Current Tidings

Flagler Beach United Methodist Church
February 1 is the
canned soups and
crackers (mostly soup,
please) for our Food
Pantry. We want to go
over the numbers collected in 2014 so our
goal is 400 food items
and $425.00 cash.
Every can, sleeve of crackers, dollar bill counts.
Larry and Sarah Kerr will be making their delicious
other stuff) LUNCH on Sunday,
February 22 after the 11 o’clock
service. We will take up a free
will offering to help our sister
church in Cuba, but please consider donating what you would
pay for lunch in a restaurant including tax and tip.
Our sister church, Buena Vista Methodista of Las
Tunas, wants to build a privacy fence around the property and your donations will go directly to them.
They have almost outgrown the church house
and frequently hold services and meals in the
yard. See the picture of the lighted cross on top
of their church house on page 5. What a
splendid sight!
February 15 will be UNITED METHODIST
WOMEN SUNDAY when the women conduct
both services and tell the congregation about
the work of the organization to help women,
youth and children throughout the world.
East Central District Superintendent Rev. Annette Stiles Pendergrass will be the speaker. Local President Gayle Goodman will present Special Recognition Pins and Certificates of
Award to honor those who serve the
Lord here at FBUMC.
Volume 45 Issue 2
February 2015
Local Church Leadership Training
Clergy and Laity Day of Learning
Saturday, February 7, 2015
The East Central District has scheduled a local
church training event for Saturday, February 7, which is
designed to inspire and equip laity, lay staff, and clergy,
under the heading, Called to Serve.
The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Rini Hernandez, district superintendent in the South West District.
There are over 25 different session topics to chose
from in the schedule for the day. Gathering is at 8
a.m. at First UMC in Oviedo, with the opening at 8:45.
Dismissal will be at 1 p.m. Snacks will be available during the morning break period.
Pastor Jeanine is urging all church leaders to attend. We will carpool as needed.
A complete course outline, brief class details, and
session leaders is available on the EC website. Go to for details and to register.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 this
year. Christians have observed this season of the
church year since the fourth century. It’s traditionally a
time of reflection, penitence and spiritual renewal before Easter.
During Lent, some Christians give up something
that hinders their relationship with God. Others do
something extra for their spiritual growth or make a
special sacrifice. The key is to make Lent a memorable
season of sincere spiritual growth — a time that can set
the tone for the rest of the year.
As part of your Lenten Bible study, join the Pastor’s
Bible Study held every Wednesday, at 10:30 a.m. in
Rooms 4/5. The group is studying Revelations. Pastor
Jeanine says the study looks at how Revelations is
relevant in today’s society.
Page 2
OW is it with your soul? This is the main question John Wesley, the
founder of Methodism, would ask at the Class Meetings. Class Meetings were small groups that met regularly to hold Christians accountable
with their walk with God.
To answer this question, how is it with your soul, required deep soul searching, looking down into the very being of your heart.
Another question that was asked to help assess the state of your soul was, “Have
you constantly attended on all the ordinances of God?” The ordinances being, our
personal prayer life, our personal and social worship of God and acts of serving
others. John Wesley would know these as acts of piety and acts of mercy.
As we prepare for this season of Lent, the forty days leading to Easter, it is time for
us to do introspection. Let us focus on this question, How is it with your soul? Where
are you in your walk with God? What place does God have in your life, first, or somewhere after all that other stuff we are involved in? Where are your priorities in serving
and worshipping God?
I am asking that you take these questions and ask them of yourself each morning
when you rise and each night when you go to bed. Search your soul and be real with
your answers. Whenever we meet whether it be Sunday School, Bible Study, UMW,
Men’s Gathering, Ad Council, Finance, SPPR, Trustees, or Worship, I am holding you
accountable as I am myself to this soul searching question, How Is It With Your Soul?
May we use this season and these questions to grow in Christ as we work toward
being more like Christ. And as we remember why Jesus Christ went to the Cross for
each one of us.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Jeanine
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Page 3
From the Desk of
Hannah Metz
Secretary of
Program Resources
United Methodist
The Tidings is published
monthly by the First United
Methodist Church, 1520 S.
