Number 2 February 6 2015 VIEWBANK CALENDAR February 7 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 Second Hand Uniform Shop 10am - 12pm Leadership Camp depart Leadership camp return Friends of Viewbank (FOV) Meeting 7.30pm School Photos Year 7 Cricket VCE Study Skills (Period 1-4) Friends of Music (FOM) Meeting 7.30pm Senior Round Robin ICT Meeting 5.30pm Buildings & Grounds Meeting 6.00pm Finance Meeting 6.30pm Year 7 Music Information Evening 7.30pm Year 10 Assembly re Work Experience Friends of Performing and Visual Arts (FOPAVA) Meeting 7.30pm College Council Meeting 7.30pm General Assembly Year 8 Cultural Enrichment (Period 5 & 6) School Photo catch up day House Meetings School Term Dates 2015 Monday 9th March - Labour Day Public Holiday Term 1: 30th January - 27th March Term 2: 13th April - 26th June Term 3: 13th July - 18th September Term 4: 5th October - 18th December Viewbank College Warren Road, Rosanna, 3084 Phone: 9458 2811 Fax: 9459 0512 Website: Email: STUDENT ABSENCES Please be advised that Student absences are to be reported to Attendance Officer at not or by accessing Compass by clicking on the following link Principal’s Report This week has been a calm, positive week for the whole College to get into the rhythm of being back at school. The two-week start up at the end of 2014, certainly has meant that students have, after getting lockers, settled quickly. Some of the VCE students have changed subjects after rethinking their courses over the break and it needs to be said that the 13th February is the very last day for subject changes. Any student making changes at this time of the year is in danger of being too far behind. They would have to very work hard to catch up in their new study. This coming Thursday, is an important day for Year 11s and 12s as both groups will be undertaking a Study Skills program, vital to helping them focus on managing the challenge of a demanding year. Our Year 8 and 9 students came in on Monday for the first time and it seemed by their enthusiasm that generally they were all happy to be back. Our Year 7s are thriving and although they have a designated safe area near their Home Group rooms and a basketball court for just Years 7 and 8 to play in, we notice that already many are confidently out and about in the greater yard. 1 Number 2 February 6 2015 Laptop Roll-out: This week has been history-in-the-making for Viewbank College as the first ever Laptop Roll-out has begun for Years 7 and 10. After months of meticulous planning, lots of consultation and staff professional learning, we are at the beginning of a learning revolution which should open the way for some exciting learning challenges ahead. The ICT technicians of the College have worked through last weekend to have the devices imaged for students to start receiving them this week. The roll-out is a lengthy process and so not everyone will have received their laptop as yet. I have greeted every form that has had their roll-out to date and one of the first things I have asked students to do is thank their parents for the investment in this program. I hope they have done so! I have explained that these are learning devices, not to be used for downloading games, music or any inappropriate material and that teachers and the technicians have the right to examine content on any laptop. The Iaptops are like open books so students need to know that from the outset. I also advised students that they would not be using their devices for every minute of every day as they must be able to write well and undertake lots of other hands-on learning tasks. To date, the concept of VCE exams on-line is still a few years off so our students need to be versatile; it is healthy that they are. I have asked that students write their names on the inside of their carry bags and also place a sticker with their name and class on the lid of their laptop. However, all laptops are coded and Mr Vincent Duong, has recorded the barcodes of each laptop against a student’s name. Vincent had the very pleasant task of taking our groups through log in. It was like a Christmas morning as excited students unpacked their devices and marvelled at their new learning tool. After the log in Assistant Principal, John Munro spoke to the students of their interface with Compass and how they are to take responsibility for checking each morning the newsfeed and their room changes. He explained it is their responsibility to charge the devices at home as they will not be able to do so at the College. He also asked student to show their parents what has been loaded onto the devices and to ask parents to make sure that they are on Compass and access it regularly. The new devices have all the policies that students need to have access to and they will need to be clear about the Laptop User Policy. The roll-out has been handled