mark your title envelope
“Food Pantry.” Thank you for your generosity; it does not go unnoticed by God.
Feb 07
Feb 07
Feb 12
Feb 14
Feb 19
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 28
Children Choir Practice 1:30
Q&A Study Group in the Learning Center 1:30 pm
Church Board Meeting 7:00 pm
Adult Choir Practice 1:30
Men's Ministry Gathering Location TBA
Children Choir Practice 1:30
Q&A Study Group in the Learning Center 1:30 pm
Nursing Home Music Ministry: Kathy Parker
Adult Choir Practice 1:30
2015 Upcoming Events
Women Retreat – Theme "On Wings of Prayer"
o Feb 13-15 Speaker Heather Small a(English)
o Feb 20-22 Speaker Heather Small (English & Haitian Track)
o Feb 27-Mar 1 Speaker Carolann de Leon (Spanish)
 Men Convention – Theme "Forgive to Live”
o March 13-15 and 20-22
 Camp Meeting –
o April 9-12 – English Camp Meeting
April 17-19 - Hispanic Camp Meeting
Weekly/Monthly Ongoing Calendar Events
~ Every Fourth Sunday: Lunch: Flavors Indian Restaurant. Self-Pay
12:30pm @ 9551 Baymeadows Rd Jax, 32256 (904) 733-1525
~ Food Pantry: Wed 4-6p and Fri 4-5: Food
~ Third Thursday: Men’s Ministry Gathering contact Paul Ross 982-4892.
~ First & Third: Q&A Study Group in the Learning Center 1:30 pm
~ First & Third Sabbath Vesper: One Hour before Sunset
~ First & Third Sabbath: Children Choir 1:30 – 2:15
~ Second & Fourth: Adult Choir Practice 1:30-2:30
~ Third Sabbath: Nursing Home Music Ministry - Contact Kathy Parker
(904) 923-5297
~ Third Sabbath: Family Fellowship Night right after Vespers.
Small Group Study
~ Argyle Area – Sis Louise Home – (Wednesday at 7 pm) Contact Bridget at
(904) 317-5316 or email for details and directions.
~ Middleburg Area – Johnson Home (Friday at 7 pm) Contact James on (904)
254-3001 for details and directions.
Daytime Bible Study - Gene and Janet Hall’s will be hosting a bible study from
10 am to 12 pm at their home every Tuesday. For more information please
contact Janet Hall 904-264-8143 or Pat Foster 904 272-1177.
Orange Cove SDA Church
Pastor's Availability
Pastor André Van Heerden is available to all church members and guests for
consultation and/or counseling by appointment or home visitation. Please call his
cell phone: (305) 395-0912 or (904) 213-7906. Pastor André will also be
available by appointment at the following times: Sabbaths after the worship
service or after the fellowship lunch. The Pastor usually does home/hospital
visitations on Sabbath afternoons and Wednesday during summer months.
Mary Shelly
Robert Haas - travel
James Johnson mother
Mrs. Bush
Andrew Haas
Charlie & Kathy Parker
John Ramey
Will Lee
Paul Gayle sister in law
Pam Batson
Donna Pendrey
Wyman Hall (Gene’s
Ronald Buddha Aunt
Fred Sheckles
15 Andrew James
Heather Lee
20 Phyllis James
23 Tim Edwards
Treasurer’s Corner
Thanks for contributing to the local church budget! “Tithe goes to conference
only envelopes marked church budget stay in the local church for upkeep"
Online Giving: Please go to
Click on the “Online Giving” link
Please submit receipts for refunds by scanning receipts and email them to or place in an enveloped marked with your name
and ministry account funds to be taken from and place in treasurer box. If a
refund is due you will receive your check via Postal service mail sent directly
from the bank at the beginning of the following month. Thank you.
January Budget
Church Budget $5000.00
Feb 07
Amount received
12 Step Recovery Class
Junior Class
Cradle Roll
Overage $859.64
Amount needed:
Youth Room – Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall Main Area
Learning Center
Fellowship Hall 2nd Room
Fellowship Hall 3rd Room
Fellowship Hall 6th Room
Church Leaders and Officers
Andre Van Heerden
Bridget Edwards Head Elder
(904) 317-5316 or
Jillian Buddha Church Clerk
Donald Foster Head Deacon
Gene Hall Treasurer
(904) 264-8143 or
Feb 14
Feb 21
Paul Ross Men Ministry
904 982-4892 or
SS Superintendent
André Van Heerden
Core Beliefs: To Be a Mature Disciple…
1. Refresh: Be “Refreshed” by the baptism of the Holy Spirit moment by moment. “For John truly
baptized with water, but you shall be baptized by the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts
1:5. Jesus dwells in the hearts of His Children through His Spirit. By asking Him, after receiving
forgiveness, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us—His holy temples.
2. Abide: Jesus said, “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him,
bears much fruit; for without Me, you can do nothing.” John 15:5. It is through the Word that Christ
abides in His followers. Spending time alone with God before the day starts in Bible study, prayer
and meditation gives Divine power and strength through the Spirit to those who do it.
3. Share: The example of the early Christian Church in Acts 2 demonstrates how God intended for
believers to meet together in church (large groups) and homes (small groups). Meeting together &
sharing, ingrains the truth of God’s Word and the teachings of Jesus in the believers’ lives.
4. Give: God invites all His disciples to give of their time and their means to further His Kingdom.
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth . . . lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven.” Matt
6:19. Giving allows a disciple to participate in God’s Holy Nature and neutralize the selfish
tendencies within his or her sinful nature.
5. Mentor: The great controversy between good and evil is fierce and complex. God ordained
believers to encourage, support and care for one another in close, “family-like,” relationships.
Every disciple should be mentored by a more mature, experienced disciple and should, in turn,
mentor a less experienced younger disciple than themselves. This process solidifies the
experience of each disciple.
Youth Ministry Leader
Feb 28
Orange Cove SDA
February 7, 2015
Prophenise James
Happy Birthday January Babies:
10 Joshua Sirmans
Please ask a greeter to assist you in choosing and/or locating a class
View or download Sabbath School Lessons at
Seeker Study & Application Discussion Group
Please Pray for:
Norris Family
Sabbath School - 10:00 am
Adult Class
Young Adult & Youth Class
Member's Corner
Mary Ledbetter
“Adopting people into God’s family of Grace, One person at a time.”
4501 Highway 17 South
(904) 269-2607
Fleming Island, FL 32003
Reflects the core values that Seventh-day Adventist are committed to:
 The Open Bible: forms the base of the design and represents the
Biblical foundation of our beliefs. It is portrayed in a fully opened
position suggesting full acceptance of God’s word as one reads,
studies, and puts into practice.
 The Cross: central to the Biblical message is the Cross which
represents the gospel of salvation and is positioned in the center of the
design to emphasize Christ’s sacrifice, which is the central theme of
our faith.
 The Flame: the shape formed by three lines encircling an implied
sphere. The lines represent the three angels of Revelation 14 circling
the globe and our commission to take the gospel to the entire world.
The overall shape forms a flame symbolic if the Holy Spirit, the
messenger of Truth. The flame suggests a continued upward
momentum symbolizing the resurrection and ascension to heaven at
Christ’s second coming, the ultimate focus of our faith.