Holy Cross Catholic Church 710 Clay Street Lynchburg, VA 24504 ¨ (434) 846-5245 ¨ Fax (434) 846-7022 Email: Hcrosshome@aol.com www.holycrosslynchburg.org Rev. Msgr. J. Kenneth Rush, Pastor Rev. James Gallagher, Jr. - in residence FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 8, 2015 MISSION STATEMENT OFFICE HOURS Mon. - Fri. 9:00am - 4:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday - 4:00pm Sunday - 8:00am, 11:00am Sunday - 2:00pm - Mass in Spanish Called by God through Baptism, empowered by the Holy Spirit, formed by the Word, nourished by the Eucharist, we gather together in our diversity as a community of Faith, worship and service, to share with others the love of Jesus Christ our Risen Lord. NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our parish family. Please fill out a registration card located by the doors in the Commons and return it to our office. Once we have received and entered your registration card a welcome packet will be sent to you. ADMINISTRATION Business Manager Mrs. BethAnn Good Parish and Cemetery Records Mr. George Beths Facility Maintenance Coordinator Mrs. Heather Royer Secretary Mrs. Margie Takacs, Obl.S.B. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director of Christian Formation Mrs. Linda Contreras hcrossreled@aol.com Coordinator of Christian Formation Mrs. Beth Ann Good MUSIC Contemporary Music Coordinator Mr. Gerry Bianco Traditional Choir Organist Mr. Allan Heer Traditional Choir Coordinator Ms. Loretta Seabolt PARISH COUNCIL Kathy MacDonell, Chairperson FINANCE COUNCIL Mike Madden, Chairperson HOLY CROSS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 434- 847-5436 Principal, Mrs. Patti Culbreth Website: www.holycrossforyou.org CAMPUS MINISTRY Lynchburg College Kaky Bowden bowden_k@lynchburg.edu SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM All parents wishing to have their child baptized at Holy Cross Church should be registered in the parish and attend the Baptismal Preparation program. The next Baptismal Preparation will be on Tuesday, February 24 at 7:00pm. For more information or to register please contact Helen Wheelock. RECONCILIATION Saturday 2:30pm - 3:30pm or by appointment with the Pastor RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) - Inquiry sessions for those interested in finding out more about participating fully in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church take place throughout the year. For information contact Chuck Mugnolo, Clm904@cs.com SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY In order to fulfill requirements for marriage, it is necessary for the couples to contact the Pastor at least six months prior to the wedding and to attend a Diocesan premarital session. ANOINTING OF THE SICK - If you are sick or hospitalized, please call the parish office to arrange a time for a Priest to visit and bring Communion to you. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH St. Joseph, master carpenter and builder, pray for our parish community at Holy Cross. Inspired by your example of faithful love for Mary and Jesus, and with the support of your people, may we continue to serve God faithfully, work together to build up God’s kingdom, and be the people our Lord Jesus calls us to be. Amen SUNDAY GOSPEL READING REFLECTION At time we are overwhelmed by life’s burdens. Job speaks for all of us. It’s not surprising that people flocked to Jesus, who responded to them by healing them and driving out demons. We know there is not always a quick fix for what burdens us. We are called to follow Jesus’ life and words closely, confident that ultimately he will, indeed, heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds. BULLETIN DEADLINE All submissions are due at the parish office by Friday at noon either in person or by email to Margie at hcrosshome@aol.com and must be two weeks prior to publication. All submissions are subject to the Pastor’s approval, space availability and limited to 50 words. PRAYER AND WORSHIP Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Feb. 8, 2015 Saturday, February 7 4:00pm Mass is offered for Rene Contreras