1|Page PARISH STAFF: Fr. Gregory Hart, Pastor Dc. Dan Daily, Deacon Pamela Castillow, Bookkeeper / Office Manager Shannon Stowe, Business Manager / D.R.E. Chris Teague, Catholic Youth (CY) Director frgreghart@att.net dcdaily@att.net stjoetontitown1@att.net stjoetontitownad@att.net stjoetontitowncy@att.net PARISH FACILITIES: Parish Hall Phone: Rectory Phone: SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION All Sacraments require a call or visit to the parish office for more information. Below are some notes for your benefit: Baptism: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a preparation process before Baptism of Children. Registration is required. If possible, it is recommended that all requirements be completed BEFORE the child’s birth. Sick Calls: Please call the parish rish office if you or an immediate relative would like to receive the Eucharist or Anointing at home or in the hospital. Confirmation: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education and the candidate must be 14 years old. Contact tact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Convalidations: This is the term for marriages getting “blessed” in the church. Most rules for “Weddings” apply for Convalidations. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 8:00am through Midnight Friday in the Chapel. First Communion: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education. Candidates must be at least 7 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Funerals: Please call the office immediately to start preparation. Marriage Cases/Annulments: If you’ve divorced and are planning to re-marry, have already re-married, married, or are marrying / married to someone with that situation even if it was prior to being Catholic: Contact Pamela Castillow at 361-2612. Reconciliation: ½ hour before all weekend ekend Masses or by Appointment. RCIA Classes: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Pat Buhr 479-524-8921 or 479-466-7776. 7776. RCIA is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic or those who may not have completed the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. Weddings: A minimum of 6 months is required for marriage preparation. No outdoor weddings are permitted. 479.361.2211 479.717.2047 IMPORTANT PARISH CONTACTS: Altar Servers: (Saturday): (Sunday): Chris Teague Mike Della Rosa 479.544.2100 479.790.2246 Bereavement Dinners: Norma Deines 479.751.1425 Bulletin: Shannon Stowe stjoetontitownad@att.net Cemetery: Mike Zulpo 479.361.2357 Choir: (Sunday): Marty Taldo 479.361.2459 Church Decor: Margie Ceola Jettie Franco 479.361.2560 479.361.2423 Catholic Youth (CY): (Sixth through ugh Twelfth Grade): Chris Teague 479.361.2612 479.544.2100 Eucharistic Ministers: Leonard Pianalto 479.361.2633 Gift Bearers: Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612 Misty Piazza Misty Piazza & Christine Terry Ryan Pianalto & Shirley Lott 479.466.3994 Gift Shop: Saturday: Sunday (Eng): Grape Festival: (Chairman) Ryan Pianalto (Co-Chair) Clint Penzo “The Hut” 117th Tontitown Grape Festival dates: 479.287. 9384 479.466.6681 479.361.2615 August 4-8, 2015 Grapevine (e-mail news): Shannon Stowe stjoetontitownad@att.net Knights of Columbus: Debbie Placek 479.445.2976 Lectors: Patricia Gross 479.521.0123 Parish Council: Debbie Placek 479.361.2067 Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612. If you are new to our parish, we welcome you and invite you to become a member. Registration forms are on the Parish Website (www.stjoetontitown.org) or in the Parish Office. Please complete one for each family member and drop it into the collection basket. Please also call the office if any of your family information has changed (name, phone, address, etc.) so that we can make the changes in our information. We are always in need of more help in our various parish ministries please call the parish office or the person in charge of any ministries you are interested in. We would love to have you! 2|Page SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 THROUGH PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL IN NEED Regina Adams Kay Brooke Bailey Finn Paula Gallagher Alma Hartman Paula Marinoni Claudine Pianalto Esther Pianalto Albert Piazza Cathyrn Staggs Bob Bailey Rob Beyer Rose Carender Sheryl Clark Rebecca Finn Angela Friend Tom Goff Chris & Cindy Hart Family Cash Khilling Msgr. James Mancini Thomas McFadden Deloris Peacy Collin Pianalto Elsie Mae Pianalto Lena Pianalto Leonard Pianalto Jeanette Piazza Peggy Sanders Diana Wright Janice Zulpo We need keep our prayer list tidy. We will clean it out March 30, 2015, leaving only the homebound on it. You can keep your loved one on it by calling or e-mailing mailing (stjoetontitownad@att.net ) the Parish Office to let them know which of your loved ones are still in need of prayer. HOLY FATHER'S INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. y. Sat. