Term 4 Week 5 – Thursday 13 November 2014 Student Name_________________________ …………….………...NŌ TE TUMUAKI………….……..……….FROM THE PRINCIPAL……………….... This time of year is always so busy, but it is inspiring to see our children getting fully involved and showing real enthusiasm and enjoyment of the activities that are offered to them. The senior children have been focused on developing skills for camp and inventing games for Sharks Alley stalls, Year 3/4 have been learning cooking skills for Gala Day and Camp activities, as well as investigating artist inventors, and the junior children have been practicing dances for their show and learning target shooting skills. It reminds me of the quote ‘This is a new day, one we’ve never lived before, stay in the now and enjoy every moment’. We are a school that lives by this notion, as can be seen by the high participation levels and excitement of families, staff and wider community in the activities and extra opportunities offered at this school. This brings great delight to the children’s faces and satisfaction for the staff and parents on a job well done. Carolyn Osborne PRINCIPAL ……………….....TE TĀKAI PUTIPUTI O TE WIKI………..……BOUQUET OF THE WEEK…………… We extend our grateful thanks to all those parents who volunteered to assist with camps last week. We appreciate the commitment of those parents and teachers who have taken leave from usual duties to transport, supervise, support and enable our Year 5/6 students experience camp challenges safely. ……………NGĀ MATAKINA ANO Ō TĒNEI WIKI.......... ……..THIS WEEK IN REVIEW…………. ROOM ONE AND TWO CAMP JOURNEY COMPLETED The last group of five to head out to Karakariki Christian Camp set off with great excitement last Wednesday for three days and two nights in the outdoors, returning on Friday with stories of adventure and independence. YEAR THREE AND FOUR VISUAL ARTS TRIP The entire middle school headed off on Monday for a day of art experiences. First was a stop at Morrinsville to visit the Wallace Art Gallery where students viewed artworks and completed their own clay sculpture. The day ended at the Historic Creations Gallery in Te Aroha to view Adrian Worsley’s workshop and our school entrance sculpture. APPLE STICKERS TRADED FOR SPORTS GEAR For this year’s Yummy apple sticker collection effort, the children now have $761 worth of extra sports gear. This resulted in purchase of a soccer kit, a netball kit, juggling balls, blindfolds, bean bags, frisbees and a fun ball catching kit. Well done everyone. Over the next twelve months keep collecting Yummy stickers from apples, nectarines and peaches so we can get more next year. GUITAR CONCERTS The final sessions of guitar lessons for the year concluded with the groups performing in a concert for family and friends. Tutor Gordon Barton was proud of the achievements of each student. We look forward to continuing to offer this additional learning opportunity next year for Year 4-6 students. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE ENJOYED BY YOUNG AND OLD Last week Room 17 visited the Tower Road Baptist Church Friendship Circle to entertain the group of elderly people with some jokes, sing some waiata, and share the reading and writing they have been working on in class. ………….…NGĀ WHAKAMĀHARAHARA..…….....REMINDERS………………..………… DON’T MISS OUT – ANOTHER ORDER OF CHILDRENS ARTWORK AVAILABLE – MUST BE IN BY FRIDAY 21 NOV A number of people missed the deadline for children’s artwork orders, so the PTA have decided to put in a second order, so that everyone who wants calendars, diaries and greeting cards can order them. Further order forms are available from the School Office. Write a cheque out to Matamata PTA or pay by cash and get your order in by Friday 21 November. ……….…TATAKINA TE TĪMA O TĒNEI KURA………......MEET THE TEAM AT MPS………………..…. Wendy Freeman is the Room 17 teacher of Year 1/2 students ‘I love working with Matamata Primary children as they are enthusiastic about everything they do’. This is Mrs Freemans fifth year at Matamata Primary. Her family has been in New Zealand for 8 years and both her children have finished school. Mrs Freeman experienced her first earthquake last week and is glad she hasn’t had been in one before. In her spare time Mrs Freeman enjoys reading, going to the gym and taking Junior her six year old labrador to Papamoa Beach. She is looking forward to the summer holidays this year as she has British visitors coming for Christmas. ……..………….………TITIRO Ā MUA………….….................LOOKING AHEAD……………………….