The Chapel Jesus College Chapel exists for the glory of God, and has been used for worship since the twelfth century. Morning and Evening Prayer are said, and the Chapel is open during the day for prayer and quietness. All members of the College community, whatever their religious beliefs, are welcome to visit the Chapel and to attend any of the services. Services in the Anglican tradition are designed to be accessible to those from a wide range of backgrounds. The two Choirs sing the service and an anthem at four evensongs each week, and for these more formal occasions members of the College are encouraged to wear their gowns. JESUS COLLEGE CHAPEL The Clergy The Acting Dean of Chapel, the Revd Margaret Widdess (K13,, is responsible for the Chapel, and oversees the services with the Acting Chaplain, the Revd Nicholas Widdows (D1, Any member of the College community, whether or not they are involved in the life of the Chapel, can talk to them in confidence on any matter. Enquires about baptism, confirmation or marriage should be directed to them. The Choirs Mr Mark Williams (N1,, the Director of Music, is on sabbatical leave during the Lent Term, and therefore responsibility for the day-to-day running of music in Chapel lies with the Assistant Organist, Benjamin Morris (O6, abm42) and the Organ Scholar, Bertie Baigent (O5, resb4), to whom enquiries should be addressed. The Chapel and Choir Administrator is Mrs Alice Johnson (East House, The Chapel Clerks and Chapel Secretaries The Chapel Clerks, Jennifer Fields (jf486), Timothy Gray (tdfg2) and Matthew Wise (mgw37), together with the Chapel Secretaries, Lavinia Abell (lca43), Rachel Bryan (reb71), Samuel Fairbrother (sf495), Izabela Kujawiak (ik313), Oliver Mowforth (om283), Daniel Smith (dgws2) Timothy Waghorn (tw396), and Kiara Wickremasinghe (kaw64) maintain the day-to-day operation of the Chapel services. Please contact them if you are willing to read or to help in other ways in Chapel. The Christian Union and Fisher House The Christian Union meets for prayer, praise and Bible study regularly. The reps are Tim Crowter (tjc65) and Joe Grimwood (jg695). See for more details. Fisher House ( is the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy to the University. The College rep for Fisher House is Pavel Kohout (pk396). The College Grace Before dinner: Oculi omnium in te aspiciunt et in te sperant, Deus. Tu das illis escam tempore opportuno. Aperis tu manus, et imples omne animal benedictione tua. Benedic nobis, Domine, et omnibus tuis donis, quae ex larga liberalitate tua sumpturi sumus, per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. Deus est caritas. Qui manet in caritate manet in Deo et Deus in illo. Sit Deus in nobis, et nos maneamus in illo. The eyes of all look towards you and trust in you, O God. You give them food in due season. You open your hands and fill every living thing with your blessing. Bless us, O Lord, and all your gifts, which through your great generosity we are about to receive, through Jesus Christ our Lord. God is love. He who abides in love abides in God and God in him. May God be in us and may we abide in him. After dinner: Laus Deo Praise be to God; Deo gratias Thanks be to God. Lent Term 2015 ‘Saints and Heroes’ The Chapel Website is Sunday Services 10 am College Eucharist This simple service of Holy Communion with hymns, a sermon and a small choir, lasts about an hour and is followed by breakfast in D1. All those accustomed to receiving communion in their own churches are welcome to do so in the College Chapel. 6 pm Choral Evensong The sermon at this service is generally given by a guest preacher, whom you can meet over drinks in the Prioress’s Room afterwards before Formal Hall. th 11 January 18th January th 25 January st Sunday Evening Preachers: Saints and Heroes Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses The Acting Chaplain Virgil (70-19 BC) - Roman poet of epiphanies The Acting Dean Charles Péguy (1873-1914) - French poet, essayist and - eventually - Catholic Canon Edmund Newey, Sub-Dean of Christ Church, Oxford 1 February Visible saints - the call to sainthood for all The Reverend Dr John Bradbury, Tutor in Systematic Theology and Church History, Westminster College 8th February Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) - Anglican theologian, mystic, spiritual director Dr Ashley Cocksworth Tutor in Systematic Theology, the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham 15th February St Ralph Sherwin (1550-81) - martyr The Right Reverend Nicholas Hudson (1978), Auxiliary Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster 22nd February Job - the Bible's antidote to Pollyanna The Most Reverend Patricia Storey, Bishop of Meath and Kildare 1st March Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-45) - pastor, theologian, martyr The Revd Frances Arnold, Vicar of Great St Mary, Sawbridgeworth 8th March Service of Music and Readings for Lent Weekday services in Full Term Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Choral Evensong 8:30 am Monday – Saturday 6:30 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:30 pm Tuesday (Men and Women) 6:30 pm Thursday & Saturday (Men and Boys) Exploring religious belief For those who would like to explore aspects of religious belief, sessions will be led by the Acting Chaplain and Acting Dean on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm in D1. Everyone is very welcome to attend, including anyone thinking of baptism and confirmation in the Easter Term, for whom further preparation will also be available. Stories of the Old Testament On Thursdays from 7.30 – 8.30 pm in D1 the Acting Chaplain will be leading a group looking at some of the greatest narratives of the Old Testament and the meaning that lies behind these ancient pieces of literature. All are welcome. Nano-sermons On Tuesdays at Choral Evensong there will be the opportunity to hear members of the College preach for no longer than five minutes each. Friday 9th January Sunday 11th Tuesday 20th Monday 2nd February Wednesday 11th Wednesday 18th Tuesday 3rd March Thursday 5th Friday 13th Friday 20th Special Services and other events Choral Evensong for Old Members’ Reunion (6.15 pm) Chapel supper following Choral Evensong (6 pm) Compline by Candlelight (9.45 pm) Choral Eucharist: Feast of Candlemas (6.30 pm) PATRONAL FESTIVAL Said Eucharist: St Radegund (8.30 am) Choral Evensong: St Radegund (6.15 pm) Choral Eucharist: Ash Wednesday (6.30 pm) Compline by Candlelight (9.45 pm) Corporate Communion (6.30 pm) followed by supper Commemoration of Benefactors (6.15 pm) Choral Evensong for Old Members’ Reunion (6.15 pm) Collections this term will be divided between CAMFED (Campaign for Female Education), working in impoverished areas of Africa where girls’ education is scarce, and the Cambridge Money Advice Centre, which offers advice on debt Cover picture: Window in the South Transept by Edward Burne-Jones, showing St Radegund, one of the College’s patron saints. Her festival is celebrated on 11 February.
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