Daytona Ave., P. O. Box
929, Flagler Beach, FL
32136-0929. Telephone
number 386-439-2160
This article was written by Yvette Kim
Richards, President of the UMW, in the December issue of Response magazine, and
since it contains pertinent issues relative to
our Reading Program, I am taking the opportunity of placing it in a condensed form here
so that all UMW members will have the
chance of reading it.
She has placed a lot of emphasis on the
2015 Reading Program because there seems
to be great progress in the selection of the
quality of books that are on the published list.
The Reading Program Specialist and the
evaluators have spent hours reading to bring
us this list.
I am hoping that each of us will be encouraged and be more enthusiastic in participating in the program which is very vital as
we work in mission for the women, youth and
children, not only in our community but
around the world.
Yvette said, "The Reading Program is a
study opportunity, but it should also lead to
action." Following are some of the many areas in which we all can be encouraged as we
work together:
(1) Expand understanding of and participation in God's mission. (2) Increase sensitivity to all human beings….their needs, interests and concerns. (3) Encourage critical
thinking about issues facing humanity today.
(4) Grow in understanding of Scripture as it
relates to Christian faith in contemporary life.
(5) Enhance self knowledge and act from that
knowledge. (6) Strengthen involvement in
global Christian mission.
The criteria for participation in the Program is in the library (if you did not get a print
out at our last meeting) and in our 2015 UMW
Directory on pages 18 and 19.
The Program also offers a variety of titles that you can give books from the list as
gifts for special days as birthdays or Christmas, or to someone who is facing personal
life challenges. If you need help in purchasing
a book for your personal use, please do not
hesitate to call on me for help.
2015 !!!!!
Feb. 3, Tues., 9 a.m. Mission Team
Feb. 3 , Tues., 7 p.m. Wisdom Circle
Feb. 2-5, 9 a.m. Help set
up for Rummage Sale
Feb. 6-7, 9 to 1 Work at
Rummage Sale, bring items for
Bake Sale, and enjoy Lunch.
Feb. 12, Thurs., 11:30 a.m. Four-Unit
luncheon, with short business meeting at
11:30; leader, Gayle Goodman; devotions,
Martha Luke; greeter, Joyce McDonald; hostesses, Mission Team. Program: fun with
Rusty Bowman. Bring a salad to feed 8, mark
if it is tuna fish; and NO shellfish dishes. Bring
canned goods for the Resource Center in
Bunnell; toothbrushes and toothpaste for
Feb. 15, Sun., 8:30 and 11 a.m. United
Methodist Women Sunday (See page 1)
Wisdom Circle Meets February 3
WISDOM Circle will meet February 3
at 7 p.m., at 53 Pebble Beach Circle, with
Sarah Kerr and Nancy Curl as hostesses.
We will be helping with the Rummage
Sale, Lunch, Bake
Sale week of February
Check in with
Bette Rountree as to
where you can help.
All women are invited to our meetings.
—Sue Baldwin
The Men enjoyed a
delicious breakfast on
January 5 prepared by
Bill Rosado. During that session they decided
to change their meeting time to the first
Wednesday of each month as well as reelected officers for 2015. Future activities
could include a behind the scene tour of the
Florida Agricultural Museum. We will take
part in the upcoming Rummage Sale. In view
of the time for the latter event, our next gathering will be at 8:30 a.m. on February 11.
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Dr. Bob
Page 4
To the 32 individuals/couples who celebrated the Advent season by honoring or memorializing a loved one with donations to The
Sheltering Tree or UMCOR or purchasing a
poinsettia. 20 families exchanged greetings
through the church Sunday bulletin.
Bob Branin for working on a schematic
of which Gage Hall/Kitchen outlets are on
which breakers to avoid outlet overuse.
Pastor Jeanine and Derrol Miller for
painting the outside office door.
The Men’s Club for storing away the
Nativity figures for next year.
The very efficient team who took down
and put away all the Christmas decorations
at church: Mary Black, Larry and Sarah Kerr,
Steve and Joy McGrew, Dutch Schultz, and
Bette Rountree. Not as much fun as putting it
up, but a needed service.
