February 8, 2015 Bulletin - Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church

Peter & Paul
902 East Ninth Street • Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Established 1872
We are a Roman Catholic Community of Christians called to
be a priestly people, a household of faith, a temple of the
Holy Spirit, a beacon of the One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church shining for Jesus Christ in the heart of
Christian County.
Rev. Fr. Richard Meredith, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Julio Barrera, Parochial Vicar
Permanent Deacon, Mr. Tim Barnes
Permanent Deacon, Dr. Bill Sweet
PARISH OFFICE PHONE: (270) 885-8522
PARISH FAX: (270) 885-5296
PARISH WEBSITE: www.stsppchurch.org
OFFICE HOURS: 8 AM - 5 PM Monday -Thursday
(Closed Noon-1:00 pm Daily)
SCHOOL TELEPHONE: (270) 886-0172
SCHOOL FAX: (270) 887-9924
SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.stsppschool.org
Tru†h Radio WSPP 93.5FM
Saints Peter and Paul Thrift Store: 270-962-7008
Saturday evening ................................... 5:00 PM
Sunday................................... 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM
Misa en Español ...............2:00 PM, 10:30 PM
Monday - Saturday ................................8:00 AM
Wednesday ......................................... 5:30 PM
Thursday Misa en Español ................ 5:30 PM
We give a sincere welcome to all new families moving
into our Parish. Please register in the Parish Office as soon
as possible. Families who plan to move from our parish
community are asked to inform us.
Bulletin material deadline:
Monday at noon in writing or email.
February 8, 2015 • Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Please notify the Parish Office upon admission of a family
member into any hospital or nursing home. Any parishioner
who is ill or infirmed may request anointing by calling the
Parish Office.
This is a devotion whereby members of the parish unite in
taking hours of Adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament
during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week.
(Code required for evenings.) There is a regular schedule of
adorers but all are welcome to stop in for a visit. Parishioners
are encouraged to sign up for a scheduled weekly adoration
time. Please contact Bill & Jenny Rush at 270-885-2888, if
you are interested in adopting an hour or if you can be a
substitute or prayer partner. These hours are available–
3 am & 4 am Mondays, 3 am & 4 am Wednesdays, 12 am
Parish Pastoral Council
Tim Barnes, Vice Chair/Spiritual Life.....tdbarnes@stsppchurch.org
Family Life …………………………………………...…………...
Franco Cincotti, Worship….…….... francocincotti2@hotmail.com
Libby Downs Pastoral Assoc. ………….ljdowns@stsppchurch.org
Social Concerns…………………………………………………..
Victor Hernandez, …..Hispanic Liaison.victorhernan9@gmail.com
Dr. Pam Koob, Chair/Education………… drpam35@yahoo.com
Sarah Kranz Principal…………………..skranz@stsppschool.org
Fran Marko, Secretary...................................franmarko@gmail.com
Joe Mezzoni, Administration…….….…...joemezzoni216@att.net
Hospice: Pennyroyal Hospice will be holding a Volunteer
Training Session on Monday, February 16th and Wednesday, February 18th in the Conference Room of the Pennyroyal Hospice building at 220 Burley Avenue. The class will
begin at 9:00 a.m. each day and finish no later than 3:00
p.m. There is no charge for the training and lunch will be
provided. Both days are required to complete the class. To
register for the session, or if you have any questions regarding becoming a Pennyroyal Hospice Volunteer, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 270-885-6428 or email to
Father/Daughter Purity Ball: Alpha Alternative is hosting
their Seventh Annual Father/Daughter Purity Ball. This year
for those in kindergarten thru 5th grade, the program will be
held on Friday, February 20th and for 6th grade through
college, the program will be held on Saturday, February
21st. The theme of this year’s ball is “Guard your Heart”
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course
of your life.” Proverbs 4:23.
