“Train up a child in the way he should go and, when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 AT AUGUSTA CHRISTIAN Building Kingdom Leaders Fall/Winter, 2005-06 The Newsletter of Augusta Christian Schools Why Do My Children Need a Christian Education? by Joel Woodcock, Headmaster T his year marks my thirtieth year working in the field of Christian education. I have been a teacher, a coach, a principal and now a headmaster. Over the years I have talked to many individuals and groups of people about the great need for their children to experience a Christian education. I am a firm believer that Christian schooling is a vital support system to the Christian family. In this article I will discuss a few reasons why I believe that Christian schooling is important and essential to building the next generation of Kingdom leaders. I’ve heard many parents tell me that they don’t send their children to a Christian school because we need Christian kids in the public schools to be salt and light. I once heard Dr. Paul Keinel, former President of the Association of Christian Schools International, give an excellent response to this idea. He said, “we don’t send out ambassadors to another county to represent the United States of America until they are fully trained. Why do we send our children out to represent the Lord Jesus Christ in the public school when they are not fully equipped or trained?” Christian schools, the Christian family, and the local church are the training grounds to prepare and equip our children to be the salt and light to our lost world. Sending them out before they are fully trained may lead to devastating consequences. On occasion I have talked to parents who think a Christian school doesn’t prepare students for the real world. They believe that the Christian school is nothing more that a “greenhouse” which protects their children and isolates them from the real world. I would ask this question, “How much of the real world do you want your children to experience and be exposed to before they graduate from high school?” We live in a sinful world. A Christian school is not a perfect environment because sin indwells all of us since we have fallen short of the glory of God. However, the Christian school will teach young people God’s Word so they will recognize sin and learn to practice righteousness. If we can protect our children for a little while from both evil and the “world’s system” praise the Lord! We are fortunate that Columbia County schools are ranked among the very best in the State of Georgia. The elementary schools produce good test scores and provide an excellent education. I’ve heard many parents say that when their child enters middle school they will consider sending them to a Christian school. Unfortunately, this may be too late. Children entering their teen years often resist moving to a new school. Their friends become the most important influence in their life. As good as our public schools may be, a different educational philosophy pervades the entire public school system. God has been taken out of the classroom, and prayer is not welcomed—only a moment of silence. The public school system applauds tolerance but doesn’t practice it when it comes to Christianity. A child’s teacher has great influence over molding and shaping their minds in the way they think and reason. Christian teachers teaching in a Christian school have the freedom to integrate God’s truth into all aspects of curricula and be a Godly role model to the children they teach. The foundation and formation that takes place in elementary school is critical. We see many children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in the elementary program. The next step is the process of discipling them in their faith—building them into mature believers in Christ. Finally, I heard many parents say that they just can not afford to send their children to a Christian school. This, in fact, may be true for some people, but not for the vast majority. I have seen God provide the financial resources for families time and time again as they trust God and make Christian schooling the highest priority for their children. What price does one put on a high school graduate that is sold out to Jesus Christ, prepared as a Kingdom leader, and equipped to serve Jesus in their vocation and ministry? Christian schooling will enable the learner to develop a biblical world-view from which they will build future relationships, a career, a family and a philosophy of life. The Christian school exists to assist parents in helping their children develop a fuller understanding of God. In closing let me share a verse of scripture that puts it all in perspective. III John 3:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” 1 Institutional Advancement at ACS Greetings from the High School! by Dr. John Bartlett, Vice-President by Carolyn Giddens, High School Principal A G ctivities in the area of Development and Community Outreach are at an all time high. Heading the list of official school fundraisers for the 2005-2006 year was the Annual reetings from the high school! As I’m writing this, it’s three days before Christmas break, it’s chilly outside with what appears to be snow clouds on the horizon, and I have a cup of coffee and snacks baked by a parent. Does it get much better? I as reflect over the past few months of this school year, I think not! I am so grateful to be a part of this ministry. We have had a super school year thus far. August began auspiciously with our annual senior retreat. Our seniors had a great time, but more importantly, the Holy Spirit, through our faculty, ministered them to. Many came back with a burning passion to be what God has called them to be, and some received salvation! During Spiritual Emphasis Week in September, Pastor Mitchell from Restoration Church spoke to the students and faculty about finding God’s purpose and destiny for our lives. We were all truly blessed and challenged by Pastor Mitchell to seek God’s purpose and will. Homecoming brought the usual fun and shenanigans culminating with our homecoming game and the crowning of the queen. Oh yeah, and our football team won a state championship! Of course, as the holidays approach, the wonderful ACS parents who are always so generous to students and faculty truly have blessed us all. By the time you read this, however, the holidays will have come and gone, and the winter months will find us longing for the first signs of spring, spring break, and of course, summer! The administration begins preparing for registration and the next school year, and we seek God to bring those students and families He desires to be a part of the Augusta Christian family. As the months pass so quickly, I would really like for our faculty, staff, board of directors, parents, and students to meditate upon and be thankful for Augusta Christian Schools. The faculty and administration of this school really