SAINT DOROTHY PARISH Pastor Rev. Michael D. Murphy Weekend Assistance Rev. Francis X. McKee Rev. John D. Silcox, Jr. In Residence Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Kutys, Vicar General Permanent Deacon Deacon John P. Donnelly 610-789-9914 Business Manager Joseph M. Dougherty, CPA 610-789-7788/7338 Convent Sisters of Mercy 610-789-4112 Evangelization Sr. Alice Gray, RSM 610-853-1499 School Mrs. Louise Sheehan 610-789-4100 Visitation Sr. Martina Lavin, RSM 610-789-7788/7338 Liturgy & Music Sr. Thomasina Marie, RSM 610-853-3602 Youth Group Kelly Phelan 610.853.9711 4910 Township Line Road Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026 610-789-7788/7338 FAX 610-789-6936 Masses Saturday: 4:30pm Vigil Sunday: 7:30, 10:00 & 11:30am Eve of Holy Days: 7:00pm Holy Days: 8:00, 10:00am, 7:00pm Daily: 8:00am Parish Nurse Kathie McGonigal 267-603-9512 Baptisms: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month after the last Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:00pm February 8, 2015 • Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 209 Page Two NOTES FROM THE PASTOR Dear Parishioners, Every life has its ups and downs. I’m sure that all of us prefer the ups rather than the downs. Almost everyone experiences depression. Some people have the blues every once in a while, but others struggle with depression throughout their lives. For these individuals life sometimes seems hopeless. No one in the Bible experienced depression more than Job. He lost his livestock, his children, his possessions, his home due to forces of nature and enemy troops. Quickly in his life, Job lost everything. At first, Job accepts the losses with great equanimity. He knows that all his blessings came from the Lord; and ultimately the Lord decides when and if to rescind them. But later when the reality sets in, Job begins to experience despair. “I shall not see happiness again,” says Job. He knows the drudgery of waiting for the dawn and the hopelessness of finding himself always in the dark. There are many who have these same feelings. Despair outweighs their hope. There may even be some here in this church this morning/evening who feel far from God. Job’s raw emotions are not censored by the author of Sacred Scripture. Rather, these verses remind us that God is in our midst even as we suffer pain, sorrow, loss, and depression. The hopelessness that we sometimes feel is validated by those who have lived and gone before us. The beauty of these verses is found in the fact that nothing can separate us from God’s love, care, and concern. God’s care, even though we may not feel it, is present in our lives. God Bless you, Father Murphy $$ FINANCIAL FACTS $$$ We thank those parishioners who, recognizing God’s gifts to them, make their response in our weekly collection. Your continued support is vital, necessary, and deeply appreciated. Budgetary goal: $ 22,500.00 Collection total: $ 25,520.00 Total number of envelope offerings: 602 Total Number of bill pay offerings: 60 Capital Improvement: $ 155.00 Catholic Relief Services: $ 527.00 February 8, 2015 Hoops for Hope Mark your calendar!!! Hoops for Hope Basketball Marathon February 20 – 22. Hoops raises money for cancer research and helps defray the cost of Catholic School education for families affected by cancer. For more information, please call 267-603-9512 or email Volunteers are welcome to provide items for the food court. Pick up is available, especially if it’s made with chocolate. Baptism The Sacrament is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month immediately following the 11:30 AM Mass. Baptismal information envelopes must be obtained at the rectory prior to the baptism and returned with the requested data and documents to the rectory at least one week before the chosen date of baptism. Parents having their first child baptized are required to attend a Pre-Jordan Baptismal Preparation Class (45 minutes) held on the 1st Sunday of each month in the school library located in the church basement immediately following the 10:00 AM Mass. Heartfelt Thank You The Family to Family Ministry would like to thank everyone who so generously donated toys, gifts, gift cards, and scrip to help those in need this past Christmas Season. Through your kindness, we were able to assist over 30 parish families. We were also able to help families in the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Darby and