Newsletter - Week 1 Term 1 2015 From the Principal Welcome to the 2015 School Year We would like to welcome the children and families who are new to our school, particularly our Flying Starters. Acquaintance Night and Governing Council On Wednesday 18th February we will hold our annual Acquaintance Night at 6:30pm in the Hall. This will be a chance to visit the school and meet your child’s teachers. We would also like to welcome back the following staff members for 2015: Alana Papahristos, Dani Tidswell, Nina Barile, Deana Cuconits, Rebeka Resili, Sally Brock, Frank Liemareff, Laura Touloumdjian, Yok le Ly, Dorothy Wanganeen, Liz Gibson Wanda Biggs, Naomi McCormack-Ross and Carol Blake. We also welcome Kirsty Karapas, Karl Ebert, Lynette Simons, Stephanie Ryan and Amanda Jones to our staff. We will also have the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Governing Council. This will be an opportunity to hear about our achievements in 2014 and the plans for our school in 2015 and beyond. At the AGM elections to become a member of the 2015 Governing Council will be finalised. To all the new members of our school community we trust that your time with us will be enjoyable and successful. External School Review As part of our continuous school improvement we will be involved in an external school review with a review panel. The purpose of external school reviews is to support schools to raise achievement, sustain high performance and provide quality assurance to build public confidence in government schools. All government schools will be externally reviewed over the next four years. The focus of the review is to evaluate schools’ performance – How well does the school improve achievement, growth, challenge, engagement and equity? Our school review will be held on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th February (week 3). The review panel consists of a review officer and two trained review principals. We will find out the aspects of the school’s performance which have been validated through the review as well as the improvements that we need to make in the future. During the external school review, some students, parents, Governing Council members and staff will be asked to provide information to the review panel in a number of ways. These include: • Individual interviews • Focus group discussions (with students or staff or parents) • Meetings (Governing Council, staff meeting) • Observations of students learning. We appreciate your support and time in helping us with this external review process. If you DO NOT want your child to participate please complete the reply slip in this newsletter and return it to the front office by Friday 6th February. If you would like more information please contact me prior to 6th February. 23 Shepherdson Road, Parafield Gardens, SA 5107 Tel: 8258 1816 Fax: 8281 5857 ParafieldGR7 I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the 2014 Governing Council of parents, who have worked with me in making decisions about current and future directions of the school. In particular I would like to thank Catherine Margach who will be retiring from our Governing Council after a long association with the school. She has taken on a variety of roles including secretary, Chairperson and Vice Chairperson over her time on Governing Council. Many thanks. The role of the Governing Council is to identify and incorporate, where possible, student, parent and community input and values into the broad direction of the school. It is an opportunity to be involved in your child’s education and to contribute to the school. We usually only have 2 meetings each term which are held on Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm - 8.00pm. If you would like more information or are interested in nominating for Governing Council for 2015 please contact me in the front office or return the yellow nomination form, included in this newsletter. Simon Harding Diary Dates Monday 9th February 50th Birthday Tuesday 10th February - Wednesday 11th February School Review Wednesday 18th February Acquaintance Night 6:30 in the Hall Friday 20th February Assembly Please refer to the next School Newsletter for further Diary Dates Comments and Feedback to: External school review process STUDENT’S NAME:__________________________________________________ I do not want my child in room ______ to be involved in the external school review discussions. Signed: _____________________________________ Parafield Gardens R-7 School turns 50! 2015 Material & Service Charges On February 9th 1965 Parafield Gardens Primary School opened its doors for the first time. This year we celebrate the school’s 50th birthday. Many things have changed over that time and this will provide a chance for our school community to reflect on the many different facets of education over the last 50 years. We have planned a celebration for the students on February 9th and then we have a function planned for parents and invited guests to celebrate both Harmony Day and our birthday on Friday 20th March. More information about this event will publicised throughout the term. Towards the end of the year our final community function will be combined with an evening Parafield On Parade (POP) concert with tours of the school. ‘Like’ Parafield Gardens R-7 School 50th Birthday Celebration page on Facebook. Parafield Gardens R-7 School fees for 2015 (known as Materials and Services Charges) are $226.00 per student. We have quite a few options available to families for payment of school fees which will assist in managing household budgets. The School Card Scheme is administered by the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) and provides financial assistance towards school fees incurred by families who meet the criteria. It is available for dependent students from 4 years of age receiving fulltime schooling. Applicants are required to apply each school year, using the appropriate form which is available at the front office of the school. Eligibility for School Card assistance is dependent upon the combined family income for the applicable financial year being within the School Card income limits ( see chart below). As the school fees at Parafield Gardens R-7 are in line with the School Card amount, applicants will have no fees to pay once