NEWSLETTER NO: 33 22 OCTOBER 2014 Text Absences to: 027-448-8409 - Remember to state reason. Kia Ora Koutou In last weeks newsletter I highlighted how I felt about (successful) organisations receiving support from volunteers. The school is able to do a whole raft of things over and above what the Ministry of Education offers because the community comes into the school, staff volunteer to do extra or donate their personal time or resources, volunteers work alongside staff and help, volunteers donate or raise valuable additional funding. You don’t have to go far to find examples! Last Thursday and Friday our Y3/4 students travelled to Queenstown to experience and learn about our history, our environment ..... as Mr Enright said the seeds are being sown for the future historians, designers, builders, teachers, miners .... Camps are an extra in the curriculum and have a high cost ... but because people volunteer to help and because groups like our PTA create additional funding all children are able to attend even when costs might have become prohibitive. I guess it starts with the attitude and the quality of the staff ... they want our children to learn outside of the classroom. Going outside the normal sort of curriculum thinking means a whole lot of extra work for teachers, a lot of it is done ‘in their own time’, but our current group of teachers are prepared to do that. Then when the planning, risk analysis, approvals, and organisation are in place - teachers need a whole heap of extra (quality) personnel to be ‘teacher aides’ and help our children learn, feel and be safe. Our Queenstown camp (the ‘untie the apron strings’ experience) was a huge success. The feedback already has reenforced the value of making this sort of learning available to our children. Mick Enright, Glenis and myself all were lucky enough to see and experience the camp in action at various stages. Well done teachers and parents and grandparents and other friends of the school that made the camp such a success. Our next big experience for the children is The Terrace and then the Central Otago Athletics Sports. The organisation for these events is huge so any help you can give would be much appreciated. Our BOT has a policy of trying to ensure that all children can take part in all school activities. I mentioned how sometimes the cost of camps can ‘rock’ families. The BOT doesn’t want funding or lack of it to stop a child from going. Just talk to me. I can organise the BOT’s funds. The child doesn’t need to miss out and we know parents will get involved in fundraising, like the Golf Classic or helping at things like the Athletics, or in school activities, like in and around the classrooms or school gardens.... we can make it work for our children. Noho ora mai ra. Garry Anderson Principal Calling volunteers for Athletics Day We need volunteers to hand out placings at the sprints See Mr Anderson at the sprints on the day if you can help even for a short while. Your PTA is working very hard over the next couple of weeks and we need your help please. You will find numerous requests to help with volunteering your ?me, baking or providing grocery items. PLEASE, if you are able, volunteer an hour or two of your ?me for one of these events – if really does make a difference. THANK YOU -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ HELP REQUIRED PLEASE for the CO Sports on Tuesday 4th November. -‐ -‐ 3 helpers required to make salad rolls (from 8am) at Molyneux Stadium Dona?ons of baking required for morning tea (e.g. a slice or batch of muffins) (If you can help with either of the above please contact: Chris?ne Wright 448-‐8987 glenandchris? -‐ Helpers required to help serve/supervise in the canteen at Molyneux Stadium, in 1 – 2 hour slots (whatever you can give) from 8.30 am. (If you can help with the canteen please contact: Jude Horrell 448-‐9585,, 027 619 3365) MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 1 NEWSLETTER NO: 33 22 OCTOBER 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER: Athletics Day Charity Golf Classic BOT Meeting CO Athletics PTA Meeting Y8 Leaving Dinner planning meeting End of year celebration Last Day of School Tues 28 Oct 2014 1 & 2 Nov 2014 Mon 3 Nov 2014 Tues 4 Nov 2014 Mon 10 Nov 2014 Mon 10 Nov 2014 Mon 15 Dec 2014 Tues 16 Dec 2014 Year 8 Leaving Dinner Planning Meeting All parents interested in being a part of a committee to plan the Year 8 leaving dinner please come to the first planning meeting. Monday 10th November School Staffroom 5:45pm Scholastic Bookclub Offer #7 Brochures have been distributed via classrooms. Orders with payment are due back to the office by Thursday 30 October. School Class Photos All orders for class photos to be returned to