February 2015 - Folly Beach Arts and Crafts Guild

Folly Beach
Arts & Crafts Guild
February 2015 Newsletter
Folly Gras - Saturday Feb. 21st
Valerie O’Neal
Vice President:
Kathy Nicklaus
Pat Hiott Mason
Kerry Hupp
Meetings are held the first
Tuesday of each month at the
Folly Beach Community Center
beginning at 6:30 PM.
Next Meeting Tuesday, Jan.
Membership is currently
closed. Membership will open
again in August through December 31st. Jewelry memberships are closed until further
Newsletter Input
Please send any information
you would like to include in
the newsletter to:
Folly Gras will take place on Saturday, Feb. 21st. Show hours are 10-4,
with set up beginning at 8:00. The parade rolls through at 2:00. There is
a $20.00 booth fee for this event, and members are asked to submit their
booth fee by the next meeting - If you can’t attend the meeting, please mail
your check to: The Folly Beach Arts & Crafts Guild, P.O. Box 723, Folly
Beach, SC 29439. This event is currently full. The following members have
reserved booth spaces. If you cannot attend, please email kerryhupp@
bellsouth.net no later than Wednesday, Feb. 18th so that we can reassign
your space. No shows will forfeit their booth space reservation for the Tides
of March.
Michele Blank Peggy Tieman
Lorrie Stein
Veronique Aniel
Ileta Braithwaite
John Nickerson
Maria Grampus
Linden Bransom
Stella Corbett
Sheryl Maugens
Caroline Sandlin
Henrietta Thompson
Missy Johnson Iryna Tony
R Tannenbaum
Diana Vincent
Missy Durban
Valerie O’Neal
Heather Martinez
Shirley Altman
Dan Diehl
Amanda Jackson
Miro Kenowick
Mary Palmatier
Dolly Paul
M Tannenbaum
Mona Small
Kelly Kane Wood
Linda Kirk
Charlie Epps
CC Friedheim
Joe Spencer
Pat Hucks
Roberta Gifford
C&R Sumpter Ginger Cox
Shelia Thompson
Jo Carson
Shelby Parbel
Randy Routson
Natalie King
Tammy Rudd
Tides of March Saturday March 14th & Sunday March 15th
It was determined during our last guild meeting, that the booth fee for this
event is $40.00 for both days, or $25.00 for one day. We currently have a
waiting list for this event, so if you have signed up and cannot attend, please
email kerryhupp@bellsouth.net so that we can reassign your space. The
competition details and applications will be available during the February
meeting and will be emailed after the meeting for those who cannot attend.
Please make sure your booth fees are submitted by the March 3rd meeting
to reserve your space.
Speaker for the March Meeting - Debra Bowles from SC Dept. of Revenue
For those of you who have questions regarding setting up a business in SC,
how to file taxes, licensing requirements etc, don’t miss this meeting! Debra
will begin her presentation at 6:45 and we will hold our regular business
after she is finished. Thank you Ramona Small for getting this set up for us!
See you all on Tuesday.
2015 Calendar of Events:
Folly Gras - Sat. February 21st. Folly River Park. Set up 8-10am. Show hours 10-4. Booth fee
Tides of March - Sat. March 14th and Sun. March 15th. Folly River Park. Set up 8-10am on
Saturday. Show Hours Sat. 10-4, Sun. 1-5. You are welcome to leave your tent set up overnight,
but please do not leave any valuables inside your tent overnight. The guild will not be responsible
for any lost or stolen items left in your tent overnight. Booth fee is $40.00 for both days, $25.00
for one day.
Sea and Sand Festival - April 11th. The guild has reserved the park and the booth fee is $35.00
Show hours in the park will be 10-5. If you wish to set up in the street, please contact Ben Bounds
and he can give you the details regarding cost, booth space availability and set up time.
Ben Bounds / Director - Folly Beach Sea and Sand Festival
P.O. Box 151
Folly Beach, SC 29439
Twitter: @FollyBeachFesty Ben Bounds
Show Rules:
• Sign up sheets for upcoming shows are available at our monthly meetings. If you cannot
make the meeting, and wish to attend a show, it is up to each individual member to notify
the show organizer.
• Vendor booth spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis. The cut off for sign up to
any show is the meeting before the upcoming show or when ever the available spaces are taken,
which ever comes first. After that, we will accept a waiting list and notify those individuals if a space
become available.
• Vendors must be a member in good standing and have a current Folly Beach Business License.
• If you cannot make the show, you must give at least 24 hours notice or you will forfeit your
booth space for the next show, no exceptions.
• Vendors must stay for the duration of the show. Those who leave early will forfeit their eligibility
to participate in upcoming shows. Special circumstances can be arranged if we are notified well in
advance of the event or in case of emergency.
• Spaces are assigned for each show. We try our best to rotate spaces for each show so that
any one vendor is not in the same location every time. Maps with vendor locations are posted
at the park and emailed to vendors at least 24 hours before the show.