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Fri. COLLECTIONS: Regular Collection Building Fund Children's Collection Black & Indian Missions ONLINE GIVING FOR JANUARY Regular Collection Solemnity of Mary Garden Beautification AED Donations Charity Building Fund Black & Indian Missions $4,656.91 $339.00 $25.00 $40.00 Sat. $5,212.00 $50.00 $5.00 $20.00 $55.00 $280.00 $45.00 Sun. Sun. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULE 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Deceased Members of the Walsh, Horan & Fitzgerald Families Feb 8 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: All Parishioners Pa Feb 8 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: SI: Hubbard Family Feb 9 No Mass No Mass Feb 10 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: +Cliff Huff, Sr. Feb 11 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Lloyd Bariola Feb 12 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Gary Mussino Feb 13 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Joyce Verucchi Feb 13 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: +Phyllis Hale Feb 14 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Marie Tessaro Feb 15 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: +Phillip & Connie Pianalto Feb 15 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: All Parishioners Feb 7 JANUARY BAPTISM: Congratulations to those who joined our Catholic family through Baptism here at St. Joseph’s! Coleman Sloat Son of Brian & Courtney Sloat WHAT’S GOING ON AT ST. JOSEPH’S Dear Parishioners, Please welcome to our parish a Vietnamese priest, Fr. Hilary Tran, from Carthage, MO. He will be celebrating the English Masses this weekend and Fr. Lange will be celebrating the Latin Mass. I will be with relatives celebrating the Wedding Mass of my cousin usin at the Cathedral of Jefferson City, MO. Please keep me in your prayers and be assured that you are in mine. Fr. Greg Hart BAKE SALE Saturday, February 14th and Sunday, February 15th after English Masses. Hosted by the Confirmation Class. All proceeds go towards summer CY Mission Trip. To donate items or questions please contact Misty Piazza at misty_piazza@yahoo.com or 479-466-3994. Baptism Preparation Class: Friday, February 13th at 6:30 PM in the Parish ish Education Center. Call or eemail the Parish Office to register and get the appropriate forms. All parents and godparents are required at attend a class in order to proceed with the Baptism of their children. You do not have to wait until your sweet llittle bundle arrives to take the class but if you do wait, please make sure you can get someone to babysit! St. Joseph's Fellowship of Converts: Meeting will be Sunday, February 15th at 6 pm in the Education Bldg. Ken Hunter, from St. Vincent DePaul , will ll be our special guest speaker! Come and join us for a great Catholic conversion story! Dessert and time to visit will follow. All are welcome! MASSES FOR ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18! All English Masses Mass 7:30 AM 12:15 PM & Mass 6:30 PM On Ash Wednesday (Feb 18)) a special collection will be taken up to support missionary activities and the priests and religious who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they serve among the people of our diocese. 1oo% of this collection goes to direct ministry expenses. xpenses. Please be as generous as you can in supporting these missionary apostolates through the Ash Wednesday Collection. Fish Frys: The Knights of Columbus will have their Fish Frys on February 20th and March 27th both at 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall! $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Come join us!!! 3|Page LENTEN REGULATIONS REGARDING FAST AND ABSTINENCE. Abstinence from meat of warm blooded animals is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one‘s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. The special Paschal fast and abstinence are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday. Tax letters went out last week: So, if you haven't gotten yours yet, contact the Parish Office. Also, as you plan your giving for the coming year, we want to make sure that in addition to regular offering, you can earmark donations to various funds as you feel called to do. Some funds you might be interested in: Sch Scholarship fund, Building Fund, Bereavement Fund, Catholic Youth, P.R.E., Charity and Adult Education, as well as others not listed here. Your faith is worth it. A small investment pays big dividends when you gain inspiration and understanding from reading tthe weekly diocesan newspaper. Arkansas Catholic, the award awardwinning weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Little Rock Rock, offers complete print and digital subscriptions. The print edition is delivered to your mailbox every week. Subscriptions are only $26 a year ($24 for seniors). Subscription envelopes are available at the church or by calling (501) 664-0125. Or you can get Arkansas Catholic Digital the same day it’s published, anywhere you have an Internet connection. Log on to www.arkansas-catholic.org and sign gn up for only $12.95 a year. A print+digital combination: Add the digital edition to your print subscription for just $5 more a year. Call (501) 664 664-0125 if you already are a paid print subscriber and want to also get the digital edition. World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on the weekend of February 7-8, 8, 2015. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired red by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. Pray also for those who are discerning a vocation to Consecrated Life, and invite those who may be called to consider it. The 2015 Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal has begun begun. We ask that you prayerfully welcome this opportunity to give in support of the overall needs of the Church in our Diocese. Our parish goal is $10,720.50. Did you know that your CASA offerings are a source of funding for the education of our Seminarians? Yo Your faithful support helps provide the best in intellectual, personal and spiritual training and education that all of our Seminarians deserve. They have given everything for us and the Church, do we owe them any less than the best that we can give? Become a Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal supporter. Child Care during Sunday Mass: We are looking for someone to head up Childcare during the Sunday 9am Mass with possible expansion to evening classes during the week. Applicants must be good with children (1 to 4 years old) and be able to coordinate adult volunteers. This is a paid position. VIRTUS Protecting God's Children training will be required prior to starting. Send resume's to the Parish Office fice attn: Child Care. Resumes Resume are due March 1st. Child Care during Sunday Mass is suspended until a new director is found. Matthew Kelly is coming to NW Arkansas on Saturday, March 7th 2015 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM to present Passion and Purpose Live. Tickets are regularly $39.00 each, but for a limited time,, you can get your tickets for $20.00 at St. Joseph's office. Those who wish to take advantage of this offer will need to bring their money to the parish office and leave their name and contact information. When the tickets come in, we will notify you. Bible Study: The new program, "Exodus" just began Tuesday on January 6, 2015 so there's still time to get in without missing much! There are two times to choose from on Tuesdays, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM or 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Call Chris Teague in the Parish Office to register! RCIA: Anyone wanting to join the Catholic Church is welcome on Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the Parish Education Center Adult Education Room. This class is also open to all Catholics who want to learn more about their faith. PARISH RELIGIOUS OUS EDUCATION - (P. R. E.) Ash Wednesday is February 18th. We will not have regular P.R.E., but P.R.E. students are expected to attend Mass here or at another Parish. Those attending at other parishes, will need to bring or e-mail mail either a bulletin or photo ph of themselves or at the parish they attend to stjoetontitownad@att.net. Those who attend Mass here will need to sign-in in in the Main Vestibule. Vest CATHOLIC YOUTH (CY) Join in Adoration! All CY members and their families (as well as anyone else who wants to) are invited to join in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM every Wednesday in the Chapel of the Church! KNIGHTLY NEWS Our Next Meeting – Monday, February 9th at 6:30 pm at the KOC hall with food and beverages being served after the meeting. For info or if you have any suggestions, please contact Ryan Pianalto at 479.287.9384. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Welcome all new adorers!! Midnight to 6am 6am to Noon Laura Leto Denise Kidd 479-442-0643 / 479-409-6467 479-306-4244 479 / 479-439-2047 Noon to 6pm 6pm to Midnight Shirley Hoke Judy Ranalli 479-521-7869 / 479-530-4577 479-361-2086 479 / 479-957-0825 The chapel is open for those who want to Adore the Lord from Tuesday at 8:00 am to Friday at Midnight. Please know that you can still sign up for any hour convenient for you. The Lord loves many Adorers. Adorers are welcomed for any hour. Two Adorers per hour is especially encouraged! If you cannot attend your Holy Hour, Hour please ask a family member, friend or another adorer to substitute for you. If none are available, then contact your division leader. 