The Purity Ball will be held at the James E. Bruce
Convention Center. Each night the program will run from
6:30 to 9:00 p.m. The evening will include an ageappropriate program about purity in all aspects of life. This
is a formal event. The registration fee is $30 per couple
and $10 for each additional daughter. For more information
visit their website at www.alphapcc.org or call (270) 8853820.
Rich Barnett (richautosound@gmail.com)....................Music Director
Tom Buehrle (twbuehrle@att.net)...............Director Of Stewardship
Brenda Chaudoin (bchaudoin@stsppschool.org) Dir. of Ext. Care
Libby Downs (ljdowns@stsppchurch.org)............Pastoral Associate
Judy Folz (jafolz@stsppchurch.org).........................Office Manager
Leigh Ann Johnson ……………….Parish Assistance Coordinator
Steve Kinnard (skinnard@stsppchurch.org)...Maintenance Foreman
Vicki Kinnard (vkinnard@stsppschool.org)............School Secretary
Sarah Kranz (skranz@stsppschool.org)....................School Principal
Donna Pfeufer (dgpfeufer@gmail.com)……...Thrift Store Gen. Mgr.
Angie Phillips (abphillips2013@gmail.com)……...Thrift Store Mgr.
Alma Reeder (areeder@stsppchurch.org)…Hispanic Ministry Asst.
Sue Wassmer (swassmer@stsppchurch.org)............Parish Secretary
The Catholic Church teaches that the sexual abuse of any person is a
grave moral evil. To report any instance of sexual abuse by any employee of the Catholic Church please call the Office of the Bishop in Owensboro at (270) 683-1545. The Safe Environment Program is now available at the Diocesan website www.rcdok.org.
† Reconciliation: Confessions will be heard Saturday from 2:00 PM
to 4:00 PM and Wednesday at 4:30 PM. Confessions will be heard
any time by appointment. Confessions for Spanish speaking are 2nd,
4th & 5th Saturdays at 3 PM.
† Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Class is usually held the first Sunday of each month. Please call the Parish Office. Registration for the
class is required. The next Baptismal Class is March 8, 2015 at
4:00 pm.
† Marriage: Contact the office six months prior to the desired date.
Upcoming Pilgrimage: You’re invited. Please join Bishop
Medley on a pilgrimage to the Catholic shrines of France.
Does visiting Lourdes, Nevers, Lisieux, Normandy Beaches
and Paris, France, interest you?
Bishop William Medley will be leading a pilgrimage to
these locations on October 8 – 17th of this year. For more
information please visit: www.pilgrimages.com/
bishopmedley. To book or for questions, please contact Liz
or Natasha at 800-206-8687.
Fr. John Meredith’s New Mailing Address:
Rev. John Meredith
P.O. Box 190
Newburgh, In 47629
Father John has been assigned to prayer and penance and
would like to be of assistance to people of the diocese. If
you would like to send him a prayer request his email address for your intentions is letmeprayforyou54@gmail.com.
2015 Marriage Formation Dates:
March 14, 2015 at Gasper River Retreat Center
Engaged Encounter Weekends:
April 18-19, 2015 at Mount St. Joseph
To register go to our Diocesan Website www.rcdok.org, Go
to “Ministries”, then to Family Life Office.
World Marriage Day Celebration – Sunday, February 8th.
Here at Saints Peter and Paul we will be offering a special
Mass at 5:00 p.m. and will include the opportunity for couples to renew their wedding vows. Come and Celebrate with
Additional College Student from Saints Peter and Paul on
Dean’s List: Let us congratulate Morgan Burman who was on
the Dean’s List for the Fall Semester of 2014 at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. Morgan is the son of Mike and
Lisa Burman. Congratulations for all your hard work Morgan!
Prayer for Marriage
Heavenly Father, we thank You for your tremendous gift of the Sacrament of Marriage. Enable us
to grow in our intimacy with You and with each other. Teach us the beauty of forgiveness so we may
become more and more one in heart, mind and
body. Strengthen our communication with each other, and help us become living signs of your love.
