Congregation Beth Yeshurun Rhona and Bruce Caress Family Campus 4525 Beechnut St. The Message Houston, TX 77096-1801 May 2015 Iyar-Sivan 5775 Vol. L, No. 10 Inside Family Fun Day May 3 p 3 Shabbat Jam May 8 p 18 Sisterhood Spring Installation May 19 p 15 Shavuot Night of Study May 23 p 4 Shavuot May 23-25 (Yizkor) Services Schedule p 10 Adult B’nai Mitzvah May 30 p7 Religious School News p 11 The Gathering Place p 12 Family Album p 13 B’nai Mitzvah p 14 Elijah’s Chair now available for your simcha p 15 Looking Ahead A Celebration of Love with the Finkelsteins June 4 p 5 Cancer Survivors’ Shabbat June 5 p 3 (713) 666-1881 Shalom mely with I Rabbi David Rosen nside this month’s issue of The Message, you will find an important article by the Director of our Beth Yeshurun Religious Schools, Sheryl Eskowitz, in which she talks about Kehillah High, our brand new community high school for youngsters at Beth Yeshurun, Beth Israel, Brith Shalom and other congregations, which will open this fall. (It is our hope that Emanu El will join with us in 2016.) For decades, our individual congregations have sought to run high schools of our own, with varying degrees of success. The challenge has always been how to sustain programs that can keep up with the ever-changing social, academic and technological needs that our high school-age youngsters and their families expect and demand. Hard as we have tried, and notwithstanding all the resources we have poured into our programs, our students who attend public and private high schools by day have looked at our synagogue schools and, for a variety of reasons, found them wanting. For several years, the rabbis of Houston’s Conservative and Reform congregations have been watching as enrollments in our respective synagogue high schools have declined. There came a point last year when we decided to stop watching and to do something. Rabbi David Lyon, Rabbi Ranon Teller and I sat down with the leadership of the Jewish Federation, its team of experienced educators who formerly led the Bureau of Jewish Education, and with the educators from our respective synagogue schools, with the goal of creating a new model for Houston Jewry — a school that would excel in the quality of its offerings, would create a larger body of students, and would be compelling and attractive not only to the youngsters already enrolled in our congregational schools but to the hundreds of students who are presently not enrolled in any course of Jewish study at a pivotal moment in their Jewish lives. Those who have been entrusted with creating our Kehillah High have done so with exceptional enthusiasm and dedication. They have analyzed community high schools around America, have defined clear goals for our new school, and have sought input from throughout our community. We are committed to creating a school that students will want to attend. Part of what we hope will make the school a compelling experience is our determination to find the best teachers. For Kehillah High, we will have access to the very best teachers from all of our congregations. Additionally, and importantly, all of the rabbis of the participating synagogues have agreed to be on the faculty and to engage students in every grade of the five-year curriculum. Kehillah High represents our community’s shot across the bow. We are determined to bring as many of our precious high school students together as we possibly can to teach them, inspire them and give them the tools they will need to mature into responsible and caring Jewish adults. I am very proud that Beth Yeshurun is one of the founding congregations and I am gratified as well by the overwhelming support that has come from all parts of our synagogue in support of this most exciting and welcome development. 1 Shabbat Services for Families with Children SATURDAY, MAY 2 9:30-10:30am Tot Shabbat (Ages 0-4) 10:15am Young Children’s Shabbat Shalom (parents welcome) Every Shabbat morning at 10:15am Shabbat Services FRIDAY, MAY 8 6:00pm Shabbat Jam (Young Families) SATURDAY, MAY 9 9:00-10:00am Jr. Congregation (Ages 8-11) 10:15am Young Children’s Shabbat Shalom (parents welcome) Every Shabbat morning at 10:15am FRIDAY, MAY 1 - Candlelighting Time 7:40pm 6:00pm Friday Night Alive! - with the Goodman Family 6:30pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel SATURDAY, MAY 2 - Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:15am Museum Minyan 9:30am Sanctuary Service - Bat Mitzvah: Ava Goodman 7:30pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel FRIDAY, MAY 15 6:00pm Kinder Shabbat (Ages 0-5) SATURDAY, MAY 16 10:15am Young Children’s Shabbat Shalom (parents welcome) Every