A thank you to all who have expressed
sympathy and condolences to Patti and me
concerning the passing of my mother, Marcetis Rachel Milton, January 3, 2015. February 2nd mom would have been 96 and I believe that she had used up all of her allotted
time here on earth. To the many who expressed vocal concern; and to those who sent
cards and emails, we sincerely express our
gratitude for our Flagler UMC Family.
— Larry and Patti Powell
THANKS A MILLION for all the cards,
calls and prayers during my recent orthopedic
surgery. I am recovering well and enjoy being
back in the office on a limited basis.
—JoAnne Gonzalez
The annual United Methodist Women/
Men’s Club scholarship is now open to accept
applications from high school seniors or
adults who may be enrolled in a college or in
vocational training. The final amount will be
determined at the end of March.
The applicant must have some affiliation
with Flagler Beach United Methodist Church.
If there is more than one applicant, the
scholarship will be awarded on the basis of
need. The scholarship check will be sent to
the school.
Only the Scholarship Committee will
have access to the application which can be
picked up in the church office or from Carol
Elliott. Carol can send the application by
email: contact is
The deadline for receipt of the application is March 31, 2015.
The Trustees are
moving forward with a
plan to renovate and
freshen the appearance
of much of the outer shell
of the church. This encompasses cleaning and
inspecting the roof over the sanctuary, some
repairs to all sides of the building and some
painting, including the cross. It will probably
be spring or near then when we begin. An
independent contractor will be chosen to do
the work.
—Larry Powell, chair
Did you read in the paper that our member, Chuck Nichols, and his partner Merlin
Nuti-de Biasi won the 2014 Florida International Senior Games mixed
tennis competition for their age
group. The games were held
in Fort Myers December 6-10.
The two dedicated tennis players are now qualified to compete in the 2015 National Senior Games which will be held in July in Minnesota. Way to Go!
Bernice Hull, a
long-time member
of FBUMC but on
our shut-in list,
went home to the
Lord December 29. Her granddaughter, Amber Colson, is well known to the congregation
as we watched her grow up, go to college,
and now working. Our condolences also to
Bea’s daughter, Connie, and her husband
Ralph Colson. Bea requested that no service
be held.
Condolences to Larry and Patti Powell
on the death of his mother, Marcetis Rachel
Milton, on January 3, 2015. She was living
in Fayetteville, TN but was formerly from
Evansville, IN. She is also survived by
daughters Sunny Baker (Darwin) of Meridianville, AL, Karen Clements (Ronnie) of Fayetteville, TN, and Amber Stuart (Arnold
Jobe), plus 12 grandchildren, 20 greatgrandchildren, and 12 great-greatgrandchildren.
My apologies to Brian and Leslie Becker
for incorrectly giving the name of Brian’s
mother in the January Tidings upon her
death. Betty Becker went to the Lord on December 11, 2014. —Editor
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To make a
Prayer Request
use the
Email Address:
Page 5
Please pray for: our country, for the homeless
and hungry, our sister church in Cuba. Also,
Mildred Adams; Joanne Atkinson; Chris Barwick; Hal and Jan Burkley; Marie Burpeau;
Joan Carpenter; Helen Coughenour; Joshua
Drobinski; Winnie Duensing; Thomas Ellinor;
Christina Gill; JoAnne Gonzalez; AvaRae
Hall; Eva Heslip; B. Marie Hodgin; Peter Horton; the Bernice Hull Family; Keith Johnson
Family; Shane Kitchens; Gary Kopul; Burton
and Jean Lamont; Walter Leonard; Elizabeth
Merlie; Kent Morton; Mack and Angie Osbourne; Daryl Rauscher; Marda Roberts;
Susan Schultz; Mary Thomas; Bryan and Aurelia Tyson; Marguerite Wasserburger;
Margie and Kathi Wells; David Willette; Gail
Pray for the health and safety of
all our military personnel wherever they
serve throughout the
world to protect our freedoms, and our veterans
who served in the past.
Associated with our
church family are: Conor
Bertha, Navy; Drill Sgt.