Help us to be examples of commitment, love, and
service to our families and children. Make us a sign
of the unity which Jesus prays for at the Last Supper. We open ourselves to the guidance of your
Holy Spirit, who empowers us to Love in Jesus’
name and walk in His footsteps. Amen.
Anointing of the Sick: Pope John Paul II designated February 11th as World Day of the Sick. So In honor of this we at
Saints Peter and Paul are offering the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick this weekend. May these words touch your soul
and assure you of God’s presence with you:
While anointing the forehead: Through this holy anointing
may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the
grace of the Holy Spirit. We Respond: Amen
While anointing the hands: May the
Lord who frees you from sin
save you and raise you up. We
Respond: Amen
Saints Peter and Paul Thrift Store Bake Sale: Our Saints
Peter and Paul Thrift Store is sponsoring a Bake Sale after
all Masses the weekend of February 14th and 15th – just before Lent begins. Anyone wishing to donate baked items can
drop them off before Mass on either Saturday evening or
Sunday morning. Thank you for your support and don’t forget to stop by and pick up
a dessert for Sunday’s dinner. Again, all
proceeds from the Saints Peter and Paul
Thrift Store Bake Sale are used to help people in crisis or emergency.
Year End Tax Statements: Year-end tax statements are
available again this weekend to be picked up after all
Lent is right around the corner. We need to start thinking
about what each of our Lenten journeys should look like?
During the season of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing until Holy Thursday, the Church asks us to
spend more time in intentional prayer, to fast and abstain
from meat on designated days, and to practice charitable
giving for the sake of others.
The cross of ashes on our foreheads is a reminder
that at the center of the Lenten season stands the cross. Meditating on the meaning of the crucifixion means examining our
own sinfulness and praying for the grace and courage to
change our ways and walk more closely with Christ.
Fasting helps us to recognize our true hunger- for
Christ! Fasting is about exercising self-control; it is spiritual
and physical purification; fasting from food is a reminder of
our abundance and a way to walk in solidarity with the poor
who struggle with daily hunger and starvation; it is abstinence from the endless noisy clutter of the social media.
In our almsgiving, we are reminded that one of the
central lessons of the cross is compassion. The heavy burdens
we carry help us to appreciate the suffering in others. We
share our material goods, we give of ourselves, of our time,
to others in need- a most challenging form of sacrifice- collecting food items for Aaron McNeil; increasing donations to
the parish; giving to the second collections that benefit ministries of the larger Church such as Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services; setting aside more casual time for family;
visiting shut-ins at the local nursing homes; volunteering in our
many local non-profit social service agencies; tutoring and
mentoring young people; offer free babysitting for a single
parent or a married couple; send a letter, card, or e-mail to
someone who might be lonely or sick; donate blood, etc.
Recalling Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness, we believe that our consistent participation in these practices is a
form of purification that deepens our spiritual life by stripping away all that is unnecessary and by reminding us of our
sole reliance on God. The Church emphasizes such acts of self
-denial and generosity in order to echo Jesus’ call for conversion. Without conversion of heart, penances remain sterile
and false; however, interior conversion urges expression in
visible signs, gestures and works.
St. Peter Chrysologus, in one of his famous homilies,
stressed the unity of the three spiritual practices of Lent:
“There are three things by which faith stands firm, devotion
remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and mercy. Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains,
mercy receives. Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are
one, and they give life to each other.” Our Lenten journey of
sacrifice works toward a purpose - peace and healing for
the world, sanctity to our souls and a deep, enduring joy that
allows us to experience “resurrection” and conversion at East(Continued on page 4)
(Continued from page 3)
er and beyond. Striving to understand its challenge and
promise, we take up our crosses, just as we are signed with
the cross at Lent’s beginning, and walk the penitential road
with Jesus.
