NEWSLETTER NO: 3 11 FEBRUARY 2015 Text Absences to: 027-448-8409 - Remember to state reason. Kia Ora Koutou What great parents, caregivers, staff, children .... friends of the school! Monday and Tuesday of this week have once again confirmed for me that we ‘play’ a really good ‘team game’ at The Terrace. Maybe at The Terrace School you can’t really say it’s school as usual but anyway Monday sort of was school as usual ..... some reading, some writing and plenty of maths ... our first camp of the year was already into it’s second day (yes school even works in weekends), there was a PTA meeting, a Gala planning meeting and everywhere I went whether it was into classrooms, or at meetings or up to Aoraki to see the camp in action I found people offering to help. The PTA and Gala meetings were short and sweet because all I kept hearing was “ok I’ll do that!” people were stepping up and offering to take on some of the work. The Gala for instance is huge and Jude Horrell is convening it - she can’t do it on her own and I can already see she won’t have to - people are stepping up - Thank you. Even though I was home quite late last night after a lovely day at camp I was buzzing as I told Glenis about how well it was going - such a neat experience for our children. Great teachers, great parents all working hard and our children pick up on how others help them ..... as I went to leave the beach where the children had been swimming one of the children had gathered up my hat and jandals for me so that I wouldn’t forget them! Noho ora mai ra. Garry Anderson Principal Not a bad lunchtime view. Rooms 8 & 12 at the Hooker Lake with icebergs floating and Aoraki Mt Cook in the background. Fabulous day and the kids were amazing hiking for 5 and a half hours. Everyone tired but happy. Coach Charter and Tours REMEMBER 20KMH PAST A SCHOOL BUS Amazing views. We have all experienced the most beautiful scenery - witnessing avalanches and a calving. Aoraki Mt Cook Camp Two will be arriving back on Saturday at approx 3pm. If there is any major change to this time it will be posted on the Facebook page. MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 1 NEWSLETTER NO: 3 11 FEBRUARY 2015 Urgent! Kea Crossing supervisors needed ASAP! Please see Gen Feron in Room 1 or email We are desperately short. Please remind children to always use the Kea Crossing regardless of whether it is manned or not. Children are not to walk through DHS bus turnaround, they are to cross at the Kea Crossing and walk down the tree line. Uniform Shop is open Thursday 3.00 – 3.30 p.m. If there is a problem getting to the shop at this time you can make alternative arrangements by ringing the school on 448-8124. The uniform shop is also open on the first Monday evening of the month 5.30 - 6.00. The next date is to be Monday 2 March 2015. Please make sure all clothing is well named with the wearers name. With swimming and other activities all items need to be identified. If an item is named (with the current owners name) it can be returned to the owner without delay. If an item is not named it will be washed and put away. (You can purchase ‘iron on’ labels ready printed, $15 for 50, from the school.) We have a few spots vacant in the uniform shop this year. If you have 30 minutes to spare on a Thursday and would like to volunteer (it would only be around twice a term) please email me at: Family Accounts Many thanks for the payments received already for children’s activities, as this helps greatly with the school’s cash flow! Each year, more families are choosing to set up a regular automatic payment. This is very helpful in keeping accounts “ticking over”. If you wish to do this please use your six letter family code e.g. RICSUE in the reference field. The account number is BNZ Alexandra 02 0916 0020191 00 Payments made to the office for more than one child in the family can be put in the same envelope. Thank you very much. N.B. The uniform shop is just that - a trading shop selling uniform items that need to be bought. Please pay for uniform purchases at the time of purchase. If you wish to discuss placing items of uniform on your account please discuss with admin staff. The uniform