the school office by Friday 31 October 2014. GOLF CLASSIC CATERING 1/2 NOV The PTA needs help with one of our major fundraising events of the year. Can you please email Sally Mullally to indicate if you are able to help with any of the following over the week-‐ end KITCHEN: Sunday 1pm-‐3pm, Sat or Sun 6pm -‐ 8pm BBQ: Sunday 8-‐11, 11-‐2, 2-‐5 For those that are unable to help over the weekend there will be a list of food to be donated in the office next term Thank You Sally THE TERRACE SCHOOL ATHLETICS BBQ TUESDAY 28TH NOVEMBER The PTA will be running a BBQ for the children and their families to purchase sausages and meat patties for lunch. Please bring along your money on the day of the athletics. Sausages $2.00 Meat patties $2.50 LOST Toilet Paper Brand New The Terrace jacket, Zach Grant. If found please contact the school office. Thanks Last orders are still waiting for collection at school. Please collect by the end of this week - Call in at the School office. Thank you. Silver elastic bracelet saying “Granddaughter” and pink beads. If found please bring to office. Camp Fundraiser We have one almost complete box of chocolate in the office for anyone wishing to sell it. HEADLICE Please keep an eye out for headlice and treat your children accordingly. Children do not need to stay home once treated so long as the follow up treatments are carried out. More information on treating headlice is available from the school office or contact Public Health Nurse Paula McHugh 440 4309. Coach Charter and Tours Calling all year 7 and 8 boys for Saturday Softball. You must play Tuesday Softball to be eligible to play on Saturday. Meet Janine O’Neill outside the Library This Thursday after school. ABACUS FUNDRAISING -‐ CALENDARS, CARDS, DIARIES & KIDS NOTEPADS Over the next week or so, your children will be bringing home their artwork which can be featured in the form of calendars, gree?ng cards, diaries or notepads -‐ or you could use a favour-‐ ite family photo instead. These make perfect gils for Christmas and support a fantas?c fundraiser for our school. Full order details will be amached to your child’s artwork. All orders to be returned to the office with artwork & payment by Tues 28 Oct. Payment to made by cash or cheque only. Cheques pay-‐ able to ‘The Terrace School’. Please note orders cannot be charged to your school account. For further info contact Ra-‐ chel on 449 2423. REMEMBER 20KMH PAST A SCHOOL BUS Safety promotion. The Marslin St entrance to the school can be dangerous if not treated with respect: Remember pedestrians to use the pedestrian gate not the vehicle entrance. Do not stop on the yellow lines or park in the schoolhouse driveway. For Sale 2 kids bikes, 20inch wheel size. Boys: Giant Mtx 150 -‐ 6 speed – black, good condi?on. Girls: Specialised Hotrock Coaster – metalic purple – excellent condi?on Ph Julie 448 5266 UNIFORM FOR SALE Size 8 polar fleece(short zip), s/less vest, 2 x white skivvies (new), gloves, & navy Schooltex wind jacket. All ex cond. $40 lot Size 12 trackpants, worn twice, sml patch on knees $10 Ph: Julie 448-‐7775 021 259-‐2599 MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 2 NEWSLETTER NO: 33 22 OCTOBER 2014 Uniform Shop Roster 2014 Term 3 & 4 Term 4 16/10/14 Megan/Celeste Tracy 23/10/14 Janene Karen 30/10/14 Laura Shannon 6/11/14 Kate Chelsea 13/11/14 Lisa Teresa 20/11/14 Jill Jules 27/11/14 Megan/Celeste Tracy 4/12/14 Janene Karen 11/12/14 Laura Shannon 18/12/14 Kate Chelsea Uniform Shop is open Thursday 3.00 – 3.30 p.m. If there is a problem getting to the shop at this time you can make alternative arrangements by ringing the school on 448-8124. The uniform shop is also open on the first Monday evening of the month 5.30 - 6.00. The next date is Monday 3 November 2014. We are increasingly finding that items of school uniform are not named. Please make sure all clothing is well named with the wearers name. With swimming and other activities all items need to be identified. If an item is named (with the current owners name) it can be returned to the owner without delay. If an item is not named it will be washed and put away. (You can purchase ‘iron on’ labels ready printed, $15 for 50, from the school.) Friday Lunches: Sausage in Bread $1.50 each. Helen-Louise Tetlow On shop first Mon of month 4488881 0274 388885 Money in named envelope with order and placed Janene Bennie 4487977 0272 087950 in appropriate container at office before school. Karen Begg 4488549 Alexandra Swimming Club Food be available outside the staff room at Kathryn Sutherland On shop first Mon of month 4489565 Alexandra Swimming Club holds club nights each Tuesday Megan Bailey 4486045 and Thurs- 0275760574 lunchtime on Friday. Tracy Paterson day during Term 