… CHILDREN’S LUNCHTIME GALA TOMORROW FRIDAY 15 NOVEMBER 12.30PM Reminder with Gala Day tomorrow there is NO ASSEMBLY and there are NO LUNCH ORDERS Remember tomorrow to deliver the following items to school by 10.00am at the latest: Creative Cake Competition – we look forward to this year’s creative masterpieces that families have worked on. Cakes and Confectionery – fill up the plates delivered to you earlier in the week with sweets or muffins or date loaf or cakes or slices or biscuits. Wrap with clingwrap and label the outside eg (gluten free lemon cupcakes) Grocery Items – any more treats to fill the gaps in the Monster Grocery Hampers will be gratefully received. Fruit, Vegetables, Jams, Pickles, Relish, Preserves and Seedlings – for the Farmers Market Produce stall. Some of the special stalls for children include: Lucky Choose $1, Shark’s Alley 10c-$2, Sausage Sizzle $2 (juniors pre-ordered), Iceblocks $1, Drinks $2, Face Painting $2, Middle School Sweets/Cupcakes 50c to $2 per item, Bouncy castle $3, Pedal Cars $3, Nail Painting $2, Children’s $20 Raffle 50c a ticket, Pony Rides $2, Donkey Rides $2 GARDEN PARTY PLANNED TO CELEBRATE THE COMPLETION OF PTA LANDSCAPING PROJECT PTA Landscaping Committee are hosting an afternoon garden party and we invite parents and interested community members to attend the official opening of our garden and unveiling of our entrance sculpture. The event will be held Thursday 4 December starting at 2pm with a ceremony followed by nibbles and refreshments for those who attend the ceremony. If you intend to come, RSVP to the School Office to indicate your attendance for seating and catering. ………………….……NGĀ WHAKAATA Ō NGĀ ĀKONGA….……........STUDENT REFLECTIONS……..... In the five years that I have been at Matamata Primary I have enjoyed lots of activities like Interschools Sports, camp, Year 4 overnight camp, a trip to the Three Kauris and the Hamilton Gardens. I love doing sports at school. This year I got into the Interschool Cross Country team and I came fourth overall. I have enjoyed doing the Interschool Swimming Sports too and I have always done well. In the classroom my favourite subject is Maths because I am really good at it and I am in the second to top Maths class in the school. Next year I am looking forward to being in Year 6 and I hope I can be a School Leader. Kohan is an enthusiastic Year 5 student who enjoys being involved in all school activities. ……..............……KŌ NGĀ TAMARIKI TE AROTAHI…......FOCUS ON CHILDREN………………………...... Room 11 have been writing stories using the words they know and letter sounds they can hear. I like my Jelly beans. By Carlos The Jellybean Tree is big. By Danni The Jelly Bean tree is special. By Richarn I like the Jellybean tree. By Violet The jelly bean tree and the jelly beans are rainbow jelly beans. By Francesca …………………….….…MIHI WHAKANUI………………..….........CONGRATULATIONS……………....…..… LAST FRIDAY’S WEEKLY ASSEMBLY AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who received certificates last Friday for effort in classroom programmes: Room 3 Sidney Diprose/Brody Leadbeater Room 4 Cayenne Odi Room 5 Jack Reynolds Room 6 Hanre Strauss Room 7 Madilyn Beattie Room 8 Emily Barker/Kees Butler Room 9 Jacob Sullivan-Inglis Room 10 Marissa McGill Room 10 Nina Trumm Room 11 Daniel Chrin Room 12 Miah Bain Room 12 Alexander Marsh Room 13 Lane Bridgman Room 15 George Tarrant Room 16 Zane Shaw Room 17 Kelsey Gold Room 18 Hayley Madoc Room 19 Kaylin Hungerford Room 20 Charlotte Venk Extension Maths Dean Sankey Deserving Class Award: Room 20 …………TE RĀTAKA MŌ TE WĀHANGA TUAWHA………....…TERM FOUR DIARY………………..... Regular updates and further details available on http://www.matamataprimary.school.nz. Friday 14 November………………………………………………12.30pm PTA Children’s Gala Day Monday 17 November…………………………………………….1.30pm Silent Auction closes. Winning bids notified to pay and pick up. NOTE CHANGE…… Monday 17 November…………………11.00am Year 6 Road Patrol Awards presented Tuesday 18 November…………………………………………….Orientation day at Matamata Intermediate for Year 6. Tuesday 18 November……………………………………………7pm Whanau Hui Wednesday 19 November………………………………………..7.30pm BOT Meeting in the Conference Room Monday 24 November…………………………………………….Year 0 – 4 Swimming programme commences Tuesday 25 November……………………………………………Sushi Day Thursday 27 November…………………………………………..School Leaders Camp Friday 28 November………………………………………………Year 4 Overnight Camp Monday 1 December ……………………………………………..7pm PTA Meeting Tuesday 2 December……………………………………………..9am–12 midday Free Ear Clinic van on site Wednesday 3 December…………………………………………1.30pm Junior Rainbow Ball. Dress up in your rainbow gear. Thursday 4 December…………………………………………….Last Bible in School session for participating students Thursday 4 December…………………………………………….2pm Garden Party. Official Opening ceremony for completed garden project. Friday 5 December………………………………………………..9am End of Term 4 Assembly Wednesday 10 December………………………………………..Matamata Primary School Swimming Sports Monday 13 December…………………………………………….7.00pm Board of Trustees Meeting NOTE CHANGE ……Tuesday 16 December…………………9.30am Year End Prizegiving Assembly. 7.30pm Y5/6 End of Year Social Tuesday 16 December……………………………………………2.45pm End of Year Reports issued. Wednesday 17 December………………………………………..9am-3pm - Last day of school
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