Brian Constantino; Hunt Kerrigan; Pvt. Scott
Lowe, USAF; Pvt. Shawn Lowe, USAF; Jacob
At Buena Vista Methodista Church of Las Tunas in Cuba, the lighted
cross atop the church house shines brightly on Christmas Eve when they
fed OVER 150 families. Our support has helped the church grow their
facility which is becoming too small for all the persons brought to Christ
by the mission work of this church.
Our Sister
C h u r c h
Buena Vista-- It is Black
from Sarah Kerr, Larry and I will
Mission Coordinator serve our annual
meal on February 22
after the 11 o’clock service. I BEG you to
consider donating what you would pay for
lunch in a restaurant including tax and tip to the
Cuba sister church fund.
We are trying to help them
build a privacy fence around
the property. They have almost outgrown the
church house and frequently hold services
and meals in the yard. What a thrill it was to
get the picture of the lighted cross atop the
church house on Christmas Eve when they
fed OVER 150 families according to the last
email. You are spreading the gospel by joining us for lunch and contributing to this mission of our church.
Imagine No Malaria We are currently
at $1,926.00 of our $2,500.00 goal. Remember to mark the memo line of your check INM
or Mosquitoes. This is a vital mission of the
Florida conference to help eradicate Malaria
in Africa. I still see unclaimed mosquitoes
around the church. Let’s get them gone!!!
FBUMC has a Rise ’N Shine team (along with
folk who sleepover and do laundry) that cooks
breakfast from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. when called
upon. We REALLY need another team member or someone we can call if one of us can’t
make it. PLEASE consider helping us. Contact me or Pastor Jeanine (our chief cook).
Food Pantry
Niki Ellinor, Brenda
Winters, Rita Simmons, Norma Huber,
Janean Rimes, Fran Anderson and Dutch
Schultz helped hand out food in January.
Fred and Niki Ellinor and Larry and Martha
Noddin are faithful to fill bags weekly. We
served 72 families-- 223 adults, 120 children
in December. We will have our Annual Souper Bowl Sunday on February 1, 2015 when
we collect soup and crackers for the food
pantry. We expect our goal of 400 food items
and $425 will be met.
Pennies for Shoes. On January 18,
we collected $218.50. Hurray!
The Little Church with the BIG heart
is Mission-minded.
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Page 6
Does It Really Matter?
y now, for many, those New Year’s resolutions have started to slide. For me, my
resolution of getting my writing done early is wavering and the deadline of getting
in this article for Tidings is looming. As you can see, there is an empty desk here. I’m not sitting here writing one of these stories/articles for Tidings. In fact, one of my resolutions was to
clean the desk and now the desk looks overly neat…actually empty. You would be correct in
thinking that there doesn’t appear to have been any activity for some time!
Michele Y. Burpeau,
Sometimes I wonder if this is really what God wants me to do. I often wonder does anyone
care? Is anyone reading this anyway? As I look at my clean desk, I wonder if writing is what I
need to do. Maybe I really didn’t understand God correctly and was only thinking that I was
supposed to be writing. Last summer, when I was taking a summer break, I quickly found
other things to do with my time and wondered whether it mattered if I submitted articles or not.
I figured I could use my time in other ways.
Then someone asked me why I hadn’t written for the summer Tidings. When I heard this, I
wondered if that person had actually benefited from my writings or was “laying a guilt
trip” on me for not writing. I didn’t know.
Then, I got a letter from an out of town reader
telling me how much she appreciated reading
my writings and how she looked forward to
each month’s issue. Next, a lady walked up
to me at church and introduced herself and
said that she enjoyed the last month’s article.
That made me think that God was sending
me another message. There were only two
Nothin’ Happening Here!
questions left for me to answer. Do good
(Photo supplied by author)
works (or what you think are good works)
matter? Should we question if the tasks given to us are necessary?
In the Bible, Jonah and the whale is a tale of following God’s wishes. God sent Jonah a message of what He wanted done. As we know, God instructs Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh. We also know that Jonah doesn’t want to go to Nineveh since it’s a “wicked”
city and the capital of the Assyrian empire, an enemy of Israel. Jonah takes off in the opposite
direction by hopping on a ship in Joppa headed to Tarshish. God doesn’t allow Jonah to escape God’s plans for him and acts to set him back on course.