shop volunteers do not ok this. Friday Lunches: Sausage in Bread $1.50 each. Money in a named envelope with order and placed in appropriate container at office before school. Food will be available outside the staff room at lunchtime on Friday. Terrace Store Lunches DATES TO REMEMBER: Y5/6 Aoraki Mt Cook Camp 2 11th - 14th Feb 2015 Teeball/Softball Starts Tues 17th Feb 2015 School Swimming Sports Weds 18th Feb 2015 Jack Flash and the Jumping Beanstalk Thurs 19th Feb 2015 Gala Meeting Mon 23rd Feb 2015 Y7 Aquatics Camp 23rd - 27th Feb 2015 Goal Setting Interviews 2 & 4 March 2015 C.O Swim Sports Wed 4 March 2015 Goal Setting Interviews 9 & 11 March 2015 School Triathlon Frid 20th Mar 2015 Otago Anniversary Day Mon 23rd Mar 2015 The Terrace School Gala Sat 28 Mar 2015 Otago Swim Sports Sat 28 March 2015 Last Day Term One Thurs 2nd Apr 2015 The New Zealand Playhouse is returning to The Terrace School on Thursday 19 February, with their performance of “Jack Flash and the Jumping Beanstalk.” This is a performance for the whole school. The price is $4.50 per student. This can be paid to the school office in the usual manner. The New Zealand Playhouse puts on a professional performance, and is extremely entertaining. We look forward to their return every year. HELP NEEDED – THE TERRACE SCHOOL SWIM SPORTS WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2015 9 am – 12 pm YEARS 3-8 Thank you to those who have offered to help out on Wednesday at our swimming sports. We’ll see you at the pool at 9.15am. We still require Time Keepers to help on the day please. It isn’t a difficult task and instructions will be given before we begin. Our sports were successful last year because of parent / community support. Any time you can give would be appreciated. If you can help please complete the form below and return to the school office, or you can e-mail me at Thank you Karen Begg Swimming Sports Convenor --------------------------------------------------------------------------I am able to help with Timekeeping / Food (please circle) All pies $3.70 (mince, m&c, st, st&c) Correct money in the envelope please - no change given! Please meet under the Hall verandah at 12.25pm Central Otago Youth Softball: Please be aware that activities advertised in this newsletter have not been assessed by The Terrace School board of trustees. The board advises parents to make their own enquiries to determine whether the activities follow best practice and/or are suitable for their children. Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Firewood Fundraiser Payment enclosed 4 cubic metre loads of Pine $260 load Total Name: Phone: Address: MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 2 NEWSLETTER NO: 3 11 FEBRUARY 2015 SCHOOL&GALA&TIME!&& Saturday&28th&March&2015&–&Pioneer&Park&10.00&am& &“GOOD&AS&GOLD”& In&celebration&of&our&Golden&Jubilee& & All#the#funds#raised#at#the#gala#go#towards#making#The#Terrace#School#a#better#place#for#your#children.##This# year#our#fundraising#efforts#will#go#towards#modernising#and#upgrading#the#furniture#and#equipment#in#our# Technology#block.# # EVERY#family#can#contribute#in#some#way#@## • Families# have# a# clean# out# and# find# some# white# elephant# items,# books,# toys,# clothing# etc.# to# sell## (Please#note,#NO#electrical#items,#NO#TV’s,#NO#computers,#and#please#make#sure#all#items#are#in#a# good#saleable#condition#–#that#is#NO#broken#stuff)# • Offer#to#be#the#convenor#for#one#of#the#remaining#stalls# • Offer#your#help#to#your#class#convenor#to#help#man#one#of#the#stalls#on#the#day# • Donate# baking,# fresh# produce,# fruit,# sweets,# preserves# to# sell# or# ingredients# and# other# donated# items# when# asked.# # We# need# the# whole# school# to# contribute# to# these# stalls# (especially# sweets# which#sold#out#last#time#in#a#very#short#space#of#time)# # There# are# so# many# jobs# to# do# to# make# this# day# a# success.# # In# the# newsletter# each# week# there# will# be# requests#for#help,#please#help#where#you#can.##We#only#do#this#once#every#two#years.# # Our#requests#this#week:# 1. We&need&a&couple&more&people&to#assist#with#following#up#potential#sponsors.