A BRIEF HISTORY OF ST. RAPHAEL'S PARISH FOUNDED 1841, BY FATHER ROBERT ARSENIUS WALSH, SSCC, 1804-1869 Father Walsh, Irish by birth, used his British citizenship to his advantage in the early years of his missionary service in Hawaii. The first Catholic missionary priests who arrived in 1827, were forced to leave, due to an anti-Catholic attitude in the islands. Using the strong British influence in Hawaii, the church decided to send a priest who was also a British subject. Fr. Walsh Newsletter Date arrived in Honolulu on September 30, 1836, then the Hawaiians retracted their consent and he had Volume 1 Issue 1 to leave. Thanks to some French influence, Catholics were once again allowed to have a presence in the islands. In July, 1839, Fr. Walsh celebrated a public Mass in Honolulu, and in 1840, he established the Mission of St. Michael the Archangel on the Big Island. The following year, Fr. Walsh set sail for Kauai where he stayed for 17 years. "I have celebrated the first Mass that has ever been celebrated to my knowledge on the island of Kauai, and founded the mission of St. Raphael the Archangel." With this journal entry recorded on Christmas Day, 1841, Fr. Robert Arsenius Walsh noted the founding of the Catholic Mission on the island of Kauai. Only three days earlier, on Dec. 22nd, Father stepped ashore at Koloa where he was promptly introduced to a Captain Hudson and Mr. Pratt. Upon explaining the reason for his presence and the work that lay before him, Mr. Pratt arranged to make a horse available for Fr. Walsh's use on his travels around the island. There may have been Catholics already on the island, for the Hawaiians on learning Fr. Walsh was a priest, took him to the home of Jakopo Pehu who lived near the beach at Poipu. Here Father immediately established a school putting Pehu in charge. It was also at Pehu's home that Fr. Walsh said that first Mass on Christmas Day. Not much is known about Pehu, but perhaps he moved to Kauai to escape religious persecution in Honolulu, or he may have been a trained catechist sent to Kauai in anticipation of Fr. Walsh's arrival. In any case, he welcomed Father and ably assisted him in establishing this new Mission. A zealous and capable worker, Fr. Walsh spent the morning hours of the next week building a school house with Pehu and his followers at his side. In the afternoons, he visited the Please see Getting Started on page 2 native people living near the sugar mill and scattered about the village. Evenings were devoted to prayer meetings and religious instruction classes. In the following weeks, continued his PleaseFather see Tight Space on page 4 work at Koloa; Masses were offered in a plantation house with the more advanced and devout students in attendance. In clear and simple language Fr. Walsh used these opportunities to explain the meaning of the Mass. By Author Name Notified that a young priest would soon join him on Kauai, Fr. Walsh left Koloa Mission in the charge of Jakopo Pehu and began making contacts in other parts of the island. He was introduced to various foreign entrepreneurs who befriended him and would later support his endeavors. Caption describing picture or graphic. Waiting for Father on his return to Koloa was Fr. Barnabe Castan, who had arrived on January 20, 1842. On March 20th, Fr. Walsh celebrated the first Mass in the new chapel of Koloa. Later in the Spring, he baptized 49 persons. The permanent church was completed in 1854, though not blessed until nearly 2 years later. Father Walsh continued his ministry here and was followed by many other Sacred Hearts priests, the last of whom was Fr. Felix Vandebroek. In 2003, the La Salette Missionaries were entrusted with the care of the parish and St. Raphael's is still served by them.ATION - a two year program of preparation. 4 February 2015[Type text] PASTORAL STAFF PASTOR: Rev. Augustine Uthuppu, MS PARISH SECRETARY: Millie C. Curtis PARISH ACCOUNTANT: Mercedes Casticimo RESPECT LIFE COORDINATOR: Janis Benn DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Allison Carveiro CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Weekday masses at the Old Historic Church. Monday - Friday: 7 AM Wednesday- Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help after the morning mass. Saturday: 5 PM Sunday Vigil Sunday: 7 AM (Old Historic Church) 930 AM (New Church) (Rosary is prayed 30 mins before every mass) DEACON: Deacon Thomas P. Contrades PARISH BOOKKEEPER: Marina Pascua PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Noli Melchor FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: Jerry Vigil MUSIC DIRECTORS: Millie and Paul Curtis RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Pre-School through Grade 8: Sunday, 8:30 - 9:20 AM Confirmation: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 10:45 AM -12:30 FOOD PANTRY: Tina Brun 742-6788 CHOIR PRACTICE: Wednesday, 6:30 PM ST. RAPHAEL CEMETERY- Open Sat & Sun 8AM- 6PM CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS BAPTISM - Submission of application form and required papers; baptism class: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6 pm. Baptisms held the 3rd Sunday of the month, following the 9:30 am Mass. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - a two year program of preparation. OF CONFIRMATION - a two year program of preparation. MARRIAGE - Contact the priest at least 6 months before wedding; Engaged Encounter required. RECONCILIATION - Confession on Saturdays, 4:15 -4:45, or call the office to schedule on a weekday. R.C.I.A. (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) - Process to initiate adults into our Catholic Christian Community and to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. FUNERALS -Arrangements are first to be confirmed with the parish office to schedule date and priest. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 08, 2015 [The LORD] tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. — Psalm 147:4 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The story of Job seems at first hearing to be an extension of February’s gloom into the liturgy. The monumental suffering of a good man is so horrific that the laments of the front page of modern newspapers barely measure up. The whole story is not long to tell, but its resolution is of great comfort. We can trace in its plot the stirrings of a belief in an afterlife, and in God’s great power to right every wrong and raise human beings from suffering. In the Gospel, we see the fulfillment of these longings in the hand of Jesus, grasping an ill woman by the hand and raising her up to vibrant life. Peter’s mother-in-law becomes her best self, attentive to her guests, providing hospitality, the warmth of her laughter, the delights of her kitchen. Last week, at Candlemas, candles were blessed, including baptismal candles for some not yet born. Today is a day to check the fragile flame of your own baptismal candle. Against February’s customary lethargy, its background whines and ailments, the liturgy summons us to life, grasps us by the hand, and sends us to serve in Christ’s name. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Job spoke, saying: I have been assigned months of misery, and troubled nights have been allotted to me (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 147). Second Reading — I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:1619, 22-23). Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases (Mark 1:29-39). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 . Living Stewardship Now —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. VISITORS - ALOHA AND WELCOME We pray that you enjoy celebrating with us this weekend. Whether you are new to the community or have been living here, know that you are invited to join our parish family. If you are visiting for the weekend, we hope you enjoy your time with us and consider us your "home away from home! Have you committed your abilities, your time, and your financial resources to your parish for God and the Church? Is your involvement a true reflection of your gratitude to God? Do you need to give more, or give differently? Please remember St. Raphael Church in your last will and testament. Mahalo Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. . 4 February 2015[Type text] 08 February 2015 Vol 3 Issue 6 Oldest Catholic Church on Kauai - 1841 3011 Hapa Road, Koloa, Hawaii 96756 Phone: (808)742-1955 Fax:(808)742-1845 Rectory(808)742-1958 Email: st.raphael@hawaiiantel.net ~ ~ Web: St-Raphael-Kauai.org Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm SECOND COLLECTION FOR THE AUGUSTINE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION--SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TODAY! Our Catholic schools provide a quality education to students from all ethnic, religious and financial backgrounds. The Augustine Educational Foundation provides tuition scholarships to financially needy students in our schools. Please take a moment today and help make a difference in a student's life-your gift goes directly to support tuition scholarships for our parishioners and vicariate. MAHALO for helping the Foundation reach its goal of raising $100,000! What are the Five Precepts of the Church? (1) You shall attend Mass on Sunday and holy days of obligation and abstain from work or activities that offend against the character of the day. …what's happening in our parish… *Please visit the St Raphael Church website to learn about our Parish and for more information, at St-Raphael-Kauai.org *We are looking for more Parish Ministry volunteers. Please contact the office for more information. *Every Sunday after the 9:30.A.M. Mass, the Youth ministry will be providing coffee for donation. Proceeds to benefit the various activities of the ministry. Please support our youth. *Next week Sunday, Feb 15, after the 9:30 A.M. Mass, our parish's Filipino Catholic Club will be having a bake sale. Please show you support. (2) You shall receive the sacrament of Penance at least once a year. (3) You shall receive the Eucharist at least during the Easter Season. (4) You shall observe the prescribed seasons of fasting and days of abstinence (Ash Wednesday and Good Friday). (5) You shall contribute to the material support of the Church. Pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain, France and Switzerland With Fr Efren Tomas M.S. Thursday, September 10 - Wednesday September 23, 2015 For more information and reservation, please contact: Redaja's Travel Agency Attn: Tessie Redaja Ph: (808) 487-2288 Cell: (808) 383-5555 February Birthdays! Rhonda Abara 12 Bryson Brun 10 Anna Bukoski 13 Nancy Cezar 07 Shelly Gerardo 12 Brooke Nawai 11 Edgar Sagucio 10 Bree Blake 12 Tina Brun 10 Fred Casticimo 10 Isabelle Curtis 11 Gianna Lewis 09 Karen Ruiz 09 Mary Vales 12 May God continue to fill your life with love! Stewardship of Treasure February 01, 2015 WELCOME TO ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH COMMUNITY ! Thank you for celebrating with us. Please complete the form to register as a new parishioner or to update your information. You may drop it in the collection basket or at the church office. Thank you! Name__________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________ Email address____________________________________ Telephone number/s (with area code) Home_____________ Cell/Mobile______________ New Update Collection Gift Shop Votive Candles Mass Intentions $4281.00 $187.00 $179.00 $30.00 Total $4677.00 Thank you for your generous support!
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