as sensitively as possible. Not all classes have received their laptop and in each class, there are a few students still to get theirs. We are cognitive of the fact, some parents have just made their second instalments and their computer has just been ordered. We are hopeful these devices will arrive shortly. Please be aware that the imaging takes time too. We are endeavouring to supply the laptops as quickly as possible but we call for patience as this is a roll-out of over 400 laptops. Learning Field: For students who have received laptops, it is vital that they have access to Learning Field as this is the online textbook program that has replaced hard-copy textbooks. Students in Years 7 and 10 will be required to have their subscription paid for and ready to go. Teachers will begin using it next week. The student Compass email address, which every student has, is to be used to get in to make the payment. For further reference, the flyer for Learning Field about payments is available under the Student Learning tag, 1:1 Technology on the College website or by clicking on the following link College Car Park: This week we have closed the gates at 8.45am to ensure that students are safe. The danger is far too great for students walking into the grounds and we must ensure that they have clear passage. We understand that there are a small number of students who are currently recovering from injuries and of course, they can be dropped off close to the Admin. Office; parents can drive into the Visitor’s car park bay. We ask that parents do not drive cars into the College grounds between 8.30am and 9.15am. 2 Number 2 February 6 2015 We ask parents to respect our need to keep students safe and respect the staff on duty. We have College Values that we expect all members of the College, including parents, to abide by. There is no place for verbal abuse of staff members on duty. They are merely striving to ensure our students are safe. We are also quite concerned about the traffic congestion directly out the front of the College on Warren Road and we ask drivers to be very aware of students crossing the road and also of other drivers in the immediate area. I would like parents to consider dropping students off a block away to relieve this situation. A block’s walk is a healthy compromise in terms of dropping off students. They get to be transported close to the College and get some exercise too. We have applied to the Banyule City Council for a safety crossing and the matter is being considered. College Photos: On Wednesday, 11th February all students will be photographed for their College ID. Photograph packages will be available through Compass shortly afterwards. It is important that students are in best quality uniform. Please ensure their uniforms are clean and pressed, especially their blazers. The expectation is that for the photograph all students will be wearing their blazers. Students are not to wear excessive jewellery and girls will not be permitted to have makeup on. Leadership Camp: On Monday and Tuesday, the twenty Year 12 College Leaders will travel to Lyrebird Park, Yellingbo for the 2015 Leadership Camp. We wish Assistant Principal, John Munro and Ms Kate Butler and the Leaders best wishes for their two days away focussing on leadership. Musical Instruments: If you have any instruments at home that are not being used, and you would like to add them to our second-hand instrument list, please email Director of Music, Sarah Williams on” College Tours for Grade 6 Parents and Students: Bookings for College Tours for current Grade 6 students and their parents are now open. The first tour will be Tuesday, 17th February. The tours will be conducted by the Assistant Principals and myself so that prospective parents and students have the opportunity to see the working College. As a priority, these tours are for Grade 6 parents and students only. We are more than happy to run tours for Grade 5 families later in the year but it is imperative that Grade 6 parents have priority at this time of the year as their decision-making is far more urgent. Bookings for tours are essential and can be made through Trybooking on the following link: A reminder that there is a Friends of Music Meeting on Thursday 12th February, 2015. New members welcome to attend. Judith Craze Principal “Caring for Excellence” 3 Number 2 February 6 2015 Assistant Principal Report The school year has begun very well with all students engaged in their learning and keen to learn. Walking around the College and speaking with students it is great to hear that they are pleased to be back. It has been a great start to the year. Uniform It has been great to see students wearing their uniform correctly. Your child may have informed you that we have had staff on the gates on some days during the week to remind students of the