strive to make ACS a place where students are loved and nurtured in the Gospel. Our mission is to build kingdom leaders, and we take this task seriously. We work in children’s lives to equip them to do what God has called them to do, to be a light shining in the midst of a wicked generation, to stand firm for the Gospel of Christ; in other words, for what is eternal in God’s kingdom, not what is temporal in this world. Please keep ACS in your prayers, because we face a real enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! Thanks be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Coupon Book Sale. Mike Adams, President of CCI, the sponsoring company, directed the “kick off” with his usual enthusiasm and exciting bag of tricks. The students, especially those in the elementary and middle school divisions, really responded as they got ready for the exciting two-week event. Sales for this years event totaled in excess of $60,000. As soon as the Coupon Book sale ended, it was time to begin the biggest fund raising program of the year, the Annual Fund Campaign. Continuing the familiar Vision theme, “Celebrate the Vision” was selected for this year. A phone-a-thon conducted by parents and staff was used for the final phase of the campaign. To date, in excess of $44,000 has been raised with contributions being received on a daily basis. The fall festival held on the first weekend of November and, as usual, was one of the most exciting events of the year. It is one of the few times that bring the entire school community together for a great time of fun and fellowship. Each class is required to take an active part in the event, and student and faculty attendance is required. Each school organization pushes its wares as well as some “outside” groups who set up booths and share their profits with the school. One highlight of the day is the many fun activities provided for the children. The ACS senior class did a fine job at the grill serving great food for the hungry crowd. A popular new item this year was the sale of hot smoked Boston butts. Folks are still talking about how fantastic they were. The country kitchen, always a most popular department of the festival, brought in the largest dollar amount of this year’s fair. The Silent Auction, always the number one attraction of the fall festival, was not a part of this year’s program and is being planned as a very special separate event to be held in the spring. 2 Teaching Our Students to be Like Christ Junior High—Off to a Fantastic Start by Leanne Hines, Talent Development Principal by Lauren Banks, Junior High Principal W T hile summer is usually a time for slowing down a little and planning for the coming school year, this summer was very different. As the last bell rang and students were dismissed for the summer, the packing started. Every teacher from elementary to high school was headed to a new home. At the elementary, the teachers and students are thrilled with our new campus. From the spacious computer lab to the comprehensive library, the new campus is an incredible blessing for our students. Talent Development and mainstream classrooms are integrated by grade level making it easier for teachers to collaborate and pool their resources. On the middle and high school campus, teachers and students appreciate the renovations the campus got over the summer. The fresh paint and new graphics in the hallways enhanced the appearance of our campus and received good reviews from the students. Teachers are taking advantage of their new space. By departmentalizing the middle school and high school classrooms, the teachers are able to spend time together planning and reviewing lesson plans and curriculum. From our elementary to our high school, our students are supporting many area mission projects. Our students have been busy filling shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse and contributing items for Military Care packages. Other projects include a food drive, writing letters to military serving overseas, and distributing gifts to our local neighbors at Thanksgiving. Plans are underway for several field trips which will take our students to plays, the zoo, Savannah, Charleston and even Washington, DC. Through these experiences our students are exposed to valuable lessons outside the classroom. While learning about history, science and literature, the students will participate in hands-on activities which will enrich their educational experience. Throughout this year as we work with our students, the heart of each teacher is Philippians 1:9-10, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ.” As important as teaching history, science, English, and math is, our most important job is teaching our students to be like Christ. he first semester of the 2005-2006 school year was great! Our sixth, seventh, and eighth graders are making great strides spiritually, academically and physically. The energy level in our Middle School is at an all time high! Our students honor God, daily, with their lives. Many times, the Middle School years are a crossroads for students. At Augusta Christian Schools we know that “Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for His glory” Romans 11:36. Life changing decisions are often made and we, as Christian school educators, partner with the home and church to help provide the guardrail that keeps students on the narrow road that leads to success as they become Kingdom Leaders for Christ. “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder – a waif, a nothing, a no man” – Thomas Carlyle. Academically, the Middle School program provides Christian-based instruction in all areas. Our students take English, Math, Science, History and Bible. Students may choose from the following elective courses: Introductory Spanish, Life Skills, Study Skills, Art, Keyboarding, Chorus or Band. Physical Education is a daily requirement as we recognize the need for Middle School children to expend energy, exercising their bodies as well as their minds. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” Mark 12:30. Events for our students this fall included Spiritual Emphasis Week, Homecoming, Coupon Book Action Day, See You at the Pole, SAT prep classes for TIP students, a trip to Charleston, the Augusta Ballet production of The Nutcracker, weekly Chapel Services, Grandparents Day, the Fall Festival, Thanksgiving Breakfast, and the Augusta Players’ production of A Christmas Carol. Our students are busy with a full athletic program as well. Our girls had the opportunity to participate in Cross Country and Cheerleading while our boys elected to play football or run Cross Country as well. Now basketball season is here! Springtime brings with it our glorious trip to Washington, DC for the eighth graders, and a new trip to The Golden Isles for seventh graders, and a sixth grade trip to Ruby Falls. You may keep abreast of news concerning these adventures on our ACS web site, www.augustachristian.org , or Kelly Tours’ site, www.KellyTours.com. Don’t miss out on these educational opportunities for your child. Information concerning all of these adventures has been sent home. Please contact the school with any questions that you may have. Please continue to pray daily for Augusta Christian Schools. God has richly blessed the ministry of ACS for fortyseven years. It is no accident that your child attends ACS, and we are proud to be a part of God’s plan for your child’s future as a Kingdom Leader for Christ. “God is the One who made all things, and all things are for His glory. He wanted to have many children share His glory.” Hebrews 2:10. 