Bible Study –
The Book of
I’m not suggesting that God is going to have me swallowed by a whale for wondering if writing
is what He wants me to do but after hearing several messages about my writings I’ve decided
that perhaps writing for Tidings is God’s instruction to me. It seems it does matter. I’ve learned
that what may seem like a ripple in a pond to me may be like a huge wave to someone else.
Writing an article, cleaning the church grounds, taking a meal to your ill neighbor, or sending a
note of encouragement to someone – whatever it is - it’s not for us to say how “valuable” it is.
The other thing is that when you believe God has told you to do something, don’t question it,
just do it!
I guess that means that I need to get this draft completed and submitted to the Editor for the
next Tidings!
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Page 7
Kevin, left, was quite willing to open the wrapped package sitting in front of the
communion table, as Pastor Jeanine delivered her homily on Christmas Eve that
“God is Faithful.” Inside was the baby Jesus who was born to save us all. During
the service, special music was provided by Scott Brown, Kirsten Shippert and the
Choir, and Derrol Miller read “The Crippled Lamb.” Betty Seubert played the
organ, while Carl Laundrie and Joe Sisti played guitars for singing.
Wisdom Circle members packed 100 school kits for Florida farmworker children at the regular
January meeting on the 6th. Left photo shows Pat Vath, Mary Black, Patti Powell and Fran
Anderson collating colored construction paper; center shows Nancy Curl, Darlene Hunter and
Jennie Merritt putting the first of eight separate items into cloth bags sewn by Bette Rountree; and right photo shows Jennie
adding another filled bag to the stash. Also working were Bette Rountree, Sue Baldwin, Rita Simmons, and Carol Elliott. All
items were donated by Circle members. Each kit is valued at $11.
Marion Guyer, left, follows the photographer’s directions on just how to sit for her Directory photo, and center, Larry and Alice
Pickett smile as the photographer takes the pose. Right, Larry Pickett, Ron Wright, and Steve Seubert visit while waiting (for
one reason and another) on their picture taking day. Appointments started on Thursday, January 8, and continued Friday and
Saturday, January 9 and 10.
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Page 8
Nineteen names of
deceased members have
been added to the west
side of the Memorial Monument in Hoover Memorial
Garden. This is a beautiful
area to pause and think of
loved ones and pray.
If you would like your
loved one (who must have
been a member of
FBUMC) added, or to prepay for yourself, please
contact the Memorial Committee (Gayle Goodman,
chair), Pastor Jeanine, or
the Church Office.
Pastor Jeanine Clontz led
the United Methodist Women Mission Study, How Is It with Your
Soul? on Monday, January 19.
Twenty women and two men attended the four-hour session to
learn how to become a more vibrant disciple of Christ through prayer, learning,
mentoring and transformation.
Among those attending
were: above l. to r., Sil
DiGregorio, Gayle Goodman, Rita Simmons, Pastor Jeanine.
Left l. to r.: Betty and
Steve Seubert, Alice
Pickett, Tomi Rine, and
Brenda Winters.
The Flagler Beach Police Department wants everyone to be safe so the following safety tips
are respectfully provided to our residents, businesses and visitors.
o Don't text and drive! Taking your eyes off the road for just a second or two can have tragic
o Don't answer your cell phone while driving. Let your cell phone take a message and pull off the
road to answer your calls.
o Wear your seat belt! Seat belts are proven to save lives and prevent
dren are secured in an approved child safety seat.
injuries. Make sure chil-
o Don't Drink and Drive, use a Designated Driver!
o Never leave cooking food unattended. Turkey fryers are for outdoor use away from combustible
o If the contents in a pot or pan catch fire, do not touch or try to move the pot or pan as you may
spread the fire or burn yourself. Extinguish the flames with a metal lid, larger pot or fire extinguisher. Never use water on a grease fire. Extinguish the flames with a metal lid, larger pot or a
fire extinguisher.
o In the event of a fire or medical emergency, call 911.