Uniform Guidelines. As mentioned last week the Blazer is a compulsory part of the uniform and is to be worn to and from school as the outer garment. In term 1 and 4 when it is warm students can wear their dress or shirt without the Blazer to and from school but the Blazer must be at school for Year Level Assemblies, General Assemblies and other occasion when notified. The jumper is not to be worn as an outer garment. There will be a General Assembly in the next couple of weeks. If for some reason your child is unable to be in full uniform a written note is required and this needs to be given to either the Year Level Wellbeing Leader or Assistant Principal prior to the start of the school day and a uniform pass will be issued. SRC Elections Next week Year Level Wellbeing Leaders will be calling for nominations for the 2015 Student Representative Council, SRC. The SRC comprises of two elected student representatives from Year 7 to 11 who will work with the two Year 12 SRC Captains Craig Whittingham and Chloe Grimes in representing the voice of the student body, being leaders at their year level and assisting with fundraising activities and planning out of uniform days. It is a great opportunity for students with leadership aspirations to become involved. Nominations will close at the end of the school day next Friday, 13th February. Nomination forms can be collected from the Year Level Wellbeing Leader or it is attached to the Newsletter. Forms need to be completed and returned to the relevant Year Level Wellbeing Leader by next Friday. Elections will then take place in the following week and successful candidates will be notified by the end of week. A reminder, there is a Friends of Viewbank meeting this Tuesday. All parents are welcome to attend including new parents to the school. It is a great way to meet other parents, hear about aspects of the College and assist with fundraising. The meeting starts at 7.30pm in the main Administration building and generally goes for approx. an hour and a half. Supper is provided. Maree Gaffney Assistant Principal SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP The Second Hand Uniform Shop will next open on: Saturday 7th February, 2015 10.00am to 12.00pm (Gymnasium Cloakroom) Doors do not open until 10am VIEWBANK COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP Open every Wednesday morning (during school terms) in R13 Hours : 8.15am - 9.00am (Cash Only – No EFTPOS) 4 Number 2 February 6 2015 5 Number 2 February 6 2015 Senior School News Key Dates: Wednesday February 11 Thursday February 12 Friday February 13 School photos VCE Study Skills Day Periods 1 – 4 Last day to change VCE subjects Welcome back! We welcome all past and new students to the Senior School for the start of the 2015 year. The Well-Being Leaders have made every effort to ensure a smooth start to the year and students should now be settled in their classes. Students or parents who wish to discuss issues or concerns should contact the relevant Well-Being Leader. The Well-Being Leaders can be contacted by email via Compass or by telephone. Year 10: Ms Tamara Thatcher 9091 3871 and for attendance matters Mr Sean Hiller 8458 2867 Year 11: Miss Samantha Sissons 9091 3873 and for attendance matters Mrs Asha Dey 9091 3862 Year 12: Ms Dianne Allan 9091 3872 and for attendance matters Mr Dean Bettiol 8458 2848 Other key staff who make up the support team for Senior School students are: Assistant Principal in Charge of Senior School – Mr John Munro 9458 2811 Senior School Support Officer – Mrs Ann Shaw 9091 3861 VCE Coordinator – Mrs Laraine Ross 9091 3847 Careers – Mrs Ruth Perkins 9091 3837 VET/Work Experience – Mr Duncan Pitt 8458 2816 Mentors: Year 12 – Mrs Linda Robertson Year 11 – Mr John Handford As you know, the academic year began in earnest on November 24 last year; students met their new teachers, gained some experience of their chosen subjects and engaged in coursework. Some even completed assessment tasks during that time and over the summer holidays. We wish all students all the very best for a successful 2015. REMINDERS: Attendance Students are required to attend a minimum of 90% in all subjects/units. Students who do not meet the College’s attendance requirements jeopardise the satisfactory completion of their Year 10 or VCE. When students are ill or absent for a legitimate family reason, parents are able to access the Compass program and ‘approve’ that absence. We ask that all parents regularly access the parent portal and update those approvals where necessary. For VCE students, it is imperative that absences are covered by a medical certificate, especially if students are absent on the day of a SAC. Parents need to ensure that a medical certificate is obtained to cover their child’s absence; parent notes, Patient and Statutory Declarations WILL NOT be