##If#you#have# a#couple#of#hours#free#and#are#prepared#to#make#a#few#phone#calls#we#would#like#you#to#contact# Jude#(see#below)# # 2. We&still&need&parents&to&offer&to&convene&a&stall.# The#following#rooms#do#not#yet#have#a#stall#and/or#convenor#–#13,&16,&17&(a#full#list#of#classes,#stall# allocated#and#convenor#contact#details#will#be#in#next#week’s#newsletter)##Please#note,#it#is#not#up# to#the#teacher#to#organise,#it#is#the#responsibility#of#the#families#in#the#class.##Teachers#will#assist# where#they#can.# # The# remaining# stalls# are# still# open# for# offers# –& White& Elephant,& PreSloved& Clothing& and& Waffles/Morning&Teas.##Grab#a#friend#and#offer#to#organise#one#together.##It#doesn’t#have#to#be# one#of#your#children’s#classes#–#we’re#all#in#this#together.# # The#PTA#will#offer#their#assistance#wherever#possible#and#notes#from#previous#galas#are#available#so# that#you#don’t#have#to#start#from#scratch.##Where#possible,#contact#details#of#previous#convenors# are#available#for#you#to#approach#to#answer#any#queries#you#might#have#and#to#get#further#tips.# # The#PTA#will#offer#their#assistance#wherever#possible#and#notes#from#previous#galas#are#available#so# that#you#don’t#have#to#start#from#scratch.##Where#possible,#contact#details#of#previous#convenors# are#available#for#you#to#approach#to#answer#any#queries#you#might#have#and#to#get#further#tips.# # 3. If&you&have&an&idea&for&a&new&stall&(not&listed)…#that#you#would#like#to#run#at#our#gala,#please# get#in#touch#with#Jude.##We#would#love#to#hear#from#you.# # NEXT#GALA#MEETING:#Monday#23#February#7.30#pm#Staffroom.##All#Welcome# # Any#queries#@#contact#Jude#Horrell#on#448@9585#/#027#619#3365#/ MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 3 NEWSLETTER NO: 3 11 FEBRUARY 2015 CMV: On Friday afternoons from 13 March 2015 until Friday 20 November, a Christian Moral Values program (previously known as Religious Education) will be offered by volunteers to parents and caregivers for their children. For the religious program to be held at a State School like The Terrace School the school will close at 2.15pm for children who want to participate in CMV to do so. Teachers will still be on site and supervise children not wishing to participate in CMV. Please complete the attached tear off slip and return to school by Friday 13 February 2015. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Children’s Name and Room No: Children’s Name and Room No: Children’s Name and Room No: Children’s Name and Room No: Will / Will Not be attending CMV on Fridays from 13 March to 20 November 2015. Parent/Caregiver Name: Parent/Caregiver Signature: Scholastic Bookclub Issue 1 2015 Brochures have been distributed to the children via the classrooms this week. Orders may be placed by • Parents accessing online, username penna004, password marslin46 • Orders coming into the office as usual along with payment - cash, chq (made out to Scholastic NZ Ltd) or credit card. Orders must be done or returned to school by Friday 20 February. 1st Alexandra Scout Group - Open Night For all new families interested in joining Keas, Cubs, Scouts or Venturers in 2015. An Open Night is to be held at the Alexandra Scout Hall (beside the swimming pool) from 6.30pm 7.30pm on Thursday 12th February. All Primary School and High School aged children are catered for. Please come along to register your interest or email The Terrace Wish list Anyone wanting to sponsor or donate to the school, here are a few items on our wish list: • Gazebo/Marquee • Library Trophy Cabinet • Guitars • Covered Trailer • Push Reel Mower • 1 x PC Laptop • Transit van/Minibus LOST: Size 8 school polar fleece jacket from Room 2 at the end of last year. It is named Clay Leckie. Please check to make sure you haven't mistakenly picked up the wrong jacket. Return to Room 8. Thanks! In need of any clothing alteration Public Health South Main Block, Level 2, Wakari Hospital Taieri Road, Dunedin Private Bag 1921, Dunedin 9054 Tel: 03 476 9800 Fax: 03 476 9858 Please call Vicki Luscombe, 021 686 334 YEAR SEVEN VISION SCREENING LOST: Samantha McLean has lost her polar fleece jacket. It is named. Please check to make sure you haven't mistakenly picked up the wrong jacket. Return to Room 17. Thanks! Alexandra Hockey Club AGM 19th Feb 2015 7.30pm St Gerards We would like to encourage all parents of year 7 & 8 children wanEng to play hockey to aFend, And also all senior Womens hockey players. Apologies and queries to Carmen 0273031282, Paula 0276322043, The Vision Hearing Technicians from Public Health South will be visiting your school to screen all year seven students for distance vision and colour vision (boys only). • Distance)Vision)(Amblyopia)&)Hyperopia)) This$determines$how$well$your$child$is$able$to$see$at$a$distance.