Shabbat morning at 10:15am FRIDAY, MAY 8 - Candlelighting Time 7:45pm 6:00pm Shabbat Renewal - with the Sondock Families 6:30pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel SATURDAY, MAY 23 10:15am Young Children’s Shabbat Shalom (parents welcome) Every Shabbat morning at 10:15am SATURDAY, MAY 9 - Parashat Emor 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:00am Super Soul Shabbat (yoga) 9:15am Museum Minyan 9:30am Sanctuary Service - B’nai Mitzvah: Elizabeth Sondock & Gabriel Sondock 7:45pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel SATURDAY, MAY 30 10:15am Young Children’s Shabbat Shalom (parents welcome) Every Shabbat morning at 10:15am FRIDAY, MAY 15 - Candlelighting Time 7:49pm 6:00pm Shabbat Renewal - with the Feldman & Kaminsky Families 6:30pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel SATURDAY, MAY 16 - Parashat Behar-Bechukotai 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:15am Museum Minyan 9:30am Sanctuary Service - B’nai Mitzvah: Aidan Feldman & Joshua Kaminsky 7:45pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel FRIDAY, MAY 22 - Candlelighting Time 7:54pm 6:00pm Shabbat Renewal 6:30pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel SATURDAY, MAY 23 - Parashat Bemidbar 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:15am Museum Minyan 9:30am Sanctuary Service 7:45pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel Together we’ll explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God and deepen our prayer with meditation and chanting. RSVP to SUNDAY, MAY 24 - MONDAY, MAY 25 Shavuot I - Shavuot II (Yizkor) See page 10 for complete Shavuot Schedule FRIDAY, MAY 29 - Candlelighting Time 7:58pm 6:00pm Shabbat Renewal 6:30pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel 7:00-8:00pm Wednesdays May 6, 13, 20, 27 SATURDAY, MAY 30 - Parashat Nasso 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:15am Museum Minyan 9:30am Sanctuary Service - Adult B’nai Mitzvah 7:45pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel 2 Fun Day Sunday in the Park May 3rd The Shalom Y’all Committee invites all members of the congregation, kids, grandparents, singles, grandkids, Moms and Dads and friends to come to a fun-filled Sunday morning on May 3 at the Museum of Natural Science in Hermann Park starting at 10:00 a.m. Spearheaded by Melissa Brams, Rachel Teichman and a group of dedicated volunteers, this is the third year of Sunday Funday - which promises to be the best yet including face painting, clowns, pizza, drinks, desserts, cartoons, photographs, rides on the Hermann Park train and more all free! Discounted tickets to the Butterfly Collection and other special Museum features will be available. This program is part of the overall mission of the Shalom Y’all Committee to bring our members closer together, to strengthen the connection to our synagogue, and to have a lot of fun; especially because we will also be celebrating Lag B’Omer - a day of joy and happiness in our tradition. So, go online, register and make your reservation for food and a lot of fun! CBY Celebrates Cancer Survivorship Friday, June 5 Celebrate the lives of cancer survivors with us at a special Friday Night Alive! service at 6:00 p.m. on June 5. Rabbi Rosen will offer a special blessing for anyone touched by cancer, and for all our cancer survivors. We are pleased to offer this service in collaboration with CanCare, Inc. of which BY has been a member since 2001. CanCare is a nonprofit interfaith organization celebrating it’s 25th anniversary this year. It provides an opportunity for a person who is fighting cancer to walk with a volunteer who has survived that same cancer and treatment. CanCare’s member congregations spread awareness of CanCare’s free services within their congregations, and encourage cancer survivors to serve as volunteers in the community. CanCare’s volunteers provide one-on-one emotional support to cancer patients and their family members, offering encouragement, hope and understanding that comes from a shared experience. Do you know someone fighting cancer? Introduce them to CanCare or offer to call CanCare on their behalf. Have them go to and learn more about this wonderful organization. Do you know someone who is a cancer survivor? Ask them to contact CanCare at (713) 461-0028 to learn more about the training program to become one of their volunteers. They will discover it gives value and meaning to their cancer experience. CBY CanCare Co-ordinators (clockwise from top left): Rabbi Steven Morgen, Michael Wiesenthal, Barbara Selzer and Leah Katz. For questions or more information, please contact Rabbi Morgen (our CanCare rabbinic liaison) at (713) 666-1881, Barbara Selzer at (713) 771-2030, Leah Katz at (713) 9776400, or Michael Wiesenthal at (713) 703-6791. You may contact CanCare directly at the phone number or web site provided above. 