St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Chester. Thank you for helping us share the peace and joy of Christ’s birth with those in need. Oh ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfortess of the Afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Look upon me with mercy. When you appeared in the grotto of Lourdes, you made it a privileged sanctuary where you dispense your favors, and where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. My loving Mother, obtain my request. I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company and bless you in eternity. AMEN 209 Page Three MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK 7:30 10:00 11:30 SUNDAY, February 8 Mark Zaccaria Peter & Kathleen Dunican Mary & Edward Donnelly MONDAY, February 9 6:30 8:00 Archie Pergolese TUESDAY, February 10 6:30 8:00 Francis Grady, Sr. WEDNESDAY, February 11 6:30 8:00 Bobby Gleason THURSDAY, February 12 6:30 8:00 Jennifer DeFeo FRIDAY, February 13 6:30 8:00 Rita Lamb SATURDAY, February 14 8:00 Victims of Abortion 4:30 Antonio Ciardelli SUNDAY, February 15 7:30 Jack Bruder 10:00 George, John, Joseph & Francis McMahon 11:30 Salvatore Faia 12th Anniversary PLEASE PRAY FOR all of our dear departed loved ones, especially: Anna E. Puleo; Katherine Salvatore; Angelina Caruso; Evelyn Dunis ; Florence DeCarlo; ALSO REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Matt Anzideo, Marian Baldwin, Cammie Benford, Mark Bianchi, Lucy Bonett, Thomas Bongard, Frank Bonini, Betty Bossard, Michael Boyle, Anna Marie Burgio, Rebecca Carr, Baby McKenna Carr, Arthur Catenacci, Jr., Mark Cordes, Joan Curley, Barbara Dee, Kay Dougherty, Devon Doyle, Patricia Foley, George Foley, Kenneth Forest, Patty Forest, Robert Frank, Dr. John Franz, Christina Gerlacher, Rose Glotfelty, Nicholas Gourousis, Colleen Hamilton, Kathy Hanlon, Brandon Heiler, Mary Hemphill, Alfred Hilbert, Jane Hughes, Carole R. Ingenito, Alvira Jean-Claude, Barbara Jefferson, Joy Jenkins, Sean Kalin, Tara Klick, John Loeb, Charles Mac Donald, Kathleen Mayo Madigan, Dorothy Markunas, Marguerite McCutcheon, Daniel McDonald, Dorothy McDonald, Paul McDyre, Rose McGlynn, Baby Thomas Michael McHugh, Jeffrey McKeon, James Morrissey, Beth Moughan, Diane Murray, Margie Nelson, Richard Thomas O’Donnell, Margaret Parenti, Joe Parkinson, Connie Perna, Eddie Peterson, James Pinto, JoAnne Plummer, Fran Poore, Michele Re, Regina Rubbo, Baby Johnny Saile, Claire Say, Matt Schumacker, Kim Sheb, Margaret & John Skane, Anna Rita Vagnozzi, Kathleen Van Horn, Patti Watson, Steven Zubriski. February 8, 2015 H.O.P.E. DRIVERS Ed Cullen is the primary volunteer driver who will try to get you to an important appointment this week. Please call Ed at 610-789-1838. The back-up driver is Alice Levering at 610449-2264. We are in need of H.O.P.E. drivers. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry please call Sr. Martina at 610-789-4112. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Monday, 2/9/15 Adoration 1 PM – 4:45 PM followed by Evening Prayer Homiletics 6:30 PM Home and School Meeting 7:00 PM Liturgy Committee Meeting 7:15 PM Tuesday, 2/10/15 Children’s Choir 4:30 PM Men’s Prayer Group (St. Bernadette Parish ) 7:00 PM R.C.I.A 7:00 PM Adult Choir 7:30 PM Wednesday, 2/11/15 Our Lady of Lourdes Parent First Communion Meeting 7:30 PM Charismatic Prayer Group 7:45 PM (Library) Thursday, 2/12/15 Bible Study 9:30 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Friday, 2/13/15 Saturday, 2/14/15 New Mass Time – Vigil 4:30 PM Confessions 3:30 – 4:00 PM Sunday, 2/15/15 PREP A.A. Meeting 7:30 PM in the annex Altar Server Ministry All 6th grade students interested in Altar Server Ministry should attend the practices on Sunday afternoons, February 15, 22 and March 1. Practices are 2:00 PM until 3:30 PM. Please go to the St. Dorothy website and proceed to Volunteer Ministries. Click on Altar Servers and download a copy of the Altar Server Guidebook. Please study the guidebook and bring it with you to the practices. Deacon John “The Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you.” Pope Francis for World Youth Day Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 209 Page Four Bereavement Support Group Our Parish offers an 8 week Bereavement Support Group to begin on Tuesday, March 17th at 7:30 PM in the Library (church annex). All are welcome, especially those who have lost a loved one in the past 6-24 