Sunday, February 8 + St. Jude Circle Valentine Bake Sale 7:15am Chaplet of St. Michael, Chapel 7:30am Rosary, Chapel 8:00am Mass is offered for Gordon Echols 9:45am Christian Formation, Church 9;45am The Joy of the Gospel, Commons 11:00am Mass is offered for the intentions of the Parishioners of Holy Cross Church 2:00pm Mass in Spanish is offered for The Johnson Family 4:30pm Mass will be offered at Lynchburg College Snidow Chapel for The Farrell Family Monday, February 9 8:45am Morning Prayer, Chapel 9:00am Mass is offered for John Monark 9:30am Rosary prayed for priests 1:00pm Our Lady of Lourdes Circle meeting, PLC 1:00pm Our Lady of Peace Circle meeting, PLC 5:15pm Building Committee, Commons 7:00pm RCIA Tuesday, February 10 8:45am Morning Prayer, Chapel 9:00am Mass will be celebrated for the Souls in Purgatory 10:00am Pastoral Care meeting 3:30pm Mass at Westminster-Canterbury Chapel is offered for Gordon Echols Wednesday, February 11 No Mass 9:45am Little Rock Scripture Study, lower level 6:30pm Parish Council meeting 7:30pm Contemporary Choir practice, church Thursday, February 12 8:45am Morning Prayer, Chapel 9:00am Mass is offered for Neal Saunders 6:15pm Traditional Choir practice, church 6:30pm The Joy of the Gospel, Commons Friday, February 13 8:45am Morning Prayer, Chapel 9:00am Mass is offered for Rev. Robert McEleney Saturday, February 14 Valentine’s Day 2:30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation, Chapel 4:00pm Mass is offered for the intentions of Antoinette Kirchner Sunday, February 15 + collect Palms, Commons + pancake breakfast / dinner 7:15am Chaplet of St. Michael, Chapel 7:30am Rosary, Chapel 8:00am Mass is offered for Rita Christian 9:45am Christian Formation, Church 9;45am The Joy of the Gospel, Commons 11:00am Mass is offered for Raymond Cwynor 2:00pm Mass in Spanish is offered for the Souls in Purgatory 4:30pm Mass will be offered at Lynchburg College Snidow Chapel for Gordon Echols ALTAR FLOWERS The Flowers on the Altar are offered to the Glory of God. in loving memory of Frank, Jean and Mary Meyer. given by James Meyer Pray for Vocations ~ If you should be called to serve the Lord as a priest, deacon, or in the consecrated life, please call Father Michael G. Boehling at (804) 359-5661 or write mboehling@richmonddiocese.org Please remember in your prayers those listed below who are sick or who have asked to be remembered in prayer. After two weeks these names will be given to our Prayer Line Ministry to keep this list current. We ask you to please keep us updated if there is still a need for prayers or if the need no longer exists. Please pray for: Rosanne Hirsch MaryAnn Jaimen Michael Duffy Joyce Washington Ann Reams Tara Schanck Nasseeb Azar Suzanne Pharis Lillian Nichols Richard Cadieux Prayer Line - To make a confidential prayer request or to become a member of the prayer line, please contact Mrs. Mary Mugnolo by email at marycmugnolo@cs.com or you may call Mary. ++++++ Pray the Rosary ++++++ STEWARDSHIP In addition to writing checks to the church or making stock gifts, we now have an Online Giving site. It is simple and convenient and we encourage parishioners to consider using this payment method. To access and enroll, go to our parish website at www.holycrosslynchburg.org. January 31 2015 & February 1, 2015 Offertory Total Collection Mailed to Office Online Giving: $14,380.66 $11,250.66 $ 1,575.00 $ 1,555.00 Contingency Total $ 3,597.00 Contingency Collection $ 3,042.00 Contingency Online $ 555.00 Offertory needed for Balanced Budget - $13,300.00 Second Collection February 22 - Health Wagon This is a Diocesan Second Collection for South West Virginia. PARISH LIFE GETTING READY FOR LENT Ladies of Charity Valentine Bake Sale The Ladies of Charity St. Jude’s Circle will be having its Annual Valentine Bake Sale the weekend of February 7/8. Stop by the tables in the Commons and get something for your Sweetie. All proceeds from the bake sale will help fund St. Jude’s Circle charitable works this year. The Joy of the Gospel It’s not too late to join the conversation with facilitator Professor Emeritus Jerry Carney. Sunday at 