3 4 5 BY Future Leaders Caucus Members of the Beth Yeshurun Future Leaders Caucus meet at the new Genesis Steakhouse and Wine Bar March 24. The goal of the program is to identify and comprehensively train young leaders who can bond over time and potentially represent congregational leadership for decades into the future. The group meets monthly for dinner and discussion. Pictured (left to right) are: Top Row: Dr. Benjamin Musher, Roni Most, Hannah Hofrichter, Shelley Sorkin, Lisa Turboff, Kari Saratovsky, Nir Grossman, Rabbi Brian Strauss, Jerrad Bloome, Kevin Steinberg, Brad Staller, Stephanie Kohll and Alan Levin. Bottom Row: Lydia Musher, Dr. Ryan Kagan, Jennifer Rosenzweig, Bill Schwartz, Esther Freedman and Dana Katz. Not pictured: Dan Braun and Jaffray Getz 6 Sisterhood Passover boxes for collegians Welcome New Members! Please welcome the following new members to Beth Yeshurun: Robert & Roberta Bernstein Demitriy Idashkin & Larisa Bogachevskaya David & Glenda Regenbaum Renee Shull Our wonderful BY Sisterhood once again prepared and mailed special Passover packages for our college students. This is a great way to enable our students who are away from home to live their Jewish heritage. Sisterhood members (and a husband!) involved in the project this year were Bobbi Asarch, Greta S. Drennan, Gayle Hoffer, Sara Ellen Kaiser, Joan Katz, Louis Katz, Harriet Katzeff, Malka Levy, Isabelle Mayer, Beth Nock, Vicky Richker and the Co-Chairs of the project: Toby Brown, Linda Lang and Elyse Schultz. 2015 Adult B’nai Mitzvah May 30 Our tzedakah funds If you have ever put money into the “pushke” in the J.B. Greenfield Chapel, you may have wondered what happens to that money. A sub-committee of the Chapel Committee handles the distribution of these funds to a variety of worthy causes. These fall into one of four categories: (a) Projects in Israel; (b) Conservative Torah study/program institutions; (c) Youth scholarships; (d) Caring for the needy. Among the programs to which we have directed help for the needy this year are: • MAZON, an organization which supports institutions throughout the United States which address local problems of hunger; • INTERFAITH MINISTRIES MEALS ON WHEELS, providing hot food daily to thousands of Houstonians, largely homebound; • THE PROMISE OF HOPE appeal, to assist Houston’s impoverished Jews through our Jewish Federation; • NUEVO HOGAR LEDOR VADOR (New Home for the Elderly), the Buenos Aires Jewish community equivalent to our own Seven Acres. Thanks to all of you who have helped us provide thousands of dollars to meet these and other needs in the past year! Rabbi Daniel Horwitz Pictured above is the 2015 Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class front row (l-r): Revanda Posey, Cantor Diane Dorf, Maria Duarte and Rabbi Brian Strauss; back row: Rabbi David Rosen, Rabbi Steven Morgen and Theresa Foss Saturday morning, May 30, at Congregation Beth Yeshurun, three dedicated adults will celebrate becoming Adult B’nai Mitzvah. They will conduct the entire Shabbat morning service, lead the prayers, chant the Torah and Haftorah, deliver the Dvar Torah, and offer their own personal reflections. We hope you will join us for this wonderful simchah! To prepare for this day, they have participated in Beth Yeshurun’s Akiba program for the past eighteen months, taking a basic Judaism course with Rabbi Brian Strauss; learning Hebrew, Shabbat prayers, and Torah trope with Cantor Diane Dorf; and studying with Rabbi David Rosen, Rabbi Steven Morgen and Cantor Meir Finkelstein. Normally, Jews celebrate their B’nai Mitzvah at age thirteen, but when circumstances do not allow for this celebration at a young age, a Jew may do it as an adult. The three students are: Maria Duarte, Theresa Foss, and Revanda Posey. If you are interested in participating in future classes, please contact Rabbi Strauss at (713) 666-1881 or bstrauss@ Are you in special need of a Rabbi? If you have a death in the family, a loved one in the hospital or need a get well prayer for someone special, please contact Rabbi Rosen and let him know. Our Senior Rabbi wants to be with you and to help you deal with life’s many challenges. Please call him at (713) 255-8011, or write drosen@ 7 4 Mon 15 Iyar 7:00a Chapel 5 12 Tue 16 Iyar 7:00a Chapel Omer 31 23 Iyar 7:00a Chapel Omer 38 BYDS 5th Grade Retreat 6:30p Chapel SH Board Meeting 6:30p Chapel 22 Iyar 7:00a Chapel Omer 37 1 Sivan Rosh