months. There is an experienced group leader, onsite parking and no fee. For information or to register, call Trish Sullivan at 610-7897257 or Kathie McGonigal, RN at 267-603-9512 St. Dorothy Golf Outing St. Dorothy 6th Annual Athletic Association Golf Outing will be held on April 10, 2015. To reserve a spot contact Jack Flaherty at ManUpPhilly th 7 Annual Men’s Spirituality Conference Man Up Philly presents Faith, Family and Fatherhood th On Saturday, March 7 at St. Joseph University Hagan Arena, the men of our parish are invited to join Catholic Men th from throughout the Archdiocese for the 7 Annual Men’s Spirituality Conference. Speakers include Dr. Scott Hahn, author of Rome Sweet Rome, Gus Lloyd, Catholic radio host, Devin Schadt, from Catholic Answers, and Jim Longon, member of the Papal Foundation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered, and the Conference will conclude with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Chaput. For more info or to register go to Save the Date St. Dorothy Social Club for Seniors Trip to the Resorts Casino Thursday, March 26th Cost is $25.00 and receive $25.00 slot play. Call Mary Roach at 610-789-4089 “Woman of Faith” Annual Spirituality Retreat Friday, February 20 – 22, 2015 Dinner at 5:00 PM on Friday Departure on Sunday 11:30 AM Cost $160 includes $40 non-refundable deposit Mother Boniface Center 3501 Solly Ave, Philadelphia 267-350-1831 or February 8, 2015 Designer Bag Bingo Designer Bag Bingo will be held on Saturday, March 21st in the school gym. Doors open at 7:30 PM. Advance tickets are on sale now. $25 includes 12 rounds of bingo, soda, paper products and water. If you would like to reserve a table of 8-12 people kindly pay in full at the time of reservation. Please contact the H&S Association at to order tickets or for more information. We are looking forward to another fun night!! BINGO! Special Mass for Each Grade The next Special Mass is for the 7th & 8th Grade students of school and PREP and their families. We welcome all 7th and 8th Grade students to participate in greeting, entrance procession, or offertory for this Mass. We ask all 7th & 8th Grade students and their families to sit together in the front reserved section of Church. A special blessing for the participating grades will be said at the Mass and there will be refreshments immediately following. The schedule of designated Masses is as follows: 7th and 8th Grade: March 1 April 12 4th Grade: May 3 2nd Grade: As we approach the month of your child’s grade, you will receive a reminder email or letter. Any questions, please contact Gina Flatley at Employment Positions A Catholic long-term care facility in Philadelphia is looking for an experienced Grant Writer to solicit funds from foundations, corporations, and major donors for the operating and capital needs of the Home. There are also openings for a Director of Nursing and MDS Coordinator. Both need to have knowledge of long term health care. Please send resume to Oremus Communications Fr. Peter Welsh from St. Joseph Parish in Coatesville will be with us on February 11 to share his reflections about our Blessed Mother’s visit to Lourdes and St. Bernadette. We will start a novena that day right after our LIVE daily recitation of the Holy Rosary at 12:15 PM. To join us log onto and click Listen Live. 209 Page Five Men's Prayer Group Our Men’s Group meets in St. Bernadette Convent Chapel on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM with the men groups from St. Bernadette and Sacred Heart. Come and share your response to the Word of God in your life. For more information, please call 610-789-9914. Food for the Needy Thank you, once again, for your goodness. The number of families that we assist continues to grow. We are grateful for your support. Please remember that we are unable to distribute any outdated product or dented cans. The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Wednesday at 7:45 PM in the Library in the basement of the church. Come and share in our joy of praising God. If you are not feeling joyful, come anyway and discover the tranquility of surrendering your worries to God. The St. Dorothy's Rosary Group needs your support. We meet after the 8:00 AM Daily Mass (Monday through Saturday) in the pews in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother. We would love if you would join us in prayer on any day you are available. Holy Communion