Palm for Ash Wednesday: Do you have blessed palm from
last year’s Palm Sunday? We are collecting your old palm
through Tuesday morning, February 17th. A basket is placed
in the narthex near the Baptismal Font. On Tuesday, February 17th after the 8:00 a.m. Mass we will burn these blessed
palms so we can use the ashes for Ash Wednesday. You are
welcome to come and be a part of this “burning”.
Western Kentucky Blood Center – You can save lives and
support Saints Peter and Paul School: The Western Kentucky Blood Center will be at Saints Peter and Paul on
Wednesday, February 18th (Ash Wednesday) from 3:00 to
7:00 p.m. in our gym. Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center will donate $5.00 to Saints Peter and Paul School for each
pint of donated blood while all donors will receive a free tshirt and cholesterol screening. If you would like to assist at
the blood drive by welcoming donors and serving snacks,
please let Libby know.
Fat Monday Celebration: Don’t forget our
“Fat Monday” celebration at “Las Fuentes –
Authentic Mexican Restaurant” located at
3119 Canton Pike scheduled for Monday,
February 16th. Deadline to sign up and tell us
your selection is this Tuesday, February 10th.
See the bulletin insert for your choices. Beads
will be provided.
Ash Wednesday Special Collection – “It Is Right and Just”:
The Ash Wednesday Collection on February 18th will again
be for our Sister Diocese of Mandeville Jamaica.
As the Priest begins the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, he
says “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God” and our response is ”It is right and just.” As we share from our sacrifices
for the needs of our Sister Diocese in Mandeville Jamaica, we
respond not only with words, but also with deeds to thank the
Lord for His many blessings to us and share in His ongoing
mission to tell the whole world of His kindness. Please consider a generous response to this collection again this year.
Our “Little Black Books” will be offered again this year at
Saints Peter and Paul! These are great prayer opportunities
during the Season of Lent. The “Little Black Books” will be
available next weekend (February 14/15).
Operation Rice Bowl: Looking for a Lenten service project?
Once again during Lent, Saints Peter and Paul will support the
valuable work of Catholic Relief Services through participation in Operation Rice Bowl. Rice Bowls will be available next
weekend and gives the family the opportunity to discuss in
your home what poverty and starvation truly is and how we
can choose to cut back from our excess and donate these
monies to Catholic Relief Services. Rice Bowl remains in your
home during Lent and is brought to the Mass on Holy Thursday as gifts of alms to the poor.
Soup Suppers: Want to help with Soup Suppers during
Lent? They are scheduled for three
Friday nights during Lent and take
place immediately after we pray
the Stations of the Cross at 6:00
p.m. This year’s dates are: Friday,
February 20th, Friday, March 6th
and 20th. If you would like to help, contact Gillian Tilley at
(936) 524-6188 or gilliantilley@gmail.com or Karla Wagner (270) 498-7800 or karjeanwag@yahoo.com.
St. Mary’s Bookstore will be here at Saints Peter and Paul
on Sunday, March 1st after all Masses in the narthex. This
would be a great time to get a spiritual book for Lent to
read or items for Easter, First Communion, Confirmation and
RCIA gifts. St. Mary’s Catholic Bookstore is in Nashville and
is open on Saturdays for regular business hours; therefore,
they cannot be here on Saturday night for us. Let us be
thankful for their willingness to come to provide us an opportunity to purchase Catholic literature, books, gifts and
much more. *We need help! If you can be here at the
church on Sunday morning, March 1st around 7:00 a.m. to
help Julie to unload the truck, please let Libby know. It will
take less than 30 minutes.
Arise – Together in Christ Groups: Yes, Arise is over. We
completed the five sessions of this program. Do you miss
your group? Do you wish to reconnect with them and share
faith and life. We do have Lenten opportunities. Maybe
your group would like to use our Fr. Barron DVD series during this Lenten Season. In the parish we have four of Fr.