Chodesh Omer 45 6:45a Chapel 8 Sivan 7:00a Chapel Inclusion Committee Future Leaders Caucus 6:30p Chapel 26 SH Spring Installation Endowment Committee Executive Committee Board Meeting 6:30p Chapel 19 6 Wed 17 Iyar 24 Iyar 7:00a Chapel Omer 39 Omer 32 7:00a Chapel RS HHS Confirmation 100 Jewish Men Meditation Group 6:30p Chapel 13 27 2 Sivan Omer 46 7:00a Chapel 9 Sivan 6:30p Chapel 7:00a Chapel Technology Cmte Meditation Group Special Events Committee YES Luncheon Meditation Group 6:30p Chapel 20 7 Thu 18 Iyar Lag B'Omer 7:00a Chapel Omer 33 25 Iyar 6:30p Chapel BYDS No School 5th Grade Only 14 7:00a Chapel Omer 40 3 Sivan 7:00a Chapel Omer 47 6:30p Chapel 10 Sivan 7:00a Chapel ASA Final Day EDC in Session 6:30p Chapel 28 21 BYDS BOOK FAIR • BYDS BOOK FAIR • BYDS BOOK FAIR • BYDS BOOK FAIR Education Committee RS 6:30p Chapel Security Committee Meditation Group 6:30p Chapel 6:30p Chapel 29 Iyar Omer 44 7:00a Chapel 6:30p Chapel 7 Sivan Shavuot II-Yizkor Memorial Day 8:30a Chapel 9:30a Combo Sanc/Museum Synagogue Office Closed BY Cemeteries Closed No BYDS/EDC/ASA 8p Chapel 25 18 5th Annual Yiddishe Kup Budget Committee 6:30p Chapel 11 Omer 30 FOR AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE CALENDAR OF EVENTS, PLEASE GO ONLINE TO: WWW.BETHYESHURUN.ORG May – Iyar/Sivan Sun 3 14 Iyar Pesach Sheni Omer 29 8:00a Chapel 21 Iyar 28 Iyar 6:30p Chapel 8:00a Chapel Omer 36 6:30p Chapel Family Fun Day RS 10 RS 17 6 Sivan Shavuot I Yom Yerushalayim Omer 43 8:00a Chapel RS - Last Day Akiba: Israel-A Walk Through Time & Space FL Mother-Son Event 6:30p Chapel 24 8:30a Chapel 9:30a Combined Sanctuary/Museum Minyan 13 Sivan BY Cemeteries Closed 8p Chapel 31 8:00a Chapel 7:30p Chapel 1 Fri 12 Iyar 7:00a Chapel Omer 27 Friday Night Alive! BM Ava Goodman Evening Chapel 7:40p CL 19 Iyar Omer 34 - 7:00a Chapel 8 Shabbat Renewal BM Elizabeth Sondock & Gabriel Sondock Shabbat Jam GWCTS 26 Iyar 4 Sivan Shabbat Renewal Kinder Shabbat BM Aidan Feldman & Joshua Kaminsky Evening Chapel 7:49p CL 7:00a Chapel Omer 41 Evening Chapel 7:45p CL 15 22 7:00a Chapel Omer 48 11 Sivan Shabbat Renewal Evening Chapel 7:54p CL 29 7:00a Chapel BYDS Maccabi Day EC/ES Early Dismissal Shabbat Renewal Evening Chapel 7:58p CL 2015/5775 Sat 2 AchreiMot-Kedoshim 13 Iyar 20 Iyar Omer 28 Morning Chapel Museum Minyan Yoga/Meditation Service Sanctuary Service BM Ava Goodman Tot Shabbat Shabbat Shalom Weekly Torah Study 7:30p Chapel 9 Emor 27 Iyar Omer 35 Morning Chapel Jr. Congregation Museum Minyan Sanctuary Service BM Elizabeth Sondock & Gabriel Sondock Shabbat Shalom Weekly Torah Study 7:45p Chapel 16 Behar-Bechukotai Omer 42 Morning Chapel Museum Minyan Sanctuary Service BM Aidan Feldman & Joshua Kaminsky Shabbat Shalom Weekly Torah Study 7:45p Chapel 23 Bamidbar 5 Sivan Omer 49 Morning Chapel Museum Minyan Sanctuary Service Shabbat Shalom Weekly Torah Study 7:45p Chapel Tikun Leil Shavuot Erev Shavuot 8p Combo Sanc/Museum 30 Nasso 12 Sivan Morning Chapel Museum Minyan Sanctuary Service Adult B'nai Mitzvah Shabbat Shalom Weekly Torah Study 7:45p Chapel 8 2015 Reuben Utay Concert of Love This year, through our annual Reuben Utay Concerts of Love, we celebrated Earth Day! This annual event is underwritten by Helen Utay and her children in memory of her late husband, Reuben Utay, who loved music. Each year Ms. Monica Woolf, Librarian, organizes a wonderful musical event - and this year was no different! Tom’s Fun Band used music and comedy to teach our students how to reduce, reuse and recycle. The students enjoyed participating in this event - and it was amazing to see how much out of a pile of garbage could be recycled! Beth Yeshurun is very grateful to the Utay family for continuing to underwrite this marvelous event. May Reuben’s memory forever be a blessing. This page sponsored by Houston Jewish Funerals. Interested in sponsoring a page? Contact 9 It’s a Mitzvah! Shavuot Services Sponsored Meals SATURDAY, MAY 23 - Erev Shavuot 7:45pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel 8:00pm Combined Sanctuary/Museum Minyan Service Interested in sponsoring a Chapel Minyan weekday breakfast, or a Chapel or Museum Minyan Shabbat Kiddush in memory of your loved one or in honor of a simcha? Please contact Eileen Pettigrew, Food Service Manager, at or (713) 666-1881, ext. 368. Sponsorships will be acknowledged in The Message. Standard breakfasts begin at $100 and kiddushes begin at $145. Special meals may be arranged with the Food Service Department and monthly sponsorships are available. All sponsorships must be paid in advance. Dates will be reserved in the order they are received. Recent sponsored breakfasts and kiddushes have been