3 A Blessed, New Beginning Sophomore College Visit Trip by Cheryl Dryzga, Guidance Counselor by Darrell Wells, Elementary Principal G od is and has been good to us in the ACS Elementary. A beautiful building, well done and so usable, a campus in which elementary students can grow, and move, and be children. Teachers have wonderful rooms, wide halls, a place for chapel and group meetings, a fine lunchroom, a library for elementary only, and so much more. God blessed us richly by moving in peoples’ lives and hearts to make this campus happen for the students and parents of Augusta Christian Schools. He has been more than good. But with that blessing by Him comes responsibility for us. We are to still glorify Him in all we do and not become complacent since we are in new surroundings. In Deuteronomy 6, the Lord reminds the Israelites of the wonderful blessings they had received from Him, and then in verse 12, He warns them: “then beware, lest you forget the Lord…”. We need to remember where our blessings come from and not forget that He is not only the provider of good gifts, but also the owner and creator of all things. All of the new buildings, the land, the main campus, etc., in all of it, we are stewards of His world. He is also the God of “new beginnings” that we are enjoying now. On the elementary campus, we are, and will continue, adding and making adjustments to this building and campus to improve its service to students, families, and teachers. The playground has had a safe initial opening. Items for the future are still being planned for the playground as God provides for them. The same is true for the building. Future adjustments and better ways to serve our students are continually under discussion and prayer. Library and band areas may need to be revamped for the future. Accelerated Reader is under way, but we fully realize that we will need more books, more tests, more rewards, and more and upgraded computers to keep up with the student demand. We will need to readjust carline procedures after the completion of Fury’s Ferry Road. Teachers look at different curriculum (subject) areas each year to adjust for program needs that come up over time. So, in a sense there are always new beginnings here. This year was a wonderful one for new physical surroundings and, in turn, hopefully lifted us spiritually to be more thankful to the Lord and in tune with His will for this school. All of the elementary students were present at the ribbon cutting of this facility. The ribbon cutting was a symbolic act of a new beginning, and the students were there to witness it and hopefully appreciate that they had a part. The children were perhaps the single most important part, outside of God Himself, who celebrated on that day. This building will glorify God, but it was put together to hold students who are being taught here to love and worship Him. Each one of them represents a blessed, new beginning for ACS and for the Lord. A ugusta Christian Schools’ sophomores were invited to sign up to attend a Georgia-Tennessee College Visit trip held in March 2005. Twenty-two students visited seven college campuses including Emory University, Georgia State University, Berry College, Shorter College, Covenant College, Bryan College and Lee University. Students toured college campuses, heard from admissions financial aid offices, sat in on classes, ate in student cafeterias, and learned about college academics, athletics and campus activities. In addition to visiting college campuses, students were able to have fun – activities included Bowfire at the Fox Theater, Sharks at the Chattanooga I-Max and the Atlanta Zoo. The objective of the Sophomore College Visit Trip was to give students exposure to different type of colleges. The colleges the group visited included Christian, public and private schools. Exposing students to colleges during the tenth grade, will allow them to make informed decisions about selecting a college in the eleventh and twelfth grades. Hearing from admission representatives provides students with insight regarding high school achievement and helps them set goals for their future. Mrs. Hines attended the trip as a chaperone with her tenth grade daughter, Hilary. Mrs. Hines stated, “The College Visit Trip is the most important trips college-bound students will take during high school.” This year’s college visit trip will be from March 20 – March 22. Information about the trip will be sent home soon. The Arts are Fine at ACS by Jan Little, Fine Arts Coordinators I t is so amazing to realize how much has already been accomplished in this school year! Many of our ACS Fine Arts students have already participated in various competitions and auditions, performed numerous times, and entertained and ministered in our community. Students have exhibited excellence, talent, and skill in all areas of our Fine Arts program: band, chorus, art, and drama. We are very pleased to welcome Mr. Bob Willing as 4 our new band director! He recently retired from teaching in Columbia County, and we will greatly benefit from his many years of experience, his expertise, and his enthusiasm for teaching and serving the Lord. He and his wonderful assistant, Jack Greene, have done an excellent job laying the foundation and teaching the basics to over 40 fourth and fifth grade beginning band students. It was thrilling to hear how well they were already playing at their fall concert, November 21! In the coming weeks, thirteen students will audition for the Georgia All-State Band, several students will participate in the UGA Midfest, and many students will participate in the GMEA solo and ensemble festival. Garrett Sisson and Matthew Stroud have been playing with the ASU Conservatory Middle School Wind Symphony. Andy House and William Sessions recently auditioned for the Augusta Symphony Concerto Competition. In the spring our band students will play for a luncheon at Washington Commons and will participate in the GMEA Band Festival. Chad Hubbard’s drama students are learning storytelling techniques and are working toward performing their own stories. We were all very entertained at their drama performance on November 17. These talented high school students will participate in the SCISA One Act Play Competition