SchoolCommunity News Date: 25th March 2015 Number: 8 Last day of Term One Friday 27th March 2105 Welcome to Term 1 - week 9, 2015! The final day for Term One is Friday 27th March. Please note that the school will dismiss at 2.30pm on this day. Please also note that school will recommence on Monday 13th April. Final reminder ICT News - Konnective App (push notifications) Holiday Security Parents are encouraged to keep a close eye on the school grounds and buildings during the holiday period. Report any suspicious behavior to the police or Departmental security. Caulfield Police 9534 9500 Department of Education (Emergency Management) 9589 6266 It is most important for the school community to be proactive in this regard. Year 6 -Year Timeline 2014 7 Placement Tuesday 21st April: Primary Schools distribute parents’ letter, secondary college information and Application for Enrolment (Year 7) Form to parents of all Year 6 Children. Friday 22nd May: Parents Application for Enrolment (Year 7) Form to the primary schools. Wednesday 19th August: Primary Schools notify parents of the results of the placement applications. Tuesday 8th December: Orientation Day for Year 6 Students New smoking bans to apply on school grounds and at school entrances from 13th April 2015 From 13 April 2015, smoking will be banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987. Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School No: 4687 16 Tucker Road Bentleigh 3204 P.O. Box 1341 Moorabbin 3189 Phone: 9557 2044 Fax: 9557 2181 Web Site: http:/ Don’t forget we launched the TRBPS Konnective app live a few weeks ago. Konnective is a mobile app solution that allows us to communicate with you straight to your smartphone (via push notifications). We have been sending news, events, photos and more, so that you can be even more connected with your children’s activities and events at the school. Via the app, we send communication to specific class levels, so you will receive information specific to your child’s class as well as general news, events and updates that go out to everyone. Hopefully this has enhanced our existing communications (e.g. Newsletter and new website to be launched shortly after the holidays). For those without a smartphone you can still register and receive alerts via email. Year 6 Camp The year 6 children and a team of dedicated staff including: Mr Seddon, Ms Diane Nevitt, Mr Brown, Ms Valentine, Mr Ireson, Ms Donoghue and Mrs Blanshard set off for a fantastic fun packed adventure at Camp Marysville on Monday March 23. They should return on time today at 3.00pm. The weather although drizzling on Monday afternoon, soon cleared enough to get straight into the great planned adventures including: Rope Course, Flying Fox, Climbing Wall, Canoeing and Team Challenges. Mr Seddon reported that they were all having a great time and Konnective has helped us to stay in touch and know that they all arrived happy and safe. Thank you to all of the staff who have given up their personal and family time to assist with making sure this camp is a success for the year 6 children. Thank you to the children for their ‘friendliness’ and great behaviour on camp. I’d like to thank the Marysville camp personnel for their great planning and ensuring that both the staff and children enjoyed the experience and were well looked after during their stay. I’m sure that all year 6 parents have DATES TO DIARY 2015 Friday 27th March Last day of Term One Dismissal at 2.30pm Monday 13th April Term 2 Resumes School Camp Dates for 2015 Year 6 Camp Monday 23rd March-Wed 25th March Camp Marysville Year 5 Camp Wednesday 3rd-5th June Sovereign Hill Year 4 Camp Wednesday 18th-Friday 20th November Maldon greatly missed their children and are looking forward to hearing about their adventures! A special thanks to Ms Nevitt for her great coordination of the Year 6 camp. Principal’s Professional Learning Conference – March 4 – 6 The third guest presenter was Bruce Armstrong (Executive Director, School Leadership, Professional Practice and Accountability, DET). The title of Bruce’s presentation was ‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’. Bruce related educational leadership and lessons to be learned using the story of the WIZARD OF OZ, a journey with obstacles along the way that are overcome with clarity of purpose and determination that in turn builds the confidence to proceed. He views leadership as a journey of discovery of self and of others. In the Wizard of Oz, the main characters expose their weaknesses to each other and work towards overcoming their deficiencies. He described the journey as a search for: BRAINS: Growing our intellectual capacity with others Improving learning capacity to improve knowledge & understanding Intelligence can be developed and leads to a desire to learn & a tendency to embrace challenges rather than avoid them. HEART: Canteen News The greatest predictor of potential success is through a measure of emotional intelligence. You’ll only be great at what you do if you love doing it. Motivation & passion are essential for success. COURAGE: To seize the opportunity to grow with integrity Not to shrink in the face of adversity “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the one quality which guarantees all others.” (Aristotle) “Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is the triumph over it.” (Mandela) (Ref: Malala Yousafzai – Speech to the United Nations about the value of education.) AUTHENTICITY: To overcome the fear of exposing deficiencies, we often avoid the reality of current practice – honesty and a preparedness to confront weaknesses are essential ingredients in improved performance. Pupil Free Days 2015 The following pupil-free days have been approved by School Council for 2015. 