Should you have any questions about the safety tips listed above, please feel free to contact
any member of the Flagler Beach Police Department so we can provide assistance.
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Page 9
Praise Worship Service
8:30 a.m.
Café Fellowship in Gage
Hall 9:30-9:45 a.m.
Christian Education
9:45-10:30 a.m.
Classes for children
and youth
Children Rm. 7
Youth Gage Hall
For adults
Larry Kerr leader;
Rooms 4/5
Organ Prelude 10:50 a.m.
Worship Service 11 a.m.
The Seekers
Bible Study 7-8:30 p.m.
1 Communion 2 Every Mon. 3 UMW Exec 4 Every Wed. 5 DAR 10:30 6
Food Pantry
Seekers 7 pm Comm 9 am Bible Study Choir 6 pm
Wisdom Cir
7 pm
10:30 am
9 Every Mon 10 Every Tues 11 Men’s
12 UMW
Yoga 9:30 am Yoga 7 pm Club 8:30 am luncheon
11:30 am
Hospice Grief
Group 5-8 pm Trustees 6 pm
15 United
Women Sunday
17 Finance
6 pm
22 Black Bean 23
Lunch noon,
benefit CUBA
19 Every
Thurs TOPS
9 am
7 East Central District
Day of Learning First
UMC Oviedo
Council 7 pm Service 7 pm Yoga 7 pm
25 Hospice
Grief Group
5-8 pm
Festival set for Saturday, March 28. Fun,
food, games, egg hunt, vendors, cake
walk, dunk tank, and lots more!
Prayer and Bible Study
with Rev. Clontz
10:30 a.m.
Rooms 4/5
2nd and 4th
Volusia-Flagler Hospice
Grief Group
5-8 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Chancel Choir
6 p.m.
1 Martha Luke
5 Betty Cartrett
6 Rebecca Austin
Rose O’Brien Cole
7 Sue Goodemote
10 Lanny Marlowe
12 Henrietta Bourquin
13 Scott Brown
14 Kenneth Luke
15 Mary Nichols
17 Patricia Brown
17 Anita Gustafson
19 Gayle Goodman
20 Lee Page
20 Steve Seubert
Aurelie Tyson
Liza Horton
Joyce McDonald
Douglas Merritt
Larry & Sue Goodemote
Charles & Mary Nichols
Brian & Leslie Becker
Hal & Jan Burkley
Sil & Michele Burpeau
15 Daryl & Lana Rauscher
18 Larry & Alice Pickett
28 Will & Joan Carpenter
Do not waste time bothering whether you
“love” your neighbor; act as if you did. As
soon as we do this, we find one of the
great secrets. When you are behaving as if
you loved someone, you will presently
come to love him.
—C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
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Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Flagler Beach, FL
Permit No. 15
The little church with a BIG heart
1520 S. Daytona Ave,., P O. Box 929
Flagler Beach, FL 32136-0929
Telephone: 386-439-2160; FAX 386-439-7070
Jeanine Clontz, Pastor
Parsonage: 386-439-0651
Cell: 386-503-5643
Lord, we are thankful for…
Material for publication due
15th of month in Church Office or
email Carol Elliott at
Our annual Rummage Sale, Lunch and
Bake Sale is set for Friday, February 6, and
Saturday, February 7, with set up starting on
Monday, the 2nd.
Your help (MEN and WOMEN) is needed
in numerous ways:
Set up is Monday-Thursday starting at 9 a.m.
Come to the church whichever days you
can and find a job you can do.
Sale days are Friday-Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Ask Bette Rountree/Betty Seubert where
you can work.
Cleanup Saturday 1 p.m.
The more helping the faster the work gets
In the meantime collect all useable items
you no longer want—be sure they are clean,
are in good repair, and work—household
items; garage items; men, women, children
clothes of all sizes; books, CDs, movies,
tapes, magazines; artwork; jewelry; furniture,
etc. Bring to church after January 28th. If you
have large items (furniture, etc.) call the
church office for pick-up information.
Bring baked goods to sell.
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