Robert Barron DVD video series being offered. Which of
these series would you like to show with your group: 1)
Conversion – Following the Call of Christ, 2) Priest, Prophet,
King, 3)The Seven Deadly Sins, or 4) Untold Blessings. Talk
with your group and see what you would like to do. Also
read the insert on Lenten Activities which explains more
about these DVD programs. We will just need to coordinate materials. If you are interested, see Libby.
Stained Glass Windows: We have a new addition to our
stained glass windows here at Saints Peter and Paul. Check
out the window of St. Isidore and his wife St. Maria Torribia.
St. Isidore is the Patron Saint of Farmers and rural communities. When you have time, go to
the web site
www.emmanuelstudio.com and
look at the stained glass windows
currently being worked on for
Saints Peter and Paul. You will
see that one of the windows currently being worked on is the
Trinity Window which is the round
window you see when you look
up at the Choir Loft.
• FEBRUARY 8, 2015 •
Mon: Knights of Columbus-6:30 pm, OA
Tues: PTO-5:30 pm, Gym
Wed: Rosary Makers-8:45 am, HFR
Choirs: Kids 4pm, Adults 6:30 pm
HS & MS Youth Ministry-5:30 pm
Thur: Worship Comm. -12 Noon, OA
RCIA-7:00 pm, Gym
MOMS Group-9:30 am, OA
Sat: PTO Monte Carlo Night-6 pm, Gym
Sun: Ultreya-3 pm, OA
Readings for the Week of February 8, 2015
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/
Mk 1:29-39
Gn 1:1-19/Mk 6:53-56
Gn 1:20--2:4a/Mk 7:1-13
Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Mk 7:14-23
Gn 2:18-25/Mk 7:24-30
Gn 3:1-8/Mk 7:31-37
Gn 3:9-24/Mk 8:1-10
Next Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/
Mk 1:40-45
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Monday, February 9
8:00 AM
Tuesday, February 10
8:00 AM
Wednesday, February 11
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
Thursday, February 12
8:00 AM
5:30 PM Spanish
Friday, February 13
8:00 AM
Saturday, February 14
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Sunday, February 15
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
2:00 PM Spanish
10:30 PM Spanish
St. Scholastica
Our Lady of Lourdes
Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time
† Indicates Requiem Mass
Important Dates
In Honor of All Married Couples, Widows & Widowers
Confirmation Rehearsal:
Wednesday, April 1st at 6:30 p.m.
Confirmation Celebration:
Wednesday, April 15th at 6:00 p.m.
First Holy Communion Prayer Day: Saturday,
April 25th beginning at 9:00 a.m.
First Communion Celebration:
Sunday, April 26th at 4:00 p.m.
Monte Carlo Night – Valentine’s Day – February 14th –
6:00 p.m. Tickets $20 each or /$35.00 per couple. There
will be a Live and Silent Auction, Gift Cards or Certificates,
Gift Baskets, Artwork, Electronics, Business Services. You will
enjoy Black Jack, Craps, Roulette, Texas Hold’em and Chinese Auction. Tickets are on sale after all weekend Masses.
Get your babysitter now and come and enjoy.
St. Paul in the
second reading, the good steward can say, “I do all that I
do for the sake of the Gospel in the hope of sharing in its
Weekly Parish Collection ................................................. 15,228.92
Weekly Parish Budget Needs ...................................... $15,414.56
Unpaid 2014-15 Diocesan Assessment ..................... $40,831.14
Unpaid Operational Bills .............................................. $21,629.29
Weekly Capital Improvement Donations .......................... $762.00
Capital Improvement Fund Balance ............................. $31,652.07
Weekly A Legacy of Faith Fund Pledge Payments ..... $4,820.11
A Legacy of Faith Fund Balance ................................. $485,617.44
Stained Glass Window Donations ...................................... $150.00
Stained Glass Window Fund Balance ...................... $422,721.75
Pancake Breakfast: Our Saints Peter and Paul Catholic
School PTO and the Knights of Columbus Council No. 7847
have joined forces to sponsor a Pancake Breakfast at Applebee’s Restaurant, located at 4089 Fort Campbell Blvd, on
Saturday, February 21st from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Tickets
are $5.00 each. Children under 5 eat free! So save the
date and bring the whole family to enjoy a great Pancake
Our RCIA Process continues THIS Thursday evening, February 11th at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to come.