on January 17. The students will be performing Tom Stoppard’s Fifteen Minute Hamlet. Our visual arts students, taught by Marynell Parker and Jaime McKie, have been working hard, too. Students from first through twelfth grade entered the SCISA Art Festival for the first time. Rebecca Principi won first place in ninth and tenth grade photography at the Georgia National Fair. She also won two honorable mentions for two other photographs at the state level. We want to congratulate and thank Mrs. Parker and her students for the fine job they did preparing our homecoming scenery. I am excited to have the opportunity to teach many new students as well as all the faithful, returning chorus students this year! We have 153 students in our choral program, and they are all learning how to sing with sill and excellence. Our Fall Concert on October 10 was wonderful and the Christmas Choral Concert on December 5 was even better. The High School Chorus sang backup for Steve Green at his concert on December 16, and, as always, it was an awesome privilege for our students. They did an outstanding job! Nineteen of our seventh through twelfth grade students auditioned for the Georgia All-State Chorus and various choral groups have performed for senior adult luncheons, our Pastor Appreciation Breakfast, and Grandparents’ Day. March will be a busy month as selected students participate in the SCISA Music Festival and four choral groups participate in the GMEA Choral Festival. We are very excited to announce that our high school chorus and drama students will present Hello, Dolly! on April 20-22. Fine arts represents some of the deepest levels of communication and expression known to man. We encourage parents to join our Fine Arts Foundation to help support our students as they become better equipped to communicate and express God’s love. WE are AC! by Bruce Lane, Athletic Director T he Lord continues to bless in mighty ways at Au- gusta Christian. Our Athletic Program has made a lot of noise in the last 12 months as we have transitioned into the South Carolina Independent School Association. Dating back to last year our teams captured region titles in softball, boys tennis, baseball, and girls track. We have produced individual state champions in tennis, swimming, and boys and girls track. Our cheerleaders have also qualified to compete in the National Christian Cheerleading Competition in January. Our boys tennis team and our girls track team both finished as state runners up, and our baseball and football teams have both captured state titles! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! The future is very bright for ACS Athletics. Our Booster Club has continued to grow the past four years and is off to a fine start this year providing both financial and “spirit” support to our teams. Future plans for our athletic program include development of new athletic teams and facilities. ACS teams are not only pushed to excel athletically but also academically, and most importantly spiritually. Many of our athletes continue their careers on the collegiate and even professional levels. ACS athletics is making a difference in the lives of our student-athletes today and for eternity! The 2005-2006 school year also marks the 10th anniversary of our boys basketball team’s first ever state title. Through the years God has truly blessed us and our athletic programs and our kids have reaped the rewards of being faithful. God has and is honoring their faithfulness! Matthew 19:26 says “with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” We believe that and even though the past and present have been very good, we believe the best is yet to come! WE are AC! 5 Follow the Vision Donors 2004-2005 (November 18, 2004 to November 15, 2005) ACS Alumni Adams, Mike Adkins, James & Bess Axon, Gregory & Marianne Ballis, Brock Bartlett, John & Ruth Bragg, Brice Harold Cason, Charles & Cynthia Clark, Frances Crites, Sean & Stephanie Fahy, John & Rosann Feske, Tom & Susanne Freeman, Bill & Carol Geddings, Coke & Jo Ann Greene, David & Lisa Halvorsen, Bob & Billie Harmon, Harry & Trish Hodnett, Laurie Hogan, Leonard & Anne Hook, Jack & Connie Jackson, Gail Knight, Clifford & Joyce Lawrence, Anthony & Misty Maddox, Bobbie McClure, Charles & Catharine Mosley, Larry & Patricia Murphy, Jennings Murphy, Judy Newman, Lisa Newman, Walter Oellerich, Ted & Carla O'Neal, David & Elizabeth Parker, Marynell & Terrance Parkman, Patricia Phoenix-Commercial Printers Reynolds, Becky Roberson, Cliff Rose, John & Sabrina Ruffner, John & Deborah Smith, Vernon Spratling, John & Susan Stapleton, Steven & Ingrid Stewart, Richard & Linda Sullivan, Bill & Emily Tomberlin, Michael & Vicky Vincent, &Andrew & Janet Wells, Darrell Woodcock, Joel & Patty Wunnenberg, Don & Betty York, Ronald & Melrose Celebrate the Vision Donors 2005-2006 (as of November 15, 2005) Allred, Astrid Axon, Gregory & Marianne Best, Fred & Sharon Blair, David & Jill Bussiere, Thomas & Laura Butler, Eddie & Tammy Cheeks, Dennis & Lisa Crean, Kevin & Diane Deas, Kenneth & Joy Fahy, John & Rosann Fekula, Jacqueline Fields, James & Rosemary First General Of The CSRA, Frey, Joseph & Jackie Gaddini, Paige Graham, Mark & Faye Grimaud, Juliette Grimes, Kim Hall, George & Margaret Hamilton, Benjamin & Deborah 6 Hart, Rubye Herzwurm, Paul & Sandra Hesemann, Richard & Colleen Hitt, Bruce & Catherine Hodgens, Hal Hodnett, Laurie Hook, Jack & Connie Hooker, Gail Jackson, J.C. Johnson, Richard & Linda Keith, Brian & Debbie Keller, Karl & Rebecca Lagowicz, Eleanor Leahy, Edward & Yolanda Lewright, Bill & Tzaolcan Luckey, Lloyd & Lynn Martin, William & Heide Marvicsin, David & Linda Milton, Rick & Pam Moore III, James Morgan, Carter & Robin Morris, David & Dolly Mutimer, Janice Newell, Stephen & Norma Noto, Mark & Penny O'Brien, Michael & Stephanie Oellerich, Ted & Carla Parker, Marynell & Terrance Perry, Dennis Pond, Betty Popplewell, Michael & Christie Satcher, Walton & Karen Saul, James & Sandy Schneider, Thomas & Carolyn Shaw, Gary & Kathy Shead, John Snyder, Michael & Marianthe Surles, Julie Swain, Mark Thompson, Ricky Thorne, M. Butler & Deborah Vintson, Kurt & Kelly Washington, Harvey & Helen 2004-2005 Building Fund Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bussiere (November 18, 2004 to November 17, 2005) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walters Chuck Smith & Paula Price First General of the CSRA Mr. & Mrs. Barry Whitney Dale Hesse Donald Akins Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. McClure Dr. & Mrs. Enoch Tsai Dr. & Mrs. George Bell Dr. & Mrs. James W. Fields Dr. & Mrs. John B. Bartlett Dr. & Mrs. William Martin Dr. & Mrs. William Tumlin Dr. & Mrs. William Wright Dr. Ted Oellerich Drs. Paul Herzwurm John S. Smith Sr. Marks Baptist Church Miss Joyce Weil Miss Melissa Wright Mr. Alan Brosious Mr. & Mrs. Alva Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lewright Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berry