generously given by those listed below. Rosalyn Borg & Family in honor of Irving Rothman’s 80th Birthday Cindy, Cher, Moe & Elias Camhi in memory of Betty Camhi Arnold & Harriet Eisenstein, Jacob Eisenstein and Haidee Clairfield in memory of Rose Eisenstein Linda Goldstein in honor of the Museum Minyan Debra & Adam Greenberg and Andrea & David Stein in memory of Gary Gotlieb Jay Hoffman in memory of Kathy Stafford The Kuperman Family in honor of Alex Kuperman The Riklin Family in honor of the upcoming wedding of Matt Riklin & Shelly Guberek Mansel & Brenda Rubenstein in memory of Abe Rubenstein Bryan Siegel in memory of Norman Siegel Lisa & John Torry, Janet & JD Golden, Frances & Bob Grossman, Pam & Morris Senior and Alan Maleh in memory of Irvin L. Maleh SUNDAY, MAY 24 - Shavuot I 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:30am Combined Sanctuary/Museum Minyan Service 8:00pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel MONDAY, MAY 25 - Shavuot II - Yizkor 8:30am J.B. Greenfield Chapel 9:30am Combined Sanctuary/Museum Minyan Service 8:00pm J.B. Greenfield Chapel Cemetery Hours The Beth Yeshurun cemeteries are open Sunday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. They are closed on Saturdays and the following upcoming holidays: Sunday, May 24 - Shavuot I Monday, May 25 - Shavuot II/Yizkor & Memorial Day Improvements to parking at Post Oak cemetery during funerals The following changes will help ensure less parking congestion: •Post Oak Cemetery, please enter from Awty School Lane (our north gate), park facing the same direction, and exit the east gate on North Post Oak Road. •Allen Parkway Cemetery, a Buffalo Bayou parking lot, adjoining our cemetery, is nearing completion, and a traffic light is planned for installation at the Allen Parkway/ Dunlavy Street intersection within the next year. Thank you. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the ease and safety of funeral goers. Gift Shop Hours Sunday: 10:00am-1:00pm Mondays: Closed Tuesdays: 10:00am-4:30pm Wednesdays: 10:00am-6:00pm Thursdays: 10:00am-4:30pm Fridays: 10:00am-2:30pm (713) 255-8021 Braille Shabbat siddurim available The Inclusion committee is excited to announce it has acquired two Braille Shabbat siddurim for use by our congregants. These siddurim must be reserved in advance by calling Marsha Weiss at (713) 666-1881. 10 11 Activities Galore at the Gathering Place Each month at Beth Yeshurun finds Stein Hall brimming with activities as the Gathering Place continues its programming for people with memory loss. Lillie Hurwitz and Hedy Spiegel chair a team of thirty to thirty five volunteers who make this Program possible. Dr. Sharon Katz, Sheila Franklin and Esther Chess begin the morning program with Tai Chi - easy to do, slow motion, and healthy exercises that enliven our Care Partners, Care Givers, and volunteers. Following Tai Chi, everyone participates in a monthly arts and crafts project developed by Ora Farchy, that reflects the theme of the month. In March, the theme was Passover when our Care Partners made Seder plates. Ever hear of the Word Game? Volunteers, Care Givers, and our Care Partners play this fun and interesting game nearly every month using a word related to the theme of the month. In March, the “word” was “Matzah” leading to words such as Moses, Aron, etc. No Gathering Place would be complete without music provided by Michael Richker and, until her recent passing, our beloved Gertie Denn. Gertie played the piano while Michael led everyone in songs related to the monthly theme ending our songfest with volunteers swaying to Osah Shalom. All of these activities lead to a delicious lunch with a beautiful cake linked to our monthly theme donated by Three Bros. Bakery and Janice and Bobby Jucker. We end the day with bingo led by Sylvia Wilkenfeld and Terry Buchalter where everyone is a winner. The Gathering Place has proven it is a winner thanks to so many volunteers with guidance from Tom Breaux from InterFaith Care Partners. To learn if a family member or Beth Yeshurun friend could benefit from this program as a care partner or to sponsor a program, please contact one of our coordinators, Lillie Hurwitz at or (713) 666-2657, or Hedy Spiegel at or (832) 816-9405. Donations in support of the program may be made online at by clicking “Inclusion” or in person at the synagogue office. 