1. Wednesday 28th January (Statewide pupil free) 2. Monday 18th May (Term 2) 3. Monday 27th July (Term 3) 4. Wednesday 18th Nov (Term 4) Term Dates - 2015 Term 1 Thursday 29 January (1-6) Monday 2nd February (Prep) to 27th March Bruce finished his session with this quote: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” (Eleanor Roosevelt). I hope you have enjoyed reading some extracts from my conference learning journal. Term 2 13th April To 26th June Term 3 13th July To 18th September Enjoy the Holiday Break Thank you to everyone in the school community for their contributions during a very busy and productive first term for 2015. Activities this term have included: celebrating the arrival of the new preps with a special assembly, district and regional Swimming Carnivals, Track and Field sport events, Musica Viva incursion, Science kite incursion, FACEs welcome Family Picnic, Ford Street Literary Festival, a special book launch, Harmony Day celebrations, Sausage Sizzle, Lightning Premiership, team planning days, Launch of Konnective, SC and AGM (Annual Report draft release), information evenings, Inner South Regional Principal Conference, Prep Parent Interviews, Prep Open Morning (today), Perceptual Motor Program training and Year 6 Camp to Marysville this week - just to mention a few! The successes of these events are reliant on the great effort, team work, planning and dedicated time commitment of staff, parents and the students. Best wishes for a very well-earned holiday period to relax, enjoy and refresh ready for another productive term. Please take care and stay safe during the holiday period, I look forward to seeing every smiling face back to school ready for Term 2 beginning April 13. Robyn Farnell Principal - TRBPS Term4 5th October To 18th December Reminder Orders are to be written clearly on a lunch bag in blue, black or red ink, any other marker is difficult to read. Please do not sticky tape lunch bags up. A reminder to enclose .10 cents for a bag if an envelope is used. Canteen Roster Thursday 26th March Kylie Brkic Dianne Anton Tuesday 14th April Kate Wengier Thursday 16th April Carmela Shai Golden Tuesday 21st April Nelle Johnston Thursday 23rd April Adeline Raymer Help Needed Tuesday 27th April Alzira Redfern (11.30) Kerri Collins Thursdsay 30th April Kylie Brkic Natalia Tripp Tuesday 5th May Nelle Johnston Zuhra Balic (10.30) Thursday 7th May Shirley Mandy Griffiths Tuesday 12th May Anna Lake Thursday 14th May Carmela Natalia Tripp PARLATE ITALIANO? Capite I’Italiano Let me Know Signora Kitson (Insegnante d’Italiano) Phone School number 9557 2044 FOOTY TIPPING 2015 To our Parents & Friends at Tucker Road It’s back! Footy tipping competition for 2015. Oh the Agony and the Ecstasy is about to be thrust upon us once again. Please join us and participate in our Footy Tipping Competition for 2105. We require $20.00 entry fee per family by Friday 27th March 2015 to the office. You can join the competition by: Login or register at Go to Select ‘Join This Comp’ and enter tucker2015 in the competition password field. Tucker Rd tipping is now open. Good Luck Estelle Schwab & Jeremy Taylor Ride 2 School Day – Term 2 Active April begins next week and to celebrate being active Tucker Road will be hosting Ride 2 School Day on Wednesday 22nd April will be Tucker Road’s Ride 2 School Day. Active travel is a great way for students of all ages to meet their recommended daily dose of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. The purpose of the National Ride 2 School Day is to show school communities that riding, walking, scooting and skating to school is an easy and fun activity. It is a chance to celebrate active travel on a large scale and prove it can be done! At the beginning of next term students will have the opportunity to participate in a poster design competition, so get your thinking helmets on over the holidays. On the day there will designated areas for students in each level to park their scooters and bikes and lots of prizes to win! We look forward to seeing lots of you riding, walking, scooting or skating to school. Don’t forget your helmets! THE PATCH AND BUNNINGS Over the last thirteen years Bunnings Moorabbin has been a fantastic provider to our school garden 'The Patch' which in the last five has also provided many great vegetables for our cooking program. At the beginning of this term Bunnings donated many items to