accepted. VCE Change of Enrolment The last day for subject changes is today, Friday Feb. 13. Students should have already consulted with their Well-being Leaders, Careers counsellors and VCE Coordinator to make enrolment changes. VCE Study Skills Morning This program is designed to provide a solid framework for successful study practice and techniques, and will be reinforced by our teachers throughout the year. 6 Number 2 February 6 2015 Senior School News continued…. The program will, in part, be provided by Elevate Education, a consultancy group which focuses on senior study. All VCE students will be required to attend their respective Year 11 and Year 12 Study Skills mornings on Thursday February 12. Year 11 – will be held in the College Library from 9:00am until 12:44pm (Periods 1 – 4). All students will be required to wear their full summer school uniform and to bring a notebook and pen to the sessions. Year 12 – will need to make their own way to Banyule Theatre for a 9:00 am start. Students will also be walking back to school in time for the lunch break. They are to attend their timetabled classes for periods 5 & 6. All students will be required to wear their full summer school uniform and to bring a notebook and pen to the sessions. Uniform Students are expected to dress in complete College uniform, as per the Uniform Policy, and to present a neat appearance at all times. It is mandated that all students wear the College blazer to official functions such as College Assemblies, Year Level Assemblies, excursions and incursions and other official functions where they represent the College or present as Viewbank College students. The following guidelines apply to Year 12 students: The Year 12 jacket can be worn to and from school and during school time throughout the week. If a student is not wearing the Year 12 jacket, then the outer garment must be the College blazer as per the College Uniform Policy. If, for any reason, your student is not able to wear the full uniform, please write a note so that your son/ daughter can present it to their Well-Being Leader before school to get a Uniform Pass. Mobile Devices Students are reminded that mobile devices are not to be brought to class or study periods. If they must be brought to school, then they must be kept in a locked locker. Phones/devices that are being used during class time or during study periods will be passed onto Mr Munro and can be collected at the end of the school day. Subsequent offences will require the parent/guardian to collect the mobile device. Cars Viewbank College places great emphasis on student safety and wellbeing, especially in relation to the use of vehicles and the transportation of passengers. With this in mind, we wish to remind both students and parents of the following: “Any student travelling in the car of another student can only do so with written permission of both parents/guardians (i.e. the driver’s and the passenger’ parents/guardians).” Creating a safe and supportive environment for all Viewbank College students is of paramount importance and we ask that students respect and abide by the College’s Student Car Policy. Homework Clubs Begin Monday Feb. 9 3:15 – 4:30 pm. Maths/Science – Monday G3 English/Humanities – Thursday C5. Sue Calder Senior Years Leader 9091 3870 7 Number 2 February 6 2015 8 Number 2 February 6 2015 Year 7 News YEAR 7 CAMP REMINDER Remaining payment of $120 is due by next Friday 13th February. Payment can be made through Compass via your child’s Camp Event. YEAR 7 CAMP COVER COMPETITION As you would be aware camp is fast approaching and we are busy preparing your booklets that will have all the information you need while you are there. We are holding a competition for the design of the front covers for these booklets. If you would like to be in the running to have your design on the front cover of the camp booklet simply submit your design to Miss Watson or Miss Goonan by the 20th February. Your design needs to include the following: 1. A space for the students to write their name and form group 2. Which camp you are on (7a-d or 7e-h) 3. The heading “Mt Evelyn Recreation Camp 2015” 4. And “Designed by YOUR NAME HERE” The cover should be bright bold, easy to read and the size of an A4 piece of paper. The winning entry for each camp will win the spot on the front cover and the runner up will get the spot on the back cover. Have fun! Kind Regards, Amanda Watson Year 7 Well-Being Leader Art News TOP DESIGN 2015 Congratulations to Isabelle Lohrey of Visual Communication and Design 2014, who achieved the honour of being shortlisted for VCAA’s prestigious TOP DESIGN, 2015. Isabelle was one of seventy Visual Communication and Design Year 12 students who were selected from numerous applicants across the whole state of Victoria! Within a recent email to Isabelle she pointed out: “…….It was a great process to be a part of and I was one of the lucky 70 people that got shortlisted, so that’s still pretty cool!” We all wish Isabelle all the very best for her tertiary studies at Melbourne University for 2015. Greg Lee Head of Arts Domain 9 Number 2 February 6 2015 Music News Music Information Night for all students new to Viewbank College Our annual Music Information Night will be held on Monday 16 February at 7:30pm in the Library. On this evening, students and their parents, will hear some of our school ensembles, have the chance to try out different instruments, and find out about our extensive music program. Students who are new to Viewbank College who already play an instrument (including voice) and would like to have lessons at school, should come and see Mrs Williams in the Music Office as soon as possible. We also welcome students learning instruments outside of school, into our ensemble program. Ensemble timetable Our ensemble timetable for 2015 is as follows: 10 Number 2 February 6 2015 Music News continued... Commencement of lessons and ensemble rehearsals All lessons and ensemble rehearsals for 2014 students who have re-enrolled, have now commenced. Students wishing to continue instrumental music lessons at school this year, who have not yet reenrolled, should collect a re-enrolment form from outside the Music Office ASAP. Forms should be handed in to the Music Office. Music Camp Wednesday 25th – 27th March We are delighted to have found an excellent venue for a music camp for our Intermediate Band, Junior Strings and Intermediate Strings. The camp will be held over the last three days of term 1 and will be held at Ferngully Lodge in Healesville. Notices with further details will be sent home shortly. A.M.E.B (Australian Music Examination Board) Any students wishing to enter for A.M.E.B exams should speak to their music teacher before enrolling. The relevant dates are as follows: Cut off date for enrolments 1st session: 2nd session: 3rd session: 4th session: 5th session: Exam dates Monday 23rd February Monday 16th March Monday 20th April Monday 24th May Monday 20th July (20th April – 9th May) (18th May – 5th June) (9th June – 27th June) (10th August – 5th September) (5th October – 15th November) Upcoming and Important Dates: Monday 16 February Senior Concert Band and Senior Strings performance at the Music Information Night, Library – 7-8pm (arrival time 7pm) Wednesday 25-27 March Music Camp at Ferngully Lodge in Healesville: Intermediate Concert Band, Junior and Intermediate Strings. Sunday 17 May Autumn Brunch: School Gym – 10am-1pm Junior, Intermediate, Senior concert bands, Jazz, Stage and Funk bands, Junior and Intermediate Strings. Thursday 21 May Autumn Nights: 7.30pm Banyule Theatre – Intermediate and Senior choirs, guitar ensembles, Senior Strings, Flute ensemble, Double Bass ensemble. Tuesday 15 September Gala Concert, Plenty Ranges Conference Centre – All ensembles Sarah Williams Director of Music 8458 2841 11 Number 2 February 6 2015 House Swimming Carnival Have you got your costumes ready for the House Swimming Sports?????? HOUSE SWIMMING SPORTS FRIDAY 27TH FEBRUARY, 2015 The College will conduct its annual House Swimming Carnival on Friday 27th February at the Balwyn Pools (Boroondara Sports Complex, Belmore Road, Balwyn North) commencing at approximately 10.00am. The pool is an outdoor pool, so please ensure your child/children bring sunscreen and other suitable sun protection, such as a hat, preferably in house colours, protective clothing and plenty of fluids for the day. All students are expected to attend the Carnival and be aware of the following arrangements: Students will attend Form Assembly at 9.00am, ready to leave by bus to Balwyn by 9.15am. All students are encouraged to wear their House colours to support their House. Balwyn Pool canteen will operate throughout the Carnival. At the conclusion of the day, approximately 2.15pm, students will board the buses in their Form Assemblies. Programs for the day’s events will be available at the College Office late next week. Additional programs will be available through House Coordinators. Parents are most welcome to attend the Carnival. Please be advised that no body paint is to be worn ~ this is the bus company directive 12 Number 2 February 6 2015 Canteen News Canteen Volunteers for week of 9th February to 13th February Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Helena Teo Caroline Robertson Carolyn Brindley Kanella Tsirbas Kathy Ralph Canteen Volunteers for week of 16th February to 20th February Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Diana Sze-Hong Susan Markby Lambrini Pappas Lynette Matthew Amanda Gagnon 13 Number 2 February 6 2015 Community News 14 Number 2 February 6 2015 Community News continued.. 15
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