4|Page ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OTHER AREA CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS & PARISHES 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Please Pray for the End of Abortion in NWA! February 18 through March 29, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. (Joyce and Crossover in Fayetteville) and to help spread the word about this important outreach. Groups are encouraged to adopt a weekly shift. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: 40daysnwa@gmail.com or sign up online at 40daysforlife.com/fayetteville. The kickoff rally will be held at Planned Parenthood on Tuesday, Feb 17th, 6-8pm. The NWA Catholic Respect Life Council will be sponsoring a Mass for Life on Saturday, March 21st at 11:00 am in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion center 3729 N. Crossover in Fayetteville with Rev. Greg Hart, Pastor at St. Joseph in Tontitown, celebrating. PROJECT RACHEL - POST ABORTION SUPPORT POST-ABORTION SUPPORT GROUP: Do you feel alone, hurting or unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life Office, through Project Rachel, is starting a support group, beginning February 16, 2015. The spiritual journey lasts 11 weeks, with small groups of 6-8. Groups will be formed in Little Rock, Fayetteville/Rogers and Hot Springs areas. All names and meeting places are strictly confidential. For details call 501- 6640340, ext. 357. All inquiries must be made by February 16, 2015. BENTON COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE An invitation to hear a speaker from Students for Life: a Valentine pot luck sponsored by Benton County Right to Life on Friday the 13th of February -- 6 pm at Wishing Springs Gallery Studio (Hwy 71 and McNelly Road - next to Walgreens) -- for info. Call Mary Kay 366-1504 or Susie 531-6943. NWA FRASSATI JOIN FRASSATI! The NWA Frassati Society is an energetic Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportunities! Our Bible study series "Priest, Prophet, and King" is on Mondays at 7pm at St. Joe's in Tontitown. Hope to see you there! Stay tuned for our upcoming events this year! To learn more, email us at nwafrassati@gmail.com! ST. RAPHAEL'S - SPRINGDALE READY FOR A RECHARGE??? WANT TO GET ON THE RIGHT TRACK?? Don’t Miss This!! PASSION & PURPOSE LIVE Matthew Kelly & Musical Guest, Eliot Morris March 7, 2015, St. Raphael Catholic Church 9:00AM – 1:30PM. Does God really have a plan for your life? Ready to start living your faith on a deeper level? What does Catholicism have to do with your life? What does it mean for our relationships? Our families? JOIN US! YOUR LIFE WON’T BE THE SAME! IT’S POWERFUL. IT’S PRACTICAL. … and, we promise… it’s fun! Who is Matthew Kelly? - New York Times bestselling author - One of the world’s best speakers – spoken in more than 50 countries - Invited to speak to over 50k high school students last year - Author of 4 of the top 10 Catholic bestsellers. Come! Be energized! Invite someone! Do not miss this opportunity to hear one of the most dynamic and sought-after voices of our time! For more information or to register, contact: Nancy Phillips, 756-6711 ex. 242, nphillips@straphaelcc.org Purchase tickets online at www.DynamicCatholic.com SUBIACO ACADEMY - SUBIACO Subiaco Academy! – A Catholic, Benedictine boarding and day school for boys in grades 7-12 located just east of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Subiaco Academy is offering Shadow Days for interested students and their parents to visit and explore the Academy’s junior and senior high college prep program. Shadow Days are scheduled for Fridays, March 13 and April 10, 2015, and open to boys in grades 6-10. Activities include campus tours, shadowing students, and parent meetings with staff. Students may spend the night before in a dorm for more of the Subiaco Experience and overnight accommodations are available for parents, all free of charge. For more information, or to reserve a place for a Shadow Day, please contact the Subiaco Academy admissions office at 1-800-364-7824 or email admissions@subi.org. Learn more at our website www.SubiacoAcademy.us. ST. SCHOLASTICA - FORT SMITH Sister Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB, will present a Lenten Day of Recollection at St. Scholastica Retreat Center on Thursday, February 26. During Lent, God invites us to return to Him wholeheartedly. Are you aware of the daily movements of grace in your life? This mini-retreat can assist you in returning to your heart. Cost: $50.00 A $20.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required at the time of registration. Call 479.783.1135 or visit www.stscho.org/retreat-registration. ST. VINCENT DePAUL - ROGERS Tapas and Tinis You are invited to attend the fifth annual “Tapas and Tinis” event, benefiting St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School in Rogers. It is a fun night out with silent and live auctions, a raffle, music, dancing and …. tapas and tinis! Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015 6 p.m. to Midnight Embassy Suites Hotel, Rogers. You may purchase tickets through the school office: (479) 636-4421 or by contacting Nancy Mueller at (479) 426-9005; nmueller27@hotmail.com or MarthaLynn Maurras at (479) 5861102; mmaurras@sbcglobal.net. The ticket price includes food, a couple of complimentary drinks, great camaraderie and dancing. Visit www.svdptapasandtinis.com to see the great prizes available at the event. We look forward to seeing you Feb. 21! DIOCESE OF LITTLE ROCK Photo contest: Any photographer in Arkansas can enter their photo of a local Catholic church or institution for a chance to be featured on the cover of the 2016 Diocese of Little Rock directory. Arkansas Catholic sponsors the annual cover photo contest. The contest entry deadline is March 20, 2015. Complete rules and an entry form are available on the Arkansas Catholic website, arkansas-catholic.org. For more 5|Page information, call Emily Roberts at (501) 664-0125 or e-mail eroberts@dolr.org. Ignatian Retreat Opportunity—Deepen your friendship with the Lord in sacred stillness & quiet. Experience an Ignatian Silent Directed Retreat at St. John's Center, Little Rock. The retreat begins Thursday, March 19 with dinner at 6:00 pm and ends Sunday, March 22 after lunch. A cost of $300.00 includes 3 night accommodations, 9 meals, and daily individual sessions with a retreat director. For details see the flier on bulletin board or contact the Office of Faith Formation at 501-664-0340 ext. 323. Registration forms are available at www.dolr.org. Limited spaces available ATTN: MARRIED COUPLES: A VALENTINE FOR YOU. This winter sure has had some cloudy days! How would you like to know how to put Sunshine in your marriage even on those cloudy days!! Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter help you put more sunshine in your lives. Next Weekend: Feb. 13-15 at Subiaco . Apply now. Space is limited. For more info or to apply, please visit our website arkansaswwme.org or call Steve & Elaine Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or email apply@arkansaswwme.org. A Lifeline for Troubled Marriages - Do you know of a marriage in trouble? Are better communication and conflict management skills needed? Retrouvaille is a program designed to help heal and renew troubled and hurting marriages. It is a relationship-building program with the main emphasis on communication between husband and wife. Separated and divorced couples are also encouraged to attend. The next Retrouvaille weekends are: St. John Center, Little Rock, AR: February 20-22, 2015 call 501-834-1956 and Tulsa, OK: February 13-15, 2015, call 918-695-7010. Or contact www.HelpOurMarriage.org Or the Family Life Office at 501/664-0340, ext. 353 Or register online at www.retrouvaille.org. The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Associate Director in the Office of Faith Formation. The minimum qualifications include: Theology degree or (5) years of Faith Formation experience, strong presentation and communication skills, and the ability to work some weekends and evenings and travel. The diocese offers competitive pay with excellent benefits. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to: Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Diocese of Little Rock, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or email to dlee@dolr.org. Administrative Assistant in Diocesan Finance Office: The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Administrative Assistant in the Finance Office to work with investments, insurance, accounting, budgeting, deposit and loan, and property. This is a full-time position with competitive pay and benefits. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or dlee@dolr.org. WEEKEND MINISTRIES Date: 7-Feb Altar Servers: Candle Joshua Zulpo Cross Jacob Ford Book Tyler Ford 15-Feb Eucharistic Ministers: Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Richard Ptak Madison Hanson Volunteer Hope Hanson Blaise Wittschen Nicholas Byrd 8-Feb 14-Feb Lectors: Candle Hannah Pianalto Cross Matthew Heath Book Sarah Heath Brooke Pianalto Mikayla Pianalto Adrian Gonzalez Matthew Huck Egillio Pianalto Chris Martini Dean Schaben Mike Washkowiak Rebecca Pianalto Shannon Stowe Stan Pianalto Patricia Mansell Helen McGinnis Mark Casey Patricia Gross Denise Kidd Melanie Wiedenhoeft Laura Huck Pat Brock Bob Brock Valerie Wright Margie Ceola Mary Ann Carender Richard Ptak Sara Miller Judy Ranalli Chris Martini Denise McDonald Mike Della Rosa Chris Pianalto Dail Bevins Robert Beyer Gift Bearers: EM to Sick Roger & Sara Miller Family Ryan & Christy Pianalto Family Judy Ranalli Volunteers Brian & Michelle