for the Homebound If you are homebound, or know someone in the parish who is homebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion each Sunday, please contact Tom Judge at 610-446-5136 or by email at Each Sunday, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will visit those in the parish who are unable to attend Sunday Mass. Adults who volunteer with Children Any adult who volunteers in an activity in which children are present are required to have on file at the rectory a PA state police criminal record, Child Abuse History Clearance & attend a Safe Environment Class entitled, Protecting God’s Children. Go to for information on the Safe Environment class. Any questions, call 610-789-9914. Mandated reporter training online may be completed by going to or calling 267-6128269 Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 6 PM. St. Dorothy Social Club Come join us for an afternoon of comradery, bingo and cards! The time of our meetings has changed; please call Mary Roach at 610-789-4089 if you have any questions. Our next meeting is: Tuesday, February 10th at 11:30 AM Tuesday, February 24th at 11:30 AM 24 Hour Confidential Pregnancy Hotline 610-626-4006 February 8, 2015 SOLEMN EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is held every Monday from 1 – 4:45 PM followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction. High School Scholarships St. James Alumni Association will be sponsoring High School Scholarships for 2015-2016 school year. The application is available upon request beginning January 2015. Call 610-8762006 or email These are partial 4 year scholarships with required attendance at an Archdiocesan High School. All completed applications must be returned by Wednesday, April 8. The applicant must be a practicing Catholic from a Delaware County parish. The students eligible are th graduating 8 graders or current high school students. St. Joseph’s Parish – 100th Anniversary St. Joseph’s Parish, 500 Woodlawn Ave., Collingdale will kick off its year long 100th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, February 15 with the 12:00 Noon Mass and a social to follow in the Parish Hall. Former and current parishioners are invited to attend and to bring pictures and memorabilia. Follow us on Facebook at St. Joseph/Collingdale for information and updates. St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance Knights of Columbus Mater Dei Council will hold its annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance at Mater Dei Hall, Newtown Square, on Saturday, March 14th from 7:00 to 11:00 PM. The cost, $32 includes buffet dinner, open bar, and DJ. Payment must be made by mail and must include your name, phone and number of people attending. Send payment to: 305 S. Parkway Blvd, 310B, Broomall, PA 19008 no later than March 10 th. Call 610-3562168 with any questions. Golden Girls Murder Mystery and Luncheon St. Madeline Parish on Sunday, March 22 at 12 Noon, Tickets cost $39.00 thru February 1 then $45 until March 13. Lunch provided by Capozzoli Catering. Call the Rectory at 610-532-6880 or call Carole and Paul at 610-461-0443. Soup’s On February 25 6 -8 PM IHM Conference Center, 401 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA Lenten Evening of Reflection Simple Supper and Quiet Time Come and bring a friend $15 stipend -reservations required 4 days before Call 610-581-0120 or email Robert J. Radano & Assoc. The Newly Renovated LLANERCH COUNTRY CLUB WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, FUNERAL LUNCHEONS & GOLF OUTINGS Please Contact: Sue Egan, Diocese Member 610-446-2232 BRUNO’S KITCHEN CONCEPTS SERVICE 363 West Chester Pike Havertown CENTER AUTO REPAIRS Peter Bruno, Owner Burmont Road & Township Line Drexel Hill • 610-446-9961 610-789-9594 Paul Hayes - Parishioner Custom & Stock Cabinetry Design is our specialty! Exams • Eye Glasses Contact Lenses Medical & Surgical Care Steven Cohn, O.D. Ralph DiGiovanni Jr., M.D. Attorneys & Counselors at Law FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Personal Injury, Estates, Wills, Defense Kathy Boland, Office Mgr. Drexeline Shopping Center 3350 TOWNSHIP LINE RD. DREXEL HILL, PA 19026 (610) 259-5100 PHONE: 610-449-1030 • FAX: 610-789-4927 Standen Hardwood Floors Sanding & Refinishing • Staining Installation • Repairs Fully Insured • 610-789-3955 • Free Estimates Delco Mulch & Supply JOHN HAUSER’S Premium Triple Shredded DREXEL