12 Family Album Anniversaries 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5 16 50 62 23 62 31 2 36 8 9 24 15 21 15 21 15 11 10 17 46 13 69 14 24 14 25 25 43 4 27 16 44 32 40 40 28 16 48 12 20 43 44 43 26 23 32 21 6 51 17 11 17 Michael & Diane Bernstein Daniel & Robin Stein Sol & Flora Wachsberg Arthur & Marian Daum Edward & Shelly Gardner Tom & Kay Goldman Bill Davis & Esta Kronberg Adam & Tatiana Wolfe Harry & Teri Greenblatt Robert & Beverly Pickelner Brent & Sallye Wasserstein Fred & Julie Wolgel Todd & Michelle Gottesman David & Joan Rosenthal Fred & Nancy Stow Nelson Gruber & Manizeh Mirza-Gruber Byron & Betty Harris Steven & Jill Newman Josh & Jodi Skorupski Randy & Heather Reichstein Floyd & Charlotte Goldberg Mark & Beth Sanders Paul & Revekka Belkin Reid & Anissa Friedman Jeffrey & Cynthia Gollomp Michael & Barbara Gamson Jeffrey & Lisa Myers Jay & Valerie Resh Jay & Betty Epstein Jeffrey & Allison Feinstein Rory & Laura Alter Gary & Bonnie Blumberg Jerry & Elaine Feiner Geoffrey & Barbara Koslov Burton & Mary Kunik Joshua & Zahava Levy Frank & Salli Goldberg Steve & Pepi Nichols Rick & Jan Kaminsky Mike & Lisa Hoover Alan & Jennifer Rosen Ronald & Harriet Bormaster Barry & Phyllis Kalmin Jack & Karen Lee Julian & Vivian Levin Russ & Leslie Robinson Steven & Mindy Finger David & Andrea Stein Charles & Ilene Fedrid Sanford & Linda Herskovitz Steven & Paula Soffer Hershel Swartz & Sarah Marlin Jerrad Bloome & Sara Castle-Bloome 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 5/31 34 6 28 34 28 63 12 18 40 7 1 19 19 2 24 58 13 24 24 13 25 8 25 9 36 9 20 15 32 48 20 21 32 21 21 32 32 4 21 27 27 46 5 11 16 45 32 22 22 41 22 28 39 16 17 5 28 Arthur & Nancy Brand Adam & Lindsay Cohen W. Kyle & Greta Drennan Steven & Pamela Rosen Michael & Sharon Segal Leon & Shirley Bloom Andrew & Melissa Brams Harry & Kris Edelheit Josef & Eileen Marom Adam & Jennifer Rosenfeld Michael & Nancy Rosenthal Andrew & Alberta Totz Jeffrey & Cynthia Anapolsky Adam & Heather Davidoff Clayton & Beth Dreyer Marvin & Renee Gerber Stuart & Laina Miller Lowell & Wendy Rosenthal Charles Wiese & Janice Rubin Joshua & Deborah Weinstein Brent & Michelle Fredricks Roni & Hilary Most Brian & Dixon Schultz Stuart & Jennifer Sperling Benjamin & Joy Warren Steven & Marty Garfinkel Jeffrey & Jeryl Golub Adam & Debra Greenberg Paul & Stephanie Gustafson Barry & Helena Horwitz Phillip & Lisa Turboff Alan & Shirley Cohn Jon & Lorri Feiwell Marc & Hayley Feldman Michael & Melissa Friedman Jeffrey & Fara Gaitz Jerry Gottesman & Linda Goldstein Samuel & Samantha Lee Tim & Rochelle Lootens Stephen & Michelle Maislin Arthur & Arlene Nathan Joel & Diane Statham Brian & Adriana Arias Adam & Robyn Burck Gregg & Jennifer Costa Dean & Cindy Gachman Gary & Nancy Glesby Jay & Wendy Gold Mike & Silvia Goldstein Frederic & Anita Hochman Jeffrey & Barbie Horowitz Edward & Eileen Kisluk Yem & Nancy Levy Jason & Peta Rubenstein Warren & Tammy Simi Brandon & Jessica Strauss Alan & Juli Scheinthal Condolences 13 The congregation extends its sincerest condolences to the families of Seymour Aronowitz, Lois Smolensky Brook, Elissa Dubinsky, Dr. Richard Evans, David Ernstein, Fay Friedman, Milton Greenberg, Lila Hartman, Rosalind (Lynn) Evelyn Ivanhoe, Willie Reingold, Dorothy Schlosberg Rieter, Esther (Theresa) Saka, Florence Schwartz, Janice Selzer, Larry Steinfeld, Edith Stolbun, Beedie Teitelbaum May their memories be for a blessing. Aidan Elan Feldman (May 15/16) is the son of Hayley and Marc Feldman; brother of Jake; and grandson of Wendy and Richard Feldman, and Lynn and Willy Goldberg. Aidan attends The Emery/Weiner School. For his Mitzvah Project, Aidan volunteered at the ERJCC Top Soccer program for young athletes with disabilities and he assembled Hanukkah treat bags for patients in hospitals for the JFS Adopt-A-Holiday program. Aidan will participate in the Rabbi’s Ten Percent Plan for charitable giving. B’nai Mitzvah Ava Cheyenne Goodman (May 1/2) is the daughter of Helen SwiffGoodman and Jason Goodman; sister of Grant and Sloan; granddaughter of David Swiff and the late Darlene Swiff, and Adrienne Goodman and the late Michael Goodman. Ava attends Lanier Middle School. For her Mitzvah Project, Ava made Shabbat boxes for patients at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Ava will be donating a portion of her monetary gifts to MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Shabbat Box program at JFS in loving memory of her blessed grandmother Darlene Swiff. Joshua Aaron Kaminsky (May 15/16) is the son of Jill and Neal Kaminsky; brother of Sam and Kate Kaminsky; and grandson of Patricia and Milton Faigen, Rebecca and Stephen Hemley, Marjorie Kaminsky, and the late Harold Kaminsky. Joshua attends The Emery/Weiner School. For his Mitzvah Projects, Joshua assembled Hanukkah gift bags for JFS for hospital patients; volunteered with TOPS Soccer Program to help teach those with disabilities, and