9:45am on Feb. 8, & 15. Thursdays at 6:30pm on Feb. 12 & 19. Please contact Linda Contreras with any questions. +++ Return Blessed Palms - If you have palms from last Palm Sunday that we can use for the Ash Wednesday Service, please bring them to church next weekend and place them in the designated baskets in the Commons. +++ PLEASE Be Our Guests Pancake Dinner / Breakfast Feb. 14 & 15 Hosted by Youth and Parents Have a pre Lenten “Mardi Gras”/ Fat Sunday with pancakes, sausage, milk, juice, or coffee- $1.50 per person or $6.00 per family. Proceeds will fund a special outing or activity for Holy Cross Youth. Thanks in advance for being our guest! Souper Bowl Sunday - Thanks to everyone for a great job putting food back on the shelf on Souper Bowl Weekend. We collected 550 food items and $187! Food Pantry No food pantry food bags were given out last weekend, the first weekend of the month due to Souper Bowl Food Donation Contest that was taking place in the parish. All food collected from the contest will help fill the food pantry shelves. Food bags will again be distributed the first weekend of March. Thank you for your support of the needy in our community. LENT +++ Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten Season Fr. Rush will celebrate Mass at 7:30am and Noon with the distribution of ashes. +++ Ash Wednesday Prayer Service and Lenten Supper Diocesan Work Camp February 18 at 6:15pm June 20-26, 2015 A prayer service with the distribution of ashes will take Greene County, VA place at 6:15pm. The service is followed by a light Diocesan Work Camp is open to Rising 9th graders and supper. If you intend to stay for the supper, please sign graduated 12th graders. The Work Camp is also in need of up and prepay in the Commons. The cost of the supper contractors and homebase volunteers. For this event, 1 adult is $15.00 per family or $5.00 per person. The supper is needed for every 6 youth who are participating in the Work consists of a tossed salad, macaroni and cheese, Camp. Adult participants are responsible for looking out for the vegetarian chili and a baked potato bar. Sunday, well-being of youth participants both at home base and at the February 15 is the deadline to sign up for the dinner. work sites. Knowledge of home improvement is not needed in this role. If there are 10 or more youth participants there are specific additional adult volunteers that must be provided. Contractors and homebase volunteers do not have a fee associated with them. The cost for both the youth and adult participants is $295.00. If you and/ or your teen are interested, we will coordinate a meeting the week of February 9th. Please email BethAnn at hcrossassistant@aol.com Detailed information can be found online at http://evangelizerichmond.org/events/diocesan-youth-workcamp/ St. Victoria Catholic Church Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church 305 Victoria Drive, Hurt, VA 24563 2938 Oakleigh Avenue, Appomattox, VA 24522-0668 434-352-0104 Pastor: Rev. James Gallagher Sunday Mass - 8:30am Tuesday Mass - 10:00am Tuesday Mass - 7:00pm Thursday Mass - 12:15pm Feb. 15 - Mass in Latin,3pm 434-324-4824 Pastor: Rev. James Gallagher Sunday: Mass -11:00am Monday Mass -10:00am Wednesday Mass - 10:00am Thursday Mass - 6:30pm +++ Lenten Fridays Soup Supper ~ Stations of the Cross Will take place each Friday of Lent beginning February 20. 6:00pm - Soup Supper, Commons 7:00pm - Stations of the Cross +++ Parish Retreat~In The Footsteps of Jesus March 13-17 Brother Loughlan Sofield, S.T. is a missionary Servant of the Most Holy Trinity. Brother Lock conducts workshops, missions and retreats for clergy, religious, and parishes throughout the U.S. and Europe. In early February he was the principle speaker at Clergy Study Days in our diocese. He is high energy, funny, compassionate, witty and wise. There will be 2 sessions daily, light refreshments, and child care in the evenings. Specific times and topics are forthcoming. Take advantage of this rare opportunity and time of special blessing to grow in your relationship with the Lord.
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