PSR (Parish School of Religion) – Pre-School thru 4th
Grade Religious Education continues this Sunday, February
8th immediately after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the school
February Schedule
Sunday, February 8th - Class
Sunday, February 15th – No Class – President’s Day
Sunday, February 22nd - Class
In Need of Prayers… Covington Convalescent-Pat Chesnut,
Elizabeth Jones, Karen Logsdon, Jean Soyars Western State Nursing Facility -Debbie Dickerson, Rose Vincent Christian Health Center – Norma Downs, Jeanette Elliott, Barbara Holubecki, Frank
Rogers Friendship House- Christine Mills, Ernie Tuggle Others.
Andy & Fran Belland, Julie Buehrle, Jane Brockman, Ken & Jan
Buckner, Pierce Canfield, Gladys Capiro, Don Carrico, Sandy
Carlton, Phil Carsone, Sam Chesnut, Lidia Cincotti, Janet Coe,
Coleman Family, Pam Cox, Sal Daldone, Dean Families, Gene
Durbin, Dorothy Edson, Connie Fowler, Martha Fowler, Gant Golladay, Jance Godot, Ginger & Bob Chasteen, Joe Greenan, Bonnie Haney, Dottie Happe, Jerry Happe, Amanda Harden, Bonnie
Harris, Betty Johnston, Anita Jones, Sharon Kusnierz, Bob Labor,
Krystal Lauderdale, MaryJo Lauren, Larry Meacham, Rochelle
Mendoza, Margie Meredith, Carlo & Lucia Mereu, Joe Mezzoni,
Sr., Barbara Moseley, Mike Moseley, Sandy Mueller, Amber
Olson, Ricky Powell, Larry Puckett, Justina Roman, Bill Rush, Bob
& Cele Schade, MaryAnn Schurmann, Ron Shafer, David Ray
Shirley, Bobby Sholar, Kristian Shouse, Gina Simpson, Jim Smith,
Dennis Sunderhaus, MaryAnn Stahr, Stocker Family, Betty Sutton,
Georgiann Svestka, Laura Svestka, Ken Swicicki, Curtis Stigall,
Jerry Thomas, Rose Ann Tobin, Bridget Todd, Hannelore Vanderklok, Lucy Vandrell, Mildred Weeks, Helen Winstead, James
Our Middle School and High School Youth continues with
class this Wednesday, February 11th beginning with Mass
at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and class and ending at
8:00 p.m.
February Schedule:
Wednesday, February 18th – No Class – Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 25th – Classes – 5th and 6th Graders
Souper Bowl of Caring Thank You:
Last Sunday for the Souper Bowl of
Caring Challenge Saints Peter and
Paul Parish generously donated 418
cans of soup and $399.00 in donations. This is how we add up:
357 cans
$179.00 cash
251 cans
$157.25 cash
175 cans
$62.00 cash
248 cans
$80.00 cash
418 cans
$399.00 cash
5 Year Total: 1,449 cans
$877.25 cash
Nationally, as of Wednesday morning, February 4, 2015
the Souper Bowl of Caring Challenge involved 2,315 youth
groups and donations reached $5,069,882.00 with some
groups still reporting their totals. What a one day event!
Confirmation Students: Remember your Patron
Saint Reports are due at class on Wednesday,
February 11th.