help run our garden program. These are greatly appreciated and 2J were the lucky class to be able to plant the seedlings that were part of the donation. Last Tuesday I met with Jane from Bunnings and presented her with the Thank you poster that June and I organised. Jane was very pleased with the presentation and our relationship with Bunnings is very strong. Please make sure you support Bunnings as they support our school community and garden program. Kim Aitken TRBPS Garden Coordinator Parents and Friends Association News It is with great excitement, honour and humility that I introduce myself as the President of the Parents and Friends Association 2015. I am Mum to twin girls in Grade 2. TRBPS has an amazing community that I look forward to working with this year. The Parents' and Friends' Association is an important link between the School and its' parents/community. Many activities and events are organised primarily to raise money but the events and committee are a great way to be involved, gain insight into how your child’s school operates and have some fun. We would love to see as many of our parents as possible at our events. The Parents' and Friends' is strong because of the support and commitment we have from our parents. These are exciting times for TRBPS. A lot of new initiatives and improvements are underway across the school and the PFA is no different. I am keen to hear from everyone on what they would like to see from the PFA. As such we have instigated an evening meeting per term for those that are unable to come along during the day. I am eager to meet new faces and ideas at these informal gatherings at Bentleigh RSL! Our first evening meeting will be on Tuesday 16th June at 7.30pm. See you there! MOTHER’S DAY Mother’s Day is nearly upon us and it is time to start getting together some raffle prizes. Thank you to those families and businesses that have already provided or offered donations. We have a diverse school business community and we need your support to assist our fundraising efforts and provide quality gifts for our Mums. If you have items, vouchers and can help us, we are accepting donations now. For any donations to the Mother’s Day raffle there will be a basket left outside the main office. HOT CROSS BUNS Hot Cross Buns. Thank-you to those families who supported our Hot Cross Buns Fundraiser. Hot Cross Buns will be delivered to your eldest child THIS FRIDAY 27th May. We have a wide-ranging and inclusive school community and we welcome everyone to the PFA in whatever capacity. The dates for next term’s meetings are as follows: Monday 20th April @9.30am School meeting room Monday 11th May @9.30am School meeting room th Tuesday 16 June @ 7.30pm Bentleigh RSL I would like to thank Fiona Thomas of all her hard work over the last few years as President. I hope to build on Fiona’s strong leadership. The PFA would like to wish all students, teachers and families a restful and safe holiday, and a very happy Easter. You are welcome to contact me on any matters relating to the Parents' and Friends' Association. Alexis Martin 0430474736 President – Parents and Friends Association. th World’s Greatest Shave On Friday 13 March 2015, one inspiring young man decided to participate in ‘The World’s Greatest Shave’ to raise money for the Leukemia Foundation. Jim Souvatsis, from 6N, has always had a strong desire to help others and wanted to do his part by raising money. With the support of his family and the wonderful Mr Ireson, the boys underwent the ‘shave’ at an afternoon assembly. Thanks to the extremely generous donations from students, parents and staff, Jim was able to raise $860 through the school. Adding this to the donations made by Jim’s family and friends outside of Tucker Road, Jim raised an incredible $1600 in total. Well done Jim, on not only raising an astronomical amount of money but also for being such a wonderful inspiration to others. The money raised by Jim will go towards research which is needed to find better treatments and cures for leukemia and related blood disorders, as well as supporting families when they need it most. (EST 26 Years) PAM SPEEDY DANCE SCHOOL – ALL CLASSES HELD AFTER SCHOOL MON - THURS ENROL NOW FOR 2015 !!!!!! X Roads Disco Friday 17th April - 7.30pm-10.30pm For kids in Years 5 - 7 at St John's Church Hall, Cnr Centre & Tucker Rds, Bentleigh. Tickets $10 each. Tickets on sale Thursday 16th April at St John's between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. No phone bookings on Thursday. Unsold tickets can be purchased or reserved on Friday between 1pm and 4.30pm only. Telephone 9557 2226. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT HOLY EUCHARIST AND SERRELL STREET HALLS EAST MALVERN FREE TRIAL CLASS Classes are held in a fun, friendly, relaxed environment with NO pressure. *JAZZ * TAP * HIP HOP *CONTEMPORARY* Girls and Boys of all ages welcome! For further information and class times, please check our web site or contact: PAM SPEEDY (T.A.A.D. Dip. Hons.) Mob: 0411 065 947 Home: 9571 5947 Email:
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