4, 2014 and Term 1, 2015. The club is run by parents Shannon Field an opportunity for children 5 years and up to improve and provides Jules their Waihaki swimming skills in a fun environment. Laura Herbert 4485912 Jill Spooner 4487741 Cost: $120 per child for both terms, this includes pool entry. There is Chelsea Donnelly 4488051 no reduction for only attending one night or one term. Lisa Bond Teresa Kingsford As coaching is provided by parents a reduced subscription applies to Kate Nicholson 4488777 those families whose parents are willing to coach. No prior experience Celeste Dorrepaal 4488409 required – just an interest in swimming and a desire to teach. Coaching and support will be provided to coaches. If you are interested in finding out more about Swimming Club, or would like to enrol your child/children, please send an e-mail to, or phone Paula on ph. 027 320 1676. 0272574052 0277786383 02777 19495 Molyneux Cricket Club Junior Cricket (Combining Alexandra, Clyde and St Gerards) 02102254424 0274780068 0212246736 0272099999 279190148 Competition starts on Saturday, November 1 Practices start this week at Molyneux Park Cricket nets Coaches will contact last season’s players about practice days and times Newcomers keen to join a team should contact Roger Hill (448 7854 evenings) or email THE TERRACE SCHOOL ATHLETIC SPORTS 2014 Round 1 9.20 - 9.45 Round 2 9.45 - 10.10 Round 3 10.10 - 10.35 Round 4 10.35 - 11.00 Round 5 11.00 - 11.25 Round 6 11.25 – 11.50 Round 7 11.50 – 12.15 Round 8 12.45 – 1.10 Round 9 1.10 – 1.35 Round 10 1.35 – 2.00 Round 11 2.00 – 2.25 Age Groups 1 Sprints 2 Long Jump 3 Rest 4 High Jump 5 Minor Games 6 Shot 7 Discus 8 Softball 9 Hurdles 10 Javelin A K J I H G F E D C B A 13+ Boys Girls B A K J I H G F E D C B U13 Boys C B A K J I H G F E D C U13 Girls D C B A K J I H G E D U12 Boys E D C B A K J I H G F E U12 Girls F E D C B A K J I H G F U11 Boys G F E D C B A K J I H G U11 Girls H G F E D C B A K J I H U10 Boys I H G F E D C B A K J I U10 Girls J I H G F E D C B A K J U9 Boys K J I H G F E D C B A K U9 Girls Sprints Starter: Garry Anderson Judges: Parents/Teacher Long Jump Brian Minor Games Karen Hurdles Javelin Tess/Mick Mike Hop Step Jump Rest Sarah/Teacher Penny High Jump Ann/Teacher F Shotput Andrea 11 Broad Jump / Hop Step Jump Discus Rachel Softball Gen Rotation 2014 MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 3 NEWSLETTER NO: 33 22 OCTOBER 2014 OPEN DAY ALEXANDRA GYMNASTICS CLUB New Classes Available in Term 4 Sunday 2 November - 10am to 3pm 16 Springvale Road, Clyde Join us for a fun day ® View Trail Journeys premises ® Raffles ® BBQ ® Coin Trail ® Cake & Lolly Stall ® ® “Smoothie” Bike ® “Cycle Extraordinaire” - Decorate your bike with recycled stuff Aerobic Gymnastics for ages 6 and up Thursdays 3-30pm to 4-45pm --O-Play Gym For preschool children, accompanied with caregiver/parent $2 entry Mondays 2pm to 3pm --O-Recreational Artistic Gymnastics (limited space free) For children aged 4 years & up 1 session per week $50 a term, 2 sessions weekly $60 a term Mondays & Wednesdays from 3-30pm to 4-30pm Free Entry Ride a Trail Journeys Bike to Alexandra & return or be collected by Trail Journeys - Gold Coin Dona on Under 5’s & 6 to 12yrs - $2.00 Entry Fee Judging begins at 12noon - Prize Giving 1pm Hosted by Lions Club of Clyde & Districts For Sale Piano, suitable for learner or accomplished player– good con-‐ di?on, phone Julie 448-‐5266 For more information on any of the above classes please contact Jodi on 0274 779 137 or Kerry on 4488748 or email 1ST$ALEXANDRA$SCOUT$GROUP$ Quiz$Night$ WHEN:$ $ Friday$31st$October$ Where:$$ Restaurant$96$Centennial$Avenue$ Time:$ $ 7.30pm$ Cost:$ $20.00$for$team$of$up$to$5$People.$ $ Great$Prizes$ This$Fundraiser$is$going$towards$the$forthcoming$group$camp$for$all$scouts$aged$from$6U18years$we$ have$in$the$1ST$Alexandra$Scout$Group.$ ENTER$YOUR$TEAM$NOW$$ To$register$your$interest$and$book$in$your$team$please$call$or$txt$Ashlee$on$0226996537,$or$email$$or$Jean$on$4489062$or$0277344778$or$$ ."" $ We#offer#quality#Childcare#and#Early#Learning# Education#programmes#at#our#two#centres.# # First Steps Matau 2 – 5yrs 23 Matau St 8.15 – 3pm Alexandra 03) 448 7060 Be School Ready programme First Steps Centennial 0 – 3yrs 45 Centennial Ave 7.45am – 5.30pm Alexandra 03) 448 7970 Respectful, individualised infant and toddler care • • 20 hours free ECE for 3 and 4 year olds WINZ Subsidies Enquiries Welcome Gayle Taucher 027 6259 259 # The link to our School Website for our newsletter is pdf This has been of great benefit in reducing our paper usage so your support is much appreciated. MARSLIN STREET, ALEXANDRA, 9320 NEW ZEALAND +64 +3 448-8124! PAGE 4
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