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Altar Servers:........................ Maddy Bennett, Molly Bennett
Cross Bearer: ........................................................ Matt Shelton
Commentator:................................................. Imelda Gorman
Lectors: ....................................... Donna Pfeufer, Pat Johnson
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: .............. Dana Nethery,
......................... Sandy Doyon, Franki Durbin, Sarah Kranz
Choir Loft ............................. Tony Esposito, Arsha Battah
Ushers .....................................Doyle Shelton, Julie Crawford
........................................................ Larry Puckett, Pat Puckett
Vocational Cross ............................................... Dana Nethery
Sunday, 8:00 am
Altar Servers:...................................... Paul Rush, Kylee Spurr
Cross Bearer: ........................................................Cole Stevens
Commentator:................................................. LaDonna Downs
Lectors: ...................................... Jerry Brockman, Robert Hill
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: ...................... Bob Stites,
................. David Dobbins, Maria Creighton, Libby Downs
Choir Loft ................................ Debbie Harden, Tom Folz
Ushers ............................................Dirk Downs, Gary Harden
............................................... Philip Garnett, RIchard Dymek
Vocational Cross ..................................................... Amy Fortin
Sunday, 10:30 am
Altar Servers:......................... Ryan Carlton, Scribbe Goode
Cross Bearer: ............................................... Preston Chaudoin
Commentator:..................................................Marlene Castro
Lectors: ............................................ Andrew King, Kelly King
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: ..............Don McCowan,
.................................. Cathy Smith, Karen Hall, Pam Carlton
Choir Loft ..................... Charles Fiscella, Teresa Garnett
Ushers ............................................ Billy Garnett, James Long
........................................................... Kelly King, Jake Means
Vocational Cross .................................. Steve Kinnard Family
Spanish Mass, 2:00 pm
Comentarista:..…………...…....…………….Alma Reeder
1-2 Lectura:…………...........José Duran, Guadalupe Rosas
Ministro E:……Roberto Cruz, Ana Ethridge (si no hay diacono)
Hospitalidad:…………..Tomas Macario, Víctor Hernández
Monaguillos:….…………..Mayelin Juárez, Shane Ethridge
Guadalupana:……………………….....Familia Hernández
YOUTH 2000 is responding to the call of Pope John Paul II
to enable young people to live and proclaim the Gospel.
You are invited to a YOUTH 2000 Retreat on March 13th15th at Brescia University Campus Center in Owensboro. This
retreat is being sponsored by the Diocesan Offices of Youth
Ministry and Faith Formation and the Diocesan Marian Shrine
Committee. Youth should register through a Parish, School or
other Group. For registration forms, see Libby. The deadline
for registration is February 27th.
Please Pray for our Deployed
Scott Donohue, Olin Harrington, Rogelio NicanorMartinez, Tobe Wilkins.
According to Mark, Jesus in Galilee goes about
the villages healing the sick, driving out demons,
and preaching in their synagogues. And from
the example of what happens in the synagogue
of Capernaum, it seems that Jesus preaches and
drives out demons in the synagogues. While it is comforting
to hear that the Lord heals bodies and spirits, it is profoundly disturbing to learn how often he must cast out demons
and where he happens to find them. How numerous the cases of the possessed. Having confronted Satan head on, Jesus is known to the Satanic minions and he will not let them
announce the good news of his identity, as if he might benefit from their services. That would, indeed, be a backhanded compliment and an insidious collusion. All the delivered
people need is to be freed and to see that he casts out demons by “the finger of God.” The only divine power to be
applied to the people by Jesus is that of the truth of divine
presence, divine mercy, and an appeal that they believe
the good news of God’s love. Their bodies will be healed,
but will they walk by the faith they are offered? Their souls
will be freed from satanic dominion, but will they choose to
live by the law of the covenant that Jesus has come to fulfill?
Once unencumbered by sin, by bodily illness, and by evil
spirits, will they repent, believe and find life in the following
of Jesus? Their deliverance does not determine their choices
which must follow.