participated in the MS Walk in honor of friends with MS. He will donate a portion of his monetary gifts to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Houston SPCA. Elizabeth Anne Sondock (May 8/9) is the daughter of Jennifer and Mark Sondock, sister of Samuel Sondock; and granddaughter of Linden and Roger Sofer, Annette and Larry Sondock, and Gary and Linda Emrick. Elizabeth attends The Emery/Weiner School. For her Mitzvah Project, Elizabeth did volunteer work for Kids Meals, the nations only meals-on-wheels service for children. Elizabeth will also be donating a portion of her gifts to Kid’s Meals. Gabriel Benjamin Sondock (May 8/9) is the son of Tara and Steven Sondock; brother of Joe Sondock; and grandson of Dr. June and Julius Sadowsky, and Annette and Larry Sondock. Gabe attends The Emery/Weiner School. For his Mitzvah Project, he collected and organized new and gently used sports equipment for children in Houston’s lower income neighborhoods. Gabe also worked as a Challenger Buddy in the West University Little League Challenger Division. Gabe will participate in the Rabbi’s 10 percent plan by donating a portion of his monetary gifts to Hadassah Medical Organization. Send a child to Jewish Summer Camp! For several years BYB has collected donations to assist our families to send their children to overnight Jewish summer camps. Attending an overnight Jewish summer camp offers our youngsters a 24/7 opportunity to strengthen their involvement in Judaism, improve their leadership skills, create lasting friendships, foster their devotion to Israel plus lots more! It’s our obligation to build a strong Jewish foundation for the next generation! The tuition cost of $1,200 a week is beyond the means of many of our CBY families. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation for this worthy cause. Mail your check to Beth Yeshurun, Summer Camp Fund, 4525 Beechnut, Houston, TX 77096. We are happy to list Bar/Bat Mitzvah students, their parents, siblings, grandparents, school and Mitzvah Projects. Please contact Cheryl Rose Nitishin at cnitishin@ or (713) 255-8005, for your submission deadline. 14 Elijah’s Chair available for your simcha! Beth Yeshurun is proud to be the recipient of a beautiful ceremonial Elijah’s Chair donated by Charlotte & Sam Axelrad and Carolyn & David Axelrad in honor of Rabbi Jack Segal. By tradition, Elijah the Prophet attends every ritual circumcision, and the ceremony includes the statement, “Zeh ha’kisei shel Eliiyahu (this is the seat of Elijah).” This custom is based on a Midrash. In I Kings 19:10, 14, Elijah says to God: “Thy children of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant (brit’cha),” because they are no longer performing the ritual of brit milah (circumcision). According to the Zohar, God reprimanded Elijah, saying “Every time a circumcision will be performed, you, Elijah, will be invited, and a chair will be set aside for you.” At a brit milah, the ritual circumcision of newborn baby boys, the sandok, the godfather, sits in the chair and holds the baby. This chair, created in 2012 of beautifully hand-carved oak, is currently on display in the Bender/Levy Lobby of the synagogue. It is available for use in the synagogue for both brisses and baby namings, or for weddings as a “throne” for the bride during the bedekken portion of the wedding. Arrangements for use can be made by contacting Eileen Pettigrew or Cecilia Font in the Food Services Department. Please come and enjoy the display! Sisterhood Spring Luncheon & Installation Join us for a walking tour of our incredible Mollie & Louis Kaplan Museum with Dr. Daniel Musher. Learn more about the unique artifacts housed in our synagogue’s collection. Lunch following the tour. Tuesday, May 19th at 10:00 am Stein Hall Couvert $25 RSVP at: Send checks to: Congregation Beth Yeshurun, 4525 Beechnut, 77096; attn: Sisterhood Luncheon Moms and Boys! Team up and get ready to search our Beth Yeshurun campus to decode the clues Office Hours/Closures Mother-Son Scavenger Hunt Sunday, May 17th 5:00 to 7:00 The Beth Yeshurun office is open Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. It will be closed for the following upcoming holiday: Join us for a fun scavenger hunt followed by a casual dinner and time on the playground Monday, May 25 - Shavuot II/Yizkor & Memorial Day RSVP: $25 per duo/$5 for each additional THE MESSAGE of Congregation Beth Yeshurun (USPS 968-500) is published monthly August-July by Congregation Beth Yeshurun, 4525 Beechnut, Houston, Harris County, TX 77096-1801. Periodical Postage Paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER send address changes to Congregation Beth Yeshurun, 4525 Beechnut, Houston, TX 77096-1801. 