AUTOMOTIVE Brown & Black Dyed Mulch Full Service Auto Repair $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE 10% OFF INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing Basement Remodeling Mold Remediation & Odor Removal Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Crawl Space Water Proofing Financing Available SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT LIFETIME WARRANTY Licensed & Insured 1-855-435-6009 Screened Topsoil • Auto Inspection and Emissions Seasoned & Split Firewood • Computerized Diagnostic Svcs • Manufacture Scheduled Maintenance Delivery Available - Yard waste drop off • Tune Ups & Oil Changes center or arrange for pick up Owner • Shuttle Service Inquire about our landscaping labor service Operated All Welcome "OLD FASHIONED SERVICE FOR TODAY'S CUSTOMER" Foreign & Domestic 610-623-6679 Carl Hemphill - St. Dorothy Parishioner 1720 S. State Rd., Upper Darby 610-352-8008 Ext.1 518 Burmont Road, Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Kevin J. Sheehan & Co. Certified Public Accountants Personal / Business E-File • Parishioner Water Mitigation • Mold Remediation Fire Restoration • Emergency Board Up (267) 808-7200 24/7 Emergency Service 610-357-0487 Direct Insurance Billing Call for Parishioner Discount Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, Or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Dave Dartnell this week Direct number: 484-432-0131 1-800-333-3166 extension #180 209 St. Dorothy, Drexel Hill, PA (third) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • RESTAURANT WALSH CO., INC. FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT & TAKE-OUT SHOP ELEGANT BANQUET FACILITIES Available for your next Special Occasion with seating for up to 200 people Choose from a large selection of Full Course Dinners or Pica’s Deluxe Buffet Hrs.: M-Th 11am-1am; F-Sat 11am-2am; Sun 12noon-1am 7803 WEST CHESTER PIKE • UPPER DARBY, PA 610-789-7770 Parishioner Plumbing - Heating - Air Cond. Serving the Parish since 1959 Jim Gaffney Painting Home Repairs-Maintenance Licensed & Insured References EMERGENCY SERVICE 610-352-2934 610-623-2789 610-247-9086 Dr. Paul Carpinello CHILD & ADULT ORTHODONTICS Sunrooms • Decks • Windows • Siding Roofing • General Remodeling 610-623-1927 3217 W. Chester Pk., Newtown Sq. (610) 356-8850 1041 Pontiac Rd., Drexel Hill (610) 446-6004 4877 W. Chester Pk., Edgemont Timothy P. Farrell BAKE and PLAY LOUIS COLAGRECO & 3721 Garrett Rd., Drexel Hill SON LANDSCAPING FAMILY FUN AND BAKERY TREATS (610) 353-0807 BAKING CLASSES FOR ALL AGES ORDERS, CATERING AND PARTIES 484-461-7529 Lawn Maintenance & Design (610) 449-5059 Fully Insured Brick & Stone Pointing Patios & Walkways Chimney Repairs Call Bob Verdes 610-462-6724 FREE ESTIMATES Free Estimates Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMOVAL, REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR 484-410-4110 Now located in the Drexeline Shopping Center and Parent (610) 394-3040 Office 610.449.6006 Cell 610.306.9089 KARATE - Ages 4 & Up I stage all my listings for FREE! St. Dorothy’s referrals, I will donate 10% of my commission back to the Parish. Landscape & Hardscape Design Snow Plowing • Firewood • Fall Clean Ups 610-449-4736 Funeral Home 400 Shadeland Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026 610-259-2200 SUPERVISOR 152 Montgomery Ave. 1980 Bala Cynwyd, PA Karen Esposito REALTOR® Accredited Staging Professional 610-356-2902 SINCE Landscaping & Tree Work Matthew J. Quigley New Doors & Openers Repairs - All Major Brands We teach RESPECT and help MICHAEL CARR develop CONFIDENCE & FOCUS. Increase your FITNESS NEWTOWN SQ in a FUN atmosphere! Parishioner (610) 623-2400 Spencer T. Videon 610.664.3200 GARAGE DOORS 421 Burmont Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Gardner Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Wet Basement? Call today Parishioner "A Life Celebration Home” FREE INSPECTION PA Lic. #006806 RIGHTWAY Licensed & Insured WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST Drexel Hill 610-853-3400 Narberth 610-688-3848 610-789-3717 Newtown Square 610-356-6781 RESORT COMMUNITY SVCS. Authorized Transmissions All Makes & Models • Repair • Overhaul • Exchange The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. “The one stop shop for quality, competitive & affordable accounting & legal svcs.” 144 West Eagle Road For Condominium Associations Anthony Szabo Call: Frank