Mark places a homey, domestic scene in the middle
of Jesus Galilean “tour de force.” In Capernaum, Jesus enters the house of Simon and Andrew. We learn obliquely of
Peter’s marriage through the fact of his wife’s mother’s fever. The only other reference to Simon Peter’s being married in found in 1 Corinthians 9.5, where Paul relates that
the other apostles have their wives along with them, including Cephas (Peter). In healing Peter’s mother-in-law, Jesus
frees her to return to her role in the household. She accepts
his healing hand and returns to service. In contrast to his
calling of the apostles from their boats and nets, Jesus
brings blessings to their homes. While re-ordering their
work, he does not detract from their families. Proclaiming
the kingdom of God certainly does lead all of the priorities
of Jesus and his disciples, still, their marriages and families
are blessed, not harmed, by the call of the Lord. Perhaps
the silence of the gospels with regard to the apostles wives
and children suggests that they were shielded from the exposure which would ultimately lead to most of the apostles’
martyrdoms. Then again, it is always good to remember
how on later journeys of his gospel ministry, Jesus and the
Twelve were accompanied by a large retinue of women
disciples and even children. It is almost like the large Passover pilgrimages familiar to first century Palestine, caravans
of villagers and families in which Jesus had participated
since his own childhood.
Among the Galileans from whom demons had been
cast out and who in her conversion of faith had chosen to
follow Jesus, the gospels all mention Mary of Magdala. She
was befriended by the other women disciples and certainly
made the final pilgrimage with the company down to Jerusalem for Jesus’ last Passover. Luke tells us that Jesus, in
delivering her, had cast out seven demons. The women in
the company of disciples, like Peter’s mother-in-law,
stepped up to support and to serve the needs of the company. The healings and deliverances which they variously
experienced, followed by their conversions of faith, positioned them particularly to be able to stand near the cross
while most of the men disciples fled. The authorities and
their soldiers largely ignored the women. This gave them
clearance in their unassuming service and allowed their witness both to the horror of the Lord’s agony on the cross and
to the bewildering glory of his resurrection from the tomb
on the third day. From start to finish, there is a domestic
quality, a familial tone to the company of those who answer
the call of Jesus. The healing and deliverance Jesus brings;
the conversion he offers by God’s gracious mercy; even
while it sends the Good News out into the world, it brings
people home to each other and to God. Fr. Richard
Almighty and eternal God, Creator, Lord of all, we
ask your blessing and the seal of your protection upon our
nation’s Military personnel. They are called upon to serve
in peril, often far from home. Whether bringing aid in time
of disaster or bearing lethal force, they go on our behalf to
preserve life, to secure the peace, to promote justice, and to
repel unjust aggression, for the safety of our homeland and
on behalf of all who seek to live as neighbors on this good
earth. By your grace, give them the wisdom, skill, courage,
and integrity to serve honorably and generously. If and
when they must use lethal force, in your mercy, protect them
and all with whom they serve from injury and from every
evil. By your faithfulness keep them true to you and to each
other and to all that is noble in their souls. By the power
and the promise of your glory hold them close in prayer,
resolute in the practice of faith, ever beside the Good
Shepherd while in the valley of death’s shadow. By your
light shield them from all the darkness met in War, sustaining them in hope, preserving them from falling into sin. By
your redemption gained for us in Jesus Christ, your beloved
Son, deliver them when all is done from every sinful fault.
Securely guide them through their service and bring them
safely home at last in joy. Keep their spouses, their children, and all their families safe in your love. By your own
hand receive the fallen, bind up the wounded, and console
the grieving. Deliver us and all our world from the selfish
prides and vengeful hatreds which are the seeds of war.
By the Cross of Christ defeat for us that dread spirit of this
present darkness, our ancient foe. In your Holy Spirit,
poured forth upon your sons and daughters by the Risen
Christ, reconcile the human race to you and to itself, and
grant us peace, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration – Hazardous Weather
Policy: If hazardous weather occurs, a decision will be
made to continue with Adoration or to suspend adoration.
Once a decision has been made, adorers who would be affected will be called in addition to the hourly captains.
If you are uncertain about whether adoration is being held,
please call your hourly captain.