15 Brena Moglovkin REATOR-ASSOCIATE® Call the Best We’ll do the Rest! With over 30 years experience, I am committed to providing Unstop Drains ✯ Replace Sewer Lines Tank & Tankless Water Heaters Live Video Camera for Line Breaks Repair and Replace Faucets & Toilets the finest service to each of my clients. Please contact me for your real estate needs. Mention our ad for $15 off any service. 832.264.6007 Gary Bloch FREE Estimates MLP#17021 care [ kair] 1.(v) to understand and share 2.(n) the feelings of another Waldman Funeral Care. 713-771-8000 redefining personalized funeral care service A Full Service Residential and Commercial Plumbing Company Paul Weitz MPL 37548 Your neighborhood Plumber and Extraordinary service. Compassionate care. BETH YESHURUN DAD! 5711 Bissonnet, Suite A, Bellaire, TX 77401 713.875.4 811 Call “The Plumbing Guy” The plumber your friend’s recommend! We do it right and are reasonably priced Af filiated with Hardin Family Funeral Home Chevra Kadisha of Houston approved Licensed and Insured 16 Advertise in The Message The Message is a monthly publication and has an approximate circulation of 2,200 issues. To place an ad, send a “camera ready” .jpg to themessage@ Ads must comply with postal service regulations. The deadline to place an ad is the 1st of the preceding month (i.e., January 1st is the deadline for the February issue) and payment must be included with ad submission. Rate Schedule per issue (10% discount for four or more consecutive issues - prepaid): Business Card: $40; Quarter Page: $80; Half Page: $150; Full Page: $250. Celebrating a Simcha? Please contact Lisa Unsell, The Message editor, at or (713) 255-8066. Let us share your news! Questions? Email us: Donations How To Contact Us Beth Yeshurun is a community institution with a vital mission: to educate children and adults, to offer spiritual experiences that inspire and uplift all ages, and to provide a setting in which Judaism can be joyously lived and experienced. We welcome your support. Online donations can be made at www.bethyeshurun. org. Donations may also be made in the synagogue office or by mail to Congregation Beth Yeshurun, 4525 Beechnut St., Houston, TX 77096-1801. A minimum donation of $10 per listing is required to have your donation published in the weekly bulletin and a notification letter sent to the honoree or a deceased person’s family member. One such notification letter will be sent per donation. The deadline for donations to be published in the weekly bulletin is the previous Friday at 4:30 p.m. Donations are published upon submission and will not be “held” for future publication. When you make a donation to Beth Yeshurun, please be sure to provide all of the necessary information: who the donation is in memory of, who or what the donation is in honor of, who needs to be notified of the donation (name and complete address) and by whom the donation is given. When this information is incomplete, we are unable to process your donation efficiently. Donations with no specific fund indicated will be credited to the Synagogue General Fund. Beth Yeshurun appreciates your generosity and support. Synagogue Office 4525 Beechnut St * Houston, TX 77096-1801 Ph (713) 666-1881, Fax (713) 666-7767 Clergy Rabbi David Rosen: Asst: Abby Rotenberg: (713) 255-8011 Rabbi Steven Morgen: Rabbi Brian Strauss: Asst: Gayle Schnurr: (713) 255-8017 Rabbi Jack Segal: Rabbi Danny Horwitz: Cantor Meir Finkelstein: Asst. & B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator: Cheryl Rose Nitishin: (713) 255-8005 Synagogue Alan Levin, President: Luis Dorfman, Executive Dir: Ellen Petras, Membership: (713) 255-8060 Arthur Miller, Cemetery: (713) 255-8076 William S. Malev Religious Schools Sheryl Eskowitz, Ed. Dir: (713) 255-8040 Beth Yeshurun Day School School Office (713) 666-1884, (713) 255-8045 Dan Ahlstrom, Head of School: For a complete contact list, please go to Read The Message online at *July issue deadline: May 11 at 17 Time sensitive material - please deliver promptly! Join us for the very last Shabbat Jam! The band is officially retiring, but will be back one last time (with some special guests from past Jams) to celebrate Shabbat with us. Friday, May 8th in Stein Hall Shabbat at 6:00, Dinner following RSVP for dinner: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Lunch at 11:30 AM followed by Program $8 per person in advance $12 after May 13 or at the door Please write “YES” on your check and mail to: Abby Rotenberg 4525 Beechnut Houston, TX 77096 Questions? (713) 666-1881 ext. 311 18
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