X. Werner, Sr, CPA St. Dot’s Class of ‘61 & Lifetime Parishioner (610) 446-6454 610-608-4235 • DIRECT COLLISION INC. Michael G. Mardinly Sr., President - Parishioner 1000 N. Eagle Rd. $100.00 OFF Havertown Deductible (with this ad) 610-449-9162 BOB AND JOES TOWING 610-446-0295 215.587.5650 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 HEATING & COOLING 131 S. State Rd. Springfield, PA 19064 610-761-HEAT 610-328-9504 UFCGYM.COM/SPRINGFIELD 209 St. Dorothy, Drexel Hill, PA (inside) DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • 610-259-8100 Online Mortgage Applications! Member FDIC O'LEARY FUNERAL HOME LTD. BARRY JAY Blessing Electric Co. JEWELERS 610-394-2211 WE BUY GOLD JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIR DONE ON OUR PREMISES Thomas J. O'Leary, Jr. William J. O'Leary 160 Saxer Avenue • Springfield PA 610-259-1959 640 E. Springfield, PA 19064 Piazza Honda Springfield 610-338-0885 Celebrating 25 Years TRAVERS FOOD MARKET Fresh Meats • Deli • Party Platters Ray Mancini, General Manager Licensed & Insured For all your Jewelry Needs 626-6330 Parishioners Discount for mention of ad. 15% OFF for fellow Parishioners D D ONOHUE & ONOHUE, PC DAN SCIULLI Attorneys at Law Air Conditioning & Heating Daniel J. Donohue - Parishioner 610-325-3474 Estate Planning & Administration Family Law Domestic Relations • Elder Law WILLIAM G. BRADLEY, P.C. Criminal & DUI Defense Certified Public Accountant 8513 West Chester Pike Upper Darby Tax & Financial Services Across from St. Dorothy’s School 610-853-2115 610-446-2940 Parishioner John H. Coneys, CPA NEW & USED • PARTS • BODY SHOP • SERVICE VP/Branch Manager Direct: 610-322-4886 780 Baltimore Pike • Springfield, PA 19064 Parishioner / Residential Mortgages 610-789-9420 PIANO LESSONS ~ under new management ~ BURMONT CLEANERS ~ on premise tailor ~ 610-446-1660 15% OFF EVERYDAY w/ coupon $20. or more FADEN’S JEWELERS Beginners at any age Designers, Creators & Appraisers & Advanced All Jewelry Repairs done on Premises! Classical & Jazz Township Line Shp. Ctr. • Next To Yummys Joanne Sabatino 610-853-1970 610-446-5660 MARY ELIZABETH DEVINE ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate • Wills • Estates Family Law • Injury Claims Drexel Hill • 610-789-0800 John Serock CATERING Catering In Your Home Or One Of Our Facilities EXPERT A&G MUSIC CENTER ELECTRIC, LLC 215-425-6161 PA097522 - Free Estimates Renovations, Repairs, Upgrades 8508 Lansdowne Ave. • Drexel Hill 215-479-9612 484-452-6413 610.853.2220 Fax: 610.853.4720 Phone: RepresenƟng Parishioner 1254 West Chester Pike, Ste. 102 Havertown, PA 19083 Tire & Auto Service Since 1947 Emissions-Inspection-Alignment-Brakes -Tune-Ups Lowest Tire Prices 610-789-2121 TOWNSHIP LINE & LYNN BLVD. • UPPER DARBY PLEASE CALL FOR A QUOTE Curt D. Miller, M.D. Mark P. Brigham, M.D. Dean W. Trevlyn, M.D. Paul A. Horenstein, M.D. Richard J. Levenberg, M.D. Anne E. Colton, M.D. 610-352-2002 610.353.0800 Spring & Fall Clean-up, Fertilization Programs, Hardscape, Masonry, Patios, Walkways, Landscape Design, Lawn Maintenance SPORTS MEDICINE • KNEE AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION SPINE AND DISC SURGERY • TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT • FOOT & ANKLE Havertown Condos 103 LLANDAFF ROAD Open Sunday 2pm - 4pm (2) Large Two Bedroom Condos all in a single building with 1 Car garage each. Newly remodeled with new kitchen & central air. You don't have to live in a high rise to down size. Come See!! Call Fern Simon at 215-896-2062 cell • 610-649-4500 office 610-544-0120 30 N. Brookside Rd.,Springfield 209 St. Dorothy, Drexel Hill, PA (back) F Paul Pupo PARISHIONER Music Lessons Instruments • Accessories Daniel J. O’Mara CLU, Agent AUTO ~ LIFE ~ FIRE ~ HEALTH 610.640.2836 Fax: 610.640.2837 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 LAW OFFICES OF PAUL F. D’EMILIO, LLC Wills • Trusts • Probate • Estate Planning Real Estate • Personal Injury • Nursing Home Litigation 905 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064 Parishioner Initial Consultation Free (610) 338-0338 AARP Legal Service Network Participating Attorney We offer same day appointments at our NEW state of the art facility with convenient on site digital x-ray & Licensed Surgery Center! 1120 W. Township Line Rd., Havertown, PA 19083 610-446-1392 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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