Lehmann Family Patricia Gross HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Joseph & Marlene Piazza Ronald & Sharyn Walker 6|Page Dan & Ginger Daily Rob & Molly Brock HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Skyler Ceola Madailein Pitts Mackenzie White Michael Britt Dwayne Byrd Caleb Laney Allison Kujawa Maxine Williams Laura Kate Anderson Jack Beckford Caitlyn Fakult Madison Hanson Lincoln Rasmussen Hannah Breaux Nicholas Huck Justin Meins Anita Core Frank Lowell Megan Merrick Austin Mussino Alex Piazza Robert Zulpo Blake Bratcher Dale Carender Jettie Franco Jacob Green Mary Ann Carender Timothy LeDuc Cheri Poellot CALENDAR OF EVENTS –JANUARY TO FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MASS READINGS FEBRUARY 8 - 14 FEBRUARY 15 - 21 Sunday: Job 7:1-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-23; Matt 8:17; Mark 1:29-39 Monday: Gen 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-35; Matt 4:23; Mark 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gen 1:20-2:4; Ps 8:4-9; Ps 119:36, 29; Mark 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gen 2:4-17; Ps 104:1-30; John 17:17; Mark 7:14-23 Thursday: Gen 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; James 1:21; Mark 7:2430 Friday: Gen 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-7; Acts 16:14; Mark 7:31-37 Saturday: Gen 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-13; Matt 4:4; Mark 8:1-10 Sunday Sunday: Lev 13:1-46; Ps 32:1-11; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Luke 7:16; Mark Monday Monday: Gen 4:1-25; Ps 50:1-21; John 14:6; Mark 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gen 6:5-8, 7:1-10; Ps 29:1-10; John 14:23; Mark 8:1421 Wednesday: Joel 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Ps 51:3-17; Matt 6:118 Thursday: Deut 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-6; Luke 9:22-25 Friday Friday: Isa 58:1-9; Ps 51:3-19; Matt 9:14-15 Saturday: Isa 58:9-14; Ps 86:1-6; Luke 5:27-32 Feb 8 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM Feb 9 Feb 10 No Mass Feb 12 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC Feb 15 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Bake Sale for Catholic Heart Work Camp 10:00 AM Feb 11 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Feb 16 Feb 17 No Mass PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM Feb 18 ASH WEDNESDAY Special collection for the Church in Arkansas Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC Fellowship of Converts 6:00 PM - PEC - AE LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM RCIA 6:30 PM Feb 19 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Mass 6:30 PM RCIA 6:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC Feb 22 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM A Biblical Walk Through the Mass 10:15 AM - PH Feb 23 No Mass LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC Latin Mass 11:30 AM Mar 1 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM A Biblical Walk Through the Mass 10:15 AM - PH Feb 24 Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC Mar 2 No Mass Latin Mass 11:30 AM PEC = Parish Education Center Mar 3 Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC AE = Adult Education Room Feb 7 FIRST FRIDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Feb 13 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Baptism Prep 6:30 PM - PEC Feb 20 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM FIRST SATURDAY Rosary 7:40 AM Mass 8:00 AM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Feb 14 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Bake Sale for Catholic Heart Work Camp 5:00 PM Feb 21 Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Mass 12:15 PM Saturday Feb 6 LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM PRE Students sign in at Mass. Latin Mass 11:30 AM Friday Stations of the Cross 4:30 PM Mass 5:00 5: PM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Fish Fry 5:30 PM - PH Feb 25 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM PRE & Parenting 6:15 PM Stations 6:30PM Mass 7:00 PM Mar 4 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM Stations 6:30PM Mass 7:00 PM ABBREVIATIONS: C = Church 7|Page Feb 26 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM RCIA 6:30 PM Mar 5 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM RCIA 6:30 PM Feb 27 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Stations 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM Mar 6 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Stations 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM PH = Parish Hall Feb 28 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Mar 7 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH = Liturgy of the Hours 8|Page
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