approved. For further information on the School Card Scheme please contact DECD School Card Section on 1800 672 758. We look forward to our school community embracing this significant milestone in the school’s history. Simon Harding Our 30th Birthday Celebrations with special guest speaker Keith Martin from Channel 10. Number of Dependent Children Gross Annual School Card Income Limit Gross Weekly School Card Income Limit 1 $36,576 $704 2 $37,574 $724 3 $38,572 $744 4 $39,570 $764 5 $40,568 $784 Each additional dependent child $998 $20 This year we have introduced PayWay which is a Direct Debit facility to have payments automatically deducted from your bank account. If you wish to take advantage of PayWay please enquire at the front office. A reminder that we also offer Bizgate, accessible on our website, for payments over the internet and we have EFTPOS facilities. Centrepay, whereby deductions are deducted from Centrelink payments, has proven to be a good option for families in the past. Lynne Lean Admin Officer To All Parents This letter is to inform all parents of Parafield Gardens R – 7 School that we will be electing 5 school Governing Council members for 2015-2016. The Governing Council is a group of parents that have a joint responsibility with the Principal for the governance of the school. Some of the functions of the Governing Council are: • set the broad direction and vision of the school. • determine policies for the school including policies for the safety, welfare and discipline of students. • regular review of the school budget. • monitor and review the Site Improvement Plan. • maybe to raise money for school related purposes. • maybe perform other functions as determined by the Minister. Under section 7.5 of the Governing Council constitution, all persons who are parents of the school are eligible to nominate for election as a councillor. Unless the person: (7.5.1) is an undischarged bankrupt or is receiving the benefit of a law for the relief of insolvent debtors; or (7.5.2) has been convicted of any offence prescribed by administrative instruction. DECD does now require all Governing Council members to have a clearance from the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion Unit, which will be organised by the school if need be. Our Governing Council has 11 elected parents. We are now calling for any nominations for election as councillors. Given the guidelines of the constitution this will be for 5 parents for a term of two years. These nominations need to be made on the form included in this newsletter and sent into the Principal by Thursday February 12th 2015. There will be a general meeting for the election at the Annual General Meeting of parents on the 18th February. Further information on the election of councillors will be given depending on the number of nominations. Over the coming year there are a number of important issues that will need the Governing Council of parents to discuss and make decisions on, which will guide the future of the school. If you would like to be involved and are prepared to work for the good of the school please consider nominating. You can nominate yourself or another person. I am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Yours sincerely Simon Harding Principal PARAFIELD GARDENS R - 7 STAFF LIST Term 1 2015 Simon Harding Principal Vicki Poulain Deputy Principal Edwina Burton Senior Leader – Quality Teaching and Learning Scott Blakemore Senior Leader – Numeracy and Digital Technologies Sarah Huxtable School Counsellor Claire Ranaldo EALD Robyn Green EALD Wendy Galletta Resource Centre - (0.8 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) Chris Luke Ab Ed / Arts (0.8 Mon – Thurs) Stephanie Ryan Health/PE NIT Andrew Kite Health/PE NIT Sally Brock Drama / Music NIT Selena Britz Drama / Music NIT (0.8 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) Amanda Jones Science NIT (0.4 middle years – Thurs/Fri) Stacey Miller Lead Teacher Preparations (0.2) Karen Kompo Year 1 Alana Papahristos Reception Allira Willington Reception Dani Tidswell Reception Cecilia Hector Reception Robyn Cockburn/Katrice White Year 1 (Robyn 0.8 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Wed Katrice) Darian Tulsi Year 2 Rosaline Singh Junior Primary Special Class Rachel Shephard-Bayly Primary Special Class Sue Pasalidis Year 2 Lynette Simons Year 1 Laura Touloumdjian Year 1 Jenny Radoslovich Year 2 Kirsty Karapas Year 2/3 Raelene White Year 6/7 Deana Cuconits/Stacey Miller Year 6/7 (Stacey first half of term 1) Karl Ebert (T1/2) Year 4/5 Frank Liemareff Year 5/6 Bekk Resili Year 6/7 Sandra Siladji Year 6/7 David Muldoon Year 3/4 Kathy Skinner / Mel Waugh Year 4/5 (Kathy Mon- Wed; Mel Thurs-Fri) Nola Foster Year 4/5 Adele McKew Year 3 Nina Barile Year 3 Dorothy Wanganeen AECO Nhan Chau Vietnamese Teacher - (Mon) Yok le Ly Khmer Teacher Tam Dang Vietnamese BSSO - (Wed, Fri) Lynne Lean School Administration Officer Jill Berry School Services Officer Carol Blake School Services Officer Cassie Hart School Services Officer Kaye Marsland School Services Officer Sue Evans School Services Officer (Wed, Thurs) Linda Davey School Services Officer (Mon, Tues, Wed) Sue Beare School Services Officer Renee Donnon School Services Officer (Mon – Thurs) Chrysta Muller-Agarwal School Services Officer Indie Ladyman School Services Officer Deb Sykes School Services Officer Liz Gibson School Services Officer Wanda Biggs School Services Officer Naomi McCormack-Ross School Services Officer Paula Purcell School Services Officer (Off site) John Catalano Groundsperson (Tues - Fri ) Ross Carbone Groundsperson ( Mon, Tues, Fri ) Cherie Russel Canteen Administrator Aida Chapman Director Out of School Hours / Vacation Care (acting) LOCATION Oval Rm office Oval room office ESL Suite- Rm 27 ESL Suite- Rm 27 Resource Centre Oval Rm Office Rm 21 Rm 21 Rm 25 Rm 26 Rm 1 Rm 2 Rm 3 Rm 4 Rm 5 Rm 6 Rm 7 Rm 8 Rm 9 Rm 10 Rm 11 Rm 12 Rm 20 Rm 19 Rm 24 Rm 23 Rm 22 Rm 28 Rm 29 Rm 30 Rm 31 Rm 32 Rm 33 Rm 34a Rm 34b Oval Rm ESL Suite Rm 27a ESL Suite Rm 27b ESL Suite Rm 27a SAO ICT Office Oval Rm Front Office Resource Centre Front Office/Rm 1A Front Office / RC Front Office Rm 30A Rm 30A Rm 8 Front office Rm 9 Bld 1 Bld 1 Bld 3 TRT Scheme Canteen OSHC
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