Mr. & Mrs. Cam Sherer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bates Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pair Mr. & Mrs. Charles Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Renfro IV Mr. & Mrs. Clay A. Ghann Mr. & Mrs. Coke Geddings Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. David & Erin Adkinson Mr. & Mrs. Mike Giddens Mr. & Mrs. Mike Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Palacz Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Conway Mr. & Mrs. R.O. Parriott Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Hesemann Mr. & Mrs. Richard Halvorsen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Banks Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. York Mr. & Mrs. Stan C. House Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Burroughs Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Evans Mr. & Mrs. Will Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William Hatcher Mr. Edgar F. Whitmore, Jr. Mr. James A. Moore III Mr. Matthew J. Murphy Mrs. Anne C. Barton Mrs. Aurelia Jernigan Mrs. Carolyn Usry Mrs. Catherine Deas Mrs. Cheryl Mattox Mrs. Connie Skalak Mrs. Esther Dickey Mrs. Gail Hooker Mrs. Jacqueline Fekula Mrs. Jane Dennis Mrs. Judy Tobin Mrs. Katherine Jarrell Mrs. Linda Jennings Mrs. Lois Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David Bell Mr. & Mrs. David Marvicsin Mr. & Mrs. Davis Mortensen Mr. & Mrs. Dink M. Melvin Mr. & Mrs. Gary Harden Mr. & Mrs. George Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Horace Usry Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Jackson Jr. 7 Mr. & Mrs. Jae Kim Mr. & Mrs. James Hatcher Mr. & Mrs. James Knight Mr. & Mrs. James Leonard Mr. & Mrs. James Sorrell Mr. & Mrs. Joel K. Woodcock Mr. & Mrs. John R. Gay Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Julius Harden Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Walker Mr. & Mrs. Lee & Susan Jernigan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gilliam Mr. & Mrs. Marynell Parker Mr. & Mrs. Micah Boylston Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Cave Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reese Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tomberlin Mrs. Mary Lynn Edenfield Mrs. Michael J. Murphy Mrs. Sheron Clayton Ms. Cheryl Dryzga Ms. Diana Morris Ms. Mary Parker Mrs. Valerie Smith Rev. & Mrs. Charles Looper Rev. & Mrs. Tony Wilkerson Mr. Walter Turner Mrs. Margaret Wilson The Goshen Seniors Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Scarborough Mrs. Barbara A. Burch Mr. & Mrs. Dewey McGee Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bishop Mr. Leon Helmly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Wingate Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Wingate Mrs. Baxley’s Third Grade Mr. & Mrs. Bales Mrs. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Fowler Mrs. Gail House U.S. Army OEMTD Kelley Appliance Mr. Timothy Goaley Mrs. Patricia Bush Mrs. Clara Kilpatrick Mr. Ron Howard Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Norton Mr. Claude Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jack Taylor Mr. Vaughn Taylor 2004 Remembrance Gifts Donor In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Palacz Brice Harold Bragg Donor In Honor of James L. Adkins Wilbert L. Sullivan Bill Freeman David Greene Walter Newman Don Wunnenberg Leonard D. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John Spratling Andy Adkins Gene Baxley Jenny & Troy Freeman Cason Alan Greene Will Harper Dale Hesse Becky Reynolds Turner, Ivy, & Mason Spratling Jason Washington Clifford Knight 2004-2005 Building Fund Remembrance Gifts (November 18, 2004 to November 17, 2005) Donor In Memory Of Mr. Brice Bragg Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Palacz Brice Harold Bragg Brice Harold Bragg, Jennie H. Crosby Joseph E. McDermott Mrs. Blanche S. Sartin Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Glisson Mrs. Janice Brosious Williams Mr. Bob Fisher Richard F. Heseman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Banks Mr. & Mrs. Cam Sherer Mr. Alan Brosious Mrs. Linda Jennings Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Avery Willis Donor In Honor Of Mr. James Moore, III Beth Harden Jan Little Keith Walton Katie York Elementary Faculty and Staff Mr. Darrell Wells 2005 Celebrate the Vision Remembrance Gifts Donor In Memory Of Gail House Dan & Leanne Hines Michael & Jacqueline Fekula Gerald & Becky Reynolds Judy Peeler Charles & Geraldine Scruggs Charles & Nan Taylor Ernie & Norma Glover Kari Strickrott Gail Hooker Snyder-Wahl Family Robert A. House Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Scott Kutlik Philip R. Wahl Sr. X very effort has been made to include all of the names of our Vision donors. If an omission has occurred, please accept our apology and notify the development office. These donors are as of November 15, 2005. 8 T wo new staff members have been added to the school Development team. Both are ACS Alumni, and both are graduates of the class of 1998. Christal Duggan is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Billy Duggan, and Matt and Christal take time out from Matt Murphy is the son of busy schedules to pose for a picture. the late Dr. Mike Murphy and Mrs. Judy Murphy. After graduation, Christal enrolled at Augusta State University and graduated in 2003 with a BS degree in Criminal Justice. She reenrolled in a masters program, which she completed in 2005 earning her graduate degree in public administration. Christal returned to her Alma mater in June of 2005 assisting in every phase of the development program. Her exceptional computer skills have made possible the updating of development files and making possible the full benefit of all available programs. Christal says of her return to her Alma mater, “I thank the Lord every day for opening up this great opportunity for me to come back to my Alma Mater and be a part of the exciting happenings that are currently taking place at ACS. This experience has allowed me to give back to the school my service in appreciation for what it gave me spiritually, academically and socially. I look forward to see the ways the Lord is going to use me along with the other dedicated workers who together seek to accomplish His work at ACS.” After his ACS graduation, Matt enrolled at Sanford University in Birmingham where he pursued A BS in Business Administration. During his years at Sanford, he enjoyed membership in Sigma Chi Fraternity. Matt was actively involved in a variety of intramural sports and participated in the campus outreach ministry. Now reflecting on his return to Augusta, and becoming a staff member at his Alma mater he says, “It is not only wonderful to be back in my hometown, beautiful Augusta, but to be back as a member of my beloved ACS family. In my years in Birmingham, Alabama where I served as an assistant Golf pro at the Greystone