$$It$involves$reading$an$ eye$chart.$(Not$required$if$child$wears$glasses)$ • Colour)Vision)(Boys)only)) This$is$to$detect$children$with$the$most$common$inherited$colour$vision$defects.$(Using$ the$Ishihara$colour$vision$book).$(Still$available$to$those$wearing$glasses).$ If you do not wish your child to be screened please fill out an opt-out slip, which are available at the school office before our visit. Just a reminder our FREE afterschool Fun Fitness programme (Pulse Kids) starts this week Monday’s and Wednesday’s. Ages 5-8 years at 3.30-4pm, and ages 9-12years 4.15-4.45pm. MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 4 NEWSLETTER NO: 3 11 FEBRUARY 2015 ! Welcome to the 2015 football season! ! The AUFC committee would like to invite all players to a registration evening on ! ! Tuesday 10th February 5pm-6.30pm at the Netball Clubrooms Molyneux Park [ BBQ, fun games for all ages] The$150th$Reunion$of$the$Alexandra$Primary$and$Districts$High$School$is$being$ held$at$Easter$on$3rd$&$4th$April.$Past$and$present$pupils,$teachers$and$ supporters$of$the$school$are$invited$and$can$register$at:$$or$phone$448$8340$ ! For more information please contact Lisa Robertson email- ! Climbing(Club( Book your holiday with us & help your school! Central(Rock(is(the(local(climbing(club.((Our( qualified(instructors(run(climbing(for(kids(and( adults(throughout(the(year.((For(Term(1(we(are( running(sessions(at(the(local(crag.(( Mention this newsletter when you book & we will donate $5* per Australia or South Pacific holiday or $20* per international booking to your chosen participating school. Day$%$(Every(Tuesday(starting(from(10th(Feb( Time$%$From(4B6pm(for(kids.(6B8pm(for(adults.( Cost(–(Child(B($10,(Adult(B($15(annual( membership.($15(Gear(hire/term.( For$more$information(–(Contact(Ian(Knights( 33a Tarbert Street | 0800 800 404 on(449(2480(or( Terms and conditions apply: Donation is for $5 per Australia or South Pacific booking or $20 per international booking only. This offer and the participating school must be mentioned at time of booking.To donate to your chosen school, you must book $1000 or more of international travel which must include accommodation, tours or any other land component. The donation will be made directly to the school from Flight Centre Alexandra & is non-transferable & not redeemable for foreign currency, cash or credit. Ask in store for full terms & conditions or visit o961131988 * SUMMER SPORT – SOFTBALL / TEEBALL - 2015 The second half of the summer sports season for Softball / Teeball is about to begin so we need the subs and registration if your child wants to continue or start playing these sports. Tuesdays 3.30 to 4.30 approximately. We urgently need support from people who can manage and / or coach. Please return the registration slip and fee ($8.50) by Friday 13 February 2015. Parents Please Note: Softball / Teeball is suitable for all children in Years 3 – 8 Softball Gloves are available from the school from $45. A necessity for all those Year 5 & up. Starts Tuesday 17 February and finishes Tuesday 24 March -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Softball / Teeball Term 1 2015 (Please return to school by Friday 13 February) ____________________________________wishes to play softball / teeball on Tuesdays 3.30 - 4.30 pm in Term 1. Class: ____________ I can / cannot assist: Age: _________________ Coach _____ Manage _____ Support _____ Parent / Caregiver Signature: _______________________________________________ Enclosed $8.50 registration. MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 5
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