Country Club, I would always ‘check in’ on the happenings at ACS. I was always anxious to get news from 313 Baston Road. News of improvements in the academic program, fine arts and in the athletic program always excited me. Very important to me were the things I heard about the wonderful impact that the spiritual atmosphere had on the lives of the students. I personally feel honored and blessed to be a part of all the exciting things that are currently happening at ACS. The future looks bright as we continue to experience the miraculous things that the Lord has in mind for ACS.” ACS REMEMBRANCE FUND Gift from Alumnus in Iraq Recently, Mr. Avery Willis, ACS students John and Jared Talman’s grandfather, passed away. Mr. Willis had lived in Augusta 46 years with his wife Carolyn and retired after 42 years of Federal Civil Service. The family designated Augusta Christian Schools Building Fund, Elementary Division, as the recipient for memorial gifts. We are very sad for their loss and very appreciative to the family for remembering ACS. We are pleased to announce that 25 gifts have been received for a total of over $1000.00. We recently received a very generous donation to the Vision Campaign from Michael and Marianthe Snyder. Michael graduated from ACS in 1986 and is currently deployed as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom supporting the global war on terrorism. Michael writes, “This gift is in memory of my late uncle, Philip R. Wahl, Sr., who was a strong supporter of the school’s development on Baston Road in the 1970’s, and his support made possible my 13 years of education at ACS.” Michael also writes, “I pray that all is well and the school year has been productive. I frequently visit the website to see the progress that is ongoing and the continued success of the sports program. Thank you for all that you do to ensure that ACS fulfills the vision of providing Kingdom Leaders through Christian education and development. We continue to pray for God’s blessings on the school.” Thank you Michael and Marianthe and we pray God's protection for you. DOUBLE YOUR GIFT! ACS RECEIVES LARGE MATCHING GIFT! One of our parents works at Georgia Pacific, who matches all charitable gifts. This parent gave $1000 and completed the matching gifts form, which means that Augusta Christian Schools will receive an additional $1000 from Georgia Pacific. So……… he doubled his gift! Maybe you can too. Check to see if your employer has a MATCHING GIFTS PROGRAM. 9 ACS Students Selected for Duke TIP Program These Augusta Christian School Students were selected recently to participate in the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP). The TIP Talent Search is now beginning its twenty-sixth year and is the largest program of its kind in the nation. The Talent Search identifies academically talented 7th graders based on standardized test scores achieved while attending elementary or middle school. Candidates are identified and invited to complete either the SAT I: Reasoning Test or the ACT Assessment college entrance examination. Through the sharing of information, programming, recognition ceremonies, and the special attention that is inherent in the Talent Search identification process, TIP offers supplementation of local efforts to motivate, enrich, and academically challenge some of our community’s brightest young people. Senior Receives Scholar Athlete Award Senior Receives Tennis Honor ACS Senior Troy Freeman was selected by the US Tennis Association South Carolina as the 2005 Mark Hodgin Jr. Boy’s Sportsmanship winner. USTA South Carolina formally recognized Troy at their Hall of Fame Banquet December 3 at the Westin Resort on Hilton Head Island. Each year this organization chooses only one boy and girl to receive the Sportsmanship Award for the entire year. What an honor and blessing for Troy. Congratulations! Congratulations to Larrie Reece (third from left) who received the WJBF News Channel 6 200506 Scholar Athlete Award. A trophy was presented to Larrie by employees of the Augusta Metro Federal Credit Union who co-sponsor the award. News Channel 6 was on hand as well to film the event which was aired on TV recently. 10 Student Nominated to Compete in National Principal’s Leadership Program A nna Ruffner, an Augusta Christian Schools senior, has been nominated to compete in the national Principal’s Leadership Program (PLA) scholarship program, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Herff Jones, Inc., funds the PLA program. Carolyn Giddens, principal, Augusta Christian Schools, today announced the nomination, which places Ruffner in the national competition. One hundred national PLA winners will be chosen this spring to receive $1,000 college scholarships. Principal Giddens wrote about Anna, “Anna works hard in serving her senior class this year as their president. She completes her assignments and tasks on time, and with joy. In addition, she has a huge responsibility in working with the fund raising for our senior mission trip that will take place in May. Anna never grumbles, complains, or makes excuses. However, one aspect that really sets her apart as a leader is that she is always kind to her classmates, even to those to whom others are not so kind.” High school principals from across the country could nominate one of their student leaders. Nominees were selected based on their leadership skills, participation in service organizations and clubs; achievements in the arts and sciences; employment experience; and academic record. They were also required to write an essay. “NASSP is proud to recognize the efforts of talented young people like Ruffner,” said Gerald N. Tirozzi, executive director, NASSP. “She deserves to be commended for her excellence in the classroom and community.” In recognizing leadership in co-curricular activities as well as academic performance, the PLA scholarship recognizes the importance of well-rounded education. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of the school curriculum. While at Augusta Christian Schools, Ruffner has been the president of her class in the eleventh and twelfth grades, a member of the chorus, Beta club and Spanish club and involved in community service projects including the soup kitchen and mission trips. This fall she plans to attend North Greenville College. NASSP, the preeminent school leadership organization, serves as the national voice for middle level and high school principals, assistant principals, and aspiring school leaders. NASSP promotes the intellectual growth, academic achievement, character development, leadership development and physical well being of youth through its programs and student leadership services. NASSP administrates the National Honor Society, the National Junior Honor Society, and the National Association of Student Councils. Senior Wins Local DAR Scholarship Contest A CS senior, Wayne House, won the College Hill Chapter Good Citizen Program and Scholarship Contest recently. Upon winning, his entry advanced to the Northeast District. The DAR Good Citizen’s Scholarship Contest consists of two parts. In the first part the student describes how he exhibits the qualities of a good citizen. The second part involves writing an essay in a two-hour time limit on this year’s selected topic—patriotism. Both parts represent 50% of the total contest entry score. Wayne and his parents are invited to a recognition and scholarship luncheon in May. 11 Student Volunteers Student Logs in Hours at Doctor’s Hospital Melany Lopez is volunteering at Doctor’s Hospital. She started working at Doctor’s in June, and she has already accumulated 234 hours. Through this experience Melany has had exposure to many areas in the hospital including radiology, the burn unit, the nursery, and human resources, and she enjoys working with the doctors, nurses and patients. Melany has had an interest in studying medicine since she was four years old, so Doctor’s Hospital is the perfect fit for realizing her dream of one day becoming a doctor. Her father, Juan Manuel Lopez, is a physician and just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. Her mother, Nahir Lopez, teaches Spanish in Augusta Christian’s elementary school. Melany’s brother, Jean, graduated from Augusta Christian in 2004 and is currently attending Yale University. ACS Senior Helps in Louisiana Mark Beckman, ACS senior, went on a mission trip with Warren Baptist Church to help the hurricane victims in Louisiana. Two teams, totaling sixteen people, helped New Zion Baptist Church in Covington, Louisiana. When Mark arrived he was surprised most by all of the fallen trees. The mission teams helped chop down and move the trees, repair roofs, and dig up stumps. It was hard work, but what impressed Mark the most was how thankful the people were. He learned that when you follow God’s plan for your life you see how it impacts others in the church. Community Service Hours In order for students to learn what it means to be servant leaders, Augusta Christian requires all 9th – 12th grade students to perform community service hours. Community service hours must be completed as follows: 9th grade—6 hours, 10th grade—8 hours, 11th grade—12 hours and 12th grade—14 hours. Students must perform service at approved community service providers such as Care Pregnancy Center, Golden Harvest Food Bank, Ronald McDonald House, etc. (For a complete listing see the ACS Student Parent Handbook.) Also summer mission trips and Vacation Bible School qualify for community service hours. The goal is to get students to go outside of their usual daily contacts to help a social or community agency. When our students meet the minimum requirements this year, they will have logged in a whopping 2,722 hours of volunteer community service! (This doesn’t include students who do many extra hours.) That is 2,722 hours of being salt and light in our community and world! Jesus said, “When you have done it unto one of the least of these my brother, you have done it unto me.” We salute our ACS student volunteers! 12 Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies It was a great day on September 16 when the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies took place for our new Elementary Campus (see top three photos). Even the Elementary students participated with banners, signs and NOISE! You should have heard the cheers! Several local and state dignitaries were on hand for the day ceremony. A special thanks to Gordon Renshaw and the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce for help in putting together this great event. Teachers, parents and friends attended the evening ceremony (see bottom two photos). 13 See You at the Pole—Call To Me Over 200 students and adults gathered for the annual See You at the Pole Prayer Rally. The theme verse for this year was Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things.” The student council did a great job coordinating this great prayer event. 14 Grandparents’ Day Was a Huge Success Grandparents' Day 2005 was a huge success with nearly 400 grandparents visiting our campus. Grandparents enjoyed a delicious breakfast provided by our ACS moms, an outstanding music program with performances by our students, and then visits to the classrooms. Thank you, grandparents for coming to our campus. We love you and love having you here! Thanks also to our room mothers and especially Room Mother Chairs: Susan Jernigan, Laura Bussiere, Margaret Hall, Kim Stratton, Kim Brown, and Cheryl Bragg who so graciously helped coordinate the breakfast. 15 Photos courtesy of Rick Milton Photography. 16 Photos courtesy of Rick Milton Photography. Homecoming 2005 17 Photos courtesy of Rick Milton Photography. The Road to the Championship 18 Photos courtesy of Rick Milton Photography. 2005 SCISA AAA Football State Champs We are AC! Congratulations to Coach Lane, all of the assistant coaches, and the football players on Augusta Christian’s first ever football state title! To God be the glory! 19 Photos courtesy of Rick Milton Photography. Fall Festival 2005 20 Some of these photos courtesy of Coach Steve Green. Steve Green Concert 2005 It is with heartfelt appreciation that we say thanks to Mrs. Little and the high school chorus for the outstanding job they did in singing backup for Steve Green. It was awesome! Thanks also to Pastor Harmon and West Acres Baptist Church for use of their beautiful facilities and all of the ACS volunteers. 21 Photos courtesy of Rick Milton Photography. 1996 Basketball Team Honored at Night of Champions On December 1, 2005, ACS honored the 1996 State Basketball Championship Team at the Garden City Classic Basketball Tournament. This team became the first in any sport to ever win a state title. Below is the script that was read by Tony Wilkerson at the “Night of Champions” celebration on December 1: “We have a special presentation to make tonight. Please go back in time with me to Saturday night, March 9, 1996. Augusta Christian Schools’ 1995-96 varsity boys basketball team was playing Westfield School from Perry, Georgia for the state championship at Georgia College in Milledgeville. Everyone affectionately called this team the “heart attack” kids because their games were always so close. Well, this night was no different. It was a great game with the lead going back and forth, as usual, by just a few points. In the last quarter, the score was tied 66-all with less than a minute left. With just under a minute left, Westfield got the ball, went for a shot and missed. ACS’s Greg Williams got the rebound and brought the ball down to our end of the court with 32 seconds left. The plan was to give the ball to Nick Isaac, but he was covered. Al ACS 1996 State Basketball Championship Team pictured front left to right: Coach Mike Gold, Sam Johnson, Nick Isaac, Al Gibbs, Allan Runner, Coach Gibbs got the ball, and with 8 seconds left he hit a 15 foot Keith Walton. Back left to right: Jason Staten, Allen Hurt, Mark Halvorsen, jumper. The fans went wild as the Lions went up 68-66. Nick Isaac stole the inbound pass to seal the deal, and the Greg Williams. Not pictured: Joey Isaac, John Bates, and Will Thurmond boys varsity basketball team became the first in the history (deceased). (More photos on page 23.) of Augusta Christian Schools to win a state championship title. For those of us who were there it was an unforgettable night. There have been other state titles since then, but gentlemen, you will forever live in Augusta Christian’s heart and history as the first. Tonight we honor you. Please line up and receive a commemorative certificate as a small token of our appreciation and affection for you.” There were a lot of smiles—and a few tears—as each team member received his certificate. They are pictured above with the 1996 state championship trophy. It was a great night, and all of these young men expressed their deep appreciation at being honored in such a way. ACS Alumni...Where Are They Now? These are the alumni that we have heard from over the past year: Agusta, GA 30909; statenjj@yahoo.com. Greg Williams (1996). 404 Little Falls Way, Grovetown, Melanie (Carpenter) Rodgers (1992). 3115 Sussex Road, GA 30813; gregoryw@contractmgmtinc.com Augusta, GA 30909. Melanie is married to Bryan and they have Katie (Harden) Crosby (1997). 851 Stagecoach Road, 2 children: Hannah Grace (6) and Lyndsey Maree (2). Melanie Thomson, GA 30824. Katie is married to Michael and they graduated from Augusta Tech with an LPN nursing degree. She have one daughter Kaleigh (2). She is a Warrants Clerk. writes, “I have been blessed with a great life after leaving ACS. Mark Halvorsen (1997). 1925 Old Hwy, Apt 2510, KenI have 2 precious girls and a wonderful husband. I am a stay at nesaw, GA 30152; mark.havorsen@midwayschool.org. home mom and a medical transcriptionist at home. We attend Kelsey (Simmons) Nelson (1997). 1826 Quail Grove Lane, Missouri City, TX 77459; kelseynelson@siennagolf.com. Abilene Baptist Church and are very involved with all kind of activities there. Thanks for sending this update magazine. It’s Kelsey is married to Jason and they have one daughter, Hannah, born October 4, 2004. She graduated from Trinity International great!” University in 2001 with a degree in social science. John and Liza (Romeo) Bates (1996). 2215 Pittswood Dr., Nashville, TN 37214; lizaromeo@hotmail.com. Visit Sam Johnson (1998). 712 Stillwater Dr., Augusta, GA 30907. Liza’s website at www.flyfaith.com to find out more about the Christian singing group that she’s in. Joey Isaac (1999). 1721 South IH-35 East, Apt. 15103, Waxahachie, TX 75165. Al Gibbs (1996). 915 Pendland Rd., Covington, GA 30014; agibbs@bojllc.com. Chris Noah (1999). 726 Green Tree Cr., Apt. #303, Chesapeake VA 23320. Chris graduated from Virginia Military InstiAllan Runner (1996). 227 High Point Way, Evans, GA tute in 2003 and is a graduate student at Regent University 30809; allanrunner@hotmail.com. Nick Isaac (1996). 1925 Old 41 Hwy, Apt. 2510, Kenne- working towards his doctorate in clinical psychology. He works saw, GA 30152; nisaac@dominionchristian.org. Nick is a bas- at Virginia Beach Psychiatric Hospital and attends St. Michael’s Lutheran Church. ketball coach at Dominion Christian in the Atlanta area. (Continued on next page) Jason Staten (1996). 1014 Wheeler Woods Rd., Apt. C, 22 Melissa Wright (2002). 733 Deerwood Place, Evans, GA 30809. Melissa writes, “It is very exciting to hear of all the upcoming changes that are about to occur! Because I attended ACS in K-5 and came back to attend the 6th-12th grades it will always hold a special place in my heart. I wanted to contribute something to the cost of upcoming expenses. Please keep sending me updates on the school; I would love to hear about them!”■ Class Reunions Class of 1996 The class of 1996 is planning a reunion for this year. If you are interested contact Liza Romeo Bates, 2215 Pittswood Drive, Nashville, TN 37214; e-mail: lizaromeo@hotmail.com. More pictures from the 1996 State Championship Basketball “Night of Champions” Class of 1986 The Class of 1986 is getting together a reunion for the spring of 2006. For more information contact Laura Lindley Brown at llbrown@knology.net. Attention, Alumni! (When is the last time we heard from YOU?) Alumni Information Sheet Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Year Graduated from ACS _______________________ Occupation ___________________________________ Married to ____________________________________ Children (Names/Ages) __________________________ _____________________________________________ Church you attend ______________________________ College ______________________________________ Major ____________________________ Year _____ Please tell us something about you (career, spouse, special accomplishments, children, prayer needs, etc.) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (Use separate sheet if needed.) Return to: Lynn Wilkerson, Augusta Christian Schools, 313 Baston Road, Martinez, GA 30907 Alumni: Let us hear from you! Please fill out the form on this page and send it back to us. Thanks! ¼ 23 ACS Remembrance Fund Given by (Name as you wish it listed for recognition) __________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _________________ Zip _______________ Home Phone (____) _____ - _______ E-mail Address: ___________________________________ I wish to make a gift: In Honor of _______________________________________________________ or In Memory of _____________________________________________________ I wish to designate my gift to ______________________________________________________________ Enclosed is my gift of $ ________________________ (Please make checks payable to Augusta Christian School.) Please acknowledge my gift to: Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _________________ Zip _______________ All contributions are tax deductible. Please call Dr. John Bartlett at 706-863-2905, ext. 171, or contact us at acs@augustachristian.org for more information. Re-Enrollment For 2006-2007 Has Begun Re-enrollment for the 2006-07 school year is now underway. You may re-enroll any day during regular business hours in the business office: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Also remember out Tell-A-Friend Campaign this year. If you tell a friend and they enroll, you will receive a $200 tuition/fee voucher for each child enrolled. Visit our website at www.augustachristian.org for all of the details. Remember to enroll early to insure your student’s place for next year! Augusta Christian Schools 313 Baston Road Martinez, GA 30907 For information on enrollment call Lauren Banks, Director of Admissions (706) 863-2905, extension 144 24 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Augusta, GA Permit No. 189
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